The history of the balaclava. What does the name Balaclava mean? Where was the balaclava first mentioned?

The history of Balaklava goes back about 3,000 thousand years; it is difficult to name the exact date of the city’s founding. It is known that the shores of the bay have been densely populated since ancient times.

According to Greek, Polish and Arab chroniclers, the city was known far beyond the Crimean Peninsula. Possibly on site modern city was the Listrigonian port of Lamos (known from ancient Greek myths as the place of the cannibal giants that Odysseus fought during his travels).

In the 6th century BC. Chersonesus was founded, there was also a village around Balaklava Bay, which in translation from Greek was called “port of omens” - Sumbolon Limen.

A completely new period, the Roman period, began in 63 BC. after the conquest of Asia Minor and the Balkan region by the Roman Empire. During this period, the city flourished and became a famous center of trade. But the peaceful period did not last long. From III begins the great migration of peoples to the Crimean peninsula, where the fearless regiments of the Huns and Goths rushed. Since the 6th century, Balaklava belonged to the Byzantine Empire.

In 1357, the magnificent fortress of Cembalo (from the name Sumbolon) was built in Balaklava by the Genoese. Also, a few years later, the Temple of the 12 Apostles was built near the fortress. Balaclava was an important strategic site of Genoa, but in 1433 the Greek population of Balaclava began to protest against the colonization of Genoa. The rebels were able to hold the fortress and the entire city for a whole year, but the following year the army of Genoa took Cembalo back into their possession.

In 1453, the Ottoman Empire defeated the great Byzantium, and in 1457 the Turkish Armada managed to take possession of the fortress. From this moment on, the Turkish period of rule began in the city. The name of the city was changed to “Balyklagy”, which means nest, fishing place. At times, the Zaporozhye Cossacks managed to capture Balaklava, but they were never able to hold the defense for long.

In 1771, through diplomacy and the signing of treaties, Turkey surrendered the city of Balaklava to Prince Dolgorukov. Since that time, the famous bay has become an important haven for Russian navy. Three years later, the Turkish authorities recognized the independence of Crimea, and in 1783 the entire Crimea was annexed to Russia (after the signing of the manifesto of Catherine II).

During the Crimean War, the city was captured by the British, who built the first railway, shops, entertainment centers and hotels. In the fall of 1854, the famous Battle of Balaklava took place, in which the British were defeated and lost a significant part of their cavalry. A few weeks later a great storm arose and sank the invaders' ships. This incident gave rise to the legend of the “Black Prince’s gold”, for the study of which a Special Purpose Underwater Expedition was organized.

During the Great Patriotic War, Balaklava became an important target for fascist troops. The 72nd infantry division, accompanied by heavy artillery, was allocated to capture it. The domestic defenders were defeated and moved to the area of ​​the Genoese fortress, which served as an important defensive shield. So in November 1941, Soviet troops managed to repel numerous German attacks without a single loss of life. The defense lasted until 1942, and in 1944 Balaklava was completely liberated from the fascist invaders.

After the end of the war, the city turned into a secret military base, and a division of submarines that contained nuclear weapons was organized in Balaklava Bay. There was also an underground plant for repairing marine transport in the rock. The entrance to the territory of this facility was closed, and only in 1995 the last Russian submarine was withdrawn.

Today, when all military secrets have been declassified and the city has acquired the status resort place, more and more tourists want to explore the picturesque bay, walk through the ruins of the Genoese fortress, and also simply sunbathe and swim in the clean, warm Black Sea.

As promised, I’m telling you about our further adventures in Sevastopol. Here great amount places worth visiting and exploring. I covered most of the sights of Sevastopol in. Now I’ll tell you about an equally interesting suburb.

Balaclava is a ghost town

Just 15 minutes by car from Sevastopol, and we arrived in the wonderful town of Balaklava. This is a huge bay surrounded by rocks, on the slopes of which snow-white houses are freely located.

The bay has a curved shape, and it is for this reason that the entrance to the seaport is completely invisible from the sea. The sea here is very quiet, due to the fact that the bay is surrounded by mountains. There is practically no wind. Swimming is a pleasure. Which we did not fail to take advantage of, the shore is quite flat and even a child was not afraid to go into the water.

Interesting fact, it turns out that Balaclava is already 2500 years old. She was sung by many poets and writers. In particular, Kuprin dedicated a whole series of stories called “Listrigons” to this town. And it is also this coastline that Homer describes in the Odyssey.

Until recently, this city did not exist at all. No, in reality, Balaklava existed, but it was not on any map. Since it was a very important strategic object. Why? Read below.

Balaklava embankment

The embankment of Balaklava is very beautiful. It’s so cool to stroll here on foot and admire the magnificent marine species. It's also nice to have free internet. But there is also a certain fat minus here. All motorists park their cars right on the embankment. Everything was packed quite tightly, but everything would have been fine if we hadn’t met a couple of reckless drivers who were pleased high speed drove straight along the pedestrian paths.

The strange thing was that there was not a single policeman or even a security guard within sight. So, if you are with children, do not relax and do not let the child go alone.

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Balaclava reminded me of Monte Carlo.

True, there are certain similarities. Beautiful dachas of wealthy majors, luxurious yachts near the embankment.

Church of the 12 Apostles

On Rubtsova street 43 there is the most ancient church Crimea. The year of its construction dates back to 1357. In fact, there is nothing particularly remarkable in the construction, everything is simple, without frills or frills. You know, I can’t even describe the structure. Everything is banal.

Submarine Museum in Balaklava

Submarine Museum

Marble Street 1

This is where it gets really interesting. The thing is that during the Cold War, Balaclava was a strictly classified object. Even the village itself was not on the maps. Here, a tunnel was cut through a huge rock, which contained strategically important facilities for the construction and repair of submarines. The complex is truly huge and was also a bomb shelter in case of a possible war.

Twenty centimeter steel doors and reinforced concrete walls can easily withstand the impact of a nuclear bomb. A huge number of workshops, each interesting in its own way. It can easily accommodate 10 submarines with crews and more than 3,000 people. Can you imagine the scale? Here we were offered 2 options for excursions by water and by land.

First we examined everything from the water, and the next day we returned again for a land excursion. You can believe me, but it’s incredibly interesting here and it didn’t bother us at all that it was a double excursion. I want to warn you right away, it’s very cold in the complex, no more than 10 degrees plus. Therefore, do not be frivolous and stock up on warm clothes.

Cape Fiolent

Tiger Cape is located in the west of Balaklava. Many legends are associated with this place. They say that it was here that the ancient priestess of the Taurus tribe made human sacrifices to appease the appetite of the idols. The victims were always foreigners. And the ancient Greeks built a temple here to the goddess Artemis and called this cape Divine Country.

Christians did not lag behind their predecessors, erecting here the temple of St. George, who, according to legend, saved the Greek sailors who were shipwrecked.

On the territory of the temple there is a spring with holy water, which anyone can take with them. This water has miraculous properties and heals the sick.

In general, this place is very beautiful, especially in the morning, when the sun just rises into the sky and illuminates the sea and mountains with its rays. There are also some great beaches here: lost World or Jasper.

The cleanest water, well-groomed coastline - all this is absolutely free. There are also free sunbeds with umbrellas, but this really surprised me.

Frigate "Black Prince"

Yes, I’m probably not the only one who would like to see this ship. There are obviously a lot of people willing, and after I tell you the legend, my dear readers, there will definitely be more people wanting to meet this frigate. Back in 1854, a very powerful storm broke out off the coast of Balaklava, sinking a considerable number of ships. Among those who sank was the famous “Black Prince,” on board which was a huge amount of gold intended to pay the entire English army. And now attention, the treasure has not been found yet! Well, what are we going to do without looking at the treasure hunt?

Balaclava hat

The well-known cap-mask with slits for the eyes was invented in Balaclava. This idea belongs to the British. During the Crimean War, there was an incredibly cold winter and the soldiers of the English army came up with this attribute for insulation. Now it is an indispensable accessory for special forces and extreme tourists.

In the south of Balaklava there are very picturesque mountains, which we did not fail to visit with the whole company. Charming Pinery, flowers and herbs. The healing mountain air is simply filled with the aromas of herbs and pine trees. We pitched a tent right in the forest not far from the bay.
A bonfire, barbecue and songs with a guitar under the glow of huge southern stars, what else do tourists need? It was an unforgettable night that we all will remember for a long time. By the way, there are a lot of savage tourists there. So don’t be afraid to climb into the mountain thicket, even there you won’t be left alone in the mountains. But still follow safety measures, do not be fooled by the dizzying mountain air and all-encompassing tranquility.


We learned that you can easily see dolphins in the sea. Without thinking twice, a boat was rented. Beauty, I tell you. Balaclava from the sea is even more magnificent than from land. Green Bay. We were lucky and we actually met dolphins. They frolicked very funny and squeaked in the water.

I counted more than 15 pieces. Our friend did an extreme thing: he jumped into the sea with the dolphins. To everyone's surprise, they surrounded him in a dense flock and began to communicate. He even managed to ride on the fin of one of the dolphins.
These fish are really very sociable and kind.

While we were traveling around the city, we visited several wonderful cafes and restaurants.

Where to eat in Balaclava

Restaurant "Kapral"

Naturally, while at sea, it would be a crime not to try the fish.

On the city embankment the number of restaurants is simply off the charts. This is not surprising, because Balaclava is tourist town. We couldn't get past one interesting name"Corporal." This restaurant has a terrace where you can sit and taste seafood. The prices are affordable and the dishes are extremely tasty.

The fish used is the freshest, caught locally. Go to a good restaurant. Of course, you will leave more money than in a cafe, but the memories will also be more significant.

Cafe on wheels

There is also a catering cafe. Such little cars. You can have a snack there on the run. The menus in different machines differ significantly, that is, you can choose different dishes for the belly celebration. There are even McDonald's analogues where you can buy hamburgers and fries.

Where to stay in Balaklava

There will be no problems with housing here. There are many hotels, hotels and even hostels in Balaklava. And, of course, private sector no one canceled. Everything will depend on the capabilities of your wallet. Or you can do, like us, stay in Sevastopol and go on excursions to the suburbs.

In general, I really liked Balaclava. There really is something to see and remember here. Come and enjoy your holiday on the Black Sea coast.

Bye everyone, the continuation of our story will be released soon.

Balaclava - compact, but very picturesque locality in the Sevastopol region. It is popular among tourists due to its luxurious nature, cozy beaches and opportunities active rest. This article contains all helpful information about Balaklava - how to get there, what to do, the sights of Balaklava with photos and descriptions, the history of the resort.

History of the resort

Homer first mentioned the beautiful harbor surrounded by rocks in the Odyssey. The ancient storyteller called the settlement located here Lamos and mentioned that the bay is completely hidden from the sea, and the water here is always calm.

The coast changed hands many times. Until the 1st century. n. e. Its main inhabitants were the Tauri, who founded a fishing village. Among the subsequent “masters” were the Romans, Greeks, and Byzantines, who founded the village. Yamboli, Italians who built the famous Cembalo fortress.

In the 14th century, during the uprising of the Greek population of the fortress, it passed to the Principality of Theodoro, and then became part of Ottoman Empire. Probably, a toponym arose then: the Turks called the fortress “Balyk-yuv”, which means “fish nest”.

In 1624, the Cossacks captured the fortress, and then it came into the possession of Russian Empire. During the Crimean War, the town was captured by the British, who built a wooden embankment, a water supply system and the first railway on the peninsula.

After the British left the city, Balaklava was part of the Yalta district for some time, and then developed as a resort. Boarding houses and hotels opened at the beginning of the 20th century. The dacha of Count Apraskin and the hunting lodge of the Yusupovs, land fortifications that were used during the wars, were built.
Many military installations (including a secret base) appeared during the Soviet period, so the settlement was closed for some time. And in 1957, Balaklava officially lost its city status.

Sights of Balaklava - photos with descriptions

Most Crimeans perceive Balaklava as a separate city, although administratively it is a district of Sevastopol. There are many attractions here that are definitely worth visiting if you choose a vacation in Crimea.

First of all, the settlement is famous for Balaklava Bay, the most convenient Black Sea coast. There are never storms; the rocks completely hide the bay from prying eyes. Previously, submarines were based here, but now ships are located Black Sea Fleet.

Stretches along the town beautiful embankment, named after the war hero I.A. Nazukina.

Not far from the Balaklava embankment stands the oldest church of the Twelve Apostles currently operating on the peninsula, built on the site of a Byzantine temple that stood here in the 6th century. The temple's roots go back to the Genoese period, and its temple architecture owes to the 18th century and is considered unique. During the reconstruction of the building, a stone was found with an inscription stating that the church was built in 1357.

During the Crimean War it was destroyed and completely restored only towards the end of the 19th century. It was decorated with porticoes and consecrated in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of sailors. After the victory in the Crimean War, the Greek Balaklava battalion kept its banners here.

The temple is famous not only for its centuries-old existence. Its architecture was recognized as unique, which has no analogues in the world, and is in the register of architectural monuments of the 18th century. The building was built in the shape of a cross with a dome located in the center, the walls are made of marble rubble limestone. At the entrance to the temple there are white stone columns, and the inside remains snow-white, untouched by frescoes for several centuries.

In the USSR, the church was closed and various organizations were located in its building. But in 1990, the architect Yuri Lositsky presented his project for the reconstruction of the building and by the summer of that year, a divine service was held there for the first time in many years.

Stepping onto the land of Balaklava, you will certainly hear the stories and legends of the famous Chembalo fortress. The remains of its towers located on Mount Castron are visible from afar. At one time, this citadel made Balaklava Bay an inaccessible harbor. According to chronicles, its construction began in the middle of the 14th century, and ended in the second half of the 15th century; evidence of this is the consular inscriptions preserved from those times. It is possible that the Genoese could have built a fortress on the ruins of foundations that remained from the times of the Romans and Greeks, the presence of which is confirmed by archaeological excavations.

A stone staircase leads to the first tower, which even children can climb, but to the next tower you will have to go along a mountain path. But from above there is an incredibly beautiful view of the settlement and the Black Sea.

The Chembalo representative office was located between the Kalamita citadel near the Black River and Cape Sarych. On the cliff, defensive cities were built above and below, which looked like a well-fortified palace.

The city above was named after the patron saint of sailors, Nicholas. The entire administrative body of the colony was located in it. At the Consular Castle ground floor There was a large container for storing drinking water. In the lower city were built defensive walls, which reliably defended the castle, it was named after St. George the Victorious.

The remains of Chembalo are clearly visible from the embankment; there are steps here, along which you can climb to the very top highest point Castron and, rising to imagine what the fortress was like during its formation. It originated from the old port and market that were in the bay, the first tower was the beginning of the walls of the fortress, in total Chembalo was surrounded by 16 towers.

At the top of the donjon tower, amazing beauty opens up, from a bird's eye view you can see the sea to the very horizon, on the right side of the mountain you can see Cape Fiolent, on the left - Aya, and turning back you can see the whole of Balaklava in all its glory.

Unfortunately, all the monuments of Crimea that date back to the Genoese period, Chembalo is no exception, have long since turned into ruins and continue to be destroyed. So far no one has found anyone willing to restore them.

Underground naval museum complex of Balaklava

Most vacationers in Crimea come to Balaklava to visit the Balaklava Naval Museum Complex, which became a museum in 2002. It was created on the basis of an underground plant intended for the repair and maintenance of submarines, located in adits.

This is a unique landmark of Balaklava, as a kind of monument to the Cold War, military history, the technology of those years, that Balaklava, which was a classified base for nuclear submarines (object GTSNo825).

The bay became a military base even before the war, and already in the 50s they began to build an anti-nuclear facility here. To create a secret base, Balaklava was chosen - a bay completely isolated from prying eyes, closed by a small strait. Unique defensive structures were made in as soon as possible, in the most difficult conditions, underground in just 8 years and are a brilliant indicator of engineering work.

Here, at a sufficient depth, in the rocks, an artificial water source, dry docks, technical areas in which submarines were serviced and repaired, fuel warehouses, and a secret mine and torpedo unit were made. It was possible to leave Mount Tavros through two exits, one led to the bay, the other to the open sea, both exits were well camouflaged.

At the end of the last century, due to the rearmament of the fleet, the object ceased to be secret and lost its significance. Here, from the little that was preserved, exhibitions were organized dedicated to the historical significance of the Black Sea Fleet and the country's submarine forces. Some areas running next to the underground canal, rooms that used to be factory floors and an arsenal of torpedoes and nuclear warheads were opened for inspection. Also here you can see models of warships and some types of equipment and weapons of that time.

Also here, in one of the caves, there is an exhibition of rare exhibits related to the Crimean War, which were kindly provided by the Sheremetev family from Kyiv. Here you can see military ammunition, uniforms, awards, and some types of different weapons. Here on battle maps you can see the routes of that war, read letters from soldiers and much more.

Cape Fiolent and St. George's Monastery

To one of most beautiful places peninsula can be attributed to Cape Fiolent, which attracts with its picturesque landscape, clear sea, a white beach and rocks at the bottom of the sea, which are overgrown with marine vegetation. Here, when it is calm, it is especially pleasant to watch the sea; at this time the water in the sea is completely transparent.

It was formed as a result of an eruption that existed here in the prehistoric period, a volcano, as evidenced by frozen lava flows on its surface, on the slopes already covered with limestone, veins of semi-precious minerals.

The cape is overgrown with many legends and names, and everyone chooses a legend to suit their taste. Initially, it was called Parthennum and, according to legend, it personified Iphigenia, brought here by the goddess Artemis to sacrifice her to the gods, who later became the priestess of the temple of the Virgin. According to another legend, it began to be called Saint George after Saint George appeared to the shipwrecked sailors and helped them.

Having landed on a cliff, they discovered the face of George on it and after that, the surviving sailors, in gratitude for their salvation, erected a monastery here in his honor. But it began to be called Fiolent not very long ago, and to this day there are disputes about where this name came from, either from God’s country, or from the violent nature of the cape.

To understand what Cape Fiolent is, you need to imagine a very high mountain with the sea at the foot and an old staircase of 800 steps, if you go down it, you can see steep cliffs above the beach, the sea and a rock in it, with a towering cross placed there in ancient times.

Cape Fiolent

On the Fiolent rocks above Jasper Beach there is St. George's Rock, here stands the one-of-a-kind St. George's Monastery, where a pagan temple previously stood. According to legend, it was built at the end of the 9th century by sailors who were helped to escape by St. George. Priests (chaplains) for the fleet came from this monastery, many Russian emperors visited there, and Pushkin, who visited this land, left full of impressions.

To commemorate the thousand-year anniversary of the monastery in 1891, on the rock where sailors saw the appearance of St. George, they installed a cross on which the saint slays the dragon and the date 891-1891. In the early 20s of the last century, the monastery was given over to a military unit of the Black Sea Fleet, and in the 90s they began to revive it again. Restoration work is still underway, but the monastery welcomes everyone who wishes to attend the service.

Merdven-Tobe waterfall in the vicinity of the village of Rodnoe (Balaklava district)

The supply of Crimean attractions is truly limitless. Here in the Baydar Valley there is complete abundance of them. One of these is the Merdven Tobe waterfall, which literally means an inverted staircase; it received this name due to its shape.

The shape of the rock, from which streams of water gracefully flow, falling with special grace into the green surface of the lake, in fact, is very similar to an inverted staircase. The green shore of the lake resembles a tropical landscape, there is something Hollywood about it.

Here, under the canopy, there is the Koba-Chair grotto, covered with ivy, where you can find coolness even on the hottest day. If you look at the waterfall from the grotto, you will see a stunning spectacle of the play of water with the sun. In very hot summers, the waterfall practically dries out, so it is better to admire all its beauty in March-April.

But, despite this, the lake remains at the disposal of vacationers. The place to relax here is very well equipped, there are tables, benches, changing rooms, i.e. everything you need for a good rest. The waterfall is located near the village of Rodnoe, so local residents it is called Rodnovsky waterfall. Not far from it there is an ostrich farm, where you can hear a lot of interesting things about ostriches, go fishing and relax at the campsite.

A beautiful dilapidated building has stood on the Tavricheskaya embankment in Balaklava Bay for many years. They call it the Yusupovs' hunting lodge, although the word lodge does not suit this building well.

Back at the beginning of the 20th century, the Yusupov family, who loved Crimea very much, added one more to their collection of houses here. summer palace. Their dynasty was the wealthiest in Tsarist Russia. Unfortunately, not a single member of the Yusupov family lived in this house.

The only heir of this dynasty, Felix, was involved in organizing the murder of Grigory Rasputin and their entire family, like other representatives of the Romanov family, was taken to England. Later, the heir and his wife moved to the capital of France, where they remained until the end of their days.

Now this architectural monument is not suitable for visiting tourists, but still the majestic walls of the once beautiful palace remember those times of the great empire.

What else to do in Balaklava?

Balaclava is popular among tourists. First of all, they are attracted wonderful beaches, which can be reached by booking a boat trip. Several swimming spots are easily accessible on foot. For example, the City Beach is located in the center, and a little further, 4 km from central square, there are well-maintained Matrossky and Marble beaches.

Tourists are encouraged to do fishing, book an ATV excursion, horseback riding or paragliding. Yachting and diving are developed.

There are many canteens, cafes and restaurants in Balaklava, which specialize mainly in fish dishes. Balaklava fish soup is famous throughout the coast. After tasting local delicacies, you should take bus number 126 and go to Inkerman, where you can taste fine wines.

Helpful information

The season in Balaclava begins in late spring and lasts until September. There are direct flights from Simferopol. Buses leave from the bus station, but there are only four trips per day. Easier to get to from Sevastopol: from Sq. Nakhimov there are city buses No. 2a, 12, 14, 20a, 120. You should go to the stop. “5th km of Balaklava highway”, then by minibus No. 9 to the stop. "May 1st Square". It's very close to the bay.

Balaklava is a picturesque area a few kilometers south of the center of Sevastopol. Even if you plan to spend your vacation in another area of ​​the main port city Crimea, you should definitely come here for at least a couple of hours. Balaklava is a nice resort, popular among tourists in the summer - there are many picturesque beaches in its surroundings, which can be reached by boat. After enjoying the sea and sun, you can spend a little time on the rich history of these places - go up to the Genoese fortress and go down into the adits of the former secret naval base. At the end of your exploration of the town, we recommend stopping by one of the local restaurants and tasting dishes from the freshest fish and seafood.

The name of the city has two versions of origin: from Turkish “fish bag”, and from Crimean Tatar - “fish weather”. In addition, a helmet-hat is called a “balaclava,” which is bought en masse by tourists as a souvenir.

The decoration of the city is Balaklava Bay, located between high mountains. It is connected to the sea by a narrow, winding strait of 1.5 km, and since the rocky coast makes several turns at the entrance to the bay, the harbor is not noticeable at all from the open sea. Here, during the Crimean War, a beautiful embankment was built, which was originally called the English embankment, and today - the embankment named after. Nazukin, in honor of the hero of the civil war.

How to get to Balaklava

Balaklava is one of the most remote areas of Sevastopol from the center, so the road here is equivalent to a trip to the suburbs. In addition to the Hero City itself, you can get to the famous bay from Simferopol, as well as a number of other Crimean cities, but with a transfer.

There are only 4 direct flights Sevastopol - Balaklava, buses depart from the bus station located in the city center, you will be there in 30-40 minutes. During the summer months this destination is especially popular, so the chance of leaving is slim. Fortunately, there is another way, however, you will have to make a transfer, due to which the journey will take longer.

Travel on buses and minibuses in Sevastopol costs 15 RUB (when paying with a single city card). Prices on the page are indicated as of November 2018.

First you need to get to the stop “5th km of Balaklava Highway”. There are many buses coming here from the city center - No. 14, 20a, 12, 120, 2a and others. They depart from the railway station, bus station and square. Nakhimov. Next you need to change to minibus No. 9. The stop is located a little away from the one where buses from Sevastopol arrive. There are many flights to Balaklava, so you won’t have to wait long. The stop you need, “Pl. 1st May", located near Balaklava Bay. Read how to get to Sevastopol.

Balaklava is connected by direct bus service to Simferopol. Transport from the Airport bus station departs daily, although there are few flights. In summer, the demand for tickets increases, so additional flights. Tickets will cost 230 RUB and the journey will take about 2 hours. Read how to get to Simferopol.

Search for air tickets to the city of Sevastopol (the nearest airport to Balaklava)


Balaklava is a relatively small area, public transport needed only to get to the center or one of the nearby villages. The town itself can be explored on foot in a few hours. From a tourist point of view, of interest is bus No. 126 of the carrier Rubin LLC, connecting Balaklava with Inkerman, where the vintage wine factory of the same name is located. On route 119 you can get to the beaches in Omega and Kamyshovaya bays.

To get to other attractions of Sevastopol, you must first get to the “5th km of Balaklava Highway” stop, from where buses depart to most districts and suburbs.

During the summer months, sea transport becomes especially important - it connects the city with many picturesque beaches. Getting to them by land is not so easy - the path runs through the mountains. Agree, a 20-minute boat ride is much more pleasant than an hour-long climb in the sun. Today, city boats run between the pier in Balaklava Bay and the beaches of Vasili, Yashmovy, Silver and Zolotoy. Depending on the distance, a one-way ticket will cost 150-250 RUB.

You can also get to the beaches by private yawls - small motor boats. The fare costs about the same, but they depart more often. In addition, official transport stops running quite early, and then the skiff becomes the only way to return to the bay.

Rent a Car

Beaches of Balaklava

Picturesque beaches are one of the main attractions, attracting thousands of tourists to this bay year after year. In its vicinity there are probably more places for swimming than in the whole of Sevastopol. Moreover, they are considered the best in the city.

There are 3 beaches within walking distance from the Central Embankment; the path to the rest runs through the sea or mountains.

The closest, but far from the most interesting, “City” beach is located in the center, not far from the “Pl. May 1st." Infrastructure: benches and sunshades, no equipment rental. Vacationers sit on towels, directly on the concrete surface. There are stone steps leading to the water, which is not very convenient for bathing children.

There are 2 more beaches 4 km from the center, which are easily accessible on foot. “Marble” and “Matrossky” are better equipped than “Gorodsky” - there are rentals of sunbeds, umbrellas and rescue towers. Concrete platforms ending in a steep iron staircase lead to the water at Matrossky. The sand and pebble beach “Marble” with a gentle slope is quite suitable for families with small children.

Many beaches are located on the shores on both sides of the entrance to Balaklava Bay. The most famous of them are “Golden” (“Far”), “Silver” (“Near”), “Vasili” (in Vasilyeva Balka) and “Yashmovy”. All of them are washed by the waves of the open sea and covered with pebbles, so the water here is always clean and clear, but cooler than in the bay. The beaches are well-groomed and equipped - cafes, lifeguard towers, rental points for umbrellas and sunbeds.

At Yashmovoy you can ride a jet ski or a banana boat, and for scuba diving enthusiasts it is better to go to Zolotoy - there is a diving club there. Dives are also carried out in other parts of the coast - undersea world in these places it is very interesting, and thanks to the crystal clear water it can be seen in great detail.

Treatment in Balaclava

The balaclava attracts not only devotees beach holiday, but also those who care about their health. And this is not surprising, because the dry and mild climate of these places is considered healing in itself, and the air, saturated with sea salts and iodine, has a healing effect on the entire body. The bay is surrounded on all sides by rocks. Walking through hilly terrain will strengthen the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

Holidays in this area are especially useful for people with respiratory diseases. In addition, it is worth coming here with children if they often catch all kinds of viruses and infections - the maritime climate will help strengthen the immune system.

There are also health resorts in Balaklava that offer their guests a whole range of medical procedures. They are equipped with gyms, playgrounds, swimming pools and tennis courts. Wellness services include sauna, massage and physical therapy.

Maps of Balaklava

Diving in Balaclava

Balaklava has everything for diving lovers - a rich underwater world, clean transparent water, beautiful rocks And interesting objects. In the vicinity of the bay there is a large selection of dive sites - Cape Aya, the beaches of Batiliman, Fiolent, Zolotoy, etc.

You should make a choice in favor of a particular dive area based on what you want to see.

And in the depths near Balaklava there is something to see - seascapes formed from fragments of rocks and seething underwater life - algae and sea anemones, schools of colorful fish, several varieties of crabs. Another feature of the underwater terrain is numerous crevices, caves and grottoes. Wreck divers will also be pleased - Italian, French, Russian and German ships from the Crimean and World War II, as well as fragments of ancient ceramics and other objects are generously scattered along the seabed.

Anyone can go diving in Balaklava - most clubs offer special test dives with an instructor for beginners. No training required, instructions provided. All the fun, including equipment rental, will cost 2650-3500 RUB. For certified experienced divers, the choice of dive areas is larger, and the price is lower - from 1200 RUB. It includes the services of a guide and equipment - a cylinder and a weight belt.

Hotels in Balaklava

Due to the particular popularity of the resort among tourists, in small Balaklava the choice of accommodation options is quite large - hotels, guest houses and apartments. With budget housing, however, things are not very good. There is only one hostel here, and that one has 3 shared rooms. But they are quite well equipped - satellite TV, air conditioning and free Wi-Fi. And the location is good - just a 5-minute walk from the Central Embankment. A bed in a dormitory room costs RUB 700 per night.

Most hotels are concentrated in the center, but there are also options on the outskirts. However, this does not mean that you will be able to save a lot on accommodation. Prices for a room in a three-star hotel on the shore - from 2500 RUB.

IN central region many middle class hotels. A day in an economy class room costs from 1200 RUB per person, a double room is 2 times more expensive. However, nearby you can find hotels without a category, but with a fairly high cost of accommodation - from 4000 RUB per night.

What to bring

You won’t have to look for souvenir shops and shops in Balaklava for long. Most of them are concentrated on the Nazukin embankment. One of the main symbols of the city is the hats of the same name.

They owe their name to heat-loving English soldiers who wore them during the Crimean War to protect them from severe frosts.

Other traditional Balaklava souvenirs are essential oils and teas made from local medicinal herbs. Also popular among tourists are products made of wood and ceramics - kitchen utensils, jewelry and magnets. Since this area is famous for its beautiful mountain and seascapes, they can be found here in any form - on magnets and plates, bags, T-shirts and towels, photographs and canvases.

Balaklava is home to one of Inkerman’s two branded wine stores, so people often bring a bottle of “Inkerman’s Legend” or “Crimean Riviera” as a souvenir. Not far from it is the store of the Zolotaya Balka champagne wine factory.

The range of prices for souvenirs is quite large - from 100 RUB for a magnet or keychain to several thousand for an oil painting. As for shopping, it’s definitely not worth going to Balaklava for it - there are no large shopping centers or brand boutiques here.

Cafes and restaurants in Balaklava

Despite the small size of Balaklava, its streets have many cafes, bars and restaurants. Back in the 19th century, these places were famous for their hospitality and exquisite cuisine. By the way, most of the restaurants in modern Balaklava are concentrated on the Nazukin embankment, in buildings that have survived from those times.

Seafood dishes are considered the hallmark of restaurants. You will find a fish menu in almost every establishment, and most of the main dishes and snacks are prepared from the freshest, recently caught fish. Those who want to try the full variety of local cuisine should visit one of the restaurants on the Central Embankment. Prices, however, can be steep - the average bill sometimes reaches 3,000 RUB.

Those who want to save money are better off going to a cafe, further away from the center. There you can find a pretty good kitchen and have breakfast for 300-400 RUB, and even less in the canteens. The golden mean is cafes and bars with a varied and tasty fish menu, but a rather simple interior. The average bill there is from 1000 RUB. For those who prefer Italian or Japanese cuisine, Balaklava has a pizzeria and a sushi bar.

Entertainment and attractions of Balaklava

Despite the fact that Balaklava gained fame as a resort back in the 19th century, it was inaccessible to our contemporaries until the collapse of the USSR. In the mid-20th century, the Soviet authorities established an underground factory here to repair and equip submarines. The object was secret, and Balaclava was classified along with it.

Today the base has been replaced by the Naval Museum Complex - one of the main historical attractions of the city. Its exhibition is located there, in the depths of Mount Tavros. Guests are invited to visit walking tour or take a boat trip along the shipping canal.

The naval base in the bay was secret, and Balaklava was classified along with it.

However, the secret plant dates back to relatively recent history, but in Balaklava monuments of much earlier events have been preserved. One of them is the ruins of the Genoese fortress Cembalo, once proud and impregnable. Today, all that remains of its former grandeur are several dilapidated towers and fragments of the fortress walls.

Chembalo stands on Mount Krepostnaya, and the path to it cannot be called easy. However, it is worth it - the ancient stones preserve the memory of past battles, and the steep cliff that once reliably protected the Genoese from enemies is literally breathtaking. In addition, from there there is a wonderful view of the mountains and Balaklava Bay.

A little further from the embankment, on the street. Rubtsova, is the oldest in Crimea Orthodox church- Church of the Twelve Apostles. It was built in the mid-14th century by the Genoese. The building has undergone several alterations and reconstructions; the appearance it acquired in the 18th century has survived to this day. Tourists are attracted by the architecture of the church, as well as its main shrines - the relics of St. Blessed Basil and St. Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

Not far from the bay, near the Fiolent metro station, there is another religious attraction - St. George's Monastery. According to legend, it was founded back in the 9th century. The monastery is famous for its long staircase of 800 steps leading to the picturesque Jasper beach.

The holiday season begins in May and lasts until mid-September. Summer in Balaklava is hot and dry, precipitation is rare, but very abundant. The best time to relax is at the end of August - beginning of September. By this time, the air temperature drops to a comfortable level, and the water remains warm.

In the southwestern part of the Crimean peninsula, 12 km from Sevastopol, there is ancient city Balaclava, having rich history dating back more than 2500 years. Balaklava, a uniquely beautiful deep-water bay, protected on all sides by high, steep and inaccessible cliffs, has served for centuries as a reliable shelter for many generations of merchant and military ships during the Black Sea winter storms and hurricanes.


Homer, telling about the journey of the ancient Greek hero Odysseus in the 1st century BC. e., gives a description of the harbor and fortress, reminiscent of Balaklava harbor and the city named Homer's "high city" Lamos, the city of the Laestrygonian Giants, who defended themselves from uninvited guests by throwing huge boulder stones from the cliffs, trying to sink the ships of Odesseus. (Odyssey, X, 80-132). Many researchers believe that Homer described Balaklava Bay:

“We entered a beautiful harbor there. She is surrounded
The rocks are steep on both sides as a continuous wall.
Near the entrance they rise high against each other
There are two capes running out, and the entrance to this harbor is narrow.
<…>never been to the bay
The waves were neither high nor small, and the surface shone evenly.”

Since ancient times, balaclava has been a powerful fortress created by nature itself. Balaklava Bay is closed on three sides by high cliffs, and the narrow entrance to the harbor reliably protects it from enemy invasions from the sea. From time immemorial, the balaclava has served as a reliable sea ​​fortress, had a strong flotilla and a garrison capable of holding the defense of the city.

In the “History”, Herodotus reports that in the mountains of Tauris lived numerous warlike tribes of the Taurians, who knew a lot about the art of war.

The name "Balaclava" comes from the Vedic Sanskrit word energy, strength, military force, army, army." “Abala” - abala - “weakness”. “Balabala” - balabala - “strength and weakness.” From the roots of the words of Vedic Sanskrit (Rig Veda - RV) All modern languages ​​occur, including the Russian language. Obviously, the name of the harbor “Bala + Klava” comes from the words of Vedic Sanskrit: “Bala” - military, “Klap, kalpate” - klṛp, kalpate - “to strengthen, strengthen, fortress” (from the root “kḷp”), that is BalaKlava - Military Fortress.

The ancient Greek geographer and historian Strabo (64 BC - 24 AD) and the Roman writer, author of Natural History Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) associated the name of the harbor and fortress of Balaclava with the name of their son Scythian king Skilur(II century BC) The name "Borysthenites" Palak - means “strong, powerful”.

In the Russian epic, warlike, Perun's club — « a valuable stone like fire”; on the day of the thunder god Perun - they fight with clubs - “drekolyem”, wedge-shaped club; fairy-tale heroes of Russian fairy tales were armed with heroic weapons club, from pa-liga - flame, ignite, sword - strike. Mace, as a sign of a punishing divine instrument, became a symbol of power and passed into royal scepter, priestly and judicial rod.

One of the names of the ancient Greek god of War was Pallas(Pallas, from Pali - πάλη - fight ), which also has a connection with the Sanskrit word "Bala" - “power, military force, army, army.”

The birth of Athena-Palades in military equipment from the head of Zeus, in the hands of Zeus a vajra. 550 BC

The Greeks call the goddess Athena Athena Parthenos (ancient Greek Ἀθηνᾶ Παρθένος - “Athena-Virgin”), in her honor, the majestic Parthenon temple was built in Athens (448 - 438 BC).

The second name of the goddess is Athena Palada (ancient Greek Παλλὰς Ἀθηνᾶ - Athena the Warrior)– warlike goddess of military strategy and wisdom, she was depicted in full armor - in armor covered with snake scales, decorated with an aegis in the form of the head of Gargona.

The names Pallas, Palada, Palak, Balaklava come from the Vedic Sanskrit root: “Bala” - bala - “power, strength, might, military force, army, army.”

According to the ancient Greek historian Strabo, military fortress Palakion (Plakia), that is, Balaclava, was founded in 112 - 110. BC e. Scythian kings to fight the commanders of the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator. Scythian fortress Palakion was founded before the arrival of the Greeks to these parts.

The museum of the national reserve "Tavrichesky Chersonesos" contains gravestone of Chersonesos, died at the walls of a military fortress Palakiona.

West of Balaklava harbor, at the height of Tavros, archaeologist A.K. Takhtai discovered in 1938 early Taurus settlement dating back to the 8th century BC. e.

Genoese colony

In the 1st century AD e. Pliny the Elder in “Natural History”, when listing the surrounding cities of Chersonesus, calls "Symbolum portus "(Natural History, IV, 86).

The Greek language belongs to the Indo-European group of languages, the basis of which is the Vedic Sanskrit of the Rig-Veda, this is where the word comes from Sima - “siMha” – powerful; Bala - “-bala” - power, strength. About the harbor “Symbolum portus” - “Powerful force” or “Strong power” port, Strabo writes: “harbours with a narrow entrance, where the Tauri used to gather their bands of bandits, attacking those who fled here,” called “Symbolum portus” ( Sim+balo Limin) (Geography, VII, 4, 2). In the Greek language there are NO hissing sounds “ch”, “sh”, “sch”, etc., so we can assume that the later name of the fortress is “Chim-bala” - “cimbala” - with the same meaning - “Powerful force "

The sea harbor of Chimbala (or Palakion), now Balaclava, convenient for military and defensive purposes, was a reliable place for settlement; in addition, there were a lot of fish in the quiet, calm water of the harbor. The Tauri and Scythian tribes lived in settlements on the shores of Balaklava Bay until the invasion of the Romans.

In Mikhailovskaya Balka on the North Side of Sevastopol, the remains of a sanctuary of Thracian (Scythian) gods were found.

Roman military fortress.

In the 1st century AD e. (63-66 years) Roman legionaries under the command of Plautius Silvanus, provincial legate Lower Moesia, defeated the Tauro-Scythian army that was besieging Greek city-polis Chersonesos. To strengthen their influence in Chersonesus, the Roman garrison built military camp fortress Kharaks on Cape Ai-Todor in the harbor “Symbolum portus”, that is, in the harbor of Balaklava. The Roman fortress of Charax is mentioned by the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy Claudius, who lived around 87-165.

Judging by the architectural details of the Ionic columns, the capital, Temple of Jupiter Dolichen reconstructed in 139 - 161. n. e., during the reign of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, the temple existed until 223 AD. e.

In the sanctuary of Jupiter Dolichenes, copper and silver antique Greek, Chersonese, Bosporan and Roman coins, cult terracotta figurines were found goddess Kore-Persephone and satires, lamps, fragments of amphorae, and other table and kitchen ceramics.

In the Balaklava sanctuary of Jupiter Dolichen statue discovered Hercules and image fragments eagle, bull, Moon, Minerva, Hercules, Mithra and several sacred altars, for sacrifices to Vulcan and Hercules.

On the pedestal of the statue of Hercules there is an inscription in Latin: “ Dedicated to Hercules. For the health of the Emperor Antoninus Augustus and Marcus Aurelius Caesar, Antonius Valens, military tribune of the I Italian Legion (installed) with the help of Novius Ulpianus a centurion, the same legion, i.e. I Italian.”

Archaeological finds Chersonese Tauride prove the facts of the Roman military presence on the territory of the allied Greek city in Crimea.
During excavations from 1992-1999, archaeologists discovered the tombstone of a Roman cavalryman, gold coin with the image of Emperor Nero (1st century AD), stone fortifications of a Roman military base I Italian Legion, and sanctuary Jupiter Dolichen.

In Kadykovka on the northern outskirts of Balaklava and on the Cossack heights of the Heraclean Peninsula, previously unknown archaeological sites have been discovered, indicating the presence of Roman troops.

Archaeologists have discovered fragments of kitchen utensils and red-glazed Greek amphoras of the 2nd-3rd centuries. n. BC, lamps, fragments of Roman tiles with marks, forged iron nails. An unexpected discovery by archaeologists was a treasure of 57 Roman silver denarii; over 30 years of excavations, an ancient numismatic collection of Roman coins dating back to the period of the Romans’ stay in the fortress was collected - from 193 to 223 AD.

In the upper reaches of Cossack Bay on the Heraclean Peninsula, a fragment of a building from the 2nd-3rd centuries was found. n. e. with eleven marks of the XI Claudian Legion on tiles from a settlement in the village of Zavetnoye.

In the 240s AD. e. Roman legionaries left the fortress of Charax in the harbor "Symbolum portus". Greek settlement remained in Chersonesos until the 370s. the city of Chimbalo (Palakion) was destroyed under the onslaught of the invasion of the nomadic Huns.

In the 700s, the Greeks again populated the shores of Balaklava harbor, and a village with the same name appeared "Cimbalo" - Chimbalo or "Yamboli". In 702, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian II, who fled from Chersonesos, was hiding in the Cymbalo fortress.

Ottoman Empire

Hadji Giray, born in 1397 in Trakai, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, where the Tatars lived who fled to Lithuania during the unrest in the Golden Horde.

With the support of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Vytautas, in 1428 16,000-strong army of Hadji Geray captured the Crimean ulus. Hadji Geray occupied Old Crimea, the Crimean Murzas from the Shirin clan and the “Jewish fortress” (cufut - Jew, qale - fortress, from the Vedic Sanskrit root “kḷp” - “Klap, kalpate” - klṛp, kalpate - “to strengthen, strengthen, fortress”, for example in the word BalaKlava).

In 1475, the Turkish Ottoman Empire captured Italian possessions in Tauris, Greek Genoese colonies to the coast and Christian , fortified in the mountains of Tauris. The Ottoman Empire forced the third Crimean Khan Mengli Giray admits himself as a vassal Turkish Sultan , and dependence on Turkey, Crimean Tatars were obliged to send 100 thousand people to the Turkish army, which fought with Russia and Poland.

Russian merchant and traveler Afanasy Nikitin visited in Balaklava three years before the capture of the Chembalo fortress by the Turks. In my travel notes Afanasy Nikitin noted in the 15th century, What Tatars call Balaklava in their own way"Balyklava" finding the word in your dictionary: “balyk” - “fish”, consonant the oldest name ancient fortress brands (Tursi, Greek *Ταυρο-ρως = ) Balaclava, existed 1500 years before the arrival of the Turks and Tatars in Tavria (Crimea).

Russian empire.

In 1624, 10,000 Zaporozhye Cherkasy and 2-3 thousand Don Cossacks marched to the Crimea and captured Balaklava and Kafa (Feodosia)

On June 23, 1773, during the first Russian-Turkish War, a 6-hour naval battle took place near Balaklava, in which a Turkish squadron of four ships was defeated by two Russian ships, Coron and Taganrog - this was the first victory of the Russian fleet on the Black Sea.

According to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty 1774 The Crimean Khanate gained independence from the Ottoman Empire under Russian protectorate. Since 1774, the process of annexing the territory of the Northern Black Sea region (Novorossiya) to the Russian Empire began, completed in 1812, after the annexation of Bessarabi to Russia.

Turkish troops left Balaklava in 1774 and Russian Cossacks entered. Balaklava Bay again became a military fortress and the location of the Russian fleet in Crimea.

By order of Empress Catherine II, the Greek Balaklava Battalion was stationed in Balaklava, designed to guard the southern coast of Crimea. Near Balaklava, the Greek army was allocated land for lifelong use.

Made her first trip to Crimea and Novorossiya. It is known that the Russian Empress was met in Balaklava "Amazon army" under the command of Elena Ivanovna Sarandova, the wife of the captain of the Greek battalion.