Music festival mint. Why I love the wild mint festival. Where will the Wild Mint festival take place, how to get there

But I, however, have something to compare with. I like the new venue near Tula, I like the selection of music and performers, I like the Green Age venue, I like the fact that the festival is very cool with children...

You can read impressions from last year. How I was going and what to take with me can be read under the “festival” tag. I’ll tell you now how it will be this year.

As I already wrote, Wild Mint is a three-day outdoor festival in a field. Living in the field is not at all necessary; you can stay in boarding houses or even “drive in” from Tula. But the atmosphere there is so amazing that I’m in favor of the tents with both hands. So,

- Where to live?
You can live, as last year, in a family or fun camp. The family room is correspondingly quieter than the fun room. Among the innovations this year is a room for mother and child, where you can feed, change clothes and even wash the child. Those. There will be a separate shower for families with children

(last year's photo from the site)

- What to listen to?
This year's main performers were placed in a tree (see picture above). There are three scenes, like last year. The scenes are located side by side, but arranged in such a way that the sound of one does not cover the other. You can move between them very comfortably; you can see the stage even from a tent or cafe if you wish. Everything is allowed)
I go mainly to Spleen, Alai Oli, Jukebox, Bricks, Radio Kamerger, Casualty and Iowa.

(last year’s photo from BN’s website)

- What else to do?
There are a lot of activities held at the festival - yoga, sports competitions, lectures, film screenings, etc. Even balloon there is, and you can ride on it. Children have their own separate program, their own house and the opportunity to leave the child with an animator. Some activities are paid, some are free, but the price is all reasonable.

- How to get there?
You can get there by train to Tula, then transfer to a bus, or on special festival buses. And there are always many options to travel with fellow travelers in a personal car. Last year I drove myself, I had a place, I took two people. Wild Mint has its own circle of fans who communicate very actively on forums in social networks- there you can discuss literally everything and find someone to go with and even someone to live with.
I'll go on Friday late in the evening, but I haven't decided yet.

- What should I take with me?
Good mood) I already wrote above what to take with you if you are traveling with a child. In general, the things that came in most handy last year were a lot of dry clothes and a thermos, but the list is a standard camp-and-travel list. Hot water, food and medical assistance are available on the festival grounds. There is even food in a field kitchen format, where you can eat on a super budget.
Beer is sold on site; alcohol is not allowed.

- What if it rains?
And he will) Any wild mint fan knows that wild mint is equal to bad weather. In fact, this year the forecast promises hot sun, we'll see. I can say that last year there was a torrential downpour and thunderstorm, and it was still great. So the rain is not a hindrance to the music.

- How to save money on buying a ticket?
Until June 20, there is a group purchase of a ticket; at the moment this is the most profitable option. The festival’s partners also hold many promotions where you get a ticket at a discount or as a gift, all of this is also in the festival group

“Wild Mint” is one of the largest music festivals in Russia. The multi-format festival “Wild Mint” erases musical boundaries! World stars, main Russian performers, impressive electronic unit and new names!

Participants 2019

  • Mummy Troll
  • Basta
  • Primal Scream
  • Faithless DJ Set
  • The Hatters
  • Coin
  • Dubioza Kolektiv
  • Dolphin
  • Neuromonk Feofan
  • Ivan & Parazol
  • The Great Machine
  • nomads
  • James Leg
  • Anna Pingina
  • Messer Chups
  • Lola Marsh
  • DaKooka
  • Marlins
  • Sirotkin
  • Radioslam
  • Caleb Hawley
  • Kazuskoma
  • Junkyard Storytellaz
  • Komsomolsk
  • The Blind Suns
  • Vurro
  • Sharpening
  • Cut"n"Bass

At the festival you will find a unique infrastructure: transfers from the metro, modern camping, eco-hotels, restaurants, a cinema, a lecture hall, a market and much more!

  • Admission ticket for all days of the festival gives the right to attend more than 70 concerts, an unlimited number of entries and exits.
  • “Wild Mint” is one of the closest open airs to Moscow; you can get to the festival in just 2 hours. You can arrive by your own car, by train, or by transfer that departs from the Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard metro station.
  • Several types of accommodation. You can stay at the festival campsite with your own tent, in a ready-made campsite, or in one of the holiday homes located in the surrounding area.
  • You can go to the festival with children, it’s fun and safe.
  • At the festival you can listen to lectures, watch films, take part in master classes and much more.
  • The festival features a fair where designer clothes and jewelry are sold.
  • More than 50 restaurants and food trucks.
  • Today “Wild Mint” is one of the most comfortable festivals in Russia. You'll find everything from campsite charging stations and drinking fountains to free Wi-Fi.
  • Entrance ticket for adults for 3 days.Entrance ticket for one person over 12 years of age, giving the right to unlimited entry and exit from the festival during the entire duration of the festival.
  • Entrance ticket for children for 3 days.Entrance ticket for one child from 6 to 12 years old, giving the right to unlimited entry and exit from the festival during the entire duration of the festival.
  • Parking.The ticket gives you the right to park a car in the festival parking lot.
  • Place for a tent.The ticket entitles you to set up a tent no larger than 3x3 m in size in the festival campground.
  • Ticket Large company.Entrance ticket for 3 days for 5 adults.
  • Family ticket 2+1.Entrance ticket for 3 days for two adults and one child from 6 to 12 years old.
  • Ticket Company.Entrance ticket for 3 days for 3 adults.
  • Family ticket 2+2.Entrance ticket for 3 days for two adults and two children from 6 to 12 years old.

The leaves and stems, like other varieties of mint, have found their use in cooking. They are also used in cosmetology and medicine. Since ancient times, people have brewed herbal tea from this plant. The healing drink not only has an interesting refreshing taste, but also gives vigor. This plant is used as a seasoning for pickling cabbage and canning cucumbers. It is often added to all kinds of sauces to add a delicious aroma. For example, pesto sauce, in one of its variants, consists entirely of mint and finely chopped garlic, ground into a homogeneous mass. You can make an aromatic drink from fresh leaves; the leaves are added to vegetable salads. As a seasoning, dried materina leaves are added to vegetable, meat and fish dishes. It is not uncommon to find this taste in various fruit dishes and desserts. To prevent souring, the greens of the plant are added to fresh milk.

Useful properties of wild mint

Since ancient times, wild mint has been considered an excellent stimulant for the mind. Polinius the Elder wore a wreath woven from mint on his head, and advised his students to do the same. It is a mild stimulant of sexual desire, and therefore was contraindicated for use by Greek troops. The walls of rooms and halls were sprinkled with mint infusion before the holidays.

Uses of wild mint

Yours use of wild mint found in folk medicine. It has a beneficial effect on the acid-base balance, improves appetite, improves overall digestion and prevents nausea. An infusion of leaves relieves colic and spasms in the stomach and intestines, reduces fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Its antiseptic and analgesic properties are widely known. Mother teas have calming and stress-relieving properties. They also help with low energy and improve mood. You can also find wild mint in lists for the treatment of diseases such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.

The essential oil of this plant is intensively used in aromatherapy. Volatile compounds in the oil tone, relieve tension, and improve immunity. Increase the body's resistance to diseases and increase resistance to stress. They have a beneficial effect on people sensitive to weather changes. You can take relaxing baths with mint oil. Fresh or dried leaves can be used to make soothing facial masks.

If you do not have the opportunity to collect this plant yourself, then you can find wild mint at any pharmacy.