This country is washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. Indian Ocean. Maximum, average depth, area where it is located on the map, seas, islands, salinity, resources, currents. Interesting facts, photos. Which body of water washes North and South Goa

Geographical position

Indian Ocean ranks third in area and volume of water. It occupies 1/5 of the area of ​​the World Ocean and 1/7 of the surface of the planet (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Indian Ocean on the map.

Square Indian Ocean - 76.17 million km 2. Unlike the Quiet and Atlantic Ocean it has a small number of seas, only 5. Temperature The surface layer of water is +17 °C, and the salinity is 36.5 ‰. The saltiest part of the Indian Ocean is the Red Sea, with a salinity of 41‰. Relief The Indian Ocean is unique: on the ocean floor there are 10 main basins, 11 underwater ridges and 1 trench more than 6 thousand meters deep.

Average depth The Indian Ocean is 3711 m, and the maximum is 7729 m. The coastline of the Indian Ocean is very slightly indented. Remember the location of the Indian Ocean objects: Red Sea (Fig. 3), Gulf of Aden, the Persian Gulf (Fig. 2), the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Greater Sunda Islands archipelago and the Mozambique Channel.

The most characteristic geographical feature of the Indian Ocean is that 84% of its area is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and there is no direct connection with the Arctic Ocean.

Rice. 2. Persian Gulf

Rice. 3. Red Sea

According to modern data, the western border of the Indian Ocean is the meridian of 20° east. on the stretch between Antarctica and Cape Agulhas in southern Africa. In the northeast, its border runs along the shores of Asia to the Strait of Malacca along the islands of Sumatra, Java, Timor, New Guinea. Further east through the Torres Strait along the west coast of Australia and the island of Tasmania. Further along 147° E. to Antarctica. The southern border of the ocean is the coast of Antarctica from 20° east. d. to 147° east. d. Northern border - the southern coast of Eurasia.

History of ocean exploration

The shores of the Indian Ocean are one of the areas of ancient civilizations. The exploration of the ocean began from the north by Indian, Egyptian and Phoenician sailors, who 3 thousand years BC. e. sailed in the Arabian and Red Seas and the Persian Gulf. The first descriptions of the routes of voyages in the Indian Ocean were made by the Arabs. For European geographical science, information about the ocean began to accumulate since the voyages Vasco da Gama(1497–1499) (Fig. 4), who, having rounded Africa, reached India.

In 1642–1643 Abel Tasman(Fig. 5) first passed from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific along southern shores Australia.

At the end of the 18th century, the first depth measurements were carried out here James Cook(Fig. 6).

A comprehensive and systematic study of the ocean began at the end of the 19th century with the circumnavigation of the English expedition on the Challenger ship (Fig. 7).

However, by the middle of the 20th century, the Indian Ocean was very poorly studied. In the 50s The Soviet expedition began work on the Ob ship (Fig. 8).

Today, the Indian Ocean is being studied by dozens of expeditions from different countries.

Lithospheric plates

At the bottom of the Indian Ocean there is a border between three lithospheric plates: African, Indo-Australian and Antarctic (Fig. 9). In the depression earth's crust occupied by the waters of the Indian Ocean, all large structural reliefs of the ocean floor are well expressed: shelf (accounting for more than 4% of the total ocean area), continental slope, ocean floor (ocean plains and basins, 56% of the total ocean area), middle -ocean ridges (17%), mountain ranges and underwater plateaus, deep-sea trench.

Rice. 9. Lithospheric plates on the map

Mid-ocean ridges divide the ocean floor into three large parts. The transition from the ocean floors to the continents is smooth, only in the northeastern part does the Sunda Islands arc form, under which the Indo-Australian lithospheric plate subducts. In this place, a deep-sea trench 4 thousand km long is formed. The deep Sunda Trench, like the underwater ridges, is a zone of active underwater volcanism and earthquakes.

Geological history of the ocean

Depression Indian Ocean is very young. It was formed about 150 million years ago as a result of the collapse of Gondwana and the moving apart of Africa, Australia, Antarctica and Hindustan. The Indian Ocean acquired its contours close to modern ones about 25 million years ago. Now the ocean is located within three lithospheric plates: African, Indo-Australian and Antarctic.


The Indian Ocean is located in the tropical and subequatorial zones Northern Hemisphere, as well as in all climatic zones of the Southern Hemisphere. Based on surface water temperatures, this is the warmest ocean. Temperature The Indian Ocean depends on latitude: the northern part of the ocean is warmer than the southern part. Monsoons also form in the northern Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean washes the shores of the largest continent - Eurasia. Their interaction determines the features of surface currents and atmospheric circulation over the northern part of the ocean and the southern coast of Asia. In winter, an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure forms over South Asia, and an area of ​​low pressure forms over the ocean. Thus, a wind is formed - the northeast monsoon. In summer, on the contrary, the southwest monsoon forms.

Sailors have long known the changing nature of the winds and currents of the northern part of the Indian Ocean and skillfully used it while sailing on sailing ships. In Arabic, “monsoon” means “season”, and “breeze” in French means “light wind”. Small sailing ships in the northern Indian Ocean are still in use today.


Underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean that occurred December 26, 2004, caused a tsunami that was considered the deadliest natural disaster in modern history. The magnitude of the earthquake, according to various sources, ranged from 9.1 to 9.3. This is the second or third strongest earthquake on record. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Indian Ocean north of the island of Simeulue, located off the northwestern coast of the island of Sumatra (Indonesia). The tsunami reached the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, southern India, Thailand and other countries. The height of the waves exceeded 15 meters. The tsunami caused enormous destruction and a huge number of dead people even in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 6 thousand 900 km from the epicenter (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. After the earthquake, December 2004

According to various estimates, from 225 to 300 thousand people died. The true death toll is unlikely to ever be known, as many people were swept out to sea.

Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna The Indian Ocean is quite rich. In the shallow waters of the tropical zone, corals grow, which create islands with red and green algae. Among coral islands best known Maldives(Fig. 11). These robust coral structures are home to many species of invertebrates such as crabs, sea urchins, sponges, and coral fish. There are huge areas of dense thickets of brown algae here. The open ocean is mostly inhabited by planktonic algae, while the Arabian Sea is characterized by blue-green algae, which constantly cause water blooms.

Rice. 11. Maldives

Also rich and animal world ocean. For example, among the animal waters of the Indian Ocean, the most common crustaceans are copepods, and siphonophores And jellyfish. Squids and some types of flying fish live in the ocean. White shark, sailfish, poisonous sea ​​snake, whales, turtles, seals (Fig. 12). The most common birds are frigates and albatrosses.

Rice. 12. The underwater world of the Indian Ocean

The flora and fauna of the Indian Ocean is very diverse and interesting, as animals and plants live in a place favorable for development. This is a flower garden for nature lovers, environmentalists and tourists. Oil and natural gas are produced on the Indian Ocean shelf. The most famous place in the world for oil production is the Persian Gulf. The Indian Ocean is considered to be the most polluted by oil compared to other oceans. There are also many shipping routes in the Indian Ocean, including major port cities and various places of recreation and tourism: Karachi, Dar es Salaam, Maputo, Mumbai, etc.


1. Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: Textbook for general education. uch. / A.P. Kuznetsov, L.E. Savelyeva, V.P. Dronov, series “Spheres”. – M.: Education, 2011.

2. Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: atlas, “Spheres” series.

1. Internet portal "Complete Encyclopedia" ()

2. Internet portal "Geography" ()

3. Internet portal "All about sharks" ()

All this is becoming a reality for tourists coming to Indian Ocean resorts.

The Indian Ocean Islands are an all-season luxury holiday destination. All you have to do is decide what you like best: relaxation and contemplation, active sports, the opportunity to touch antiquities or watch the most unusual creatures on the ground.


Tropical Mauritius was once a favorite haven of pirates, and now the island attracts thousands of tourists every year with its luxury hotels and white beaches surrounded by volcanic mountains. This place is suitable not only for heat-loving couch potatoes, but also for curious travelers who want to get acquainted with the amazing colonial architecture of the region, Indian temples and botanical gardens. Here you can also spot rare birds, walk through the park with lions or swim with dolphins, or even test your strength by doing extreme species Sports - wind and kite surfing are very popular on the island.

Mauritius is located just 20 degrees south of the equator, so the temperature here does not drop below +25 ° C. Most tourists go here on vacation when the cold weather sets in in the Northern Hemisphere, so the peak tourist season on the island is considered to be from October to April. However, at this time of year it is quite hot and humid and sometimes rainy. The best time to holiday in Mauritius is the local winter, which begins in the Southern Hemisphere in May.

Mauritius is very small, only 45x65 square meters. km, however, due to the unique landscape, the weather here is very changeable. You are unlikely to be able to quickly drive around this small island, and all because it is riddled with narrow and winding roads on which it is simply impossible to accelerate. In addition, when planning excursions, it is worth remembering that left-hand traffic has remained on the island since the British colonial era. Therefore, it is better for tourists to use taxi services or organized transfers.

The tourist center of Mauritius is the resort town of Grand Bay in the northeast of the island, where most hotels and entertainment venues are concentrated. The West Coast is the most expensive and prestigious: those who come here are accustomed to relaxing in the most luxurious hotels and want to sunbathe on the most beautiful beaches with white sand. The south is considered the greenest, wildest and most interesting part of the island.

Where to stay

The pearl of Mauritius is Paradis & Golf Club on the Le Morne Peninsula. This hotel is considered one of the best in the south west coast. It is especially memorable for guests due to the breathtaking views from the rooms of the picturesque beach and lagoon.

Paradis Resort is suitable for both those who want a relaxing holiday (there are several restaurants, a spa center of a famous cosmetic brand, the largest fitness center in Mauritius, its own international golf course and golf academy), and for those who prefer leisure and enjoys water sports. On the beach, hotel guests can use any equipment for free, including snorkel masks and windsurfing equipment. A separate fee will be asked only for the services of a personal instructor. By the way, this hotel hosts the Kite Jam Festival, which every year brings together professionals and amateurs of wind and kitesurfing from all over the world. The festival includes amateur competitions, master classes from world champions and the best athletes on the planet, as well as surfing and kiteboarding schools.

Time zone: there is no time difference between Mauritius and Moscow. So it doesn’t matter how long your vacation is - you won’t remember what jet lag is after returning home.

Visa: Visa for up to 60 days is issued upon arrival. To do this, at customs you must provide a passport valid for at least 6 months after the end of your stay in the country, a return ticket, a hotel reservation, a completed entry form and pay a fee of $17.

How to get there: the best option is to fly by airline Air France to Paris with connecting flight airlines Air Mauritius. Travel time including connections is about 16 hours. The price of a round-trip ticket is from 49 thousand rubles.


Madagascar is the largest island Indian Ocean, one of the poorest countries in the world, but one of the most safe countries Africa. Such nature as in Madagascar cannot be found anywhere else. The flora and fauna of the island are rich in absolutely endemic plants and animals that cannot be found in other parts of the planet.

Baobab trees grow everywhere in Madagascar. In some areas, impressive rows of giant trees line up, in the crowns of which the African sun pancake beautifully “gets stuck” during sunset, giving tourists the opportunity to take photographs of amazing beauty.

Here you can see 70 species of lemurs and chameleons and even watch humpback whales. The best time to see whale migration is from June to September, but in the waters east coast they appear all year round.

There is also a unique stone forest, covering an area of ​​more than 150 thousand hectares and representing sharp karst spiers, the approximate age of which is a million years. Stone Forest consists of intricate labyrinths through which excursions are organized for tourists.

As a rule, travelers go to Madagascar to see the jungle, wild animals, take part in safaris or follow adapted and safe tourist routes, which are complemented by a few days of relaxation on the coast. The most popular recreation areas for foreign tourists are the resorts of the Anakao Peninsula and the beaches of the tiny island near Madagascar - Nosy Be.

The north of the country is very fond of divers all over the world, including those from Russia. The long coastline with unique underwater plants and animals gives them a completely new diving experience.

The climate of Madagascar is very diverse: on the coast it is tropical, in the interior it is closer to subtropical, and in the south it is dry (arid), with high air temperatures experiencing large daily fluctuations and with negligible amounts of precipitation. The island has two seasons. The hot and humid season - the Madagascan summer - lasts from November to April, the air temperature in these months is +25 + 27 ° C, the cooler dry season is established from May to October (+20 + 24 ° C).

Where to stay

One of the best hotels popular resort island of Nosy Be - Ravintsara Wellness Hotel. “Fantastic vacation”, “royal vacation”, “heaven on earth” - these are the reviews from tourists that Ravintsara received for its beautiful and spacious bungalows on the beach, green gardens around, excellent service and exquisite cuisine. The hotel also offers entertainment for every taste: boat trips, ATV rides. The cost of accommodation is from 300 dollars per day.

Time zone: Madagascar time is one hour behind Moscow.

Visa: a tourist visa for up to 90 days can be issued upon arrival. To do this, you must provide a passport valid for at least 6 months and a return air ticket.

How to get there: you can get to Antananarivo, the largest airport in Madagascar, from Moscow via Paris (Air France). Flight time is 14 hours excluding connections. Ticket price - from 50 thousand rubles.


The Seychelles is an archipelago of magical beauty, 115 islands, many of which are uninhabited, scattered in the waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast East Africa. Breathtaking secluded beaches, unique nature and climate have made the islands perhaps the most idyllic tourist destination in the world.

The Seychelles is one of the few resort areas where you can simply pick up and fly at any time of the year, without worrying about seasonal weather changes. The climate here is quite stable throughout the year, the average air temperature on the islands is +26+30º C. During the peak season (December-January), precipitation on the islands becomes more frequent, which subsides only by mid-March, but it cannot be called abundant and essentially they do not interfere with tourists' recreation.

The warmest and calmest weather occurs in April-May and October-November. During this period on the islands ideal conditions for swimming, snorkeling and diving: water temperatures reach +29º C and visibility often exceeds 30 meters.

Period from October to April - best time for fishing enthusiasts, and from April to October is the season for watching exotic birds. It is during these months that they reproduce, nurse their offspring and migrate to other regions. From May to September, fans of surfing and windsurfing flock to the Seychelles.

The main island of the archipelago, on which the international airport is located, is about. Mahe. Those who fly to the Seychelles in search of peace and secluded relaxation are unlikely to appreciate the bustle of Mahe, but it’s worth staying here if only to study the colonial architecture of the capital of the Seychelles - the city of Victoria, or to visit the botanical garden, which contains dozens of tropical species plants. The surrounding area of ​​Mahe Island has great opportunities for deep-sea diving: here you can not only swim with magnificent tropical fish, but also walk through the habitats of reef and nose sharks, stingrays, sea ​​urchins, sea turtles.

Each island of the archipelago has its own atmosphere, and if you don’t want the noise of Mahe at all, then you can go to the small islands, where complete peace and quiet reigns.

Where to stay

One of best hotels Mahe - Banyan Tree Seychelles, located on the picturesque southwestern coast of the island. Banyan Tree has 60 villas, each with its own swimming pool.

This resort is located in quiet place, away from anything that might disturb you during your vacation. This sometimes makes guests think that they are on desert island, where someone invisible provides round-the-clock comfort. There are no entertainment venues or significant tourist sites nearby, so it is chosen by those who are going to enjoy a vacation away from civilization. The cost of renting a villa is from $1,200 per day.

Time zone: in the Seychelles, the time coincides with Moscow.

Visa: Russian citizens arriving in the Seychelles for a period not exceeding 30 days do not require a visa. It is placed at the border when entering the country.

How to get there: you can fly from Moscow to the Seychelles by plane Emirates airlines with a transfer at your home airport (Dubai). Travel time including connections is 12.5 hours. Ticket price - from 30 thousand rubles.


The Maldives is made up of about 20 groups of atolls, but only half of the islands that make up them are open to tourists. If you are planning to visit the Maldives for the first time and are looking for some general advice on choosing a resort, then the main thing you need to remember is that each of the Maldives resorts is located on its own island, the size of the islands varies from 2.5 km to 150 m (from coast to coast). This means that all resort facilities (restaurants, bars, sports facilities, etc.) will be the only entertainment during your stay in the Maldives. Therefore, their infrastructure needs to be carefully studied in advance, so as not to fall into deep despondency on your long-awaited vacation. In general, there are offers for tourists for every taste: from affordable bungalows adjacent to diving equipment rental points, to secluded luxury villas on stilts in the sea, from the terrace of which you can hang your feet and admire the colorful fish swimming in the water.

The Maldives archipelago is located almost on the equator, the climate here is tropical, the temperature is stable all year round (about +28+30º C). The hottest season on the islands occurs in our winter: from December to April the islands are dry, and the air temperature reaches its highest levels.

Most of activities in the Maldives are centered around water activities. Snorkeling and diving are very popular - vacationers have the opportunity to see the most beautiful coral reefs and get acquainted with 700 species of exotic fish living in the Indian Ocean. Surfers (both advanced and beginners) also enjoy coming here to spend an invigorating holiday cutting through the waves on a board. Those who like a more relaxing holiday may be interested in fishing in open water.

Where to stay

One of the most famous Maldivian resorts, Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, is located on the large and very picturesque Addu Atoll, on Villingili Island. Shangri-La offers accommodation in fully equipped traditional style villas. Guests can choose a house in the garden, on the shore or on stilts directly over the water. Vacationers have access to several restaurants, an outdoor swimming pool, a gym, a children's club, a beauty salon and a spa center, which offers various face and body care programs, scrubs, wraps, as well as massage and stone therapy. The territory has tennis and badminton courts, a small golf course, as well as everything you need for snorkeling, diving, windsurfing and fishing.

To the resort from international airport Tourists are transported to Male by plane or speedboat.

Time zone: time on Maldives ahead of Moscow by an hour.

Visa: Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa in advance if the tourist flies into the country for a period of no more than 30 days. It is placed at the border upon entry into the country, for which you will need a valid passport and a dated return ticket.

How to get there: International flights arrive at Hulhule Airport, which is located next to the capital island of Male. Flights to the Maldives are regularly carried out by Emirates airlines (via Dubai), Singapore Airlines(via Singapore), Qatar (via Doha). Travel time depends on the length of the connection at the carrier's home airport.

In the winter season, Aeroflot opens a direct flight to Male. Travel time is about 9 hours. The cost of the flight is from 49 thousand rubles.

O. Ceylon

The island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) is a real corner of eternal celebration. The number of significant events celebrated here is more than 160 per year! Add to this colorful beaches, misty mountains, tea plantations and luxury hotels - and you get truly unforgettable vacation in the kingdom of nature on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The developed tourism infrastructure in Sri Lanka provides vacationers with excellent opportunities for recreation for every taste: from “doing nothing” on the beaches and self-care in local spas to observing wildlife, practicing extreme sports and pilgrimages to ancient cities.

The climate in Sri Lanka is equatorial. It is warm and humid all year round, with the rainy season occurring in summer. The average annual air temperature on the island is +28º C, the water temperature in the Indian Ocean reaches +26º C.

The largest city island state- noisy, crazy Columbo. Tourists come here to get acquainted with the main attractions: admire the colonial buildings, mosques, churches, Buddhist and Hindu temples, see the presidential residence (or the Queen's House), visit National Museum and an art gallery. There is also a wonderful zoo in Colombo, where tourists try to go to the elephant show.

The beaches of the island are very popular among tourists. Moreover, Sri Lanka is gaining more and more popularity among those who love active sports. water sports. Surfers managed to fall in love with Arugam Bay, a place 314 km from Colombo, on the southeastern coast of Ceylon, which was included in the honorary list of the ten best surf beaches in the world. Arugam Bay is popular among beginners, and for experienced athletes, the point of attraction has become the west coast, where you can catch impressive waves. The town of Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka has become a hangout for kitesurfers who come here for the winds from May to the end of September.

Thanks to the varied topography of the island, Ceylon has excellent conditions for rafting, the now fashionable hiking and mountain biking.

Lovers wildlife come to Sri Lanka to watch the whales and dolphins that appear in the waters near the town of Mirissa. At certain times of the year, sea turtles can also be seen coming ashore to lay eggs.

Where to stay

The most famous resort for beach holiday in Sri Lanka - the town of Bentota and its surroundings. This is where the largest number of hotels are located, offering accommodation for every taste. However, the hotels are located at a considerable distance from each other, so tourists can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

A beautiful secluded hotel in Benote - Saman Villas, which is located on a small rocky hill, right on the ocean. It is quiet and cozy here, the number of rooms (and especially the bathroom... open air) pleases travelers who do not skimp on positive reviews. Tourists also note the excellent cuisine in the hotel restaurant and praise the treatments at the local spa. The cost of living is about 300 dollars per day.

The small village of Hikkaduwa is popular among divers and surfers, who are known to be not too fussy, so there are mainly inexpensive hotels and apartments here.

You can snorkel and swim in the calm waters, which are protected from the waves by a coral ridge, at the Trincomalee resort, located on the east coast of the country.

Time zone: time in Sri Lanka is 1.5 hours ahead of Moscow.

Visa: Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa in advance. It is placed at the airport upon arrival.

How to get there: flights to Colombo are carried out by Etihad (with a transfer in Abu Dhabi), Emirates (with a transfer in Dubai), as well as Aeroflot. Travel time is about 10 hours. The cost of a round-trip ticket is from 25 thousand rubles.

Irina Lavery

The Indian Ocean is the same ocean whose depths keep many mysteries and secrets. Although Indonesia is washed by two oceans - the Pacific and the Indian, only the second belongs to Bali. The Indian Ocean is where the island's surf spots belong. Since “you need to know your heroes by sight,” we have collected as many facts as possible about this ocean, some of them are amazing.

General information

The area of ​​the Indian Ocean is approximately one-fifth of the total area of ​​our planet; it washes 4 out of 6 possible parts of the world: Australia, Africa, Asia and even Antarctica. The ocean covers 57 island groups, 16 countries in Africa and 18 in Asia. This is the youngest and warmest ocean in the world.
During the period of great discoveries in the 1500s, the Indian Ocean gained status as one of the most important transport routes. This was primarily due to the desire of Europeans to gain access to India, where jewelry, rice, cotton, luxurious fabrics and much more were actively purchased. It is the Indian Ocean that connects the largest number of the most important ports in the world. By the way, it is in the Indian Ocean that about 40% of the world's oil is found. In second place is the production of natural gas (according to research, reserves amount to about 2.3 trillion cubic meters).

Indian Ocean and surfing

The most popular destinations are considered:

Indonesia. Surfing began about 80 years ago when American photographer Robert Coke decided to found the Kuta Hotel Beach hotel. During the events surrounding World War II and Indonesia's struggle for independence, surfing was forgotten. But Australians, insatiable for home spots, revived surfing in the 1960s. Countless islands, led by Bali, have made Indonesia the most popular country in Asia for surfing. Sumatra (pictured above), Sumbawa, Java, Mentwai, Lombok, Nias, Timor - these are just a small part of the places where your vacation will definitely not be “beachy”.

Sri Lanka. Surfers only reached here in 1970. Unfortunately, the happiness did not last long, as in 1983 the Civil War. After some time, when peace reigned, the waves again began to delight surfers. But in 2006, the island was literally destroyed by a tsunami that killed about 200,000 people. Restoration work is still ongoing, but tourism and surfing are returning and gaining momentum. Of course, there are significantly fewer surf spots than even in Bali - there are about 3 main surf spots here.

India. History is silent about who and when decided to catch their first wave. Although many associate India only with cows, yoga and endless meditation, surfing has its place. There are about 20 surf spots in the south, but getting to the waves is not so easy. Since surfing in India is not yet that popular, and the local population speaks little or no English, especially if you are not in Delhi or Mumbai, then prepare for a great language barrier.

Maldives. This place is great not only for holding honeymoon, but also for surfing. Australians discovered this in the 70s, sailing across the Indian Ocean on a merchant ship towards Male. When one of them was forced to return to his homeland, he told his friends about it fabulous place, which served as a real surf boom. Enterprising Australians immediately began organizing trips. From April to October, when the waves will please even an inveterate perfectionist, two days on the road will not stop a true surfing fan.

Mauritius. It was opened at the end of the last century. The real buzz is concentrated in the south of the island. What’s remarkable is that on the same spot at the same time you can meet windsurfers, kite surfers, and us, ordinary surfers. That's why the spots are a little overloaded with such variety. It is also worth noting that Mauritius is included in the segment of luxury resorts, just like the Maldives, so the option of a hippie vacation or a budget surf trip is unlikely.

Reunion. Small island, a former colony of France. The best spots are located on the west coast of the island. It is very attractive for surfers, even despite the fact that the probability of a shark attack there is incredibly high (this year the 19th case with, alas, a sad outcome has already been recorded).

  • In the Indian Ocean, the so-called “Sea of ​​Milk” has been discovered - blue water with a shining whitish tint. The reason for this is the bacterium Vibrio Harveyi, which strives to get into the most favorable habitat for itself - the intestines of other ocean inhabitants. To achieve the goal, this creature takes on exactly this “milky” color.
  • The blue-ringed octopus is perhaps the most dangerous inhabitant Indian Ocean. The size of a palm, the tiny octopus is capable of killing up to 10 people at a time with its poison. It should be noted right away that in water it does not pose a danger, but if it is thrown out of its natural habitat, then this creature displays remarkable aggression. The poison paralyzes the muscular and respiratory systems, as a result of which the person begins to suffocate. It is worth noting that the primary habitat of this little killer is, of course, Australia.
  • The Indian Ocean is rich not only with surfing spots, but also with unsolvable mysteries. It was in these waters that a merchant vessel or ship was more than once discovered without a single damage, but completely empty. Where the people disappeared remains a mystery to this day.

And finally, here is a wonderful photo from the surf spot Padang Padang, Bali, Indonesia

The maximum depth of the third largest Indian Ocean is 7209 m. This is the Sunda Trench, located in the eastern part of the oceanic space. The length of the bottom depression ranges from 4 to 6 km. On geographical maps this object is found under the second name - the Japanese arc.

The Indian Ocean simultaneously washes 4 continents of the globe. It is located south of the tropics called Cancer, covers the northern part of the Eurasian continent, touches the coast of Africa in the west, the border with Australia flows from the east, and the waters of the south wash the permafrost of Antarctica.

The dividing strip of the Indian Ocean with the neighboring Atlantic runs right through the area where Cape Agulhas is located. It is 20 degrees east longitude right up to the shores of Dronning Maud Land.

In the east, the extreme point of the Indian Ocean is located along the meridian of 146 degrees east longitude between Tasmania and Bass Strait. On south direction The oceanic space stretched along the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, all the way to the Sunda Strait. Depending on water circulation and the time of year, the southern limit of the Indian Ocean can vary between 35 and 60 degrees latitude.

A few words about history

The maximum depth of the prehistoric Indian Ocean began to form in the Early Jurassic period, when a monolithic supercontinent called Gondwana began to break into separate parts. This is how Hindustan, the Arabian Peninsula, Australia, Africa and Antarctica were formed.

The geological process of formation of the current geographical relief was completed only at the end of the Jurassic and beginning of the Cretaceous era. During the same period, about 140 million years ago, the floor of the Indian Ocean began to form.

During the Cretaceous era, there was an active movement of Hindustan, which increased the area of ​​​​ocean space. At the same time, there was a reduction in Pacific waters.

The Late Cretaceous era is characterized by the fact that at this time the Arabian Plate separated from the continent of Africa, the Red Sea appeared, as well as the Gulf of Aden. As a result of this process, the expansion of the Indian Ocean water area was completely completed.

The final stage in the formation of the boundaries of the water space, which have survived to this day, is the collision of Hindustan and the lithospheric plates of Asia. After this, tectonic processes remain relatively stable. The African plate continues to move, but not faster than 1-2 cm per year.

The most active is the Australian plate, which moves by 7 cm annually. This intensity of movement of tectonic plates is not capable of significantly changing the boundaries of the Indian Ocean and causing a new period of its historical development.


In terms of water area, the Indian Ocean is in third place. Its total area is no less than 76 million square meters. km. The volume of the entire water mass is 283 million cubic meters. km. If we consider the Indian Ocean on a geographic scale, it occupies at least 20% of the entire area of ​​the globe.

The maximum width of territorial waters is at least 10 thousand km. This is the length between the southernmost harbors of Australia and the African continent. Only the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic are larger than the Indian Ocean.


Indian Ocean, whose maximum depth is 7209 m, also has shallow water areas. If we consider the average depth of ocean waters, they are 3711 m.

This is where the Sunda Trench is located. The deepest point of the Indian Ocean.

Maximum depths are located along the eastern coast of Japan. Much of the shallow water is found on the coral shelf of Australia's coastline.


The degree of salt concentration in the waters of the Indian Ocean is heterogeneous. It depends on the speed of the current, as well as the area where the samples are taken. Average salinity levels are 34.8%. If we consider this aspect in territorial terms, then the largest number of salt crystals is concentrated in the Persian Gulf and the waters of the Red Sea - this is 41%.

In tropical zones, the southern part of the Earth, as well as the Arabian Sea, salinity remains relatively high and reaches 36%. The lowest concentration of salt is only in the area of ​​the equatorial line and the waters washing the coast of Antarctica (no more than 34%).


The Indian Ocean (the maximum depth of its waters keeps temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius) has a warm ocean surface. Maximum temperatures are observed near the equator. They reach 28 degrees and above when the sun is at its zenith.

Average temperatures are observed in the Arabian and Red Seas, as well as in the Persian Gulf (30-31 degrees). IN winter period The coastal waters of the Australian mainland warm up to 29 degrees Celsius. On average, the water surface retains stable heat to a depth of 1-1.5 m.


The basis bottom relief The Indian Ocean makes up the Indo-Australian segment. The bottom is divided into ridge mountains and depressions.

Oceanologists identify the following elevations that form the long ridge heights of the Indian Ocean:

The Indian Ocean (the maximum depth of water is concentrated in 5 places) has the following depressions:

  • Sunda (trench);
  • Arabian;
  • Central;
  • Coconut;
  • Australian.

The bottom of the Indian Ocean is characterized by the formation of faults that appeared as a result of tectonic processes in the form of active movement of lithospheric plates and earthquakes. These are narrow and deep gorges called grabens. The most famous of them are the Ob and Diamatina.

The relief of the Australian coast of the Indian Ocean is represented by the Southern Basin, which is located along the entire continental part of the continent.


The Indian Ocean, whose maximum depth is more than 7000 m, is divided into 4 main climatic zones. They stretch along parallels and directly depend on underwater currents.

The northern part of the oceanic space is dominated by a monsoon climate, which is reflected in the weather conditions throughout Asia. The coast of this part of the continent is frequently affected by cyclones and heavy rains. Data climatic conditions typical for the winter season.

In summer, the climate of the Indian Ocean is influenced by the southwest direction of the monsoon, which causes strong winds of force 7, and the frequency of its gusts reaches 40%. The temperature of the water surface is between 28-32 degrees Celsius, and in winter it can drop to 22 degrees.

The southeastern climate zone produces the tropical trade wind, which blows throughout the year. Under its influence, most storms arise, waves more than 10 meters high are formed. The average temperature in this climate zone is no higher than 25 degrees.

The temperate continental and subtropical climate zone is characterized by warm summers (water temperature from 10 to 22 degrees) and not very cold winters (6-17 degrees Celsius). The lowest temperatures are observed only in the coastline of Antarctica - from +6 to -16 degrees.

Precipitation is heavy - up to 2.5 thousand mm throughout the calendar year. Zones of increased area (5 or more points) predominate. The only exception is the Arabian Sea region. The greatest cloudiness is observed in the waters surrounding Antarctica.


The northern waters of the Indian Ocean are characterized by seasonal changes in circulation directions, which depend on the movement of the monsoons.

The water cycle depends on the following currents:

Based on the above, we can conclude that highest speed, deep water and high temperatures are characteristic of tropical and equatorial currents of the Indian Ocean. Closer to the Australian continent and Antarctica, water flows are not as fast and have low temperatures.

Which countries are washed by the Indian Ocean?

The following states on the list are located off the coast of the Indian Ocean and washed by its waters:

In addition, in the Indian Ocean there are island states, which do not have land borders with the continental part of the globe, namely:

  • Madagascar (an island that for a long time was isolated from the continental part of the world, which served as the development of various species of animals represented exclusively in this corner of the globe);
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Reunion (French overseas territory);
  • Mauritius;
  • Maldives;
  • Antarctic territories;
  • Comoros Islands.

The Indian Ocean has a direct impact on the formation of weather conditions in these regions, the development of the socio-economic sphere, as well as other vital processes.


total area The bays and seas of the Indian Ocean are 11.6 million km. sq. This is at least 15% of the entire ocean surface. Most of the bays is located off the coast of states that are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, namely:

All of the above bays, with the exception of the Australian one, have a deep bottom and are part of basins. This bottom topography allows them to be used for shipping and port purposes.


All seas of the Indian Ocean have coastlines, they are used for fishing, and in some there is mining.

Most of the reservoirs have a name consonant with the territory they wash, namely:

  • Arabian Sea;
  • Red (bottom areas are rich in coral reefs of the corresponding color);
  • Davis Sea;
  • Adamanskoe;
  • Sea of ​​Cosmonauts;
  • Timorese;
  • Arafura;
  • Mawson Sea.

The latter body of water is mistakenly included in the Southern Ocean, which is incorrect. Depth, temperature and climate inland seas oceanic space - are heterogeneous, depending on their location, fullness and currents that pass through them.


Every second island in the Indian Ocean is considered a fragment of ancient continents, which were broken into fragments during the active movement of lithospheric plates. As a result of these geological transformations that took place in Early Jurassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, on today's world map there are the following island territories:

Most of the above islands are inhabited by people, are part of continental states, or form independent republics with developed infrastructure, economy, and tourism industry. The only exceptions are archipelagos and territories located on the shelf of Antarctica.


The flora and underwater world of the Indian Ocean is rich and diverse. In the tropical zone there is an accumulation of plankton. The most common is the algal organism Trichodesmium, which has a unicellular structure. It develops quickly and acts as a nutritional basis for a large number of fish and crustaceans.

Plankton is represented by the following types of organisms that have a glow effect at night:

In the cold waters washing the coast of Antarctica, the fauna is also represented by some species of plankton, which are capable of developing in temperatures close to 0 degrees Celsius, namely:

  • diatoms;
  • copepods;
  • Euphausids.

Numerous representatives underwater world Indian Ocean fish remain.

The following species can be found in these waters:

  • nototheniaceae family;
  • Coryphenes;
  • tuna;
  • mackerel;
  • almost all types of sharks.

Reptiles presented giant turtles and snakes, whose bodies are adapted to living in salt water. Mammals that inhabit the Indian Ocean are humpbacked, toothless and blue whales, seal species, a large number of dolphins.

Their habitat is located in the circumpolar and temperate continental latitudes of the oceanic space, where mixing of warm and cold temperatures occurs water flows, a comfortable environment is created for the growth of the plankton population, which is the nutritional base. Bird species such as frigate birds, penguins and albatrosses live here.

Underwater plants of the Indian Ocean are brown algae (turbinaria, sargassum), as well as blue-green algae in the form of caulerpa. The Australian coastline is represented by halimeda, lithothamnia, calcareous polyps, which live in a single symbiosis with corals.

In the south and closer to the eastern part of Asia, a large number of mangrove forests are concentrated in Madagascar. Kelp, gelidium, fucus, and gelidium grow in the waters of Antarctica. Vegetable world polar coasts is represented by giant algae macrocystis.

Fisheries and marine activities

Despite the fact that a large number of fish species are concentrated in ocean waters, their global catch is considered small, accounting for only 5% of the fishery.

The main commercial fish species of the Indian Ocean are:

Tiger shrimp, lobsters and squid are subject to commercial catch. Until the end of the 20th century, whale hunting was developed in the South Indian Ocean. Today their production has practically ceased due to the massive destruction of large blue whales which are on the verge of extinction.

In Sri Lanka, the western and northern coasts of Australia, as well as in Bahrain, pearls are mined, which are of natural origin, and a small part is grown artificially in the harbors of the Indian Ocean.


Most valuable natural resources Gas and oil deposits remain in the Indian Ocean.

Large sources of fossils are found in the depths of the seabed Persian Gulf. Hydrocarbon exploration and production is also underway in the Bassi Strait near the territory of Hindustan.

IN coastline In countries such as Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Madagascar, and the South African Republic, deposits of monazite, zirconium, ilmenite and titanite are being developed. Cassiterite is mined in the waters of the Australian continent, India and Thailand.

Interesting facts about the Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean, as part of one of the 4 elements of the globe, has its own characteristics, specific differences, as well as episodes of its own history that are interesting for anyone who wants to know more information about the planet. Here are a few amazing facts about the Indian Ocean.

Cradle of Civilizations

The Indian Ocean coast is where the Earth was first mass populated with dense settlements.

Residents of various tribes living in South-East Asia, used homemade boats reminiscent of modern catamarans and junks, set sail and, during the period when the Western monsoon blew, migrated to the Eastern part of Africa. There the settlement of this continent began with representatives of another continent and civilizations.

Trade routes

It is known that even 3500 BC. The Arabian Sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean, was actively used by the Ancient Egyptians for trade with Persia and the then states of the Arabian Peninsula. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia made trade expeditions to India and Arabia.

At the same time, the waters of the Indian Ocean were used not only for the movement of trade goods, but also interstate relations were established.


After Alexander the Great completed his land campaign against India, which from a military point of view did not end very successfully, in 325 BC. The Greeks used a huge flotilla of up to 100 ships, made a long voyage and landed on the banks of the Indus River.

This was the first sea voyage of an army of five thousand, which was able to overcome the severe storm conditions of the Indian Ocean and reach its destination.

First discoveries

In the 12th century, the famous Italian navigator Marco Polo, returning from China, passed through the entire length of the Indian Ocean, starting from the Strait of Malacca to the waters of Hormuz, explored the island of Sumatra, the shores of Ceylon, and also India. All information about the trip and data on the research carried out were presented in the famous book, which was called “On the Diversity of the World.”

Today its contents will not surprise anyone, but at that time it contained valuable knowledge for sailors, writers and cartographers around the world.

Australia Exploration

In 1642, a maritime company from the Netherlands, consisting of 2 ships, conducted a research expedition to study the central and eastern latitudes of the Indian Ocean. The expedition was led by Captain Tasman.

In the course of the research, it was established and scientifically proven that Australia is an independent continent that has no contact with other continents and other land segments. During the same period, an island was discovered and named after the leader of the scientific expedition - Tasmania.

Plane crash

In 2014, the maximum depths of the Indian Ocean were explored using the latest equipment, careful mapping of the bottom topography was carried out, as a result of which the world learned about new ocean ridges, depressions, faults, mountain heights and areas of volcanic activity.

The reason for such extensive research work was associated with an extensive search for a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, which disappeared from radar in the south-eastern part of the ocean.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the Indian Ocean tsunami

Nat Geographic. About the tsunami in the Indian Ocean:

One of most popular resorts The destination that many tourists from all over the world flock to is Goa. But some vacationers have a question: what kind of sea or ocean is in Goa?

This is a very important question, because sometimes this geographical conditions depends on the ability to swim to your heart's content in a body of water, since, for example, the ocean coast can be dangerous (a large number of sharks, poisonous jellyfish), while the sea coast is created for active water recreation.

Indian pools

If you are wondering what awaits you on the coast (sea or ocean), get ready to receive several answers, contradictory to each other.

Is there an ocean or a sea in India?

From the west, India is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea, from the east by the Bay of Bengal, a small South part- The Laccadive Sea, and the union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is washed by the waters of . All these bodies of water, in turn, are part of the Indian Ocean.

Which body of water surrounds North and South Goa?

For many inexperienced tourists who have decided to go on their vacation to Goa, the question always remains open: what waters wash the resort: marine or oceanic.

The answer here lies on the surface: Goa is located in the west of India, and accordingly, is washed by the Arabian Sea.

Considering that the Arabian Sea is an open part of the Indian Ocean, it can be said that there is both sea and ocean. In the oceanic part of the waters of Goa, sharks are rarely found; large concentrations of them are found off the coast of Oceania.

Sharks also love reef areas, so divers need to be careful when diving. Found in the Indian Ocean tiger, gray and great white shark, and the most dangerous resorts in these waters are Kosi Bay in South Africa, Seychelles, and resorts in Australia.

Holidays in Goa

It should be noted that a beach holiday is not the strongest point state of Goa.


sea ​​coast North Goa and Yuzhny is not much different. Perhaps the only visible difference is sand. In the southern part of the resort the sand is whiter. Due to this, it visually seems that the beaches here are cleaner and the sea is more transparent. In the northern half of the resort from Sinquerim-Candolim to Anjuna, the sand is more yellow with a grayish tint, and is coarse.

In general, we can say that lovers of clean “paradise” beaches will have a hard time here, since the Indian mentality is rather indifferent to garbage, so you can talk about cleanliness and order here forget.

The sea waters here seem cloudy, because it is constantly agitated and mixed with sand and clay from the coast, so those who like to dive off the coast with a mask will have to abandon the idea. Many tourists speak unfavorably about the coast of the northern part of the resort, since the bottom of the coastal waters here is strewn with sharp stones, which can easily injure you.

In addition to the uneven bottom, dirty sea and unattractive beaches, here you may encounter, for example, cows freely moving along the coast. So for those who love an unusual holiday, there will be something to remember after the trip.


For those who cannot decide on a beach, here are some of the most popular beaches in both North and South Goa:

    Agonda. Agonda can be called a “wild” beach, since here you will not find any restaurants, hotels, or spas. This is just a strip of sand stretching for three kilometers along the sea. This place is suitable for those who do not like noise and bustle, and prefer solitude and contemplation of the roaring waves to active recreation.

    Here you can rent a tent, sun lounger, umbrella and give yourself relaxing holiday. A cafe or restaurant can be found further from the beach, in the palm thickets, but even there it is rare.

    The current here is quite strong, so for those who are not very good swimmers, it is better to choose another beach for relaxation.

    Anjuna. This beach is created for those who love active holidays with loud music, entertainment and big amount alcohol of your choice. In the 70s of the last century, this beach was swarming with hippies, so parties here have a special atmosphere.

    Besides entertainment program, next to this beach there is a flea market on Wednesdays where it seems you can buy the whole world. Due to constant “parties”, this beach accumulates a lot of trash, which no one is in a hurry to clean up, so it can harm a normal beach holiday.

    Arambol. One of the longest beaches in North Goa. It stretches for 17 kilometers along the sea and is considered a fairly comfortable place for swimming. There are not very many people here, the coast is mixed: there is both sand and pebbles, in some lagoons there are salty water, and fresh, so there are suitable conditions for everyone.

    Also close to the beach there is lake, where many tourists seek health (supposedly the mud of this lake is medicinal). There are also parties here, but they are less grandiose than on Anjuna, because different people with different needs relax on Arambol.

  • Calangute. This beach is considered the most popular in Goa. A huge number of tourists flock here every year. It is especially crowded here from December to February, there is practically no crowd. Due to such an influx of vacationers, the infrastructure here is maximally developed. There are a huge number of restaurants, cafes, bars, and clubs, so you definitely won’t get bored.
  • Benaulim. Another option for those who prefer peace and quiet. Most often, tourists from Europe come here and organize their own vacation. The infrastructure here is quite developed, so you will definitely be guaranteed a comfortable and relaxing holiday.
  • Colva. One of the representatives of South Goa, popular among Indians. You rarely see foreign tourists here, which is quite strange, because Colva is a beautiful wide beach that is literally created for a quiet, comfortable holiday. Here you can get a good tan, swim to your heart's content, and then relax in one of the hotels (there are more than enough of them here).
  • Palolem. Another representative of the southern part of the resort. This is a very quiet resort in terms of sea conditions - there are practically no waves here. This resort is suitable for those who prefer an exotic holiday to a traditional one.

    The infrastructure here is poorly developed, hotels are rare, cafes and bars are practically impossible to find.

    Vacationers live in huts. On the plus side: this type of vacation is very romantic. The downside: these huts don’t have the usual amenities we are used to. Excursion groups often depart from here; fishing lovers will also find something to do here.

    Cooking. This beach is very popular among hardcore tourists. There are enough vacationers here (not too many and not too few), the beach itself is quite clean, calm, with white sand.

    There is plenty of space for relaxing sunbathing and swimming, and for those who want to grab a bite to eat or drink, there are plenty of restaurants and bars, as well as hotels to suit all tastes. This place is ideal for tourists with average incomes who prefer a relaxed holiday.


    In addition to a beach holiday, Goa has a number of entertainment options, among which you can find something that suits you to make your vacation memorable for a long time.

    From water activities, which can be combined with a passive beach holiday, are presented:

    In addition to water activities, there are land excursions. For example, a popular excursion remains elephant riding. There are not many elephants here, but it is not difficult to find those who provide the opportunity to ride this animal. Sometimes it is even offered to swim with elephants if the excursion route passes near a waterfall or spice plantations.

    For those who like to experience another culture, there are Indian dance courses, cooking courses, and yoga.

    Extreme lovers can purchase tickets for bullfights- spectacles that are held spontaneously, without special arenas or preparation.

    A little about seasonality

    In addition to the place of rest, you need to choose the time of rest. High or low season, large or small number of tourists, high or low prices- all this is very important when organizing a vacation.

    High season begins in Goa around December and ends in February. It is in December that the most diverse public strives to get a unique golden tan, as well as to swim in the sea to its heart's content.

    Water temperature in high season it is not much different from other times in Goa, it ranges from +26 to +29 degrees. You can swim in Goa all year round, so you don’t have to choose a tourist peak for this. The air temperature ranges from 29°C to 31°C all year round.

    Silence covers Goa in May, this month the parties die down, hotels empty, restaurants and cafes close. May days bring stifling heat, stuffiness and the monsoon to the Indian state.

    Water the sea warms up to +30 degrees, with constant waves and such temperatures it is impossible to swim. The only advantage of a holiday in the low season, perhaps, will be the prices.

    The Arabian Sea coast in Goa is next video: