The city of Peter is the history of its origin. The ancient city of Petra is an amazing architectural monument

Petra is the main attraction of modern Jordan, it is an ancient city and former capital Idumea or Edom, and later, the capital of the Nabataean kingdom. The remains of the city are located at an altitude of almost a kilometer above sea level and 660 meters above the Arava Valley, and located in the narrow Siq canyon. The passage to the valley where the ancient city is located lies through gorges located on the southern and northern sides of the mountain, and on the eastern and western sides, the rocks form natural walls up to 60 meters in height. The first to find the city, after many centuries of loneliness in the desert, was Johann Ludwig Burckhardt from Switzerland in 1812. In 2007, the city of Petra became one of the new “Seven Wonders of the World”. Indeed, this is one of the greatest miracles ever created by man and nature. Not far from the city and above it are the tomb of Aaron and the rock temple of Ad-Dair.

Other names, films and threats associated with Jordan Petra

It is important to know that Petra has been a hidden, forgotten and unknown place for many centuries. A huge treasure, the façade you see for the first time before entering Petra in Jordan. The magnificent, historic and charming city of Petra in Jordan reveals its beautiful walls and facade as soon as you reach the end of the narrow canyon that leads you here. These springs are about 2 km long, but they are very narrow. A special facade is shown in front of you. It is made of red and pink stones and that is why it is called the Pink City.

As history tells us, the city was the center of two important trade routes: one of them connected Damascus with the Red Sea, and the other connected the most populated province of Gaza with the Persian Gulf, which ran along the coast. Mediterranean Sea. These roads connected India, China and southern Arab countries with ancient Egypt, Greece, Syria and Rome. Caravans with the finest silk, various spices, precious stones. Columns of loaded camels and accompanying merchants departing from Persian Gulf, laden with goods brought from overseas countries, moved for weeks through the harsh Arabian desert, and when they, exhausted, reached the narrow Siq canyon, the travelers found water, food and lodging here.

In fact, the word "Petra" comes from Greek and means rock. You should know that Petra - famous place for films. Unfortunately, there are many threats that affect the Old city. Erosion, wind and weather in general, along with crowds of tourists or poor renovations, all affect Petra. It is also good to know that the city was greatly destroyed in 363 BC.

Due to the threats to Petra, many organizations have come together to combat them through various projects. Architectural styles and what you can see in Petra, Jordan. It is also a strategic city for caravans between India, China and Syria, Egypt, Rome or Greece. It is 914 m above sea level. The Nabateans combined Assyrian and Egyptian styles with classical Greek to build this old Pink City. The most important part you can see is the Treasury, which is the facade and the most beautiful, most photographed part of the city of Petra in Jordan.

For centuries, trade brought unprecedented wealth to the ancient capital. But this did not last forever, until the Romans opened sea roads, then the land trade in spicy spices and Chinese silk was reduced to a minimum and the city gradually became empty, lost in the desert sands and time. Many structures of the city of Petra were carved in different eras and under several owners of the city, including the Edomites (XVIII-II centuries BC), Nabataeans (II century BC - 106 AD), Romans (106-395 AD), later Arabs and Byzantines. In the 12th century AD. its owners were the Crusaders.

In Arabic it is called Al-Khazneh. It is also the richest in decorations and elements. Since it was first used as a tomb for the Nabataean king, the urn that sits above the Treasury is said to contain pure gold. There are two other important places that you should not miss when you enter Petra. The first one is called " High place” because you have to go up a steep climb to get to Attuff Ridge, where you can see two obelisks and a high altar.

It is said here that the Nabates offered gifts to their gods Al-Uzza and Dusares. Another important place is Deir or known to people like a Monastery. It is a 46m high and 40m high rock that is also carved so ancient people can enter. Inside is a large room where important religious days and festivals took place. If you do the 5-day trekking tour, you will arrive at Petra from the direction of the monastery. This place is about half an hour's drive from the main entrance to Petra.

The entrance to the city stretches through a narrow gorge one kilometer long. The gateway to Petra is the long and winding Siq gorge. Petra is located among red sandstones, which are well suited for construction, which allowed the then residents of those places to quickly build living quarters. Using terracotta pipes, the architects of Petra created complex system water supply and despite the arid climate, the city's residents never needed water. Around two hundred reservoirs were placed throughout the city, collecting and storing rainwater for some time. In addition to connecting the reservoirs, terracotta pipes collected water from all sources within a radius of 25 kilometers. The most famous buildings these days are: Al-Khazna, which means treasury or treasury; jewelry, gold and everything valuable that was in the city were kept there and eventually became the tomb for one of the rulers of the city. Al-Khazna is one of the best preserved structures of the first century. Al-Khazna can be seen directly from the entrance to the rock city. The massive façade is 30 meters wide and 43 meters high, carved into a solid dark pink rock, everything around seems to be made of coral, creating unforgettable experience. The construction of the Al-Khazna temple was carried out in the former river bed. To build this structure, the architects changed the river bed. A tunnel was cut into the rock to divert the flow of water and a series of dams were built. In addition to this famous building, there are many colorful buildings for different purposes. Place of sacrifice, Roman amphitheater for 3000 spectators. Temples, obelisks, colonnades, holy sacrificial altars and the majestic, famous Ad Deir Monastery, which is reached by 800 steps carved into the rock.

Other buildings and tourism in Petra in Jordan

In addition to the important buildings mentioned above, you can see other fascinating, strange buildings that will not disappoint you. The Roman theater is a good example that has survived from the Roman period. It is a huge building dating back to the first century BC with Greek style from the Nabatean period. The royal tombs are very interesting and their facades are a good example of old architecture. They are located 250 meters from the theater and can be reached by an easy walk. You will be rewarded with superior looks.

The city of Petra has two museums - the Archaeological Museum of Petra and the Nabataean Museum of Petra. The exhibits that can be seen here are archaeological finds from the surrounding area of ​​Petra, they provide an opportunity to better understand the history of the ancient city.

The list of attractions and monuments in Petra is very large; it would take several hours to list everything; in total there are more than eight hundred historical sites. The most popular and visited: Sakhrij (“Blocks of the Jinn”), Mugar An-Nasara (“Caves of Christians”), sacred mountain Jebel Al-Madbah ("Mountain of Sacrifice"), the Byzantine church behind the ruins of the Nymphaeum, Qasr Al-Bint ("Palace of the Pharaoh's Daughter"), Mount Jebel Haroun (Mount of Aaron) and the Temple of Ad-Dair.

The most important graves are: Tomb of Unaishu, Corinthian Tomb, Tomb of Urn, Strong Tomb, Tomb of Sextius Florentinus, Tomb of the Palaces and Tomb of Carmine. Step inside and don't miss East Peak and the beautiful views of Column Street. Also visit Wadi Turkmaniya, a pleasant walk with Petra to the north that can take you to two more graves. Inside, you can see and explore the Temple of the Lions, surrounded along with other temples, altars and buildings. Even though Petra in Jordan is in the middle of the desert, modern city, located a few miles away, is aimed at tourists and has hotels, restaurants and shops that can be found here.

Today Petra is the most visited place in Jordan. Local traders sell souvenirs and offer tourists camel rides.