What hotels in Nusa Penida have nice views? Nusa Penida - how to get there, where to live, what to do Nusa Penida on the map

And for 34travel he talks about a ready-made recipe for traveling to the island of your dreams - Nusa Penida.

What does your dream island look like? Deserted beaches, soft waves, green hills, high cliffs; it seems that you are left alone or alone in the whole universe. Nusa Penida, an island 40 minutes from Bali, fits this description perfectly. Many believe that this is exactly what Bali looked like half a century ago: unknown to tourists, but preserving its unique beauty. After an hour of unsuccessfully searching for a supermarket, the Internet, or at least gasoline, struggling along roads unsuitable for travel, you begin to feel like Robinson Crusoe and come up with alternative plans for survival. But when hunger is no longer bothering you and you look around, you get the feeling that you are in an adventure film - where you can still dive into the depths and see the rare fish mola-mola (sunfish), swim with manta rays (a type of stingray), talk with smiling locals and freeze with delight, watching the waves smoothly roll towards the shore. The amazing thing is that all this can be accomplished in one weekend. All prices are in local currency, the approximate ratio of Indonesian rupiah to euro: 1 euro is 16,000 rupees.

When to go?

In terms of climatic conditions, Nusa Penida is no different from Bali, which means that the high season begins in May and ends in September-October. Theoretically, you can go to Nusa Penida in our winter - in Bali there is a rainy season from October to March, but the temperature drops only a few degrees.

How to get to Nusa Penida?

There are several options, but the most convenient way to get there is by Mola-Mola Express boat, which departs from Sanur (Bali). By the way, you can take your scooter on board, which is very convenient. You will get there in 40 minutes, and it will cost you 250,000 IDR (€ 15) in both directions.

Where to stay?

Nusa Penida is considered a fairly unexplored island: the choice of hotels is limited, not to mention hostels and restaurants. Most of civilization is located in the northwestern part of the island: the further south you go, the more deserted it becomes. Our favorite was the hostel Full Moon Bungalows (Jalan Raya Ped, Desa Ped, 80771 Nusa Penida, Indonesia) . By the way, breakfast is included in the price, which makes finding food very easy.

The Nusa Island group (Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan) is a great place for a calm and quiet beach holiday in Indonesia, about 30-50 minutes from the large resort island of Bali in a south-easterly direction.

Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Lembongan is the closest island to Bali. Its area is only 8 square kilometers. Nusa Lembongan is ideal for a beach holiday, diving and surfing. There are not many local residents here and almost all of them are engaged in the cultivation of algae, so while relaxing in Nusa Lembongan, be sure to visit the local underwater plantations. If you believe the reviews, the spectacle is unforgettable.

The eastern part of the island is almost completely occupied by mangrove forests, but in the west of Lembongan there are beaches. The most popular among them are: Mushroom (the place where boats arrive from Bali and other parts of Indonesia), Dream, Sandy, Tamarind. There are also many small, almost wild beaches.

The best way to get around the island is on foot or by bicycle, which you can rent. There are quite a few bikes and cars on the island, and you won’t find good roads here either.

Popular activities on the island include surfing and diving. Nightlife lovers have nothing to do here, as there are no nightlife venues in Lembongan. Most of the available cafes are inexpensive warungs, but if you wish, you can also find a fairly decent restaurant.

Accommodation on the island is presented in a variety of price categories (from cheap to premium).

The easiest way to get to the island is from the resort. From here there are excellent connections to both Lembongan and Penida. The average cost of travel to Lembongan is Rp 100,000 for a regular boat and Rp 175,000 for a fastball.

There are several attractions on Lembongan: “Devil's Tear” Bay, where ocean waves crash against the rocks very effectively, “Underground House”, dug completely underground by a certain hermit (area about 500 square meters).

Nusa Ceningan

Ceningan is the tiniest island of this group. You can get to it from Lembongan via a suspension bridge on a rented bike, or you can come on foot.

Nusa Ceningan is interesting in terms of tourism for its nature, as well as its beautiful rocky bays. The most popular entertainment on the island is jumping from cliffs of various heights (from 8 to 15 meters) into the water. This entertainment costs from 50,000 rupees.

Those who wish can stay in a bungalow on Cheningan. As numerous reviews say, there are also decent housing options here. For example, La Pirate Beach Club, popular among tourists.

Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida is the largest and furthest island from Bali from this group. Today it is considered quite popular among foreign tourists, but not so long ago in Indonesia there was a ban on the development of tourism on this island, and therefore the infrastructure available today cannot be called the most developed, because there are some problems with housing and the availability of restaurants . There are a lot of tourists here, but it’s not noticeable, and you won’t be looking for a place on the beach if you come here not in the morning, but at the height of the day.

Myths and legends

Indonesian legends say that the island of Nusa Penida is considered the birthplace of an evil demon who created the Barong dance. The most interesting and popular temple of the island, Pura Dalem Penetaran Ped, is dedicated to this deity. People who worship dark gods and practice witchcraft constantly come here. Since the island has always had a dark and bad reputation in Indonesia (people recognized as sorcerers and politically objectionable were exiled here), tourism here did not develop at all for a long time.

How to get there?

Nusa Penida can only be reached by boat, but from numerous ports, both in Bali and from other places in Indonesia. Thus, the ports of Toya Paken, Buyyk and Sampalan are considered the most convenient for arriving at Nusa Penida.

You can get to them from Padang Bai by ferry or speedboat. (Read also:). The ferry carries both people (Rp. 30,000) and vehicles (Rp. 300,000). It departs once a day - at approximately 12.00 o'clock. A speedboat ride will cost approximately 40,000 rupees. Departure at 06.30 hours.

Also in the morning, a public boat departs towards Nusa Penida from the shores of Lembongan. The cost of the trip is 40,000 rupees.

You can also travel from Sanur to Bali. Departures are made several times a day. Transportation is provided by Mola Mola Express (125,000 rupees one way). From here boats will take you to both Sampalana and Toya Paken.


As tourists who have visited this island part of Indonesia reflect in their reviews, you will find the greatest variety of accommodation options near the settlements of Sampalan and Toyapaken. Of course, there are not many guesthouses and hotels here, but there is still plenty to choose from. During the off-season, many guest houses are closed, so the choice is sharply limited.


Much of the coast of Nusa Penida, especially in the eastern part of the island, is a coral bank where locals grow seaweed. The vast majority of indigenous people are employed in this area, and the sale of such products is the only source of income.

Good beaches of the island can be found on the northwest coast, as well as in the north.

The southern and southeastern part of the island is rocky, with numerous karst formations and limestone caves.


What is noteworthy is that there are two semi-ring roads on the island: one of them runs along the coast, and the second is located closer to the central part. No matter which of the roads on the island you take, you will always end up on the central semicircle.

Another feature is that a “Cloud” or “Cloud” hangs almost constantly above the semi-ring in the center, so in this part of the island it rains very often (sometimes up to 7-8 times a day), even if it is bright in the rest of the island. the sun, and there is not a cloud in the sky.

When going on an independent trip around the island, rely only on yourself, since there are a lot of branches from the main road, but you will not find any signs on almost any of them. It is also almost impossible to meet local residents who could help you navigate in the right direction and show you the way. Not only are there only a few of them here, but the vast majority of them not only do not speak English, but also speak Indonesian with a dialect.

The best option would be to arm yourself with a good GPS navigator with a full battery charge.

Cellular communications on the island are not available everywhere; coverage can be called sporadic. 3G is only available in a few places: in the area of ​​the central pier, in the central part of the village of Taiopakeh, and a very weak signal in the area of ​​the strait with neighboring Nusa Chaningan.


The island called Nusa Penida is considered a popular diving destination. The peak diving season is from July to September, when divers from all over the world come to the island to dive with manta rays and mola mola fish. The southern side of the island is most popular among divers, but it is quite rocky, so the best way to get there is by boat.

The amazing diving opportunities here are due to the peculiarities of the organization of the currents off the coast of the island. It is this that “forces”, at certain periods, such rare marine inhabitants as the mola-mola fish, giant sharks and rays, as well as horse mackerel to rise from the depths of the ocean to the surface. Around the island there are about 20 different dive sites and each of them offers some of its own characteristics: coral reefs of stunning beauty, a concentration of ball fish or huge ocean turtles.

If you believe the reviews, then walking is considered an equally popular entertainment not only in Penida, but also in Bali and other parts of Indonesia. So, on this island we can take a walk to the central part, where the nature is very beautiful. True, the greenery here is not as rich and vibrant as in Bali, but the overall landscapes and mountain ranges are quite attractive.


Among the attractions on the island of Penida are the beautiful white temples. They are very different from the resort of Bali, where they prefer to build architectural structures from black volcanic stone. So, perhaps, the most interesting temple on the island can be considered Pura Dalem Penataran Ped. It is built entirely from volcanic limestone, and there is practically no sculpture or bright, eye-catching decoration inside it. Its main value lies in the size of the entrance gate and the temple structures themselves. Pilgrimages are organized to this temple not only from all over Bali, but also from Indonesia.

In one of the local villages called Karangsari there is an underground temple. This place is considered a fairly popular tourist attraction, collecting numerous positive reviews. To get inside this temple you will have to crawl through a narrow hole among the stones. This will take you into a fairly wide and spacious tunnel with various nooks and crannies. The temple is specially landscaped for tourist purposes: there is lighting, strengthened passages, as well as several altars for offerings. Be careful, there are a lot of bats living here.

In their reviews, tourists often note the need to visit such natural attractions as Sebalah Falls, which is especially beautiful during the heavy rainy season, as well as the highest point of the island - Puncak Mundi, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area and the ocean.

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The island of Nusa Penida is located 12 kilometers from the southeast side of the island of Bali (Indonesia).

I visited Nusa Penida island on my own.

I separately purchased tickets for the speed boat from Sanur. In the evening we rode a bike with a suitcase to the hotel, where our friends were waiting for us.

And having rented a bike, we all rode together and explored the most interesting sights of the island.

Weather on the island

The average minimum and maximum temperatures throughout the year are approximately the same. The minimum is 22 and the maximum is 31 degrees Celsius.

Water temperature and precipitation graph for each month in Nusa Penida

The average monthly sun hours in Nusa Penida are also approximately the same in each month - 200 hours per month, with the exception of the months December - February, where it is slightly less - 150-180.

Attractions Nusa Penida

Even before arriving in Bali, I turned on Fr. Nusa Penida is on my visit plan because I observed the beautiful landscapes of this island a few years ago through photos of travelers on Instagram and Pinterest.

And when our friends asked me “What to see in Nusa Penida?” I answered briefly: beautiful, inspiring nature and the underwater world.

So, I present to your attention the most beautiful natural places of the island.

Kelingking Beach and Rock

The rock is the island's most popular landmark in pictures.

In reality, it is truly a very beautiful, exciting place that I recommend visiting.

We visited all the places on the island on our own on a bike, but it is possible to visit the Kelinking rock with a guide by car or on a bike.

Kelinkin rock at dawn (07:30)

If you only care about beautiful photos and admiring the view from above, then you don’t have to go down to the beach itself. The most beautiful views open from the top.

Although, going down to the beach will not take much effort and time if you arrive here early in the morning, because the sun has not yet moved to the inner side of the beach.

in the photo it's 9 am

The only thing is that you should come in comfortable shoes for sharp ascents and descents.

very convenient road to the beach

During the hot sun, of course, going down and up will be much more difficult and it is advisable to first apply sun cream and put on a hat.

almost up

The humidity in this area is very high and you will sweat even if you walk the path slowly.

We all got wet while climbing back, even though there wasn’t much sun in the early morning. I can’t imagine how I would feel if the sun was still shining.

A large group of Indonesians stayed here for 2 nights during the Nyepi (New Year) holiday.

The beach itself is not suitable for snorkeling or swimming - there were strong pulling waves and we did not see any fish underwater.

After 8:30 in the morning, a point with drinks (water, beer, soda) and snacks opened on the beach.

We took fruits and water with us.

In fact, I wouldn't say that we liked the beach. To my surprise, it was abandoned - there was garbage everywhere, it smelled of urine in places, and you couldn’t really swim on it (strong waves).

The reverse side offers an equally breathtaking view of the rocks and a small beach with a surprisingly blue sea.

Overall the place is very beautiful and accessible in terms of convenient roads to visit.

Angel's Billabong (Angel)

This beautiful place is located approximately in the same place as Broken beach (abandoned beach). If you visit one of these attractions, don't miss the second.

closer to 16 pm Angel’s Billabong (Angel) was empty

very unusual place

This place is ideal for photos and quadcopter.

We traveled with friends and our friend Yuri said that these places did not fascinate him at all, because... they reminded him very much of Crimea, namely Cape Fiolent. He said that in Crimea everything is even much nicer.

I was very surprised, because the colors of the water at Broken beach (pictured) are really very charming and beautiful.

Abandoned Beach / Broken Beach

Is it really possible to see such beauty in Crimea? I would be glad to receive comments under the article if you have visited Cape Fiolent in Crimea.

behind Broken beach during the day this stall was open with chips, cold drinks and coconuts

The views at Atuh Beach are amazing

Unfortunately, you can’t swim on this beach either due to the low water level, rocks and dry corals, and strong sweeping waves.

But you can drink and eat coconut (20,000 rupees), fruit (bring your own), wet your feet and admire the scenery.

My friends tried to swim to this blue lagoon (below in the photo), but it was difficult to walk on the water because of the rocky bottom and the waves carried them away.

Probably, only in comfortable underwater shoes can you comfortably walk and swim here.

But at a depth, a little to the left in the photo, we noticed a turtle, but did not have time to take a photo.

Suwehan beach

Next to Atuh Beach is the beautiful Suwehan beach.

It can be reached on foot from Atuh Beach in 10 minutes. You just need to climb the long stairs from the beach to the top and walk about 50 meters. You will have a view of Suvekhan beach.

This beach is perhaps the most beautiful for me. From his beauty, I could not restrain myself and shouted out enthusiastically at the top of my voice.

Suwehan beach

Suwehan beach

Coordinates of place: 346651.9027525

If you have enough time in Nusa Penida, then you should devote more time to this beach and go down to it.

How to get to Nusa Penida from Bali?

How to get there, or rather swim? There are two main ways:

1. Ferry to Nusa Penida

The ferry departs from Padang Bai port, tickets cost 31,000 rupees per person and 48,000 rupees per motorcycle.

It’s worth going with a motorcycle to Nusa Penida only if it’s your own or you rent it for much less than 80,000 rupees per day, because this is the average price for renting a motorbike in Nusa Penida per day.

ferry from Padang Bay to Nusa Penida

The ferry departs from Padang Bay at 11:00, and from Nusa Penida at 08:00, but we were told at the ticket office that the time is not always the same and that it may change.

2. Speedboat (high speed boat) to Nusa Penida from Sanur

High-speed boats from Sanur depart at different times, almost every hour from 06:30 am to 17:30 pm. The journey will take no more than 40 minutes.

You can book tickets in advance from Mola Mola (which is the cheapest) by calling: 0813-3744-2555 and arrive half an hour before the boat departs.

information about Mola Mola express

Ticket price from Mola Mola: from 125,000 rupees.

Perhaps the price is higher now. We ourselves purchased a ticket from another company more expensive, 160.00 rupees due to the fact that Mola Mola did not have boats after 17:00 in the evening.

Near the pier there is a cafe with various prepared foods, a durian cafe.

I would like to note that if you are planning to purchase tickets in advance, on the spot, then you should do this from official companies next to the pier. There is also a point of the most inexpensive company Mola Mola.

You will have to get your feet dirty in dark water with black sand (near the shore) if you sail on a speed boat

Markets in Nusa Penida

Also on the island there are at least 2 markets where you can purchase:

  1. Fruits and vegetables;
  2. Local sweets and snacks;
  3. Fish and meat;
  4. Eggs, etc.

Market opening hours: from 6:30 am to 8 pm, but a large number of points are open until ~ 8:30 am.

Location. One of the markets is located in the Toyapakeh area, where almost all high-speed speedboats sail, and the second is located in Sampalan, not far from the port “Sampalan Ferry Terminal” (50 meters east of it).

On the second day, we bought fresh fruit every morning (red dragon fruit, mangosteens, durians, apples, durians, bananas, tomatoes, cherimoya, snake fruit, etc.).

Don’t forget to bargain if the price seems quite high to you, or alternatively, you can compare prices at several points for the products you need.

fruits we loved in Indonesia

Art knew how to lie and sell at almost three times the normal price - an acquired skill of the Balinese and other Indonesians in tourist places.

Some market sellers make such indignant, sad faces when you offer them to reduce the price, which becomes funny, knowing that yesterday you already bought this fruit much cheaper nearby.

Reviews about Nusa Penida

We, lovers of independent travel, really liked the island of Nusa Penida because of the extraordinary natural places, the small number of tourists and affordable prices for everything.

Roads to Nusa Penida

The main roads in Nusa Penida are renovated and new, but narrow. The ascents were not dangerous; travel around the island was quite comfortable.

But the second half of the roads on the island are rated four out of 10. Perhaps this is the only minus of the island.

good but narrow road to Nusa Penida

When we got to the attraction Pasih Uwug or Broken Beach (abandoned beach), to be honest, we literally jumped on a motorbike all the way there because the asphalt roads were bad.

Pleasant Island

The island is suitable for lovers of silence, nature, healthy food and order, as well as lovers of live music, pizza, drinks, and communication.

My friends and I liked the island precisely because there are fewer people on it than on the island. Bali, excellent affordable snorkeling, affordable prices for accommodation and food, beautiful natural places.

Lifehacks for life in Nusa Penida

If you want to visit beautiful places without tourists, then you should go to them after 6 am. Most places on the island are swarming with tourists after 9am.

In Asia, we ourselves are used to getting up early, with the sunrise, and it was not difficult for us to go somewhere early: to the market or to sights.

Nusa Penida Hotels

If you want low prices for accommodation in Nusa Penida, then I recommend booking hotels in advance on the Asian website Agoda.com or it may be cheaper on Booking.com.

Pondok Kana Hotel – located next to a good snorkeling beach at Kutampi

If you want low prices for transfer to the boat or ferry, then a good price for a transfer for two is up to 100,000 rupees. You just need to ask car drivers if they are willing to take you to a boat or ferry for this price. I think that the first driver he comes across will agree to 100,000 rupees, because this amount for a 15-minute car ride doesn’t just lie around on the road.

The hotel offered us 200,000 rupees for the same transfer, which is 2 more expensive.

Here is the contact of the driver who charged us 100,000 rupees for a transfer to the speedboats from Kutampi Beach in early 2018: +62-857-3805-5093.

When we sailed to the island of Nusa Penida in Toyapakeh in the evening, we rode for 80,000 rupees (320 rubles) on two bikes with drivers, with a suitcase and backpacks to the hotel in Sampalan. Although initially we were told the price was twice as high.

Perhaps the whole point is precisely our desire to bargain and not agreeing to high prices. In Indonesia, to reduce the price to medium or low, you need to bargain, friends.

Swimming beaches in Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida has many wonderful beaches, but not on the northeast side, where the locals grow algae and the beaches are not suitable for swimming.

One of the best beaches for swimming on the island is Crystal Bay Beach.

Сrystal Bay Nusa Penida

Crystal Bay (Nusa Penida)

This beach reminded me of Thailand (Phuket island).

Here is the same as in Thailand:

  • not private, people lie under umbrellas (there were definitely about 35 people on the beach);
  • the beach is located in a small bay, surrounded by rocks;
  • The sea is comfortable - no waves, perfect for swimming.

One of the advantages of this beach is the opportunity to observe the beautiful underwater world(beautiful coral bottom) and climb onto a small island nearby. You can also jump from this island into the sea, this is for the brave.

Also, on the beach you can buy drinks, coconuts and local food - there are small open cafes.

garbage near Crystal Bay beach

One of the disadvantages of this beach is garbage, of which there is a lot near the beach.

Kutampi beach

Another beach that I liked is Kutampi Beach.

The beach is worth coming if you are interested in snorkeling

There are very few people on this beach and a very beautiful underwater world right near the shores. Watch the video below.

But if you are interested in just swimming and sunbathing, this beach is not entirely suitable, although possible.

Nusa Penida snorkeling

We shot this underwater video on Kutampi beach.

A map with all the attractions of Nusa Penida is available on Google, click on the image below.

Gili or Nusa Penida?

In 2013 and 2016, I stayed on the Gili Islands (Meno and Air). This year I also visited Nusa Penida and I had special impressions about each island, which I will share in a convenient table.

The scores range from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.

Detailed description of categories and points assigned to them:

  1. Housing price– the higher the score, the more expensive the accommodation on the island;
  2. Quality of housing. She appreciated the cleanliness, comfort, views;
  3. Cafe. The higher the score, the more cafe options with delicious and varied food (pizza, inexpensive, vegan, sweets, etc.)
  4. Privacy. The higher the score, the quieter, more natural and peaceful the island;
  5. Local. The higher the score, the higher the friendliness and openness of the locals;
  6. Prices. The higher the score, the higher the prices for food, housing, transport and excursions;
  7. Beauty. The higher the score, the more beautiful the places on the island, the stronger the fascination with the places;
  8. Attractions. Number of attractions (the higher the score, the more there are).

By selecting the most desirable parameters, you can already choose the appropriate island or islands for yourself.

Gili Air

Gili Air island from the sea

Briefly about the islands, Gili Air is an island with fresh air, where the only transport options are horses, bicycles and electric bikes (there are very few of them). It's very nice to wake up in a place with a lot of fresh air.

The island has a fairly developed tourist infrastructure: there is a cafe with healthy food, live music in the evenings.

I know that “magic mushrooms” are common in the northern part of the island, there are quite a lot of people on the island, there are many inexpensive guesthouses, you can organize a not very expensive snorkeling excursion near the Gili Islands.

Gili Meno Island is the most secluded island of all three. If you would like a natural, quiet, wild holiday, no matter where you are (in your room or walking around the island), then this is the place for you.

Gili Meno island

The prices for housing and food here are much higher than in the other two. And there are no shops as such here.

There were no ATMs on the island when I visited it 5 years ago.

This island is closer to me than the other two.

I would like to remind you that Nusa Penida is 10 times larger in size than the Gili Islands.

The island is closest to Bali and is not very touristy like Bali. Gili Air, but in general there are quite a lot of locals living here.

On it you can visit more picturesque, green attractions by the sea, but they are located 20-30 kilometers from the top of the island (where all the boats and ferry arrive).

Whereas on the Gili Islands, the only attraction is the turquoise sea and the underwater world.

View of Mount Agung from Nusa Penida

You can also take a diving or snorkeling excursion to Manta Ray.

On the island you can find vegan food, pizza, European food, grilled fish, and you can buy food inexpensively at the market.

Have a nice trip to Indonesia!

If you have any questions, write them under the article and I will answer them within a day.

A few kilometers south of Bali there are two small islands - Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan, where we were going for quite a long time. We went literally a week before departure.

South Bali Islands

These islands are located next to each other, but most tourists go to Nusa Lembongan from Sanur, from where all kinds of watercraft with frightening price tags constantly sail. WITH Nusa Penida things are somewhat more complicated, since a public sails there once a day ferry from Padang Bay.

Location of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan

We have seen from our own experience that if you have enough time and curiosity, you can get to know the country better and still travel on a budget. Still, package tourism with excursions and “all-inclusive” does not give any idea about the host country, life and inhabitants of this country. We have developed a whole philosophy on this matter, but more on that later. In general, we decided to first get to Penida with our bike, from there swim without a bike to Lembongan, then return to Penida and sail back to Bali.

Start with the unpopular Penida (there is little information on this island on the Internet, we looked mainly at Wikitrave l) we wanted for several simple reasons. The first, and most important, is boobs - an ancient Indonesian tradition: there are rumors on the Internet that Penida women still walk around topless in public. In Bali, you can only see topless ladies of a very respectable age and with the appearance characteristic of witches, perhaps this is what they are.

The roads of excellent quality were the next reason: the Balinese “Yamanayama” destinations were a little depressing after Thailand, and in reports about their trip to Nusa Penida, people write that the roads there are simply chic, super new and well built.

The third reason is shrouded in mystical secrets, however, like the island itself, which among the Balinese is considered cursed, a place of black magic and the legendary abode of the evil demon Jero Gede Macaling - with such a name it’s no wonder. Yes, I wanted to see the black magicians and steal dark Power from them. And may she be with me! =)

Padang Bay

Padang Bay is a port, located in the eastern part of the island of Bali. From here there are daily public ferries to the island of Lombok (the port of Lembar, which is a transfer point to the famous tourist destination - the Gili Islands) and Nusa Penida. Without your own transport You can get to Padang Bay by taxi, bemo (minibuses for locals), shuttle buses, for example, the Perama Tour company (a ticket from Ubud costs 50,000 rupees, other companies have approximately the same prices), which will be the most convenient and budget-friendly.

During the first reconnaissance mission to Padang Bay, we found out that the entrance to the port territory was guarded by police officers who stopped everyone and studied documents. They scolded us for not having an international driver’s license, but they immediately let us go and threatened us with a finger, saying that next time all the documents would be in order. The next time, of course, they were out of order again (although we honestly intended to get local tourist licenses, but the pumped-up corrupt officials scared us off) and they let us go with the same finger-wagging parting words.

After the police checkpoint, you can immediately go to the ticket booths, where there is usually always a line of cars and bikes. In front of the ticket office there are boards with ticket prices, which indicate the cost per person/child and various modes of transport.

Ferry prices from Padang Bay to Lombok and Nusa Penida.

Ferries prices

If you want to get on the ferry on your own something with wheels, then you need to pay for transport and people with you. For example, we rode to Nusa Penida together on a bike and paid about 52,000 rupees or about $6 (15,000 rp. for each plus 20,400 for the bike). It is not clear why it turned out to be about 52. Maybe the prices have changed a little, maybe the Balinese have squeezed change, they love it. We received paper tickets and electronic tickets with a magnetic stripe, which were then simply handed over at the control. Apparently, some kind of Balinese nanotechnology.

Searches for the schedule led nowhere. With every step we only became surrounded by a crowd of captains and helpers, offering tickets for speedboats or pointing to the ticket office. According to our observations, ferries go to Lombok every two hours from the very morning, but to Nusa Penida it turned out only at 14.30. We found out this on the day of our departure to Penida, when we arrived in Padang Bay at 8 am and bought tickets. As a result, we had to walk around the neighborhood for half a day, but we wandered nearby to. We also noticed a lot of homestays and some tourists.

The same beach from the ferry

Nusa Penida

Having returned to the port an hour before departure, we could not get into the correct queue for a long time, since no one really knew where the ferry would land. Only people in uniform with whistles were in the know, but they then turned the Nusapenid line towards another entrance.

Then loading onto the ferry took a long time, despite the fact that inside the ship the team of ferrymen quickly controlled the cars and quickly arranged the bikes. Before I could get off the bike, they gave me the keys and showed me where to go. We didn’t linger on the passenger deck because of the noise; we went straight to the roof, where, following the example of the locals, we settled down on the floor. Then many people secretly filmed us on their mobile phones, because we seemed to be the only white people on board.

The back of the ferry. Deck with transport

White people on the ferry

Let's set sail. Speedboats in Bali differ from Thai ones in that they are closed.

The Indonesian flag is similar to the Polish one

We sailed somewhere closer to three o'clock and at more than four o'clock arrived in Nusa Penida at the port of Buyuk.

Port of Penida

At the exit from the port, the first disappointment awaited us: the absence of the famous good roads. There were just pits bordered by asphalt. I had to somehow maneuver between them. By the way, there were no topless women either, which greatly disappointed Lena, since this was her fix idea. Lena even harbored a grudge against Penida women. =)

Super steep Penida roads. These are still good ones!

We were heading to the village of Toyapakeh to find out about the departure time of the boats to Nusa Lembongan. The area along the way consisted of abandoned and dilapidated houses and homestays. The environment was somewhat reminiscent of the landscapes from the game “Stalker”; there were not enough people in chemical protection and mutant dogs. Although there were not enough people, there were occasional pickup trucks and bikers, invariably shouting “Halo.”

Nusa Penida Map

In Toyapaka, they learned from one captain that they had to arrive the next day at 6 am, because the boat leaves at seven. The ticket office opens around the same time. In an attempt to find housing, we followed the captain, who first showed a room for 80,000 rupees, the window of which overlooked another room where locals were watching TV, then he took us to a homestay, where there were quite decent bungalow rooms for 150,000 rp with a fan and 250 000 with air conditioning. But we were busy with the fan, and we didn’t want to overpay for an overnight stay.

Street to the pier in Toyapaka

Pier in Toyapaka

In general, this was the end of housing in Toyapaka. I had to lull myself back to Bayuk and look for something suitable along the way. Among the abandonments, there was a hotel proudly standing in a field, where there were a lot of staff and prices starting from 300,000. After announcing the price list and our grimaced faces, the staff began to show where to go for the “chip room”, or rather, they began to catch up with us and shout that, they say, you have to go “there”. While we were driving somewhere there, a guy followed us and offered us a room for 50,000, but with cold water... but with a TV (in Bali, by the way, a rarity for ordinary homestays). His words were incredibly surprising, I spent a long time trying to get an answer from him, whether he had messed up anything, showed the amount on his phone and even waved a 50,000 rp bill to make sure that he definitely hadn’t messed anything up.

Having followed him somewhere deep into the island, after about 15 minutes of driving through the mountains we found ourselves at a very decent homestay, where, judging by the reaction of those who met us and the slap on the head to this guy, he clearly messed up something, but he told us that everything was okay, pay later and gave me a jar of coffee mirinda.

Penida Mountains

Then I took him for a ride on the bike, because he showed where you can fill up with gasoline (here it’s called “bensin”, and not petrol, as in Bali). According to his “Eeeee... ohoy... aaaaa!” and periodically grabbing my clothes, I realized that I was driving somehow too quickly for this area, although in Bali I always trail behind. But anyway, I’m now his best friend, just like the Frenchman who checked out of the hotel this morning. Only here it dawned on us that the phrase: “I have a friend from there,” among Indonesians actually means: “we exchanged a few words, and I know where he’s from, although I have no idea who he is.” Sometimes words are confirmed by a joint photo on a mobile phone.

Together with us, an Indonesian family examined the rooms, the head of whose family filmed everything on camera. When they were getting ready, a girl came up to me and asked me to teach her father English, to which I replied that I myself was not particularly Master Yoda and, apparently, had offended them.

Apartments in a miracle hotel. Guest room with TV, bedrooms to the left out of frame

Having checked into the wonderful hotel, we went to have dinner, which also turned out to be not an easy task. We traveled around the surroundings of the port and the village of Sampalan, which is nearby, and found only a couple of warungs. We took one of them by storm and ordered classic nasi goreng (“fried rice” in Indonesian), paying 12,000 rp for two servings and two bottles of tea. Well, that’s it, I thought, the fairy tale has begun, with such and such a freebie in prices for food and hotels. Although hotels in the port area started from 150,000 rubles, we found a superchip in the mountains.

One of the bedrooms. We had something like this, only bigger

This is a real Indonesian shower. It's called "mandi". Water is drawn into this micro-pool and then you pour water over yourself with a ladle. The toilet is in the same perverted Indonesian style: a standing one, in Russia they call it an army one.

However, in the evening in the “superchip” the show “mine is yours, don’t understand” began. We thought that since it was so cheap, we could spend a night or two here, but in the reception house there were completely different people who were not there when we checked in: a young guy and an uncle. Realizing that there was a language barrier between us, I drew a comic about “I, sleep, room, two, night, and pay, price, 100,000 rp.” The guy looked through the comic and said that it was never about Batman and the room cost 150,000 per night. Attempts to explain that I was promised a different price led nowhere. The uncle's diplomatic actions - pouring two glasses of milk and giving me a plate of cookies, if only I would go to bed - were met with a cold wall of refusal on my part, and then they called a black demon of an English-speaking man, who came and explained that the devil was the one who brought us here He brought us in, looked wildly dumb and said the price for Indonesians (for visitors it’s three times more expensive, he confused us with the locals, well, it happens) and in general he’s no one to call here (but his name sounds something like Mukak). After a short argument, during which everyone froze, as a cold mountain wind was blowing, which witnessed our difficult conversation, the English-speaking Nusapenian reduced the price to 70,000 rp. and wrote out a check for payment at my request, so that there would be no more misunderstandings. But at first he knocked off up to 100,000 rp, saying that the room has an air conditioner, but after my remark that it didn’t hit the mark and somehow we weren’t hot, the Angloman said “well, if you don’t use the air conditioning, then 70 thousand.”

Reception house

With a bit of a feeling of remorse, but not without a share of joy for the victorious bargaining in the negotiations, we went to bed. In the morning, in the dark, we went to buy tickets to Nusa Lembongan and go there.

Nusa Penida is one of the islands located in the Bali region. It has good tourist infrastructure and is suitable even for those who decide to stay there for a couple of days. There are several ways to get from Bali to Nusa Penida, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let us consider all these methods in detail, taking into account their features.


The main advantage of traveling on a speedboat is simplicity and speed. The boat sails from one island to the second in 30-40 minutes, which allows you to significantly save time. Speedboats depart from the pier in Sanur, and boats also depart from there to neighboring Lembongan, so be careful not to get your boat mixed up.

Immediately upon entering the pier you can see a small booth where they sell tickets for boats of different companies. Please note that this is an agency that adds its own commission to the cost. It is most profitable to purchase tickets directly from companies that are located a little further on the pier. The cheapest trips are offered by Idola and Mola-Mola Express. The average cost of a trip is 200 thousand rupees.

Tickets can also be purchased in advance by booking online at mybalitrips.com. In this case, transfer to the pier will be included. On the day of departure, you should arrive at the pier at least half an hour before departure.

Speedboats depart from Sanur throughout the day, however, all flights are operated by different companies, so do not be alarmed if there is a significant difference in ticket prices.

If you are vacationing in the north or east of Bali, then you can get to Nusa Penida from Kusamba or Tribuana. Speed ​​boats also depart from these villages; travel time usually varies between 20-25 minutes. Boats operate from 6:30 am to 3-4 pm.


This is an excellent and only option for those who plan to travel to Nusa Penida with their own transport. Large ferries leave the pier for Padang Bay. The cost of a ticket per person is about 30 thousand rupees, for a bike crossing you will have to pay about 50 thousand, for a car - about 300 thousand. Tickets for passengers are purchased at the ticket office. But transport is paid for when passing through the turnstiles.

The ferry departs from Padang Bay at 11 am, and the return flight from Nusa Penida departs at 8 pm. Travel time is more than an hour. Please note that the ferry schedule changes periodically, so I advise you to arrive at the pier at least an hour before departure.

All ferries sail to the northern part of the island, the pier is located a little west of Sampalan. To get to the desired hotel, you will have to take a taxi, unless of course you brought your own vehicle with you.

I do not recommend crossing to Nusa Penida with a bike if you rented one. There are many places on the island where you can also rent a motorbike at an attractive price. Transport is worth taking if it is your own.

Every day, cruise ships depart from Benoa Harbor, inviting everyone to take an unforgettable journey to the northwestern side of Nusa Penida. During the trip, an exciting program is provided, accompanied by various sports. The cost of such a tour is from 1,000,000 rupees, the trip is designed for the whole day. There are also tours with overnight stays at the hotel. You can book such a tour.

Hotels on Nusa Penida island?

Despite the fact that Nusa Penida is still more suitable for a wild and relaxing holiday, you will not have any problems choosing accommodation. There are many different hotels and homestays on the island. The second ones are ordinary houses of local residents, in which there are several rooms equipped to receive guests. They all have a separate exit, so your neighbors will not disturb you.

There are no luxury five-star hotels on the island. And, in general, there are no tall buildings here. As a rule, all hotels have 1-2 floors, most often bungalows are provided for accommodation.

As for the price of the room, you may notice that rooms in Nusa Penida will be a little more expensive than in Bali and even Lembongan. The daily cost of a room with a fan varies between 140-180 thousand rupees. During low season, hotels may offer small discounts.

Almost all hotels are located near the village of Sampalan. In addition, housing can be found in Tuyapaka. The cheapest accommodation options are located between these two villages. The most expensive hotels are concentrated in the area of ​​Broken Beach and Crystal Bay. Almost all rooms are located on the hills with beautiful panoramic views. Some of the best hotels include: