Interesting places in Africa. Travel to Africa. Masai Mara National Park. Kenya

Cape Town is the third largest and most popular city on the continent, located near the southernmost point of Africa. This spiritual and eccentric place is called by some the “windy city.” Cape Town has received several international tourism awards. Near the city rises Table Mountain, one of the seven new wonders of nature.

2. Nairobi

Nairobi is the most populous metropolis in East Africa and the largest city and capital of Kenya. It is known as the "Green City in the Sun". In terms of housing options, there are spacious suburban homes at affordable prices compared to other African cities, as well as luxury residential complexes with swimming pools and fitness centers. The surrounding plains, cliffs and forests provide a unique African provincial experience.

3. Accra


Accra is the largest city in Ghana, located in the southeastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast. There are several affluent areas including East Legon and Osu (Oxford Street) with luxury shopping. Attractions include: Makola Market, National Museum of Ghana, Independence Arch, Kwame Nkrumah Memorial. The tropical climate adds even more attractiveness to these regions.

4. Libreville


Libreville's stunning architecture and monuments have an unmistakable French imprint. The city lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. In 1960 it became the capital of Gabon. You can have fun relaxing on the local beaches. Near the city is the Akanda National Park, popular among ecotourists.

5. Johannesburg


Johannesburg is home to major shopping centers such as Sandton and East Gate. From the moment you walk down the plane at Tambo International Airport, you'll understand why Johannesburg is considered a world-class city. Despite the abundance of skyscrapers, some areas are literally surrounded by lush and greenery. Every traveler to South Africa should definitely visit the Kruger National Park.

6. Tunisia


Tunisia is one of the smallest countries in North Africa. In its capital of the same name, echoes of the Ottoman Empire and the French colonial past have been preserved in the form of contradictory architectural ensembles. The Medina of Tunis is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On the outskirts of the city is the famous Bardo Museum, famous for its huge collection of exhibits from the era of Carthaginian, Roman, Byzantine and Arab rule.

7. Grahamstown


Grahamstown is located in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and is known as the "city of saints" due to more than 40 religious buildings of various faiths. This city is home to a large center for training journalists. The most exciting time to visit Grahamstown is during the National Arts Festival and SciFest.

8. Kigali


Kigali is the heart of Rwanda and home to around one million people, as well as a large community of expats who enjoy taking advantage of the capital's diversity. Here rural areas alternate with new modern developments springing up in the central business district. One of the newest buildings is the Kigali Tower. This 20-story office and retail complex became the tallest building in the city. Kigali lies on a mountainside where rare mountain gorillas live.

9. Windhoek


The capital of the Republic of Namibia is attractive for many reasons. They say the city is clean, relatively safe and easy to get around. German culture has had a huge influence on Windhoek, from speech to architecture. The city is famous for its beer (Windhoek Lager), which is sold abroad in more than 20 countries.

10. Dar es Salaam


Dar es Salaam is the political and economic center and the largest city in Tanzania. The city lies on the shores of the Indian Ocean, famous for its local university, the largest and oldest public higher education institution in Tanzania, and the Institute of Technology. Dar es Salaam has its own stunning beaches (including exclusive resorts), but Zanzibar is just a short ferry ride away. The city is located near the equator and experiences tropical weather most of the year.

11. Gaborone


Gaborone is the capital of Botswana. It has gained a reputation as a peaceful, politically stable and economically powerful city as one of the largest diamond producers in the world. Precious stones continue to play an important role in the development of the city.

12. Algeria


Algeria has miles of beautiful beaches, sunshine, plenty of thriving cafes, and a vibrant economy. The city generally does not experience the extreme temperatures that occur in the surrounding desert. Here you can visit the Kasbah fortress, Martyrs' Square, Jamaa el-Kebir Mosque, Bardo Museum, Roman Catholic Cathedral.

13. Asmara


Asmara is the capital and largest city of Eritrea. Some call it "the safest city in the world." It lies at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level, it is pleasantly cool here, but the weather is dry and sunny almost all year round. The city features beautiful architecture from the thriving Italian community of colonial times. Asmara is also the economic center of the country. This city was even nicknamed “little Rome”

South African Tourism/flickr

The nature of Africa is truly multifaceted, but few people know about it. The continent has not yet become a popular tourist destination, with the exception of its northern part. Today we will talk about the natural attractions of Africa outside the top tourist areas. You will be surprised, but in addition to African savannas and deserts, the continent’s nature is rich in national parks, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, and one of the most famous waterfalls in the world - Victoria Falls - is located right here in Africa. Read our article about what the nature of Africa is like, what its main attractions are and how to get to them.

Victoria Falls is nestled somewhere on the border of two countries - Zambia and Zimbabwe. The height of the waterfall is 120 meters, impressive, isn't it? The compilers of the UNESCO lists, apparently, also considered it and included it in the World Heritage List. Victoria Falls once formed on the Zambezi River in a narrow chasm and gradually expanded. Just think, Victoria Falls is twice as wide and taller than another famous waterfall - Niagara. Victoria is located not only on the territory of two states, but also on the territory of two natural parks - Thundering Smoke and Victoria Falls. Tourists can explore the area from one side and the other. The closest starting points are Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Maramba in Zambia. The best vantage point for the falls is at the Nive Edge Bridge, and its opening hours are from early morning until 6 pm.

Christiaan Triebert/flickr

2. Congo River

Known for its deserts and savannas, the nature of Africa can surprise you once again: did you know that one of the deepest rivers in the world is also located in Africa? The Congo River stretches over 4.5 thousand km in length, it crosses the equator twice and is located in three African countries. Surprisingly, the river is fed mainly by rainfall. And this despite the fact that Africa is considered one of the driest continents on the globe! All these facts are impressive, but what will tourists really appreciate on the Congo River? The places of interest here are Stanley Falls and Livingston Falls.

The first has 7 rapids and is included in the Guinness Book of Records in terms of water flow; the second waterfall is considered the world's largest waterfall in terms of water flow per second. Livingston Falls is located near the capital of Congo - Kinshasa, so it is better to start your trip here. As for Stanley Falls, it is located between the cities of Ubundu and Kisangani, also in the Congo. You can explore the waterfalls either with a helicopter tour or by canoe, which is more suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts.

David Tansey/flickr

3.Cape of Good Hope

Located in South Africa on the Cape Peninsula, the Cape of Good Hope is the most southwestern point of Africa, where the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the cold waters of the Atlantic meet. The Cape of Good Hope is located in the reserve of the same name, so in addition to the fantastic views from the panoramic platform, it’s worth going here to get acquainted with the amazing flora and fauna of the area. An interesting fact is that penguins and seals have settled on the coast of the reserve, so you can see these animals in their natural environment not only in the vastness of Antarctica. Cape Town is considered the closest city to the Cape of Good Hope; from there, the journey directly to the cape will take about 4 hours by taxi or tourist bus.

4.Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is known to us from numerous songs and references in films. Meanwhile, Kilimanjaro is the highest volcano-mountain in Africa! And although now the volcano located in Tanzania does not pose a great danger, the potential for its volcanic activity is quite high. Now Mount Kilimanjaro is extremely popular among climbers. The eastern side is considered easier to climb, while the western side is more suitable for professionals. The closest city to the volcano mountain is the town of Moshi, where most tourists begin their journey. There is also an international airport nearby, which makes visiting the capital of Tanzania completely unnecessary.

The best months for climbing are December-February, because... The region has a strong rainy season. Most tourist routes to Mount Kilimanjaro lead to one final destination - the caldera of the extinct volcano Kibo. Routes are usually designed for 5-8 days. In the town of Moshi, the tourist center has all the necessary information on climbing.

The Drakensberg Mountains are located on the territory of 3 countries - South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. Most of the mountain range is part of the Drakensberg National Park and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The flora and fauna of the place is unusually diverse and includes endemic species. In the Drakensberg Mountains, every place is of amazing beauty, every panorama is breathtaking. You should start your journey to this fabulous and original region from the town of Durban, where the tourist center is located.

It is from Durban that it is most convenient to get to the Drakensberg National Park. The park, it must be said, is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay for tourists: there are even lodges and campsites. Among the entertainment in the park, tourists have plenty to choose from. Fishing, hiking, horseback riding, group excursions and even helicopter excursions.

Steve Slater/flickr

The national park of the same name is located in the Serengeti eco-region of Africa in Tanzania. Its natural continuation is the Ngorongoro national parks also in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya. The Serengeti is a region of untouched lowland expanses that are home to various species of animals unique to Africa. It is here, in the Serengeti, that the annual migration of animals occurs, described in many books and programs on biology. The park offers various entertainments for tourists, for example, excursions to Lake Natron, where flamingos live, or hot air balloon excursions, when a bird's eye view of wildlife in its natural environment is visible: lions, cheetahs, buffaloes live on the plains and savannas, giraffes, leopards, elephants and many other animals.

Also located on the territory of the Serengeti Park is the Oldo Lengai volcano, where excursions are also available. The best time to visit the park is considered to be from December to March to avoid the rainy season. You can get to this place from the towns of Arusha, Lake Manyara and Mwanza. By the way, there are lodges and campsites for tourists in the park.

Güldem Üstün/flickr

7.Sahara Desert

The Sahara occupies about 30% of the area of ​​Africa and is located on the territory of 10 African states. Impressive, isn't it? Contrary to popular belief, the desert consists not only of quicksand, but also of rocky plateaus, and only 25% of the entire desert is occupied by sand dunes. And despite the high degree of aridity of the Sahara Desert, annual rainfall falls here, and sandstorms also occur. Tourists most often visit the northern part of the desert. Here the temperatures are not so high (relatively speaking), and in winter there are even frosts.

The closest settlements near the Sahara Desert are the city of Douz (Tunisia), the cities of Mhamid and Merzouga (Morocco) and the city of Siwa (Egypt). The most remarkable from a scenic point of view will be the views from Morocco. It is here that you can admire the red dunes and visit the desert oasis - the Draa Valley. Excursion activities are quite developed in Moroccan towns near the Sahara Desert, and the excursions themselves, as a rule, begin at the foot of the Atlas Mountains; “Moroccan” routes are famously popular among tourists.

8. Namib Desert

A distinctive feature of the Namib Desert from the Sahara Desert is that the Namib is a coastal desert, while the Sahara is an inland desert. The desert stretches for almost 2000 km across the territory of the states of Namibia and South Africa along the Atlantic coast. The proximity to the ocean makes the Namib Desert more populated. For example, seals and penguins like to nest on the shores of the desert. The Namib Desert is a mixture of mountain ranges and sand dunes. It is believed that this is where the highest sand dune is located - Dune No. 7, 383 meters high. Most of the desert territory is protected - these are the Namib Desert national parks, the Cape Cross seal reserve, and the Skeleton Coast national park.

You will be surprised, but the desert is crossed by roads and railways, and there are even several cities. There are also coastal roads that provide access to the tourist area. Tourism here is relatively well developed; lodges and campsites are organized for tourists, as well as an interesting excursion program. Getting to Namibia is not so easy; there are simply no direct flights from Russia, but you can fly with transfers in Europe or South Africa. Russian tourists do not require a visa to Namibia.

Damien du Toit/flickr

9. Limpopo River

The Limpopo is a river that we have heard about since childhood; it is a recognizable image in children's songs and cartoons. So what is this Limpopo River and where is it located? Limpopo is the natural border between the states of Botswana and Zimbabwe. Another name for the Limpopo River is the crocodile river. In 2002, a reserve of the same name was organized here, which occupies part of the territory of as many as 3 states. Limpopo Transnational Park is located on the border of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The area is well guarded and open for tourist purposes. The easiest way to enter the park is from South Africa (the nearest cities are Nelspruit and Maputo).

The park is home to rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction; it is for this purpose that this transnational park was organized. Tourist excursions with professional guides are carried out inside the park, because... This is, after all, a land of wild nature.

Derek Keats/flickr

10.Table Mountain

Table Mountain is a unique symbol of South Africa. The picturesque mountain is located in the bay of the same name on the shores of Cape Town. The height of Table Mountain is more than 1000 m, and it itself consists of rather steep rocky slopes, which from the outside make an indelible impression of their brutality and monumentality. What is definitely convenient for tourists is that there is a cable car on Table Mountain, which makes it relatively easy and safe to reach the peak of the mountain and admire the beauty of the bay and the city from a bird's eye view.

David Stanley/flickr

Africa's natural attractions are some of the most diverse on the planet. Lunar landscapes of deserts and picturesque valleys coexist here, and the rarest species of animals and plants live here. Despite its arid climate, it is here that one of the largest waterfalls in the world, Victoria, is located, and the continent is also famous for its numerous national parks that carefully protect the nature of Africa from external influences.

Anita Ritenour/flickr

Practical and eventful travels to you!

Africa is one of the most beautiful continents, with its savannas, oases, desert landscapes and vibrant horizons. Add to this a rich world of wildlife, with lions, cheetahs, tigers and other giant cats. A safari excursion is the most popular option for exploring Africa with its countless landscapes and attractions. This feed contains the 10 most popular African wonders. By visiting them during a safari, you will fall in love with Africa even more. Don't forget to bring your camera, plenty of fresh water, sunglasses and powerful binoculars to experience the best side of one of the most beautiful continents in the world.

Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi is one of the most amazing wonders stretching across the borders of three countries in southeast Africa. It occupies such a large area that it looks more like a sea. Malawi is unique because of its unrivaled underwater ecosystem. Dozens of fish species make it the richest freshwater lake in the entire world, while the surrounding ecosystem is equally unique. The magnificent shores of Lake Malawi are lined with lush green vegetation, small islands, cliffs, sand dunes, and panoramic trails. Walking along the shores of the lake, you can enjoy all its beauties and the endless blue horizon. Here you can’t help but feel like a lost paradise, an oasis on the continent, and in some places even alien landscapes.

Mount Kilimanjaro

At 5,895 meters above sea level in Tanzania, you can encounter the highest place in Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro. Despite such an impressive height and scale, even beginners can easily conquer this peak. Thus, Kilimanjaro is one of the best destinations on the continent for mountain adventure lovers. This giant mountain proves that snow in Africa is not a miracle or a mirage. Kilimanjaro showcases the true beauty of Africa's panoramic views. From the highest points of the mountain, the bright horizon of Tanzania can be seen as far as the eye can see, and in good weather you can see Kenya. This is the most striking image of a natural miracle, demonstrating a beautiful combination of harmony, majesty and perfection.

Egyptian pyramids

The Great Pyramids of Giza are the oldest structures not only in Egypt, but throughout the world. The huge pyramid complex is located near the city of Cairo and is easily accessible. On a clear day with blue skies, you can see the giant silhouettes of the pyramids on the skyline of the southwestern outskirts of the city. Two smaller pyramids complement the largest pyramid of Cheops or the Pyramid of Khufu, as well as numerous smaller pyramids and other ancient archaeological artifacts. The Sphinx is another iconic landmark, recognized around the world for its surreal shape. And this is only a small part of what Egypt has to offer tourists.

Okavango Delta, Botswana

The Okavango Delta is another enticing place to visit in Africa, if only because it is the largest inland delta not only on the continent but in the entire world. The delta covers a gigantic area in Botswana, so it's worth setting aside at least a week to explore it. But even this time is only enough to visit only a few of the most beautiful places. The Okavango Delta is known for its complex network of waterways and wetlands, transforming it into an aquatic paradise for all kinds of wildlife. The Okavango has great diversity and abundance of wildlife. Nature is always drawn to water, so it's no surprise that the Okavango Delta is a land of abundance.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Another giant natural masterpiece, more like a wonder than a typical African landscape. The amazing Victoria Falls straddle the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, creating one of the highest and most extensive areas of continuously falling water in the world. The sound of crashing water and a 100-meter-high stream will always show you the right path to the waterfalls, where you can take very beautiful photographs. There are many viewpoints from which you can take stunning panoramic photos, such as at the top of the river canyon. Among the most popular activities among tourists are excursions along the river canyon, kayaking in the rushing streams of the river, or a wonderful picnic at sunrise.

Djenné Mosque

The Djenné Mosque in Mali is another place you must visit when traveling in southern Mali. This is a gigantic clay masterpiece that carries the historical heritage of several centuries. The structure is built from clay bricks, while the unique architectural design places the Djenné Mosque at the top of the list with the most impressive and largest mosques in the world. The well-recognized pale façade is highlighted by a series of wooden beams covering all the walls, creating an intimidating appearance. Enjoy the view at sunset as the impressive and breathtaking landscape of this mosque is transformed by the magical golden glow of the sun's rays illuminating the clay walls and casting mystical dark shadows.

Medjumbe Private Island

Just off the northern coast of Mozambique lies a tiny little piece of tropical paradise. This is the magnificent Medjumbe Private Island, which has its own unique airport, white sandy beaches, lush green palm trees, exotic huts overlooking crystal clear turquoise ocean waters. These places are ideal for relaxation and countless luxurious amenities make for a relaxing holiday. The private beach huts are designed to reflect local culture and tradition, giving guests a unique opportunity to explore the lavish local atmosphere and way of life. Leisure on a hammock under a palm tree, listening to the hypnotic sound of the waves, is the most wonderful pastime for connoisseurs of taste and style.

Fish River Canyon

Travel to southernmost Namibia to see the stunning Fish River Canyon. With a total area of ​​almost 6,000 sq. kilometers, it is the largest in Africa. In some places it is more than 500 meters deep, and the reddish, brownish and orange hues of the slopes become magical, bathed in the golden glow of the sunset. Countless adventures of all kinds await travelers here.

Masai Mara Game Reserve

The Maasai Mara National Reserve is a green exotic gem on the earth and a wildlife paradise in Kenya. The reserve covers a huge area of ​​amazing unspoiled nature, home to many species of wildlife. From elephants, rhinoceroses, cheetahs, zebras, elephants and giraffes, the Masai Mara National Wildlife Refuge covers almost all African animal species.

Marrakech, Morocco

Finally, visit the unique and historic city of Marrakech in northern Morocco. Along with a huge number of historical and cultural attractions, you can find a range of charming traditional markets, ancient streets with old buildings and lavish architecture, bustling crowds from all over the world, huge squares and many other interesting attractions. Meanwhile, the magical charm of Marrakech is unique, and it can be felt even in the air.

Recently, ratings have become very popular. On the one hand, they seem to be conceived somehow primitive, PR and subjective. On the other hand, in my opinion, they help to structure large amounts of information and squeeze out a lot of water and information noise. I also decided to take a swing at our William Shakespeare’s ranking of the most interesting places in Africa.

You could, of course, lighten up the topic with a catchy title like “10 must-see places in Africa” or something similar. But I won’t be like top bloggers :) Naturally, the concept of “interesting” hints at the subjectivity of the list: what is interesting to one may be absolutely not interesting to another. Therefore, this is the most subjective, but unbiased list of African interesting things :)

The reasons why people travel to Africa can be divided into 3 components - animals, people and nature. For me, this is an axiom, which formed the basis of the list.

Omo River Valley. Ethiopia

A unique place in Africa, and perhaps on the entire planet, where original tribes still remain, minimally affected by civilization. Mursi, Surma, Erbore, Hamer... Each tribe is unique in its way of life, traditions, and decorations of its own body. In the Omo Valley, it is as if you are traveling in a time machine many centuries, or even millennia, back to the primitive communal system. Of course, the proximity to the benefits of civilization had an impact on the tribes of this part of Ethiopia. The war that lasted here for a considerable time also took its toll. Many men carry Kalashnikov assault rifles, for example, instead of spears and bows. The local population has already become accustomed to the fact that tourists are regularly brought to them, and have even learned to benefit from it. Don't expect to be able to photograph the exotic appearance of these proud sons of Africa for free. Every frame is taken into account and payment is inevitable :)

Masai Mara National Park. Kenya

Perhaps the most popular national park in Africa, an icon of the Kenyan tourism industry, one of the best parks on the continent. The Masai Mara is often written in superlatives and, it should be noted, quite deservedly. The park is like a continuation of the Serengeti, only on the territory of Kenya. The Masai Mara is famous for its prides of lions, and in general it is one of the best places in Africa to observe the big cat: lions, leopards and cheetahs.

And, of course, we should not forget about the great migration that takes place in the Masai Mara from July to October, when millions of wildebeest herds arrive in the park from Tanzania. Safari in the Masai Mara is at its most spectacular at this time.

Amboseli National Park. Kenya

Kilimanjaro is the same symbol of Africa as Victoria Falls or the Cape of Good Hope, and, despite the fact that the mountain itself is located in Tanzania, the best and most picturesque view of it opens from the Amboseli National Reserve (Kenya). That is why even many Tanzanian travel websites and offline guides do not hesitate to illustrate articles about Kilimanjaro with photographs taken in Amboseli.

Elephants and Kilimanjaro, giraffes and Kilimanjaro, Masai and Kilimanjaro, African acacias and Kilimanjaro... If you want to add these subjects to your portfolio, then Amboseli is your place. The park is good in itself, there are all the big five, but it is Kilimanjaro that makes the safari in Amboseli special and unique.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Tanzania

The highest concentration of wild animals in the world in their natural habitat. This argument immediately gives a head start and increases the attractiveness of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Animals here are separated from the rest of the world by the high slopes of the crater of an ancient volcano. As one client said: “Where would they go in a submarine?” :) Ngorongoro boasts the Big Five, and its relatively small size and confined space make the safari here one of the most exciting in Africa.

Volcanoes National Park. Rwanda

Gorillas and golden monkeys are the stars of this national park, located in northern Rwanda on the border with Congo and Uganda. I have never met a single person whom these animals would leave indifferent.

In the park, you shouldn’t expect a traditional jeep safari, where you are driven to the animals and all you have to do is press the “masterpiece” button on your precious camera. Moreover, a meeting with these majestic and cute primates must be earned by walking more than one kilometer through the mountain tropical rain forest. But this makes the impressions more vivid and the pictures more valuable :)

Okavango Delta. Botswana

The uniqueness of the Okavango Delta speaks for itself. Not so much in the world of rivers that overflow into deltas without flowing anywhere. The wildest and still untouched by civilization place in Africa. Forget about wi-fi, telephone connections, TVs, etc. A real tête-à-tête with the wild nature of Africa in its original form. And be prepared for wild animals to be closer to you than you might think. The Okavango Delta has a unique combination of rich wildlife (the Big Five are found in the Moremi Game Reserve) and varied landscapes. A dream safari for gourmets:)

Alley of Baobabs. Madagascar

Another symbol of Africa is the baobab. There are quite a few of these giants scattered throughout Africa, but so many in one place... In my opinion, just one avenue of baobabs is a sufficient reason to visit Madagascar. And if you add lemurs and other endemics of the island to it, then doubts grow into confidence that you need to go, or rather, fly :)

Victoria Falls. Zimbabwe/Zambia

Victoria Falls is one of the three largest waterfalls in the world and that says it all.

Africa is a huge continent and there are many places worth seeing. Majestic mountains, magnificent waterfalls, amazing culture - Africa has it all. It is not easy to choose the best routes, but the tourism-review portal tried to surprise travelers.

1. Cape Town, South Africa

Traveling to Cape Town is the most memorable part of the Africa tour. This city is full of natural beauty - visit the charming beaches and Table Mountain in the city center. In Cape Town you can taste fine wines in high-end restaurants. The V&A Waterfront is home to some of the best restaurants and shopping centres. Highlights include Robben Island (site of Nelson Mandela's 18-year imprisonment), beaches, Table Mountain and vineyards.

2. Djenné, Mali

Djenne is the oldest city on the southern edge of the Sahara. Founded in 800 AD, the city is located in the Niger Delta, a few miles from Timbuktu. Djenné was once a transit point for traders transporting goods between the Guinea and the Sahara Desert. Djenne has now become a cultural center of Islam, and the ancient Great Mosque still stands in the market square.

3. Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

It is one of the world's greatest architectural achievements. The Great Pyramids are over 5,000 years old, and travelers have been flocking to them since ancient times. There are three pyramids in Giza: the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), the pyramid of Khafre and the pyramid of Menkaure.

4. Marrakech, Morocco

The city of Marrakech stands at the foot of the Atlas Mountains. It is a large, noisy, but very beautiful city, and there is a lot of interesting things to do. Look out of the window of a riad (hotel in an old house) in the medina: this part of the city is simply charming! Be sure to breathe in the fresh air of the Majorelle Gardens and then head to Djemaa el Fna Square, the heart of the Medina.

5. Masai Mara, Kenya

If you want to see something truly amazing, go to the Masai Mara Reserve. From July to October, Kenya is dry, so the diversity of flora and fauna is amazing. In addition, nowhere else in the world will you be able to admire the wildebeest migration from a hot air balloon.

6. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest in the world. It is very difficult to conquer its peak, since the climb takes 6 days. But if you are determined and strong, then you will succeed without additional equipment.

7. Mountain gorillas, Virunga National Park, Uganda, Rwanda, Congo

Did you know that there are only about 700 mountain gorillas in the world? Not everyone will be able to see them in the wild. About 300 mountain gorillas live in Virunga Park, located in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda in eastern Africa.

8. Omo Valley, Ethiopia

The best place for both cultural enrichment and rafting during your vacation is the Omo River Valley. You can only get there by car, but the trip is worth it. The traditions and beliefs of more than fifty local tribes have been preserved in their original form, and it is better to get acquainted with this culture accompanied by a guide.

9. Victoria Falls, Zambia, Zimbabwe

This waterfall is located between these two countries in South Africa. The width of the waterfall is more than 1800 meters, and the height is about 120 meters. This place is amazing, it feels like you are standing in the rain, especially during the rainy season, when more than 5 million liters of water pour into the Zambezi River. The spray rises 300 meters, and the sound of the waterfall can be heard at a distance of 50 kilometers.

10. Zanzibar, Tanzania

The Zanzibar archipelago is a very popular tourist destination, and its popularity is due to its incredibly beautiful beaches and wonderful historical past. It belongs to Tanzania and has been keeping its traditions for many years. Zanzibar was famous for its spices, and it was also the center of the Arab slave trade. The influence of Arab culture is noticeable in Zanzibar, especially in Stone Town, the ancient part of Zanzibar, where the Sultan's palace and many mosques are located.