Places in the world worth visiting. Fabulous places you should visit at least once in your life (20 photos)

Our planet is rich in places whose beauty can take your breath away. They look so amazing and unreal, as if they had just stepped out of the pages of our favorite childhood fairy tales and stories about travelers. Today we invite you on a short virtual journey to places that will fascinate you, and if you have the opportunity to visit at least some of them, do not miss it!

Zhangjiajie Park is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China. It is this unusual landscape of the mountain system Wulingyuan inspired director James Cameron to create the "flying mountains" in Avatar. The park is also home to Tianmen Mountain, which houses the Heaven's Gate Cave, which has gained immense popularity among tourists from all over the world.

in Germany is one of the most recognizable on the planet. It actually seems like something out of a fairy tale - its beauty is so unreal.

These beech trees, growing along the road near the Irish village of Armoy in County Antrim, are already about 300 years old. The closely intertwined tree branches created a kind of tunnel, called by local residents "Dark Hedges"("Dark Hedges").

St. Basil's Cathedral needs no introduction. This is perhaps the most popular attraction in Moscow, against which every guest of the Russian capital tries to take a photo.

Taj Mahal is the most popular architectural masterpiece of India. It is this that most likely is associated with every person when mentioning the East.

Famous Peter's temple carved into the rock by real masters of their craft. This popular attraction in Jordan has been filmed in more than one film.

Walk through the tunnel Wisteria you can visit the Kawachi Fuji Flower Garden in Japan. It is difficult to convey the sensations that a person experiences while in all this beauty, but there is no doubt that they will take your breath away.

Tourists traveling to Malaysia try to visit Batu Caves, a place every Hindu should visit. To approach the Temple Cave, you need to climb a staircase of 272 steps. Some pilgrims do this on their knees.

Versailles is one of the most famous and beautiful palace and park complexes. It amazes with both its luxurious interior decoration and magnificent gardens.

Avenue of the Baobabs- this is a place whose existence is difficult to believe until you see it with your own eyes. If you are eager to walk along it, then go to Madagascar, to the Menabe region: the alley grows along a dirt road between the settlements of Belon"i Tsiribihina and Morondava.

Historical Mont Saint Michel castle, towering above the surface of the water on a rock-island, impresses with its beauty. This is one of the most popular attractions in France.

Glenfinnan Viaduct in Scotland, due to its beauty, it is popular with a huge number of photographers. And Harry Potter fans associate it with the Hogwarts Express, because it was the one that was filmed in the film “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.”

Turkish waterfall Pamukkale is simply a stunning sight: snow-white terraces with soft blue water from thermal springs gushing from the mountain. Tourists from all over the world come to Turkey to see this geological miracle.

Magic, as if straight out of a fairy tale, is located on the banks of the mountain river of the same name near the city of Sinai in Romania. The mysterious atmosphere of the castle is complemented by the dense forest surrounding the castle and the rustling of leaves, diluted with the singing of birds.

Colmar is a picturesque French city located in Alsace. The beautifully preserved ancient quarters immerse you in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, and this is not surprising, since many of the beautiful buildings in the city were built during the Middle Ages, as well as the Renaissance.

Temple complex Angkor Wat can easily be called the most popular attraction in Cambodia. It is the largest on the planet and is one of the most beautiful man-made structures in the entire history of mankind.

When going to Vietnam, many tourists try to visit the picturesque Ha Long Bay, captivating many with a sense of the unreality of what is happening.

Buddhist monastery Paro Lakhang is a world-famous Buddhist monastery, which is located on a cliff near the Paro Valley (Bhutan). When the temple, also known as the Tiger's Lair, is engulfed in fog, it creates an unforgettable impression of something mystical.

Gansu Province is one of the main tourist destinations in China. It is here that you can see the unique landscape of mountainous terrain, called "Denxia landscape".

Cave of Crystals, located in the Mexican desert at a depth of 300 meters, attracts the attention of climbers and photographers from all over the world. Giant formations were created by nature over millions of years.

There are places on our planet that everyone should see at least once in their life. Fullpicture offers you a list of the 20 most interesting places that you should definitely visit. And if you don’t have the funds for this, then take out a loan from the lending center SudaKredit.rf. After all, we only live once!


1. Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Türkiye. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque, better known as the Blue Mosque, was visited in 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI himself, who became the second Pope in history to visit a Muslim shrine. (Photo: Tim Graham/Getty Images)

2. Palace of Westminster (London, UK). Since the 16th century, the palace has been the seat of the British Parliament, and before that it was the residence of kings for four centuries. The palace tower with the famous clock is a symbol of London. (Photo: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports)

3. Neuschwanstein Castle in Schwangau, Germany. It was built as the residence of King Ludwig II of Bavaria. After his death it became open to visitors. About 1.3 million tourists visit it annually. (Photo: Image Broker/Rex Features)

4. Petra (Jordan). Petra was once inhabited by about 30,000 people who left the city for unknown reasons. The carved rock architecture has made this deserted abandoned city Jordan's biggest tourist attraction. (Photo6 Geoff Moore/Rex Features).

5. Iguazu Falls in Brazil. This amazingly beautiful complex, consisting of 275 waterfalls, stretches over more than 2.7 kilometers in length. (Photo: WestEnd61/REX).

6. Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem, Israel). This is one of the most sacred places for both Muslims and Jews. The temple hides a stone that is sacred to both religions: Jews believe that it was placed there by God during the creation of the world and is a link between the earthly world and the supernatural; and Muslims, in turn, believe that from this stone Muhammad ascended to heaven to speak with God. (Photo: AMMAR AWAD/Reuters).

7. Kinkaku-ji (Kyoto, Japan). The two-story Buddhist temple, which is completely covered in pure gold, is part of the UNESCO-listed Kyoto Historical Monuments complex. (Photo: JASON REED/Newscom/Reuters).

8. Chichen Itza (Mexico) is an ancient city built by the Mayans in pre-Columbian times. It is one of Mexico's most popular tourist attractions, with 1.2 million tourists visiting each year. (Photo: F1 Online/Rex Features)

9. Taj Mahal (Agra, India). The white marble mausoleum was built by the Great Mughal Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. (Photo: Image Broker/REX).

10. Easter Island, Chile. The UNESCO-listed island is home to about a thousand moai - giant sculptures supposedly protecting against evil forces, created by the island's longtime local inhabitants, the Rapanui people. (Photo: Karen Schwartz/AP Photo)

11. Egyptian pyramids in Giza. Built between 2589 and 2504 BC, the pyramids still remain a mystery: why and, most importantly, how they were built. (Photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

12. Great Wall of China (China). This is one of the greatest construction achievements of mankind. The wall was built along China's northern borders to keep out invaders. (Photo: Bloomberg News/Adam Dean)

13. Statue of Liberty in New York, USA. This is a gift to Americans from the French people. In one hand, the statue holds a plaque engraved with the date of American Independence Day - July 4, 1776. They also say that spirits live in the statue... (Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images).

14. Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. The Museum of Modern Art, which opened in 1997, is considered one of the masterpieces of modern architecture. You will not see another building like this anywhere. (Photo: David Ramos/Bloomberg).

15. Niagara Falls (Canada and USA). Three waterfalls, collectively known as Niagara Falls, are located on the US-Canadian border, and their beauty attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. (Photo: Alan Copson/JAI/Corbis).

16. Machu Picchu (Peru). This amazing evidence of the Mayan civilization, located at an altitude of 2,430 meters above sea level, remained unknown to the world until 1911. Currently, its existence is under threat due to earthquakes and erosion caused by the huge number of tourists. (Photo: Roger Parker/Bloomberg News)

17. Blue-domed churches on the island of Santorini in Greece are the most recognizable landmarks in Greece. (Photo: Image Broker/Rex Features)

18. Gibraltar. On a cliff overlooking British territory is a nature reserve that is home to hundreds of Gibraltar macaques. (Photo: JON NAZCA/Newscom/Reuters).

19. Buddha statue (Kamakura, Japan). Known as Daibutsu Kamakura, this bronze sculpture was probably created in 1252. The statue has an opening through which visitors can look inside the Buddha. (Photo: Franck Robichon/REUTERS).

20. St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow, Russia). The temple was built by order of Ivan the Terrible to celebrate the conquest of Kazan in 1552. The collection of amazing beauty is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. (Photo: USA TODAY).

The Grand Canyon, United States Grand Canyon, USA
One of the deepest canyons in the world. Located in Colorado, Arizona. Its length is 446 km, its width ranges from 6 to 29 km - this is at the plateau level, and at the bottom level it is less than a kilometer. Depth - up to 1600 meters.

Great Barrier Reef. Australia.
One of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia. This is the world's largest coral reef.
It includes 2,500 reefs - from the smallest, less than a hectare in area, to large ones, occupying 100 sq. km. Its total area is 348,698 sq. km, more than the area of ​​Great Britain.

Cape Town, South Africa
Aptly called “paradise on earth”, this beautiful city at the tip of the African continent, surrounded by huge mountains, makes a person feel like a small grain of sand among the beautiful.

Taj Mahal, India
The Taj Mahal in India is one of the wonders of the world and is one of the most beautiful mausoleums. The Taj Mahal is a five-domed structure 74 m high on a platform, with 4 minarets in the corners (they are slightly tilted away from the tomb so as not to damage it in case of destruction), which is adjacent to a garden with fountains and a swimming pool.
The walls are made of polished translucent marble (brought 300 km away for construction) with inlaid gems. Turquoise, agate, malachite, carnelian were used... Marble has such a peculiarity that in bright daylight it looks white, at dawn it looks pink, and on a moonlit night it looks silver.
More than 20,000 craftsmen from all over the empire, as well as craftsmen from Central Asia, Persia and the Middle East, were invited to build the complex. There was supposed to be a twin building made of black marble on the other side of the river, but it was not completed. A gray marble bridge was supposed to connect these two buildings.

Canadian Rockies, Canada
These are the most beautiful mountain landscapes, lakes, canyons, waterfalls, glaciers, peaks, limestone caves. Included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Machu Picchu, Peru
It is sometimes called the "lost city of the Incas". This city was created as a sacred mountain retreat by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec a century before the conquest of his empire, around 1440, and functioned until 1532, when the Spanish invaded the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.
The city is located on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2057 meters above the Urubamba River valley in what is now Peru.
Due to its modest size, Machu Picchu cannot claim to be a large city - it has no more than 200 buildings. These are mainly temples, residences, warehouses and other premises for public needs. For the most part they are made of well-processed stone, slabs tightly fitted to each other. It is believed that up to 1,200 people lived in and around it, who worshiped the sun god Inti there and cultivated crops on the terraces.

Pyramids, Egypt
Egyptian pyramids are massive monuments :)
The Egyptians began construction after 2700 BC. and they were built as tombs for the pharaohs. A total of 118 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt (as of November 2008). When mentioning the Egyptian pyramids, they usually mean the Great Pyramids located in Giza, near Cairo. But they are not the only pyramids in Egypt. Many other pyramids are much less well preserved and now resemble hills or piles of stones, so scientists and tourists pay much less attention to them.

Petra, Jordan
Included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was the capital of Edom or Idumea, later the capital of the Nabataean kingdom, the main city of the sons of Esau. The city is located on the territory of modern Jordan, at an altitude of more than 900 meters above sea level and 660 meters above the surrounding area, the Arava Valley, in the narrow Siq canyon.

Great Wall of China, China
Of course, a grandiose creation with a length of 6350 km. Construction began in the 5th century BC. This wall was originally built from stone, grass, earth and wood, and the bricks were used after production began. It is believed that about 2-3 million Chinese died as part of this project.

Iguazu Falls, Argentina
The complex is 2.7 km wide and includes approximately 270 individual waterfalls. The height of the water fall reaches 82 meters, but at most waterfalls it is a little more than 60 meters. The largest waterfall is Garganta del Diablo (“Devil's Throat”) - a U-shaped cliff 150 meters wide and 700 meters long. This waterfall marks the border between Brazil and Argentina.