What is TIC (Tourist Information Center)? Tourism Information Center

Babaevsky district is located in the west Vologda region, on the Mologo-Sheksninskaya lowland. This is the second largest district in the Vologda region. The regional center Babaevo is located 292 km from Vologda, 567 km from Moscow, 399 km from St. Petersburg. According to one version, the name of the city goes back to the ancient Russian male name Babai: that was the name of the peasant who founded one of the nearby villages in the 17th century. This name, presumably of Turkic origin, meant “respected person,” “old man,” “grandfather.” That is why Babai in his native land is portrayed as an old man with a beard. The first written mention of populated areas district is found in the “Spiritual Charter” of Dmitry Donskoy, compiled in 1389. Excavations carried out in the 1960s showed that about 1000 years ago Finno-Ugric peoples lived here, and then Slavs - people from the Rostov and Novgorod lands. What to see in the Babaevsky district The undoubted pride of the district is “Stone Mountain”, located on the territory of the city - a natural monument, where the sanatorium-preventorium of the same name is located. The mountain of glacial origin is a large hill 25-30 m high with outcrops of carbonate limestone. The stone tract is covered with tall pine forest and is surrounded on three sides by the Kolp River valley. Have Stone Mountain a hostess who will guide everyone around pine forest, will tell you local legends and lead you to a magic stone that will help you fulfill your wishes. The nature of the Babayevsky region will attract lovers of ecotourism. In the Koloshemsky Forest landscape reserve, individual trees are about 250 years old. Other natural sites include the Smorodinka nature reserve, the Khazovo tract, and Klyuchi. It’s not for nothing that Babaevo is called the “land of blue lakes” - among the natural monuments there are three lakes: Chernoe, Kodozero and Bolshoye. Kodozero became the winner of the competition of tourist sites “Vologda region: treasures of the Russian North - 2016”. The Ivoda River, which flows on the territory of the Vepsian rural settlement, is also unusual. Not far from the village of Sloboda, the river bed goes underground and flows underground for about a kilometer, and then the water reappears on the surface. On the territory of the district there are 24 protected swamps, which are valuable berry lands where cranberries, cloudberries, and blueberries grow. A visit to the Babaevsky district is unthinkable without a walk through old manor"Khvalevskoye" in the village of Borisovo-Sudskoye. The main building of the estate was built in the 1850s by Nikolai Kachalov, leader of the nobility of the Belozersky district. After 1917, the building housed a school, hospital, and boarding school. In the early 90s it was abandoned and began to collapse. In 2009, the estate was bought by Kachalov’s descendants Yuri and Vera Voitsekhovsky-Kachalov, and from that moment the revival of the estate began. Next to the estate there is a park, which is a natural monument of regional significance. What to do in the Babaevsky district The Babaevsky Center of Traditional Folk Culture holds master classes on creating a talisman doll, weaving, embroidery, wood carving, weaving from birch bark, pine roots, and wood chips. The highlight of the Babaevsky district is the making of ritual pastries - you can learn this at a master class on making rye roe or “nahamok” cookies. Roes had a symbolic meaning: some figures symbolized fertility, others helped to attract health, prosperity and good luck in business. In the Vepsian settlement, guests will be able to take part in the most catchy fishing trips on the numerous local lakes. Fans of gastronomic tourism should not miss the opportunity to try local culinary masterpieces, including sorrel and nettle soups, fish soup, zagusta, oatmeal with lingonberries, malt porridge, oatmeal jelly, sausages with oatmeal, kolob, rogushki, skantsy and bounuchniki, as well as the famous pirgi, chicken houses and fishmongers. Events of the Babayevsky district The most striking and spectacular events in the Babayevsky district take place in the spring and summer. The interregional Vepsian holiday “Tree of Life” is held once every two years on the banks of Kodozero in the Pyazhozersky rural settlement in early August. The regional festival “People's Herbalist” annually on the third Saturday of July gathers healers and herbalists on the territory of the Khvalevskoye estate, who present their healing infusions and reveal the secrets of medicinal skills. In the village of Toropovo, Babaevsky district, at the end of May the “Land of the Folk Doll” holiday is held. Welcome to Babaevsky district!

Almost all people love to travel. New places, new experiences, new acquaintances. Some fly by plane, some travel by train, some like to drive along the roads by car. Some people get information for traveling on the Internet, some buy guidebooks, and some travel at random like savages.

But not everyone knows that information about cities and attractions can be obtained at TICs - tourist information centers that have opened throughout the country.

The Tourist Information Center is Customer Service, which provides information about local tourism products, attractions, historical values ​​of the region, events, excursion routes, transport, shopping, entertainment and more. TICs may also sell local tickets public transport, sell or distribute free tourist materials - maps, booklets, local history and historical literature, etc. They can also sell souvenirs, products of local artisans, craftsmen, artists.

Tourist information centers (hereinafter referred to as TICs) are organizations whose objectives are:
- assistance to government authorities, including the authorized state body for tourism, in the formation and use of information resources about tourism, the tourism industry, tourism resources and accessible attractions, national and regional tourism products, individual tourism services, tourist routes based on departmental statistical observation tourism, creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, analysis, marketing, targeted dissemination of this information promoting the consumption of tourism products and tourism services;
-providing free of charge(citizens and other interested parties) impartial and competent documented tourist information that helps meet the needs of citizens when carrying out tourism, excursions, sightseeing and activities for other tourism purposes.”

There is a general Register of Tourist Information Centers of the Russian Federation. On the website www.nbcrs.org you can see all the information on existing centers. There are now more than 120 of them across the country. Tourist information centers are usually designated with the Latin letter “i”

See how upsya I’m glad that they tell him about Smolensk for free.))

But seriously, TIC is an excellent tool for tourism. It's just that not everyone knows how to use it. Our friends from the Smolensky Terem in Smolensk told us how to use these services. First, find the TIC in the city you need. Then you go to their website, find the address, and then safely go to the city you have chosen. With the support of TIC, you will save both money and time, and receive a lot of useful tourist information. For example, many TICs have agreements with hotels and hostels, and they provide discounts on accommodation.

Once again, in TIC you for free you can get expert advice about tourism potential, booklets about the attractions of the region, tourist maps-schemes "Mobile Guide" and a tourist passport, which contains information about the main museums, hotels, places to eat, cinemas and shopping centers, as well as about events taking place in the city and region. And yet, you have the opportunity to order both group and individual review and thematic excursions, purchase memorable souvenirs and books.

In Smolensk, for example, you can contact the Smolensky Terem. There is an excellent team there that will tell you about the sights of the city and region. In general, if you are planning to travel around the country, keep in mind that the tourist information centers will always help you.

General partners: Automaker Ford and telecom operator MegaFon
Official partners: Smart online store KiberMag, tourism products Norfin, advertising agency

There are not that many information centers in our capital for a huge metropolis. But they exist. Few people know that here Russian travelers and guests from abroad can get any information free of charge in Russian and English, including options for inexpensive accommodation, methods of transportation and advice in emergency situations.

Tourist information center on Triumfalnaya Square.

Opening hours: from 10 to 19 daily

Tourist Information Center GUM

Red Square-3
Opening hours: from 10 to 22.00 daily

Visit center Moscow. state United Museum-Reserve

Nagatinsky Zaton
Address - Andropova Ave.-39
Opening hours: in summer Tue-Sun from 10 to 18, Sat from 11 to 19, Mon - closed. In winter, Tue-Sun from 10 to 18, Sat from 11 to 19, Mon - closed.

Tourist Information Center at the War of 1812 Museum

Passage diagram and location of the TIC

Address - pl. Revolutions, 2/3

TIC in the Paveletsky railway station building. Passage and location diagram

TIC in the Kievsky railway station building. Passage and location diagram

Moscow opens new tourist information centers

The head of the tourism development department of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Management told our portal about plans for the development of tourism infrastructure in the capital

To ensure the most comfortable stay for foreign guests in Moscow, the capital's authorities are actively working on the creation of tourist information centers (TICs).

The first TIC was opened two years ago in the lobby Historical Museum. According to Alexander Kolesnikov, head of the tourism development department of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Management, it has already gained popularity among tourists.

This year, tourist information centers appeared at the stations - at Kievsky (immediately opposite the entrance) and Belorussky (near the ticket offices for international destinations). In the near future, it is planned to open a TIC at the Leningradsky and Paveletsky railway stations.

In addition, this week a tourist information center will appear at Vnukovo airport. It will be located in Terminal A, at the exit from the international arrivals hall.

« Tourist information centers are designed not only to inform, but also to give recommendations on visiting the most interesting places in the capital, help tourists navigate the city, provide all possible support in the event of any emergency situations.

Tourist information centers are small pavilions where consultants who know foreign languages. Also on special trays there are reference books and guides translated into English language, and in the near future convenient tourist maps will be added to them.All printed materials are distributed absolutely free of charge - and this is the main difference between our TICs and Western ones,”- said Mr. Kolesnikov.

The committee plans to open tourist information centers at Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports, as well as place them on the streets of the city, in particular on the Old Arbat and at the ticket office of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

In addition, there are so-called interactive tourist information centers, which are specially designed touch screens. They are installed in hotel complex“Izmailovo” and in the “Cosmos” hotel, and will soon appear in five more Moscow hotels, including “Aerostar”, “ Golden ring", InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya.

Interactive TICs perform the same functions as regular ones. Tourists can not only search for information, use interactive map and build routes that interest them, but also, if necessary, contact an employee of the tourist call center and communicate with him orally.

“We plan to install at least 30 interactive tourist information centers in hotels. In general, by 2016 we intend to open 46 centers of various types in Moscow,”- Alexander Kolesnikov emphasized.

Georgy Mokhov, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and Hotel Management, added that the interest of the capital’s guests in tourist information centers is great, for example, free printed materials are simply “swept” off the shelves. Foreign travelers are helped to find a TIC by specially hired volunteers who work in places where there is a maximum concentration of tourists. In addition, pylons with a map of the city were installed in Moscow, which also indicated how to get to the information centers. ">


“The opening of a TIC, the distribution of guidebooks and maps, the use of interactive methods of delivering information, the development of mobile applications, the launch of a Moscow tourism portal and a specialized tourism call center - all this is aimed at creating a civilized information space in the city.