The deepest lake in Hungary. Balaton is a fresh sea in Hungary. Cuisine and restaurants of Lake Balaton

Basic moments

One of the main advantages of Lake Balaton is that it is a famous tourist attraction, popular not only in the republic itself, but also in other countries, especially neighboring ones. There is a resort area around the lake, and today the lake itself is a real center for family recreation. Moreover, active recreation: in addition to traditional fishing, vacationers engage in sailing and surfing, rowing and water skiing. The presence of mineral and thermal springs makes this pearl of Hungary also a medical resort, where hundreds and thousands of people improve their health.

Due to its shallow depth, Lake Balaton warms up well in summer, up to almost 26° C. On average, its temperature during the season is 21-22 degrees. Thanks to such comfortable indicators, as well as the highest level of service and traditional Hungarian hospitality, Balaton ranks as one of the leading places among the most visited resorts of the Old Continent. A continuous strip of sandy beaches on the southern coast and the picturesque landscape of its northern shores, where there are mountains, orchards, vineyards and the ruins of ancient fortresses, not only creates the complete illusion of a seaside holiday, but also makes the reservoir and its surroundings one of the most unique places in Europe .

History and legends

The predecessor of Lake Balaton was the Pannonian Sea, which existed several million years ago. Due to geological shifts, the seabed has undergone significant changes. It rose, which in turn led to changes in the landscape. At the same time, increased volcanic activity was observed in this area. Its result was the appearance of a large number of mineral and thermal springs. They predetermined the current “fate” of Balaton as a popular health resort.

The shallow depth of the “Hungarian Sea” largely influenced the fact that people began to settle on its shores from time immemorial. These were the tribes of Slavs and Germans, Celts and Thracians. In the 1st century AD, the Romans settled here and founded an entire province - Pannonia. In the 6th century they were supplanted by the Avars. The 500-700s can be called a kind of transition period to future statehood. The peoples who lived here had mixed Romano-Slavic-Avar origin, but did not have a state as such. Somewhat later, in the 9th century, the Slavs formed the Blaten Principality here. The capital of this formation was a city with an unusual name - Blatnograd, located near the Balaton coast on the Zala River. Nowadays, on the site of the former “capital city” there is a village with the same name.

Hungarian tribes came here at the beginning of the 10th century. After capturing the region, Stephen the Saint built an abbey in Zalavare (1019). Another abbey appeared on the Tihany Peninsula in 1055 - with the light hand of King Andras I. In the 16th century, several defensive fortresses grew along the northern shore of the lake. And only from the 18th century Balaton completely switched to a “peaceful” life: tourism began to actively develop. The once small villages have grown surprisingly quickly, turning into resort-type towns. Representatives of the Hungarian and Austrian elite loved to recover here. Subsequently, people began to come here not only for medical reasons: summer holidays on the lake came into fashion as a kind of obligatory attribute. If someone from the nobility, for various reasons, did not come here in the summer, the year was considered “lived in vain.”

In 1846, the transport capabilities of Balaton began to be actively exploited: shipping was opened on the lake. With the development of railway transport by the end of the 19th century, economic life began to boil with renewed vigor, and this continued until the Second World War, which disrupted the usual way of life. Particularly fierce fighting took place in the vicinity of Lake Balaton in March 1945. The tank and field armies of the Wehrmacht fiercely resisted the troops of the III Ukrainian Front. During the clashes, which went down in history as the Balaton operation, buildings and structures on the coast were seriously damaged. After the war, the new authorities began to gradually restore the lost tourism potential of the region.

Several legends are also associated with this unique body of water. Ancient people, who had no idea about complex geological and volcanic processes, wondered how so much water could accumulate in one place. This is how a myth was born that one hardworking digger was bothered by a large stone, and he decided to move it away so that nothing would interfere with cultivating the field. But it turned out completely differently: from under it a source with very clear water burst out to the surface, gradually filling the entire valley, and it turned into a whole lake, which the Hungarians themselves call “Balchi”.

Another local legend says that at the bottom of Lake Balaton there is a church, and inside there is a beautiful girl. She cries constantly and inconsolably, and until this flow of tears stops, the water in Balaton will not dry up. If you believe this legend and judge by the current state of the water surface, the poor concubine does not even think of stopping...

Features of Lake Balaton

Researchers, of course, did not find any church, much less a crying girl, at the bottom of the “Hungarian Sea.” But they were quite impressed by the velvety sand covering it. The water itself does not look so beautiful, since it contains a lot of plankton. But since this component plays a key role in the Balaton ecosystem, vacationers “forgive” nature for the lack of transparency in the water. But it is very clean, which is confirmed by regular inspections by sanitary and epidemiological services and independent experts. Hungarians, proud of their “sea” (the country has no access to the world’s oceans), claim that you can even drink from it.

The color of Balaton water is like a chameleon: mostly light green, but can change depending on the time of day or weather conditions. The climate is in many ways reminiscent of the Mediterranean. If there are cloudy days, they are very rare. It’s also good here in winter; there are no severe frosts and, accordingly, no icing. The thickness of the ice cover does not exceed 10-20 cm. Although it happened (but extremely rarely) that the ice crust reached 60-70 cm in thickness. The only trouble is the strong winds: they blow both in winter and in summer. They are potentially dangerous for fans of sailing (the yacht may capsize) and even small vessels.

The depth of the lake, as noted above, is small. However, its level is not the same for the entire coast. On the southern shore, even if you walk 200-300 meters from it, the water will still be knee-deep. It’s not for nothing that the Hungarians call Lake Balaton “the largest puddle in Europe” or even a “swamp”. On the opposite bank, everything is different: the depth of a man’s height and even a little more begins after 20-30 meters!

Coast and beaches

There are many resort towns along the perimeter of both shores of Lake Balaton. These are Balatonalmadi, Tihany, Balatonfüred, Keszthely (in the north) and Balatonlelle, Siofok, Fenjod, Blatonboglar (in the south). They are somewhat similar to one another, but at the same time they are different. They have one thing in common: it’s nice to come here on vacation and gain health and strength for the whole year.

The Balaton beaches also differ from each other. On the northern coast the bottom is rocky. The depth does not increase gradually, as in the south, but more steeply. Because of these features, its beaches are more suitable for experienced swimmers. They prefer not to travel to the northern coast with small children. Keszthely and Szigetfürdő are some of the nicest places here. Many excellent beach villages can be found near the villages of Tihany, Zanka and Balatonfüred.

The southern side, especially the coastal strip, is a real find for those who are not very good swimmers and vacationers with small children. The kids splash carefree in the water, the depth of which barely reaches 50 cm, and parents don’t have to worry too much about them (although, of course, you need to keep an eye on your children). The villages of Kenesh, Aliga and Akarattya are located here. Their beaches as one “look” to the south, so vacationers can bask in the gentle rays from morning until almost sunset.

When talking about local beaches, one cannot fail to mention their infrastructure. Some have water slides and animation. In others, vacationers are taught the basics of fitness and aquafitness. On Lido Beach, for example (this is on the northern coast), in addition to children's animation, there are water ski tracks. And Denesdias beach in the south can rightfully be called a children's beach: there is a playground where exciting programs for the youngest are organized during the season.

Many resorts, including some individual baths, are not located directly on the shores of Lake Balaton, but this does not make them any less popular. One of these resorts where you can not only relax, but also improve your health, is Heviz. Its main attraction is the lake of the same name, the largest thermal reservoir in Europe.

Not far from it is the health resort Zalakaros, famous for its Granite bath. The bathhouse in the city of Marzali is also well known to vacationers, where thousands of people improve their health every year.

Another center of resort life is the already mentioned Siófok, whose hallmark is the Galerius entertaining bath.

Without exception, all baths have large pools. Vacationers can enjoy water activities designed for both adults and children.

Recreation and entertainment

The entire southern coast, from Balatonberen to Balatonlelle, is one continuous beach. Siófok is rightfully considered the center of the region, its summer “capital”. A rich and varied entertainment program awaits representatives of all ages. The length of the beach is 17 km, and everywhere you can find opportunities for both sports and just active recreation. There is music everywhere and discos are open, so it is not surprising that Siófok has become a place of “pilgrimage” for young people.

In the city of Balatonfüzfö - this is already on the northern shore of Lake Balaton - there is a grandiose sports center. There is everything here for a connoisseur of active recreation to truly “unwind” his soul: a swimming pool, basketball courts, tennis courts, football fields. Those who like to practice shooting spend time at the local shooting range. Bobsledders will enjoy the year-round track. Add to this the presence of numerous yacht clubs, places for activities, horse riding and an excellent cycling route between the cities and in the surrounding area.

In Balatonfüred, one of the largest cities on the northern coast, there is a cardiological sanatorium known not only in Hungary, but also far beyond its borders. The resort is known for its “Greek Village” complex, where there are many shops (this is a paradise for shopping fans!), restaurants and nightclubs. Directly on the coast there are many hotels and guesthouses. There are some within the city limits. You can move around the resort by electric train.

Lake Balaton also attracts fishing enthusiasts. But fishing is not allowed everywhere, only in places such as Alshoors, Balatonfüzfö, Balatonakli, Tihany and Balatonalmadi. However, the most popular among fishermen are the Inner Lake on the Tihany Peninsula, lakes in the villages of Zalamerene and Galambok and Lake Shoshto in the vicinity of Little Balaton, in Balatonsabadi. One of the inhabitants of the local waters - pike perch - is called the “king” of Balaton fish. In local restaurants, dishes made from it are a permanent part of the menu. Fishing officially begins at the end of April. Only without special permission will your fishing be considered illegal: you can purchase a document in every fish store.

Continuing the topic of active recreation, it should be noted that there are tennis courts and mini-golf courses in every resort town. Riding schools are open in Tihany, Keszthely, Santad, Nagyvazsony and other localities in the vicinity of Lake Balaton. In addition to restaurants and clubs, on the Balaton coast there are many cozy taverns where guests are treated to spicy Hungarian fish soup, catfish and silver pike perch dishes, the best local wines are poured, and where soul-stirring gypsy music is heard.


Let's begin our acquaintance with the sights from the Tihany Peninsula - the calling card of this body of water, unique in all respects. It is the largest on Balaton, and the village of the same name is located here. In the center of the peninsula, favored by tourists, there are two of its pearls: the External (Kulsho-to) and Internal (Belsho-to) lakes. Their shores, surrounded by cones of dormant geysers, are covered with reeds and reeds. These lakes are as shallow as Lake Balaton itself. The depth here is 2-3 meters, no more.

The most famous historical monument in Tihany is the Benedictine Abbey of St. Anyosha. This is the oldest monastery in Hungary, founded in 1055. The date is precisely established, since the Latin original of the document has been preserved. The latter is also valuable as the oldest monument of the Hungarian language, since it contains about a hundred Hungarian words. The abbey has preserved ancient carved altars, which are a real work of art.

The territory of Tihany has been declared a conservation area by the government. Well deserved: this piece of land is distinguished not only by its convenient location and geographical features, but also by the presence of historical monuments and rare representatives of flora and fauna. And is it any wonder that a whole army of tourists flocks here every year - about a million people every year. In addition to its lakes, the Tihany Peninsula is famous for its lavender fields, spherical hills formed by geyser springs. There are over a hundred such hills in total, the most beautiful of them, covered with golden lichen, is called the “Golden House”.

In the Middle Ages, the center of the Balaton region was Keszthely, which received the status of a “rural town” at the beginning of the 15th century. Three centuries later, it was acquired by the wealthy Festetics family. They built a magnificent palace here - the third largest in the country. At the same time, it is the most beautiful and aesthetically pleasing in the republic. Count Gyorgy Festetics opened the first agricultural institute on the continent, Georgikon, in Keszthely. A pedestrian street leads from the palace, along which there is the Marzipan Museum with its own confectionery, the equally famous Puppet Museum, as well as restaurants and cafes. The city regularly hosts festivals and concerts.

Behind the mountain of St. Gyorgy hides the small ancient town of Tapolca. True, it is not located directly on the shores of Lake Balaton, but tourists love it. It is here that there is a place that is perceived as another world - the Tapolca Lake Cave. It was formed as a result of hot water washing out entire halls and winding corridors in limestone, which were then filled with the purest water from karst springs.

On the northern shore, right at the top of the mountain, there is the Kishfaludi observation deck. The panorama of Lake Balaton from here is simply stunning. At least once in a lifetime, this picture created by nature itself is worth seeing. Not forgetting, of course, to take your camera with you.

But on the southern coast there is the world famous village of Balatonendred. There lives an interesting tradition of lace weaving, dating back to the beginning of the last century and adopted in Germany. Tourists, especially women, get acquainted with the history of this craft and, of course, learn the basics of the craft with enthusiasm.

In the north of Lake Balaton, near Szigliget, there is a 242-meter high Fortress Mountain. Its top is crowned by the ruins of an old fortress (hence the name) and village houses covered with reeds. The dwellings are located around the ruins in a semicircle. This rural settlement has preserved the traditional village structure. The historical part of the village is surrounded by a wall.

The attractions of Balaton are not only natural areas, historical monuments, medicinal baths and fishing spots. Wine and gastronomic routes with their unique cellars and restaurants have been preserved since ancient times. After all, the “Hungarian Sea” itself and other lakes in this area are rich in fish, there is a lot of game in the forests, and a variety of fruits are grown in the gardens. As they say, God himself commanded to use all these gifts. Among the wine villages, we can highlight such as Balatonboglar, Szigliget, Badacsony and the same Keszthely. For example, Badacsony wines enjoy legendary fame. The most famous of them are “Keknelu” and “Balatoni Surkebarat”.

A few words about group excursions and their costs. A trip by boat to the Tihany Peninsula will cost about 10 euros (a visit to the abbey is included in the stay program). A trip to Keszthely with a tour of the Festetics Palace without going inside and an excursion to Badacsony with a delicious lunch and tasting of local wines cost the same - about 18 euros. Do you want to take a yacht ride around Lake Balaton? Please. Cost about 14 euros. A stay at the Shumeg fortress, where you can watch a “knightly tournament” and dine in medieval style to the accompaniment of gypsy music, will cost approximately 33 euros. Excursion to Tapolca (the program includes visiting cave lakes and boating) – 17 euros.

How to get there

You can get to Lake Balaton from Budapest, the capital of Hungary, via a modern 115-kilometer two-lane motorway. In the Siófok area it joins the road encircling the lake. You can travel around the famous “Hungarian Sea” in a day (including stops in your favorite places).

A railway is laid along the northern and southern coasts, connecting local resorts with Budapest. By train you can get to Siófok in 2 hours, Balatonfüred in 2.5 hours, Keszthely in 3 hours.

Balaton-Sermellek International Airport is located 11 km from Keszthely. The air harbor receives flights from many European cities: Berlin, London, Copenhagen, Stuttgart, Zurich. In summer, planes from Moscow, Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf and Hamburg land here.

The west of Hungary has long attracted European travelers, as the huge Lake Balaton lies there. The reservoir is really large - some tourists compare it to the sea. Well-maintained beaches and well-thought-out infrastructure make Balaton an attractive holiday destination.

We will tell you about the resorts located on the Balaton coast, look into local sanatoriums, and find out where to go with children. Young people will be interested in information about clubs and nightlife. At the end - a price overview.

What to do on Lake Balaton - relaxation or treatment?

The resort area of ​​Lake Balaton is famous not only for its beaches and excellent service - large dispensaries, thermal and mineral springs are located here.

The width of the lake in some places reaches 12 kilometers, but its depth is small - on average it stays at the three-meter mark. The deepest point is located near the Tihany depression - it is a 12-meter deep hole. In summer, the temperature in the vicinity of the lake is between 24-29 degrees.

Now Balaton has turned into the most popular resort area in Hungary. You can stop at the following places:

  1. Siofok. The largest coastal city of Lake Balaton, the center of party life. The picturesque Shio River flows here, and in the surrounding area there are many well-maintained beaches.
  2. Santod. In this village there is a crossing that allows you to cross to the Tihany Peninsula. Entertainment includes horse riding and riding parades.
  3. Balatonfured. The most popular resort on the northern coast. People come here for the healing springs and the famous Rabindranath Tagore Alley.
  4. Tihany. This peninsula is located near Balatonfüred and is famous for its architectural attractions.
  5. Szigliget and Badacsony. These villages are located in the north of the lake coast. Their main feature is cozy restaurants that serve exquisite Hungarian wines. Be sure to take a look at the ruins of the ancient Castle Hill fortress.
  6. Keszthely. This town is nestled on the northwest coast. In recent years, the resort area of ​​Keszthely has been thoroughly modernized, which has increased the popularity of the town.

Balaton is the most popular resort area in Hungary.

How to get to the “Hungarian Sea”? The Utair company has established regular flights to Lake Balaton. You can board a plane in Moscow, choosing Sarmellek Airport as your destination. More often this air terminal is called by analogy with the lake - Balaton. The second flight option is via Budapest. You will need to board a WizzAir flight - the price of a round-trip ticket will be 3,500-4,500 rubles. All airports in Hungary on the map.

You will have to travel to the chosen resort by train or bus. On average, a transfer from the airport takes about one and a half to three hours. In addition, the lake is surrounded by a modern highway, so you can take.

The northern side of the lake attracts extreme tourists who know how to swim well and are interested in water sports. It’s better to go south with children – there the bottom line drops gradually.

The main entertainment at Lake Balaton includes:

  • fishing;
  • surfing;
  • yachting;
  • mini golf;
  • tennis;
  • horseback riding.

There are many taverns scattered along the coast with traditional Balaton cuisine and gypsy music. You will be delighted by local wines, silvery Balaton pike perch and spicy Hungarian fish soup.

Hungarian lake resorts

Most of the hospitals are concentrated near the Tihany Peninsula, in Balatonfüred. In the old days, Hungarian aristocrats rested and received treatment here. Seven mineralized healing springs contain iron, carbon dioxide, and calcareous compounds. The resort specializes in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The State Cardiology Clinic is widely known in Europe, within the walls of which all types of cardiac diagnostics are performed, artificial respiration devices are connected, and complex surgical operations are performed.

Not far from the cardiology center there are hotels where you can stay for the period of treatment on Lake Balaton:

  • Hotel Park;
  • Hotel Margareta;
  • Hotel Annabella;
  • Hotel Silver Resort.

The listed hotels have a service level of 3-4 stars. The cost of living can be considered budget.

It is also worth a trip to Lake Heviz, a warm-water healing reservoir saturated with mineral salts. Swimming in Heviz helps to cope with musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatism, gynecological and vertebral ailments.

Where to go on holiday with small children

If you are going to relax on Balaton with small children, we know exactly where you should NOT take them - to the northern coast of the lake. The bottom here is rocky, replete with steep dips. The south of Lake Balaton is more suitable for family holidays, with its gentle slopes and undisturbed beach strips.

Knowledgeable tourists advise traveling with children on a comfortable bus. The kid will not get bored with such a trip, and inside the new Neoplan there is a toilet, a DVD player with a bunch of cartoons and films, a coffee maker, and individual garbage bags.

Balaton is considered the cleanest European lake, so you don’t have to worry about the environmental component of your vacation.

The main resort on Lake Balaton is Siófok. Adults will find a lot of nightly entertainment here, and children will enjoy the rides, a Spanish bar with a chocolate tower, and water activities. The beaches are well equipped, the water is clean, the slope is gentle. Teams of special workers regularly remove garbage.

If you want to unwind, you can go on an excursion to Budapest. Cost is about 10-18 dollars. and, we have already told in our previous articles.

In general, the thermal lake Heviz is considered an ideal place to relax with a baby. There are several reasons:

  • treatment of a number of chronic diseases;
  • warm water;
  • healing mud;
  • developed surrounding infrastructure.

It is not recommended to stay in thermal waters for a long time, so pull your baby out of the water after 10-15 minutes. If you're tired of mud, go to the south coast and sunbathe.

Here are some iconic events that are worth attending:

  • organ concert;
  • International Folklore Festival “Golden Shell”;
  • sports tournaments;
  • opera performance;
  • ballet.

Most of the discos, restaurants and cafes are scattered near the coastline - this is fifteen kilometers of entertainment venues. The most popular clubs are the Palace and Coca-Cola Beach House.

You can get vivid impressions by joining one of the Balaton excursions. These entertainments cost mere pennies:

  • boat cruise to the Tihany Peninsula – 10 euros;
  • trip to Badacsony (wine tasting and lunch included) – 18 euros;
  • yachting on the lake – 14 euros;
  • trip to Shumeg (medieval dinner, knightly tournament, gypsy music) – 33 euros;
  • visiting cave lakes – 17 euros.

By the way, about lakes. Be sure to visit the town of Tapolca - it is located forty kilometers from Balatonfüred and thirty kilometers from Keszthely. This is where the underground Lake Tavash and the legendary karst caves are located.

Cost of a holiday on Lake Balaton

The beauty of a holiday in this part of Hungary is that prices for holidays on Lake Balaton can be called moderate.

Accommodation in Hungarian hotels is cheap and always comes with two meals a day. Flights cost around 250 euros during high season, but you can save money by taking a bus tour or driving your own car to Hungary. For example, a two-week bus tour from Minsk (Belarus) costs between 190-510 euros. At the same time, you live in Budapest for a day and have the opportunity to book a boat trip (15 euros).

Very reasonable prices for week-long tours can be found on the website Here are some examples from the towns of Lake Balaton:

  • Balatonmaldi – 438-584 euros (four-star hotel);
  • Balatonfured - 438-813 in 4-star and 297-609 euros in 3-star hotels;
  • Tihany Peninsula – 343-567 euros (4 stars);
  • Siofok – 498-812 (4 stars), 334-577 (3 stars);
  • Siófok (family rooms) – 317-944.

Add here the costs of a Hungarian visa (80 euros), medical insurance (1 euro/day) and an air ticket (250 euros), season it with an excursion program (about 50-60 euros need to be budgeted). The total costs for an average week-long tour are approximately one thousand euros. If you wish, you can choose a medical tour to Heviz (with accommodation in a hotel or sanatorium) for a ridiculous price of 94-420 euros.

The main resort on Lake Balaton is Siófok.

You can also easily find a suitable option on the search service Weekly tours for two adults cost 900-1200 euros (on average), which, you see, is very affordable.

Summarize. Balaton perfectly combines youth, medical and beach holidays, and family travelers with small children gather on the southern coast of the lake. Prices in Hungary are ridiculous – both for food and accommodation. At the same time, the temperate continental climate does not require acclimatization efforts. For people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, Balaton and Heviz will be real gifts. Have a nice trip!

You can find more information on the topic in the section.

Lake Balaton is located in western Hungary and is the largest in the central part of the continent. Its coastline is a famous resort area with access to numerous mineral and thermal springs. There are excellent conditions for a fun time with family, active recreation and serene unity with nature. A unique feature of the lake is its shallow depth, averaging 3 meters. The deepest place reaches 12 meters and is located in the Tihany depression area. There is a lot of plankton in the lake, so the water transparency here is quite low. The bottom is lined with sand, as a result of which the surface of the water has a gray-greenish tint, which may vary depending on the season. In summer, the water temperature stays at +24, and sometimes reaches +29 degrees.

How to get to Lake Balaton?

In 2016, Utair plans to relaunch a charter (flights UT 865/866) from Moscow to Lake Balaton. Departure from Vnukovo (Moscow) arrival at Sarmellek Airport (Hung. Sármellék Nemzetközi Repülőtér), sometimes simply called Balaton Airport, is located on the western coast of the lake near the city of Keszthely (Hung. Keszthely).

A more economical way to get to the lake is to fly to Budapest, for example, using the services of the budget airline WizzAir, and then take a bus or train to the desired city. Bus and train schedule.

If you are going on holiday to Lake Balaton with a child, or simply want to quickly and comfortably get from Liszt Ferenc International Airport (Budapest Airport) to your holiday destination, we recommend ordering an individual transfer in advance on the website.

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Where to stay on Lake Balaton?

Today, Balaton is considered the most visited and popular resort in Hungary, where a huge number of tourists from all over the planet come to relax every year. Along with beach holidays, sailing and fishing are very popular here.

The Balaton coast can be divided into southern and northern.

The southern side of the lake has a gentle entrance to the water, and the depth of a man’s height is sometimes achieved only at a considerable distance from the shore. These places are especially recommended for family holidays, because here children can splash around even tens of meters from the shore, plus the water temperature here is higher than in the north.

The largest city on the coast of Lake Balaton is located just on the southern coast, next to the canal connecting the lake with the Danube, Shio and is called - Siofok(Hung. Siófok). It is sometimes also called the “nightlife capital” of Hungary. It is one of the most popular resorts in the country. In its vicinity there are many good sandy beaches. There are also sanatoriums where you can improve your health.

Siófok is the largest city on Lake Balaton

Village Santod(Hung. Szantód) is famous for the fact that the ferry to the Tihany Peninsula, built back in 1802, is located here. And a kilometer away from here there is an 18th-century estate built by Benedictine monks. Now this place is called Santodpuszta (Hungarian: Szántódpuszta), large summer parades of horse riding and other equestrian sports are held here.

Further along the southern coast there are other towns and cities (Fonyod (Hung. Fonyod), Balatonföldvar (Hung. Balatonfoldvar), Balatonboglar (Hung. Balatonboglar)), which also have a well-established infrastructure for beach and active recreation.

Most of the beaches on Balaton are wide and green, well-equipped, and have everything vacationers might need: showers, toilets, changing rooms, stairs to go down into the lake, entertainment programs for children, cafes and shops, the only downside is that they are paid. Free beaches can also be found, but they are much less comfortable.

The northern side of the lake has a rocky shoreline and sharp depths. On most beaches, the entrance to the water is via stairs, but there are also gentle ones. The place is less suitable for families with children, but for good swimmers and fishing fans it is just what you need.

The most popular resort on the north coast is Balatonfured(Hung. Balatonfured). It became famous for its healing mineral water springs, discovered in the Roman era. Now anyone can try the water in the drinking pump room in the central square of the city. In the city, along the shore of the lake, there is a picturesque alley of Rabindranath Tagore with many monuments and sculptures to famous people who have ever visited here. For those who like to ride a bike, there are bike paths.

There is a peninsula very close to Balatonfured Tihany(Hung. Tihany), where you can get there on the same bike in 20 minutes. Here you can touch the historical and religious by visiting the Benedictine Abbey of St. Anyos (Hungarian) located on the peninsula. Tihanyi apátság) founded in the 11th century.

Even further to the west there are two villages Badacsony(Hung. Badacsony) And Szigliget(Hung. Szigliget) famous for their wines, which can be tasted here in many local restaurants. In addition to wine, Segliget is also famous for the ruins of an old 13th-century fortress, which are located on Castle Hill, which also offers excellent views of the lake.

Another popular holiday destination on the northern coast, or rather even on the northwestern coast, is Keszthely(Hung. Keszthely). This is a real city with a large resort area. Therefore, in the evenings there is something to see and where to go. Among the attractions, Keisthely boasts a Gothic Franciscan church, built in 1386, and the beautiful Festetics Palace (Hungarian). Festetics castely), around which there is a beautiful park.

On the northern coast of Lake Balaton, 6 kilometers from the city of Keszthely, is the thermal lake Heviz (Hungarian. Heviz), which formed in the crater of a long-extinct volcano and is the largest European thermal lake. Its depth is approximately 40 meters, and the temperature ranges from +26 in winter to +34 degrees in summer. The water source is located in an underwater cave, which has a diameter of about 18 meters. The bottom of this lake is covered with healing mud, and the water also has very beneficial properties. Amazingly beautiful lotuses float on the surface of Heviz. Today there is a famous balneological center here, which is often visited by guests of the Balaton resort area. Swimming in Lake Heviz is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

While relaxing on Lake Balaton you should definitely visit the city Tapolca(Hung. Tapolca), located 30 km from Keszthely and 40 from Balatonfüred respectively. The city is famous for its karst caves and underground lake Tavash(Hung. Tavas), where you can take a boat ride.

Readers who know geography well may be surprised by the title - where does the sea come from in Hungary? Indeed, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which ended the First World War for the country, the Hungarians were deprived of access to the shores of the Adriatic.

This is partly why, with the light hand of the famous poet Ferenc Kazinczy, the waters of Lake Balaton, the largest freshwater lake in Europe, were named the Hungarian Sea. Standing on the shore and peering into the endless expanses of Balaton, you sincerely believe that beyond the nearest cape there are sea routes to fairy-tale countries and new continents. Millions of tourists come every year to enjoy the magical spectacle, for whom a visit to Lake Balaton has long been a must-do when traveling to Hungary, much like visiting the Colosseum during the Roman holidays.

Myths and legends of Lake Balaton

Lake Balaton is one of the most legendary places in Hungary. The local shores were inhabited by humans already in the Iron Age. During the Roman Empire, the lake was included in the province of Pannonia and received the name Pelso Lacus - or Shallow Lake. All that remains from those times are the ruins of ancient baths and winemaking traditions, for which Hungary is famous to this day.

The current name of the lake suggests the word “swamp” - that’s what the South Slavic tribes called it when they set out to conquer the Balkans. However, the nomadic Magyars have their own version of the origin of the name, which has become canonical. According to legend, a dragon settled in these parts, to which local residents were forced to feed young girls every day so that the snake would not destroy their homes.

It is not known how many girls were eaten by the insatiable snake, but soon the turn came to the most beautiful of the girls - the bride of a local hero named Balaton, who refused to give his betrothed to be devoured by the monster. Tired of waiting, the snake crawled out of its cave and impatiently began to scratch the ground with its claws. Soon a hole formed, at the bottom of which a spring gushed, the water from which soon filled the surrounding area, turning it into a lake.

The knight Balaton swam across the lake, challenged the dragon to battle and defeated him, but the dying convulsions of the serpent collapsed the hill on which the hero stood, and Balaton fell into the waters of the lake, and after him his grief-stricken bride drowned. In memory of the hero who defeated the dragon, the lake got its name.

Family paradise

Despite the gloomy legend, Lake Balaton is a bright and pleasant place. Warm water, bright sunshine, friendly locals, many historical and natural attractions, and most importantly, budget prices make it an ideal family vacation destination.

Holidays on Lake Balaton are famous for their diversity. Here everyone will find something to their liking. If you come to relax and take a break from the bustle of the metropolis, then the southern shore of the lake is at your service. Local beaches are famous for their fine velvety sand and gently sloping bottom. The southern coast is nicknamed “sunny”, which is no coincidence, because this place is the best for sunbathing and measured meditative relaxation, after which you return home with renewed vigor.

The northern shore of Balaton, on the contrary, is rocky and stony. The bottom quickly goes deeper, making this place ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. There are a lot of yachts and boats here, and along the coast there are special tracks with electric drive, allowing you to water ski from morning to evening. Tired of water sports, you can rent a boat and enjoy fishing; fortunately, the lake is home to more than 20 species of freshwater fish.

In addition to traditional entertainment, you can also spend your vacation with health benefits. There are many mineral and thermal springs around the lake, which were used by the ancient Romans. You can complement your wellness treatments with a bicycle voyage - there is a special bicycle route around the lake. This way you will not only enjoy the fresh air, but also get to know the local attractions, of which there are a great many.


Along the shore of the lake there are many ancient cities, resorts and remarkable places. Such diversity can turn the head of an unprepared tourist. Let's highlight the most interesting places that are worth visiting on your first trip to Lake Balaton.

Tihany Peninsula

The pearl of Balaton and its largest peninsula, which divides the lake into two parts - northern and southern. Tihany is a real tourist center with a lot to see.

From a distance you can see the noble white walls of the Abbey of Saint-Agnon, towering above the lake and visible from almost any point. The abbey was founded in 1055 by King Andras the First, who, by the way, was the husband of Anastasia, daughter of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise. Legends say that it was the princess who gave the name to the peninsula, marveling at the silence and comfort that characterizes this place to this day. It is from here that the best view of the lake opens, so we strongly do not recommend skipping this place.

After taking plenty of photographs from the top of the hill, it’s worth going underground. In Tihan there is a whole system of caves called Onar, many of which were inhabited by our ancestors back in the Iron Age.

If you go even further into the past, it turns out that in ancient times several volcanoes were active in this place, thanks to which the peninsula rose from the waters. The spears of petrified geysers are reminiscent of those prehistoric times, the largest and most beautiful of which the locals called the “Golden House” because of the golden lichen covering the stone cone.

If you go around the peninsula from the outside, you can see an ancient water mill, not far from which there are gravestones carved into limestone, made in the shape of a heart. It's hard to say who is buried under them, but it looks romantic.

The peninsula is home to the famous Echo Hill. In good calm weather, the local echo can repeat a phrase shouted into the air up to 15 words.


In the southern part of the lake is the majestic city of Keszthely, on the site of which a Roman settlement was founded at the beginning of the new era. Keszthely is the cultural and historical center of Hungary, whose past is inextricably linked with the noble Festetics family, to whom the city owes its character and unique architectural style.

The first thing that catches your eye upon arrival in Keszthely is the luxurious Baroque palace, built by Kristof Festetics in the mid-18th century. This is the largest castle in Hungary, which was built in the image and likeness of elegant French palaces, which is reflected in the snow-white walls with many elements and sophisticated towers with spiers. The history of Hungary is inextricably linked with the Turks, from whom it was necessary to defend not only the country, but also the entire Western world, so it is not surprising that the castle has accumulated a rich collection of medieval weapons, on display for all to see on the ground floor of the castle.

In addition, in the halls of the palace there is a historical museum, whose pride is the Festetics family library. Carved shelves hold almost a hundred thousand volumes, many of which are truly unique. However, the castle is famous not only for its historical heritage, but also for the magnificent balls and concerts that are often held here.

If you do not delve into the secrets that the narrow medieval streets of Keszthely hide, then sooner or later an inquisitive tourist will come to the central square of the city. The graceful Gothic spiers of the Franciscan church, built in 1386, rise here. Opposite it is another luxurious building - the local town hall, where the ruling council once met. The town hall was built in an elegant Baroque style; its façade is decorated with the city's coat of arms and flag. Inside is the Cultural Center named after Goldmark, the famous Hungarian composer who lived in the 19th century.

Keszthely is home to the famous European Carriage Museum, which tells the history of this means of transportation. The exhibition includes about 50 carriages and carts, many of which are truly unique.

Children and adults should visit the Toy Museum, the exhibition of which includes 10,000 ancient toys: from simple teddy bears and wooden cubes to the most complex mechanical toys, which became an achievement of engineering thought of those times.

Walking a little further down the street, you can see a beautiful baroque building from the 18th century, which houses the Puppet Museum, the largest ethnographic museum in Europe. All exhibits are made in full height and dressed in the national attire of the peoples of Europe from different eras. The museum's exhibition includes more than 500 dolls.

It is impossible not to mention the Balaton Museum, the halls of which house numerous exhibitions that tell everything about the history of the lake (about 7,000 years old!), its flora, fauna, ethnography and the development of the local resort business.

Natural Park of the Balaton Upland

One of the days of your vacation should definitely be devoted to visiting the natural attractions of Lake Balaton, of which there are a great many. Perhaps one of the most picturesque and interesting places is the Balaton Upland Nature Park. This is one of ten national parks in Hungary, which stretches along the entire northern coast, from the village of Balatonfured to the city of Keszthely.

Salvador Dali would have appreciated the local landscapes, consisting of surreal craters, frozen geysers, lava outcrops and extinct volcanoes, sometimes taking very bizarre shapes.

Not far from the town of Tapolce there is an entrance to ancient caves. Wide galleries here coexist with underground lakes, the waters of which reflect ancient stalactites that have been growing from the stone vault for many millennia. The air here is healing, and therefore excursions through the caves will be especially useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases.


Despite the crisis, holidays in Hungary remain one of the most affordable for people who do not have a large budget. Of course, due to its popularity, staying in a local boarding house will cost a pretty penny, but if you are not lazy and look for accommodation yourself, you can save a lot of money.

Prices for accommodation in comfortable hotels near the lake start from 20 euros/day. However, if you don’t yawn and look around, you can notice a lot of signs in which enterprising locals offer daily rent of a room in their country house, which will cost only 10-15 euros/day.

If you are traveling with a large group, you can rent an entire villa, which will cost around 300 euros/week.

Prices for excursions are very affordable. For example, a boat trip to Tihany with a mandatory visit to the abbey will cost 10 euros, and a tour of the caves, along with a boat trip through the underground lakes, will cost 17 euros. Prices for museum tickets start from 1.5-2 euros.

If you are hungry, you should go to any local tavern or cafe, where you will be fed to your heart's content for 7-15 euros. You should give preference to the local cuisine, which is famous for its many delicious dishes. For example, Hungarian goulash soup, fish soup, baked catfish or paprikash chicken served with dumplings. The portions are generous, so one plate is enough to feed two people.

How to get there

You can get to Lake Balaton directly from Budapest in 2-2.5 hours. The most convenient and fastest way is by train, which regularly departs from the South Station, better known as Delhi Station (Budapest Déli pályaudvar), located at the metro station of the same name (red line M2). A one-way ticket will cost 10 euros.

Traveling by bus, which departs daily from the Nepliget bus station (Nepliget buszpalyaudvar), will cost approximately the same amount. By the way, if you happen to be a student, grab your ID or student card - this way you can save up to 50% of the ticket price.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the journey through Lake Balaton itself. There are comfortable trails and a railway along the lake, but the most popular way of transportation is by water. You will have to take a ship or ferry if you want to see all the sights. In order not to go broke, we recommend purchasing a single Balaton Mix ticket, sold at any pier or at the railway ticket office. Tickets differ in the number of days (3 and 7) and are available for adults, children and families (2 adults + 2 children). Cost: from 6 euros (adult for 3 days) to 46 euros (family for 7 days).

Having rested on Lake Balaton for just a week, you will take away joyful impressions and pleasant memories for a whole year. Well, don’t forget to grab a couple of bottles of the famous Tokaj wine as a gift for your loved ones, which here cost only 4 euros.

Whatever the Hungarians call their beloved Balaton - the Magyar Sea or the European Sea - Balaton is a large lake. But in order to avoid disappointment, it is better not to imagine a holiday on Lake Balaton in Hungary before the trip as similar to beach tours to Turkey, Greece or Spain. We will tell you what Lake Balaton is and how to organize a vacation on Balaton.

The Hungarians call Lake Balaton a sea and it is completely justified: its length is almost 100 km, and it’s the same 100 km from Budapest to the first beach on Balaton.

Balaton has its advantages - cool weather, fresh water in the lake, green grassy beaches and the absence of all-inclusive hotels.

Balaton is located in the western part of Hungary. The water in it is ordinary, not thermal. Therefore, the swimming season at Balaton is short - from mid-June to early September. A little earlier and a little later the weather may be excellent, or it may rain and it will become cold to swim. In winter, in the area of ​​the lake, the temperature is below zero, the water freezes, everything freezes, and the resort “falls asleep” until summer.

Balaton is sometimes confused with its neighbor, located 5 km away, where the thermal water remains warm in winter and the resort is open all year round. Although Heviz is tiny, hundreds of times smaller than Balaton.

How to get to Lake Balaton on your own

The nearest airport to Lake Balaton is Sarmellek (12 km from Keszthely). The airport operates from April 1 to October 31, it even has a page on its website in Russian, but there are no regular flights from Russia. Sometimes during the summer season charter flights are launched to Sármellek for tourist groups. From Budapest Airport to Lake Balaton it is about 120 km.

By car

The most convenient option is to travel by train from Delhi railway station (Deli palyaudvar metro station on the M2 red line). From early morning (4.30) until night there are about 20 trains to Siófok on the schedule. The journey takes approximately 2.5 hours, tickets can be purchased at the box office.

Buses to different cities on Lake Balaton depart from several bus stations in the capital. Nepliget main station is located at the metro station of the same name. There are at least 5 flights per day. The ticket price for train and bus is approximately the same, 15-20 euros, but some buses have wi-fi. Bus schedule .

Travel between resorts on Lake Balaton

  1. A comfortable way to see resorts and visit different beaches is to rent a car. During the day you can ride around the lake with stops at beaches and attractions.
  2. The railway connects the cities on the coast, and it is convenient and inexpensive to travel between them by train.
  3. The most romantic transport is ships and ferries, which are available from April 19 to October 5. Water transport runs between 20 settlements.

For example, for a trip to Lake Balaton from Budapest for one day, the following route is convenient:

  • come to Siófok by train or bus;
  • cross to Tihany by boat;
  • from there take a bus to Balatonfured;
  • in the evening go back to Budapest.

If you plan to move every day, it is profitable to buy a card Balaton Mix for trains and ships. A one-day pass with unlimited travel for an adult costs 3,300 forints. They are sold at stations and marinas.

There is plenty of space around the lake for cyclists - there are special paths everywhere. There are rental points in all cities, in hotels.

Balaton Resorts

People come to Balaton to breathe fresh air, swim, drink mineral water, sail, eat delicious food, have fun and taste Hungarian wines. Doctors do not recommend combining a holiday at Lake Balaton and treatment at Heviz.

Where to stay on the south coast

In the southern and western parts the lake is shallow. To swim, you have to walk 500 meters from the shore. There is a gentle entrance to the water, a sandy bottom, good for children to splash around. The main resorts in the south are Siofok, Santod, Balatonföldvar, Fonyod.

You can also stay in the villages between them - housing for every taste is available everywhere on Lake Balaton. The beaches stretch for kilometers. In cities they are paid and equipped like everywhere else in Europe.

In Siófok, most beaches have a green lawn, shaded by trees. This city is called the summer night capital of Hungary. Festivals, concerts, tours of the best bands follow each other, nightclubs and bars await guests.

Northern coast of Lake Balaton

The northern part of the lake is deeper than the southern one, but the bottom here is rocky. From the green lawn of the beach or embankment there are steps leading into the water. They have railings and are comfortable for adults, but are not suitable for small children to swim in.

Popular resort areas are Keszthely, Badacsony, Tihany, Balatonfured and Tapolca. Keszthely has thermal springs, the Tihany peninsula enchants with lavender fields and views of the ancient abbey.


The town of Balatonfüred on the northern shore is the star among Balaton resorts. The ancient aristocratic resort with baths and waters is now more democratic than a century ago, but also leisurely. There is no nightlife here like in Siófok.

People come here to a famous medical center to treat the cardiovascular system and recover from heart surgery. The city is not hot in summer, pleasant in autumn and spring; walks along the ancient streets and pedestrian paths outside the city help you feel stronger.

Vacationers try to come to Balatonfüred at the end of August, when the Borhetek wine festival begins.

What to see on Lake Balaton

Avid yachtsmen come to the lake to watch regattas, German pensioners come to play squash and drink mineral water. Active tourists conquer cycling and walking routes around Lake Balaton. There is something for people of all ages to do.

The attractions of Lake Balaton are located near the resorts. You can get there on your own or take excursions to the underground lake in Tapolca, the Festetics Palace in Keszthely. Tourists are invited to winery tastings.

Families with children will find it interesting summer bobsleigh park in Balatonfüzfö, there are several obstacle courses and exciting bobsleigh tracks. Park website.

Between Tihany and Fured is Annagora water park, which is open from June to August. More information about prices and work schedule at