What threatens the earth this year? A comet is approaching the earth at high speed

October 12, 2017 - new date end of the world. Scientists stated this. Or rather, experts simply reported that a huge asteroid is flying towards Earth, which can destroy all life on our Planet. The latest news, unfortunately, is disappointing on this matter.

October 12, 2017 - Asteroid:

According to information from scientists, an asteroid is expected to arrive on Earth on October 12, 2017 - it is of such huge size that it can easily pierce our atmosphere, they are sure. The size of asteroid TC4 2012, as scientists report, is several times larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Now it is very difficult to assess what damage it will cause to our Planet, however, the assumptions, as you can understand, are disappointing.

For example, renowned Christian leader Pat Robertson argues that asteroid impacts on Earth will eventually occur as there is nothing else that will cause the seas to be agitated, causing a dark blackout, the moon and sun to give their light as events described in the Bible. However, Hawking is not alarmist, since he believes that such a disaster will last for thousands of years.

By this time we should have spread into space and to other stars, so a catastrophe on Earth would not mean the end of the human race. The odds were given as 1 in 250 million, but even then this asteroid impact on Earth would hardly have been Armageddon.

According to research by Western astronomers, on October 12, 2017, the asteroid TC4 2012 will collide with the Earth. It is now known that the diameter of this celestial body- 40 meters, but he is moving towards us at a speed of 28 km/h. The fact that the threat is real is confirmed by an urgent meeting, which is scheduled to take place on October 10, 2017, that is, tomorrow, at 15:00. Professionals will gather to answer questions such as: how great is the risk of a collision, how terrible will the consequences be, can it lead to cataclysms, which, in turn, will begin the end of the world, and many others.

Whether this will happen at all, or when it will happen, depends on the exact circumstances of the flyby. Györgyi-Rice explained that the “probabilities are very low” for all potential impact factors in the coming years. Although this asteroid does not currently pose a threat to Earth, scientists hope to gather information to refine its orbit. With government agencies, they are also preparing for the day when an asteroid of the same size could enter the Earth's atmosphere.

One of the biggest reminders that such small, rocky bodies orbiting the Sun pose a threat to Earth came on February 15th. An asteroid many times brighter than the sun pierces the early morning sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Now it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that the end of the world will await the Earth on Thursday due to the fall of an asteroid, and even that it will fall at all, but scientists intend to consider all situations. While the Space Apocalypse for this date is not cancelled.

Conspiracy theorists are talking about a new end of the world, which, according to their forecasts, will come on October 12, 2017.

People rushed to their windows, curious to see what lit up the sky so brilliantly. Minutes later, an airburst shattered windows, injuring thousands. Astronomers must make further observations of their predictions. The next close pass of this asteroid will be using current observations, astronomers predict the likelihood of an impact, and then only one in 2.

An asteroid's orbit can be changed by several factors: this will change as a result of passing so close to Earth. Sunlight also affects the orbit through a process known as the Yarkovsky effect, and in the short term this is negligible.

This time, conspiracy theorists say, the Earth will die due to asteroid 2012 TC4.

In 2012, asteroid 2012 TC4 flew past our planet at a distance of 0.247 LD (Lunar Distance), which is approximately 94,800 km. Previous calculations showed that in 2017 it will fly past our planet at a distance of 0.079 LD. But there were reports that this time asteroid 2014 TC4 will approach Earth at a distance of 4 thousand miles. And this is an almost guaranteed collision of a celestial body with a planet.

Some time in the next few years we'll have a conversation where it's, 'This thing is going to hit in two days, and what do we do?' And a lot of what we do will be learned in this exercise this week,” Brown said. . A house-sized asteroid passes close to Earth.

NASA scientists say there is no risk of impact, but the flyby gives them a chance to test their asteroid warning systems. A global network of telescopes will closely monitor the object. It is estimated to be between 15 and 30 m, which is relatively small.

However, even space rocks on this scale are dangerous if they strike. NASA scientists who have spent the last two months tracking this new rocky visitor say their calculations show it will clean up Earth safely and pose no threat.

Representatives of official science claim that asteroid 2012 TC4 does not yet threaten the Earth, writes the Rsute portal. But they agree that if this asteroid ever hits our planet, it could trigger massive disasters. The consequences of this asteroid falling could be much more serious than falling to Earth Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Instead, they will use this close approach to referee future potential strikes. This will help them clarify how asteroids are tracked and enable them to test international communications systems. Dr Chodas said that although the risk of being hit by an asteroid was small, it would be wise to plan ahead.

"NASA's search programs are getting better and better at finding asteroids," he explained. The first priority was to find large asteroids. So far, NASA research has found that 95% of asteroids are one kilometer or larger - those that could cause a global catastrophe.

At the same time, when drawing up a scenario for the fall of such an object as 2012 TC4 to Earth, scientists admit that it can actually cause an earthquake or a volcanic eruption. It all depends on where exactly the object will fall.

Conspiracy theorists claim that 2012 TC4 will cause the end of the world. They claim that it will cause large-scale disasters on Earth, in which humanity will not be able to survive.

Now we are working our way to smaller ones - 130 m in size and larger ones - and by about 30%. This one is small - we're not trying to find all of these sizes. It's just a convenient asteroid for us to practice our tracking techniques on. He added that if an asteroid was discovered heading for Earth, scientists would consider different methods to prevent disaster.

If we had enough warning time - five or ten years - then we could do something about it, especially if it was on the small side. “We could go up and move it, change the speed of our years forward, and that would be enough to move it off the collision course.”

Asteroid TC4, moving at a speed of 14 kilometers per second, is predicted to approach Earth on October 12, 2017, reports Russian newspaper with reference to NASA. The size of the asteroid is 30 meters, which is almost twice the size of the Chelyabinsk meteorite - 19.8 meters.

October 12, 2017, end of the world: scientists do not believe in the end of the world

According to scientists' calculations, the asteroid will pass by the Earth at a distance of 43,500 kilometers. Experts cannot calculate the exact distance, which is why the error may be high, but the object will approach the planet by a maximum of 6,800 kilometers, NASA said.

This may seem like a convenient miss, but at its closest approach the asteroid is just under 3½ Earth's diameters, directly above the orbits of communications satellites. This diagram shows stars up to magnitude A and the topocentric ephemeris for the asteroid that appears at the bottom of the page.

But for now we can relax and pass in complete safety. Young galaxies appear to be at the junction of giant filaments in the web of dark matter. These findings are important for understanding how huge galaxies like these form and how they evolve into huge elliptical galaxies.

“We are preparing to collect data to characterize and study TC4 as well as previously observed similar objects. And this time, for the first time, we're using a celestial body zoom to test a worldwide asteroid detection and tracking network. This will allow us to assess our ability to detect potential asteroid threats,” said Michael Kelly, NASA's chief of staff for the TC4 observation campaign.

Marsden, Director of the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, NY. Massachusetts, warned in an interview that estimates of asteroid progress are estimates and that there is no immediate cause for alarm.

It's impossible to calculate the odds of an impact, Dr. But he turned to astronomers with large telescopes to measure the brightness and size of the asteroid, estimated to be a mile in diameter, and refine the dimensions of its orbit. There is ample evidence that the Earth is frequently bombarded by asteroids and comets, some of which may have contributed to the mass extinction.

Despite the fact that experts estimate the chances of an asteroid colliding with the Earth at 0.00055%, it is nevertheless recognized as potentially dangerous.

It is believed that in order for a space object to pose a threat, it must be at a distance from the planet no more than twenty times further than its natural satellite.