Interesting facts about rivers. The most amazing facts about the rivers of the world. Man and river flows

What could be interesting about an ordinary river? It's just flowing water, isn't it? In fact, rivers can be surprisingly interesting. They may seem unremarkable, but even the answers to questions about where rivers originate, where they flow, where and how they flow can lead us to amazing conclusions. For example, how can you measure the length of a river? And if it has one or more sleeves, how to measure its width? Moreover, scientists have discovered rivers on Saturn's moon, Titan. Just incredible, isn't it? However, even on Earth, rivers play a much more important role in the life of every person than one might imagine.

A unique river in the world - The highest mountain river

It is a 251-kilometer river in the Middle East that flows to Dead Sea. The river is important in Judaism and Christianity. This is the place where the Israelites crossed the Promised Land and where Jesus of Nazareth was baptized by John the Baptist. Caño Cristales is a Colombian river. The river is commonly called the "River of Five Colors" or the "Liquid Rainbow" and is even called the most beautiful river in the world due to its vibrant colors.

Unique rivers of the world and rivers of Russia - Rivers that temporarily go underground

Rivers and their tributaries are the veins of the planet, pumping fresh water in wetlands and lakes, as well as in the sea. Rivers have always been important to people. In prehistoric times, people settled along river banks where they found fish and water for drinking, cooking and bathing.

In fact, rivers shaped the direction of civilizations. People settled along the banks of rivers, transported goods along them, and also used them as protective barriers. In fact, most ancient civilizations arose along the course of rivers. They flourished and faded depending on the flow of the rivers. Today, rivers remain an important part of the transport system, as well as a source of food. We present to your attention twenty-five interesting facts about rivers that you might not know.

Rivers are the cradle of civilization. All major civilizations developed on the banks of rivers, such as Mesopotamian, Indian Valley, Egyptian and Chinese civilization. Over the centuries, rivers provided routes for trade, exploration, and settlement. Rivers continue to provide transport routes, water for drinking and irrigation of agricultural land, as well as electricity for homes and industries.

There are 18 countries that do not have a single river. Known as the "land of rivers" with over 700 rivers. It has more rivers than any other country. The oldest river is actually called the New River. It passes through North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.

25. Initially, diamonds were not mined, they were simply found at the bottom of rivers.

24. There is evidence of the existence of an underground river, which is located at a depth of approximately 4 kilometers under the Amazon. It is similar in length to the Amazon - its length is 6,000 kilometers, but it is several hundred times wider. This river was named Hamza (Rio Hamza).

Unique rivers of Russia - The cleanest rivers in the world

Every year, hundreds of fireballs spontaneously explode from the Mekong River in Thailand. Some believe that the orbs come from the breath of Naga, a mythical serpent that haunts the river. Others believe the fireballs are actually pockets of methane bubbling up from the river, but many local residents are still convinced that fireballs are of supernatural origin.

The ancient Greeks believed that five rivers surrounded Hades, the underworld. These rivers are Styx, Phlegton, Acheron, Cocytus and Lethe. The Greeks believed that dead souls had to cross the Acheron River, a branch of the Styx, to reach the underworld. They crossed a ferry piloted by Charon, the ferryman of Hades.

23. Every year, fireballs rise from the surface of the Mekong River, located in Thailand. These balls are known as Naga fireballs and some people believe that they are the result of methane accumulations. Nevertheless, these balls became a source of inspiration for huge amount local legends.

The Indus River is the only river that is home to Platanish indicus minor, also known as the Indus River dolphin. This is a type of river dolphin that is one of the most endangered cetaceans on the planet. The Indus River is the most long river in Asia. It rises in the Kailash range of the Tibetan Himalayas and flows west through India, then southwest through Pakistan and finally into the Arabian Sea. This river is of utmost importance to Pakistan. It is also considered one of the most important rivers in the Indian subcontinent.

Unique rivers of the world - Blue rivers, icy banks

This Greek word was taken from the old Persian word Hindu, which was derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu. Additionally, the country of India and the state of Sindh in Pakistan are believed to have received their names from this river. ◼ The river has its own name in different languages.

22. The oldest river in the USA is actually called the New River. Some scientists believe that this is the only river whose age exceeds the age of the African Nile River.

The longest river is the Nile

◼ It is the 21st largest river in the world, resulting in an estimated annual flow of approximately 207 km. It is known that one of ancient civilizations, called the Indus Valley Civilization, flourished around the basins of the Indus River and its tributaries. Today this area is covered by Pakistan and Northwestern India. These cities are believed to have the largest human populations since ancient times.

Volkhov - a river flowing backwards

◼ The fusion of snow and glaciers from the Karakoram, Hindu Kush and Himalayan ranges is said to provide additional water to the river. ◼ Of the many mythical rivers depicted in the Rig Veda, “Sindhu” is one. It is believed to be a reference to the Indus River. ◼ The Indus plays an important role in serving water for agriculture and food production in Pakistan. It is the main source mainly for the states of Punjab and Sindh. In the word Punjab, "Punj" means five and "aab" means water. When combined, this word means “five waters.”

21. The chocolate river in the movie Willy Wonka was made of real chocolate and water, as a result of which it spoiled and became a source of a very unpleasant odor.

20. Every year, every day for three weeks, the full moon causes a tidal wave to rush with great force up the Amazon. Because of this phenomenon, the longest waves in the world are increasing. Some surfers zipped along them for a distance of 10 kilometers!

Thus, Punjab is known as the “land of five rivers”. Finally flowing into the Indus, the five rivers in Punjab are the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej. They make up the Indus River system. ◼ The Indus is an important river in Pakistan, supporting many heavy industries. It also serves as the main source of drinking water for the inhabitants of this region.

◼ It is believed to show a tidal hole, which is a phenomenon observed in only a few rivers. The tidal hole is high wave, which can be dangerous and is caused by tidal currents. ◼ The flow of this river is believed to vary with the changing seasons. While during winter the river is slow, during spring and early summer there is an increase in its flow. During the monsoon months, it tends to overflow its banks and is prone to flooding.

19. Martin Strel from Slovenia swam along the entire course of rivers such as the Mississippi, Amazon, Danube and Yangtze.

18. The Mongols were so treacherous and cruel that they changed the courses of entire rivers in order to exterminate the population of the city they wanted to destroy.

Unusual rivers of the world - Rivers flowing higher than the surrounding area

◼ Due to the turbulence of its rushing waters, it is navigable only in certain parts of its course. That is, it is suitable for navigation only during low water periods. ◼ The Indus River and its basin are said to have high level biodiversity, providing refuge for about 25 amphibians and 147 other species, and supporting a temperate forest, plains and dryland ecosystem.

Unusual river of the world - The river with the most violent temperament

One of the world's greatest waterways, the mighty Mekong River cuts straight through the heart South-East Asia, in general and harboring an amazing variety wildlife, landscapes and cultures along their shores. When you go on a Mekong River cruise, like this one, you get a fascinating insight into the local village way of life, including the opportunity to visit some of the most famous places in the region, as well as many hidden precious stones. Here are some interesting facts you might come across if you are planning to visit.

17. The first bridge across the Amazon was opened in 2010.

16. There are 17 countries in the world that do not have any rivers. Saudi Arabia is the largest of them.

The 12th longest river in the world and unites several countries together

The Mekong is an important point of connection and unification between the countries of the region and its diverse peoples, landscapes and cultures.

The Tibetan Himalayas feed the river

The river is fed by the melting snow waters of the Tibetan Himalayas and begins its journey through the steep mountain gorges of Yunnan Province of China. Gathering power from numerous tributaries along the way, the volume of water increases dramatically as it flows through the heart of the Golden Triangle. A Mekong cruise is a fantastic way to gain unprecedented immersion in the region's diversity and many of its most remarkable attractions.

15. A river separates one of the safest cities in North America(El Paso, Texas) from one of the most dangerous (Juarez, Mexico)

14. Imjin River in South Korea received the nickname “river of the dead” because of the huge number of corpses of North Koreans who were carried down by the current.

Unusual river of the world - River playing hide and seek

Some cruises take in all six countries, while others focus on more low areas in Cambodia and Vietnam, which are more easily navigable and are hotbeds for fascinating culture, wildlife and history. Because the Mekong straddles so many international borders, it is unsurprisingly known by many different names. Each of them reflects specific characteristics of the Mekong, and also demonstrates the great diversity of cultures and ethnic groups through which the river flows.

13. For approximately six months and 10 hours a day, the mouth of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela receives hundreds of lightning strikes per hour. This “lightning storm” has been happening here every year for hundreds of years.

It is very powerful, but subject to extreme seasonal fluctuations

It is the most commonly used name, reflected in the internationally recognized "Mekong". Meanwhile, in Vietnam, the river is often referred to as Cuyu Long, or "Nine Dragons" due to the many branches that appear in the delta. Other names for the Mekong include Stone River, Great Water and Dragon Running River. The Mekong is a famously powerful river with significant variations in its size and volume depending on the time of year. Navigation is often difficult due to the rapids and waterfalls along its course, as well as the fact that it is subject to extreme seasonal variations.

12. There are more than 26,000 headstones in the Delaware River. When the local cemetery was converted into a parking lot, the headstones were used as foundations for the construction of the Betsy Ross Bridge.

11. In 1720, when the South Sea Company folded, the British Parliament considered putting bankers in bags filled with snakes and then throwing them into the Thames.

This usually results in significant flooding of the entire river system. Interestingly, there are not enough outlets in the delta area, so the flow may actually start moving back upstream in some places. This causes water levels to rise, leading to what is known as a "pulse flow" that can have devastating consequences for local communities living along the banks.

This is a living part of the Region

More than 60 million people depend on the Mekong for their main source of income or livelihood, whether from fishing or Agriculture, making it vital to life. For thousands of years, people living around the river depended on its water supply for sanitation, cooking, irrigation, as well as transportation. Cambodia and Vietnam are particularly dependent on the Mekong and are affected by its changing conditions. In fact, the Mekong Basin is home to the largest inland fishery in the world, receiving approximately 2 million metric tons annually.

10. Amazon contains more water than in the 7 largest rivers after it combined.

9. The New Madrid Earthquakes (one of the most powerful in US history) were so strong that they reversed the flow of the Mississippi River.

Locals also use the river to irrigate crops and access trading opportunities, as seen in Vietnam's famous floating markets. The Mekong is considered the second most biologically diverse river in the world, after the Amazon River basin. Thousands of plants, fish, amphibians and mammals have been recorded in its waters and along its shores, including many rare, unique and previously unknown species. The Delta region is particularly rich in life and home to iconic species such as the Siamese crocodile, Sarus crane, giant catfish, Mekong rock and giant ibis.

8. The Hudson River is so polluted that scientists are studying the evolutionary processes in its waters, where organisms learn to adapt.

7. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio is another extremely polluted river. In fact, the river has spontaneously combusted 13 times already!

Yarlung Tsangpo - the highest mountain river

The Mekong is also one of the last strongholds of the magnificent and extremely rare Irrawaddy River dolphin. The river system is particularly noted for its size and diversity of large fish species, while the forests surrounding the river are home to many wonderful species of birds and mammals.

The Mekong is a very wild river in many places, with much of it remaining unreliable. On its banks there is no major cities or industrial areas, while curses and bridges are still relatively few and far between. However, it has served as an important trade route throughout history, and events are gathering pace to make sections of the river more accessible, although not without controversy.

6. At the turn of the 20th century, engineers turned the flow of the Chicago River back. It still flows in the opposite direction to this day.

5. The most expensive photograph in history was a photograph of the Rhine River (called Rhein II). It sold at auction for over $4 million and was heavily Photoshopped.

4. In Germany there is a water bridge across the Elbe River. It allows ships to cross the river.

3. A “ghost” river flows under Manhattan. It is known as Minetta Brook and, according to legend, some buildings were built with grates in the basement, allowing the river to flow through them unimpeded.

2. Almost 20 hidden rivers flow under the streets of London.

1. In Australia there is a river called Merrica.

What could be interesting about an ordinary river? It's just flowing water, isn't it? In fact, rivers can be surprisingly interesting. They may seem unremarkable, but even the answers to questions about where rivers originate, where they flow, where and how they flow can lead us to amazing conclusions. For example, how can you measure the length of a river? And if it has one or more sleeves, how to measure its width? Moreover, scientists have discovered rivers on Saturn's moon, Titan. Just incredible, isn't it? However, even on Earth, rivers play a much more important role in the life of every person than one might imagine.

In fact, rivers shaped the direction of civilizations. People settled along the banks of rivers, transported goods along them, and also used them as protective barriers. In fact, most ancient civilizations arose along the course of rivers. They flourished and faded depending on the flow of the rivers. Today, rivers remain an important part of the transport system, as well as a source of food. We present to your attention twenty-five interesting facts about rivers that you might not know.

25. Initially, diamonds were not mined, they were simply found at the bottom of rivers.

24. There is evidence of the existence of an underground river, which is located at a depth of approximately 4 kilometers under the Amazon. It is similar in length to the Amazon - its length is 6,000 kilometers, but it is several hundred times wider. This river was named Hamza (Rio Hamza).

23. Every year, fireballs rise from the surface of the Mekong River, located in Thailand. These balls are known as Naga fireballs and some people believe that they are the result of methane accumulations. Nevertheless, these balls became the source of inspiration for a huge number of local legends.

22. The oldest river in the USA is actually called the New River. Some scientists believe that this is the only river whose age exceeds the age of the African Nile River.

21. The chocolate river in the movie Willy Wonka was made of real chocolate and water, as a result of which it spoiled and became a source of a very unpleasant odor.

20. Every year, every day for three weeks, the full moon causes a tidal wave to rush with great force up the Amazon. Because of this phenomenon, the longest waves in the world are increasing. Some surfers zipped along them for a distance of 10 kilometers!

19. Martin Strel from Slovenia swam along the entire course of rivers such as the Mississippi, Amazon, Danube and Yangtze.

18. The Mongols were so treacherous and cruel that they changed the courses of entire rivers in order to exterminate the population of the city they wanted to destroy.

17. The first bridge across the Amazon was opened in 2010.

16. There are 17 countries in the world that do not have any rivers. Saudi Arabia is the largest of them.

15. A river separates one of the safest cities in North America (El Paso, Texas) from one of the most dangerous (Juarez, Mexico)

14. The Imjin River in South Korea received the nickname “river of the dead” due to the huge number of corpses of North Koreans who were carried down by the current.

13. For approximately six months and 10 hours a day, the mouth of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela receives hundreds of lightning strikes per hour. This “lightning storm” has been happening here every year for hundreds of years.

12. There are more than 26,000 headstones in the Delaware River. When the local cemetery was converted into a parking lot, the headstones were used as foundations for the construction of the Betsy Ross Bridge.

11. In 1720, when the South Sea Company folded, the British Parliament considered putting bankers in bags filled with snakes and then throwing them into the Thames.

10. The Amazon contains more water than the 7 largest rivers after it combined.

9. The New Madrid Earthquakes (one of the most powerful in US history) were so strong that they reversed the flow of the Mississippi River.

8. The Hudson River is so polluted that scientists are studying the evolutionary processes in its waters, where organisms learn to adapt.

7. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio is another extremely polluted river. In fact, the river has spontaneously combusted 13 times already!

6. At the turn of the 20th century, engineers turned the flow of the Chicago River back. It still flows in the opposite direction to this day.

5. The most expensive photograph in history was a photograph of the Rhine River (called Rhein II). It sold at auction for over $4 million and was heavily Photoshopped.

4. In Germany there is a water