A lost city has been discovered in the impenetrable jungle of Cambodia. The Lost World: A Guide to Cambodia Cambodia The Lost

A group of archaeologists in Cambodia made a sensational discovery - a lost city with a thousand-year history was discovered in the impenetrable jungle, the search for which had been going on for decades. Modern technology came to the aid of scientists: the area was scanned from the air with a special device.

Archaeologists are at a loss for words! About someone who disappeared in the wilds tropical forest The ancient city was previously known only from legends. Mahendraparvata, or “Mountain of the great god Indra,” is the name brought to this day by the inscription on one of the religious buildings 40 kilometers from this place.

"These are definitely temple ruins. Only the sacred buildings were made of stone. This is the pedestal on which the temple statue stood. All this was in the center of the city," says expedition leader Damian Evans.

After the first stone foundation, discovery follows discovery. Mysterious sanctuaries that have stood for centuries, skillful stone carvings, a developed network of roads, many canals, dams and ponds to supply water to residents and their crops.

"If you look at the vegetation around me, it will resemble a rice field. But if you look in perspective, this is nothing more than the territory of the temple. No one knew about its existence for hundreds of years. Everything that is inside has been there for a thousand years ago," says Damian Evans.

Scientists call the date of the foundation of Mahendraparvata 802 AD. The year the Khmer Empire was founded. It was in these places, as legend says, that its first ruler received a blessing for the kingdom. For a long time, the capital of his state was considered the city of Angkorwat; during its heyday, about a million people lived there. Scientists are sure that now he will definitely share his glory with Mahendraparvata.

“What’s interesting is that the city that was found is absolutely the same as Angkor. But we were able to establish that it was built much earlier than it, about 350 years. And, apparently, we have approached its outskirts. So far we have been able to make a map of the city approximately 30 square kilometers, and that’s not all,” says archaeologist Jean-Baptiste Chevance.

The discovery of the international expedition of Damian Evans and Jean-Baptiste Chevance can be compared with the discovery of the legendary Troy. True, in this case it could not have happened without the help of modern technology. The search area was explored from the air for a whole week. A three-dimensional plan of the sacred mountain was compiled by archaeologists using a laser scanner - lidar. He also discovered the ruins of 30 temples.

“Previously, it would have taken us more than one year to put it all on the map. Now we need to describe everything we saw and continue working, since the city turned out to be much larger than we expected,” says Damina Evans.

Scientists walked to Mahendraparvata for 13 long years, overcoming kilometers of tropical jungle, swamps and the legacy of a bygone era - minefields left over from a long civil war. The reasons for the decline and desolation of the city are allegedly attributed to uncontrolled deforestation, which is why canals began to dry up and field yields fell.

Secrets and revelations of Cambodia - not only in famous temples Angkor. Travellers, expats and local residents told us about the way of village life and entertainment in the Cambodian capital, about provincial architecture and the wilds of national parks, about the heritage of the recent past and the places where everyone becomes happy. We have selected 15 ways to discover the Khmer kingdom.

Meet the dawn

John Reid, regional director of Aman Resorts hotels:
If you go to Angkor Wat before dawn, then at the entrance you will be greeted not by tourist crowds, but by mysterious silence. Inside, the temple amazes with endless bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the Mahabharata and Ramayana - I especially like the panel “Churning the Ocean of Milk”. The Angkor temple complex is huge, so it’s best to set aside at least a couple of days to explore it. If you don’t have much time, you can go around in one tour ancient city Angkor Thom by bicycle, explore the ruins of the Ta Phrum temple entwined with tree roots, in which statues of heavenly beauty of apsara demigoddesses remind of the 615 dancers who lived here. You can visit the temples of Angkor not only in the high season (from November to April), but also during the monsoon period - from June to October, when the forest comes to life, the lakes are filled with water, and there are fewer tourists. This best time and in order to go to boat tour along the Tonle Sap Lake and see the floating villages.

Explore temples

Alexey Ilyin, journalist:
In temples remote from Angkor, a thoughtful visitor has a better chance of feeling the spirit of Cambodian antiquity than in places of mass “worship.” First, go to the Banteay Srei temple, located about 20 kilometers northeast of the main group of Angkorian monuments. Banteay Srei, built in the 10th century from pink sandstone, is one of the most beautiful sanctuaries in Cambodia. On the stone bottom of the “Stream of a Thousand Lingams” at the foot of the sacred Phnom Kulen mountain, symbols of fertility and statues of gods of the Hindu pantheon are carved. 40 kilometers east of Angkor there is another temple - Bangmealea. This one is huge temple complex was built at the beginning of the 12th century, during the heyday of the Khmer Empire. To avoid getting lost in its gigantic labyrinth, it is worth using the services of one of the caretakers, who will guide you through the galleries overgrown with vines for a nominal fee of $3–5.

Go to the circus

Anika Rao, Phare Communications Manager, The Cambodian Circus:
Siem Reap is not just a “gateway” to Angkor Wat, it is one of the new cultural centers of Cambodia. The Cambodian circus Phare performs here. This creative association was born in the early 90s in the city of Battambang as a school for poor children. With the help of dance, theater, modern music and unique circus art, artists recreate not only traditional plots, but also moments new history countries. I also recommend checking out the new Crane Cafe (Central Market St.), where they brew excellent coffee from the local Rumblefish company - it is located in the old French district of Candal Village, which has turned into a trendy place with restaurants, galleries and boutiques. The best bar in the city is Long’s Bar (Doung Hem St.) with cozy chairs and delicious cocktails: try a martini with aromatic pepper from Kampot province or vodka infused with basil and pomelo. My friends and I often stay late at The Harbor, a pirate bar with hard rock and all sorts of entertainment, from stand-up comedians to fun board game parties.

Colonize the capital's bars

Kounila Keo, blogger:
Phnom Penh is an ancient city, but there is almost no ancient architecture to be found in it - only the blocks adjacent to the Royal Palace and the Central Market building in the Art Deco style are interesting. The palace complex with the Throne Hall and the Silver Pagoda and the National Museum with the largest collection of Khmer sculpture will certainly be on your itinerary. But visiting the Museum of Genocide, housed in the dungeons of the S-21 prison, and the “Killing Fields”, where the Khmer Rouge tortured and executed victims of the regime, is worth visiting only for those with strong nerves. Overall, Phnom Penh is unlikely to wow you in the same way as Ho Chi Minh City or Singapore, but it is homely and simple. For a night out like the locals, try one of the tiny bars on Bassac Lane. For shopping, go to Psar Tuol - the so-called “Russian Market” - where you can buy anything from silk fabrics to antiques and carved wooden Buddha figurines. And on the weekend, go to the surrounding cities - Udong, one of the ancient capitals of Cambodia, or the quiet lakeside Tonle Bati.

Alexey Terentyev

Bow to Widow Stump

Yong Polit Solari, teacher at ISAA Moscow State University:
For me, the most important place in Phnom Penh is Wat Phnom Monastery. It was with him that the history of our capital began. According to legend, the first temple on a high hill was built in the 14th century for four Buddha statues, miraculously found in the waters of the Tonle Sap River by a widow named Pen. The vihara, a sanctuary with statues of Gautama, was rebuilt four times over the centuries. They say that during the Khmer Rouge regime, the original figurines that the widow found were lost. However, this does not matter, because the place of Buddha is in the hearts of believers. The monastery has other significant relics, including the sanctuary of the widow Penh herself and the tomb of King Ponya Yat, the ruler of the Khmer Empire, who in the 15th century moved the capital of the country from Angkor to Phnom Penh. The monastery always has a lot of visitors and is especially crowded during the Khmer New Year, which is celebrated during three days in the middle of April. At this time, in Wat Phnom you can see how children and adults indulge in traditional Khmer fun - from tug of war to various games with songs and dances.

Look over the edge

Osman Khawaja, Director of Egbok Mission Hospitality School:
The Preah Vihear temple complex is located in the very north of Cambodia, near the border with Thailand. A few years ago, this monument served as a subject of dispute and a “temple of stumbling” between the two countries, but now everything is calm here. Preah Vihear is located on a high plateau above a valley. There is a rather steep road leading up to own car It is forbidden to go up (however, for ten dollars they are allowed on personal motorcycles); visitors are taken to the ruins by a museum pickup truck or bike. The temple, dedicated to the god Shiva, symbolizes the sacred mountain of Hinduism - Meru. The complex is quite large - you can easily spend three hours there, admiring the panoramas of the Cambodian and Thai expanses from the windows opening in the walls of the galleries. The layout of the temple is oriented from north to south: from the entrance you gradually rise higher, passing the pavilions of gopuras (towers) and stairs. After exploring the ruins, have a picnic on the edge of the cliff with one of the best views in Cambodia.

Wash the elephant

Mr Tree, founder and chief guide of Mondulkiri Project:
The cool, densely forested hills of Mondulkiri lie in eastern Cambodia. The provincial capital, Sen Monorom, can be reached from Phnom Penh in about five hours. Most of The population here are representatives of the Pnong tribe, in whose lives elephants play a huge role: they are not just an irreplaceable workforce, but also a kind of family member. When you come here, you will see how strong this connection is.

Photo: Nicolas Axelrod, Lynn Gail/Getty Images

In a protected valley near Sen Monorom, we protect against deforestation virgin forest, and at the same time they set up a “rest house” for elephants there. They get it hard both in rural work and in tourist centers. One of our elephants, Princess, once injured her spine while carrying a heavy wooden saddle on her back; two male drivers had their ears torn with hooks. Therefore - no horseback riding! Go for a walk through the jungle on foot side by side with the giants, feed them (elephants eat bamboo shoots, but prefer bananas for dessert), swim with them in a waterfall: washing an elephant smeared in red clay is not an easy job! Along the way, the Pnong guides will tell you about how the tribe collects rubber in the forest, treat you to wild honey, and cook fern soup over a fire.

Take a train ride

Chamnan Muon, Internet Marketing Consultant:
Battambang is the second largest city in Cambodia, but the atmosphere here is calm and conducive to walking. Take a bike and explore the Sangker River embankment and the ancient quarters on the left bank - there are elegant colonial mansions built at the beginning of the last century. In the surrounding villages you can visit old peasant houses on stilts, see how they make rice paper, prepare traditional glutinous rice sweets and weave Khmer krama scarves. Battambang Province is not only the “rice basket” of Cambodia, but also a land of ancient monuments. One of the most remarkable is Phnom Banan, the same age as Angkor. There are many places here that have gone down in history because of the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge. And most tourists know about Battambang only that here you can ride the so-called bamboo train. This fun trolley still connects villages south of Battambang, following a single-track track dating back to French colonial times. There is a danger that the bamboo train line will be closed soon, so hurry up!

Arrange a forced march into the Neolithic

Pierre-Yves Clay, owner of Terres Rouges Collection hotels:
Ratanakiri is a mountainous province cut off from civilization in the northeast of the country. It is inhabited mainly by tribes professing animism. Many of their customs have remained virtually unchanged since prehistoric times. For example, the Zyarai, Tampuan and Kachok tribes install wooden totems around cemeteries, which are designed to protect the dead on the way to the next world. Young krungs, having reached marriageable age, build “bachelor houses” on high pillars, in which they live until they start a family. In all local tribes it is customary to make sacrifices to the spirits - usually buffaloes. Overgrown with dense forests or planted with hevea plantations, the Ratanakiri hills are rich in waterfalls and caves, as well as deposits of zircons, amethysts and opals. The most beautiful local lake, Yeaklaom Lake, located near the provincial capital, the city of Banlung, is nothing more than a water-filled crater of an ancient volcano. In Virachey National Park, the country's largest, you can meet a family of gibbons, take a dugout boat ride on the Sesan River, and explore forest trails on foot or on elephant ride.

Become a forest dweller

Sophani Thach, Chi Phat Project Manager, Wildlife Alliance:
The Cardamom Mountains, located in southwest Cambodia, are an excellent ecotourism destination. In these hard-to-reach places, one of the largest South-East Asia areas of tropical rain forest. The landscapes of the Cardamom Mountains are varied - from formidable mountain peaks (the main peak of the country, Phnom Oral, 1813 meters high, is also located here) to swamps and mangrove forests on the coast. To discover the richness of this “lost world”, come to the forest village of Chi Phat. Its residents themselves organize overnight stays and excursions for guests. Many of them used to make a living as poachers, and now serve as guides. They will take you to waterfalls, caves full of bats, and ancient burial places in the forest, they will show you rare plants, animals and birds. Village families will willingly share food and shelter with you so that you can get to know their way of life better.

See pink dolphins

Samban Theng, director of travel agency Merry Travel:
People come to the small town of Kratie, located in the central part of the country, on the banks of the Mekong, to admire the rare Irrawaddy freshwater dolphins. Kratie and its surroundings (more precisely, the village of Kampi, two dozen kilometers from the city) is perhaps the only place in the country where you are guaranteed to see these animals: after a power plant was built upstream of the Mekong, in Laos, dolphins are already in the north of Cambodia do not meet. The town itself is also very pleasant, with its sleepy pace of life and neighborhoods of colonial houses. I advise you to take a bicycle and ride along the Mekong, visiting the coastal fishing villages and staying overnight in colorful huts on stilts.

Alexey Terentyev

Conquer the jungle

Igor “Sinus” Sokolov, traveler and motorcyclist:
Sihanoukville, located in the southwest of the country, on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, is the only deep-water port in Cambodia. It is also the largest resort in the country, the area of ​​which is constantly expanding. Of the seven famous beaches of Sihanoukville, I recommend relaxing on Sokha Beach at the hotel of the same name and on Otres Beach - it is located further than the others, but it is the cleanest. It makes sense to look for the coolest beaches on the nearest islands of Sihanoukville: Koh Rong - discos and parties, Koh Rong Samloem - calm and relaxation. Remote islands lying 60–80 kilometers from the coast - the Koh Prince and Koh Tang archipelagos and the “paradise” island of Koh Damlong - can be seen during a diving safari.

The most interesting way to explore the surroundings of Sihanoukville is on a motorcycle - for example, in one day you can visit the Kbal Chhay waterfall and Ream National Park. A more serious “expedition” into the real jungle is designed for two or three days. Even I, although a “loner,” would not go there alone - there are too many dangers: from snakes and mines left over from the war to the real possibility of getting lost or drowning a motorcycle in the river while crossing. Overnight stays take place in small Khmer villages, where there is no light, no water, no communications, food is only rice and fish, and along the way there are encounters with elephants, monkeys and other representatives of the local fauna. It’s not scary if you have no riding experience - in three days you can prepare even a beginner for such a trip.

Feel the old times

Santel Phin, founder of khmerbird.com:
Kep is the quietest and most peaceful resort in Cambodia. Neither war nor time harmed its beauty. A dilapidated royal residence, abandoned modernist villas are the remnants of former luxury, the “Cambodian Riviera”. Be sure to take an evening stroll along the sea and admire the sunset. Best View You can see the surrounding area from the terrace of the restaurant at the Veranda Hotel, and the coffee and food there are quite good. For complete relaxation, take a boat and head to the Rabbit Island of Koh Tonsai to snooze in a hammock strung between coconut trees, swim and feast on blue crabs. There is even a monument to this delicacy in Kep. The next day, rent a bike and climb Mount Bokor - from its top a dizzying panorama of the coast opens, and dilapidated buildings give the place a slightly surreal look. End the day well in the nearby town of Kampot, watching the sunset over the river and enjoying dishes flavored with aromatic local peppers at Rikitikitavi or Ta Eou (Riverfront Road).

See the world from above

Valeria Strebkova, biologist:
Phnom Bokor is a 1100 meter high mountain located near Sihanoukville. It offers cosmic views of the entire coast. But Bokor is also the name national park. It’s worth coming here just to sit on slabs polished by time and the elements at the very edge of the abyss near Buddhist temple, meditate, look into the distance (this is in good weather) or look at the clouds swirling at the edge of a cliff. In colonial times, the French set up here mountain resort with a casino, and then King Norodom Sihanouk built himself a residence. Most buildings former resort are now ruins which many find picturesque. For me the best place National Park - Popokvil Falls. The cascades are especially beautiful during the rainy season - from August to October.

Taste the dust

Joanne Riviere, chef at Cuisine Wat Damnak:
One of the main ingredients of Khmer cuisine is prahok, a fermented fish paste. Fishing in Tonle Sap Lake is a seasonal fishery, and the catch needs to be stored somehow. Many centuries ago, Cambodians came up with a way to ferment fish, and prahok is still an important source of protein in their diet. This product has a peculiar aroma that can scare away a beginner. Prahok needs to be tasted, but there is nothing wrong with that: usually the paste is mixed with other ingredients. To begin with, try prahok kti with minced pork and coconut milk. The best are at Rohatt Cafe and Marum Restaurant in Siem Reap. After that, you can already master the “knop prahok” with pork, peanuts and basil (look for it in the stalls opposite Angkor Wat). The bravest ones will also enjoy the “teuk prahok” made from tripe, which is served in restaurants opposite the Wat Damnak pagoda.

Kingdom of Cambodia - Lost City and snow-white beaches - a note for tourists. Useful articles on “Subtleties of Tourism”.

For many Russian tourists Holidays in Cambodia have become quite popular and a priority. A tour to Cambodia will not leave even the most sophisticated traveler without impressions.

Cambodia is a country located in Southeast Asia in the south of the Indochina Peninsula, bordered on the east by Vietnam, on the north by Laos, and on the northwest by Thailand. The country's shores overlook the Gulf of Thailand in the South China Sea. Cambodia is rich in unique religious and architectural monuments. One of the main attractions is the ancient temple complex of Angkor Wat, which people from all over the world come to see every year.

Angkor Wat is the largest temple complex in the world, a unique monument of religion and culture, awarded the right to be depicted on the national flag of Cambodia. Every year, Angkor Wat is visited by more than two million people from different parts of the planet, constantly admiring incredible beauty and the grandeur of the grandiose religious building.

The name of the temple fully corresponds to its monumental splendor: the name Angkor Wat in translation means the phrase “temple city”. It is often called the best example of traditional architecture, a monument that laid the foundation for the Khmer canons of construction. However, the history of the temple is complex and confusing. According to some assumptions, Angkor Wat does not belong to the heritage of the Khmer civilization, since it is an atypical building for them. Today it is known that the Angkor Wat temple complex was built in the 12th century, during the reign of King Suryavarman II in the Khmer Empire.

By purchasing tours to Cambodia, you get a unique opportunity to choose an excursion route or combine a holiday on the snow-white beaches of Cambodia with sightseeing.

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After wonderful excursion programs to the ancient temples of Angkor, you should go on holiday to the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, in resort town Sihanoukville. This is the most Big City in a country located on the sea. Sihanoukville is very young, it arose in the 50s of the 20th century and played the role of a large deep-water port, and later, twenty years later, it turned into an elite seaside resort. The rapid development of Sihanoukville began around the 1990s and continues today, with new upscale hotels constantly being built and the necessary tourism infrastructure being improved. The beaches of Sihanoukville are famous for their fine golden sand and azure clear waters of the sea. There are almost no nightclubs, discos and similar entertainment, but in Sihanoukville you can feel the spirit of real Southeast Asia, see its stunning natural beauty and colorful national traditions. The resort offers visitors a variety of activities aquatic species sports and a large selection of excursions, including trips to nearby islands where you can enjoy sea fishing. The best way to start getting acquainted with the nature of Cambodia is to travel to National Park Ream. For many tourists, tours to Cambodia with a seaside holiday are a great opportunity not only to get acquainted with the traditions of the ancient Khmers, but also to experience the beauty of the best beaches.

Ream is one of the largest national parks in the country, both well protected and the most comfortable for guests. The park is located southeast of Sihanoukville, very close to the city, and occupies a huge area containing several ecosystems. Here you can see plants of the marine coastal zone, tropical and mangrove forests. Ream Park is home to many species of animals, including those that are in danger of complete extinction and have been taken under state protection. Along special trails in the park you can make walking tours and watch colorful butterflies and amazing birds, some species of which are found only in Cambodia or Southeast Asia.

Cambodia is one of the most mysterious countries Southeast Asia, where many secrets are still unrevealed. Since the official discovery of the ruins of Angkor Wat, researchers and travelers have found a lot of interesting things in Cambodia. With a certain periodicity, researchers find more and more ruins, unearth more and more interesting temples and palaces. What is the mystery of Cambodia? What is her secret? Why is there so much unknown here?

Roads of Cambodia.

The most difficult thing about getting around in Cambodia, especially if you want to travel to distant cities and villages, is transport links. Cambodia's roads present a real challenge even for avid travelers. But only by overcoming this obstacle can you find something truly interesting and mysterious. If you are going to go to Lovek, then get ready for the fact that the roads may be washed out; there is definitely no asphalt there. And think carefully if you plan to go there during the rainy season. The fact is that most roads in Cambodia are made of clay, and it becomes very slippery when it rains. For such roads, a tractor is more suitable than a car. But still, nothing is impossible. Let's hit the road!

Lost City of Lovek.

The city of Lovek is a place that is not known even to most local residents. It is known that this city became the capital during the reign of An-Chan (there was such a king in the sixteenth century). The city was beautiful and great, but the king of Ayuthaya destroyed it during the conquest of these lands.

And it seems that nothing remains of the former pomp and grandeur, if not for the feeling of something secret, unusual and mysterious.

If you are passing near Oudong in Cambodia, try to find this secret city. Maybe he will appear to you!

In the morning, something very special awaits us at the residence of the Buddhist patriarch. Only for those who have a dream, the monks will perform the Sroy Tek ceremony. Now your dreams will definitely come true!

Then we will slowly explore the Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda - these are the main attractions of the city.

But our dinner is again completely unusual: hospitable Irina, one of the “first Russian Cambodians,” is waiting for us in her restaurant. Irina will tell guests about the local fruits and teach them how to properly serve Cambodian fruit dessert. This is delicious! And very unusual! It’s not good to reveal other people’s secrets, but what kind of moonshine does Irina make from pineapple...

Memories of the terrible times of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge will not leave anyone indifferent.

Now is the time to browse Phnom Penh's markets - the Yellow and Russian markets. Exhausting shopping! But, on the other hand, how can you return home without gifts and souvenirs?!

Exit Sihanoukville. To the ocean! To the beach! In the sun!

Today we will interrupt your lazy beach holiday to meet Nikolai Doroshenko, the owner of Snake House, the prototype of one of the heroes of the film “The Golden Ratio”. He will talk about the fauna of Southeast Asia and introduce snakes from his living “collection.” He will teach you how to handle them and even... “milk” them to collect poison. The bravest ones will even (don’t be alarmed: strictly at will!) experience a snake bite.

You can also have lunch at the Snake restaurant.

Sea, beach, bliss! How do you like the idea of ​​riding along the most interesting islands? Coral reefs, snorkeling, fishing? Want to stay sunbathing on the beach? Your will, of course, but...

Departure to international Airport Phnom Penh. Flight to Hanoi 17-50 - 21-00, hotel accommodation. Night in Vietnam.

    Departure from Moscow at 19-00 on Vietnam airlines.

  • Arrival in Saigon at 08-45 am, Flight Saigon - Siem Reap 12-00 - 13-00.

    Arrival at Siem Reap airport, hotel accommodation.

    Take a breather after a long flight. Wander the streets, take your first photos, feel the aromas of Southeast Asia.

    In the evening we start: dinner awaits us to the tunes of a national dance show.

    Angkor was once a huge city, the capital of the powerful Khmer Empire. Its ancient majestic monasteries have been preserved, testifying to the strength of spirit and faith of the ancient Khmers. For example, Angkor Wat, the main Hindu temple.

    After lunch - Khmer dance lesson. You won’t necessarily learn it right away, but you will definitely admire the ancient, very beautiful, complex temple art.

    Travel to Beang Mealea Temple and Koh Keh. Beng Mealea translates to "Lotus Lake". This is the second largest temple in Cambodia, it has been preserved in its original form and is buried in the jungle: a fabulous picture! Koh Ke is an ancient city, one of the capitals of the Great Khmer Empire. The main temple of the city, Prasat Thom, is a seven-step pyramid, very similar to the Mexican ones.

    There is no restaurant on site in Beang Mealea, but we will take care of a delicious picnic - perhaps the most unusual thing in your biography. On the way back to Siem Reap, local residents are waiting for us to visit. In one village we will learn all the secrets of Cambodian moonshiners who make rice vodka. And in another, we will help a family prepare palm sugar, the raw material for which, as the name implies, is palm sap.

    In the evening, enjoy a Khmer massage.

    Travel to sacred mountain Phnom Kulen. We will visit an ancient and very beautiful pagoda, wash ourselves in the Thousand Lingams stream, and take pictures against the backdrop of the waterfalls of Mount Kulen. We will visit the Pink Temple of Banteay Srei.

    And in the evening, upon returning to Siem Reap, we will practice the art of preparing Khmer cuisine.

    Departure to the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh. On the way we will stop at Sombor Prey Kuk to see temples from the pre-Angkorian period that look like inverted Mexican pyramids. .

    On your way to lunch, you can try world-famous local delicacies: fried field cockroaches, tarantula spiders, scorpions stuffed with worms or deep-fried locusts. Don't be scared! The most impressionable ones will be offered quite ordinary dishes.

    Having reached the capital, we will check into a hotel and go for a walk around the city.