Sea currents of the world's oceans. Warm and cold water streams. Warm and cold currents

Currents move across the oceans like mighty rivers, controlled by the Sun and winds. Due to the rotation of the Earth, currents deviate up to 45° from the direction of the wind: to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, forming giant spiral-shaped turns on the surface of the oceans.

Deep water flows move in different ways. Thus, in the region of the North Pole, the water masses of the Atlantic are cooled by ice and sink, changing places with warmer layers. Moving south, the cold current combines with high-density salt water flowing from Mediterranean Sea. The stream continues to move, crossing the tropics at great depths and passing southern part Atlantic Ocean, and then branches off the coast of Antarctica. Moving in a northerly direction, the water flow connects with the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Then it again enters the Atlantic Ocean and, having moved to the upper layers, heads north, towards Greenland and the Labrador Peninsula, where the water again becomes cold and dense. The cycle repeats. Sometimes it takes many years to complete the full cycle.

Write down real geographical names. 2: What might the wind bring to your region? Think about the places where the wind comes from, what happens there, what lives there. Think dust, insects, tiny seeds, smoke, air masses of cooler or warmer temperatures and humidity. Be specific in your answers.

3: When the wind blows from your region, which region does it blow into? Again, write down actual place names. 4: What might the wind lead from your region? Is this the same thing that it brought? Be as specific as you can about what is being transported and where it is going.

Surface currents
The temperature of surface currents can vary from +30 °C to -2 °C. These currents, which are warm or cold depending on the water temperature, have a huge impact on the Earth's weather and climate. Gulf Stream Current (in Atlantic Ocean) carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, washing East Coast North America and the island of Newfoundland, then, passing British Isles(The Gulf Stream in this part is also called the North Atlantic Current) heads to the Arctic Ocean. Global warming could cause cold water to melt polar ice will change the course of the Gulf Stream and cool it. As a result, cooling will occur in those places where the climate is now quite mild due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, for example in Great Britain.

5: What are the regions from which water flows into your region? 6: What might water contribute to your region? 7: When water flows from your region, which region does it flow into? Write down the place names again. 8: What could water from your region take away? Ocean flow, a flow consisting of horizontal and vertical components of the circulating system of waters that are generated by gravity, wind and water in different parts of the ocean. Ocean currents are similar in that they convey significant amounts from equatorial regions to the poles and thus play an important role in defining coastal regions.

Glove overboard!
Getting into ocean currents, objects can travel over distances of thousands of kilometers. Having fallen from a tree in the tropics, fruits and seeds begin their sea journey. Sometimes it can take 30 years before a wave carries them to the shore, located at a great distance from their homeland. The picture shows the "sea voyage" of a hockey glove that, along with 34,000 other items, was washed overboard a cargo ship during a storm in the Pacific Ocean in 1994. Every year, about 500 gloves and sneakers end up at sea from the coasts of the United States, Canada and Alaska. By using a computer to track the movement of objects falling into the water, scientists study the directions of ocean currents.

In addition, ocean currents influence each other. The general circulation of the oceans determines the mean motion, which, like the atmosphere, follows a certain pattern. Superimposed on this pattern are fluctuations and, which are not considered part of the general circulation. There are also meanders and eddies that represent temporary variations in the general circulation. The ocean circulation pattern exchanges water of varying characteristics, such as salinity, within the interconnected network of oceans and is an important part of the flow of heat and freshwater resources in the global climate.

Deep water currents
Oceanologists believe that studying deep currents will help understand the causes of climate change and get closer to the solution to the El Niño phenomenon and other amazing events. natural phenomena. A special ship is sent to a given point in the World Ocean, determined using satellites. To measure the temperature and salinity of water at different depths, an ETG device is used (ETG - electrical conductivity, temperature, depth). This device, equipped with sample containers, is lowered from the side of the ship to a depth of up to 2500 m. During the dive, the device takes water samples - 40 samples per second. The results are entered into a table and the nature and direction of the flow are determined from them.

Horizontal movements are called currents, which vary from a few centimeters per second to 4 meters per second. The characteristic surface speed is from 5 to 50 cm per second. Flows generally decrease in intensity with increasing depth. Vertical movements, often called and, exhibit much lower rates of only a few meters per month. Because seawater is nearly incompressible, vertical movements are associated with regions of convergence and divergence in horizontal flow structures.

Distribution of ocean currents

Currently, this information is collected by satellites on the surface of satellites in the sea. The pattern is almost entirely related to wind circulation. In the Southern Hemisphere, counterclockwise circulation creates strong eastern boundary currents against western shores continents such as current, off and current. The currents of the Southern Hemisphere are also influenced by the powerful eastward circulating circumpolar current. This is a very deep, cold and relatively slow current, but it carries a huge mass of water, twice the volume of the Gulf Stream.

El Niño
Changing the direction of ocean currents has a negative impact on the climate. Every few years, as the ocean warms, a huge mass of warm water accumulates in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador and Peru. As a result, phenomena atypical for the area occur: there are fewer fish, as they head to the colder waters they are accustomed to, and it rains in the deserts. All this usually happens at the end of December, when the Catholic world celebrates Christmas, so the fishermen called this natural phenomenon El Niño (“boy”), in honor of the Christ child. Satellite photographs taken in 1997 show masses of warm (white) water. Sometimes El Niño is accompanied by a cold current called La Niña (“the girl”). For reasons that have not yet been studied, these currents have opposite effects on the weather: if one of them causes a drought, then the other brings a flood, and vice versa.

The currents of Peru and Benguela draw water from this Antarctic current and are therefore cold. The Northern Hemisphere lacks continuous open water bordering the Arctic and therefore does not have a corresponding strong circumpolar current, but there are small cold currents flowing south through the formed and Anadyr Currents off eastern Russia and western North America; others flow south around Greenland to create cold and currents.

The Pacific and Gulf Stream-North Atlantic and Norwegian currents move warmer waters through the Bering, Cape and currents. In the tropics, the great clockwise and counterclockwise flows to the west as the Pacific North and South Equatorial Currents, the Atlantic North and South Equatorial Currents and the Indian South Equatorial Currents. Due to the alternating northern monsoon climate, currents in the northern Indian Ocean and alternating. Between these massive currents are narrow countercurrents to the east.

The emergence of a cold current
Deep ocean currents carry dense, cold water from Greenland's glaciers in the Arctic Ocean across the Atlantic to the south. Deep currents usually occur due to differences in water density. The water produced by the melting of Greenland's glaciers is very cold and salty due to the large amount of salt it contains. Cold salty water sinks, displacing less dense water, and moves towards the equator - this is how deep ocean currents arise. The speed of deep currents is low, several meters per day. The movement of deep water is called ocean circulation.

Other smaller flowing systems found in some enclosed seas or ocean areas are less influenced by wind circulation and more dependent on the direction of water inflow. Such currents are found in the Tasmanian Sea, where a counterclockwise rotation flows south, in the northwestern part Pacific Ocean, where the easterly flow - the North Pacific flow causes a counter-clockwise circulation in and, in and in the Arabian Sea.

The deep-sea circulation consists mainly of thermohaline circulation. The currents are inferred from the distribution of seawater properties, which track the distribution of specific water masses. Density distributions are also used to estimate deep currents. Direct observations of subsurface currents are made by placing current meters from moored moorings and by installing neutral floating instruments whose drift at depth is monitored acoustically.

Climate change due to currents
The seal you see in the photo died of starvation after weather in California changed dramatically under the influence of El Niño. The fish that the seals feed on have moved to cooler waters. In 1997-1998, El Niño killed about 2,000 people; raged in Brazil and Sumatra Forest fires, an unprecedented drought occurred in Florida, there were floods in Kenya and Sudan, landslides formed in Peru, and part of the arid area turned into a lake. With the development of new technologies, scientists hope to be able to predict the direction and possible consequences of El Niño in order to prevent casualties and destruction.

On a non-rotating Earth, water will be accelerated by the horizontal pressure gradient and will flow from high to. From this balance it follows that the direction of the current must be perpendicular to the pressure gradient, because the Coriolis force always acts perpendicular to the movement. In the Northern Hemisphere, this direction is such that high pressure is to the right when looking in the current direction, and in the Southern Hemisphere it is to the left. The simple equation above provides the basis for the indirect method of calculation ocean currents.

Sea surface topography also determines the geostrophic current flow path to the surface relative to the deep reference level. Hills represent high pressure and valleys represent low pressure. A clockwise rotation in the northern hemisphere with higher pressure at the center of rotation is called anticyclonic motion.

NASA specialists have created a new map of the world's ocean currents. Its difference from all previous ones is interactivity - anyone can independently look at all the stable water flows and determine the temperature nature of the flow.

Did you know that ocean water is heterogeneous? It is logical that closer to the surface it is warmer than at depth. However, not everyone knows that the volume of salt in ocean water, with rare exceptions, is inversely proportional to the depth at which this water is located - the deeper, the fresher it is. However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, in the Arctic and Antarctic, deep waters are also saturated with salt - ice layers penetrating into greater depth, contain particles of surface salt evaporation, enriching the entire water layer with them.

Rotating counterclockwise with lower pressure at the center is cyclonic motion. In the Southern Hemisphere, the sensation of rotation is opposite because the effect of the Coriolis force has changed its sign of deflection. The wind acts on the ocean surface proportional to the square of the wind speed and in the direction of the wind, setting the surface water in motion. Within the oceanic Ekman layer, wind stress is balanced by the Coriolis force and frictional forces. Surface water is directed at 45° to the wind, to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

Upper layer Ocean water is driven by stable air currents. Thus, the map of ocean currents is generally identical to the map of sea winds.

Unique online map

A unique map with which you can examine in detail the currents of all the oceans of the world

The model was developed to demonstrate the mechanism of thermal circulation in the world's waters. However, the map is not absolutely accurate - in order to better demonstrate the difference between surface and deep water flows, in certain areas the depth indicator is somewhat overestimated in relation to the real one.

This so-called may be the exception rather than the rule, since the specific conditions are not often met, although wind surface current deflection at somewhat less than 45° is observed when the wind field blows with a steady force and direction for most of the day. The average water particle in the Ekman layer moves at an angle of 90° to the wind; This is the movement to the right of the wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left of it in the Southern Hemisphere. This phenomenon is called, and its effects are widely observed in the oceans.

As the wind changes from place to place, Ekman transports, forms and disperses zones of surface water. A convergence region forces surface water down in a process called, while a divergence region pulls water from below into the surface Ekman layer in a process known as. Flooding and downdraft also occur where the wind is blowing parallel coastline. The world's major upwelling regions are located along the eastern margin of subtropical ocean waters, such as offshore Peru and northwestern Africa.

Animation component new card simulated by NASA scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center laboratory.

Comparative current contour map

Below is a classic contour map currents of the world's oceans in Russian, which schematically displays all the main cold and warm currents world ocean. The arrows indicate the direction of movement, and the color indicates the temperature characteristics of the water - whether a particular current is warm or cold.

Injection in these areas cools the surface water and brings nutrient-rich nutrients into the solar layer of the ocean, resulting in a biologically productive area. Upwards and high productivity are also found along divergence zones at and around the equator. Primary areas of downdraft are found in subtropical ocean waters, e.g. North Atlantic. Such areas are devoid of nutrients and poor in marine life.

Vertical movements of ocean waters to or from the base of the Ekman layer are less than 1 meter per day, but they are important because they propagate wind effects into deeper waters. Within the upwelling region, the water column under the Ekman layer is pulled upward. This process, conserved on the rotating Earth, causes the column of water to drift toward the poles. In contrast, downward movement forces water into a column of water below the Ekman layer, causing an equatorward drift. An additional consequence of upwelling and downdraft for stratified waters is the creation of a baroclinic mass field.