Where is the best place to relax in Vietnam and Thailand? Vietnam or Thailand - where is it better to live and work? Three reasons to choose Vietnam

Among the Asian tourism destinations, the question often arises, where is it better and cheaper to go, to Thailand or Vietnam? It is quite difficult to choose, since both countries have their own flavor, which has loyal fans. But still, if you are faced with a choice of where to spend your vacation, you should carefully study all aspects of life in these countries in order to accurately choose for yourself what is better for your vacation - Vietnam or Thailand.

The decision largely depends on your personal preferences, financial capabilities and expectations that you have for the trip. That is why you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all aspects of tourism.

Flight to destination

When choosing a place to relax, many pay attention to the time factor. What type of transport can be used, how many hours the trip takes and what the price of tickets are - these are the questions on which the final decision depends.

From this point of view, when comparing both countries, neither has advantages. In terms of time, it turns out that flying to Thailand takes an hour longer. And considering that the cost of a ticket depends on the chosen tour operator or airline, as well as the time of year, you can find reasonable prices for each destination.

Thus, in the question of what to choose, Thailand or Vietnam, this criterion is not decisive. You can even purchase a Thailand-Cambodia-Vietnam tour and visit three countries for more than a small amount of money.

Vietnam and Thailand, comparison of climate and weather conditions

Although both countries have a tropical climate with high humidity, Vietnam is more comfortable in winter. You can be sure that during the day you will not have to swelter from the heat, while in Thailand the temperature is much higher. But here it all depends on your personal preferences.

The peak tourist season in both countries occurs from the beginning of December to the end of March. At this time, you don’t have to be afraid of tropical downpours and the mercilessly scorching sun.

Which is better - Thailand or Vietnam, comparison of beaches

When deciding which country to go to, you should decide what type of beaches interests you.

If we talk about a civilized vacation with hotels on the shore and developed infrastructure, as a rule, these are city beaches. In Vietnam, these are located in the cities of Nha Trang and Phan Thiet (Mui Ne). In Thailand these are Phuket, Pattaya and Koh Samui.

According to this criterion, the advantage is in the direction of Vietnam, where there are no huge crowds of people, prices for food and housing are cheaper, and you can also enjoy clean air and a real riot of greenery. In addition, in Vietnam it is much more common to find signs with inscriptions in Russian, which means that it will be much easier to navigate the country.

And when it comes to wild beaches, Thailand has a distinct advantage as you can find a wide variety of places to relax on your own. In Vietnam, this opportunity is only on the islands of Phu Quoc, Con Dao and Cat Ba. Moreover, in the last two cases, heavenly solitude will cost you quite a lot.

As for Thailand, a number of resorts are offered to your attention, from which you only need to choose the one you like most, which will definitely cost less. This is an impressive list of islands, among which there are semi-civilized ones, where you can find some kind of service, for example, shops, bars, restaurants, massage.

This number includes:

  • Koh Chang;
  • Koh Phangan;
  • Koh Tao;
  • Phi Phi;
  • Koh Lanta.

There are also completely wild places in Thailand where you can feel completely alone. These are the islands:

  • Samet;
  • Koh Kood;
  • Koh Mak;
  • Ko Wai and many others.

The maximum level of service here comes down to massage at the hotel and several restaurants throughout the island, but at the same time the cost of services is much cheaper.

Thus, to choose where it is better to vacation, Vietnam or Thailand, you should consider what type of vacation you need.

If you prefer a civilized holiday, go to Vietnam, and if you want to take a break from society and fully enjoy being close to nature, choose Thailand.

Thailand or Vietnam – which is cheaper?

When it comes to housing prices, in order to choose a more economical option, it is important to consider exactly how long you plan to stay in the country. If your vacation lasts no more than 2-3 weeks, accommodation in Vietnam will cost less, and the conditions in the room will be approximately the same.

But if you are going to stay at sea for more than a month, the price will be about the same. It may even be that Thailand will cost you less due to the fact that the Vietnamese are not yet accustomed to renting out housing for a long period of time, which is why there is practically no competition here.

Cost of goods and services

In each country, the price of food, massage services, moving around the city on public transport, and motorbike rental is approximately the same. The exception is alcohol; Vietnamese winemakers sell it much cheaper than in Thailand.

However, the cost of products from global brands is approximately the same. Therefore, when choosing which is better - Thailand or Vietnam, this criterion is not decisive.

What to see on vacation, sights of countries

Vietnam or Thailand, where is it better to spend time? If, in addition to a beach holiday, you want to walk around the resort and see its attractions, it is difficult to give a definite answer which country is better to choose.

It should be borne in mind that there have been no global wars in Thailand for many centuries, so here you can find attractions dating back to antiquity. You can even go to a museum located directly in the open air, for example, Sukhothai or Ayutthaya.

But, despite the fact that the war of the last century in Vietnam destroyed much of the country, many interesting sights can also be found here. For example, in big cities there are palaces and other buildings related to the European style, while in Thailand it will be simply impossible to see this. Therefore, you need to choose a country to visit based on personal preferences.

Where is the best place to go, visa regime comparison

If your vacation lasts no more than two weeks, it doesn’t matter which country you choose. You can stay in Thailand without a visa for 30 days, and in Vietnam -15.

But if your stay in another country is more than a month, you must have an official permit for a long stay. In this regard, it is better to choose Vietnam, since the visa regime here is not only simpler, but also cheaper. So, you can apply for a three-month visa, and after the expiration of the period, extend it for another six months without leaving the country.

Turkey and Egypt, which in the last decade have become the most visited countries by Russian tourists, managed to get bored before they moved from the category of tourist Meccas for Russians to countries that are not recommended for visiting due to recent events in the international arena.

Now tour operators are intensively developing trails to Southeast Asia, offering a wide variety of tours - short and long, intense and relaxing, for families and youth groups, for philosophers and extreme sports enthusiasts.

For residents of temperate latitudes in these countries, everything is unusual. Flashy colors, the intoxicating smell of flowers and all smells in general, too loud sounds are unusual, but a couple of days are enough to, if not get used to it, then at least come to terms with this oriental fury. By the way, the more expensive your trip, the more likely it is that you will live in silence: the most expensive boarding houses and hotels are located away from the noise of cities, where you will be as secluded as possible with your companion and with nature.

There are so many attractions here that you won’t be able to review them in a lifetime. Both ancient and completely modern, for every taste and budget. The same goes for the cuisine: very unusual, but very tasty. Excursions, entertainment, strange flora and fauna - all this is new. As well as the unusual climate.

The vagaries of the weather, or when is the best time to relax in Southeast Asia

It is impossible to cover all of Indochina in one comparative review, but we can take as an example the country most visited by Russians and one where the tourist trails have not been so intensively trodden.

We will talk about Thailand and Vietnam. But if it is the most famous country in the tourism sector in Southeast Asia, then Vietnam is not so popular among Russian tourists, although by and large in terms of tourism and attractions, Vietnam is the same as Thailand, only in profile. And this also applies to climate.

These countries do not have the distinct summers and winters that we are so accustomed to. But there is an obligatory rainy season, and it differs for different regions.


And yet, there are some peculiarities, which are the reason why the flow of Russian-speaking citizens from the CIS does not dry up in Thailand, but in Vietnam it is somehow less enthusiastic.

The main reason is various risks. If in Thailand a tour operator (no matter whether Russian or local) bends over backwards to ensure that his client is not in danger and that his stay on this land is as safe as possible, then the Vietnamese travel service is, to put it mildly, unobtrusive, and the client is not always right.

In Thailand, the risk of being robbed or robbed is minimal - except in cases where a tourist literally runs into such situations himself. Everyone who arrives on hospitable Thai soil is required to have conversations about what is possible and what it is better to refrain from. So, every city has its own crime-prone areas, where the natives don’t particularly relax, and tourists certainly shouldn’t go there. Street acquaintances with local priestesses of love are also undesirable (about half of them are Thai transvestites, called “ladyboys”). The consequences can be the most dire in terms of material damage, and the police (if you go there, of course) will listen to you carefully and sympathize, because you will understand your own inconsistency immediately after being asked to describe the special characteristics of the person who separated you from your wallet and valuables.

In general, if you behave correctly, your holiday in Thailand will be colorful and will leave a lot of the most pleasant impressions. And the best way to watch transvestites is during their performances, where they sing and dance on stage.

In Vietnam, you always have to be on your guard. Local thieves behave, to put it mildly, unbridled towards those who come to relax. This attitude can be felt directly in the first minutes of arrival, when it may turn out that your luggage has partially or completely passed into the possession of someone else.

In addition (a confirmed fact), when a flight with Russian tourists arrives, in cafes and restaurants at the airport and near it, waiters, without the slightest twinge of conscience, add zeros to the prices on the menu.

But in fairness, it should be noted: Russian tourists are largely to blame for the fact that in all countries of Southeast Asia the local population firmly believes that Russians come to them only to waste money. And it is true. Sometimes people who lead a reasonably modest lifestyle at home, for example, in Rostov-on-Don, when they find themselves in Thailand or Vietnam, begin to behave as if they were possessed by the evil spirit of vanity and extravagance. Russians often waste money left and right, leaving inhumane tips in cafes and restaurants, while Americans and Europeans scrupulously check every bill and check, driving the servants to white heat - but they spend much less money for the same vacation as we do.

In Vietnam, some hotels will officially warn you that they are not responsible for valuables and money left in the rooms. This simply cannot happen in Thailand.

But if in Thailand you decide to sort things out with a local resident not only in words, you are guaranteed a night in a police station. They will not find out who started it first. And depending on how much the Thai suffered during the showdown, you are guaranteed a fine of varying sizes. In addition, a ban on entry into the country for several years is likely. If the results of the showdown are really bad, you can end up in the local prison. The conditions there are terrible, so it's best to behave properly.

In Vietnam, fighting is also undesirable, but if anything happens, you won’t be sent to prison. But they will rake everything out of your wallet and pockets, to the last penny. You will not receive a receipt for payment of the fine.

What to see and where to visit

It is very difficult to stop at just one thing. Ancient temples, pagodas, palace complexes, modern aquariums, museums - all this is in abundance.



In Vietnam, you can visit the most famous museum - the Museum of Military History, located in. A must-see is the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. The number of temples in varying degrees of preservation is the same as in Thailand.

Waterfalls and islands are also included in the excursions; in particular, a visit to Hon Lao will be very interesting. It is especially recommended to visit it in the Year of the Monkey. Nature lovers can check out the Chi Nguyen Aquarium.

But a trip to the Mekong Delta will be truly unforgettable. Wonderful nature, flora and fauna, if you want - fishing. It’s not without reason that they say that only in these places you can understand what Vietnam is.

From entertainment, except aquariums:

  • zoos,
  • reserves,
  • fishing,
  • diving.

Everything is relatively cheap and exciting. And the animals you catch can be cooked for you on the spot.

It is impossible to list all the attractions and entertainment, but any travel agency will advise you on what is best to visit, and guides will help you find your way on the spot.

Cards, money, visas

Both Vietnam and Thailand do not require a visa for Russians: you will receive one upon arrival right at the airport. The visa-free regime applies to those who limit their stay in the country to fifteen days (for Vietnam) and thirty (for Thailand). If you want to stay longer, you will need a visa, which can be obtained from the embassy in your country.

As for money, it is better to exchange rubles for dollars at home. As in all countries whose budget is formed by the tourism industry, the rates in local exchange offices in Vietnam and Thailand are absurd, especially for exchange offices at hotels. The situation in banks is more loyal, but still worse than at home. Therefore, change it in Russia. In Vietnam, by the way, you will still have some time to run around if you decide to find an exchange office.

A card can make your life easier. Both Visa and American Express are accepted. But before you travel, tell your bank that you are planning to travel to Southeast Asia. There have been cases when, when trying to withdraw money from a local ATM, banks blocked cards after noticing activity in a third world country. You don’t need this - to be left without money with a completely useless card far from your homeland?

  • Minimum prices in inexpensive hotels in Pattaya are 650-700 rubles, in 2-3* hotels on the first coastline - from 1500-5000 rubles, in 4* hotels - from 1200-2000 rubles, in 5* hotels - from 3500-4000 rubles.
  • Prices in hotels in Nha Trang: in inexpensive 2-3* hotels in the European quarter - from 500-800 rubles, in 4-5* hotels by the sea - from 4500 rubles.

Prices for such a popular service as massage in specialized salons in Vietnam start from 280 rubles, in Thailand – from 800 rubles.

Internet and mobile communications

They are very cheap in Vietnam. Tourists can everywhere buy a prepaid card and call home.

The average cost of a minute of conversation in Vietnam is 10 rubles, in Thailand it is 2-3 times more expensive.

It is most economical to use SIM cards with favorable Internet access using instant messengers for communication.

Dreamsim is a SIM card that is not tied to one operator; it works in 197 countries, provides stable communications, fast Internet and prices almost the same as those of local operators.

  • no need to set up roaming or buy a local SIM card
  • no subscription fees or hidden fees


Excellent in both countries developed both internal and intercity transport links. According to tourists, prices for public travel transport in Vietnam is somewhat cheaper, however, the difference is not very significant.

City bus fares in Vietnam are about 20 rubles, minimum starting price for a taxi ride – from 40 rubles, for 1 kilometer – 40 rubles.

Songthaew fare in Thailand – from 20 rubles, Taxis in the country are mostly not equipped with meters and the cost of trips varies on average from 200 to 800 rubles.

Tickets for trains, buses, ferries, charters

12Go.Asia provides online booking of all modes of transport on one platform, in the countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania.


Quality of medical care countries are approximately the same. Prices depend on the severity of the injury or illness.

To receive quality assistance for tourists insurance will be required, without which you should not go on vacation, so that in case of possible health problems you do not incur huge unforeseen expenses.

Travel insurance

The best insurance option for traveling abroad, you can compare company offers and buy an electronic policy online.


Both countries have a rich history and boast a large number of attractions. The choice of tourists in this regard is based solely on personal preferences.

That there have been no global military operations on the territory of the state for many centuries, and therefore there have been preserved ancient sights.

Much was destroyed by war in the last century, but in large populated areas you can still find historical palaces and buildings.


Exciting excursions for vacationers and travelers in 350 cities around the world: Tripster.ru is a service of unusual excursions from local residents and guides who can tell you in an interesting and exciting way about the most interesting things in their cities.


In both countries you can find both wild beaches and beaches with well-developed infrastructure.

The most are located in such resorts as Koh Samui, Phuket and Pattaya.

concentrated in Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. Vietnamese beaches, according to tourists, are wider, cleaner and not as crowded as the beaches of Thailand. They are more suitable for families with children.

Stay on the coast in a bungalow and you can only enjoy unity with nature in Vietnam in Fukuoka.

Preferring relaxation on uncrowded, almost wild beaches, you should choose Thailand – Ko Wai, Samet and Ko Mak.

Undersea world

For tourists, keen on snorkeling and, offering a large number of interesting dive sites. The Surin, Similan Islands, Phi Phi and Koh Tao are popular among scuba diving enthusiasts.


According to the number where nightlife is in full swing until the morning. In Vietnam, when it gets dark, life seems to come to a standstill. Therefore, tourists who prefer nightlife should definitely choose Thailand for their holiday.


Travelers in the countries of Southeast Asia, among which it is worth noting the high risk of poisoning from unusual food, the risk of sunburn or heatstroke, the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes that carry dangerous diseases, as well as the risk of becoming a victim of scammers or pickpockets.

Since Turkey has slightly lost its position, the eyes of Russian tourists have turned to the east. Of all the countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand and Vietnam offered the most suitable conditions for recreation. And if the first has long been popular among tourists and attracts them with its exoticism, the second has only now begun to gain popularity. They are very similar, so the choice of “Thailand or Vietnam?” It is very difficult for tourists. We will describe the differences between these countries.


Both countries are in Southeast Asia. It is warm here all year round and there is no distinct summer or winter, but there is a rainy season.

Vietnam can be visited all year round. In winter, it is most pleasant to relax on Phu Quoc Island, in summer - in Nha Trang or Hoi An. It has been raining almost everywhere since the end of October.

In this regard, it is also democratic. It is most comfortable here in winter, when it is dry and not too stuffy and humid. This is especially true for such a popular resort as Phuket. In Koh Samui, it rains mainly in the fall, but usually this does not interfere with your vacation.

As you can see, in any month you can find a resort in Vietnam or Thailand that is better to go to. So the choice is not between countries, but between resorts.

There is another important point - acclimatization, adaptation to the country's climate. It is less hot in Thailand, but tourists note that the heat is much more difficult to bear due to high humidity. This is especially true in summer and autumn when it rains. It’s easier to breathe in Vietnam, the climate is reminiscent of Crimea and Sochi.

Bottom line: The climate in the two countries is similar, but winter in Vietnam is not as comfortable as in Thailand, but acclimatization is easier.


In terms of beaches, Vietnam is definitely inferior to Thailand. The water here is not so clear, there are many locals on the public coast, and the infrastructure is less developed. The beaches are beautiful, but you need to get to them by bike and there is almost no infrastructure.

The beaches of Thailand are cleaner and more equipped - except that in Pattaya the sea is quite dirty and not suitable for swimming. But you can find yourself in truly heavenly conditions. And in Thailand there are many more opportunities for active recreation.

In Vietnam, almost all beaches have a gentle entrance to the water, which is pleasant for families with children.

The water is always warm, but in winter in the south of Vietnam it rarely warms up above +25 °C, while in Thai it is heated to +27 °C and above.

Bottom line: Thai beaches are better than Vietnamese ones in terms of cleanliness and infrastructure, but among the latter, in the distance, there are very quiet ones with untouched nature.


If you are interested in ancient Asian culture, then Thailand is strong in this regard - there are a huge number of pagodas, Buddhist temples, Buddha statues, palaces and other interesting places. The nature here is also very beautiful, and excursions, according to tourists, are much better organized.

In Vietnam, after the war, there are few ancient monuments left, but there are interesting modern buildings. In Hanoi you can walk through beautiful parks, and in Dalat you can look at French architecture.

Bottom line: For exclusively sightseeing tours, choose Thailand, preferably in winter, when it is not so humid and stuffy.



Since Thailand has long been a popular resort, there is much more housing here - there are a lot of hostels and hotels even in the smallest resorts. There are various bungalows on the shore, and quite a few villas that are rented out to tourists, including some very close to the sea.

Along with a wide variety and high level of service come quite high prices. Often they are still lower than in Europe or the former CIS countries.

In Vietnam, the hotel infrastructure is not so developed. They have already appeared, but it’s often not very comfortable to relax in inexpensive ones. It is better to stay in three- and four-star hotels. Even in 5* hotels, prices are generally pleasing, especially since they offer fairly comfortable conditions.

Bottom line: For the most comfortable hotels, go to Thailand, for inexpensive ones - to Vietnam.


Thailand has a lot of cafes and restaurants, street food stalls, so you will always find somewhere to eat. However, it is very spicy, and some tastes and dishes are so unusual that it can cause stomach problems. Adapting to local food is not easy.

There are also many cafes and restaurants in Vietnam, but they often close in the evenings. Street stalls also leave early and are not open during lunch - the Vietnamese have a siesta.

At the same time, it is much closer to us - often it is ordinary rice with meat, fish, rice noodles or light soups. Moderate spiciness. True, sometimes they add an unusual nuok-mam sauce to food, which is made from rotten fish - this exotic is not for everyone. Fresh vegetables and fruits are cheaper.

Vietnam is especially famous for its coffee - there are ideal conditions for growing it. It is prepared using special aluminum filters, which gives it a special taste.

Food prices in both countries are approximately the same. Local food is cheap, but imported products like milk are quite expensive.

Bottom line: There is more food in Thailand, but it is unusual. Vietnamese cuisine is softer and less exotic.


If you want to relax as fun as possible, then you shouldn’t even wonder what is better: Thailand or Vietnam. In terms of entertainment, Tai is definitely the leader - even in small resorts there are discos and clubs, and in large cities there are constantly noisy parties, interesting and exotic shows. There are also many more water parks and amusement parks. And the adult entertainment industry can be the envy of any other country in the world. Water activities and diving are much better developed, especially on the islands.

Question to an expert: Which destination, Thailand or Vietnam, would you recommend for a holiday with children and why?

Nikolay Zhuravlev answers:
experienced traveler

“Thailand is more suitable. Firstly, there is a much more developed recreation infrastructure there compared to Vietnam. Secondly, Vietnam has a completely different nature - the jungle with all the ensuing consequences. I once barely rode a moped around a huge cobra that stretched the entire width of the road and glittered under the moonlight so much that it gave me a shiver. Another time I was bitten quite badly at night by a swarm of some midges, so that the bites did not go away for two weeks. This has never happened in Thailand. And the main features of Vietnam, the freshest and cheapest seafood and wood products, are unlikely to be appreciated by children, since they are not yet mature.”

Vietnam has recently become popular among tourists, and its specialty is still calm and quiet family holidays. Noisy clubs and bars can only be found here in Nha Trang; noteworthy amusement parks and water parks can also be found only in Nha Trang, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. And the Vietnamese go to bed very early, so after 10-11 pm the streets become very quiet.

Such a meager range of entertainment will upset the lover of night parties, but if peace and quiet attracts you, then Vietnam will be the ideal choice. And you can always go to Nha Trang for a few days and have a fairly good rest - the short distances between the resorts allow this.

Bottom line: For any entertainment, it is better to go to Thailand. If you are in Vietnam, then you can have fun in Nha Trang.

Visa regime

If you do not want to apply for a visa and you are choosing where to go, Thailand or Vietnam will suit you equally. There are no visa formalities at entry into these countries.

A Vietnam visa costs about $30 and is valid for 15 days. Placed at the airport after filling out a special form. In Thailand, upon entry, you will be given a stamp for free, which will allow you to stay in the country for 30 days.

Bottom line: You can enter Thailand easier, cheaper and for a longer period.


A flight to Bangkok from Moscow will cost less than to Nha Trang. Many flights with transfers. Direct charter flights during the season cost about the same.

Prices for tours are also at the same level, around 20-30 thousand rubles per person for two weeks. But a trip to Vietnam can be cheaper thanks to low accommodation prices.

Food prices in Thailand are higher, but not significantly. Goods and souvenirs here are also usually more expensive, but the range is wider. But taxis in Vietnam are one of the cheapest in the world, so you can save a lot on travel.

Bottom line: Vietnam is cheaper than Thailand in almost all respects.


In Thailand, almost all locals speak English, especially in tourist areas. Even in non-tourist markets you can always find someone who speaks English and bargain. And in some resorts, for example, in Pattaya, there are entire Russian restaurants and shops.

In Vietnam, the circumstances are different - almost everyone speaks only the local language, price tags in supermarkets and signs are not duplicated in English. This doesn’t interfere with relaxing in a hotel on the beach, but if you travel around the country, you’ll have to learn a couple of phrases and get a phrase book.

Bottom line: In Thailand, you won’t be lost if you speak English, and in Vietnam, when traveling independently, you can’t do without a phrasebook.

What to choose

Travel to Thailand if you:

    Do you want to relax noisily and cheerfully?

    Appreciate the developed tourist infrastructure.

    Planning walks around the resorts and chatting with locals.

    Do you want to get acquainted with eastern sights?

    Do you want to plunge into exotic shows?

    Prefer the most comfortable hotels.

    Do you want to relax on cleaner beaches and sea.

    Are you planning a trip in winter?

You will like Vietnam if you:

    Do you want to save money on your tour?

    Interested in France - the French have had a huge influence on local architecture and culture.

    Do you want to relax quietly, in nature?

    Don't strive for maximum comfort.

    Have difficulty withstanding heat and extreme humidity.

    Love the coffee - it's outstanding here.

    Traveling with small children.

More details about the choice between these two countries can be seen in the video of an experienced traveler who lived in Samui and Nha Trang for several months

Thailand and Vietnam are two popular and beloved countries for a good holiday. When you haven’t been to any of them, you have a difficult choice of where to go first. Let's compare both countries so that you make the right choice and have a good rest.

1. Flight cost.

Flights for an independent traveler are a major expense. Both countries are nearby, which means the approximate cost of the flight will be the same. Differences in price may only appear during a specific season and certain dates. If you prefer to buy a tour, the cost will depend on the star rating of the hotel, the availability of full meals and other factors that influence the cost of the tour.

2. Climate, humidity, heat.

In Vietnam, the humidity is lower, so the heat is easier to bear, things dry faster, and skin wounds heal faster. Thailand has a very high percentage of humidity and many people find it even more difficult to bear the heat. There is a rainy season in both countries, but in Thailand it is longer than in Vietnam.

3. Availability of hotels, budget accommodation, local cuisine.

Both Vietnam and Thailand have a very large selection of housing in resort regions. Hotels, apartments, guesthouses, bungalows, villas - there is everything from fashionable five-star to one or two stars. In Vietnam, hotels have also appeared that operate on an all-inclusive basis; in Thailand there is no such system and, as a rule, hotels offer accommodation only with breakfast. Vietnam is just gaining its tourism momentum, the land along the sea is just being built up, so the country is less “traveled” than Thailand, where everything has already been built. Both countries offer not only local cuisine, but also European food, but it will be much higher in cost.

4. Insurance.

If you purchase a tour, then insurance is already included, but if you are going to fly on your own, then you need to stock up on insurance. Insurance in Thailand is more expensive than in Vietnam, but there are good hospitals in both countries at all popular resorts.

5. Local population, crime rate, safety for tourists.

Both there and there people are friendly, smiling and sociable. Of course, there are also scammers among them, but crime exists in every country in the world. Thefts happen in Thailand and Vietnam, you just need to be careful and careful during your entire trip.

6. Transport accessibility and rental of a car or bike.

In Thailand, within the country you can travel cheaply on domestic airlines, and in Vietnam it’s the same. Bus service is developed in both countries. In Vietnam you can take a train ride. But renting a car and (or) bike in these countries differs. In Thailand, you can freely take any vehicle if you have an international license; in Vietnam, only local licenses are required, so you won’t be able to take a car, and they will give you a bike at your own peril and risk, but in case of any accident you will be considered at fault. In addition, in Vietnam there is a chaotic and very active movement of mopeds and bikes, so driving in the city is very unsafe and uncomfortable.

7. Attractions.

Both countries are rich in attractions. In Thailand, these are national parks, temples and pagodas, waterfalls and lakes, zoos, water parks and much more. In Vietnam these are cable cars, museums, temple complexes, waterfalls, and amusement parks. The countries have developed excursion programs, there are individual and group tours. Russian guides work in both countries.

8. Infrastructure.

Both countries have developed infrastructure: hospitals, pharmacies, shops, post and bank branches, bus stations, railway stations, airports, parking lots.

9. Presence of Orthodox churches.

In Thailand, there are Orthodox churches in different provinces: Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Samui, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Koh Chang, where services are held. There are no Orthodox churches in Vietnam.

10. Fauna and flora, the presence of “reptiles”.

The climate in the countries is similar, so the tropical greenery is no different. Bright tropical flowers and palm trees grow everywhere. Creeping and other “reptiles” are found everywhere, you need to be prepared for this.

It is not without reason that many compatriots love Thailand and Vietnam because of their beautiful beaches, comfortable hotels, stunning nature and rich excursion program. To compare countries, you need to visit each of them. If the choice has not yet been made in favor of one of them, then start from the budget within which you need to enter. In any case, you will enjoy these countries!