The oldest of the 7 wonders of the world. Ancient city - Petra in Jordan. Pyramids of Egypt. Great Pyramid

The championship of compiling a list of 7 seven wonders of the world Ancient world attributed to Antipater of Sidon, who sang them for centuries in his poem:

I saw your walls, Babylon, on which there is spacious

And chariots; I saw Zeus at Olympia,

Miracle of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Colossus of Helios

And the pyramids are the work of many and hard labors;

"The greatest bath complex in Rome ever built"

Today, all that remains is the outline of the Circus Maximus centered on the center and it is being transformed into public park with a breathtaking view of the once prestigious Palatine Hill beyond. From here you will visit bath complex, which undoubtedly inspired the ancients themselves. The Italian love of thermal baths and holiday dates dates back to Ancient Rome. The Baths of Caracalla were not just thermal baths, but the most impressive and best preserved example of an Imperial bath and health complex in Antiquity.

I know Mausolus, a huge tomb. But I just saw

I am the palace of Artemis, the roof raised to the clouds,

Everything else faded before him; outside Olympus

The sun does not see beauty equal to it anywhere.

IN different times With the construction of new buildings, they tried to change the list of 7 wonders of the world of antiquity, but in the final version, only Alexandrian lighthouse which eclipsed the grandeur of the walls of Babylon.

The massive complex included a swimming pool olympic size, cold baths, hot baths and exercise courts. Throughout the complex, two-level underground network of rooms and passages were service areas that controlled baths and systems that drained liquid waste into sewer channels.

The interior of the baths was once richly decorated with architectural riches that included 252 columns - about 16 of which weighed about 50 tons. Many priceless columns, sculptures, mosaics and statues that once belonged inside the baths could be found scattered throughout Italy in churches, landscapes, buildings and museums.

Some include here all the pyramids of Egypt, some of the great pyramids of Giza, but for the most part only the largest of them, the Pyramid of Cheops, is perceived as a miracle. The pyramid is also considered the oldest miracle on the list - its construction is estimated to be around 2000 BC. Despite its old age, this is the only structure of the 7 old wonders of the world that has survived to our times.

In addition to bathrooms, the complex also included large public libraries in Greek and Latin, gardens and shops. Business meetings were often held here in conference rooms. For the ancient Romans, bathing was not just a normal function of cleanliness and relaxation, it was also a common way for people to socialize, socialize, and conduct business.

Named after the magistrate who initiated its construction, Appius Claudius Caecus, the road was built to connect Rome with Capua at a time when the Campania region was forming a united political existence with Rome. Along the way, "pit stops" were created where horses could be changed and travelers could eat and rest. The ancient Appian Way is impressively well preserved, where you can get a general idea of ​​what the ancient Roman road used to be like. Inside the original stones you can see the grooves created by the chariots and wagon wheels that have zipped through the area over the centuries.

Created by order of the king of desert Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar II, for his wife, these gardens were supposed to comfort and remind her of her distant homeland. The name of Semiramis, the Assyrian queen, appeared here by mistake, but, nevertheless, was firmly entrenched in history.

The statue was created for a temple in a large religious center Ancient Greece- Olympia. Giant Zeus sculptor Fidia struck local residents so much so that they decided that Zeus himself personally posed for the master.

Lunch will be at a traditional Italian restaurant or trattoria for an authentic Italian culinary experience. After lunch we will continue to Aqueduct Park. Bringing fresh water Rome helped the city grow and prosper, and this was done thanks to the incredible achievements of aqueducts.

Ancient city - Petra in Jordan

Roman engineers understood the principles necessary to allow water to move uphill and downhill through aqueducts as it traveled long distances. While most of There were aqueducts underground, some were above ground, especially since the aqueducts were approaching Rome.

In an ancient large port city Ephesus especially revered the fertility goddess Artemis. In honor of her, a huge and majestic temple was created here, which was included in the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world.

The rich king Mausolus wished to erect a mausoleum-temple in Halicarnassus, incomparable in beauty. The best craftsmen of that time worked on the construction. The work ended only after the death of Mavsol, but this did not prevent him from going down in history forever.

At Aqueduct Park, you can see the majestic beauty of what remains of some of the seven major aqueducts, recognized for their prominent arches that kept the water flowing. Our next stop is Piazza della Rotonda to visit the Pantheon, one of the most impressive architectural monuments of Ancient Rome.

The Second Pantheon was rebuilt by Emperor Domitian, but 30 years later it was struck by lightning and burned down as a result. What the Pantheon is most famous for is its impressive dome, which has inspired architects for centuries. At the center of the coffered dome is an oculus, a circular opening that allows light and weather to enter the circular interior.

In honor of great victory the inhabitants of Rhodes decided to build a huge statue of the god Helios. The plan was carried out, but this miracle did not last long, and was soon destroyed by an earthquake.

For navigating ships nearby major port In Alexandria, it was decided to build the largest lighthouse at that time. The building immediately eclipsed the walls of Babylon and took a place on the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

Although the original purpose of the Pantheon remains unknown, its proper name indicates that it was a temple dedicated to all the gods. The last of the Imperial Fora, Trajan's Forum is a testament to Ancient Rome's Golden Age of architectural marvels of ambitious Emperors. Throughout the remaining ruins you can imagine the wealth that overwhelmed subsequent emperors, such as Emperor Constantine, who visited Constantinople. The historian Marcellinus, who was probably present during such a visit, wrote.

Video about the seven wonders of the world

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I invite you to take a short trip to the Ancient World and help children prepare material for a presentation on the topic “7 Ancient Wonders of the World.” Of course, everyone has heard about them, but if you ask them to list them, not everyone will cope with this task.

“He stood motionless, gazing in amazement at a gigantic fabric of such majesty that it defies description and can never be reproduced by mortals.” In this large complex you can see the famous Trajan's Column, a victory column made up of marble strips that show Trajan's successful military campaign against Dacia, whose spoils paid for the construction of the forum.

the great Wall of China

Below you will see numerous foundations and columns that once belonged to the Greek and Latin libraries, the Hall of Liberty, the Temple of Trajan and the Basilica of Ulpia. In the background, in a semicircle, once stood the unprecedented market of Trajan, the ancestor of today's shopping centers, which also functioned as civil and administrative centers.

Lesson plan:

Why seven and why miracles?

Ancient Greece is a state that brought many legends and rich history. Mentions of architectural wonders appeared in the writings of the Greeks, and the selection of worthy ones occurred gradually. If you believe the opinions of scientists, the first list consisted of only three unique buildings, and its authorship is attributed to the historian Herodotus, who lived around the 5th century BC.

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Temple of Artemis in Turkey

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He included among the wonders of the world those architectural monuments that were located on greek island Samos in the Aegean Sea.

Over time, new wonders made by human hands began to “grow” on the territory of Ancient Greece and in the states nearby, which in the 3rd century BC expanded Herodotus’ list to seven items. This happened thanks to a poem by the poet Antipater. He mentioned in his work the grandiose buildings that are pleasing to the eye.

In such cases, the sites will be replaced by others interesting places in Rome. Payment is made in Eurofunds at the end of your tour and is paid directly to your Driver. Please let us know when you book your tour if you would like to pay in advance and simply enjoy the day of your tour.

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And this list would have been unchanged if it had not been for the built Lighthouse of Alexandria, which subsequently replaced the Babylonian walls previously included in the list, putting an end to it. Thus, the list of ancient miracles was finally fixed during the Macedonian Empire. The classic version that has come down to us, according to scientists, was compiled by the ancient Greek mathematician Philo of Byzantium.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

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This results in pending login lines to the site. The waiting line varies in length and is required for all visitors, including those with pre-purchased tickets. Please read our detailed travel blog for more information on the Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome.

Why seven?

For the Ancient Greeks, nothing was accidental. The number 7 was attributed to Apollo and was associated with perfection and completeness.

Why a miracle? The thing is that the wonderful list includes unique, technically complex monuments of ancient art, one-of-a-kind masterpieces. And now you can see for yourself that these are truly magnificent structures.

Zeus statue in Greece

Great Wall, China. This is a collection of short walls that often follow the ridge of hills on southern edge Mongolian plain. The first set of walls, intended to preserve the Mongol nomads from China, were built from earth and stones in wooden frames during the Qin Dynasty.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Some additions and modifications were made to these simple walls over the next millennium, but the main construction of "modern" walls began in the Ming Dynasty. Thanks to Western contact with China from the 17th to 20th centuries, the legend of the Great Wall grew along with tourism to the wall. Today part of the Great Chinese wall 50 miles from Beijing receives thousands of tourists daily.

We will touch on each of them, give their description and tell a little about their history.

The Pyramid of Cheops

She tops the list. If you hear that everyone is considered a wonder of the world Egyptian pyramids, know that this is a little wrong. The legendary list includes only one of the largest, the largest, otherwise called the pyramid of Khufu. By the way, this is the only ancient creation man, preserved in full beauty to this day.

Located in the foothills of the Wadi Rum desert, near Dead Sea, in a canyon that collects water from the mountains of Petra, the Nabateans, an ancient tribe that flourished in the sixth century, but what data is available for 3 centuries before Christ, were able to create a network of pipelines and aqueducts on a thirsty land, attract their city to the caravans arriving to Mecca, or return with silk road in Asia.

The Petra Basin contains more than 800 individual monuments, including buildings, tombs, baths, burial halls, temples, arched gates and colonnaded streets, mostly carved from kaleidoscopic sandstone by the technical and artistic genius of its inhabitants.

The tomb of the pharaoh, which is about 4,500 years old, was built by more than a hundred thousand Egyptians over twenty years. It is composed of 2.5 million block components. At first, the height of the structure was 146.7 meters, but later the upper part of the pyramid was lost, and today it rises to 137.3 meters. Each side is 230 meters.

Christ the Redeemer, Brazil The statue of Christ the Redeemer is located on the top of Mount Corcovado. Moreover, it is also the fifth largest statue of Jesus in the world. It is 6 meters high, including a 5 meter pedestal, and 30 meters wide. It weighs 635 tons and is located on top of the 700-meter Corcovado mountain in national park Tijuca Forest overlooking the city. The Christ the Redeemer Statue has the capacity to accommodate 360 ​​passengers daily. Ride around railway is approximately 20 minutes and leaves the base every half hour.

Out of the way or railway station The statue of Christ the Redeemer reaches 222 steps. For those who do not want to make a difficult trek up the mountain, the statue can be reached by escalators and elevators. This is one of the attractions that attracts more and more visitors every year. Best time to visit the statue of Christ the Redeemer - late evening or evening.

Inside the pyramid there are three chambers. The lower one, at a depth of 30 meters from the base of the rock on which the pyramid itself is erected, remained unfinished. Above it are the queen’s tomb (at a height of 20 meters) and the king’s tomb (at a height of 42 meters).

I have an opinion! Some supporters of the existence of other civilizations believe that the Cheops pyramid was built by aliens, since it has calculated perfect proportions and the correct angle of inclination so that it does not fall, even though it is very high. And they also cannot believe that it is possible to build such a “colossus” only with human hands, without any mechanisms.

Machu Picchu, Peru Machu Picchu is in the middle steep mountains and surrounded deep canyon, formed by the Urubamba River, which passes through this part of the Vilcanota basin. The landscape is formed by a series of hills and steep mountains, with almost vertical slopes and deep narrow gorges where rivers sound and rushing waters. Machu Picchu was rediscovered by American archaeologist Hiram Bingham. Over the years, scientists and archaeologists have done a lot of research and research about Machu Picchu to find out the mysterious things that this sanctuary has.

Machu Picchu is one of the most representative tourist attractions of Peru, considered a masterpiece of architecture and technology. This is one of the reasons why many tourists go to Peru and do a Machu Picchu tour; most travelers get a second chance to visit the ruins.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

They are in second place. Some historical sources indicate that the gardens were created in the 7th century BC for the sake of the wife of the king of Babylon named Amytis. She came from the full green of Media, and she did not like the dusty Babylon, spread out on the sands. To console his wife, King Nebuchadnezzar II decided to build gardens.

The gardens were built according to the principle of pyramids: four platforms, arranged in tiers, stood on 20-meter columns. From a distance, these structures resembled a hill with greenery, fountains and streams. Among the sands of hot Babylon hanging gardens truly looked like a miracle. Unfortunately, the evergreen splendor has not survived to this day.

I have an opinion! No one can reliably say whether these gardens actually existed. But all scientists say that the name after Semiramis, who lived 2 centuries earlier, was assigned to the gardens by coincidence by mistake.

Zeus statue

Third place. It was built in ancient Greek Olympia by the Athenian sculptor Phidias in the 5th century BC. The history of construction began with a temple in honor of the god Zeus, the patron saint of Olympia. Over 10 years of work, the building turned out to be magnificent - with 34 powerful columns 10 meters high, massive entrance doors, bas-reliefs with the labors of Hercules on the walls, but the appearance of Zeus himself was not there.

The result is wood covered with ivory plates, with precious stones and in golden clothes and shoes, with a scepter in his left hand and a statue of the goddess of victory in his right, Zeus, 17 meters high, appeared before the Greeks.

The majestic Zeus “sat” in the temple for a short time. In the 2nd century, as a result of an earthquake, the temple was severely damaged, and after the games on Olympus were banned by thieves, the statue of Zeus was “stripped”: the stones were taken out, the gold was torn off. The remains of the sculpture taken to Constantinople burned in a fire.

I have an opinion! Found in 1954 during excavations at the site of the workshop where the masterpiece was created, personal belongings and tools belong to the sculptor Phidias.

Temple of Artemis

Holder of the fourth meta. The temple was created in the port of Ephesus in the 5th century BC according to the idea of ​​​​the architect Hersiphron. 127 columns 18 meters high encircled walls 51 meters wide and 105 meters long. Inside the temple there were many paintings and an ivory statue of the goddess of fertility Artemis herself, decorated with gold.

In the 4th century BC, a resident of Ephesus, Herostratus, who wanted to become famous, set fire to the temple, and Holy place restored again with the money of Alexander the Great. In the 3rd century it was completely plundered, the remains were washed away by underwater rivers.

In 1869, archaeologists found a holy place and dug up the foundation. Today in modern Turkey, only a lone column and the remains of ruins remain from the temple.

I have an opinion. According to legend, the 127 columns of the temple were donated by 127 kings.

Halicarnassus Mausoleum

Fifth place in the list of wonders of the world is occupied by the mausoleum, built at the behest of King Mausolus in Halicarnassus on the territory of what is now Turkish Bodrum in the 4th century BC.

It was conceived as a tomb, since the royal tomb was erected inside the courtyard on a stone platform. The 46 meter high square with 36 columns made it to the wonderful list due to its design and interior decorations. There were no statues of gods, but 330 sculptures of representatives of the dynasty and animals. A chariot was erected at the top of the pyramid.

The building could not withstand the earthquake that occurred in the 13th century; its ruins were found in 1846. Based on them, several reconstructions were created, one of which was taken as the basis for the Manhattan Grant Mausoleum and the Washington Masonic Temple.

I have an opinion! The appearance of the temple, far from the usual worship of the gods, showed the continuity of power.

Statue of the Colossus of Rhodes

In sixth place is the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes, which was built in 12 years and installed in the 3rd century BC on the Greek island of Rhodes. The height of the clay and bronze sun god Helios, standing on a white marble pedestal with a torch in his hands, reached almost 36 meters, and ships sailed between his legs to the port.

During an earthquake somewhere in 225-222 BC, the Colossus of Rhodes “fell to its knees”, its fragments lay on the ground for another thousand years, and then were sold by the Arabs to some merchant, who took everything out on 900 camels.

I have an opinion! The statue took 13 tons of bronze and about 8 tons of iron.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Completing our list of wonders of the world is the Lighthouse of Alexandria, built on the island of Pharos in Egypt in the 3rd century BC. Its height was 120-140 meters. It consisted of three towers made of marble. In the first, largest, the service personnel lived; through the second octagonal one they passed into the third, built in the form of a cylinder, where the light burned. On the upper dome there was a figure of the patron of the seas, Poseidon.

As a result of several earthquakes, the lighthouse was severely damaged, turning into ruins. The Egyptian Sultan built a defensive fort on them. Many remains of the lighthouse were buried in the depths of the sea.

I have an opinion! The light of the lighthouse was so strong that sailors could see it 60 kilometers away. A lot of wood was burned for the fire, and the flame was reflected in bronze mirrors and illuminated the path.

These are the ancient wonders of the world. If you add colorful illustrations to these description slides, your presentation will rightfully become the best.

Read about other wonders of planet Earth on the ShkolaLa blog! learn about ball lightning, about small, white snowflakes, and about great river Amazon.

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Evgenia Klimkovich