Where is the best place to go in Israel? The best places and resorts for holidays in Israel. Thermal resorts in Israel

Since the state is entirely located in the subtropical climate zone, there is a pronounced period of rain, drought, and off-season. To get a truly comfortable beach holiday, travel agents recommend visiting Israel in mid-spring and autumn.
The most popular Israeli seaside resorts– Eilat, Netanya, Acre, Tel Aviv and others. These cities are located on the coasts of the Dead and Mediterranean Seas.

Yes, in Eilat average monthly temperatures air in and October – from +31 to +35оC, water – from +24 to +26оC. For example, in December-February, when the air and water usually warm up to 21-22oC, it will probably be cool for tourists to sunbathe and swim. At the same time, in the summer months, with an air temperature of +40°C, a characteristically dry atmosphere and the absence of rain, lying on beach loungers is also not particularly pleasant, especially for older people.

The best time for treatment in Israel

There can be no clear and universal advice on what time is best to go to improve your health. The fact is that the bulk of Israeli hospitals are located on the coast of the Dead Sea, which has a milder climate than the local Mediterranean.
If it is fundamentally important for a tourist to enjoy a beach holiday in between procedures, it is better to adhere to the above recommendation: take tours to Israel in mid-spring or autumn.

In addition, the treatment is taking place for the most part in sanatorium conditions, so you won’t have to suffer under the hot summer sun, and the rains won’t spoil your vacation either.

Best time for excursions in Israel

Israel is one of tourist destinations with the richest excursion program in the whole world. Moreover, tour operators offer a wide variety of excursions around the country, regardless of whether the tourist came to the Promised Land to soak up the beach or undergo treatment.

However, many travelers come to Israel specifically in order to expand their horizons with numerous new knowledge about the rich history of this country, and to see architectural and religious monuments with their own eyes. For such activities, you should not choose the rainy and cool period - from October to March. The rest of the time, we can say with confidence that the weather will not interfere with a successful excursion holiday.

Where to go on vacation in Israel? We talk about the beach and cultural recreation, as well as about the seasons. We give advice on where to relax in Israel with a child. Choosing the best resort!

The beach area in Tel Aviv includes several small and large beaches (Photo © xiquinhosilva / flickr.com)

A small resort located between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Its 15-kilometer coastal zone has 8 beaches. According to reviews from tourists about holidays in Israel, this resort is good for active recreation - flying with a parachute, practicing horse riding. Some hotels are equipped with elevators leading down to the sea.

As you can see in the photo, the beach strip in Netanya is located under a cliff - the height is from 15 to 40 m. You can comfortably go down to the shore by elevators; the cabins can accommodate up to a hundred people. All beaches are free (Photo © Israel_photo_gallery / flickr.com)

Haifa- This sea ​​port, located on the slopes of Mount Carmel. Its main attraction is the famous Bahai Gardens. Nearby is one of the best beaches in the country - Dor Beach.

According to reviews, it is best to relax in Israel in Herzliya is the most prestigious Mediterranean resort in the country. It is located near Tel Aviv, in the south of the Sharon Valley. All hotels are built on the first coastline, the beaches are clean and well maintained. Compared to the noisy metropolis, it is calm and a good place for relax. The resort has dive centers, yacht clubs and health centers.

Dor Beach - wild beach, which is included in the protected area. (Photo © publicdomainpictures.net)

According to reviews from tourists about holidays in Israel at the Dead Sea, it’s calm wellness holiday can be obtained at Ein Bokek, where most hotels are concentrated. There are no nightclubs or discos in Ein Bokek, there are only clinics and hotels with shops.

Dead Sea hotels operate on a half board basis - breakfast and dinner. Only five-star hotels have their own beach, everyone else uses it municipal beaches with paid sunbeds and umbrellas. Before swimming, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that he can recommend dosed sea procedures; there are hours on the beaches for self-control. Bromide air is ideal for allergy and asthma sufferers, and skin problems are treated with mud.

The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth (Photo © magentaD / flickr.com)

Red sea

On the shores of the Red Sea gulf lies the most southern resort countries - Eilat. There is a very beautiful nature reserve around the resort. Due to its remoteness from other cities, Eilat has its own airport.

The northern coast of Eilat is sandy beaches, in the south - pebble and pebble-sand. According to reviews of holidays in Israel on the Red Sea, South coast more suitable for lovers of snorkeling and diving, the sea can only be entered from pontoons, the northern one is for family holidays.

All Eilat beaches are municipal, but hotels rent part of the beach to make it accessible only to their vacationers. Entertainment options include yachting, jeeping, fishing and aquatic species sports, many come here for shopping.

Beach Village Beach in Eilat, Red Sea (Photo © wikimedia.org / Ludvig14)

Where can you relax in Israel inexpensively?

The most unpleasant moment of holiday in Israel is high prices. Hotels here are expensive, and, as tourists write in their reviews, star rating is very relative. The cheapest room in a 3* hotel in Tel Aviv or Eilat will cost at least $50 per night per person, and the average price hovers around $100. The most low prices in winter, approximately 1.5 times lower than in spring or autumn.

How much does a trip to Israel cost? We are available for trips of 3, 5, 7 and 10 days.

The most expensive hotels in Herzliya. This resort is considered elite, almost all hotels are 5*, there is a lot of entertainment for rich people. It is relatively inexpensive to relax in Netanya and Bat Yam. Hotels in Netanya are mostly 2-3*. This good resort for young people and everyone who loves leisure And nightlife. Bat Yam is a suburb of Tel Aviv. Prices for holidays here are lower than in the capital, and much quieter, and for entertainment you can go to Tel Aviv.

Holidays in Bat Yam can be combined with shopping - there are many boutiques and shopping centers with Israeli cosmetics and branded clothing. (Photo © wikimedia.org / Odo1982)

Cultural and excursion holidays in Israel

The most popular among excursion destinations is Jerusalem- tourists love to wander through the ancient quarters of the Old City. Here are the main religious shrines of Christians, Jews and Muslims - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Temple Mount, Western Wall, Dome of the Rock, Al-Aqsa Mosque. In the southwest of the city there is a Biblical Zoo, and lovers of antiquities and museum exhibits can visit the Israel Museum.

Other biblical cities are no less popular - Bethlehem, Nazareth, Safed And Tiberias. In the capital, the greatest interest among tourists is Old city Jaffa. The city of Haifa has gained worldwide fame thanks to the famous Bahai Gardens. Vacationers in Ein Bokek visit Masada, a fortress built in the desert under King Herod.

It is worth noting that Israelis rest on Friday from sunset until sunset on Saturday - they have Shabbat. Transport and shops are also closed, so this nuance must be taken into account when planning trips around the country.

Are you planning to visit Israel? Amazing. Here are the answers to some questions that arise in the process of preparing for the trip.

When to go to Israel? The tourist season in Israel, of course, coincides with the most suitable time of year for travel and recreation in Israel. In Israel it is spring and autumn. More precisely: from March to mid-June and from mid-September to the end of November. This is a great time to relax and get to know Israel. The Christmas holidays are also a favorite time for tourists.

Have you decided to go in winter? Winter in Israel is cool and, at best (for Israelis) rainy. A good time for excursions (take an umbrella and good shoes), a less suitable time for swimming. By own experience I know that “our tourist doesn’t care about everything,” but still: the Mediterranean Sea is frankly cold, the Dead Sea is cool, but you have hot springs at your disposal (Hamat Gader, Ein Gedi, etc.) and Eilat with the Red Sea. The temperature difference can be quite noticeable. The warmest place in Israel in winter is Eilat and the Dead Sea. The hotel town of Ein Bokek is located on the Dead Sea.

Do you want to go in the summer?? Get ready for the heat. But in reality, everything is not so scary. The fact is that Israel is accustomed to its heat and is perfectly prepared to face it. Every hotel, shop, restaurant, bus and car has air conditioning. It is best to be close to water in summer in Israel, for example, on the shores of the Mediterranean, Red or Galilee Seas. In Jerusalem, unfortunately, there is no sea, but there is also no such humidity as in coastal cities and in the evening we go out into the streets or parks of Jerusalem to breathe fresh air.

The table shows the average (usual) temperature in Israel throughout the year.


Ein Bokek


Tel Aviv














Where to go?

For tourists coming to Israel for the first time and wanting to see the most “iconic” places of this land, it will be convenient to stay in the center of the country and from there travel to the north and south.

The center is, first of all, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the surrounding cities.

Tel Aviv. The full name of the city of Tel Aviv is Jaffa. And if history Tel Aviv began only at the beginning of the last century, Jaffa (or Jaffa, Jaffa, Joppa) according to legend existed in the same place as today, even before the flood. Tel Aviv is located on the Mediterranean coast, so a beach holiday is guaranteed. This city is called “the city without interruption”, “the city that never sleeps”. By the way, Tel Aviv ranks first in the world in the number of restaurants and cafes per capita. They are here literally at every step. Millions of tourists from all over the world fly and sail here to have fun, have fun, enjoy the sea and the sun. There are a lot of hotels and various places of recreation and entertainment for every taste and budget.

Jerusalem. In my deep conviction this is main city and not only Israel - the Holy Land. The bulk of trips to Israel take place precisely to visit Jerusalem. If possible, live in Jerusalem - you need to feel this city, you need to “absorb” it into yourself, and this does not always happen within a few hours of excursion. There are plenty of hotels and restaurants. There is a wonderful place for children to relax - the Jerusalem Zoo. Museums, parks, our famous Shuk (Jerusalem bazaar) - interesting places for visiting.

Nuance: Shabbat! This is a day off - the Jewish Saturday - the seventh day of the week, on which the Torah commands abstaining from work. Shabbat is especially observed in Jerusalem, and therefore all institutions, businesses and shops, most cafes and restaurants will be closed. But don’t be alarmed: the Old Town “works” - and this is the main thing. Shabbat begins on Friday evening and ends on Saturday at sunset.

Bat Yam, Netanya - coastal cities of the Mediterranean Sea. Bat Yam is located south of Tel Aviv at a distance of 5 km. Netanya is approximately 30 km north of Tel Aviv and 50 km south of Haifa. Beautiful resort towns with quite affordable hotels. The convenient location of the cities makes them very attractive for tourists.

So, everyone can choose the type of excursion that suits them best: you can take group excursions(on large buses), small group excursions on minibuses and individual excursions, where you will travel in close company with a personal guide. It is clear that private excursions are more expensive compared to other types of excursions, but more productive in terms of material and sensations. In addition, an individual guide, as a rule, helps in planning a trip, in solving everyday problems that arise, with him you are mobile and quite free to travel.

Nowadays, combined holidays are becoming increasingly popular, when tourists come not organized tour, and on their own - they book several individual excursions, and the rest of the time they relax on the seashore (fortunately, there is plenty to choose from - four seas to choose from).

What do they buy in Israel? Now, in the era of total globalization, it is difficult to surprise a tourist with anything on the shelves. However, Israel has its own twist in this area. First of all, items and souvenirs of a religious nature: icons, crosses, stars of David, candles, Korans, mezuzahs, etc. They have their significance precisely because they were acquired in the Holy Land. Objects are consecrated, blessed, washed and become “a piece of the Holy Land” for the owner. Another position that ladies are always interested in is cosmetics Dead Sea . There are several factories in Israel that produce “miraculous” cosmetics for every taste - from inexpensive products to “elite” sets with some unusual ingredients. Wealthy tourists will be interested in the famous Diamond Exchange in Tel Aviv, which houses luxury boutiques offering their work in diamonds and other precious stones. Israel is a leading supplier of diamonds to the world market, and the exchange itself is one of the largest in the world.

Well, the last thing - residents of Israel. Despite the difficult situation in Israel, the residents of this small country are surprisingly welcoming and sociable. You won’t find European snobbery here, but you can always chat (if you find a common language). By the way, most Israelis speak English in addition to Hebrew, and a fifth of Israel knows Russian, so: welcome and have a nice trip.

Promised land! For whatever purposes they come here: to relax on one of the four seas, and to visit places that are holy for many, and to receive thorough treatment in the best clinics in the world, or at unique resorts countries! Find out on the Tour Calendar why you can vacation in Israel almost all year round, and why on the Red Sea best time for relaxation it is April, May, September and October, on the Mediterranean Sea it is the end of spring and the beginning of autumn, and at the Dead Sea the most comfortable time for treatment and relaxation is autumn and spring.

Tourist season in Israel

As such, the high tourist holiday season in Israel is not so easy to identify. Every month of the year is suitable for a trip to this wonderful country. Thanks to its wide and varied opportunities, Israel is popular in the tourism market all year round. Someone comes here to get acquainted with rich history countries, others for treatment in one of the famous clinics or to the Dead Sea, others to the Red Sea for a beach holiday or diving. So at any time everyone can find something to their liking here.

High season in Israel

There are several periods of the year when prices for tours to the country are higher than at other times. True, it’s worth distinguishing whether it’s a beach vacation or a tourist one: at one time, resort hotels may not be full, while hotels in some cities will be overcrowded. The high season is considered to be the period from late February to May, since spring is perhaps the most wonderful time to visit Israel. And although summer is not considered a high season due to the heat, there can be a lot of vacationers in July and August, partly due to the holiday period and partly because Israelis themselves prefer to relax at this time. Also, the high season is considered to be both autumn in general and the period from September 18 to October 27, i.e. a week before Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and the week after Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), when there is an influx of tourists. Additionally, thousands of Christians flock to Israel from mid-December to mid-January. In general, as you can see, Israel is popular throughout almost the entire year!

Low season in Israel

It is believed that the demand for travel to Israel is lower in the summer, when temperatures rise to +40 and above. And also in winter, when it gets cooler. But many people go to Israel at this time, for example, in Eilat on the Red Sea in winter the air temperature is about 20 and the water temperature is about +21 degrees. However, rain is possible at this time. It is worth noting that the period from the second half of December to the beginning of January cannot be called a low season, because pilgrims from all over the world come to Israel.

Beach season on the Red and Mediterranean Seas

There are four seas in Israel - the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee (Lake Kinneret). On the Red Sea swimming season in Israel lasts all year round, since the water temperature does not fall below +20 °C, and the air temperature stays from +15..to +30 °C throughout the year. The most popular resort of the Red Sea is Eilat. The Red Sea is a little cool in winter in December, January and February. In summer, especially in July and August, it is too hot and the sea may not be refreshing. It is believed that the best time for a beach holiday on the Red Sea is April, May, September and October. March and November can also be considered, the only thing is in early spring Sea water can be invigorating. The Mediterranean Sea is, of course, cooler than the Red Sea. The water in it warms up only by May to +21-23°C, and remains warm until September-October, and sometimes November. The only thing that can upset your holiday on the Mediterranean Sea is jellyfish. They usually appear in June-July, but sometimes they appear in April and September, and they sting quite well.

When is the best time to go to the Dead Sea?

People usually go to the Dead Sea for medicinal purposes all year round, and if the sea is already cool, such as in winter around +19..+22°C, its healing properties can be enjoyed in spa hotels. To take water baths directly in the Dead Sea, it is best to take spring or autumn, because... how in summer it can be too hot, the sea warms up to +30..35°C and above, and in winter, as was said, it cools down too much. At the Dead Sea, not only the water is healing, but also the air, so no matter when you come here, the microclimate will have a beneficial effect on your body. The only exception would be excessive heat in summer.

The Velvet season

The most pleasant and comfortable weather for visiting Israel occurs in October. The traditional “velvet month” for the Mediterranean, September is still too hot in Israel, even on the Mediterranean Sea, not to mention the Red Sea. In October, the temperature usually does not exceed +30 degrees, and the water temperature in the sea stays around +24..+26C.

Best time for sightseeing

The best time to travel to get acquainted with the history and sights of Israel will most likely be the end of autumn - the beginning of spring. After all, in winter it can rain here, and the rest of the time the thermometer rarely drops below +30 degrees. However, it is worth considering that the further north the cooler it is, and the further south the hotter it is. The difference can be up to 10 degrees, and even more in mountainous areas.

Ski season in Israel

Of course, as such ski season not in Israel, and probably few people go to Israel specifically to ski. But if you find yourself in Israel in winter, and sometimes in late autumn and early spring, and you are bored with a beach holiday, then you should definitely visit Mount Hermon, with a height of more than 2200, and ride on the alpine skiing! On this moment Hermon has several trails of varying difficulty, the total length of which is about 8 kilometers. Lifts will take you to the mountains and cable cars, skis and other equipment you can rent right there.

Climate in Israel

The climate in Israel is subtropical, but some areas experience a dry and temperate tropical climate. This is due to the peculiarity geographical location Israel. Despite the relatively small territory of the country, the weather in different parts can vary significantly by up to 10 degrees. And the temperature is perceived differently in different areas, which is influenced by the proximity of the sea, air humidity, and altitude. In the north, for example, in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, it is usually cooler, because the desert is nearby. In the south, in Eilat, you can relax and swim in the sea all year round. The hottest time in Israel is summer, and the hottest month is August, when temperatures can exceed more than +40. The driest part of Israel is the Negev Desert. Most precipitation falls in winter, especially in January. In winter, temperatures in higher parts of the country can drop below 0, and Mount Hermon is covered with snow from December to March, so you can even go skiing in northern Israel in winter.

Israel in spring

Spring in Israel is quite a comfortable time to visit, as the air warms up to pleasant temperatures, but the summer heat is still far away. And although the Red Sea has cooled down after winter in March, even 20 degrees can be quite suitable for swimming, and the warm and sunny weather will certainly not let you freeze. March in Israel is ideal for a tourism program - visiting cities, museums, temples, parks with unique flora, theaters and other public events. In April, the weather completely becomes summer and the air warms up to 18..+27C, and the water is suitable for even the most heat-loving tourists and reaches +23C degrees. The Dead Sea warms up to +24C in April and is already quite suitable for therapeutic water procedures. In May, the Mediterranean Sea also warms up and is quite comfortable for a beach holiday. If you are traveling to Israel in the spring, you can count on... good weather There is practically no rain in spring. It is worth noting that Easter takes place in Israel in the spring, so there can be quite a lot of tourists at this time.

Temperature and weather in Israel in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Jerusalem +16 +21 +25
Tel Aviv +20 +25 +27
Haifa +19 +24 +26
Eilat +24 +21 +30 +23 +34 +24

Israel in summer

Summer in Israel is the hottest period of the year. In June, the weather in Israel has not yet reached its maximum and usually does not exceed +30 degrees. The Mediterranean Sea has already warmed up to +23 degrees, and the Red Sea to +24. The weather in Israel in July becomes even hotter, the sea warms up even more, and therefore at this time beach holidays in Israel is suitable only for the most persistent. In August, the weather hardly changes, except that the temperature rises even more to +40 degrees and above - after all, August is the hottest month of the year. If you do find yourself in Israel in the summer, then it is better to spend time somewhere near the sea.

Temperature and weather in Israel in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Jerusalem +27 +29 +29
Tel Aviv +29 +31 +31
Haifa +29 +31 +31
Eilat +38 +23 +40 +25 +40 +26

Israel in autumn

Autumn in Israel is a time of comfortable warmth. After the sweltering summer heat, this is a great time to relax. In September and even October the weather is still truly summer, for example on the Red Sea in Eilat the air temperature is even higher than +30 degrees, and the water is about +26..+27. On the Mediterranean Sea in September and October, the weather is also conducive to relaxation - the air temperature is slightly below +30 degrees, and the sea temperature is +24..+27C. Possibly October, one of best months a year for a holiday in Israel. The weather in November in Israel is still warm, and neither Red nor Dead nor Mediterranean Sea have not cooled down yet. But it is worth remembering that the rainy season begins in November. And although in reality there are not so many of them and they are not so scary, they can still ruin your vacation.