These are warm and cold currents. World Ocean. Ocean currents

Oceanic or sea currents - this is the forward movement of water masses in the oceans and seas, caused by various forces. Although the most significant cause of currents is wind, they can also form because of unequal salinity of individual parts of the ocean or sea, differences in water levels, uneven heating of different areas of water areas. In the depths of the ocean there are vortices created by bottom irregularities; their size often reaches 100-300 km in diameter, they capture layers of water hundreds of meters thick.

If the factors causing currents are constant, then a constant current is formed, and if they are episodic in nature, then a short-term, random current is formed. According to the predominant direction, currents are divided into meridional, carrying their waters to the north or south, and zonal, spreading latitudinally. Currents in which the water temperature is higher than the average temperature for

the same latitudes are called warm, lower ones are called cold, and currents that have the same temperature as the surrounding waters are called neutral.

Monsoon currents change direction from season to season, depending on how the offshore monsoon winds blow. Countercurrents move towards neighboring, more powerful and extended currents in the ocean.

The direction of currents in the World Ocean is influenced by the deflecting force caused by the rotation of the Earth - the Coriolis force. In the Northern Hemisphere, it deflects currents to the right, and in the Southern Hemisphere, to the left. The speed of currents on average does not exceed 10 m/s, and their depth extends to no more than 300 m.

In the World Ocean there are constantly thousands of large and small currents that circle the continents and merge into five giant rings. The system of currents in the World Ocean is called circulation and is associated primarily with the general circulation of the atmosphere.

Ocean currents redistribute solar heat absorbed by masses of water. They transport warm water heated by the sun's rays at the equator to high latitudes, and cold water

Currents of the World Ocean

Upwelling - the rise of cold waters from the depths of the ocean


In many areas of the World Ocean there are

the deep waters “float” to the surface

ness of the sea. This phenomenon is called upwelling

gom (from the English up - upward and well - to pour out),

occurs, for example, if the wind drives away

warm surface waters, and in their place

colder ones rise. Temperature

water in upwelling areas is lower than average

low at this latitude, which creates favorable

pleasant conditions for plankton development,

and, consequently, other marine organizations

mov - fish and sea animals that they

eat. Upwelling areas are the most important

fishing areas of the World Ocean. They

are located off the western coasts of the continents:

Peruvian-Chilean - y South America,

Californian - near North America, Ben-

Gaelic - in South-West Africa, Canary Islands

Chinese - in West Africa.

from the polar regions, thanks to currents, it flows to the south. Warm currents contribute to an increase in air temperature, and cold currents, on the contrary, reduce it. Territories washed by warm currents are characterized by warm and humid climate, and those near which cold currents pass are cold and dry.

The most powerful current in the World Ocean is the cold current of the Western Winds, also called the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (from the Latin cirkum - around). The reason for its formation is strong and stable westerly winds blowing from west to east over vast areas.

areas of the Southern Hemisphere from temperate latitudes to the coast of Antarctica. This current covers an area 2500 km wide, extends to a depth of more than 1 km and transports up to 200 million tons of water every second. There are no large land masses along the path of the Western Winds, and it connects the waters of three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian - in its circular flow.

The Gulf Stream is one of the largest warm currents in the Northern Hemisphere. It passes through the Gulf Stream and carries the warm tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean to high latitudes. This gigantic flow of warm water largely determines the climate of Europe, making it soft and warm. Every second, the Gulf Stream carries 75 million tons of water (for comparison: the Amazon, the deepest river in the world, carries 220 thousand tons of water). At a depth of about 1 km, a countercurrent is observed under the Gulf Stream.


When approaching high latitudes, ships encounter floating ice. Sea ice frames Antarctica with a wide border and covers the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Unlike continental ice, formed from atmospheric precipitation and covering Antarctica, Greenland, and the islands of the polar archipelagos, this ice is frozen sea water. In the polar regions sea ​​ice perennial, while in temperate latitudes water freezes only in cold seasons.

How does sea water freeze? When the water temperature drops below zero, a thin layer of ice forms on its surface, which breaks under wind waves. It repeatedly freezes into small tiles, then splits again until it forms the so-called ice lard - spongy ice floes, which then grow together. This type of ice is called pancake ice for its resemblance to rounded pancakes on the surface of the water. Areas of such ice, when frozen, form young ice - nilas. Every year this ice gets stronger and thickens. It can become multi-year ice more than 3 m thick, or it can melt if currents carry the ice floes to warmer waters.

The movement of ice is called drift. Covered with drifting (or pack) ice

Ice mountains are melting, taking on bizarre shapes

the space around the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, off the coast of Severnaya and Novaya Zemlya. Arctic ice drifts at speeds of several kilometers per day.


Colossal pieces of ice often break off from huge ice sheets and set off on their own voyage. They are called “ice mountains” - icebergs. Without them, the ice sheet in Antarctica would constantly grow. In fact, icebergs compensate for melting and provide a balance to the Antarctic state.

Iceberg off the coast of Norway

tic cover. Some icebergs reach gigantic sizes.

When we want to say that some event or phenomenon in our life can have much more serious consequences than it seems, we say “this is just the tip of the iceberg.” Why? It turns out that approximately 1/7 of the entire iceberg is above water. It can be table-shaped, dome-shaped or cone-shaped. The base of such a huge piece of glacier, located under water, can be much larger in area.

Sea currents carry icebergs far from their birthplaces. A collision with such an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean caused a

construction of the famous ship Titanic in April 1912.

How long does an iceberg live? Ice mountains that break away from the icy Antarctica can float in the waters of the Southern Ocean for more than 10 years. Gradually they are destroyed, split into smaller parts or, by the will of currents, move to warmer waters and melt.


To find out the path of the drifting ice, the great Norwegian traveler Fridtjof Nansen decided to drift on his ship Fram with them. This bold expedition lasted three whole years (1893-1896). Having allowed the Fram to freeze into the drifting pack ice, Nansen planned to move with it to the North Pole area, and then leave the ship and continue the journey by dog ​​sled and skis. However, the drift went further south than expected, and Nansen's attempt to reach the Pole on skis was unsuccessful. Having traveled more than 3,000 miles from the New Siberian Islands to west coast Spitsbergen, the Fram collected unique information about drifting ice and the influence of the Earth's daily rotation on its movement.

The border between land and sea is a line that constantly changes its shape. The oncoming waves carry the smallest particles of suspended sand, roll over pebbles, and grind down rocks. Destroying the coast, especially during strong waves or storms, in one place, they engage in “construction” in another.

The area where coastal waves act is the narrow edge of the shore and its underwater slope. Where the destruction of the coast is mainly taking place, above the water, like

As a rule, there are overhanging rocks - cliffs, the waves “gnaw out” niches in them, creating under them

wonderful grottoes and even underwater caves. This type of shore is called abrasive (from the Latin abrasio - scraping). When sea levels change - and this has happened many times in the recent geological history of our planet - abrasion structures could end up under water or, conversely, on land, far from the modern shore. By

such forms coastal relief located on land, scientists are reconstructing the history of the formation of ancient shores.

In areas of a leveled coast with shallow depths and a gentle underwater slope, waves deposit (accumulate) material that was transported from the destroyed areas. Beaches are formed here. At high tide, rolling waves move sand and pebbles deep into the shore, creating a long

ny alongshore levees. During low tide, you can see accumulations of shells and seaweed on such ridges.

Ebbs and flows are associated with attraction

The Moon, the satellite of the Earth, and the Sun - our near-

the greatest star. If the influences of the Moon and the Sun

add up (i.e. the Sun and Moon turn out to be

on the same straight line relative to the Earth, which is

comes on the days of the new moon and full moon), then the

The tide reaches its maximum.

This tide is called spring tide. When

The Sun and Moon weaken each other's influence,

minimal tides occur (they are called

quadrature, they happen between the new moon

and full moon).

How do deposits form when

rough sea? As the waves move toward the shore,

sorts by size and transfers sandy

To combat coastal erosion as a result of disturbances

particles, moving them along the shore.

Barrages made of boulders are often built on beaches


The fjord coast is found in places of flooding

the name of this type of coast). They are educated

the sea of ​​deep glacial trenches

occurred when folded structures were flooded by the sea

valleys In place of valleys, winding

rocks parallel coastline.

bays with steep walls, which are called

A rias bank is formed by flooding

are surrounded by fjords. Majestic and beautiful

sea ​​of ​​river valley mouths.

fjords dissect the shores of Norway (the most pro-

Skerries are small rocky islands off

Sognefjord is long here, its length is 137 km),

coasts subjected to glacial treatment:

coast of Canada, Chile.

sometimes these are flooded "ram's foreheads", hills and



ridges of terminal moraine.

small strips of islands frame the coast

Lagoons are shallow parts of the sea, separated

Adriatic Sea in the Dalmatia region (from here

away from the water area by a coastal rampart.

Benthos (from the Greek benthos - depth) - living organisms and plants living at depth, at the bottom of oceans and seas.

Nekton (from the Greek nektos - floating) are living organisms capable of independently moving through the water column.

Plankton (from the Greek planktos - wandering) are organisms living in water, transported by waves and currents and unable to move independently in water.


The ocean floor descends in giant steps from the coast to the underwater abyssal plains. Each such “underwater floor” has its own life, because the conditions of existence of living organisms: illumination, water temperature, its saturation with oxygen and other substances, the pressure of the water column - change significantly with depth. Organisms react differently to the amount of sunlight and water transparency. For example, plants can live only where illumination allows photosynthesis processes to take place (this is an average depth of no more than 100 m).

The littoral zone is a coastal strip periodically drained at low tide. This includes marine animals carried out of the water by waves, which have adapted to live in two environments at once - aquatic

And air. These are crabs

And crustaceans, sea ​​urchins, shellfish, including mussels. In tropical latitudes in the littoral zone there is a border of mangrove forests, and in temperate zones there are “forests” of kelp algae.

Below the littoral zone is the sublittoral zone (down to depths of 200-250 m), the coastal strip of life on the continental shelf. Towards the poles, sunlight penetrates the water very shallowly (no more than 20 m). In the tropics and at the equator, the rays fall almost vertically, which allows them to reach depths of up to 250 m. It is to such depths in warm seas and the oceans there are algae, sponges, mollusks and light-loving animals, as well as coral structures - reefs. Animals not only attach to the bottom surface, but also move freely in the water column.

The largest mollusk that lives in shallow water is the tridacna (its shell valves reach 1 meter). As soon as the prey swims into the open doors, they slam shut and the mollusk begins to digest the food. Some mollusks live in colonies. Mussels are bivalves that attach their shells to rocks and other objects. Mollusks breathe oxygen

dissolved in water, so they are not found in the deeper levels of the ocean.

Cephalopods - octopuses, octopuses, squids, cuttlefish - have several tentacles and move through the water column due to compression

muscles that allow them to push water through a special tube. Among them there are also giants with tentacles up to 10-14 meters! Starfish, sea lilies, urchins

They are attached to the bottom and corals with special suction cups. Sea anemones, similar to strange flowers, pass their prey between their tentacles-“petals” and swallow it with a mouth opening located in the middle of the “flower”.

Millions of fish of all sizes inhabit these waters. Among them are various sharks - some of the most large fish. Moray eels hide in rocks and caves, and stingrays hide at the bottom, the color of which allows them to blend into the surface.

Below the shelf, an underwater slope begins - the bathyal (200 - 3000 m). Living conditions here change with every meter (temperature drops and pressure rises).

Abyssal - ocean bed. This is the most extensive space, occupying more than 70% of the underwater bottom. Its most numerous inhabitants are foraminifera and protozoan worms. Deep-sea sea urchins, fish, sponges, starfish - all have adapted to the monstrous pressure and are not like their relatives in shallow water. At depths where the sun's rays do not reach, sea ​​creatures devices for lighting appeared - small luminous organs.

Land waters make up less than 4% of all water found on our planet. About half of their quantity is contained in glaciers and permanent snow, the rest is in rivers, lakes, swamps, artificial reservoirs, groundwater and underground ice of permafrost. All natural waters on Earth are called water resources.

The most valuable reserves for humanity are fresh water reserves. There is a total of 36.7 million km3 of fresh water on the planet. They are concentrated primarily in large lakes and glaciers and are unevenly distributed between continents. Antarctica, North America and Asia have the largest reserves of fresh water, South America and Africa have somewhat smaller reserves, and Europe and Australia are the least rich in fresh water.

Groundwater is the water contained in earth's crust. They are associated with the atmosphere and surface waters and participate in the water cycle on the globe. Underground


- constant snow




The groundwater

- underground permafrost ice

waters are found not only under continents, but also under oceans and seas.

Groundwater forms because some rocks allow water to pass through while others retain it. Atmospheric precipitation falling on the Earth's surface seeps through cracks, voids and pores of permeable rocks (peat, sand, gravel, etc.), and waterproof rocks (clay, marl, granite, etc.) retain water.

There are several classifications of groundwater based on origin, condition, chemical composition and nature of occurrence. Water that, after rain or melting snow, penetrates the soil, wets it and accumulates in the soil layer is called soil water. Groundwater lies on the first waterproof layer from the surface of the earth. They are replenished due to the atmosphere

spheral precipitation, filtration of water streams and reservoirs and condensation of water vapor. Distance from earth's surface to the groundwater level is called depth of groundwater. She

increases in the wet season, when there is a lot of rainfall or snow melts, and decreases in the dry season.

Below the groundwater there may be several layers of deep groundwater, which are held by impermeable layers. Often interstratal waters become pressure. This occurs when layers of rock form a bowl and the water contained within is under pressure. Such groundwater, called artesian, rises up the drilled well and gushes out. Often artesian aquifers occupy a significant area, and then artesian springs have a high and fairly constant flow of water. Some famous oases North Africa originated from artesian springs. Along faults in the earth's crust, artesian waters sometimes rise from aquifers, and between rainy seasons they often dry up.

Groundwater reaches the surface of the Earth in ravines and river valleys in the form sources - springs or springs. They form where a rock aquifer reaches the earth's surface. Because the depth of groundwater varies depending on the season and rainfall, the springs sometimes suddenly disappear, and sometimes they bubble up. The water temperature in the springs may vary. Springs with a water temperature of up to 20 °C are considered cold, warm - with a temperature from 20 to 37 °C, and hot -

Permeable rocks

Waterproof rocks

Types of groundwater

mi, or thermal, - with a temperature above 37 ° C. Most hot springs occur in volcanic areas, where groundwater aquifers are heated by hot rocks and molten magma that comes close to the earth's surface.

Mineral groundwater contains many salts and gases and, as a rule, has healing properties.

The importance of groundwater is very great; it can be classified as a mineral along with coal, oil or iron ore. Groundwater feeds rivers and lakes, thanks to which the rivers do not become shallow in the summer, when little rain falls, and do not dry up under the ice. Humans widely use groundwater: they are pumped out of the ground to supply water to residents of cities and villages, for industrial needs and to irrigate agricultural land. Despite the huge reserves, groundwater is renewed slowly, and there is a danger of its depletion and contamination by domestic and industrial wastewater. Excessive water intake from deep horizons reduces the flow of rivers during low-water periods - the period when the water level is lowest.

A swamp is an area of ​​the earth's surface with excessive moisture and stagnant water regime, in which organic matter accumulates in the form of undecomposed remains of vegetation. Swamps exist in all climate zones and on almost all continents of the Earth. They contain about 11.5 thousand km3 (or 0.03%) of the fresh waters of the hydrosphere. The most swampy continents are South America and Eurasia.

Swamps can be divided into two large groups - wetlands, where there is no well-defined peat layer, and peat bogs where peat accumulates. Wetlands include wetlands rainforests, salty mangrove swamps, saline swamps of deserts and semi-deserts, grass swamps of the Arctic tundra, etc. Peat swamps occupy about 2.7 million km, which is 2% of the land area. They are most common in the tundra, forest zone and forest-steppe and, in turn, are divided into lowland, transitional and upland.

Lowland swamps usually have a concave or flat surface, where conditions for moisture stagnation are created. They often form along the banks of rivers and lakes, sometimes in flood zones of reservoirs. In such swamps, groundwater comes close to the surface, supplying the plants growing here with minerals. On

Alder, birch, spruce, sedge, reed, and cattails often grow in lowland swamps. In these bogs, the peat layer accumulates slowly (on average 1 mm per year).

Raised bogs with a convex surface and a thick layer of peat are formed mainly on watersheds. They feed mainly on atmospheric precipitation, which is poor in minerals, so less demanding plants - pine, heather, cotton grass, sphagnum moss - settle in these swamps.

An intermediate position between lowland and upland ones is occupied by transitional swamps with a flat or slightly convex surface.

Swamps evaporate moisture intensively: the most active ones are swamps of the subtropical climate zone, swampy tropical forests, and in temperate climates - sphagnum-sedge and forest swamps. Thus, swamps increase air humidity, change its temperature, softening the climate of the surrounding areas.

Swamps, like a kind of biological filter, purify water from chemical compounds and solid particles dissolved in it. Rivers flowing through swampy areas are no different from catastrophes.

trophic spring floods and floods, since their flow is regulated by swamps, which gradually release moisture.

Bogs regulate the flow of not only surface water, but also groundwater (especially raised bogs). Therefore, their excessive drainage can harm small rivers, many of which originate in swamps. Swamps are rich hunting grounds: many birds nest here and many game animals live. The swamps are rich in peat, medicinal herbs, mosses and berries. The widespread belief that by growing crops in drained swamps one can get a rich harvest is wrong. Only the first few years are drained peat deposits fertile. Plans for draining swamps require comprehensive studies and economic calculations.

The development of a peat bog is the process of accumulation of peat as a result of the growth, death and partial decomposition of vegetation under conditions of excess moisture and lack of oxygen. The entire thickness of peat in a bog is called a peat deposit. It has a multilayer structure and contains from 91 to 97% water. Peat contains valuable organic and inorganic substances, which is why it has long been used in agriculture, energy, chemistry, medicine and other fields. For the first time, Pliny the Elder wrote about peat as “combustible earth” suitable for heating food in the 1st century. AD In Holland and Scotland, peat was used as fuel in the 12th-13th centuries. An industrial accumulation of peat is called a peat deposit. The largest industrial reserves of peat are in Russia, Canada, Finland and the USA.

Fertile river valleys have long been developed by humans. Rivers were the most important transport routes; their waters irrigated fields and gardens. Populous cities arose and developed on the river banks, and borders were established along the rivers. Flowing water turned the wheels of the mills and later provided electrical energy.

Each river is individual. One is always wide and full of water, while the other’s channel remains dry most year and only during rare rains is it filled with water.

A river is a watercourse of significant size, flowing along a depression formed by itself in the bottom of a river valley - a channel. The river with its tributaries forms a river system. If you look down the river, then all the rivers flowing into it from the right are called right tributaries, and those flowing from the left are called left tributaries. The part of the earth's surface and thickness of soils and soils from which the river and its tributaries collect water is called a catchment area.

A river basin is the portion of land that includes a given river system. Between two basins of neighboring rivers there are watersheds,

River basin

The Pakhra River flows through the East European Plain

These are usually highlands or mountain systems. Basins of rivers flowing into the same body of water are combined, respectively, into basins of lakes, seas and oceans. The main watershed of the globe is identified. It separates the basins of rivers flowing into the Pacific and Indian Ocean s on the one hand, and the river basins flowing into the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, on the other. In addition, there are drainage areas on the globe: the rivers flowing there do not carry water to the World Ocean. Such drainless areas include, for example, the basins of the Caspian and Aral seas.

Every river begins at its source. This could be a swamp, a lake, a melting mountain glacier, or groundwater coming to the surface. The place where a river flows into an ocean, sea, lake or other river is called an estuary. The length of a river is the distance along the channel between the source and the mouth.

Depending on their size, rivers are divided into large, medium and small. Swimming pools big rivers usually located in several geographic areas. The basins of medium and small rivers are located within the same zone. According to the flow conditions, rivers are divided into flat, semi-mountain and mountain. Plain rivers flow smoothly and calmly in wide valleys, and mountain rivers rush violently and rapidly through gorges.

The replenishment of water in rivers is called river recharge. It can be snow, rain, glacial and underground. Some rivers, for example those that flow in equatorial regions (Congo, Amazon and others), are fed by rain, since it rains all year round in these areas of the planet. Most rivers are temperate

climatic zone have a mixed diet: in the summer they are replenished by rain, in the spring by melting snow, and in winter they are not allowed to run out of groundwater.

The nature of the behavior of the river according to the seasons of the year - fluctuations in water level, formation and disappearance of ice cover, etc. - is called the river regime. Annually recurring significant increase in water

in the river - flood - on the lowland rivers of the European territory of Russia is caused by intense snow melting in the spring. The rivers of Siberia flowing from the mountains are full of water in the summer when the snow melts

V mountains A short-term rise in water level in a river is called flood It occurs, for example, when heavy rainfall occurs or when snow melts intensively during a thaw in winter. The lowest water level in the river is low water. It is installed in the summer; at this time there is little rain and the river is fed mainly by groundwater. Low water also occurs in winter, during severe frosts.

Floods and floods can cause severe floods: melt or rainwater overwhelms the riverbeds, and rivers overflow their banks, flooding not only their valleys, but also the surrounding area. Water flowing from high speed, has enormous destructive power, it demolishes houses, uproots trees, and washes away fertile soil from fields.

Sandy beach on the banks of the Volga


IN Not only fish live in rivers. The waters, bottom and banks of rivers are the habitat of many living organisms; they are divided into plankton, nekton and benthos. Plankton includes, for example, green and blue-green algae, rotifers and lower crustaceans. The river benthos is very diverse - insect larvae, worms, mollusks, crayfish. Plants settle on the bottom and banks of rivers - pondweed, reeds, reeds, etc., and algae grow on the bottom. River nekton is represented by fish and some large invertebrates. Among the fish that live in the seas and enter rivers only to spawn are sturgeon (sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon), salmon (salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, etc.). Carp, bream, sterlet, pike, burbot, perch, crucian carp, etc. constantly live in rivers, and grayling and trout live in mountain and semi-mountain rivers. Mammals and large reptiles also live in rivers.

Rivers usually flow at the bottom of extensive relief depressions called river valleys. At the bottom of the valley, the water flow runs along a depression it has created itself - a channel. Water hits one section of the shore, erodes it and carries rock fragments, sand, clay, and silt downstream; in those places where the flow speed decreases, the river deposits (accumulates) the material it carries. But the river carries not only sediments eroded by the river flow; During stormy rains and melting snow, water flowing over the earth's surface destroys soil, loose soil and carries small particles into streams, which then deliver them to rivers. By destroying and dissolving rocks in one place and depositing them in another, the river gradually creates its own valley. The process of erosion of the earth's surface by water is called erosion. It is stronger where the speed of water flow is higher and where the soils are looser. The sediments that make up the bottom of rivers are called bottom sediments or alluvium.

Wandering channels

In China and Central Asia There are rivers in which the bed can shift by more than 10 m in a day. They, as a rule, flow in easily eroded rocks - loess or sand. In a few hours, a water flow can significantly erode one bank of the river, and deposit washed-away particles on the other bank, where the flow slows down. Thus, the channel shifts - “wanders” along the bottom of the valley, for example, on the Amu Darya River in Central Asia up to 10-15 m per day.

The origin of river valleys can be tectonic, glacial and erosional. Tectonic valleys follow the direction of deep faults in the earth's crust. Powerful glaciers, which covered the northern regions of Eurasia and North America during the period of global glaciation, moving, plowed deep hollows, in which river valleys later formed. During the melting of glaciers, water flows spread to the south, forming extensive depressions in the relief. Later, streams rushed into these depressions from the surrounding hills, forming a large water flow that built its own valley.

Structure of a lowland river valley

Rapids on a mountain river


There are rivers on our planet that fill with water only during rare rains. They are called "wadis" and are found in deserts. Some wadis reach a length of hundreds of kilometers and flow into dry depressions similar to themselves. Gravel and pebbles at the bottom of dry riverbeds suggest that in wetter periods, wadis could have been full-flowing rivers capable of carrying large sediments. In Australia, dry river beds are called creeks, in Central Asia - uzboi.

The valley of lowland rivers consists of a floodplain (part of the valley that is flooded during high water or during significant floods), a channel located on it, as well as valley slopes with several above the floodplain terraces, descending steps to the floodplain. River channels can be straight, meandering, divided into branches or wandering. Winding channels have bends, or meanders. By eroding the bend near the concave bank, the river usually forms a stretch - a deep section of the channel, its shallow sections are called riffles. The strip in the riverbed with depths most favorable for navigation is called fairway. The water flow sometimes deposits significant amounts of sediment, forming islands. On large rivers, the height of the islands can reach 10 m and the length can be several kilometers.

Sometimes along the river's path there is a ledge of hard rock. The water cannot wash it away and falls down, forming a waterfall. In those places where the river crosses hard rocks that erode slowly, rapids are formed that block the path of the water flow.

IN estuary the water speed slows down significantly,

And the river deposits most of its sediment. Formed delta is a low-lying plain in the shape of a triangle, here the channel is divided into many branches and channels. River mouths flooded by the sea are called estuaries.

There are a great many rivers on Earth. Some of them flow like small silvery snakes within one forest area and then flow into a larger river. And some are truly huge: descending from the mountains, they cross vast plains and carry their waters to the ocean. Such rivers can flow through the territory of several states and serve as convenient transport routes.

When characterizing a river, take into account its length, average annual water flow and basin area. But not all large rivers have all these outstanding parameters. For example, the longest river in the world, the Nile, is far from the deepest, and its basin area is small. The Amazon ranks first in the world in terms of water content (its water flow is 220 thousand m3 / s - this is 16.6% of the flow of all rivers) and in terms of basin area, but is inferior in length to the Nile. The largest rivers are in South America, Africa and Asia.

The most long rivers world: Amazon (over 7 thousand km from the source of the Ucayali River), Nile (6671 km), Mississippi with the Missouri tributary (6420 km), Yangtze (5800 km), La Plata with the Parana and Uruguay tributaries (3700 km).

The deepest rivers (having maximum values ​​of average annual water flow): Amazon (6930 km3), Congo (Zaire) (1414 km3), Ganges (1230 km3), Yangtze (995 km3), Orinoco (914 km3).

The largest rivers on the globe (by basin area): Amazon (7,180 thousand km2), Congo (Zaire) (3,691 thousand km2), Mississippi with its tributary of the Missouri (3,268 thousand km2), La Plata with tributaries of the Parana and Uruguay (3,100 thousand km2), Ob (2990 thousand km2).

Volga is the largest river of the East European Plain


The Nile is a great African river, its valley is the cradle of a vibrant, original culture that influenced the development of human civilization. The powerful Arab conqueror Amir ibn al-Asi said: “There lies a desert, on both sides it rises, and between the heights is the wonderland of Egypt. And all his wealth comes from the blessed river, flowing slowly through the country with the dignity of a caliph.” In its middle course, the Nile flows through the harshest deserts in Africa - the Arabian and Libyan. It would seem that it should become shallow or dry out during the hot summer. But at the height of summer, the water level in the Nile rises, it overflows its banks, flooding the valley, and as it recedes, it leaves a layer of fertile silt on the soil. This is because the Nile is formed from the confluence of two rivers - the White and Blue Nile, the sources of which lie in the subequatorial climate zone, where an area of ​​​​low pressure is established in the summer and heavy rainfall occurs. The Blue Nile is shorter than the White Nile, so the rainwater that fills it reaches Egypt earlier, followed by the White Nile flood.

Yenisei - the great river of Siberia


The Amazon is the largest river on Earth. It is fed by many tributaries, including 17 large rivers up to 3500 km long, which by their size can themselves be considered

to the great rivers of the world. The source of the Amazon lies in the rocky Andes, where mountain lake Patarkocha leaks her main tributary- Marañon. When the Marañon merges with the Ucayali, the river takes on the name Amazon. The lowland through which this majestic river flows is a country of jungle and swamps. On their way to the east, tributaries continually replenish the Amazon. It is full of water throughout the year, because its left tributaries, located in the northern hemisphere, are full of water from March to September,

A the right tributaries, located in the southern hemisphere, are full the other part of the year. During sea tides, a water shaft up to 3.54 meters high enters the mouth of the river from the Atlantic and rushes upstream. Locals They call this wave “vice” - “destroyer”.


The Indians called the mighty river in the southern part of the North American continent Messi Sipi - “Father of Waters”. Its complex river system with many tributaries looks like a giant tree with a densely branched crown. The Mississippi Basin occupies almost half the territory of the United States of America. Beginning in the Great Lakes region in the north, the high-water river carries its waters south - to the Gulf of Mexico, and its flow is two and a half times more than the Russian Volga River brings to the Caspian Sea. The Spanish conquistador de Soto is considered the discoverer of the Mississippi. In search of gold and jewelry, he went deep into the mainland and in the spring of 1541 he discovered the banks of a huge deep river. One of the first colonists, the Jesuit fathers, who spread the influence of their order in the New World, wrote about the Mississippi: “This river is very beautiful, its width is more than one league; everywhere adjoining it are forests full of game, and prairies where there are many bison.” Before the arrival of European colonialists, vast areas in the river basin were occupied virgin forests and prairies, but now they can only be seen in national parks, most of the land is plowed.

The waters of rivers and streams, choosing their path, often fall off cliffs and ledges. This is how waterfalls are formed. Sometimes these are very small steps in the riverbed with minor differences in height between the upper section, from where the water falls, and the lower one. However, in nature there are also absolutely gigantic “steps” and ledges, the height of which reaches many hundreds of meters. Both waterfalls are formed when the water “opens up”, i.e. destroys, exposes areas with harder rocks, carrying away material from more pliable areas. The upper ledge (edge), from which the water falls, is a more durable layer, and downstream, tireless waters destroy less durable rock layers. Such a structure, for example, has the world-famous waterfall on the Niagara River (its name in the Iroquois language means “thundering water”), which connects two of the Great Lakes North America- Erie and Ontario. Niagara Falls is relatively low - only 51 m (for comparison -

Diagram of water movement in Niagara Falls

Cascade of several waterfalls in Norway. 19th century engraving

The Ivan the Great bell tower in the Moscow Kremlin has a height of 81 m), but is more famous than its tall and full-flowing “brothers”. The waterfall became famous not only because of its location in close proximity from large American and Canadian cities, but also well studied.

A water stream, falling from any height to the foot of the slope, forms a depression, a niche, even in fairly strong rocks. But the upper edge is gradually eroded and destroyed by the action of flowing water. The peaks of the ledge collapse, and... The waterfall seems to retreat back, “backing away” up the valley. Long-term observations of Niagara Falls showed that such “backward” erosion “eats” the upper ledge of the waterfall by about 1 m over 60 years.

In Scandinavia, glacial landforms are to blame for the formation of waterfalls. There, streams from glacier-lined mountain peaks flow from great heights into the fjords.

The huge waterfalls that arose under the influence of tectonics - the internal forces of the Earth - are very impressive. Colossal steps of waterfalls are formed when the river bed is disrupted by tectonic faults. It happens that not one ledge is formed, but several at once. These cascades of waterfalls are incredibly beautiful.

The view of any waterfall is mesmerizing. It's no coincidence that these natural phenomena invariably attract the attention of numerous tourists, often becoming “ business cards» localities and even countries.


Churun-meru waterfall -


“The smoke that thunders” - so from the language of the locals

inhabitants the name “Mosi-oa Tupia” is translated, which

The world's highest waterfall is located in South

which has long been used to designate this African water

noah America, in Venezuela. Durable quartzite

pad. The first Europeans to see in 1855

rocks of the Guiana Highlands, crushed by faults

this is an amazing creation of nature on the Zambezi River,

mami, form chasms several kilometers long.

were members of David Livingston's expedition,

Falls into one of these abysses from a height of 1054 m.

who gave the waterfall its name in honor of the then ruling

water flow famous waterfall Churun ​​Meru on

Queen Victoria. “The water seemed to go deeper

tributary of the Orinoco River. This is its Indian name

land, since the other slope of the gorge into which it descends

not as well known as the European Angel

turned around, was only 80 feet away from me" - so

or Salto Angel. I saw it first and flew by

Livingston described his impressions. Narrow (from 40

near the waterfall, Venezuelan pilot Angel (in

up to 100 m) the channel into which the waters of the Zambe flow

translated from Spanish - “angel”). His last name and

zi, reaches a depth of 119 meters. When all the water of the river

gave a romantic name to the waterfall. Opening

rushes into the gorge, clouds of water dust, tearing out

of this waterfall in 1935, the “palm tree” was selected

rising upward, visible from a distance of 35 km! In the splashes

power" at the African Victoria Falls, counting

There is always a rainbow hanging over the waterfall.

previously the tallest in the world.


One of the most famous and beautiful waterfalls

The dominant species in the world is the South American Iguazu,

located on the river of the same name, a tributary

Paranas. Actually, it’s not even one, but more

250 waterfalls, the streams and jets of which rush -

flowing from several sides into a funnel-shaped canyon.

The largest of the Iguazu Falls, 72 m high,

called the "Devil's Throat"! Origin of the establishment

the waterfall is associated with the structure of the lava plateau,

along which the Iguazu River flows. "Layer Cake" from

basalts are broken by cracks and destroyed by uneven

numbered, which led to the formation of a peculiar

of the staircase, along the steps of which they rush -

flowing down the waters of the river. The waterfall is located on the border

Argentina and Brazil, so one side is water-

pada - Argentinean, along which waterfalls, replacing

each other, stretch for more than a kilometer, and the other

Some of the waterfalls are Brazilian.

Waterfall in the Rocky Mountains

Lakes are hollows filled with water - natural depressions on the surface of the land that have no connection with the sea or ocean. For a lake to form, two conditions are necessary: ​​the presence of a natural depression - a closed depression in the earth's surface - and a certain volume of water.

There are many lakes on our planet. Their total area is about 2.7 million km2, that is, approximately 1.8% of the entire land area. The main wealth of lakes is fresh water, which is so necessary for humans. The lakes contain about 180 thousand km3 of water, and the 20 largest lakes in the world combined contain the majority of all fresh water available to humans.

The lakes are located in a wide variety of natural areas. Most of them are in the northern parts of Europe and the North American continent. There are a lot of lakes in areas where permafrost is common; there are also lakes in drainless areas, in floodplains and river deltas.

Some lakes are filled only during the wet seasons and remain dry the rest of the year - these are temporary lakes. But most lakes are constantly filled with water.

Depending on their size, lakes are divided into very large, with an area exceeding 1,000 km2, large - with an area from 101 to 1,000 km2, medium - from 10 to 100 km2 and small - with an area of ​​less than 10 km2.

Based on the nature of water exchange, lakes are divided into drainage and drainless. Located in the cat

In the valley, lakes collect water from the surrounding areas, streams and rivers flow into them, while at least one river flows out of drainage lakes, and not a single one flows out of drainage lakes. Sewage lakes include Baikal, Ladoga and Lake Onega, and to the drainless ones - Lake Balkhash, Chad, Issyk-Kul, and the Dead Sea. The Aral and Caspian Seas are also closed lakes, but due to their large size and regime similar to the sea, these reservoirs are conventionally considered seas. There are so-called blind lakes, for example, formed in the craters of volcanoes. Rivers do not flow into them or flow out of them.

Lakes can be divided into fresh, brackish and saline, or mineral. The salinity of water in fresh lakes does not exceed 1% - such water, for example, in Lake Baikal, Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega. The water of brackish lakes has a salinity from 1 to 25%. For example, the salinity of water in Issyk-Kul is 5-8%o, and in the Caspian Sea - 10-12%o. Lakes in which the water has a salinity of 25 to 47%o are called salt lakes. Mineral lakes contain more than 47% salts. Thus, the salinity of the Dead Sea, lakes Elton and Baskunchak is 200-300%. Salt lakes, as a rule, form in arid areas. In some salt lakes, the water is a solution of salts close to saturation. If such saturation is achieved, then salt precipitation occurs and the lake turns into a self-sediment lake.

In addition to dissolved salts, lake water contains organic and inorganic substances and dissolved gases (oxygen, nitrogen, etc.). Oxygen not only enters the lakes from the atmosphere, but is also released by plants during the process of photosynthesis. It is necessary for the life and development of aquatic organisms, as well as for the oxidation of organic

Lake in the Swiss Alps

of the substance found in the reservoir. If excess oxygen forms in the lake, it leaves the water into the atmosphere.

According to the nutritional conditions of aquatic organisms, lakes are divided into:

- lakes poor in nutrients. These are deep lakes with clear water, which include, for example, Baikal, Lake Teletskoye;

- lakes with a large supply of nutrients and rich vegetation. These are, as a rule, shallow and warm lakes;


The life of a lake has a beginning and an end. Once formed, it is gradually filled with river sediments and the remains of dead animals and plants. Every year the amount of precipitation at the bottom increases, the lake becomes shallow, overgrown and turns into a swamp. The greater the initial depth of the lake, the longer its life continues. In small lakes, sediment accumulates over many thousands of years, and in deep lakes, over millions of years.

Lakes with an excess amount of organic substances, the oxidation products of which are harmful to living organisms.

Lakes regulate river flow and have a significant impact on the climate of the surrounding areas.

They contribute to an increase in precipitation, the number of days with fogs and generally soften the climate. Lakes raise groundwater levels and affect soils, vegetation and animal world surrounding areas.

Looking at geographical map, for everyone

you can see lakes on the continents. Some of them are you-

drawn out, others rounded. Some lakes are located

wives in mountainous regions, others in vast

flat plains, some very deep, and

some are quite small. The shape and depth of the lake

ra depend on the size of the basin, which it

occupies. Lake basins are formed by

Most of the world's largest lakes

has a tectonic origin. They dis-

rely in large depressions of the earth's crust on

plains (for example, Ladoga and Onega

lakes) or fill deep tectonic

cracks - rifts (Lake Baikal, Tanganyika,

Nyasa, etc.).

Craters and

calderas extinct volcanoes, and sometimes lower-

tions on the surface of lava flows. Such lakes

ra, called volcanic, are found,

for example, on the Kuril and Japanese islands, on

Kamchatka, on the island of Java and in other volcanic

certain regions of the Earth. It happens that lava and debris

igneous rocks are blocked up to

river line, in this case a volcano also appears

Lake Baikal

nic lake.


Lake in a trough of the earth's crust Lake in a crater

The basin of Lake Kaali in Estonia is of meteorite origin. It is located in a crater formed as a result of the fall of a large meteorite.

Glacial lakes fill basins that were formed as a result of glacier activity. As it moved, the glacier plowed up softer soil, creating depressions in the relief: long and narrow in some places, and oval in others. Over time, they filled with water, and glacial lakes appeared. There are a lot of such lakes in the north of the North American continent, in Eurasia on the Scandinavian and Kola Peninsulas, in Finland, Karelia and Taimyr. In mountainous regions, for example in the Alps and the Caucasus, glacial lakes are located in karas - bowl-shaped depressions in the upper parts of mountain slopes, in the creation of which small mountain glaciers and snowfields took part. Melting and retreating, the glacier leaves a moraine - an accumulation of sand, clay with inclusions of pebbles, gravel and boulders. If a moraine dams a river flowing from under a glacier, it forms glacial lake, often having a round shape.

In areas composed of limestone, dolomite and gypsum, karst lake basins arise as a result of the chemical dissolution of these rocks by surface and groundwater. Thicknesses of sand and clay lying above karst rocks fall into underground voids, forming depressions on the earth's surface, which over time fill with water and become lakes. Karst lakes are also found in caves

rah, they can be seen in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Urals and other areas.

IN In the tundra, and sometimes in the taiga, where permafrost is widespread, the soil thaws and subsides during the warm season. Lakes appear in small depressions calledthermokarst.

IN in river valleys, when a meandering river straightens its channel, the old section of the channel becomes isolated. This is how they are formed oxbow lakes, often horseshoe-shaped.

Dammed, or dammed, lakes arise in the mountains when, as a result of a collapse, a mass of rocks blocks the river bed. For example,

V In 1911, during an earthquake in the Pamirs, a gigantic mountain collapse occurred, it dammed the Murgab River, and Lake Sarez was formed. Lake Tana in Africa, Sevan in Transcaucasia and many other mountain lakes are dammed.

U on the coast of the seas, sand spits can separate the shallow coastal area from the sea area, resulting in the formation lake-lagoon. If sandy-clay deposits fence off flooded river mouths from the sea, estuaries are formed - shallow bays with very salty water. There are many such lakes on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

Formation of a dammed or dammed lake

The largest lakes on Earth: the Caspian Sea-

lake (376 thousand km2), Verkhnee (82.4 thousand km2), Vik-

thorium (68 thousand km2), Huron (59.6 thousand km2), Michigan

(58 thousand km2). The deepest lake on the planet -

Baikal (1620 m), followed by Tanganyika

(1470 m), Caspian Sea-lake (1025 m), Nyasa

(706 m) and Issyk-Kul (668 m).

The greatest lake on Earth - the Caspian

the sea is located in the interior regions of Euro-

Zia, it contains 78 thousand km3 of water - more than 40%

of the total volume of lake waters in the world, and in terms of area

The Black Sea is rising. By sea Caspian lake

called because it has many

marine characteristics - huge area -

dew, large volumes of water, strong storms

and a special hydrochemical regime.

fish that remained from the times when the Caspian

From north to south the Caspian Sea stretches for almost

was connected to the Black and Mediterranean seas.

1200 km, and from west to east - 200-450 km.

The water level in the Caspian Sea is below

By origin it is part of the ancient

the world's oceans and changes periodically; at-

slightly saline Pontic Lake, which existed

The reasons for these fluctuations are not yet clear enough. Me-

th 5-7 million years ago. During the Ice Age from

The outlines of the Caspian Sea are also visible. At the beginning of the 20th century.

Arctic seas, seals entered the Caspian Sea,

the level of the Caspian Sea was approximately -26 m (from

lorfish, salmon, small crustaceans; is in this

bearing to the level of the World Ocean), in 1972

sea-lake and some Mediterranean species

the lowest position was recorded for

last 300 years - -29 m, then sea-lake level -

ra began to rise slowly and is now

it is approximately -27.9 m. The Caspian Sea had about

70 names: Hyrkan, Khvalyn, Khazar,

Saraiskoe, Derbentskoe and others. Its modern

The sea received its name in honor of the ancient

men of the Caspians (horse breeders) who lived in the 1st century BC. on

its northwest coast.

The deepest lake on the planet Baikal (1620 m)

located in the south Eastern Siberia. It is located

located at an altitude of 456 m above sea level, its length

636 km, and the greatest width in the central hour is

tee - 81 km. There are several versions of the origin

the name of the lake, for example, from the Turkic-language Bai-

Kul - “rich lake” or from the Mongolian Bai-

gal Dalai - " big lake" There are 27 islands on Baikal

moats, the largest of which is Olkhon. Into the lake

About 300 rivers and streams flow in, and only flow out

Angara river. Baikal is a very ancient lake, it

approximately 20-25 million years. 40% plants and 85% vi-

The species of animals living in Lake Baikal are endemic

(that is, they are found only in this lake). Volume

water in Baikal is about 23 thousand km3, which is

20% of the world and 90% of Russian freshwater reserves

water. Baikal water is unique - extraordinary -

but transparent, clean and oxygenated.

its history has repeatedly changed shape. Se-

the faithful shores of the lakes are rocky, steep and very

picturesque, and the southern and southeastern ones are predominantly

significantly low, clayey and sandy. Shores

The Great Lakes are densely populated and are located here.

powerful industrial areas and the largest cities

USA: Chicago, Milwaukee, Buffalo, Cleveland,

Detroit, also the second largest city of Cana-

y - Toronto. Bypassing rapid sections of rivers,

connecting the lakes, canals were built and

continuous waterway of sea vessels from the Great

lakes in Atlantic Ocean the length of the approx.

lo 3 thousand km and a depth of at least 8 m, accessible

for large sea vessels.

African Lake Tanganyika is the most

longest on the planet, it was formed in tecto-

nic depression in the East African zone


Maximum depth


1470 m, it is the second deepest lake in the world after

Baikal. Along the coastline, the length of

the second one is 1900 km, passes the border of four African

Canadian states - Burundi, Zambia, Tanzania

The lake is home to 58 species of fish (omul, whitefish, grayling,

and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tanganyika

taimen, sturgeon, etc.) and lives a typical sea mammal

a very ancient lake, about 170 en-

hoarding - Baikal seal.

endemic fish species. Living organisms inhabit

In the eastern part of North America in the basin

lake to a depth of about 200 meters, and below in the water

not the St. Lawrence River are the Great


a large number of

hydrogen sulfide.

lakes: Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario.

The rocky shores of Tanganyika are indented by numerous

They are arranged in steps, the difference in height

lined bays and bays.

the first four are not

rises 9 m, and only the lower

here, Ontario, is located

almost 100 m below Erie.




rivers. On the Niaga River


Niagara formed

50 m). Great Lakes -



(22.7 thousand km3). They will form

melted during the melting


of the first cover in the northern

North American-


Perennial accumulations of ice in the highlands and cold zones of the Earth are called glaciers. All natural ice unite into the so-called glaciosphere - the part of the hydrosphere that is in a solid state. It includes the ice of cold oceans, the ice caps of mountains, and icebergs that have broken off ice mountains from ice sheets. In the mountains, glaciers are formed from snow. First, when snow recrystallizes as a result of alternating melting and new freezing of water inside the snow column, firn is formed.

Distribution of ice on Earth during the Ice Age

which then turns into ice. Under the influence of gravity, ice moves in the form of ice streams. The main condition for the existence of glaciers - both small and large - is constant low temperatures during most of the year, at which the accumulation of snow prevails over its melting. Such conditions exist in the cold regions of our planet - the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in the highlands.



IN Several times in the history of the Earth, severe climate cooling led to the growth of glaciers

And the formation of one or more ice sheets. This time is called glacial or

ice ages.

IN During the Pleistocene (the era of the Quaternary period of the Cenozoic era), the area covered by glaciers was almost three times larger than the modern one. At that time

V Huge ice sheets arose in the mountains and plains of polar and temperate latitudes, which, growing, covered vast territories in temperate latitudes. You can imagine what the Earth looked like at that time by looking at Antarctica or Greenland.

How do they learn about those ancient ice ages? Moving along the surface, the glacier leaves its traces - the material that it took with it as it moved. Such material is called moraine. The stages of their standing glaciers mark their

Movement of the earth's crust under the colossal load of the ice sheet (1) and after its removal (2)

lami of the terminal moraine. Often, by the name of the place that the glacier reached, it is called a glacial area. The furthest glacier on the territory of Eastern Europe reached the Dnieper valley, and this glacier is called the Dnieper. In North America, traces of maximum southward movement of glaciers belong to two glaciations: in the state of Kansas (Kansas glaciation) and Illinois (Illinois glaciation). The last glaciation reached Wisconsin during the Wisconsin Ice Age.

The Earth's climate changed dramatically during the Quaternary, or Anthropocene, period, which began 1.8 million years ago and continues to this day. What caused this enormous cooling is a question that scientists are trying to solve.

Dozens of hypotheses try to explain the appearance of huge glaciers by a variety of terrestrial and cosmic causes - the fall of giant meteorites, catastrophic volcanic eruptions, changes in the direction of ocean currents. The hypothesis of the Serbian scientist Milankovic, proposed in the last century, was very popular, who explained climate change by periodic fluctuations in the inclination of the planet’s rotation axis and the distance of the Earth from the Sun.

Glaciers of Spitsbergen

Glaciation moraines

The ice sheets that currently exist are the remnants of huge ice sheets that existed in temperate latitudes during the last glacial periods. And although today they are not as large as in the past, their size is still impressive.

One of the most significant is the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The maximum thickness of its ice exceeds 4.5 km, and its distribution area is almost 1.5 times larger than the area of ​​Australia. From several centers of the dome, the ice of many glaciers spreads in different directions. It moves in the form of huge streams at a speed of 300-800 m per year. Occupying the entire Antarctica, the cover in the form of outlet glaciers flows into the sea, giving life to numerous icebergs. Glaciers lying, or rather floating, in the area of ​​the coastline are called shelf glaciers, since they are located in the area of ​​the underwater edge of the continent - the shelf. Such ice shelves exist only in Antarctica. The largest ice shelves are in West Antarctica. Among them is the Ross Ice Shelf, on which the American Antarctic station McMurdo is located.

Another colossal ice sheet is in Greenland, occupying more than 80% of it

Foothill Glacier

himself big island peace. Greenland's ice accounts for about 10% of all ice on Earth. The speed of ice flow here is much less than

V Antarctica. But Greenland also has its own record holder - a glacier that moves at a very high speed - 7 km per year!

Reticulate glaciation characteristic of the polar archipelagos - Franz Josef Land, Spitsbergen, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. This type of glaciation is transitional between cover and mountain. In plan, these glaciers resemble a honeycomb grid, hence the name. Peaks, pointed peaks, rocks, and areas of land protrude from under the ice in many places, like islands in the ocean. They are called nunataks. "Nunatak" is an Eskimo word. This word came into scientific literature thanks to the famous Swedish polar explorer Nils Nordenskiöld.

TO The same “half-cover” type of glaciation also includesfoothill glaciers. Often a glacier descending from the mountains along a valley reaches their feet and emerges with wide blades

V melting zone (ablation) to the plain (this type of glaciers is also called Alaskan) or even

on the shelf or in lakes (Patagonian type). Foothill glaciers are among the most spectacular and beautiful. They are found in Alaska, northern North America, Patagonia, the extreme south of South America, and Spitsbergen. The most famous is the Malaspina foothill glacier in Alaska.

Reticulate glaciation of Svalbard

Where latitude and altitude above sea level do not allow snow to melt during the year, glaciers appear - accumulations of ice on mountain slopes and peaks, in saddles, depressions and niches on the slopes. Over time, the snow becomes

spins into firn and then into ice. Ice has the properties of a viscoplastic body and is capable of flow. At the same time he grinds and plows

the surface on which it moves. In the structure of a glacier, a zone of accumulation, or accumulation, of snow and a zone of ablation, or melting, are distinguished. These zones are separated by a food boundary. Sometimes it coincides with the snow line, above which there is snow throughout the year. The properties and behavior of glaciers are studied by glaciologists.


Small hanging glaciers lie in depressions on the slopes and often extend beyond the snow line. These are many glaciers of the Alps and Caucasus -

Randklufts - side cracks separating the glacier from the rocks

Bergschrund - crack in the area

glacier supply, separating the stationary and mobile

glacier parts

Median and lateral moraines

Transverse cracks on the glacier tongue

Basic moraine - material beneath a glacier

behind. Tar glaciers fill cup-shaped depressions on the slope - cirques, or cirques. In the lower part, the cirque is limited by a transverse ledge - a crossbar, which is a threshold beyond which the glacier has not crossed for many hundreds of years.

Many mountain-valley glaciers, like rivers, merge from several “tributaries” into one large one that fills the glacial valley. Such glaciers of especially large size (they are also called dendritic or tree-like) are characteristic of the highlands of the Pamirs, Karakoram, Himalayas, and Andes. For each region, there are also more detailed divisions of glaciers.

Summit glaciers occur on rounded or leveled mountain surfaces. The Scandinavian mountains have leveled summit surfaces - plateaus, on which this type of glaciers is common. The plateaus break off with sharp ledges towards the fjords - ancient glacial valleys that have turned into deep and narrow sea bays.

The uniform movement of ice in a glacier can give way to sudden movements. Then the glacier tongue begins to move along the valley at a speed of up to hundreds of meters per day or more. Such glaciers are called pulsating. Their ability to move is due to accumulated tension

V glacial thicker. As a rule, constant observations of a glacier allow one to predict the next pulsation. This helps prevent tragedies like the one that occurred in the Karmadon Gorge in 2003, when the pulsation of the Kolka glacier in the Caucasus caused many settlements flowering valley were buried under chaotic piles of ice blocks. Pulsating glaciers like these are not that uncommon.

V nature. One of them, the Bear Glacier, is located in Tajikistan, in the Pamirs.

Glacial valleys are U-shaped and resemble a trough. Their name - trog (from German Trog - trough) is connected with this comparison.

When Mountain peak covered on all sides by glaciers, gradually destroying the slopes, forming sharp pyramidal peaks - carlings. Over time, neighboring circuses may merge.

Edge of a glacier in the Himalayas

Debris on the surface of a glacier in the Alps

Rivers fed by glaciers, i.e. flowing out from under the glaciers, very muddy and stormy during the melting period in the warm season and, on the contrary, become clean and transparent in winter and autumn. The terminal moraine ridge is sometimes a natural dam for a glacial lake. During rapid melting, the lake can erode the shaft, and then a mudflow is formed - a mud-stone flow.


On the glacier bed, i.e. the part that comes into contact with the surface may have a different temperature. In the highlands of temperate latitudes and in some polar glaciers, this temperature is close to the melting point of ice. It turns out that a layer of melt water forms between the ice itself and the underlying surface. The glacier moves along it, like lubricant. Such glaciers are called warm, in contrast to cold ones, which are frozen to the bed.

Let’s imagine a snowdrift melting in the spring. As it gets warmer, the snow begins to settle, its boundaries decrease, retreating from the “winter” ones, streams run from under it... And on the surface of the earth, everything that has accumulated on and in the snow over the long winter months remains: all kinds of dirt, fallen branches and leaves, garbage. Now let's try to imagine

imagine that this snowdrift is several million times larger, which means that the pile of “garbage” after it melts will be the size of a mountain! When a large glacier melts, which is also called retreat, it leaves behind even more material - because its ice volume contains much more “garbage”. All inclusions left by a glacier after melting on the surface of the earth are called moraine or glacial deposits.

The glacier destroys valleys, abrases and scratches rock ledges in its path. In addition, he can transport all this debris over long distances from the place where it was captured. From

Melting glacier tongue

Bottom moraine

Lateral moraines

Glacial lake

Terminal moraine

Mountain glacier deposits

Where the debris is located and how it was transported by the glacier also varies between glacial deposits.

A surface moraine forms on the surface of the glacier - all the material that falls onto the glacier. Most of the debris accumulates on the adjacent slopes. Ridges of lateral moraines form here, and if the glacier consists of several

languages, then when they merge into one language, the lateral moraines become middle-

dynamic. After melting, such moraines look like long mounds stretching along the slopes down the valley.

The glacier is in constant motion. As a viscoplastic body, it has the ability to flow. Consequently, the fragment that fell on him from the cliff, after some time, may turn out to be quite far from this place. These fragments are collected (accumulated), as a rule, at the edge of the glacier, where the accumulation of ice gives way to melting. The accumulated material follows the contours of the glacier tongue and has the appearance of a curved embankment, partially blocking the valley. When the glacier retreats, the terminal moraine remains in its original place, gradually being eroded by meltwater. When a glacier retreats, several ridges of terminal moraines may accumulate, which will indicate intermediate positions of its tongue.

The glacier has retreated. A moraine swell remained in front of its front. But the melting continues. And behind the final moraine melted ice begins to accumulate -

rocky waters. A glacial lake appears, which is held back by a natural dam. When such a lake breaks through, a destructive mud-stone flow - a mudflow - often forms.

As the glacier moves down the valley, it destroys its base. Often this process, which is called "exaration", occurs unevenly. And then steps are formed in the glacier bed - crossbars (from German Riegel - barrier).

The moraines of cover glaciers are much more extensive and diverse, but they are less well preserved in the relief.

Glacier deposits

After all, as a rule, they are more ancient. And tracing their location on the plain is not as easy as in a mountain glacial valley.

In the last ice age, a huge glacier moved from the region of the Baltic crystalline shield, from the Scandinavian and Kola Peninsula. Where the glacier plowed out the crystalline bed, elongated lakes and long ridges - selgi - formed. There are many of them in Karelia and Finland.

It was from there that the glacier brought fragments of crystalline rocks - granites. During the long transportation of rocks, ice abraded the uneven edges of the fragments, turning them into boulders. To this day, such granite boulders are found on the surface of the earth in all areas of the Moscow region. Fragments brought from afar are called erratic. From the maximum stage of the last glaciation - the Dnieper, when the end of the glacier reached the valleys of the modern Dnieper and Don, only moraines and glacial boulders have been preserved.

After melting, the cover glacier left behind a hilly space - a moraine plain. In addition, numerous streams of melted glacial waters burst out from under the edge of the glacier. They eroded the bottom and terminal moraines, carried away thin clay particles and left sandy fields in front of the glacier's edge - outwash (from the Il. sand - sand). Melt water often washed tunnels under melting glaciers that had lost their mobility. In these tunnels, and especially when exiting from under the glacier, washed-up moraine material (sand, pebbles, boulders) accumulated. These accumulations are preserved in the form of long winding shafts - they are called ridges.

IN In cold climates, water in the depths and on the surface freezes to a depth of 500 m or more. Over 25% of the Earth's entire land surface is occupied by permafrost.

IN our country has more than 60% of such territory, because almost all of Siberia lies in its distribution zone.

This phenomenon is called perennial or permafrost. However, the climate can change toward warming over time, so the term "perennial" is more appropriate for this phenomenon.

IN Summer seasons - and they are very short and fleeting here - the top layer of surface soils can thaw. However, below 4 m there is a layer that never thaws. Groundwater can be either under this frozen layer, or remain in a liquid state between permafrost layers (it forms water lenses - taliks) or above the frozen layer. Upper layer which is subject to freezing and thawing is calledactive layer.


Ice in the ground can form ice veins. They often appear in places where frost cracks (formed during severe frosts) are filled with water. When this water freezes, the soil between the cracks begins to compress, because ice occupies a larger area than water. A slightly convex surface is formed, framed by depressions. Such polygonal soils cover a significant part of the tundra surface. When the short summer arrives and the ice veins begin to thaw, entire spaces are formed that look like a lattice of pieces of land surrounded by water “channels.”

Among the polygonal formations, stone polygons and stone rings are widespread. With repeated freezing and thawing of the ground, freezing occurs, pushing larger fragments contained in the soil to the surface by ice. In this way, soil is sorted, since its small particles remain in the center of the rings and polygons, and large fragments are shifted to their edges. As a result, shafts of stones appear, framing smaller material. Mosses sometimes settle on it, and in the fall the stone polygons amaze with their unexpected beauty:

bright mosses, sometimes with cloudberry or lingonberry bushes, surrounded on all sides by gray stones, looking like specially made garden beds. In diameter, such polygons can reach 1-2 m. If the surface is not flat, but inclined, then the polygons turn into stone strips.

The freezing of debris from the ground leads to the formation of a chaotic accumulation of large stones on the top surfaces and slopes of mountains and hills in the tundra zone, merging into stone “seas” and “rivers.” There is a name for them “kurums”.


This Yakut word denotes amazing

body shape of the relief - a hill or hillock with a forest

ice core inside. It is formed thanks to

an increase in the volume of water when freezing in the over-

permafrost layer. As a result, the ice rises

the surface thickness of the tundra and a mound appears.

Large bulgunnyakhs (in Alaska they are called es-

the Kimos word "pingo") can reach up to

Formation of polygonal soils

30-50 m height.

On the surface of the planet, not only belts of continuous permafrost stand out in cold natural zones. There are areas with so-called island permafrost. It exists, as a rule, in the highlands, in harsh places with low temperatures, for example in Yakutia, and is the remnants - “islands” - of the former, more extensive permafrost belt, preserved since the last ice age

LAND BUILDING. Planet Earth consists of a thin, hard shell (crust 10-100 km thick), surrounded by a powerful aquatic hydrosphere and dense atmosphere. The Earth's interior is divided into three main regions: the crust, the mantle and the core. The Earth's crust is the upper part of the Earth's solid shell, with a thickness ranging from one (under the oceans) to several tens of kilometers. (under the continents). It is composed of sedimentary layers and well-known minerals and rocks. Its deeper layers consist of various basalts. Beneath the crust is a hard silicate layer (presumably made from olivine) called the mantle, 1-3 thousand km thick, it surrounds the liquid part of the core, the central part of which with a diameter of about 2000 km is solid.


The Earth, like most other planets, is surrounded by a gaseous envelope - an atmosphere that consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. No other planet has an atmosphere with the same chemical composition as Earth's. It is believed that it arose as a result of long chemical and biological evolution. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into several regions according to temperature changes, chemical composition, physical state and degree of ionization of air molecules and atoms. The dense, breathable layers of the earth's atmosphere are no more than 4-5 km thick. Higher up, the atmosphere is very rarefied: its density decreases approximately three times for every 8 km of ascent. In this case, the air temperature first in the troposphere decreases to 220 K, but at an altitude of several tens of kilometers in the stratosphere it begins to increase to 270 K at an altitude of about 50 km, where the border with the next layer of the atmosphere passes - mesosphere(medium atmosphere). The increase in temperature in the upper stratosphere occurs due to the heating effect of ultraviolet and X-ray solar radiation absorbed here, which does not penetrate into the lower layers of the atmosphere. In the mesosphere, the temperature again decreases to almost 180 K, after which above 180 km in thermosphere its very strong growth begins to values ​​​​of more than 1000 K. At altitudes above 1000 km, the thermosphere turns into the exosphere , from which dissipation of atmospheric gases into interplanetary space occurs. An increase in temperature is associated with the ionization of atmospheric gases - the emergence of electrically conductive layers, which are generally called the earth's ionosphere.


An important feature of the Earth is a large amount of water, constantly present in different proportions in all three states of aggregation - gaseous (water vapor in the atmosphere), liquid (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and, to a lesser extent, the atmosphere) and solid (snow and ice) , mainly in the glacier X). Thanks to water balance, the total amount of water on Earth must be maintained. The world ocean occupies most of the Earth's surface (361.1 million km 2 or 70.8% of the Earth's surface area), its average depth is about 3800 m, the greatest - 11,022 m ( Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean), water volume 1370 million km 3, average salinity 35 g/l. The area of ​​modern glaciers is about 11% of the land surface, which is 149.1 million km 2 (» 29.2%). The land rises above the level of the World Ocean by an average of 875 m (the highest height is 8848 m - the peak of Chomolungma in the Himalayas). It is believed that the existence of sedimentary rocks, the age of which (according to radioisotope analysis) exceeds 3.7 billion years, serves as evidence of the existence of vast bodies of water on Earth already in that distant era when, presumably, the first living organisms appeared.

World Ocean.

The world's oceans are conventionally divided into four oceans. The largest and deepest of them is the Pacific Ocean. With an area of ​​178.62 million km2, it occupies half of the entire water surface of the Earth. Its average depth (3980 m) is greater than the average depth of the World Ocean (3700 m). Within its boundaries is also the deepest depression - Mariana (11,022 m). More than half the volume of water in the World Ocean is concentrated in the Pacific Ocean (710.4 out of 1341 million km 3). The second largest is the Atlantic Ocean. Its area is 91.6 million km 2, the average depth is 3600 m, the greatest is 8742 m (in the area of ​​​​Puerto Rico), the volume is 329.7 million km 3. Next in size is the Indian Ocean, which occupies an area of ​​76.2 million km 2, an average depth of 3710 m, the greatest depth of 7729 m (near the Sunda Islands), and a water volume of 282.6 million km 3. The smallest and coldest Arctic Ocean, with an area of ​​only 14.8 million km2. It occupies 4% of the World Ocean), has average depth 1220 m (maximum 5527 m), water volume 18.1 million km 3. Sometimes the so-called Southern Ocean (provisional name southern parts Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans adjacent to the Antarctic continent). The oceans include seas. For the life of the Earth, the constantly occurring water cycle (moisture cycle) plays a huge role. This is a continuous closed process of water movement in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and earth's crust, consisting of evaporation, transfer of water vapor in the atmosphere, steam condensation, precipitation and water flow into the World Ocean. In this single process, there is a continuous transition of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back.

Sea currents.

Sea currents (ocean currents) are translational movements of masses of water in the seas and oceans, caused by various forces (the action of friction between water and air, pressure gradients arising in water, tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun). The direction of sea currents is greatly influenced by the rotation of the Earth, which deflects currents to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Sea currents are caused either by the friction of the wind on the sea surface (wind currents), or by the uneven distribution of temperature and salinity of water (density currents), or by the slope of the level (discharge currents). By the nature of variability there are permanent, temporary and periodic (tidal origin), by location - surface, subsurface, intermediate, deep and near-bottom. According to physical and chemical properties - desalinated and salted.

They play a big role in shaping the climate on planet Earth, and are also largely responsible for the diversity of flora and fauna. Today we will get acquainted with the types of currents, the reasons for their occurrence, and consider examples.

It's no secret that our planet is washed by four Atlantic, Indian and Arctic seas. Naturally, the water in them cannot be stagnant, as this would long ago lead to an environmental disaster. Thanks to the fact that it constantly circulates, we can live fully on Earth. Below is a map of ocean currents; it clearly shows all the movements of water flows.

What is an ocean current?

The current of the World Ocean is nothing more than the continuous or periodic movement of large masses of water. Looking ahead, let’s say right away that there are many of them. They differ in temperature, direction, depth penetration and other criteria. Ocean currents are often compared to rivers. But the movement river flows occurs only downward under the influence of gravity. But the circulation of water in the ocean occurs due to many different reasons. For example, wind, uneven density of water masses, temperature differences, the influence of the Moon and the Sun, changes in pressure in the atmosphere.


I would like to start my story with the reasons that give rise to the natural circulation of water. Even now there is practically no accurate information. This can be explained quite simply: the ocean system does not have clear boundaries and is in constant motion. Now the currents that are closer to the surface have been studied in more depth. Today, one thing is known for sure: the factors influencing water circulation can be both chemical and physical.

So, let's look at the main reasons for the occurrence of ocean currents. The first thing I want to highlight is the impact of the wind. It is thanks to him that surface and shallow currents function. Of course, wind has nothing to do with water circulation at great depths. The second factor is also important: the impact of outer space. In this case, currents arise due to the rotation of the planet. And finally, the third main factor that explains the causes of ocean currents is different densities of water. All ocean currents are different temperature conditions, salinity and other indicators.

Directional factor

Depending on the direction, ocean water circulation flows are divided into zonal and meridional. The first ones move west or east. Meridional currents go south and north.

There are also other types that are caused by such ocean currents called tidal currents. They are most powerful in shallow waters in the coastal zone, at river mouths.

Currents that do not change strength and direction are called stable, or established. These include the Northern Trade Wind and Southern Trade Wind. If movement water flow changes from time to time, it is called unstable, or unsettled. This group is represented by surface currents.

Surface currents

The most noticeable of all are surface currents, which are formed due to the influence of wind. Under the influence of the trade winds that constantly blow in the tropics, huge flows of water are formed in the equator region. They form the Northern and Southern Equatorial (trade wind) currents. A small part of these turns back and forms a countercurrent. The main flows are diverted to the north or south when colliding with continents.

Warm and cold currents

The types of ocean currents play a critical role in the distribution of climate zones on Earth. Warm streams are usually called water streams that carry water with temperatures above zero. Their movement is characterized by a direction from the equator to high latitudes. These are the Alaska Current, the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, El Niño, etc.

Cold currents transport water in the opposite direction compared to warm ones. Where a current with a positive temperature occurs on their path, an upward movement of water occurs. The largest are considered to be Californian, Peruvian, etc.

The division of currents into warm and cold is conditional. These definitions reflect the ratio of the water temperature in the surface layers to the ambient temperature. For example, if the flow is colder than the rest of the water mass, then such a flow can be called cold. If on the contrary, then it is considered a warm current.

Ocean currents determine many things on our planet. By constantly mixing the water in the World Ocean, they create conditions favorable for the life of its inhabitants. And our lives directly depend on this.

The main reason for the appearance of currents is wind. Under the influence of stable winds, the most powerful cold current of the Western Winds arises, which forms a ring around Antarctica. The direction of currents is also influenced by the position of the continents and the outlines of their coasts. In the depths of oceans and seas, currents are formed due to different densities of water. More dense waters move towards less dense ones and create powerful currents at depth. The direction of sea currents is greatly influenced by the rotation of the Earth. Ocean currents influence nature and climate. They redistribute cold and heat between latitudes, as well as gases and dissolved nutrients. With the help of currents, animals and plants move and colonize new territories. The Canary Current is a cold current of the Atlantic Ocean that moves from north to south, skirting the Iberian Peninsula and Northwest Africa. The width of the Canary Current is 400-600 km. The Labrador Current is a cold sea current in the north Atlantic Ocean. Mixed with the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, each spring it carries icebergs from Greenland to the trans-Atlantic crossing. The Bengal Current is a cold current in the Atlantic Ocean off the western coast of Africa. The Falkland Current is a cold current of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America, a branch of the Western Winds Current. Carries a lot of icebergs. The Western Wind Current is the most powerful cold current in the World Ocean, also called the Antarctic Current. Crosses three oceans - Atlantic, Indian and Pacific. This current covers the Earth in a continuous ring, from which the cold Benguela, Western Australian and Peruvian currents branch. Its length exceeds 30 thousand km, the average width is about 1000 km. The Western Winds Current penetrates almost to the very bottom of the ocean to a depth of 4.5 km. The average current speed is 2 km/h. It is characterized by strong bends that arise under the influence of the contours of the continents and the bottom topography. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is a powerful source of energy, it forms cyclones and anticyclones that shape the weather throughout the planet. The Somali Current is a cold current in the Indian Ocean eastern shores Somali Peninsula in Africa. Caused by monsoon winds, it changes direction depending on the season. The California Current is a cold current in the Pacific Ocean. Passes along the coast of California. The Peruvian Current is a cold current in the Pacific Ocean that runs from south to north near the western coast of the South American continent. East Greenland is a cold current of the Arctic Ocean passing off the eastern coast of Greenland. It carries ice from the Arctic basin and icebergs in the summer months all year round.

Underwater currents are a variable phenomenon; they constantly change temperature, speed, force and direction. All this has a strong impact on the climate of the continents, and ultimately on human activity and development.

If earthly rivers flow along their channels due solely to the force of gravity, then with ocean currents the situation is much more complicated. The movement of ocean waters is caused by many reasons, some of which are even beyond the boundaries of the planet. The science of oceanography does not call every movement of water an ocean current; According to scientists, a sea (or ocean) current is only a forward movement of water. What causes its movement?


One of the reasons that causes water movement is wind. The flow resulting from its action is designated as drift. At the initial stage of research, scientists naturally assumed that the direction of such a current would coincide with the direction of the wind. But it turned out that this is only true for shallow water or a small body of water. At a significant distance from the coast, such a current begins to be influenced by the rotation of the planet, deflecting the movement of the water mass to the right (Northern Hemisphere) or left (Southern Hemisphere). In this case, the surface layer, due to the force of friction, drags the lower layer, which “pulls” the third, etc. As a result, at a depth of many meters, the water layer begins to move in the opposite direction compared to surface movement. This will cause attenuation of the lowest layer, which oceanographers characterize as the depth of the drift current.

Density of water and its difference

The next reason for the movement of water is the difference in the density of the liquid and its temperature. A typical example is the “meeting” of warm salty water from the Atlantic with the less dense cold current of the Arctic Ocean. As a result, the water mass from the warm Atlantic sinks down, flowing towards the North Pole and rushing towards North America. Or another example: the bottom current of dense salty water moves to the Black Sea from Marmara, and the surface current, on the contrary, from the Black Sea to Marmara.

Tidal currents

And another factor in the formation of currents is the attraction of such celestial bodies like the Moon, the Sun. As a result of their interaction with the Earth, gravitational forces form humps on the surface of the oceans, the height of which on the open water surface is no more than 2 m, and at the equator even 43 cm. Therefore, it is impossible to notice tides in the ocean; this phenomenon is clearly visible only on the coastal strip, here the height of waves during the high tide can reach 17 m. The strength of solar tides is approximately 2 times less than lunar tides. However, the tide can reach its maximum strength when both the Sun and Moon are on the same line (new moon, full moon). And vice versa, the lunar and solar tides will cancel each other out, because... the depression will be overlapped by a hump (1st, last quarter of the earth's satellite).


  • Sea currents
  • Peruvian current cold or warm

The circulation of the waters of the World Ocean in the polar regions of the northern and southern hemispheres is completely different. The Arctic Ocean is hidden under a cover of drifting ice. Current knowledge of currents in the Arctic Ocean indicates the presence of slow water transport in a counterclockwise direction. The free mixing of the deep cold waters of the Arctic with the deep waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is hampered by two rather shallow thresholds between the continents. The depth of the shallow threshold in the Bering Strait, separating Chukotka and Alaska, does not reach 100 m, but greatly impedes water exchange between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the Arctic.

In the southern hemisphere, things look different. The wide (300 miles) and deep (3000 m) Drake Passage - between South America and Antarctica - ensures unimpeded water exchange between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Thanks to this, the eastward-directed Antarctic Circumpolar Current extends to the bottom and, at the calculated water flow rate, turns out to be the greatest current in the World Ocean.

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is driven by prevailing westerly winds, and its average speed and water flow are determined by the balance between the tangential wind force at the surface and the force of friction on the bottom. It has been established that over depressions of the bottom the current deviates to the south, and over elevations - to the north, which indicates the undoubted influence of the bottom topography on the direction of this current.

The most pronounced advective flows of water in the deep oceans are observed along the western boundaries of the basins.

5. Currents

The horizontal translational movement of water in the oceans and seas is collectively called sea currents. They are created under the influence of various natural factors. Marine currents on the surface of oceans and seas are caused mainly by wind (wind currents). Its shear stress creates friction, and the moving air exerts pressure on the water surface. As a result, the top layer of water, about 1.5 km thick, begins to move in space. If the wind that caused the current acts steadily for a long time in approximately one direction, then a constant current is formed. It can spread over 1000 km. If the wind that forms the current acts for a short time, then an episodic random current is created that exists only for a relatively short time. Main role There are constant currents in the World Ocean. They are the ones who exchange water between different parts of the ocean, they are the ones who transfer heat and salts, i.e. ensure the unity of the World Ocean.

The movement of water in space creates temperature differences in currents. Accordingly they are divided into: warm currents– their water is warmer than surrounding waters; cold - their water is colder than the surrounding waters; neutral - their water is close in temperature to the surrounding waters.

The main characteristics of the sea current: speed (V m/s) and direction. The latter is determined in the opposite way compared to the method of determining wind direction, i.e. in the case of a current, it is indicated where the water flows (the northeast current goes to the northeast, the south - to the south, etc.), while in the case of the wind it is indicated where it blows from (the north wind blows from the north, the west from the west, etc.).

In the direction of water movement, currents can be rectilinear, when water moves along relatively straight lines, and circular, forming closed circles. If the movement in them is directed counterclockwise, then these are cyclonic currents, and if they are clockwise, then they are anticyclonic, sometimes called anticyclonic.

Sea currents cover the entire thickness of water from the surface to the bottom of the World Ocean. According to the depth of their flow, they are divided respectively into surface, deep and bottom. The speed of movement is highest in the uppermost (0 – 50 m) layer. It goes deeper. Deep waters move much slower, and the speed of movement of bottom waters is 3 – 5 cm/s. Current speeds are not the same in different areas of the ocean.

The horizontal movement of ocean waters is approximately characterized by symmetry relative to the equator, although each hemisphere has its own characteristics.

In the tropical zone of the World Ocean, where the trade winds of the northeastern direction dominate in the Northern Hemisphere and the southeastern direction in the Southern Hemisphere, powerful trade wind currents arise on both sides of the equator. Under the influence of the Coriolis force, they acquire a latitudinal direction and cross the Atlantic, Indian (except for its northern tropical part) and Pacific Ocean s. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the Northern Trade Wind Current, its average speed is 80 cm/s, and in the Southern Hemisphere it is the Southern Trade Wind Current, its average speed is 95 cm/s. Trade wind currents carry large masses of water, which creates a surge and, accordingly, increases the level on the eastern coasts of the continents. As a result, an outflow of water occurs near the coasts and between the Northern and Southern Currents an Intertrade Wind (equatorial) countercurrent is formed, the speed of which in different areas ranges from 50 to 130 cm/s. It is located at 2 – 8˚ N, which is due to the asymmetry of the location of the continents and oceans.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it is approximately 50˚ S latitude. Constant and strong westerly winds cause the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current (Western Wind Current). It moves from west to east with an average speed of 25 - 75 cm/s, bordering the southern parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, i.e. covers all ocean spaces of this part of the globe.

Thus, the Northern and Southern trade wind currents, the Inter-trade wind (equatorial) countercurrent and the Antarctic circumpolar current are the main currents of the World Ocean as a whole.

In the World Ocean, vortex movements of waters, different in origin, size, etc., are well expressed. Thus, the main stream of the Gulf Stream does not move rectilinearly, but forms horizontal wave-like bends - meanders. The wavelength between the crests is 35 – 370 km. Due to the instability of the flow, meanders sometimes separate from the Gulf Stream north of Cape Hatteras and independently existing eddies are formed. Their diameter is 100 - 300 km, thickness from a thousand to several thousand meters, duration of existence from several months to several years, water movement speed can reach 300 cm/s. Warm anticyclonic vortices are formed to the left of the Gulf Stream, and cold cyclonic vortices are formed to the right of it. Both drift at an average speed of about 7 km/day in the direction opposite to the direction of the current itself.

In the North Atlantic, eddies created by the bottom topography and winds have been discovered. They are cyclonic and anticyclonic, have a diameter of about 100 km, capture a layer of water about hundreds of meters thick and move at speeds of approximately several kilometers per day. Distributed in open ocean areas.

Table 1

Main currents of the World Ocean


Temperature gradation


Average speed,

Pacific Ocean

Northern trade wind


North Pacific







South trade wind

East Australian

South Pacific

















Very stable









Weakly stable

Weakly stable


Indian Ocean

South trade wind

Agulyasskoye (Cape Agulhas)

Western Australian

Antarctic circumpolar





Very stable



Arctic Ocean


West Spitsbergen

East Greenlandic

West Greenland






Atlantic Ocean

Northern trade wind

Gulf Stream

North Atlantic




Interpass countercurrent

South trade wind


South Atlantic



Antarctic circumpolar











Very stable

Very stable









