Binh Chau thermal springs near Vung Tau: mud treatment and crocodile farm. Holidays in Mui Ne on the best beaches: where are they and how to get to them? Is there a nudist beach

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Binh Chau in the south of Vietnam (a place where the water is steaming, crocodiles live and you can see many giant eggs) is a health complex with mud baths and hot mineral springs, which is not empty even in January.

There is an unmistakable sign of a good vacation spot in any country; you just need to take a closer look to see if the indigenous people are vacationing at this resort. You can always meet Vietnamese vacationers in Binh Chau!

How to get there?

If you are not traveling with a tour group, you can get to the complex on your own by driving from Saigon to Vung Tau. Buses run from here, it is only 55 km, the journey will take about an hour. Another way to get there from both Vung Tau and Phan Thiet (it is located a little further from Binh Chau, 70 km) is to take a taxi (cost - as agreed, from 50 to $100 per car).

What is the resort like?

Gray basalt rocks and lush tropical flora, swimming pools, sports and children's playgrounds, restaurants. There are plenty of places to spend time in Binh Chau.

It’s better to set aside a whole day to “explore” Binh Chau - there are several hotels of different price categories, and the inexpensive rooms look decent and cozy. You can choose to live in a building with rooms or in a separate house.

Attention! Entrance to the complex is quite inexpensive - $2.

There are three swimming pools with mineral water and different temperatures - starting from +37 degrees. The hottest spring of Binh Chau is 82 degrees.

If you don’t want to swim, you can sit by the special shallow pools and warm only your feet (however, these are also excellent “paddling pools” for little ones, who happily splash around in them).

There is a beautiful white building with a pink tiled roof dedicated to massage treatments. The massage action is performed both indoors and outdoors. The sun loungers are located inside canvas “tents” that protect from the sun.

The procedure with healing mud is interesting: you do everything yourself, choosing one of the special huts covered with branches. You can relax and recuperate in complete solitude, or with your family or company, no one will disturb you.

You are given a bag of dirt and a bottle of aromatic oil. In the hut you will find a bathtub (fill it with water yourself) and a bucket for mixing the given substances. Each house has a clock to mark the time of procedures.

But the richness of the park is not limited to pools and mud. It’s nice to just walk here - very beautiful, calm and unusual. Exotic vegetation of unimaginable shapes, an abundance of gazebos for relaxation, many sculptures in the most unexpected places: you look at a shaven-headed Vietnamese guy with a blissful face sitting under a tree; if you come closer, he’s made of wood!

It is ideal to come here with children - they will be interested not only in the areas with attractions. Children are delighted by the charming area with giant sculptures of eggs - children eagerly climb into them and onto them. Interestingly, next to the huge nests there are life-size sculptures of chickens.

Well, the Vietnamese have a special attitude towards eggs - according to a well-known legend, they originated from them - that is, from a clutch laid by a mountain fairy from the sea dragon Lac Long Quan. Perhaps it is they who are embodied in the sculptor’s plan.

At the “egg” site there is a shop where you can buy a basket of eggs and boil them by lowering them on a rope in the hottest spring of Binh Chau. And then eat it - either outdoors or in a hotel!

Nearby is entertainment for children who do not like active games: clay figurines for painting. Children love the park where the figures of the animals of the Chinese zodiac Sheng Xiao “live” - a sculpture of the “master” of the year is always placed in the center there.

Who should visit the resort?

Binh Chau mineral springs will provide relief to people suffering from:

  • poor functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system, musculoskeletal diseases;
  • breathing problems;
  • chronic digestive disorders;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases and disorders of the nervous system;
  • skin diseases;
  • intoxications of the body of various origins.

It is better to stay longer, staying at one of the local hotels, and undergo a course of treatment (this is from 7 to 10 procedures) - then the effect will be much more noticeable.

IMPORTANT! If you have chronic or infectious, viral, inflammatory diseases in the acute stage, or have been diagnosed with oncology or acute heart failure, it is strictly not recommended to swim in hot springs in order to avoid a sharp deterioration of your condition.

What's the benefit? Indications for treatment in Binh Chau

In addition to the listed painful conditions, indications for visiting Binh Chau may include a general decrease in vitality and chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you managed to escape to Binh Chau for just a day, it’s okay: you can still feel the feeling of a renewed body and a surge of vitality. Thermal baths alone raise your tone, and smearing yourself with healing mud with mineral elements gives a very invigorating effect.

The mud should be allowed to dry on the skin, and these 20 minutes are a source of positive emotions, which also has a wonderful effect on the body. Any man turns into Othello, a lady into a beautiful native from adventure novels, and a company into “four little black little devils.” Traditionally, photo shoots are done in this form. Ten minutes of healthy laughter prolongs life!

Dried dirt needs to be washed off in a mineral bath, and then go for a massage so that the body is additionally warmed up and the skin is saturated with essential oils (after which you will feel as if you have shed the old one and put on completely new skin). Then experts advise going to the beach and swimming in the sea. But if you are too relaxed during the procedures and have neither the desire nor the strength to swim in the sea, it is better to abstain.

IMPORTANT! Know when to stop - do not stay in hot mineral waters for more than 15 minutes, and in a mud bath - 45 minutes, this is harmful. In order not to spoil your pleasure, try not to get sunburned before visiting Binh Chau, so that the water does not cause painful sensations. Take towels, preferably darker ones (they are not provided here) - and do not wear light-colored swimwear, the healing mud will remain on them forever.

Crocodile farm in Binh Chau

It is simply impossible to visit Binh Chau and not visit the “Lake of a Hundred Crocodiles”. It would seem that there is something to watch there - who hasn’t seen a crocodile at least on TV? This reptile cannot be called handsome. And, nevertheless, go: you definitely haven’t seen so many crocodiles at once! Those who wish are even allowed to feed them from a fishing rod while standing on the bridges.

Crocodiles meditate with their paws spread out and their mouths slightly open - the result is a smile. And if food falls from above, acrobatics begin. They climb over each other and try so hard to grab at least something that often it turns out to be the nose of a colleague who managed to grab a piece a moment earlier. A somewhat lazy showdown takes place - there is enough food for everyone here. The smaller one simply moves away, melancholy dragging his weighty tail, and the “winner” grins menacingly after him.

But this is not a zoo at all, but a completely commercial enterprise. Here it is not crocodiles that eat people - on the contrary: in the restaurant you can try dishes made from reptile meat. If visiting the farm is in your plans, save your money: you can buy a unique souvenir made of crocodile skin, they are sold in shops on the farm’s territory. And be sure to read the rules for visiting the “Lake of a Hundred Crocodiles” on the fence!

UPD. An article about holidays in Mui Ne was written a hundred years ago. Now I wouldn't be so categorical. There are also advantages: fresh seafood, low prices, beautiful nature, the sea (you can’t always swim, but it’s there!). One day I will return to Mui Ne and rewrite the post, but for now please do not be offended if the text caused negative emotions in you. Vietnam is awesome!

I’ll share my impressions, reviews, show photos and talk about what the popular resort of Phan Thiet in the south of Vietnam and its “branch” Mui Ne, which people affectionately call “Mui Ne”, actually is, a favorite hangout spot for kitesurfers and Russian package tourists.

Prices for tours to Vietnam ↓

But first, some background. Oh, it's been so long since I wrote a backstory! If you are interested in practical information, you can go directly to the desired place in the article by clicking on the link:

Was there Vietnam in my life? Probably was, since the old passport has an entry stamp on a Vietnamese visa purchased for $77 in the center of Vientiane, Laos. I'm with 70 men to travel around the country. With all my heart I wanted to travel from north to south in a month and see the authentic villages, national parks and deserted beaches that I had once read about.

Now that I love and am loved by a wonderful, adequate person, it is difficult for me to understand the motives that moved me at that period of my life. What made me abandon my planned route overnight, buy two plane tickets with my own money, and follow someone I didn’t need into noisy Mui Ne, where I didn’t want to go?

Partly the passion I wrote about earlier. But, to be completely honest, the driving force was the sudden fear of being left alone and the self-doubt that was progressing at that time. It was in this strange state that I found myself at night on the streets of Vietnamese Mui Ne. A place that did not fit into my format, and into whose format I did not fit in any way.

But the fact remains a fact. I arrived in Mui Ne, stayed there for several days, and then quickly left the resort. In the best traditions. At night.

Visiting foreign backpackers, who were mistakenly brought to Mui Ne by the finger of fate, curse and also try to quickly recover their legs, after which they heal their mental wounds with bottles of beer in Saigon, where, sitting in the evening on small blue chairs in the Pham Ngu Lao area, they tell their exciting stories about adventures in the “Russian ghetto” in the ears of those who for some reason are planning to go to Mui Ne, having read about the resort in the guidebook.

If at this moment you casually say something like “By the way, my mother tongue is Russian,” you can only hear in response a sad “I’m very sorry.” D'you wanna beer? I invite.”

It’s not that foreigners don’t like Russians, but rather they are shocked by the surroundings of Mui Ne. A person simply cannot expect to come to Vietnam and find himself in the Russian 2000s. Nowadays, you don’t really need to go to Russia to hear Alla Pugacheva and Nikolai Baskov screaming their wonderful songs all over the street.

All this is right on the main street in Mui Ne along with borscht, dumplings, sour cream and smiling Vietnamese people who try to sell you dragonfruit for $3 apiece and say that “This is deseva, madam! Autumn is early!”

To be honest, Mui Nya is one of those rare places on Earth that I don’t like and where I don’t want to return for any price. In this article I will try to talk about the resort impartially and note the main pros and cons that caught my eye.

You will say that everything was written a long time ago. Yes but not all. What they write about Mui Ne is often lies and custom-made nonsense, copied by copywriters from other copywriters who have never been to Vietnam.

The very first tab at the request of Mui Ne led me to the website of the travel agency “Rainbow”, where it says that “Phan Thiet is perfect for a family holiday with children, because there are comfortable beaches” and that Cape Mui Ne is, it turns out, an ideal place for a relaxing recreation. Sure sure. Why!

Let at least my dear readers learn the truth from me, since the Rainbow agency and others like them are not helping in this.

The secret of the popularity of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

Mui Ne was once a simple village in the south of Vietnam. Fishermen leisurely caught fish and shellfish in their small basin boats, day after day the sun rose at 5.30 am and set below the horizon at 6 pm.

Just like 1000 years ago, today the time of sunset and dawn in Vietnam is unchanged. Just like 100 years ago, the streets of the village are now filled with the intoxicating smell of fish sauce. But some things have changed and continue to change.

The wind constantly blows from the desert. In the early 2000s, the same wind brought the first kitesurfers and windsurfers to Mui Ne. Since then, the once deserted shores south of the fishing village have begun to be actively built up with hotels and concrete houses.

Just 5-7 years ago, mostly surfers and kitesurfers traveled to Mui Ne. During the day the guys rode, and in the evening they got drunk and picked up girls in several local bars. A sort of party “for our own people.” It was possible to live cheaply and have fun all winter in the company of kiter friends.

But one day, large Russian travel companies found out about Mui Ne. Monsters of the travel industry saw the potential and began selling organized tours to a godforsaken village in southern Vietnam.

The Vietnamese know how to adapt, so they quickly learned the Russian language, raised prices for housing and fruit, and turned the area around Mui Ne into the tourist capital of Vietnam, giving the growing resort the proud French name of Phan Thiet.

View of the coast from the observation deck
Fishing boats
Boats from which they catch sea creatures that tourists love so much
Beach in the morning

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet beaches

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are located 7 km from each other on the coast of the South China Sea. Tourists who have a higher travel budget settle in Phan Thiet. There are more expensive hotels and prices in cafes are higher than in Mui Ne. Those with a more modest travel budget tend to find accommodation closer to the fishing village.

These resorts smoothly flow into one another and represent a 15 km long strip of beaches along which hotels stand. From more expensive to cheaper.

There are wild beaches north of Mui Ne that can only be reached by bike. Some of them don’t even have a road and you have to drive along the sand along the sea.

Despite the fact that Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are positioned as resorts for family beach holidays, swimming there is very problematic, especially with small children.

The sea is dirty and rough. You can swim only in the morning, there are big waves at lunchtime, it’s uncomfortable to lie on the shore, because the sand blown by the wind cuts the skin unpleasantly

Why people who don’t ride go to Mui Ne is a mystery to me. There is only one explanation - tours are inexpensive, tour operators in their offices are telling lies, that’s why people go

Hotels in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

Waves on the beach
Wild beaches
Poisonous boat on the sand

Features of holidays in Mui Ne (Phan Thiet), my reviews:

  • The entire resort is located on both sides of one main street, Nguyen Dinh Chieu, which runs along the beach. All cafes, shops, hotels and guest houses are located on this street.
  • Nowhere in the world have I seen so many compatriots vacationing. Even in Turkey it is smaller. Cafes and restaurants have signs in their native language, and in the evenings the drawn-out voice of Baskov and catchy songs of Kirkorov and Pugachova can be heard from the speakers. I don’t know if it’s possible to meet a Vietnamese in Phan Thiet these days who doesn’t speak Russian.
  • If you have previously lived in Thailand and are now looking for an alternative for a long-term stay, then it is likely that Mui Ne will disappoint you. Better consider Nha Trang
  • Phan Thiet is the place for you if you are into kitesurfing and surfing. There are dozens of instructors who will help you get on the board, but the beach in Mui Ne is not the best place to learn. The strip of sand is very narrow, there are large waves in the sea, the depth begins immediately near the shore
  • There are no large supermarkets here, which you get used to in Thailand. Goods have to be purchased in small private shops at a premium
  • There are reviews on the internet about encounters with rats, but I haven’t seen any rodents. Let's believe we're extinct
  • Since there is no public transport as such, you will have to rent a motorcycle. The bikes are available with both manual and automatic transmissions. If you don’t know how to ride a bike and don’t want to, you can buy excursions at one of the many travel agencies.
  • Be sure to stash your helmets in the trunk. Our helmet was stolen from our bike right in the hotel courtyard

Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street
The ubiquitous kiters on the beach

Where to eat and buy groceries in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

  • There are more or less high-quality markets in Phan Thiet, called Coop Mart and Lotte Mart. When buying groceries, be sure to look at the expiration date!
  • If you need fresh vegetables and fruits, it is better to buy them early in the morning at the Hàm Tiến market in the center of Mui Ne. The same goes for fresh seafood. You need to come to the market to get them from 6 to 9 am
  • In the evenings, prices for fruit in small shops can be twice as high as in the market
  • Cafes change every year, service deteriorates, so check the latest information about cafes and restaurants locally, or better yet, find them on social media. network with someone who currently lives in Mui Ne and ask him

Market in Mui Ne

Sights of Phan Thiet (Mui Ne) and the surrounding area

The attractions are very limited. There are not so many of them, and they are all mostly natural. Without much effort, you can explore all the surrounding beauty in one or two days, but you will need a bike for this.

Red Creek

Marked on maps as Fairy Stream. Located in the center of the Mui Ne resort area. It is a canyon with red walls and a stream flowing through it, in the place of which there used to be a deep river. It is because of the Red Stream that the water in the sea is so muddy.

It is difficult to miss the stream, as there is a fish sauce factory near its entrance. As soon as you smell the strong smell of fish, you are there!

Cham Pasha Towers

Built in the 8th century, remains of the Cham culture.

Red Dunes

5 km from Mui Ne village. You can get there by bus or bike. It's better to go in the morning. It's very hot during the day. A taxi will cost $7. This is exactly how much it costs to rent a bike for 1 day.

Red Dunes

Red Canyon

Located on the way to the White Dunes. If you go on a tour, they will let you out to the stream for two minutes. It's better to take a bike and ride yourself

White dunes and lotus lake

The white dunes and wild beaches on the way to them are the best thing I saw in Vietnam, so I highly recommend visiting this place. You can buy an organized tour ($10 per person) or rent a bike. Of course, it's more fun on a bike. The drive is about 40 minutes one way.

White Dunes

What else to see in Mui Ne:

In the surrounding area there is Mount Taku with a statue of a reclining Buddha, the Ke Ga lighthouse, and Pitahaya plantations. Phan Thiet has several museums and an amusement park.

Mountain Dalat

If you come on vacation for a couple of weeks, I highly recommend going to Dalat for three days. This is a French city in the mountains in the center of Vietnam.

Mui Ne sells excursions to Dalat, but it’s best to just buy a bus ticket, book a hotel in Dalat for a couple of nights, rent a bike on the spot and ride around the surrounding mountains and waterfalls, cracking strawberries.

Streets of Dalat city in Vietnam
Pangur waterfall near Dalat

Prices in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

Housing prices start from 10-15$ per day for a modest room with a shower in a small guesthouse by the sea.

Prices for food in a cafe - 5-10$
Soup - 2.5-3$
Salad - from 3$
Meat and hot dishes - from 5$
Fresh — 2.5$
Coffee - 1$

Kitesurfing lessons - from 50-60$ in a day
Equipment rental – from 50$ in a day

Guest for $10 per night

Prices for excursions in Mui Ne

  • Dalat - one day 40-55$ , two-day - 110-150$ per person
  • Mount Tako - group 30$ per person
  • Group Taku-Sources Binh Chau - crocodile farm - 60$
  • White Dunes - 10$ for one

Prices for the same excursion in different agencies can vary greatly. For example, Dima Tour will offer you a trip to the Mekong Delta for $120, while Lena Tour may charge $150 for the same excursion.

In general, if you don’t want to rent a bike and ride yourself, go to agencies and ask who offers what. In addition to the standard “farm, crocodile, stream, dunes, Saigon”, you can find something really interesting and off-the-beaten-path.

How to get to Mui Ne?

The nearest airport is located in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

From the center of Ho Chi Minh City it takes 5-7 hours to travel by bus to Mui Ne. The ticket costs 7-10$ , but to take the bus, you must first come from Saigon airport to the city center at Phan Ngu Lao, find a ticket office and buy a bus ticket there, or you can look at the schedule in advance and buy a bus ticket on the Internet.

You can use the search form below. When the list of tickets opens, you can change the currency (rubles, Vietnamese dong, dollars) in the upper right corner. This is a local Asian search engine that shows all available options - from expensive to cheapest ↓↓

Bus from Saigon to Mui Ne

Is it worth going on holiday to Mui Ne?

Thus, if you, like me, prefer not very touristy places to live or relax and in each country you are looking primarily for local flavor, then a holiday in Mui Ne is definitely not for you. Better consider Nha Trang as an alternative.

Firstly, you don’t need to travel that far to eat seafood and chat with your compatriots. Secondly, if you need a quality beach holiday, then the Phan Thiet coast cannot boast of paradise beaches. The sea is dirty, waves.

If, like the famous baby mammoth, you are not afraid of waves, wind, rats, drunk kitesurfers (or maybe you are a drunk kite surfer yourself), then congratulations. Mui Na is right for you! But you already know this without me and most likely you will not read this article.

If you visited those places several years ago, do not rush to argue with me and say how cool it is there. Since then the resort has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate.

Have an unforgettable holiday in Vietnam! Sincerely,

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    Mui Ne (in Vietnamese the name is written as Mũi Né)- a small resort village in the south of Vietnam, not far from the city. You can get to it from Ho Chi Minh City and. Phan Thiet is a larger city where, in addition to, you can visit entertainment venues and attractions.

    The resort area of ​​Phan Thiet and Mui Ne is called 17-kilometer strip of beach between these settlements.

    Climatic conditions

    This area of ​​Vietnam has a tropical climate. There are two distinct seasons; dry season (from to June) and rainy season (from to ). Most days are sunny.

    Air and water temperature:

    • Winter temperatures are about 27 °C during the day and 25 °C at night. For walking, light T-shirts and shorts are sufficient; only in the evening you can wear jeans.
    • and - the hottest months of the year. Daytime temperature is 33–34 °C, night temperature is 28 °C.
    • The average annual daytime air temperature is from 30 to 33 °C.
    • The sea warms up to 28 °C in summer, but in the winter months it is not cold - 24–25 °C.

    Mui Ne, due to its location on the cape, Phan Thiet and the coast as a whole are characterized by strong winds from the end of October to the end, so the place is popular with kite surfers. By April the sea becomes calmer and suitable for swimming. But, despite the winds, the weather here is very comfortable for relaxation at any time.

    During the rainy season, which starts in June and lasts until October, the rains are short and the relative humidity is low compared to, for example, Thailand - 79%. But at this time there is a lot of greenery and flowers, the air is not dusty, and there are more birds and butterflies.


    Mui Ne is located on a cape bearing the same name. Previously, it was a little-known fishing village, which, thanks to the development of tourism in the last fifteen years, has turned into one of the most popular resort villages with a developed tourist infrastructure and a strip of beaches about 17 kilometers long.

    Interesting! Phan Thiet is the administrative center of Binh Thuan Province.

    The beaches in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, near which most hotels are located, attract a lot of tourists, including from Russia. They are characterized by their great length, natural diversity, and the presence of sun loungers and umbrellas on most beaches. All beaches are easily accessible by public transport from Phan Thiet.

    Reference! The staff of many hotels in this place speak Russian.

    Each beach has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and every tourist vacationing in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet will be able to find a place to relax and swim to suit his taste.


    Another name for this beach is Mui Ne Beach, it is located in the center of the village.

    Has a well-developed infrastructure:

    • coastal cafes and restaurants, bars,
    • travel agencies,
    • massage parlors,
    • motorbike and bicycle rental points,
    • ATMs.

    Mui Ne Beach is located next to the bus road. When the wind blows strongly, the waves on the beach are high. For swimmers, this factor will most likely be a disadvantage, excluding extreme sports enthusiasts, but it will attract kite and windsurfers. Waves are more frequent on the western part Central beach of Mui Ne.

    The eastern part is calmer, but also narrower: at high tide the sea leaves too small a strip of sand for sunbathing. The water on Central Beach is not very clear due to strong waves. There are a lot of hotels of different price categories near the beach.

    Bai Rang

    Beach length - 7 km, it is located in the center of Mui Ne village. It borders Mui Ne Beach, sometimes they are combined into one beach. It has golden sand and the best conditions for windsurfing and kitesurfing, as strong winds are frequent.

    Note! There are schools where instructors teach boarding and water skiing, and also provide equipment for rental.

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    The place for swimming is not the best due to the choppy sea, and windsurfers pose a danger to tourists lying on the sand. There are hotels on the beach:

    Sea Links Beach Hotel

    Sunny Beach Resort & Spa Hotel

    At the Ocean Vista Hotel

    This private beautiful beach is located 200 meters from the hotel, you need to cross the road at the crossing. On the border with Bai Rang Beach there are breakwaters that form a calm bay. Along the beach there is a picturesque promenade where local food and ice cream are sold in the evening.

    Important! The hotel staff keeps the beach clean and towels are provided. Rescuers are on duty.

    Of the minuses Hotel guests note the presence of sand fleas. But the sea is very clean and calm, no windsurfers or kitesurfers.

    Ham Tien

    Located on the east coast of the peninsula, its length is several kilometers from the center of Mui Ne to the fishing pier. A quiet and calm beach with local flavor - there are small villages nearby where you can inexpensively rent a room in a guest house.

    There are few people on Ham Tien, but fishing boats are moored nearby, giving a certain flavor to this place. The beach is not cleaned, so there are a lot of branches and leaves here. The strip of sand on it is quite narrow, and closer to the fishing pier it completely disappears and you can only swim from the concrete slabs that strengthen the shore.

    Note! Nearby is Phan Thiet's largest market, where you can buy local food and souvenirs.

    Also within walking distance are Red Dunes- one of the attractions of this area. The following hotels are located near Ham Tien Beach:

    Muine Sports Hotel

    Long Son Mui Ne Beach Campgrounds Resort Hotel

    Hotel Surf4You Residence

    Phu Hai

    Located on the western coast of the peninsula, you can get to it if you drive from Mui Ne towards Phan Thiet, then turn off the main road downhill. It is separated from the Central Beach by rocks. Only hotel guests swim and relax here:

    Hotel Phu Hai Resort

    Hotel Takalau

    There are no Vietnamese settlements nearby. The beach is wide, clean, cleaned by staff. It can be used by guests of nearby hotels to use sun loungers and umbrellas. The beach strip is sandy, almost without stones. However, if you move a little further away from the shore, you will encounter stones, so it is better to swim at high tide. The sea is clean, there are waves, but they are small and do not interfere with swimming.

    Among the shortcomings Again, one can note the presence of sand flies, which is typical for most beaches in this area of ​​​​Vietnam. Hotels near the beach are mostly expensive, four and five star.

    Note! Not far from Phu Hai is a popular attraction - the Cham Towers.

    Tien Thanh

    You can reach the beach from Phan Thiet (distance about 30 km), you need to go left, in the opposite direction from Mui Ne, towards Cape Ke Ga. There are four and five star hotels nearby, such as Villas Delsol Resort.

    This is a quiet and calm beach. The infrastructure is hotel only. There are sunbeds and awnings. Hotel staff perform daily cleaning. The sea is cloudy and causes debris on windy days.

    Ke Ga

    The beach is located south of Phan Thiet, at a distance of 40 km. This rather secluded place is suitable for introverts and people tired of the hustle and bustle. The sea here is calm, the winds are not frequent, there are no high waves, it is comfortable to swim. The sand is fine, clean, adjacent to large stones. In some places there are a lot of shells on the shore. The landscapes are very picturesque.

    Note! There are no sunbeds or umbrellas, there are very few cafes and restaurants.

    Next to the beach, on the islet of Hon Ba (which is separated from the shore at high tide), is the main attraction of this place - Ke Ga lighthouse, 60 m high, more than 100 years old. During low tide, the lighthouse can be reached on foot along a narrow strip of sand.

    You can exercise at Ke Ga Beach diving and snorkeling, since the local waters abound with corals. Hotels nearby:

    Hotel Sonata Resort & Spa

    Tropical Ocean Resort Hotel

    Hotel Princess d'An Nam Resort & Spa

    Doi Duong

    The beach is on the outskirts of Phan Thiet. There are many cafes and restaurants nearby, but there is no actual beach infrastructure - sun loungers and umbrellas. For entertainment you can visit golf course at Dunes Golf Club. The residents of Phan Thiet themselves often relax on the beach.

    Hon rom

    The beach is in a few kilometers northeast of Mui Ne, There is no entertainment or beach infrastructure on it. There is bus number one from the city. The sea here is shallower than in the center of Mui Ne, therefore there are fewer waves.

    Important! However, Hon Rom cannot boast of cleanliness, since local fishermen and tourists themselves leave garbage on it, which no one cleans up.

    The advantages of the beach include a line of coconut palms along the entire coastline. Hotels nearby:

    Madame Cus Saigon Emerald Resort Hotel

    Muine Bay Resort Hotel

    Hotel Pandanus Resort

    On weekends, this beach is often busy with Saigon residents who come to relax and swim.

    Suoi Nuoc

    Located in a small bay of the same name, next to Hon Rom beach. Calm, quiet place. There are beautiful white sand dunes nearby. There are sunbeds and canopies belonging to nearby hotels, for example:

    Full Moon Village Hotel

    Sections of the beach near hotels are being cleaned. Despite its location in a bay, Suoi Nuoc is constantly windy, so it is suitable for windsurfers. You can also go kayaking.

    Is there a nudist beach?

    Nudism in Vietnam is not officially allowed, so actually there are no nudist beaches there. And if in other resorts you can find a quiet place and sunbathe without clothes, then in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet this is very bad, except on secluded beaches like Ke Ga.

    Rating of the best

    Therefore, you can compare beaches based on cleanliness, distance from the center, presence of waves, presence of infrastructure:

    • In terms of cleanliness, the beach near the Ocean Vista hotel is considered the best.
    • According to the availability of infrastructure - Mui Ne Beach and Bai Rang.
    • In terms of distance from noisy Phan Thiet - Ke Ga.
    • Due to the lack of waves - the beach near the Ocean Vista hotel, Phu Hai.
    • Ham Tien beach is considered the most authentic due to the close location of the market of the same name.

    Pros and cons of beaches in Mui Ne

    For a traditional beach holiday, when you can calmly lie on the sand, lie in the surf and rock on the waves, the resorts of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are not suitable.

    On most beaches:

    • high waves,
    • strong winds,
    • sand fleas,
    • muddy water,
    • It is inconvenient for children to swim.

    But here is a paradise for people who prefer active recreation on the beach to the usual lying on the sand:

    • windsurfers,
    • kiters,
    • kayakers,
    • extreme swimmers.

    In general, the beaches in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are not clean, but many of them have shade from nearby palm trees. At hotel beaches there are free sun loungers for hotel guests, and towels are provided.

    The central and hotel beaches are cleaned, and on the distant beaches you can see a lot of household garbage from both tourists and local residents. Most beaches have constant waves, the color of the water is gray or dirty green, and the sea is cloudy.

    If you are a lover of clean, calm water and leisurely, measured swimming, then it is better to choose Mui Ne and Phan Thiet hotel with swimming pool.

    The sea at these resorts in Vietnam is choppy, especially from December to March, and inexperienced swimmers will find swimming difficult. However, beautiful nature, colorful local cuisine and the friendliness of the Vietnamese are attracting more and more tourists to these places, including from Russia.


    Mui Ne is a city district of Phan Thiet. Mui Ne is located on the coastal cape of the same name and is a popular resort among the Vietnamese themselves and tourists from around the world. Such a sweet South Vietnamese slice of tranquility, a long beach area with a huge number of resorts, and a village with local fishermen and their families living in it in the northern part of a small bay.

    Mui Ne became a popular resort town in 1995 when many people came here to watch the solar eclipse. That’s how we found out about this beautiful corner.

    The fishing village of Mui Ne was generally nicknamed this way by the fishermen themselves: when terrible storms began, they hid on this piece of land. "Mui" translates to "cape" or "island", and "ne" means shelter.

    Prices for accommodation options and services here have become a little high, due to the strong influence of nearby Ho Chi Minh City (four hours away). Mui Ne has developed rapidly in recent years and now offers guests excellent mid-range resorts, but the number of options for budget travelers has decreased significantly (but don’t worry, even the most budget-conscious will find a place to relax here, for example, small bungalows by the sea) .

    The beaches of Mui Ne have fine yellow sand. While the central section of the beach (all the way to the northern tip) is not too clean and here you can see traces of the fishing industry (a fair amount of garbage, nets, dead fish and other fishing paraphernalia are often thrown ashore, and ducks, chickens and seagulls), the southern part of the beaches is better suited for swimming, water sports and relaxing on sun loungers. And, of course, parts of the private beaches belonging to individual resorts look just perfect, even if this hotel is located in the northern part of Mui Ne. Let the prospectuses and booklets shout that this is a piece of paradise with azure water and clean beaches - you will find both them and poor dirty Mui Ne. Mui Ne, in general, is indeed a little dirty, and the Thais themselves do not seem to realize the beauty of this region and litter even more.

    By the way, about the fishing industry. There are many fishermen in Mui Ne, and if you are hunting for photographs of the real life of Vietnam, it is better for you to get up early, at five o’clock, at dawn - and then you can witness a real charming fish ceremony: fishermen returning home from night fishing, pulling their nets onto the beach full of fish, they sort through it, and their children help them. Here you can immediately buy a couple of fresh fish.

    Mui Ne is famous among kite and windsurfers.
    The winds blow here, one might say, almost on schedule, and the winds are simply ideal for these sports. So, in good weather there is simply no crowd in the sky, as they say, and there are surfing centers on the beach at every turn. The boards cut through the waves, and it’s surprising that they don’t collide with each other or even knock down bathing tourists.

    If you plan to spend more than one or two days, or even a week, in Mui Ne, it is better to bring your own boards, since rental prices are far from low. Well, if you take a ride once or twice, you won’t go broke. Well, water entertainment, like jet skis and buns, is always welcome.

    Away from the beaches of Mui Ne there is another great attraction - sand dunes, where it is very easy to get there on your own, by bicycle or motorcycle or by taxi (motorcycle or jeep).
    It feels like these dunes are not from this country at all, the dunes are very beautiful, and they make for gorgeous photographs. It is better to go to these dunes at the end of the day to admire the sunset and look at the picturesque Mui Ne from afar.
    By the way, Mui Ne is an amazing mix of different landscapes: rice fields, dunes, ravines, a river, palm groves, beaches, the sea. Beauty! By the way, if you decide to walk through coconut groves, be careful! There are some special coconut trees growing here, whose nuts are 2-3 times larger, so if such a coconut falls on your head, you can even get a concussion (if you don’t throw off your skates, and this also happens). For example, there was once a story that under these palm trees a young couple was kissing in romantic bliss, and when this “nut” fell on the guy’s head, he received a terrible concussion, and his girlfriend’s tongue was completely bitten off.

    With a developed tourist infrastructure, Mui Ne is very popular among our compatriots - perhaps 80 percent of vacationers here are Russians and Ukrainians, so don’t be surprised. Accordingly, the service personnel in many hotels and restaurants already know a little Russian - but where to go! You will see a lot of signs here in Russian.
    So, be careful with the swearers there. There are also many restaurants and hotels in Mui Ne run by Russian citizens. By the way, this is why this area is sometimes called a “Russian village”. That’s why many people don’t like Mui Ne – sort of like Vietnam, but like Anapa. Moreover, I absolutely don’t like it.

    Other disadvantages of Mui Ne include not always friendly service in cafes (often in Russian restaurants), a dirty beach (as I wrote above), a not very tidy main street and a not very good transport system (in particular, taxi drivers).

    The best time to visit this glorious corner is from December to May. At this time it is not very hot here - something around 27 -28 ° C, and also quite dry. Another plus of this resort. Another plus is that you won’t be pestered on the beach, like in Turkey and Egypt. Sometimes vendors walk around with beer and fruit trays. If you don't pay attention to them, they will calmly move away.

    In general, if you are thinking about whether to go to central Phan Thiet or stay in Mui Ne, then you need to realize that although the city center and the area are 20 minutes away from each other, the difference between the parts is big. Phan Thiet is definitely a beach town with more Vietnamese people than tourists. This is real Vietnam, not touristy. Or tourists from Asia, but (sorry) it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish them from local residents.

    Well, Mui Ne is a purely tourist village. Although at night it is very quiet here, except for the occasional motorcycle passing by, well, maybe a couple of our fellow citizens run by drunk and singing. It’s simply impossible to get lost here, and if anything happens, they will always help you and deliver you.

    Is the answer helpful?

    Mui Ne is one of the resorts located near the city of Phan Thiet, one of the most popular places among tourists, it is also called the tourist capital of Vietnam.

    Like any other place, Mui Ne has both its pros and cons, which will be discussed in my article. I'll start, as usual, with the positive aspects.

    Pros of Mui Ne

    The first and main advantage of this resort is beaches and the opportunity to enjoy a beach holiday- the resort itself is a long strip of beach that stretches about 10 kilometers. All buildings are located along the coastline, not far from it.

    The second plus is presence of waves and the opportunity to surf and windsurf. The best time for surfing is from August to December, and for windsurfing - from the end of October to the end of April, the wind blows all day long, so fans of this sport are guaranteed training.

    By the way, another plus for surfing fans is that demand, as you know, creates supply, so in many shops and hotels you can rent equipment - it’s inexpensive. In addition, you can use the services of an individual instructor, but this will not be too cheap - on average, prices for an hour-long lesson start at $60, however, if you take several lessons at once, you can get a discount.

    The third advantage of Mui Ne is presence of a large number of hotels and hostels of various categories. A tourist with any budget and any requirements will find something suitable here - prices for the most budget rooms (in these you will find a bed, air conditioning and a bathroom - everything you need, but as simple as possible and without any frills) start from 800 rubles per night - reasonable price even for a budget tourist.

    Mui Ne has hotels of all categories - most of them are mid-level - three- and four-star hotels, but there are also hotels without stars and several luxury five-star resorts. In general, if you are planning to go to Mui Ne, you will have plenty to choose from.

    The fourth plus is developed infrastructure. Since there are a lot of tourists there, they open cafes, restaurants, small shops And spa salons.

    Restaurants in Mui Ne traditionally receive praise from tourists - they serve a huge amount of seafood and fish - squid, stingrays, moray eels, crabs, fish of various sizes, shrimp, lobsters, etc. For exotic dishes, you can try snake or turtle (though it will cost it will cost you more).

    Both Vietnamese and international restaurants are represented - everyone can choose what they like. The coast is literally teeming with small souvenir and grocery shops - there you can have a snack or buy gifts for your friends and relatives - there is a choice, although the assortment in all shops is approximately the same, the quality is generally average, you need to choose carefully. Be that as it may, you definitely won’t be left without souvenirs.

    And finally, massage and spa salons. There are also plenty of them, people arrive there mainly in the evening. All services are traditional - foot massage, head massage, Thai massage and so on. It is better to choose a salon based on reviews from friends or based on your own experience.

    Thus, let's summarize the preliminary results.

    Pros of Mui Ne:

    • availability of sandy beaches
    • waves suitable for surfing and windsurfing
    • presence of a large number of hotels of different categories
    • availability of restaurants, shops and massage parlors

    Now let's slowly move on to the negative aspects.

    Cons of Mui Ne

    The first and main disadvantage is rough sea.

    What was a plus for someone can become a minus for another person. If you prefer calm waters, Mui Ne is not the place where you should relax. Of course, the sea there can be calm, but generally it is still restless. It is for this reason that I would not recommend going to the resort with small children (if you plan to swim in the sea).

    The second minus is lack of evening entertainment. Life at the resort stops after 9-10 pm, the streets become quiet, there is nowhere to go. From time to time there is a disco there, but this does not happen every day. In general, you won’t find anything similar to a European party holiday in Mui Ne.

    The third disadvantage is Quite a long road from the airport. The distance from Ho Chi Minh City (where the nearest airport is located) to Mui Ne is more than two hundred kilometers. Vietnamese roads are in far from ideal condition, so be prepared for your trip to the resort to take an average of 5-6 hours.

    And finally, the fourth minus is almost complete lack of attractions, you will have to travel to all the interesting places. I’ll immediately make a reservation that there are a couple of temples directly in Mui Ne, and a couple of tens of kilometers away there are multi-colored dunes, but in general that’s all. To other interesting places you will need to book an excursion or go yourself.

    cons of Mui Ne:

    • rough sea, waves
    • lack of nightclubs, bars, discos
    • far from the airport
    • almost complete lack of attractions

    Who is suitable for a holiday in Mui Ne?

    In my opinion, a holiday in Mui Ne is great for athletes - surfers, windsurfers and so on. If they are mainly interested in having a great time riding the waves, they will surely enjoy Mui Ne. By the way, it’s better to come there with a group - it will still be more fun in the evening.

    Mui Ne will also appeal to those who are not bothered by the waves, and those who like to try different restaurants and go for a massage every night.

    And finally, Mui Ne will appeal to those who like to sleep at night and not have fun - it’s quiet, calm, and nothing will disturb your sleep.

    Who is not suitable for a holiday in Mui Ne?

    Holidays in Mui Ne are not suitable for those who love calm seas and those who would like to go snorkeling.

    Families with small children who would like to bathe their children in the sea are unlikely to be happy - the waves will certainly interfere with this.

    Fans of vibrant nightlife will find it too boring - there is practically nowhere to go.

    And, finally, such a vacation is unlikely to attract those who love historical sights - there is almost nothing nearby (except for a couple of temples), and traveling somewhere far away and tiring.