Beautiful endangered animal species. Animals of which there are too few left. Giant soft shell turtle

There are several thousand species of animals on our planet. But some of them are on the verge of extinction and are rare. There are many reasons for this, the main ones being: hunting, environmental pollution, crossing of closely related species, and others. In this article we will look at what exist the rarest animals in the world. Many of them are listed in the Red Book, and their population can still be saved: to establish or reduce the rate of decline. But it is not possible to stop the decline in the number of individuals of some animal species, due to the absence of females or males.

It inevitably reminds us of a mass of amorphous gelatinous bubblegum pink. This is a sea creature that lives in the depths, up to a kilometer below the surface, and has been spotted near Australia and Tazmania. Undoubtedly, he is one of the most sedentary animals in the world; he cannot swim, but the density of his body allows him to float on the bottom and move. It simply feeds, catching everything that swims near it, and therefore survives. Some consider it the ugliest animal in the world.

It was found in the mountains of Borneo relatively recently and is particularly noteworthy for the long length of its tail, much longer than the snails we have seen so far. What this snail does to attract a woman is to throw "passion darts" made of hormones and thus be able to approach her. For this reason, biologists refer to it as Ninja Street, although it is also called Cupid Street.

Hirola is another name for this mammal. Member of the Hirola clan. It is listed in the Red Book as a “Endangered Species”. You can encounter Bubal Hunter in northern Kenya and southwestern Somalia. In the distant past, Hunter's ancestors ran across an area of ​​20,500 square meters. kilometers. Currently it has dropped to 8,000 sq. kilometers. This is due to the uncontrolled extermination of the mammal by local poachers. Hirola's horns and skin are very valuable on the Black Market. The trend leads to the fact that the animal may soon disappear, but for now it is one of the rarest animals in the world.

These are waste, energy consumption or water consumption. To simplify the impact individual countries or individuals on the environment, scientists have developed an ecological footprint. It indicates which area natural resources hectares required by the average person to meet their needs, including food, raw materials, energy and waste disposal. People living in different parts of the Earth create very diverse ecological footprints. The Ecological Footprint shows that people in rich countries consume many times more resources than people in poor areas of the world.

The saw-nosed ray is a member of the saw-nosed ray family. Listed in the Red Book, it is on the verge of extinction. Lives in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The sawfish, which ranks 9th in the list of the rarest animals in the world, can often be found in rivers. The population size of this animal species is decreasing every year due to mass poaching.

Ensure the ecological footprint of individual countries. Red warning triangle and black and white bear. This symbol is certainly known to everyone who has visited at least one of our zoos or someone else's zoo. They are called species that are threatened with extinction in nature. The most precious and most endangered animals in the world. And the black and white bear that they have on their emblem is one of the first among them.

Home - Central China - the so-called Bamboo Bear is one of the most endangered animal species. In nature they are very rare. They forage at night, feed on bamboo shoots and spend 16 hours a day. They have 1-2 chicks every 2 years and only one survives. Pandas are at risk due to human habitat damage and human skin poaching.

The animal, a member of the monkey family, is on the verge of extinction. Listed in the Red Book. Back in the middle of the last century, the population size of this animal species was very limited. It was possible to encounter Thin Rhinopithecus only in the forests near the Song Koi River, which flows in Vietnam. Sometimes individual specimens of Rhinopithecus, one of the rarest animals in the world, wander into the provinces of Tien Kwang and Vac Tai.

Glamorous is a circle of wild and protected animals that can be found on the streets of Olomouc, led by branches of the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Jihad Šafbash. “There are always new species here, but they are difficult to see, especially when they live a hidden lifestyle.” Olomouc has this benefit, has a river and has its parks, which bring in a lot of animals, said Szafsh.

At the beginning of the discovery of known eaters there is, for example, the blind, about two millimeter crustaceans. “She lives in a well near the former bus station.” After this, the ecologist remembers the green toad, for example, in New Gardens. “In connection with the parks, human houses are increasingly inhabited, for example by the rich and the bats that still live in our panel houses.”

An animal belonging to the Sumatran rhinoceros genus. Listed in the Red Book as an “Endangered Species”. It is considered the smallest species of the rhinoceros family. The Sumatran rhinoceros, which ranks 7th on the list of the rarest animals in the world, can be found in forests, swamps located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level, and in the tropics.

To his story about rare animals in Olomouc he added the same hobbies that were hunted in Olomouc parks because of this harsh winter. “I confirmed that they are indeed wild hawks, they are not flying at any breeders, they were clearly contaminated by pigeons.”

Olomouc parks, in addition to their visitors, considered themselves the same bobsleds that they could have met two years ago in the Bezruach gardens. Bobrov will also be remembered by Maria Dubkova, head of the environmental protection department of the Transylvanian settlement. They live in nearby breeding ponds near Tovaev. Right in the First, then Doubek and her colleagues most often deal with pussies, bats and toads.

The marsupial marten is listed in the Red Book under the section: “Nearly Vulnerable Species.” Another name for this animal is Tiger cat. It is considered the second largest marsupial predator in Australia, after the Tasmanian devil. The mammal that ranks 6th on the list of the most rare species in the world, lives in north Queensland. It is possible to encounter him east coast Australia (stretches from Queensland to Tasmania). In these territories it lives in forests and coastal thickets.

We don't know the animals in the city, we can only get to know them when it comes to solving some problems such as scabs or the bats to stumble and winter when heating panel houses and crossing road nozzles. The connection between insulating houses and bats is also provided by Martin Cetkowski, who is under the responsibility of the Department of the Environment of the Prosteichov Town Hall. “They were at our Edward Benes, where they live under polystyrene insulation.” Other animals in the cadastre of Prostejov are connected by Cetkovskom to Hluela, where a person can find crayfish, shriveled fish, and a little further downstream an iceberg or black eagle.

An animal with a reddish-golden color and small white spots located throughout the body. The deer lives in the Philippine Islands. It is very difficult to photograph this mammal. It was only possible to capture it on film some time ago. The enemy of the sika deer, which occupies the middle of the list of the rarest animals in the world, is the wolf. A large number of animal specimens die after winter: in March-April. At this time, after a long winter, the deer are very weak.

This was reported by the head of the environmental department in Šumperk, Stanislav Fiknar, according to which in the cities of Šumperk there are mainly gays and spiders flying over the streets. “These are probably all the trees we have in the city, and the problem is that there is a shortage of small bugs in the area, and on the shelves, when they are isolated, they have also come to the surface.” In addition, Fiknar noted that people in the center of Šumperk can still meet greyhounds or coons.

In Jesenik, which is located in the Jesenik protected landscape area, people may encounter a bird or a toad. There are very good bats here, all of them are strong and endangered. And twins having only 6 cervical vertebrae and three spines with 9 vertebrae.

The animal was listed in the Red Book not so long ago: only 26 years ago. The population size of this type of pig has rapidly decreased: over more than half a century by 80%. Reasons: uncontrolled hunting, poaching, inbreeding, changes in the mammal's habitat over time. The Visayas warty pig, which ranks 4th on the list of the rarest animals, can only be found on the islands of Negro and Panay.

The lungs have a large spongy honeycomb structure. Humans have a typical mammalian lung. Breathing is largely driven by the muscular force of the diaphragm, which divides the chest from the abdominal cavity, creating a bulge in the chest. Contractions of the diaphragm flatten the surface of the diaphragm, increasing lung capacity.

Air enters the mouth and nose, then flows through the larynx, trachea and bronchi, causing the bubbles to enlarge. The chest itself is also capable of expansion and contraction to some extent due to the action of additional respiratory muscles and airways. Mammals receive oxygen from the environment, they excrete carbon dioxide from the lungs.

It is one of the rarest subspecies of puma. The animal is included in the Red Book with the wording: “A species on the verge of extinction.” In the 1970s, the number of Florida cougars numbered twenty!!! By 2011, this number was raised to 160. The puma lives in south florida, mainly in the forests and swamps of the Great National Forest. The reasons for the extinction of the mammal, which took bronze in the list of the rarest animals in the world: hunting, drainage of swamps, deteriorating ecological environment.

Endothermic, or warm-blooded, is a feature that distinguishes mammals from many other animals. The lion also has hair all over its body to protect it from the cold. Likewise, birds can survive from very cold regions, unlike reptiles or large insects. Everything has a price - endothermic organisms require large amounts of energy or food, which completely distinguishes them from crocodiles, turtles and snakes. The exception is the goose, which produces little metabolic heat and is therefore considered a non-metabolic animal.

The white lion, the world's second rarest animal, is due to a genetic condition called leucism, which causes its coat to be lighter in color. Leucism is not melanism. That is, white lions are not albinos, but animals with natural skin and eye color. The existence of white lions became known only at the end of the 20th century. In 1975, white lion cubs were discovered in one of the reserves in South Africa.

The most intelligent mammals, such as primates, have brains that are larger than the rest of the brain. Intelligence itself is not easy to define, but its manifestations include the ability to learn combined with the flexibility to adapt to different situations. Rats, for example, are considered very intelligent because they can learn new tasks, a trait that can be important when colonizing a new, unknown habitat. In some mammals, diet appears to be linked to intelligence level: herbivorous deer have the smaller brain of a cat that must think about how to outsmart potential prey.

Population: 880 individuals.

Range: Great Rift Valley, Central Africa.

Currently, all areas where mountain gorillas live are protected areas: National Park Virunga in Congo, Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda. However, the effectiveness of environmental protection measures is hampered by political instability in the region; very high population density and low standard of living.

There are many strange countries in this world, strange creatures that people are interested in and are just starting to know. Commodore is a Hungarian shepherd who is brought out to protect herds of cattle from various predators. The Codondor dog looks slow, but it is very agile and its coat helps adapt to the flock of sheep and thus protects the animals from animals. Widely distributed cat-sized animal with big ears and a fierce tail. This species still has very long toes, and the third one is quite thin!

He holds his pointed, cracked finger to trap insects through the cracks. These creatures live in Madagascar, and this species is the least common in the world! This fish is amazingly unique in both size and appearance. Some may seem a little scary. People are surprised by these fish in their resemblance to the sad face of a person.


Population: unknown.

Range: Truong Son Mountains in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

The species was first scientifically described in 1993 and received its scientific name in the same year. His discovery was something of a sensation, since no one expected that at the end of the 20th century it would still be possible to discover a new unknown species of large mammals. Three pairs of saola were found in the Vu Quang Nature Reserve in northwestern Vietnam. After this, zoologists went in search of other individuals and within a year they discovered 20 more. However, the first time they managed to catch and photograph a living saola was only in 1996 in Laos. Finds and photographs of these animals remain extremely rare, as they are one of the smallest bovid species in the world.

This aquatic toy lives in the Mexican oceans, most often as pets in England, Japan and Australia. This pet has a wide and large head and turns towards you smiling! The axolotl has lost part of its body, it can completely aggravate it without difficulty.

Half-monkey lighthouses have big eyes And a long tail. Living in trees and active only at night, they are commonly called insects. Lives in South-East Asia, Philippines. These little ones don't walk, but jump, and what's strange is that these pets are flexible and can be rotated 180 degrees.

Florida cougar

Population: about 160 individuals.

Range: southern Florida.

The reason for its extinction was mainly the drainage of swamps, sport hunting, poisoning and the scarcity of genetic material. This is the only subspecies of puma listed in the IUCN Red List with the status “in critical condition».

Mixed circle. The mixed circle is a fish, but this fish is different in its appearance because it is very different from other fish. This fish is strange and scary. These fish have no fins, but they have lost their eyes. The mixed fish lives in the seas, gets caught in the mud, but you can't be afraid, these fish don't live in the Baltic Sea. There are even 67 species of these fish!

This little cream is like a dinosaur, only miniature. They grow up to 80 centimeters in length. These lizards live in the middle desert of Australia. The lacewing gets its name because its throat lunges when danger comes, but it also scares other lizards and creatures.

Zagros newt

Population: less than 1000 individuals.

Range: 10 sq km, Zagros Mountains in Iran.

A rare species of newts from the genus Neurergus of the true salamander family. The smallest species of Central Asian newts with a total body length of up to 13 cm. The population numbers less than 1000 individuals. They breed in mountain rivers. Females lay eggs one at a time or in small clutches on underwater plants or stones. The larvae develop for two months.

Kurmis has an unusual star-shaped snout, and this is the only reason why it is called a star-shaped snout. This wears only eats insects. It has a total of 44 teeth, grows from 15 to 20 centimeters and weighs only 55 grams! Stars are deformed into North America. Plus, they still have the unusual ability to smell water!

These are the direct and changing inhabitants of our world. Many people consider hunting only for trophies. The oldest game-time trophy hunters had no fall - shooting at everything that happens at the end of the pipe, or thinking about the safety and security of long-term care species or populations. In those days the greatest damage was done wildlife, and hunting had a negative image and began to be associated with the unsustainable destruction of animals. Therefore, it would be interesting to remember the most hunting opponents, that hunters themselves were pioneers of conservation.

Rafetus Svaino

Population: 3 individuals.

Habitat: Hoan Kiem and Dong Mo lakes in Vietnam, Suzhou Zoo in China.

Species of turtles of the family Three-clawed turtles. The specific name is given in honor of the British naturalist Robert Swaino. There are only 3 individuals left alive, two of them are in Chinese zoos, and one lives in a lake in the center of Hanoi. Until now, it was believed that there were none left at large. However, a turtle of this species living freely was recently found in one of the lakes in the southern part of Vietnam. Chinese zoo officials want to mate turtles in the hope that they will produce offspring that can be reproduced.

Forest ibis

Number: 200-250 individuals.

Range: Three distinct groups in Morocco, Turkey and Syria; the Syrian population winters in northern Ethiopia.

It is known that back in the 17th century, the forest ibis lived in the Mediterranean to the Alps. Today the species is not found in the wild in Europe. In the wild, forest ibises are preserved only in Morocco and Turkey; about a dozen pairs were found in Syria near the border with Turkey. The species is currently critically endangered.

Pygmy sloth

Number: less than 500 individuals.

Habitat: 1.5 sq km, Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Panama.

A species of mammal from the family of three-toed sloths. The species is on the verge of extinction and is included in the IUCN Red List. The total population size is unknown, but is probably less than 500 animals. The island is uninhabited, however, from time to time it is visited by fishermen, peasants and other people who hunt sloths. The next threat is the opening of the island to tourism.

Far Eastern leopard

Population: 57 individuals.

Distribution: eastern Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai of Russia, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces in China.

This is the rarest of the leopard subspecies. One of the reasons for poaching in the Primorsky Territory is the residence of residents neighboring states, purposefully organizing the illegal purchase of rare biological resources, which include skins and bones Far Eastern leopards. Also, the reason for poaching was unemployment and poverty of residents of the Primorsky Territory, which occurred after the crisis of the 1990s. In addition, traps and snares placed on other animals also pose a threat to leopards. Leopards are often killed by deer park owners because leopards cause damage to the deer population.

Broad-nosed lemur

Population: 60 individuals in the wild, 150 in zoos.

Habitat: Rainforests of Eastern and Central Madagascar.

A rare species from the lemur family. The only representative of the genus Prolemur. The cause of the extinction of this species was climate change and the destructive effects of humans. The forests in which lemurs lived were cut down on an industrial scale.

Saiga antelope

Population: about 750 individuals.

Range: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, with entries into Turkmenistan, in Russia (Kalmykia and Astrakhan region) and western Mongolia.

In 2002, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classified this species as CR, or Critically Endangered. To preserve the saiga population living in the North-Western Caspian region, the Black Earth Nature Reserve was created in 1990 in the Republic of Kalmykia (Russia). IN this moment Only the Moscow Zoo contains several saiga specimens; zoos in San Diego and Cologne have also had them in their collections in the past. There are plans to reintroduce the saiga in northeastern Siberia, as part of the Pleistocene Park project.
