Tourist infrastructures are nearby. Tourism infrastructure: features of its formation and functioning. Accommodation is the most important element of tourism. No accommodation –

The efficiency of using the existing tourism potential is closely related to the development of the corresponding infrastructure (both specialized tourism and general). The main elements of the tourist infrastructure are: accommodation facilities, catering establishments, transport network, tourist information environment (advertising and information support, signs, information desks, information boards, a network of tourist routes, etc.), a system for ensuring security and medical care for tourists.

The sphere of tourism and recreation began to develop intensively in the 20s of the 20th century, when the region was part of the Vilna Voivodeship of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lovers of water travel and summer residents began to come from Vilno to Braslav. The influx of tourists and summer residents increased; residents of the central regions of Poland began to travel to the Braslav region. The infrastructure gradually developed. At the end of the 1930s, Braslav already had the expressive features of a tourist center. In the city and its surroundings there were recreation centers, a large number of summer camps, three marinas, sports grounds, tennis courts, a gliding club, a boarding house, regattas, holidays and exhibitions for tourists. Winter types of recreation also developed.

The tourist infrastructure of the Braslav region was destroyed during the Second World War and began to form again from the late 1950s. Since 1959, the tourist base "Braslav Lakes" has been operating. For a long time it was the main enterprise in the sphere of recreation and tourism in the Braslav region. Later, several small departmental recreation centers were built in Braslav and its surroundings. Special rest areas were allocated for unorganized tourists. In 1970, a recreation area of ​​republican significance "Braslav" was established, but it had almost no impact on the development of tourism infrastructure.

In 1995, for the purpose of rational use and protection of the most valuable natural complexes of the Braslav region, the Braslav Lakes National Park was created. Its total area is 71 thousand hectares. The national park has four recreation centers: “Drivyaty”, “Slobodka”, “Leoshki”, “Zolovo” with a total capacity of 166 people. The bases have rooms of varying degrees of comfort and provide a wider range of leisure services. The national park has enclosures with wild animals. The Department of Tourism and Environmental Education of the national park offers a variety of tours and entertainment events.

The Braslav Lakes tourist center and departmental recreation centers continue to function. Recreation in your own country houses and dachas is becoming increasingly popular (in the vicinity of some lakes, most rural estates belong to residents of Minsk and other cities), as well as in the guest rooms of local owners.

Since the time Braslav Lakes began to be used for organizing recreation and tourism, the city has received an increasing number of tourists coming here from various cities of our republic and from other regions. Tourist base "Braslav Lakes", travel and excursion bureaus, tent camps, recreation camps - these main enterprises of the recreation area are concentrated in Braslav. And the further development of the city is largely connected with the formation and improvement of a recreation area of ​​republican significance, of which it became the center.

The number of registered agro-eco-estates in the Braslav region is 271, and they are ready to accept everyone who dreams of touching the picturesque places of the Braslav region. Their unifying features are the obligatory location on the banks of reservoirs, an abundance of greenery, organic food, a high level of amenities and recreational conditions, reasonable prices, and the constant hospitality of the owners. The conditions for the development of agroecotourism are extremely favorable and therefore the demand for recreation in rural estates in the Braslav region is constantly growing.

Popular among tourists are such rural estates as “Titanic”, “At the Lake”, “Balsan”, “Krasnoseltsy”, “Privolye”, “Fairy Tale”, “Quiet”, At Ivana”, “Mateikava Saliba”, “Khutorok”, “Petukhovshchina”, “Ababiye Post Office”, “At the Edge” and many others.

The prerequisites for the development of ecotourism in the area are:

  • -favorable environmental situation,
  • -the presence of a large number of natural, historical and cultural sites and monuments in the area;
  • -favorable transit geographical location.

Ecotourism in the area is currently developing as an initiative of individual citizens or initiatives and does not have a clearly defined strategy. Over the past years, work has been carried out to determine the ecotourism potential of individual territories and objects. No comprehensive work was carried out within the district. Ecotourism in the Braslav region currently does not provide the safety required by modern concepts for the natural environment and for humans, does not contribute to the development of economic sustainability of the region, and does not involve the local population in this type of activity.

In the totality of services provided to tourists, the main place belongs to accommodation facilities.

Municipal hotel of the city, located at st. Sovetskaya, 121, can accommodate about 70 guests. The Zaezdny Dvor Hotel (Gagarina St., 18), part of the Museum of Traditional Culture, accommodates up to 14 people.

The Tourist and Health Enterprise "Braslav Lakes" (Rybkhoznaya St., 15) has two buildings for 170 and 190 people. The tent city is located on the western outskirts of Braslav in the area of ​​the Lesnichevka forest park. The private sector of the city also welcomes tourists.

There are 3 restaurants and about 10 cafes and a cinema in the city. There are banks with currency exchange offices.

In the area there is a sports base: a stadium for 1,500 seats with a complex of grounds and an athletics core, a hockey rink, a tennis court, 14 gyms, 37 adapted premises for sports purposes, 3 adapted premises for shooting from pneumatic weapons, 81 sports grounds (basketball, volleyball playgrounds, gymnastics camps, mini-football and football floors).

Physical education and sports organizations and educational institutions in the region employ 60 full-time physical education workers, 42 of them with special physical education, 18 with other education.

The State Institution “District Physical Education and Sports Club “Drivyatich” employs 17 sports coaches and methodological instructors. The work of 20 groups is organized, in which 328 people train. Branches of the district physical education and sports club “Drivyatich” are open in 11 rural settlements. Directions group work: volleyball, football, general physical training, oriental martial arts, tourism, chess. A new direction is being developed - water sports. For this purpose, a sailing group has been opened at the club.

Excursion routes have been developed throughout the region: “Journey to the Old Time” (Braslav-Slobodka-Druya-Braslav); "To Mount Mayak" (Braslav - Mount Mayak - Okmennitsa tract); walking tour "To the very heart of Braslav"; water routes: "Big Lake" (10 km), "To the Oar" (76 km), "To the Humpbacked Bridge" (30 km), "Rapidity of the Elements" (12 km), 3 walking and 3 cycling routes.

GPU "National Park "Braslav Lakes" carried out cosmetic repairs of the recreation centers "Leoshki", "Slobodka", "Zolovo". At the recreation center "Drivyaty" a major overhaul of the third building was carried out, a tourist and health complex with a swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, gym was built hall and restaurant. A pleasure boat, two buses were purchased, and advertising and information boards were installed.

In 2010, a boat station with a rental point for sports equipment was built on the city beach of Lake Drivyaty.

73 cultural institutions (28 club-type institutions, 38 libraries, a district House of Culture, a children's art school, 4 children's music schools, a research institution "Braslav Regional Association of Museums"), a municipal unitary cinema entertainment enterprise for film and video distribution "Braslav District Video Network" are engaged in organizing leisure activities for the population of the region. ". 181 club formations have been created and operate in cultural institutions, in which 1,835 people are involved, including 1,038 children and adolescents. Seven teams and three amateur associations bear the title “People’s”, three teams won the title “exemplary”.

The city of Braslav is located 40 km from the Druya ​​railway station on the Voropaevo - Druya ​​line. Transport services for the population are provided by ATP No. 18 OJSC and 6 individual entrepreneurs who service 3 city, 22 suburban and 5 intercity routes.

There are 14 roadside service facilities in the Braslav region (Appendix B).

Braslav has a bus connection with Minsk, Vitebsk, Daugavpils, Polotsk and Novopolotsk. The railway station is located in the agricultural town of Druya.

However, there are a number of problems in the state of this industry:

  • - non-compliance of many transport routes with international standards;
  • -insufficient development of roadside infrastructure at the approaches to the city;
  • -low quality of service during international transportation;
  • -lack of a network of parking lots for tourist buses in areas most frequently visited by tourists;
  • -lack of sufficient information available and understandable to tourists and citizens about public transport routes and bus and minibus schedules.

In the Braslav region, although there are a large number of recreation areas, there are no equipped campsites; not a single agrotourism complex has been created on the basis of 11 agricultural organizations. In the Braslav region, where the largest tourist flow is observed, there are only 2 hotels, the level of which does not meet modern requirements. There are only 4 hunter's houses, which is only 1% of the total number operating in the Vitebsk region, although hunting tourism is one of the priority areas of the Vitebsk region. The problem of organizing food for tourists has not been resolved. The available number of public catering facilities (49) is only 3% of the total number operating in the region.

The organization of leisure activities remains a problem due to the small number of cultural and entertainment facilities, especially in the city of Braslav.

One of the most important problems of tourism infrastructure in Braslav is the lack of a unified tourist information environment. Most tourists from foreign countries are acutely aware of the lack of signs, signboards, information boards, advertising brochures and guidebooks in English and other foreign languages. In Braslav there is no network of tourist information bureaus that promptly provide services such as providing reference information, booking hotel rooms, choosing excursions and tours, providing advertising and information products, etc. Advertising and information support and the network of tourist routes are insufficiently developed.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring safety and implementing a tourist insurance system, as well as organizing high-quality and inexpensive medical care for city guests, which should become a favorable factor for the development of tourism.

Prospects for the development of tourism services in the area are not only the development and improvement of the existing tourism product, but also the construction of new facilities, including private recreation centers.

Thus, on the territory of the Braslav region there is a fairly developed tourism infrastructure, however, such elements as accommodation facilities, catering establishments, transport network, and tourist information environment require further development and improvement.

The term "tourist infrastructure" is a Latin phrase consisting of the concepts "sh fr A" (under) and "sturtura" (structure, location), went through a long development path at the beginning of the 20th century. Infrastructure was understood as a complex of structures that supported the operations of the armed forces - warehouses, military bases, training grounds, etc. In the 40s, the concept "infrastructure" began to be used for a group of industries that ensure the functioning of industrial and agricultural production. S. Yurchenko points out that this term has been widely used in economic literature since the 50s. Infrastructure has come to be understood as a set of industries and activities that serve both the production and non-production spheres of the economy. According to the same opinion. S. Sinko and. M. Skrynko, infrastructure as a component of the economy is a set of subjects and specific objects of extragaloreconomic purposes accumulated in a certain territory, satisfying the material, spiritual and social needs of a person through the provision of a range of services in order to create general conditions for the effective functioning of the process of social reproduction and normal life activity human life of people 45.

In the further development of the concept of “infrastructure,” scientists are paying more and more attention to its division into spheres of human activity: into production infrastructure, necessary for the production process itself, and into social infrastructure (health care, education, culture, consumer services, etc.), providing full life of the population at the local or regional levels. Moreover, the infrastructure is defined as a complex of industries and areas of activity that create general conditions for the functioning of other industrial areas.

Tourist infrastructure in our understanding is a set of enterprises, institutions and establishments whose activities are aimed at meeting the needs of people involved in health or recreation, as well as communications and transport and tourist accommodation facilities that provide conditions for stable functioning. We consider it an integral system, consisting of two subsystems: social and production, which are interconnected and interdependent with respect to the serving entity. In turn, infrastructure to a certain extent shapes tourist regions, contributes to tourism specialization and professional management illustrations, because thanks to the presence of infrastructural connections between individual objects, they determine the quality of service in a particular territory.

infrastructure of a separate territorial-tourist combination researchers. M. Rutinsky and. O. Stetsyuk is considered in this combination of services 46:

On the movement of tourists (both within the region visited and in transit through its territory) by various modes of transport;

Gastronomic (providing tourists with food);

Excursion services (services of guides, translators, accompanying groups);

To satisfy educational, entertaining and everyday interests;

Trading enterprises;

Legal, banking and insurance institutions;

Control and administrative authorities (border, customs, police services, OVIR, etc.)

The development of social infrastructure must meet high standards of service, because a tourist, remote from his permanent place of residence and maximally freed from everyday worries, requires effective service in his free time. An important place here belongs to tourist accommodation establishments, catering, and consumer services. They are the ones who can create quality parameters for a person’s personal consumption while relaxing.

System Catering is formed by restaurants of various classes, bars, cafes and canteens, fast food outlets and self-service. The nutritional structure includes; breakfast, half board, full board n. If the boarding house covers three meals a day, then half board means two meals a day during the tour day.

Tourists view food not only as a physiological need, but as pleasure, a way of learning about the culture and traditions of the people in the host country. After all, national cuisine is a kind of calling card of the people. For example, Hungarian cuisine, characterized by very spicy dishes, is somewhat reminiscent of the inflammatory nature of this people.

When purchasing a tour, you need to know that many nations have restrictions or even bans on certain dishes. Thus, Christians observe fasts that limit the use of meat dishes, and Muslims do not eat pigs.

Public catering, based on subordination, is divided into chain-linked enterprises and enterprises that operate autonomously 47 . Among existing restaurant chains

(of course, the United States is the leader here), restaurant chains whose main products are hamburgers and pizza are especially growing. Of all restaurant chains, more than 2/5 are sandwiches. According to the existing classification, the category of sandwiches includes: hamburgers at McDonald's restaurants, French sandwiches at Subway and Tex/Mex - Taco Ben 48 .

In recent years, restaurants and cafeterias in large shopping centers have been developing especially rapidly, which can also operate in popular tourist centers. It is desirable that catering establishments work with a permanent contingent located in tourist hotels, boarding houses, sanatoriums, and with a variable contingent (city restaurants, cafeterias, etc.).

Based on the type of service, food establishments are divided into those where self-service is organized and those where waiters serve. According to the form of ownership, they can be private or rented (Fig. 46.6) 40.

. Rice 46. ​​Catering classification

An important place in the provision of services is occupied by tourist accommodation facilities . To the main ones establishments include hotels and similar establishments, commercial and social accommodation establishments and specialized accommodation establishments (Figure 47) 50.

Tourist accommodation establishments are any facilities where tourists are offered a place to stay overnight. In fact, tourist accommodation is considered the most important segment of tourism. After all, the comfort of such facilities affects the quality of service. The main tourist accommodation establishments are hotels, motels, camp sites, and all others are additional. Hotels are the most common type of accommodation for tourists; flows directly depend on their level of development and the quality of services they provide. The quality of accommodation and service depends primarily on the service personnel, as well as the material and technical base and the services offered to them.

Unfortunately, there is still no single criterion for classifying hotels; a common system for such classification is the number of stars from one star to five used in hotels. France,. Austria,. Hungary, Egypt Petit. China, Ukraine,. Russia and other countries. Letter system (AA, B 9 C, D) used in. Greece, the system of "crowns" or "keys" - c. Great Britain. Point system (from 100 points - the category of one star and up to 290 points, which corresponds to five stars and other classification systems). Yes, the hotel association. The Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway) are also built according to the principles of the stars, but the class of the hotel is determined not by the stars, but by the suns and so on. The United States, unlike other countries, does not use an officially approved hotel classification. Americans believe that the expansion of hotel chains with appropriate systems is a guarantee of quality and a guarantee of cost 51 .

By size, hotels are divided into four categories: up to 150 rooms, from 150 to 299, from 300 to 600, from 600 or more rooms. In terms of room rates, there are budget ($25-30), economic ($35-55), midday ($55-95), first-class ($95-195), as well as apartment ($65-125) and luxury ($125-145).

In addition to collective accommodation facilities, which include hotels and similar establishments, as well as specialized institutions, individual accommodation facilities may also be offered on tourist routes - apartments, cottages, mansions, where a tourist can stay on a rental basis or even for free (with relatives.

The hotel business is an independent economic phenomenon. It has occupied its rightful place in the development of tourism since the 90s of the 19th century, when hotels began to be built to accommodate vacationers. At first, like the holiday itself, they were seasonal. But when transport began to develop, the standard of living became higher, and resort and tourist places became year-round, hotels also began to operate permanently. This. Zuma had certain difficulties in filling such facilities, so the administrations began to use their premises for conferences, conventions, various meetings, etc. For the convenience of the hotel business, st. Oren hotel chains are integrated chains of homogeneous hotels and hotel consortiums uniting independent hotels. Integrated hotel chains sell homogeneous services. All hotel chains bear the corresponding names and signs of all integrated chains. USA, and in. Europe - in. France France.

In modern conditions, thanks to the use of telecommunication technologies and electronics, computer reservation systems have been created. Qualitative changes have occurred in the system of purchasing tourism products: the consumer can create a tour package himself, book tickets and a hotel room, and travel with a personally compiled itinerary.

If the catering facility and tourist accommodation are direct participants in serving tourists and are located on the territory of tourist centers consumer services tends more towards the permanent population. This can create certain difficulties in everyday life for those who are on vacation. Therefore, in places where they are concentrated, it is necessary to practice opening reception centers for consumer services with a full range of aftercare services.

In the production infrastructure, a significant segment is considered to be the transport system, formed from the road network, vehicles, and devices. The road transport network in tourist regions is predominantly complex, because there are multi-purpose connections - production, labor, tourism, created on the basis of railway, road, water, and air roads.

An important component of tourism infrastructure is railway transport convenient for transporting any categories of tourists, from single tourists to specially organized tourist and excursion trains of local and long-distance traffic. Iron City has been involved in the development of tourism and the formation of tourist passenger flows for more than a century and a half.

The history of the formation of the railway network in countries around the world is closely connected with economic, military and strategic needs. So, laying a railway in. The United States had not only an economic goal, but also a military-strategic goal - to develop the lands of the so-called. Wild. West. By the middle of the 19th century, the construction of railways began in almost all countries. Europe and in. USA. In Asia,. Africa. In Australia it began in the second half of the 19th century. If the first railway in. England was laid in 1825, then in Ukraine - in 1861 (Przemysl - Lviv). The length of the world's railways in 1913 reached 1 million km. During the global crisis of the 1930s, the growth of the railway network slowed down, and in many developed countries, mostly old lines were even closed and dismantled. Nowadays, there is a tendency to reduce the length of railways. If in the 50s of the 20th century in the world it was 1320 thousand km, then in the mid-90s it was 1180 thousand km - 1180 thousand. km.

At the present stage, railways operate in more than 140 countries around the world. The largest of them are... Trans-Siberian (Moscow - Vladivostok) - 9332 km. Transasian (Istanbul - Tehran - Delhi - Dhaka - Sittachong) - 7 thousand km along the route; Trans-Canada (Prince - Edmonton - Quebec) - 4.9 thousand km; trans-American (Sao Paulo - La Paz - Antofagasta) - more than 3 thousand km and in.

The density of the railway network, which is measured by the number of kilometers of railway track per 100 km 2 of territory, is the highest in developed countries. In Germany, for example, it is almost 11 km/100 km 2. Japan - more than 7 km/100 km 2. USA - 1.7 km/100 km 2, and in. In Africa, there is 1 km of railway track per 300 km 2. Asia - on 200 km of land surface. In Ukraine, the density of the railway network reaches 3.8 km/100 km 2 . B2. Further development of railway transport in order to enhance its importance in the formation of tourist passage flows should develop in the following directions 53:

Laying high-speed highways;

Increasing the comfort of the carriage to the hotel level;

Organization of special tourist trains on railway transport

Introduction. Super-fast trains with increased comfort are an extremely necessary measure in order to be able to withstand the competition for the modern demanding tourist traveler. The first such train, the ham xansen (ball train), was built in. Japan (1964). The average speed of its movement reached 210 km/h. In Europe, trains, which were successfully used for tourist transportation, were introduced somewhat later in Vaud. France trains with a speed of 200-300 km/h and increased comfort operate between. Paris and Marcel. Paris and Leon. Paris and Kannami et al. "Eigiviat" 50 km tunnel under. The English Channel is a high-speed highway connecting. Paris s. London in 3 hours. Rail travel is traditionally the most popular among the Germans, British, and Swiss

In recent years, Americans have also become somewhat more interested in rail tourism. Here the most popular routes are: "Trans-Canada" (a ten-day trip from Vancouver to Montreal via Winnipeg and Ottawa), T. Trans-America (12 days from Washington to Los Angeles via Charleston, New Orleans, El Paso, etc.), Trans-Atlantic (from Managua to the southern edge of the South American edge of Western America).

For tourist transportation, special express trains are used. Australia that connect. Sydney s. Perth. There are railway routes in. India,. Indonesia, even in. Africa, laid from. Pretoria in. Cape Town on. This exotic route allows you to get acquainted with all African natural areas.

In Ukraine, they also organize train tours: one-day “snow trains”, “mushroom trains”. Carpathians, short-term (2-3 days) - mainly for excursion and tourist trips of schoolchildren "East - West", "West - East" Multi-day tours are organized much less often (from 5 days, there are rich tourist trips (from 5 days).

At short distances, as well as on excursion routes, road transport seriously competes with rail transport. The role of vehicles transporting tourists without routes, but goods taken away by roads, is very significant. It is especially convenient for transporting tourists over short distances. True, as a result of the construction of modern roads - autobahns - the radius of profitability of transporting tourists is constantly increasing and can reach more than 1 thousand km.

Road transport gained particular popularity among tourists around the world during the period between the two world wars. This was facilitated not only by an increase in the number of cars, but also by the opening of a network of gas stations, repair work, and organized parking. We carried out the reconstruction of old roads and the construction of new ones. In 1937, there were 40 million cars in the world. Over the past 70 years, their number has increased almost 20 times. The length of roads reached approx. 30 million km, and the length of highways specially built for high-speed communication is also constantly growing. For example, in. In the USA, with a total length of highways of 6370 thousand km, highways account for 73.1 thousand km. Japan according to - 1153 and 53.3 thousand km of highways. France - 974.0, including highways - 7.9 thousand km. Germany-656.0, including 11.1 thousand km of motorways. Poland - 377 thousand km, highways 0.24 thousand km. Czech Republic - 128, including 0.39 thousand km of highways. In Ukraine, improved roads amount to over 160 thousand kponad 160 thousand. km 54.

Developing countries (Africa, Central and South America, most countries in Asia) lag significantly behind developed countries in terms of the length of paved roads, but road transport dominates here, which is successfully used to transport tourists over short distances. The greatest obstacle to the further use of road transport, including over long distances, is the insufficient number of modern roads and the high cost of their construction. True, in recent years, developing countries have paid special attention to the construction of international highways (autobahns). So, in. America is being built. The Pan-American Road that will connect. Canada, countries. Central. America s. Argentina and Chile. They are building intensively. Trans-Amazon communication route. Brazil. Peru,. Colombia. Venes Ueli and other regions.

V. Azy has a developed road system connecting. India s. Turkey and European countries. In Africa, an asphalt road was laid through the desert. Sugar that connects. Algeria with countries. Gulf of Guinea 55.

A promising project for the construction of a planned highway. Lisbon -. Kyiv with a branch in. Kharkov and. Moscow, and then - through. Kazakhstan,. Mongolia before. China. Important for transporting tourists to half the day will be the meridian roads that connect the northern countries with the coast. Mediterranean and Black Sea.

. Bus tourism particularly international, is relatively young. It was founded in the 70s of the XX century. After increased competition between railway and bus companies, an association of bus carriers was created - -. Council "Euroline" lines ("Eurolines "), which united 33 European countries. After the signing of the Schengen agreement, the average annual growth in bus traffic was 1.5% bv. International weekend tours to cities in Europe have become especially popular. Bus tours continue throughout the year, since its development is less influenced by climatic conditions

Bus transportation is carried out on the own buses of travel companies, as well as on rented buses from independent transport companies.

Traveling using personal transport has become popular these days, especially on weekends or holidays. These are usually educational trips to historical and cultural monuments or recreational and recreational trips (outings into nature, to organized recreation areas).

Car rental is very popular, in particular in cultural and health centers where car rental offices operate. Car rental may even be included in the package

Experts consider water transport to be one of the cheapest ways to transport tourist passengers, which is carried out using steamships, ferries, and boats. The repair cruise ship is very popular among tourists, the demand for which is constantly growing. Around the world, cruise companies operate hundreds of passenger ships. The main technical trend in recent years is an increase in the size of ships to 2 thousand or more for azhiriv-cruisers.

The largest passenger liner in the world, the American Oasis of the Seas, can accommodate 2,160 crew members and 6,630 passengers on 16 decks 57 .

The geography of passenger transportation by sea is determined not by the network of routes, as is typical for road and rail transport, but by the location of ports and sea channels involved in cruise routes. The most important channels in the world are. Suez (161 km long). Panama (82 km) and. Kielsky (99 km). There are 2 thousand sea ports in the world. To the pool. The Atlantic Ocean accounts for more than 3/5 of the total number of ports; the ports of the basin also differ. Pacific Ocean

The duration of cruise trips varies: from 7 to 14 days or more. Experts believe that the most popular are single-model cruises (about 40% of all cruises). Generally recognized cruise routes for summer navigation. Europe is considered. Mediterranean and fjord cruises. Norwegian Sea, and in winter -. Caribbean Sea with a visit to the ocean. The winter programs offered by tour operators include the following routes: Japan -. South-Eastern. Asia;. Australia -. New. Zealand. The cruise business on ultra-modern ships has every opportunity for further development.

The popularity of air transport is growing. Thanks to it, travel times are reduced, short-term tours over long distances are growing

There are now more than 1,300 airlines in the world. On average, 150,000,000 people are transported on air flights every year. More than 1 thousand airports are involved in servicing international air services; 58 American airlines are considered popular among international tourist passengers." Delta Airlines","Pan American","United" French "Air France", German "Lufthansa", British "British Airways", etc.

The international transportation network covers all tourist macro-regions and sub-regions of the world and more than 150 countries.

Regulate air travel. International aviation organizations are the most authoritative of the world's air transport structures. International Civil Aviation Organization (/CAO), which unites 183 states. Famous and akazh. International Air Transport Association (IATA) . Travel agencies participate in international aviation organizations through a special branch. The International Organization of Airline Agents, as well as through the International Organization of Civil Aviation.

Forms of interaction between travel companies and airlines occur through 59:

Reservation of seats and purchase of air tickets through airline agencies;

Reservation of seats and purchase of air tickets through reservation systems;

Agreements with airlines for a quota of seats on regular airlines;

Concluding agency agreements and operating an agency to sell air tickets for its tourists;

Organization of charter flights for tourist transportation

Having completed all stages of the contract with airlines, the travel agent must choose the most profitable contract for tourist transportation

The demand for air transport especially increased after the introduction of jet engines in the 50s of the XX century. Thanks to this, Europeans and Americans can relax in the most regions of the world, in particular in tourist centers. Caribbean. Mediterranean, on the islands. Quiet. Indian Oceans, c. South-Eastern. Asia,. Australia and other regions.

In aviation transport, the use of wide-body aircraft, which specialize in international charter flights and are considered the technological basis of modern tourism, is growing rapidly. In the rest. Anna years, due to the need to save fuel and protect the environment, the popularity of short and vertical aircraft has grown, thanks to which it will be possible to successfully transport tourists on short (even on one-day routes and intracity flights) and medium distances, increasing competition between aviation and motor transportmm.

Among other infrastructural branches of tourism, the main place is occupied by souvenir production, based on the creation and popularization of artistic samples and taking into account the national characteristics of the territory, where, first of all, international tourist routes are laid.

Today, the conditions of a market economy make the issue particularly significant, which is considered as an integrated system of the entire operation of the enterprise. At the same time, the choice and development of a strategy also depends on the characteristics of both a specific enterprise and its market environment. To date, not enough attention has been paid to the specifics of developing a strategy for specific industries and markets. This constitutes the relevance of the research topic. Activities for the creation and implementation of a growth strategy at an enterprise operating in the electrical equipment market for enterprises operating in the electrical equipment market; . As well as methods of economic analysis: horizontal and vertical, structural-dynamic, trend, coefficient of the diploma project, the essence and significance of the strategy for enterprises operating in the electrical equipment market are considered. enterprises in this market. The main types of strategies for enterprises operating in the electrical equipment market are described. In the second section, the economic and balance sheet of the enterprise is carried out and the directions for improving the strategy of the enterprise under study are determined. In the third section, the strategic goals of the enterprise’s growth are formulated, a tactical growth plan is developed, and an assessment of the impact of the developed improvements is expressed in the development of electrical equipment on the Russian market, which has a positive impact. The implementation of the developed growth strategy at the enterprise will increase the number of clients compared to the present period for enterprises operating in the electrical equipment market. The essence and significance of the strategy for enterprises operating in the electrical equipment market B. The relationships that arise in the process of selling electrical equipment from manufacturers (suppliers) to wholesale and end consumers, the price balance of supply and demand are called the electrical equipment market. As shown in the figure, the production volume of electrical equipment is rubles. There is a continuous positive dynamics in the development of electrical equipment production in Russia; there is a high dependence on imports. For foreign electrical enterprises, the Russian market is highly attractive, since there is a significant need for electrical equipment, domestic production does not satisfy the existing demand, and there is a high demand for high-quality and modern electrical equipment. In view of this, foreign enterprises producing electrical equipment are acquiring shares in Russian factories, and also building new factories in the Russian Federation. Over time, the continuation of foreign enterprises is predicted. In order to gain stable market positions in a certain segment of the electrical equipment market, operators need to pay significant attention to the correct choice of development strategy and apply tactical measures for its implementation. According to Fatkhutdinov R.A., strategy is the developed standards for the competitiveness of an enterprise and the goods it produces or the services it provides based on a study of strategic values, needs, products and markets. Defines strategy as the dominant line of behavior in the field of planning and integrated economic activity. Thus, strategy is classified as a management function - planning, and Fatkhutdinov R.A. – to control, highlighting the importance of preliminary research.O. Walker views strategy as a more complex concept that touches on a range of management and marketing issues. He defines strategy as a fundamental model of existing and planned tasks, resource allocation and the organization’s relationships with markets and competitors. The main purpose of the strategy is to effectively distribute and coordinate market resources and activities in order to fulfill the objectives of the enterprise when working with its customers (consumers). The need for strategic activity of an enterprise operating in the electrical equipment market is caused by the following facts: its success depends on from behavior in the external environment; in conditions of increasing competition, the presence of a strategic plan allows; the presence of a strategy allows you to correctly respond to uncertainties and risks of the external environment; situational approaches contained in the strategy increase If the tactical development plan of an enterprise operating in the electrical equipment market is aimed at planning certain areas of activity, then when developing a strategy, a choice is made of new or existing areas that should be developed, and decisions are made to eliminate specific products or areas of activity. The implementation of the developed strategy is as important a component of the enterprise’s activities as its development itself.

Tourism infrastructure is of particular importance in the production of tourism services. Let's take a closer look at its composition and functions.
The classic triad of tourism is considered to be: transport - shelter - entertainment. The organization of services in these areas remains the main activity of tourism organizations.
Directly, tourism organizations produce mainly information services (excursion, advertising, etc.) The remaining services included in the tourism product are produced by tourism infrastructure enterprises. According to the definition adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, tourism infrastructure is “a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering facilities, educational, business, recreational, sports and other purposes, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as organizations providing excursion services and guide-translator services.”
Thus, tourism infrastructure is a group of industries that provide a passive tourism balance. Its presence, as a rule, indicates the level of development of national industry and a high level of income per capita.
With the development of tourism, a new, very dynamic form of consumer demand arises, which is associated with the movement of the consumer from his place of permanent residence. This demand concerns a whole range of goods and services. Satisfying any demand requires the production of appropriate products. From an economic point of view, tourism creates a new form of consumption and determines the emergence of a corresponding sphere of economic activity. The tourism industry consists of mutually complementary sectors that can satisfy the demand of tourists only in combination.
Enterprises engaged in the production of tourism services and goods are considered as a separate sector of the economy. The tourism infrastructure has its own resources: natural, recreational, production assets, service enterprises, personnel, as well as connections with other sectors of the economy. Tourism infrastructure is currently characterized by the highest growth rates among industrial and economic intersectoral complexes.
In 1950, the number of tourists worldwide amounted to 25 million people, and the turnover of tourism infrastructure enterprises amounted to 2.1 billion US dollars; in 1990, these figures amounted to 363 million people and 150 billion US dollars, respectively; in 1999, these figures increased by one and a half times. International tourism today accounts for 6-7% of international trade turnover. Now the turnover of tourism infrastructure enterprises is equal to the size of Japan's gross national product and amounts to over 3 trillion US dollars. In the historically short period since the end of the Second World War, tourism infrastructure has become one of the largest sectors of the world economy. This happened as a result of the influence of a number of factors: growth in income of the population, in particular, that part that can be used in addition to meeting the needs of basic necessities and to satisfy recreational needs; growing urbanization and deteriorating environmental situation in cities; growth of free time; development of transport means; increasing the share of international trade in the economic complex; development of the international division of labor.
The material basis of international tourism is an important element of international economic relations. It creates the necessary conditions for business and professional contacts, the steady expansion of which is due to the objective process of integration processes of the world community. By providing accommodation, food, recreation, information and transport services for representatives of the business and scientific community, tourism infrastructure contributes to the normal functioning of the mechanisms of international economic, scientific and technical cooperation of developed countries.
Along with satisfying the recreational needs of the population and ensuring the influx of foreign currency into the country from serving foreign visitors, tourism infrastructure often acts as a catalyst for the economic development of economically less developed areas. The enterprises included in it make it possible to bring into economic circulation natural resources and man-made objects that are unsuitable for use by other industries. In addition, tourism infrastructure expands the scope of employment, affects economic development and helps improve the living conditions of the local population.
The material basis of tourism in a broad sense is formed by a complex set of industries, sub-sectors and activities of material production and socio-cultural services and tourism, which either directly satisfy the various needs of tourists or create the necessary conditions for this. Of all its constituent enterprises, only a relatively small part specializes in the production of goods and services intended exclusively for the personal consumption of tourists, while most of them also satisfy the needs of the local population and indirectly contribute to the growth of tourist consumption. Thus, to satisfy the diverse needs of tourists, goods and services of a large number of enterprises and industries that are not technologically interconnected are needed. Some serve mainly tourists, others serve tourists and the local population, and others ensure the functioning of the first and second. The mixed functions of these enterprises make their clear, formal organization within a single sector of the economy impossible. In general, enterprises can be divided approximately into “tourist” and “non-tourist”, which allows only to relatively establish the boundaries of the industry, and hence the determination of tourism infrastructure income is much more difficult, and the diversification of income makes it difficult to accurately calculate tourism receipts.
Here is a list of enterprises that contribute to the production of the tourism product (Table 16).

This is not a complete list, since the tourism infrastructure is indirectly formed by enterprises of sea, river, aviation, urban transport, road and city utilities, communications, trade, etc.

The article reveals the features of the development of tourism infrastructure in industrial areas and its potential resources. The components of tourism infrastructure, factors of its development and its impact on the development of industrial tourism are identified and analyzed.

Keywords: tourism infrastructure, industrial territory, industrial tourism.

Formulation of the problem. Tourism is an important component of the economy of many countries, which provides employment to the local population, occupancy of hotels, restaurants, entertainment events, etc. The internal economic nature of tourism provides that the tourist must certainly leave his money in the visited state in exchange for services provided directly on its territory. Tourism is based on the use of local tourism resources, and in return, enterprises or the government must receive income.

In this regard, all tourism enterprises are facing new problems. Among them we can highlight the need to increase the level of comfort, develop new unique destinations, conquer new tourist markets, etc.

One of the main directions for resolving these issues is the development of tourism infrastructure. But its creation requires increased attention from both infrastructure enterprises and the state.

Purpose of the article– study of the features of the development of tourism infrastructure in industrial areas.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Various foreign and domestic authors pay attention to the development of tourism infrastructure in various territories, including industrial ones, in their works: V.F. Danilchuk, V.S. Patsyuk, A.D. Chudnovsky, O.E. Afanasyev, M.A. Zhukova, V.F. Builenko, I.V. Zorin, V.I. Kurilova, A.N. Cherednichenko, D.V. Vizgalov, Yu.G. Tyutyunnik.

So, for example, V.F. Danilchuk notes that the infrastructure of the tourist base in Ukraine does not yet correspond to the modern world level, although in recent years there have been trends towards the creation of modern high-class hotels, buildings and rooms at recreation centers.

V.M. Ivanova writes that tourism infrastructure should be understood not only as social services of tourism itself, but also as a complex of structures, engineering and communication networks, including telecommunications, roads, enterprises related to the tourism industry, ensuring normal access of tourists to tourist resources and their proper use for tourism purposes, ensuring the livelihoods of tourism industry enterprises and tourists themselves.

Presentation of the main material. The tourism industry is an interconnected system of enterprises and entrepreneurs that provide tourists with all the tourist services, works and goods necessary for consumption and sufficient for the implementation of the tourism process itself. The rapid development of mass tourism in the world caused an equal development of the tourism industry and related sectors of the economy, science and culture, and the education system. Based on these premises, the tourism industry is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering facilities, entertainment facilities and means, educational, medical, health, sports, religious, religious, business and other purposes; organizations that carry out tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as provide tourist and excursion services.

At this stage of development, regardless of the political system of the country or the territory of the tourist center, there are several different types of enterprises engaged in tourism activities in the field of tourism, namely tourism organizers (tour operators and travel agencies), carriers, hotels and other enterprises of the accommodation system, public food, entertainment, etc. Additional enterprises in the tourism sector include enterprises in the banking services sector, insurance, information, etc. Special types of tourism may involve medical, educational, sports and other institutions whose activities are adequate to the goals of a specific tourism product. It is important that all these organizations harmoniously complement each other and provide all the services necessary for the consumer and sufficient in terms of quantitative, qualitative and assortment indicators. The combination of the listed enterprises into complexes forms the tourism infrastructure.

At the moment, the concept of “tourist infrastructure” has many definitions (Table 1).

Table 1

Definitions of the term “tourist infrastructure”

Essence of the term Author
A set of objects that provide recreation and entertainment for tourists, due to the development of tourism M.A. Zhukova
A necessary condition for the development of recreational resources and the development of the tourism industry. The peculiarity of tourism infrastructure is that it serves tourists and the local population, therefore its development contributes to the tourist development of the territory, improves the living conditions of the population of the area, and also creates a large number of jobs V.F. Builenko
A complex of interconnected service structures or objects that constitute and/or provide the basis for the functioning of the system I.V. Zorin
A set of industries, enterprises and organizations included in these industries, aimed at creating conditions for the normal functioning of the production and circulation of goods, as well as the life of people IN AND. Kurilova

The main element of any tourism infrastructure is its resources - a set of natural and man-made objects that have comfortable features and are suitable for creating tourism infrastructure. These resources can be divided into 3 groups:

1) recreational;
2) cognitive and cultural – represent the historical and cultural past of the country;
3) modern - demonstrate the modern heritage of the country.

The development of infrastructure and the interconnections of its elements is a key component of any place of tourist arrival (destination) (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Relationships and interaction of infrastructure and tourism resources

After analyzing Fig. 1, we can say that the tourism sector as a whole consists of interconnected elements that form it. Thus, the presence of certain tourism resources predetermines the development of tourism infrastructure and its links. Developed infrastructure, together with tourist resources, creates a certain tourist zone, which is called a tourist destination. And tourism in general is formed by numerous destinations.

Currently, there are a significant number of types and forms of tourism activities. Among them, industrial tourism is a fairly new type, but every year it is gaining more and more recognition. This is due to the fact that it is educational, educational and research in nature. Industrial tourism is the organization of regular tourist tours to existing (or once operating) industrial enterprises. Basically, these enterprises are concentrated in industrial areas and have a certain infrastructure for tourists. An industrial territory is generally considered as a land space with certain boundaries on which an industrial complex is located, which includes enterprises of large industrial production, the share of which in the gross domestic product of the territory and the structure of employees is more than half of all economic entities.

The development of tourism infrastructure in industrial areas has a special character. When assessing the resource capabilities of tourism infrastructure in any territory, including industrial ones, it is necessary to take into account several groups of factors (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Groups of factors for the development of tourism infrastructure

It follows from the figure that for the formation of any tourism infrastructure, including in an industrial area, the presence of three groups of factors is necessary. First combines natural and socio-economic resources. These are natural and anthropogenic resources, territories of tourist destinations and their characteristics, existing socio-economic and economic ties. Co. second group refers to the economic capacity of the industrial market of the destination, which includes the volume of public needs of the destination economy and the volume of market demand of the local population and tourists. Third group factors is the financial potential of tourism infrastructure. Here we can distinguish two groups of resources – external and internal. TO external include subsidies, subventions, transfers, funds generated in connection with preferential taxation of business entities, funds from various interregional programs, funds from international financing of tourism programs of the region and its subjects, funds from external investors. Domestic financial infrastructure resources include depreciation, local taxes, property and profits of self-regulatory organizations established by government authorities, inventories, monetary funds, and resources of insurance organizations.

In order for an industrial territory to become a tourist destination, it is necessary to have: tourism resources and tourism infrastructure. In turn, the infrastructure includes:

Places of accommodation, food, entertainment and a highly developed transport system;
- attractions of interest to tourists (the presence of an attractiveness factor is one of the main requirements of competition between destinations, therefore, there must be a certain “zest” to attract tourists to the territory of the destination);
- information (for example, global information systems “Amadeus”, “Galileo”, “Worldspan”, “Sabre”) and communication systems, as this is a necessary tool for informing the tourism market.

A striking example of the development of tourism infrastructure in an industrial area in Ukraine is the Donetsk region. It ranks second in the country in terms of the number of tourist sites, therefore it has significant opportunities for the development of industrial tourism.

The natural reserve fund of the Donetsk region makes up about 3% of its territory. In the region there are four regional landscape parks, a national natural park, the Ukrainian Steppe Reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the botanical garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. More than 200 protected plant species grow on its territory. In the region there are 38 natural monuments, 13 protected areas, 1 park-monument of landscape gardening art. Svyatogorsk alone contains 129 archaeological monuments and 73 historical monuments telling about the cultural heritage of past times. The region is developing the infrastructure of health institutions (463), tourism enterprises (142, of which 40% are tour operators), and hotels. Today there are 71 hotels operating, which in total makes it possible to accommodate more than 5 thousand tourists. However, hotel occupancy rates today remain low – 20%.

In terms of service and the quality of services provided, one can note an increase in requirements for personnel and an improvement in quality. Therefore, now Donbass can receive guests at the proper level.

In addition to getting acquainted with historical monuments, visiting the botanical garden, relaxing in Svyatogorye and on the Sea of ​​Azov, the Donetsk region can offer tourists a visit to industrial facilities located on its territory. Many tourists may be interested in how heavy industry works, since not every country in the world has such deep coal mines, as well as metallurgical plants where ladle furnaces and blast furnaces operate. Recently, residents of other regions of Ukraine and foreigners have been interested in excursions to Donbass enterprises, in particular to the Artemovsk sparkling wine factory, and want to go down into a real mine.

From the above it follows that the Donetsk region is a striking example of how an industrial territory can become a tourist center due to the availability of tourism resources and developed tourism infrastructure.

Conclusions. Thus, tourism resources and tourism infrastructure are important components due to which the development of tourism activities in the industrial area occurs. With scientifically based consideration of the conditions of the industrial region, as well as the factors of development of the tourism structure and the characteristics of individual regions of the region, the prerequisites are created for the transformation of the Donetsk region into a leading center of industrial tourism, which will affect the development of tourism in Ukraine as a whole.

The results of the analysis indicate that the development of tourism infrastructure in industrial areas is a special process that requires the development of both scientific and methodological approaches to its organization, and practical recommendations for their implementation.

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The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of tourism infrastructure in industrial areas and potential resources. The warehouse tourism infrastructure, the factors of its development and its contribution to the development of industrial tourism have been identified and analyzed.

Key words: tourism infrastructure, industrial territory, industrial tourism.

The features of development of tourist infrastructure on industrial territories and its potential resources are exposed in the article. Certainly and the constituents of tourist infrastructure, factors of its development and its influence, are analyzed on the development of industrial tourism.

Keywords: tourist infrastructure, industrial territory, industrial tourism.