Otepaa ski resort in Estonia. Ski resorts in Estonia. Dancing until you drop

Estonia– the country of rains and bicycles. However, no - there was a mistake. Estonia is now increasingly associated with alpine skiing. Accordingly, in price ski resorts new European Estonia, where there is every chance to relax and improve your health. However, Estonian territory seems to have never been considered as having majestic mountain ranges and peaks?

Unless there are several hills in this region, such as the hill "Suur-Munamägi", the height of which only slightly exceeds the 300-meter mark. However, as practice shows, Estonian entrepreneurship has no equal in the field of constructing alpine skiing facilities. In any case, quite decent ski resorts have been built here for the personal needs of snowboarders and skiers. Who prohibits foreigners from enjoying all the benefits of the nation? There are no such prohibitions at this time.

National ski resorts of Estonia in the image of Suur Munamägi

Beginning from December until almost the end of the March days, ski resorts in Estonia are in demand. Steadily stable weather and dense snow cover contribute to a lot of fun while skiing. The main object where the gaze of lovers of mountain descents and ascents is aimed is the Estonian city of Otepää.

Actually, this settlement should be well known to athletes and tourists as an international winter sports center. European and world level competitions are often held here. Winter holidays are also organized here, allowing you to engage in such activities. sports, How:

  • traditional skis
  • ski jumping
  • downhill
  • figure skating
  • skating
  • other

About two kilometers south of Otepää there is a small settlement - Pyhajärve. The town is notable for the fact that it offers comfortable accommodation, plus it has a surprisingly colorful place due to the nearby lake. Meanwhile, you can settle down for a vacation in other places that are no less attractive and remarkable.

Valgehobuzemägi Hill is the second most important Estonian resort

The upland area enjoys a slightly lower level of popularity compared to the Otepää resort area Valgehobuzemägi, which exists on the territory of the Estonian county of Järvamaa. This is probably quite natural, given that the height of the rock formation is half as high (just over 100 m). In terms of scale, the resort area in this place does not differ in global size.

However, local residents and tourists are quite satisfied with the existing ski slopes, even if they are of short length. Perhaps this place should be noted as ideal for those who are getting acquainted with alpine skiing for the first time, who are just mastering ski resorts of European Estonia and wants to smoothly enter the world of skiing. In any case, vacationers should be satisfied - the Valgehobuzemägi resorts are very well equipped:

  • modern lifts
  • ski equipment rental
  • instructor services
  • tubing tracks
  • swimming pool, saunas, jacuzzi, water park

Ski resorts as a possible tourist destination

There is also a ski resort in the vicinity of Otepää. "Ansomagi". Many ski lovers speak positively about this place and even recommend mastering:

  • mountain slopes
  • cross-country ski slopes
  • tubing and snowboarding
  • snowmobiles

According to former researchers, the complex meets international standards, surprises with the variety of trails, and captivates with well-organized service.

Famous area Haanja Nature Park also has a ski resort. Here nothing can upset the delights of winter holidays, since protection from disappointments is provided by a dense forest environment consisting of centuries-old larches and spruces. The natural atmosphere alone that reigns in these places captivates and makes you relax in any case. Combined with skiing, of course, the effect increases many times over. In general, it feels like it is still part of the countries where ski holidays are considered a full-fledged tourist destination. Those who are not sure can try it personally.

We bring to the attention of site readers a report about one of the most famous ski-racing centers not only in Europe, but also in the world - Estonian Otepää, a kind of test drive of which the Ski Sport magazine conducted in early July.
Probably, this report will not be so interesting to professional athletes who often attend training camps in this place, but for active ski lovers who know a lot about training and love to train and, perhaps, have never been to Otepää, we hope our material will be of interest.


Being the happy owner of a personal vehicle, the “LS” correspondent traveled to Otepää by car. The road from Moscow, depending on the pace of driving, will take from 8 to 10 hours. The Novorizhskoye Highway has now been reconstructed in many places, and the “washboard” that was there two or three years ago is no longer there. Of course, there are some bad bits left (where would Russia be without them?), but everywhere you can drive at speeds of more than 100 km/h without any problems. Crossing the border is also a fairly painless procedure and takes from an hour to two, although to get there, it is better to have a map, because there are no signs. It should be noted that to enter Estonia by car you need insurance - the so-called “green card”. For a period of 15 days to a month it costs 2,700 rubles. The roads in Estonia are good and there are signs at every intersection so you don't get lost.


We lived in a cottage for 8 people, although not eight of us. But if fully filled, this is a fairly budget option, which is clearly cheaper than its counterparts in Russian centers. In addition, you are unlikely to get such conditions: shower, bathhouse, kitchen, refrigerator, etc. necessary household appliances there. For comparison, in Demino for this money you could live in a cottage for 3-4 days, and in Estonia - 18.

There are quite a few such individual cottages, but there are several hotels, as well as a fairly large private sector. Almost everywhere there is free wireless Internet, the high speed of which is pleasantly surprising. I was also pleasantly pleased with the prices in local supermarkets - they are lower than in Moscow Auchans.


Let's move on to what we came here for, that is, to Otepää, that is, to training. Probably the first thing a skier needs is a roller ski track, and it is by this criterion that training sites are mainly selected. In Otepää there are several such trails, or rather places for skiing, which, by the way, saves you from crowding on the circles. The “new track” was laid on the territory of the Tehvandi sports complex, its length is 6 km. The circuit includes long, gentle descents and long climbs, sometimes with steep exits. If there is a turn on the descent, then be sure that the counter slope is also in place. The quality of the asphalt is excellent, there are kilometer markers all around, and the roadsides are mowed. There are two shooting ranges on the course for biathletes.

The “old route” is an ordinary road, although it is marked with special signs warning that roller skiers or other athletes may meet on it. The asphalt there is good, but, of course, not as smooth as on the new roller skate. Nevertheless, it is noticeably superior in quality to the famous asphalt of the small cycle ring in Krylatskoye. The terrain of the route is more typical of a road - the climbs there are really long, which, coupled with the not very fast asphalt, makes them quite difficult. Its length in one direction is just over 6 km, respectively, back and forth – 12.5 km. If a car catches up with you, it will drive behind you as long as necessary to overtake you safely. In general, no one races there, especially during training time.

Also, in different directions from the city, parallel to the highways, there are bicycle paths with excellent asphalt and very soft terrain, which makes them attractive for backtracking and second training. Based on my observations, I note that more skiers ride on them than cyclists. Our favorite part was the bike path to the town of Kääriku, which runs through the park along the shore of the main local lake, Pyhäjärvi. The length of the path is about 10 km one way.

Now let's move on to the simulation: there are also two tracks for this type of training activity in Otepää. The “old” or “Dynamo” track was laid in the area of ​​the old ski jump on Apteekerimägi hill. Its length is 6 km, it is very well marked, it is almost impossible to lose your way. The terrain on the highway is very decent. Perhaps in terms of steepness it is inferior to the track in Ostrov, but it is definitely not weaker than the circle in Raubichi. In the middle of the circle, there are two steep uphill jumps in a row: landings head-on and diagonally - this is for fans of shuttle imitation, you can only imitate up and down on them.

The “new” imitation circle is located in the same place as the new roller skate, that is, on the territory of the Tehvandi ski center. Its length is 5 km, and the terrain, in my opinion, is somewhat softer than Dynamo’s. There is one serious climb on the circle - also uphill from the jump landing, however, it is one and a half to two times longer than similar climbs on the old circle. Separately, I would like to note that the circles are carefully monitored: they are carefully mowed, fallen trees are immediately removed, bridges are made through swamps and streams, which eliminates excess dirt.

In addition to the description of the “ski attractions” of Otepää, we attach an interview with the director of the Tehvandi sports center Allar Arukusk, who spoke a little about the history of the Otepää ski center and its preparations for the World Junior Championships, which will be held there in early 2011.

This center was built in 1978, and it became the base for training national teams of the Soviet Union, especially in skiing sports: cross-country skiing and combined events. After the collapse of the Union, the center became owned by the Estonian government, and now its co-owners are the state, the Estonian Ski Union and the municipality of Otepää. This year we held the World Cup in cross-country skiing for the tenth time, and the main event of next year will be the World Junior and Youth Ski Championships. In 2007, we built a new ski jump, and at the end of this summer, by September, we will complete the construction of a new stadium, which will become the main arena of the championship. It will be a year-round complex: in the summer there will be athletics and football, and in the winter there will be skiing. The main stand will accommodate 2,200 spectators, and the small stand will seat 1,000. Thus, the stadium will have more than 3 thousand seats only, and it will be able to accommodate up to 6 thousand spectators. True, our attendance record set at the Ski World Cup is 23 thousand spectators over two days. After construction is completed, we will add a large cross-country skiing stadium to the shooting range and biathlon stadium.

- What sports facilities are managed by the Tehvandi Sports Center?

- We own a stadium, a roller ski track, a shooting range, a simulation circle, and running circles. In winter we have a 10 km loop of artificial snow.

- Do you make it from snow that you save from last winter? I saw a mountain of sawdust on the highway...

- No, that snow is only enough for 4 km. We make several piles, the largest of which is about 20 thousand cubic meters. But as soon as the first cold weather sets in, we make snow with snow cannons.

- Is skating paid?

- Yes, when natural snow has not yet fallen, you have to pay for skiing.

- Is it cost-effective?

- Yes, we have agreements with the Estonian Ski Union, the Estonian Biathlon Association, the local sports school, the Otepää municipality: they pay for the use of the track by their members, so as not to charge each individual fee. If a team comes to our training camp, the track fee is included in the cost of hotel accommodation.

- How many employees does the center have?

- 37 people. Of course, you always want to have more employees, but in the current economic situation in the world, this is probably the optimal number.

Whose parking spaces do you think these are?

Hotel Tehvandi - also known as the famous Pentagon

The sports center's trail layout is what is called "new" trails. The black circle is a roller, the blue circle is an imitation. On the roller skate, however, one loop has not yet been completed, which leads to the stadium

First climb on the new roller skate

Ski bridge

A new stadium, which is being built specifically for the 2011 World Junior and Youth Championships

The ski slope in winter runs a little differently than the roller slope in summer.

The beginning of the "old" roller coaster. Sporditee is Estonian for "sports road"

Pay attention to the triangle icons

Old rollerball

Beginning of the Dynamo simulation lap

Pay attention to the neatly mowed edges of the path and the markings: the color corresponds to the length of the circle. White - 6 km, blue - 3 km. At this point, as you might guess, they coincide

Otepää is a small town located in the southern part of Estonia and inhabited by only two thousand inhabitants; it cannot be called a quiet and peaceful provincial town. This is the most famous winter sports center in the Baltics, proudly bearing the status of the winter capital of Estonia.

Once upon a time, Bishop Herman built the Stone Fort, the first castle in Estonia, on one of the hills, shaped like a bear’s head. It was from this castle that the history of the city of Otepää began in 1224, the name of which, translated from Estonian, means “bear’s head”. But according to archaeological research, settlement in this area arose much earlier. Since the second half of the first millennium, there was a stronghold of the Estonians, the ancient ancestors of the Estonians.

Modern Otepää is part of Valga County and lies 42 km south of Tartu on a hill where the hillsides are covered with coniferous forests, and the lowlands are covered with meadows and swamps. It would seem that there is nothing remarkable in this corner of Estonia, of which there are many. But this only seems at first glance.

Picturesque landscapes opening from the tops of the hills, pearl lakes, one of which is Lake Pyhajärv, crystal clear air, ideal conditions created for lovers of snow and winter sports, ancient monuments that reveal interesting pages of history - all this attracts tourists to this glorious a small town, and not only local residents, but also foreigners.

Many people call Otepää the “Estonian Switzerland” because you can relax in campsites on lakes in the summer and go skiing in the winter months.

How to get there

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there is no railway or airport here, so you can only get here by bus or private car. If it is important for you to fly by plane, then you can land in Tartu and then take a bus to the city of Otepää; fortunately, they run constantly.

If you use the railway, then on the Tartu - Valga line, 15 km from the city there is a Palupere railway station.


The temperate continental climate with frosty winters and cool summers guarantees tourists the opportunity to engage in active sports all year round in Otepää. In winter it is comfortable here: the average air temperature during the day is about +2...+8 degrees, and at night there are slight negative temperatures. Therefore, the skiing season lasts from December to early March, in general, as long as it is possible to shoot snow from snow cannons.

Summer is warm, usually the thermometer during the daytime rises to +19...+21 degrees, dropping to + 14...+16 degrees at night. Not very warm nights do not at all prevent tourists from spending time in campsites on the lake shore.


Otepää is a small town, but during the tourist season thousands of travelers come here. For their convenient accommodation, boarding houses and hotels, inns and recreation centers are open, houses, cottages, apartments and apartments are available for rent. Depending on personal preferences and capabilities, you can book a room in a business or economy class hotel for 25-45 euros per day with a standard set of services and small rooms of various types. Young people mostly prefer to stay in hostels for 14-16 euros, where, as a rule, they are provided with only a bed in a dormitory room. The city has a developed network of inexpensive mini-hotels, which can accommodate from 10 to 40 guests at a time, paying 20 to 40 euros for a room.

However, Otepää would not be called a climatic resort if it did not have hotels providing SPA services to its visitors. One of them is a “SPA hotel” on the shore of Lake Pyhajärve, equipped with massage rooms, salt chambers, Jacuzzis and swimming pools, steam, Finnish, and infrared baths. Or the luxurious 4-star Hotel Villa Saskia, where accommodation costs €500 per night.

Beach holiday

If you decide to get acquainted with the “winter resort” of Otepää in the summer, then believe me, you will not regret it. The pride of the city is Lake Pyhajärve, popularly called the Holy Lake, whose beach received the international Blue Flag award for the purity of its water. The lake is characterized by a winding coastline with an abundance of springs, five islands and an excellent beach with a boat station. Fans of active recreation can not only play sports here, but also simply travel around the area, fish or sail on the lake. By the way, anyone who believes in the supernatural should definitely visit the “energy pillar” in the city. They say that if you touch it, you will receive a colossal boost of health and energy.”


In the winter season, the town turns into a ski resort, where there are:

  • ski and roller slopes;
  • snowboard trails;
  • ski slopes;
  • snowmobiling, sledding and ice skating;

To a greater extent, Ottepa is popular among those who love active recreation. Unlike many ski resorts in Poland or Latvia, here it is possible to combine alpine and cross-country skiing. The peculiarity of Ottepya as a sports resort is that there are several racing and walking trails, all of which correspond to a high European level and different categories of difficulty. At the Tehvandi Sports Center, national teams from many countries train all year round, and the cross-country skiing World Cup is held in the center of Keiriku. The opportunity to use the roller ski track in winter will cost only 6 euros/day or 25 euros/week.

You can enjoy downhill skiing at the Kuutsmae Ski Centre. Here you will find 7 prepared trails of different difficulty levels with lifts with a total length of 2 kilometers. Prices for ski rentals and Skype passes, however, are quite European. For 3 hours of using the ski lifts you will have to pay 15 euros and the same amount will have to be paid for renting a ski kit (skis, helmet, poles).

An Adventure Park was built especially for lovers of active recreation in Tehvandi, which has hiking trails, a climbing wall, a catapult and an observation platform, which is part of a ski jump. And 12 km from the resort there is another sports center - Kääriku with a ski stadium and an athletics stadium, a sports hall, ball courts, saunas on the lake, ski slopes and hiking trails.

What to visit

Tourists who are not interested in sports will also find something to do in the city. After all, near the city there are the ruins of an ancient bishop's castle. Of particular interest is Otepää Nature Park, the second largest nature reserve in Estonia with a rich diversity of flora and fauna. Or you can visit the Sangaste estate, notable for its luxurious ancient castle with 149 rooms open to visitors.

If you get hungry, you will be offered food and drinks in restaurants, cafes or pubs. In local restaurants you should order soup with dumplings and blueberries, meat stewed with barley and sauerkraut, smoked trout, various desserts and other delicious dishes of national cuisine.

As a souvenir of a wonderful holiday in this unique corner of Estonia, you can buy items made of wood or amber, clothes made of fur, leather, cotton or linen, various souvenirs and even antiques.

Otepää is an ideal place for active young people interested in sports. Families with children can relax here, however, it is better to go with kids in the summer, since not every child can be taken to the mountains. But in the summer there will be real freedom for them here.

Estonia is a fairly small Baltic country bordering Russia. Remembering this country, numerous cultural monuments, attractions, medieval architecture, and amazing nature immediately come to mind. Estonia combines all this. But few people know that this European country can also boast of its ski resorts. There are not very many of them in Estonia, but their quality is not inferior to many large well-known winter resorts in Europe. And the prices will pleasantly surprise you, unlike popular analogues. So, what ski resorts are there in Estonia?

Otepää - the winter center of Estonia

A town like Otepää is located in the south of Estonia. There are only two thousand indigenous people here. But Otepää cannot be called a calm and quiet place. The people of Estonia and frequent guests of this country know that this is the most popular place for winter recreation and winter sports. Entertainment here is presented in a wide range, it will be interesting for everyone, both adults and children.

Interestingly, Otepää is translated as “bear’s head.” The thing is that in 1224 one monk saw a hill that very much resembled the head of a bear. It was on this hill that he built the first castle. From that moment it all began. Modern Otepää is famous not only as a ski resort, but also as a spa center. A wide range of services are offered for tourists - from massage to body wraps.

In addition to an active ski holiday, you can spend time usefully by visiting the main attractions of the area:

  • Medieval castle;
  • Ski Museum in Estonia;
  • Museum of the National Flag of Estonia;
  • Cart Museum.

The adventure park, equipped with a large observation deck, will help you have a fun holiday. It is designed for hiking in the snow-capped mountains, and there is also a climbing wall. There is also the opportunity to visit another natural park, where tourists observe the life of the local fauna. As surprising as it may sound, this ski resort has a beautiful beach.

It has become a pleasant tradition to equip golf centers on the territory of a winter resort. Otepää in Estonia is no exception. The golf center here is quite large and offers 18 high-quality golf courses. The resort has a huge number of playrooms, gardens and ski schools for children. After all, Otepää is often great for a family holiday. You can while away winter evenings in one of the restaurants.

As for hotels, in this part of Estonia there is a hotel for every taste and financial opportunity. Of course, the main thing at a ski resort is the slopes. There are about seven trails here (1 red, 3 blue, 3 green) of varying difficulty. The length of the longest route is about 500 meters. One of the tracks in the Tehvandi sports center is very popular among professionals. Its length is as much as 5.5 kilometers. The “old” route, with a similar length, is also publicly accessible.


Another winter resort in Estonia, which has a large number of spa centers, is Kuutsemäe. It is located next to Otepää, just 14 kilometers away. Therefore, some guidebooks describe them as one ski resort in Estonia. There are some differences between these two resorts. Thus, Kuutsemäe has a large number of houses and holiday homes. Great for a vacation with the family.

You can also team up in pairs and rent a house for the weekend. This will help you save a lot. Many trails are suitable for both beginners and professionals. Here you can also rent all the necessary equipment. All the trails are illuminated, so in the evening you get the feeling of a winter fairy tale. Otepää can be reached by bus, which runs every hour. The main beauty and pride of Kuutsemäe is its amazing natural landscape. The resort has a surprising combination of mountains and forests. You could even say that here a mountain is located on a mountain. The local view is simply mesmerizing.

A stunning sight awaits all Estonian tourists from Mount Harimägi. Its height is 200 meters, and it has a large, spacious observation deck. There are other active entertainments. Thus, Kuutsemäe brings to your attention the famous JK luge center. On a motorized sleigh you can explore all the tourist routes of the resort, and just have an interesting and fun time.

There are special trails for children that are protected with everything necessary. Your kids will be treated by real professionals in their field. You can go down the slopes not only on skis, but also on a snowboard. The resort can provide any services for a comfortable and carefree holiday. Hotels and holiday homes have a catering service. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the resort.

The ski resort also operates in summer. It is on these hills and mountains that there are numerous hiking trails. So, you can saturate your life with wonderful emotions, as well as improve your health. All trails are concentrated around a clean, beautiful mountain lake. If you find it difficult to endure the entire hike on your feet, you can rent a bicycle.

Another, smaller resort in Estonia is Kutiorg. There are only two descent routes here, but this does not make it any less attractive for tourists. Kutiorg is considered a real entertainment complex in Estonia. Here you can visit the ancient ruins of the castle and visit some caves. Accommodation of tourists takes place on the territory of the resort in houses. The mountain slopes are equipped with automatic lifts.

Estonians, as a rule, do everything thoroughly and thoroughly: they bake bread, build houses, work, and, of course, relax. Winter sports and ski resorts are among the favorite pastimes of residents of the Baltic country. All this is becoming increasingly popular in Estonia not only among residents, but also among foreign tourists.

The main ski resort in Estonia is located near the town of Otepää. It is located in the south of the country, and its name translated from Estonian means “bear’s head”. Fourteen kilometers from the city there are trails belonging to the Kuutsemäe resort. This resort is loved by Estonians themselves, as well as by our compatriots, who, with the beginning of the winter season, flock to these regions for simple joys and European flavor. This is the oldest winter resort in Estonia; it recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Residents of Estonia have considered their own ski resort the best for two decades, and therefore there are quite a lot of vacationers in this area on weekends or during school holidays. The slopes of the Kuutsemäe resort cannot yet boast of particular difficulty or length, but it’s quite possible to fly down the slope with pleasure with some breeze. As a rule, the season here starts in December, there are only seven tracks, and as I mentioned, they vary in difficulty, four of them are green, three are blue and one is red. The longest tracks of them are five hundred meters, and the shortest are two hundred meters. The local slopes are marked as required, in accordance with all the rules of ski equipment. The slopes of the resort are served by four rope tows. For beginners, as well as intermediate level skiers, the green slope is perfect. In the ski resort of Estonia there is a slope for more prepared athletes and tourists, namely the Porikraavi slope, and it is indeed not an easy task to go down it. They didn’t forget about snowboarders at this resort. Mount Kuutse has become a wonderful place to build a fan park, in which tricks and somersaults are practiced with an A plus. The ski resort also offers equipment rental, and there are also lessons at the school for beginners, taught by experienced instructors, including Russian speakers. Even very young students can take their first steps on the children's slope; for them, a vacation at this Kuutsemäe resort will be a truly exciting and unforgettable adventure. Those who go to the Kuutsemäe ski resort currently settle mainly in Otepe, since there is no extensive base at the resort itself. There is only one hotel, as well as several guest houses, a couple of restaurants and a pub. Therefore, the main après-ski fun is easily transferred to Hautepu. One of the most popular hotels is Karupesa. In addition to hearty cuisine, there are also cozy rooms and several types of entertainment, including even ATV riding.

Kaariku is considered another active recreation center; it is also located in the vicinity of Otepi. The base was founded back in 1947, at the moment it is popular with everyone, with beginners and already confident athletes. Kaariku is just a ski resort, not a ski resort. Here in winter there is a picturesque cross-country ski track. Since 1993, competitions have been held in Kaariku in honor of the memory of the legendary Estonian athletics coach Frede Kudu.

The Kutirog resort is a small center for winter recreation, it is located in the south of the country, on the outskirts of the Haanja National Nature Park, near the border with Russia. Kutiorg is a real complex for tourists, where in addition to the ski slopes, and there are only two here, visitors can also be offered to visit the ruins of an ancient castle, and also visit the site of an ancient temple. There is an opportunity to stay in houses on the territory of the complex. Rentals are also offered. Two lifts serve the slopes: rope tow and chairlift.