Massachusetts is the Bay State. Massachusetts, USA: description, history and interesting facts Names of the city in the state of Massachusetts

When the passengers of the Mayflower landed on Cape Cod on November 21, 1630, after a voyage of 65 days, they no doubt tried to predict with hope and trepidation what future awaited them in the land that is now called Massachusetts, a state in North America. . They soon realized that the wastelands of Provincetown were unsuitable for life, and six weeks later they crossed the bay and founded the city of Plymouth. But their departure was not fatal for Provincetown, and now it is a tourist attraction on the peninsula.

bohemian haven

Provincetown, Massachusetts is considered by locals to be the largest small town in the world. There are 3 thousand 800 permanent residents here. But in summer the population of the town increases almost 10 times - up to 35 thousand. At the turn of the century (1899-1900), the city was the largest man-made column in the world.

It should be recognized that all cities in Massachusetts are unique in their own way. Provincetown was no exception. It is unique in its own way, just like the island of Key West in Florida. In order to understand this city, you need to visit here and see everything with your own eyes.

Overview view

The Pilgrims landed here in 1620, not Plymouth. A beautiful monument was erected in memory of this event. It was built in 1910 with donations from schoolchildren and money from the federal government. Today it is the highest point on Cape Cod. From a height of 160 meters there is an excellent view in all directions. In good weather, you can see all the way from Boston and Plymouth from here. At the foot of the tower hill there is a bas-relief depicting the first landing of the Pilgrims in the New World. Provincetown prides itself on being the first.

Excursion to whales

Massachusetts is a state in the USA. The Pilgrims first landed here, and it was the first artificial colony, and 25 years ago whales were first observed in this place. It happened as follows. Owners of small boats took tourist groups out for fishing. Seeing a huge number of whales, the guests forgot about fishing, they looked only at the sea giants. One of the captains, Al Evelar, decided to organize whale watching expeditions. It started the tourism industry on the east coast. Today, this Massachusetts tourist center brings multimillion-dollar revenue to the peninsula.

Cape Cod

Cape Cod National Landscape and Seashore is protected by US national parks. The total area is about 17.5 thousand hectares. This is sixty-five kilometers of pristine sandy beach, dozens of clean, deep reservoirs with fresh water and salt marshes. In addition, there are several historic houses and lighthouses. On both sides of the Cape are a dozen ancient New England societies, their beaches, harbors, piers, anchorages for everything from small motor boats to the huge yachts of the rich and famous.

Between Boston and New York

To bypass the dangerous shoals, a canal was built in 1914, which crossed the cape at its very base. In fact, it has turned into an island, which is connected to the mainland by three bridges - a railway and two highways. Every year, almost 20 thousand ships pass through the canal, of which almost 8 thousand are heavy-duty, at least 20 meters long, including barges with tugs, tankers, cruise ships, etc.

This canal shortens the route by 217 kilometers, reducing travel time and fuel consumption, and allows ships to pass through inland waters instead of rounding the cape. Previously, there were many shipwrecks here due to frequent fogs and numerous shoals. In addition, this place is a federal recreation area. Therefore, every year a large number of people, about 3 million tourists, come here to engage in water sports, fishing, cycling and roller skating.

Civic center of Plymouth

Beyond Cape Cod is the final landing site of the Pilgrims. This is Plymouth, Massachusetts. A small seaside town, so calm in the present, is proud of its past. The Plymouth Stone marks the landing site of the Pilgrims. The city has many landmarks and monuments associated with the early settlers, including a replica of the Mayflower. But the most important historical attraction is located in the oldest operating museum in America.

Open-air museum

Plymouth, Massachusetts, attracts numerous tourists from all over the world every year who want to learn about the history of the first settlers of New England. The sights of Plymouth Plantation, a historical and ethnographic complex, recreate the picture of the first settlements of the 16th century colonists.

The Pilgrim Society was founded in 1820 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the landing of the first settlers in Plymouth. Many city residents had items from that period. The initiative to open the museum, proposed by local authorities, was supported by city residents with great enthusiasm. The museum was built and opened in 1824. There are artifacts there that represent the very beginnings of the formation of the United States. Museum visitors can see authentic items that belonged to the first settlers in 1620. Among the exhibits are the bible of William Bretford, leader of the Plymouth Colony, printed in 1592; an antique Myles Standish sword with the inscription "1573" engraved on the blade, and many other historical items from that period.

The city of Boston, the future capital of New England, was founded on September 17, 1630. According to Charles Dickens, this city should be followed as an example in everything. Americans call Boston, Massachusetts (see photo in the article) an excellent city. It just so happened that he really was the first in everything. In 1635, the first public school in the American states, and a free one, opened in Boston. The following year, the city welcomed its first American students to Massachusetts, the American state that was home to the first printing press and the first US newspaper, the Boston News. Boston's great pride is the first in In 1876, Boston inventor Gemm Bell transmitted a phrase over a telephone wire for the first time in human history.

Cultural traditions and attractions of Boston

This city was the first to adopt an unusual tradition of celebrating the New Year. Since 1976, on the initiative of Boston street artists, the tradition of celebrating the First Night has emerged. Its essence is that people completely give up drinking alcohol on December 31st. Massachusetts is very proud of this today. The state has repeatedly proposed supporting this tradition in other areas of the United States, but Boston’s remarkable initiative did not interest other states, probably in vain.

Tourists visiting Boston will be interested in local attractions. First of all, the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. It is the largest Catholic center in New England. In the Boston suburb of Belmont there is another interesting place. temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Other attractions include the Old North Church, the Royal Chapel and Park Street Church.

Since 1897, Boston has hosted a highly prestigious annual marathon. Not only residents of Boston, but also marathon runners from other countries and continents take part in the races.

Boston tragedy

The American people and the entire international community deeply mourn the explosions that occurred on April 15, 2013. It was on this tragic day that two explosions occurred, which claimed the lives of three people. More than 260 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. Among them were not only race participants, but also ordinary spectators, including children.

It is known that each state in North America has its own laws and regulations. Sometimes they actually promote law and order, and sometimes they bring a smile.

Here are some of the most interesting Massachusetts laws, the violation of which can result in public censure or an administrative fine:

  • In inpatient medical institutions it is prohibited to serve beer to patients.
  • After a daytime funeral, eating more than three sandwiches the next morning is strictly prohibited.
  • Massachusetts citizens are allowed to snore with their doors tightly closed.
  • You can't go to bed without first taking a shower.
  • Children can buy cigarettes, but they cannot smoke them.
  • The law prohibits sex with a woman on top.
  • Men are required to carry firearms during Sunday church services.

In addition to the general laws of the State of Massachusetts, there are also those that must be followed within the city limits. So, in Boston, for example, it is not allowed to play the violin, chew nuts in church, or wear heels higher than seven centimeters. It is also prohibited for city residents to have more than three dogs on their household.

In Boston, you can get public reprimand or money for taking a bath together between a man and a woman. The laws in other cities in Massachusetts are also interesting.

The City of Hopkins prohibits dogs from being on city vacant lots. This prerogative is only for cows and horses.

In the small town of Woburn, it is prohibited to be near a drinking establishment with a bottle of beer.

In the small village of Nahant, Massachusetts, townspeople are strictly prohibited from digging up streets covered with asphalt, and they are also prohibited from sledding on this asphalt in the summer.

This is what America is like. Welcome to Massachusetts!

Harvard University is the oldest private university in the United States. It was founded on September 8, 1636, just 16 years after the first colonists landed on the shores of North America. The history of Harvard University began from the moment when the Supreme Court of the Massachusetts Settlement decided to found the college.

The name was given in honor of the first patron - the young minister John Harvard, who bequeathed half of his property and an extensive library to the college after his death. It was this library that became the second public library on the American continent, after the library of the Jesuit monastery.

The college acquired university status in the first quarter of the 19th century, when medicine and law were added to the list of disciplines studied, in addition to the study of the Bible, languages ​​and mathematics. The modern university has several museums, including botanical and zoological museums; separate collections are devoted to geology and mineralogy, archeology and ethnology. The university's scientific library is perhaps the largest in the world, and the achievements of its research laboratories are famous throughout the world.

Currently, 18 thousand students are studying at Harvard University, and another 10 thousand are attending courses at numerous schools in the Harvard system. Alumni of this oldest university in the United States include several US presidents, as well as many famous political figures and scientists.


In the minds of many tourists, Plymouth is cemented as the first settlement of New England. The theme of the first settlers runs like a red thread through the exhibitions of numerous museums in the city, which tell their visitors in detail about the events of the early 17th century. There are also “open-air museums” here, such as the famous historical and ethnographic complex of Plymouth Plantation, which includes two completely reconstructed settlements of the colonists. There is also an Indian settlement here, restored for that period.

Instead of boring excursions, museum staff help visitors immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the times of the pioneers. They are dressed in 17th-century costumes and depict the inhabitants of early New England villages. They answer tourists’ questions without being distracted from “everyday worries” - everything looks exactly the same as in the times of the Indians and colonists.

Excursions to the full-size replica of the Mayflower ship moored in Plymouth Harbor are very popular among city guests. This was the name of the ship on which the first colonists arrived on the shores of the North American continent. And of course you can’t pass by the so-called Plymouth Rock. It is believed that this stone became the very part of the land on which the Europeans who arrived in America set foot. Near Plymouth Rock rises the first settlers, which Americans honor as a memory of distant ancestors.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In 1861, a charter was approved by William Burton Rogers, which established the establishment of an institute of technology in Massachusetts, as well as a natural history society in Boston. The authors of the document sought to create a new form of education that would meet the challenges of science of that time, which was experiencing a rapid leap in its development.

However, the Civil War soon began, and the first classes at the new educational institution took place only in 1865.

The first MIT building was built in 1866 and was located in the Back Bay area, and since 1916 the institute's campus has been located in Cambridge. After World War II, the institute began to flourish, thanks to the fact that the American government began to invest heavily in the development of the nuclear industry and other high-tech projects and programs.

Currently, the technological institute includes 5 faculties: architecture and urban planning, engineering, humanities and social sciences, management, and natural sciences. The institute has many interfaculty laboratories, research centers, institutes and libraries.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an entire scientific community, 77 of whose members are Nobel Prize laureates - this is a record number.

Pilgrim Monument - a tower in the city of Provincetown (Massachusetts, USA), located at the northernmost tip of Cape Cod. The monument was built in 1907-1910 in memory of the first landing of the Pilgrims in North America in 1620. Tower height - At 77 m, it is the tallest granite structure in the U.S. There is a museum on the ground floor.

Nantasket Beach‎

The beautiful sandy Nantasket Beach is located on the shores of Massachusetts Bay, in the US state of Massachusetts. At any time of the year, the beach is full of people; residents of Greater Boston love to relax here.

Nantasket Beach is on the list of state protected areas. The shore offers a beautiful view of the ocean, and the soft light gray sand is pleasant to walk barefoot.

The name Nansket means low tide. At low tide, there is a beautiful view of the cascades of rocky pools filled with water, which nature itself created. In them you can easily catch and closely examine a variety of representatives of the ocean fauna (starfish, all kinds of mollusks, etc.).

Nantasket Beach is known for its many recreational activities. Near the beach there are comfortable hotels, picnic areas, and parking for visitors. Here you can not only have a pleasant rest, but also go surfing, diving, and sailing.

Revere Beach

Revere Beach is the first public beach in Massachusetts, USA. It is located near Boston and was founded in 1895. At that time the beach was called Coney Island.

In the old days, the beach was visited mainly by ordinary workers and members of the middle class. Today, Revere Beach is one of the favorite beach holiday destinations for Boston residents.

The beach provides a huge range of entertainment: a Ferris wheel, Duke Bluebeard's palace, a hippodrome, an amusement park and many others. Revere Beach's biggest attraction is the largest roller coaster in the United States, Cyclone, which is considered the most extreme of all.

The shore offers a beautiful view of the ocean, and the beach itself has the shape of a crescent. Revere Beach is currently listed as a National Historic Landmark.

Since July 2004, an annual sand sculpture competition has been held on the beach. During the festival, part of the beach is fenced off and serves as a temporary gallery.

Another attraction of the park is the Revere Farmers Market, which operates during the summer season. At the market you can buy various products from local producers, farmers and fishermen. A market has been created to promote healthy eating.

Coast Guard Beach

Coast Guard Beach is located in the USA, in the state of Massachusetts, on the Cape Cod Peninsula, in the city of Eastham. The beach was formed where the sand spit meets the rocks. The sandy beach stretches for miles.

This is a beautiful beach with beautiful cliffs, clean sand and clear water. On the beach you can swim, surf, boogieboard. There is an opportunity to ride a bike and enjoy walking. Lifeguards work on the beach. Conditions for camping, picnics, and showers are not provided here.

Eliot Congregational Church

Eliot Congregational Church is located in Roxbury at the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Dale Street. The Victorian Gothic style church was built in 1873. A distinctive feature of the interior of the temple is the beautiful stained glass windows produced by Louis Tiffany, which were installed in 1905. In 1994, the church was included in the US National Register of Historic Places.

One of the first European settlements to emerge in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the mid-17th century was Roxbury. The community was incorporated as a city in 1848, and in 1868 it was annexed into Boston and became a suburban area. By the middle of the 19th century, a tram line was built connecting Roxbury with the center of Boston, and the area began to be intensively built up with residential buildings and churches. At this time, three parishes of the Congregational Church arose in Roxbury, one after another.

Congregational communities arose in England at the end of the 17th century. Many members of these communities traveled to North America and settled in New England around Massachusetts Bay. Congregationalists advocated the independence of each congregation from secular or ecclesiastical authorities and believed that each church congregation should be completely independent.

The most popular attractions in Massachusetts with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Find the best places to visit famous places in Massachusetts on our website.

Massachusetts - officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts - is a state in the United States that was formed in 1788. One of six states in the New England region. It consists of 14 districts with a total area of ​​27,336 km2. The capital is Boston, which is also the largest city. Massachusetts is located in the northeastern United States. According to estimates for 2014, its total population was more than 6.5 million people. The name of the state originates from the Massachusetts Indian tribe, which previously inhabited this territory.

Massachusetts has a humid continental climate. Depending on the distance to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, weather conditions here vary. The closer to the ocean, the milder the climate. In winter in the west, the air temperature reaches -7⁰С, and in coastal areas only -1⁰С. In summer, the air in the eastern part of the state warms up to +26⁰С, and in the west – up to +22⁰С. Precipitation is moderate and stable - on average up to 1000 mm per year.

Another climatic feature of the Bay State is strong winds regardless of the season. Tropical cyclones and hurricanes periodically pass through Massachusetts in the summer and fall, and gale-force winds occur in the winter. In the spring, the state experiences floods and subsequent sharp frosts, but in general the spring weather is quite mild.

Economy and life in the state

From 1999 to 2013, Massachusetts' GDP grew from $262 billion to $420.7 billion. Personal income per capita, as of 2012, averaged $50,000. By now it reaches 59 thousand.

Several key industries form the economic foundation of Massachusetts:

  • Industry. The state actively develops the production of machine tools, electrical appliances, and scientific instruments. Services in the field of printing and publishing are no less in demand.
  • Agriculture. The climate of the area makes it possible to grow apples, cranberries, corn and other valuable crops on an industrial scale. The export of seafood and the production of dairy products are well established.
  • Education. Massachusetts is one of the main educational centers in the United States. Today, there are more than a hundred universities in this state, of which only 30 are public. The rest are owned by private companies.
  • Massachusetts also receives dividends from healthcare, tourism, and financial services. Overall, the state is considered economically developed.

As of 2015, the unemployment rate in Massachusetts was 4.8%. As for health, the state observes an interesting tradition every New Year on December 31 - not drinking alcohol at all. This unspoken law was introduced into society by Massachusetts street artists back in 1976 and is observed to this day.

Cities in Massachusetts

The largest cities in Massachusetts with a population of more than 100 thousand people:

  1. Boston. Capital of Massachusetts. It is the largest city not only in the state, but also in the entire New England region - its area is 232 km2. The Boston metropolitan area is home to such educational giants as Harvard University (Cambridge), Boston University and more than 100 other higher education institutions.
  2. Worcester. One of the oldest American cities. It is second only to Boston in terms of population. It is considered a healthcare center - the main workforce of the city is employed in medical institutions. Worcester is home to several clinics and a medical university, as well as research centers.
  3. Springfield. It ranks fourth in terms of population in New England and third in Massachusetts. The city has a population of 153 thousand people. It was Springfield that gave the world basketball in 1891 through the hands of local physical education teacher James Naismith.
  4. Lowell. It ranks fourth in terms of population in the state. A little over 100 thousand people live there. Before the city was granted status, it was considered a center for textile production - for this purpose it was founded in the 1820s.
  5. Cambridge. A city divided from the capital by the Charles River. Interesting fact: in 1913, an asteroid named after the city was discovered in the sky. This happened thanks to astronomer Joel Metcalfe, who lived in Cambridge at that time. It sounds like "Cantabia" - an abbreviation for the Latin version of the city's name.

Important cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people:

  1. New Bedford. This city is located 82 km south of Boston. The number of citizens living in New Bedford according to the 2000 census was 93,768 people. Today this figure exceeds 95 thousand.
  2. Brockton. Belongs to Plymouth County. In the state of Massachusetts it ranks seventh in area. The population of Brockton, according to estimates for 2010, is 93,810 people.
  3. Quincy. The name of the city reflects its location - Quincy Bay, 10 km from Boston. The city has more than 92 thousand inhabitants according to data from 2010. The city took its name from the surname of Colonel Don Quinzey.
  4. Lynn. This city, home to just over 90 thousand people, is located in Essex County. The state capital of Lynn is 15 km away. The city has many historical and cultural monuments.
  5. Fall River. The city is located in the county of Bristol. Its population is 93 thousand people. The area of ​​Fall River is 99 km2. In the city's bay there is a historical museum ship, the Massachusetts (BB-59), towed there from Norfolk, Virginia, in 1965.

Massachusetts Attractions

The state of Massachusetts in the United States is the vice-champion in the number of historical attractions - there are 185 of them. We will take an online tour of the most significant and interesting of them.

  1. Plymouth Plantation. Living museum. Here you can see in real time the life and economy of an ancient colony of pilgrim settlers. To plunge into the authentic atmosphere of the distant 17th century, you need to come here between April and November.
  2. Not far from the shores of Plymouth you can see a copy of the Mayflower, a legendary ship from the time Europeans explored the state.
  3. John F. Kennedy House Museum in Brooklyn. It was in this city that the 35th President of the United States was once born.
  4. Cambridge. Here is the home of the famous poet Henry Longfellow. The same house was once the headquarters of George Washington, and today there is a house museum there.
  5. Monument in the form of a lighthouse tower. Its height is 28 m. Installed on Mount Greylock, dedicated to the heroes of the First World War.
  6. Another monument, 24 meters high, is located in Plymouth. The monument was erected from granite in memory of the founding fathers in 1889. The pilgrims, who landed on the shores of Massachusetts on the Mayflower already mentioned above, stopped at Cape Cod after 67 days of travel. On the same day, the Mayflower Compact was concluded. It was this event that later became a symbol of the sovereign life of the colonists. The first idea to erect a monument dates back to 1820, but the work began only 30 years later - the design of the monument dates back to 1850. Nine years later, the first cornerstone of one of the main attractions of Plymouth and the state of Massachusetts as a whole was laid. Construction of the monument dragged on for many years. Only on August 1, 1889, the monument was officially presented.
  7. In memory of the Pilgrims, another historically significant structure was built in Provincetown - the tallest (77 m) granite tower in the United States called the Pilgrim Monument. The structure is located at the northernmost point of Cape Cod, where the Pilgrim Fathers first landed in 1620. The peculiarity of this tower is that inside there is a staircase leading to the very roof of the monument. From this point a magnificent view of the city opens up, and below, at the foot of the monument, you can visit the Provincetown Museum and learn a more detailed history of its origins.
  8. Dighton Rock is a huge stone weighing 40 tons, 1.5 m high, 2.9 m wide, 3.4 m long. Petroglyphs are carved on its surface - they are of historical value. Nobody knows for sure who is the author of the mysterious inscriptions and drawings. But there are several versions, one of which is based on the fact that the custom of painting on stones belonged to the indigenous peoples of North America. During the construction of the dam, the stone was moved to a pavilion specially built for this purpose. In order to study the mystery of the symbols and preserve history, the petroglyphs were sketched in 1680 and transferred to the British Museum. Today the stone belongs to Dighton Rock State Park and is officially a US historical property.
  9. On Beacon Hill (Boston) in 1975-1978. The Massachusetts State House was built. Despite its historical value, it still functions today. This is the second point on one of the famous walking routes through the historical places of Boston - the Freedom Trail. There are a total of 16 such points in the state capital, 2 of which are Capitol. The Old Capitol is located at the 9th point of the Freedom Trail.
  10. Lexington Green is a historic site where American and British military forces clashed in 1775 during the Revolutionary War. Today, a bas-relief with a fragment of military action and a statue of John Parker, who served as a captain at that time, remind of the bloody event.

Education and science

Massachusetts is rightly called the main educational center of the United States. Most of the state’s most reputable universities are concentrated here, for example:

  • Harvard University. A giant in American education. It is the oldest and most elite university in the country.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A serious and respected educational complex, the history of which began in 1861. To date, it is one of the recognized world leaders in terms of education.
  • Boston University, founded in 1839, is today one of the largest and most prestigious educational institutions in America.
  • Bentley University was initially a school for accountants after its founding (1917). Only in 1961 it was given the status of a college, and now a university. Today, Bentley trains business leaders, and in this area the university is the most authoritative in the country.
  • New England is home to the premier law school, the New England School of Law, whose graduates emerge from its doors with a master's degree in education.

This is only a small part of all educational institutions in Massachusetts. There are 8 research centers alone, and all educational institutions, as already mentioned, number more than a hundred. In terms of the level of development of science and education, Massachusetts has long left behind most of the other American states, despite being 45th in the ranking in terms of size. It was here that the first schools, libraries and newspapers appeared, and the very first university in the United States, Harvard University, was founded.

The state of Massachusetts is locally referred to as the "Commonwealth". This US territory was named after the Indians, literally translated as “living near the hill.” Historians suggest that in this case we are talking about a hill near the state capital. It was here that the main concentration of indigenous people from the Massachusetts tribe was concentrated. The state has a coastline on the eastern part. Vermont, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire became neighbors. As of 2011, about 6.5 million people are registered here. The size of the 6th US state was about 27 thousand km². Among the major cities, it is worth highlighting Cambridge, Worcester, Beverly and Arlington. The capital of Massachusetts is Boston. This city houses the offices of world giants, including the legendary General Motors.

Massachusetts State Symbols

The state bird of Massachusetts is the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)

Massachusetts State Flower - Epigaea repens (May Flower)

Massachusetts State Tree - American Elm (Ulmus americana)

Massachusetts State Drink: Cranberry Juice

Massachusetts State Fish: Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua)

Massachusetts State Dog - Boston Terrier

Massachusetts State Mineral - Rhodonite

Massachusetts State Berry: Cranberry

Massachusetts state colors are blue, green and cranberry.

Massachusetts State Dessert - Boston Cream Pie

Massachusetts State Cookies - Chocolate Chip Cookies

State of Massachusetts. Geography and climate

The main territory is on the mainland, including plains, mountains and ridges. The most prominent point is Mount Greylock, whose peak stands at an altitude of 1064 meters above sea level. Several bays, including Cape Cod and Buzzards, have determined the fishing and tourism focus of the region. The islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard only increase the state's attractiveness in the eyes of travelers. Massachusetts' weather is consistent with a continental climate. Summers are hot with an average temperature of about 27°C, winters are cold with strong gusty winds and high humidity. The amount of precipitation per year is 1000 mm. Storm hurricanes often occur on the mainland in the warm season

State of Massachusetts. Economy

The state of Massachusetts, whose cities are known for their universities, is popular among young Americans. Statistical data shows that many students stay to live here after studying. This is no coincidence, because the standard of living is one of the highest. Massachusetts is home to nearly 100 excellent educational institutions. More than 10 of the largest US companies are based here, and every American schoolchild dreams of working for them. The lion's share of income comes from industry. The state produces electrical equipment, construction tools, machine tools, weapons, cars, semi-finished seafood, wine and much more. Agriculture is based on the cultivation of berries, vegetables and cereals. Cows are raised on farms, from whose milk kefir, yogurt, and sour cream are produced for domestic consumption. There are a large number of vineyards on the plains.

State of Massachusetts. Population and Religion

The main concentration of residents is observed in Boston and in nearby settlements. Almost 75% of them are white. The rest is distributed among African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Eskimos, Kenyans, Hawaiians and Native Indians. Most of them live in the suburbs. The state of Massachusetts, which has several islands on its map, joined the United States back in 1788. The racial composition was different at that time. The percentages of Asian culture and African Americans were significantly higher. The leading religious community is Christianity (almost 90%), which includes Baptists, Protestants, Catholics and representatives of the Episcopal Church. Other religions and atheism account for no more than 10%.

State of Massachusetts. Interesting Facts

  • Massachusetts is the place in the United States that has the lowest divorce rate. Here, per 1000 people or 500 couples there are only 2 divorces.
  • A famous inventor named Bell showed his brainchild in Boston. For those who don't remember, this man invented the telephone. The presentation took place in 1876.
  • The man who invented basketball lived in Springfield, Massachusetts. His name was James Naismith. No less famous William Morgan, who became the author of the game volleyball, comes from Holyoke.
  • In 1716, the first lighthouse was built and then launched in America. It was installed in the state capital. Boston is also famous for being the first city in the United States to have a public school.
  • It's hard to believe, but the world-famous Harvard University was founded in 1636.
  • Many important historical events are associated with the capital. Here the computer was first invented, a chocolate factory and a subway were built.
  • State legislation has been signed into law to provide a share of the inheritance for pets. How exactly four-legged pets will manage money is not specified.
  • Chartoggagogis not a set of characters, it is the name of a local lake. In terms of the number of letters, the reservoir has more than one competitor in the world.

State of Massachusetts. Attractions

Coast Guard Beach is one of the most picturesque places located on the island of Cape Cod. The sandy beach harmoniously coexists with bare rocks, creating an indescribable atmosphere. Here you can swim (the entrance to the water is sharp), engage in underwater sports, ride boats and jet skis. Hiking enthusiasts will be offered a trip to the mountain range, which offers beautiful views of the mainland and the coastline of the island.

Plymouth. Massachusetts

Plymouth is a historical park created specifically to develop tourism in Massachusetts. This place immerses visitors in the days of the first colonists. Here you can see the traditional dwellings of the Indians, the ship on which the Europeans sailed, indigenous people in folk costumes and much more. All buildings, including the ship, are exact copies of ancient structures.

The Congregational Church is one of the few representatives of the Gothic style in architecture. Although the building was built in 1873, it is in excellent condition. The interior space is decorated with all kinds of colored stained glass windows and paintings. The Eliot Congregational Church is officially designated a U.S. Historic Landmark with a rich, nearly 150-year history.

In the northeastern part of the United States along the Atlantic coast lies the New England state of Massachusetts, the main city of which is.

To the north is the border with and, to the west is located, to the south is, the eastern coast of the state is washed by the warm waters of the Atlantic. The state territory includes several islands and peninsulas - Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod. The territory of Massachusetts is washed by four bays at once - Massachusetts, Narragansett, Buzzards and Cape Cod. To the west rise the mighty Berkshire Mountains and the sheer cliffs of the Taconic.

Most of Massachusetts has a humid oceanic climate. Summers are quite hot with heavy rainfall. In winter there are frequent winds, quite cool and snowy.

Today Massachusetts is a large educational, industrial, cultural and historical region of the United States.

State History

Several thousand years ago, the lands of Massachusetts were inhabited by Indian tribes. British settlers were the first to land on the coast of the modern state (early 17th century). They founded the Plymouth Colony here. It is known that this is where the famous Catholic holiday “Thanksgiving Day” takes its origins.

After some time, the inhabitants of the colony adopted the first American constitution or the Mayflower Compact.

In the 13th century, several educational institutions were built in the state. Among them is the legendary one. And in the middle of the century, Massachusetts turned into a major British shipbuilding and trading center.

The infrastructure and industry of the colony continued to develop, but the residents were driven into difficult “tax” conditions. Many did not agree with such harsh exactions. As a result, the Civil War for Freedom broke out in 1770.

It was not until 1788 that Massachusetts was granted statehood.

State attractions

Thanks to its rich diversity of natural landscapes, Massachusetts is very popular among ecotourists.

A favorite destination for many tourists is the city of Stockbridge. The beautiful Berkshire Botanical Garden is located on its territory. Walking along the shady alleys of the garden, tourists have the opportunity to enjoy bright peonies, fragrant magnolias, luxurious roses, and sit on a cozy bench by the picturesque pond with lilies. Not far from the city, the Berkshire Hills stretch in a long ridge. There is a large beautiful waterfall here - Bash Bish.

The natural park located on the Cape Cod Peninsula is famous for its magnificent landscapes. Its area is occupied by dense mixed forests, blue transparent lakes, beautiful ponds, and small green hills. Well, the main attraction of the park is its warm sandy beaches.

When you come to Massachusetts, it's impossible not to stop in Boston. This is one of the oldest and most luxurious American cities.

History buffs should head to the city's historical museum. Here you can learn a lot of interesting things about the formation of the city and its development.

Art lovers should head to the Boston Art Gallery. Its walls house a truly unique collection of ancient engravings, canvases and paintings.

The view is breathtaking from the top of Greylock, where a huge memorial tower dedicated to the heroes of the Civil War rises.

One of the most visited places in Massachusetts is the small town of Plymouth. A large historical complex is located here. The remains of the first European and Indian settlements are still preserved on its territory. The guides are dressed in national American costumes.

Not far from the complex, tourists will be able to see a model of the legendary ship - the Mayflower.

The city of Gloucester awaits fans of fishing. It is a large fishing region. There is a monument to the fisherman in the city center. Gloucester provides a wealth of fishing and camping opportunities.

Recreation and entertainment

Beach lovers will enjoy the stunning beaches of Cape Cod. The Coast Guard Beach in Istam is very popular among tourists. Tourists have the opportunity to go surfing, scuba diving, boogieboarding, take a bike ride through the picturesque surroundings, and arrange a cozy campsite.

Revere Beach is no less famous. This is a wonderful place for a family vacation. There are several entertainment centers located on the beach. Among them are an amusement park, a large hippodrome, Bluebeard Palace, a zoo and many others.

Nantasket Beach is a great place for surfing and sailing.

Fans of winter recreation and extreme sports enthusiasts will find the Massachusetts ski resort of Princeton. Tourists are provided with a huge selection of modern ski slopes and ice skating rinks. And on the territory of the resort there is a huge number of restaurants and cafes.

  • Massachusetts - translated from Indian - “Big Mountain”.
  • Famous American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Massachusetts. And also famous actors - Matt LeBlanc, Marcia Cross, Elizabeth Banks.
  • Massachusetts is the birthplace of US President George W. Bush.
  • The state of Massachusetts is home to the unique two-faced cat Frankenlouis, who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.