Coastline of the Black Sea. Black Sea

Located in the depths of the continent, the Black Sea is the most isolated part of the World Ocean. In the southwest it communicates with the Sea of ​​Marmara through the Bosphorus Strait, the border between the seas runs along the line Cape Rumeli - Cape Anadolu. The Kerch Strait connects Chernoye and.

The area of ​​the Black Sea is 422 thousand km2, volume - 555 thousand km3, average depth- 1315 m, greatest depth - 2210 m.

The coastline, with the exception of the north and northwest, is slightly indented. The eastern and southern shores are steep and mountainous, the western and northwestern shores are low and flat, steep in places. The only large peninsula is Crimean.

The length of the Russian shores of the Black Sea (from Kerch Strait to the mouth of the Psou River) is about 400 km. Whole area Black Sea coast Russia can be divided into two large regions - Taman and Western Caucasus.

In the northwestern part of the sea there are the largest bays - Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky. In addition to them, on the southern coast of the sea there are Sinop Bay and Samsun Bay, and on the western coast there is Burgas Bay. The small islands of Zmeiny and Berezan are located in the northwestern part of the sea, Kefken - east of the Bosphorus.

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Black Sea is located in the middle latitudes, approximately between 41 and 47 degrees northern latitude and 28 and 42 degrees east longitude. The northern shores belong to Ukraine, the eastern - to Russia, Georgia and Abkhazia, the southern - to Turkey, and the western - to Romania and Bulgaria. For almost 400 km, the Black Sea washes Krasnodar region, beneficially influencing its climate. Through the Straits Bosphorus, Dardanelles and through Sea of ​​Marmara the Black Sea waters merge with the Mediterranean, and through Kerch Strait With Sea of ​​Azov.

Black Sea known to mankind since ancient times! Over the course of thousands of years and centuries, it has changed several names. The first Greek navigators called it Pont Aksinsky, that is, inhospitable. However, later the ancient Greeks changed their minds and began to call it Pont Aksinsky, that is, a hospitable sea. In Rus' in the old days Black Sea called Pontic, and Russian by sea.

Scientists explain the modern name in different ways. Some called the Turks Karadeniz(as a football player of FC "Rubin"), that is, the inhospitable "Black" Sea, because all the conquerors who came to its shores received a decisive rebuff from the tribes that inhabited it. According to another hypothesis, the name is associated with storms and the fact that the water during a storm it becomes dark. And there is a third version, which is related to the fact that metal objects lowered to great depths of the Black Sea turn black under the influence of hydrogen sulfide.

The ancient Greeks, sailing along the Black Sea shores, saw here the settlements of the Scythians, Taurians, and in the east - the Colchians. The Greeks named the Black Sea coast of Kavakaz after the names of these tribes Colchis, Crimea - Tavrida, and the Northern Seaside region - Scythia.

Bays of the Black Sea

There are few bays in the Black Sea, the largest of them Odessa, Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky, Feodosia, Tamansky and Sinopsky. The coast of the Krasnodar Territory is extremely sparse in terms of bays, with the exception of Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk (bays). The most convenient bays for receiving ships are Tsemesskaya and Gelendzhikskaya.

The Black Sea is poor in islands, the largest - Serpentine(0.17 sq. km). The most significant of the peninsulas are Crimean, Kerch and Taman.

Characteristics of the Black Sea

The total area of ​​the Black Sea is 413,488 sq km. Water volume 537,000 cubic meters. km. The sea represents deep depression oblong in shape with a fairly flat bottom and steep slopes (from 6 to 20 degrees). The greatest depth is 2245 m, the average is 1271 m.

They flow into the Black Sea Danube, Dniester, Southern Bug, Dnieper, Rioni, Chorokh, and within the Krasnodar Territory - over 80 small rivers. Half of the river flow comes from the Danube. The annual runoff from land into the Black Sea is 400 cubic meters. km, the same amount evaporates from the surface of the sea. The Black Sea receives 175 cubic meters per year. km of salty Mediterranean water and 66 cu. km of Azov water of low salinity.

Most of all, the Black Sea water contains sodium chloride (77.8% of the total salt content), magnesium chloride (10.9%), calcium sulfate (3.6%). In addition, the Black Sea water contains about 60 more chemical elements: iodine, bromine, silver, radium etc.

The Black Sea is the warmest in our country. Temperature in the Black Sea in winter in the open part + 6..7 degrees Celsius, in the southern part + 8..10, in the northwestern part it often drops to -1 and ice fast ice forms there. In summer, the water temperature averages +24 degrees; near Sochi it can warm up to +28 degrees Celsius. At a depth of 50-70 meters the temperature is stable at +6-7 degrees.

Surface currents in the Black Sea are weak, their speed usually does not exceed 0.5 m/s. The main causes of surface currents are river runoff and wind.

The ebb and flow of the tides in the Black and Azov Seas are very weak. Their amplitude is 3-10 cm. Secular changes in sea level - an increase of 20-50 cm per hundred years.

During storms in the Black Sea, waves up to 10 m high and 150 m long develop. Usually the wave sizes are much smaller.

The force of the waves hitting the shore is enormous. In the Sochi area it reaches 20 tons per 1 sq. m.

Flora of the Black Sea quite rich and varied. In coastal waters there are thickets of brown algae - cystorhiza. On sandy and muddy shallows there are entire underwater fields of sea grass - zosters. Deeper there are extensive thickets of red algae - phyllophores.

Fauna of the Black Sea is very diverse, but due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide it is concentrated mainly in the upper 200-meter layer of water. There are sharks in the Black Sea - katrans, but they are harmless. Of the large mammals in the Black Sea, there are many dolphins - bottlenose dolphins and gray dolphins; they often swim close to the shore and swim among vacationers.

Holidays on the Black Sea you can choose according to your taste - you can, like 30 years ago, with grandmothers on folding beds, or in expensive hotels. Almost all cities and towns on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory are built up with private hotels. Their prices are cheaper than flying to Turkey. The summer season on the Black Sea begins in mid-May and ends at the end of October. In Sochi, in some years you can swim until mid-November.

Ancient Greece and the Black Sea

Black Sea in ancient times

During the era of the Great Greek colonization on the coast Black Sea Many cities were built, which by the beginning of the 5th century BC. turned into economically stable policies closely associated with city-states Aegean Greece. The largest of them were Heraclea Pontica and Sinope on south coast(modern Türkiye), Apollonia and Istria- in the west (modern Bulgaria and Romania, respectively), Olbia, Theodosia, Panticapaeum and Phanagoria- in the north (modern - the first two are Ukraine, Phanagoria - Russia, Krasnodar region), Dioscuriad and Phasis on east coast Black Sea (modern Russia and Georgia (or Abkhazia)).

Materials for abstracts on the Black Sea.

Sometimes you are simply amazed at how nature was able to create on its own, without the help of humans and modern machines, unique natural objects. Some will think that there is nothing supernatural in natural monuments, zones and attractions do not exist; they should be taken for granted. Oceans, seas, bays, mountains, waterfalls, deserts - all this, in their subjective opinion, is ordinary.

However, it is worth noting that for most people on the planet, everything that surrounds us and is created by nature is seen as unique, divine, beautiful and delightful. Today we will talk about the Taman Bay - a place where two seas miraculously united together. Let's reveal the secret concerning water in this unique place, let's talk about the day, which is completely covered with grass, and talk about how tourists and residents of the Taman Peninsula speak about the bay.

A little geographical information

Taman Bay is located very close to the Krasnodar Territory on the peninsula of the same name. The Taman Peninsula lies between two seas loved by many Russian tourists and not only the Azov and Black Sea, in the water area. By the way, the Azov Sea has recently turned into a resort area, because many tourists were able to see the salty oasis beautiful place for a summer vacation. The center of the peninsula is considered to be the city of Temryuk, an administrative unit of the Krasnodar Territory. Speaking of main city Taman Peninsula, I would like to note that it is quite ancient. The date of its foundation is 1556, but many cities in Russia begin counting their formation from the 17th, or even from the 18th centuries.


The Taman Bay itself is small: its length is about 16 km, and the entrance point stretches for 8 km. It is worth saying that the depth here reaches 5 meters. The Taman Peninsula is dominated by lowlands. In some places, huge estuaries (natural oases where the soil subsides below sea level) have formed. However, these reservoirs, despite their size (length of 7 km or more), are very shallow.

Settlements scattered around the bay

The Taman Bay accommodates several significant settlements on its shores: Taman itself, the village of Volna Revolyutsii, Sennaya, Yubileiny, Primorsky and Garkusha. This place has never been and is not now a favorite area for tourists. According to some unofficial data, about 50-100 thousand people come to each village of the peninsula during the entire summer period. This figure seems ridiculous considering the number of visits Black Sea resorts our country.

In Soviet times, such an influx of tourists to the Taman Bay deprived many local residents of food, because food was brought to the settlements based on the number of local residents. However, no one suffered from hunger, because each house had subsidiary plots. Nowadays, many local residents are happy to provide housing for visitors for a minimal fee.

Saltwater or freshwater?

Many people are interested in the question of what kind of water is in the Taman Bay. The unequivocal answer is salty, although quite recently one could argue with this, and for this reason. Since two seas meet in the bay: the Azov and the Black, and the bay’s water area is predominantly located in the Azov half, the conclusion suggests itself. The Sea of ​​Azov is considered fresher, although it cannot be called completely devoid of salt, and the Black Sea, as is known, is salty.

The Sea of ​​Azov is home to freshwater fish, and it is rightfully considered one of the richest places in the country for catches. This is due to the fact that the sea has great amount river tributaries. Once upon a time, the Taman Bay, a photo of which can be seen in the article, had fresher water and was famous among fishermen. Over time, water from the Black Sea increasingly entered the bay, mixing there and displacing freshwater fish. Now there is practically no one left there, but there are more tourists. Perhaps they now consider the bay to be entirely Black Sea due to its salinity.

Unique bottom

Bottom Taman Bay completely covered with grass. This may seem surprising, but she has somehow miraculously adapted to the water and feels great there. Many tourists are initially frightened by this tickling feeling that accompanies them when entering the water. The place where there is no grass growing at the bottom is a trampled wide spit. Such smooth bottom surfaces are formed in places where there are large concentrations of swimmers.

Another unique feature of the bottom of the Taman Bay is the presence of fragments of ancient clay jugs and amphorae among the grass, coarse sand and pebbles. For archaeologists, such small pieces of lost relics are of no value. However, the very fact that brown remains of antiquity lie underfoot makes the place truly unique. By the way, many people want to know which sea is Taman Bay. More precisely, can it be considered part of some kind of sea? So, despite the fact that the bay for the most part lies in the Sea of ​​Azov, many consider it the confluence of two seas: the above-mentioned and the Black.

Why do many people now vacation in the waters of the Kerch Strait?

Due to the fact that nowadays many people prefer to take a break from the bustle of cities and large cities by the sea, but at the same time spend each vacation in a new place, enjoying unknown experiences, a huge number of tourists have discovered the Taman Bay. Reviews found on the Internet are full of positive statements and assurances to go there next year. Tourists are attracted by the sparseness of the bay and the amazing beauty of the steep coastline.

Black Sea coastline

The Black Sea is located in the northern temperate zone of the Earth, stretching from north to south between points with coordinates 46°,32′ and 40°55′ north latitude.

But if we keep in mind climatic features, then the Black Sea coastline belongs to two zones. Northern and west coast correspond to the temperate zone, and the southern coast of Crimea, the coast of the Caucasus and Turkey - to the subtropical zone, and South part The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Colchis lowland belong to the humid subtropics with an annual precipitation of 1400-2500 millimeters. One of the distinctive features of the subtropics is mild winters, allowing year-round plant growth.

Length coastline The Black Sea is about 4,790 kilometers. This is not a constant, once forever established value. Not only the length, but also the entire appearance of the banks constantly changes under the influence of both natural forces and the will of man. Among natural factors affecting sea shores, the main role is played by waves and currents. Inaccessible coastal cliffs, picturesque bays, islets, “velvety” smooth beaches, harbors covered with sand and silt, eroded road embankments, villages and resorts destroyed by landslides - all this is the result of the activity of the sea surf and currents.

This is what a prominent specialist in this field of marine science, Professor V.P., writes about the “life” of sea shores in the annotation to his book “The Shores of the Black and Azov Seas”. Zenkovich. Thanks to the works of V.P. Zenkovich, his employees and colleagues, the Black Sea shores are now the most studied. This made it possible to successfully carry out major works to strengthen and improve them in a number of places. Description of the shores of the Black Sea by V.P. Zenkovich is not only a valuable source scientific information first-hand, but also a poetic story about that very specific zone where the sea meets the land.

Thus, the famous “velvet sands”, sandy stripes of sea beaches, as well as numerous estuaries stretch all the way from the Danube to Ochakov. Clay cliffs are also not uncommon here. They are constantly destroyed by the sea surf, and from time to time large-scale landslides occur. Nowadays, thanks to the development of science about sea shores, landslide phenomena have been tamed by a system of powerful shore protection structures.

From Ochakov to Western Crimea the shores are also characterized by their sandy beaches and low cliffs. Between the Dnieper-Bug Estuary and Karkinitsky Bay there are extensive sand spits (Kinburnskaya, Tendrovskaya) and islands (Dolgiy, Krugly, Dzharylgach). These are mostly sparsely populated or completely uninhabited places, a kingdom of birds, all kinds of small animals, deer, and on Tendra - even wild horses. Here is the Black Sea State Reserve of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, where a lot of work is being done to study seagulls and other birds, their role in the life of the sea and land. Nearby are large bays of the Black Sea: Yagorlytsky, Tendrovsky, Dzharylgachsky, Karkinitsky, which in their own way natural features- shallow water, protection from waves, remoteness from settlements, from powerful sources of pollution, high biological productivity and others - are considered the most promising places for the development of underwater farms in the Black Sea.

The southern coast of Crimea is mountainous. Crimean mountains are not particularly high, but their peak plateaus - yails - lie very close to the sea and fall into sheer cliffs several hundred meters high. Sheltering the coasts from the northern winds, they create here climatic conditions subtropics. Beaches South Bank The Crimea is not sandy, but pebbly and much narrower than those on the northwestern coast of the Black Sea. The underwater landscape of the southern coast of Crimea is very beautiful: clear water, many rocks (some of them rise above the surface of the sea) and blocks overgrown with algae, mussels and other organisms. The species diversity of fauna and flora makes these places convenient for getting to know the inhabitants of the sea, especially for scuba divers.

The southern coast of the Kerch Peninsula, like the southern coast of Taman, is distinguished by wide sandy beaches and shallow waters of the coastal strip of the sea, somewhat reminiscent of the northwestern coast. Salty seaside reservoirs are found here again. On the Kerch Peninsula there are Uzunlarskoye, Koyashskoye and Tobechikskoye lakes, on the Taman Peninsula there are the Tsokur, Kiziltashsky, Bugazsky and Vityazevsky estuaries. And the water is more turbid than that on the southern coast of Crimea, and desalinated by the runoff of the Sea of ​​Azov through the Kerch Strait. From Anapa to the southeast to Batumi the Caucasian coast stretches with a predominance of pebble beaches. The coastal mountains are covered with dense forest, there are numerous evergreen trees and shrubs, and citrus fruits. Great depths come close to the shore. Mountain rivers bring little turbidity, and the sea water is clear, like off the southern coast of Crimea.

The Black Sea coast of Turkey is mountainous, with mostly narrow pebble beaches and rapidly increasing depths.

The coasts of Romania and Bulgaria resemble those of the north-west and are also famous for their wide sandy beaches. As in the Odessa region, clay cliffs predominate here, salt lakes and estuaries are found, and the sea is desalinated by the runoff of the Danube.

Getting acquainted with the wildlife of the Black Sea coast is greatly facilitated by visiting local history museums, available in all cities, as well as botanical gardens and marine aquariums.

Among the botanical attractions on the Black Sea coast, mention should be made of the botanical garden of Odessa State University, founded in 1867, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea, created in 1812, the Arboretum in Sochi, founded at the end of the last century, the yew-boxwood grove located two kilometers from the sea up the along the Khosta River, - the remnant of an ancient relict flora, a subtropical park in Gagra, a reserve of Pitsunda relict long-leaved pine at Cape Pitsunda, the Sukhumi Botanical Garden, and finally the Batumi Botanical Garden, founded in 1912, one of the largest and most famous in our country.

Marine aquariums are less ancient and famous than botanical gardens. They are very helpful in getting to know the inhabitants of the Black Sea, their appearance and habits. In our country, marine aquariums have been created in Sevastopol at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, in Kerch at the Azov-Black Sea Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, in Sochi at the Arboretum and in Batumi at the Georgian branch of the All-Union Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography. The Black Sea fauna is most fully represented in the Sevastopol Aquarium, opened back in 1897 at the biological station and subsequently modernized several times. Today it is a very popular institution demonstrating the inhabitants of the Black and other seas. There is a central round pool with a diameter of 9.2 and a depth of 1.5 meters, as well as 12 wall aquariums with a volume of up to 7 cubic meters. At the same time, several dozen species of Black Sea fish, crabs, mollusks and other animals can be observed in the aquarium.

The first scientific demonstration dolphinarium in our country has recently been opened in Batumi, where there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the Black Sea dolphins and the work that scientists and trainers do with them.

There are several nature reserves located on the Black Sea coast. The largest of them is the Black Sea State Reserve of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences, with an area of ​​more than 60 thousand hectares, founded in 1927. It is located between the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the Karkinitsky Bay on the sands of the Kinburn and Tendrovskaya spits, the islands of Krugloy, Dolgoy, Orlov, Babin and others. The area of ​​land occupied by the reserve is 12,606 hectares. The remaining area is shallow sea water.

The biggest attraction of the Black Sea Nature Reserve is a large colony of black-headed or Mediterranean gulls, numbering up to 200,000 pairs. This beautiful white bird with a shiny black head (the so-called “nuptial plumage”; in winter the gull’s head is white), during the nesting period it is found in many places - in Greece, Asia Minor, Romania and even in Mongolia, but its largest colony is located in the Black Sea Nature Reserve. The black-headed gull deserves protection not only as one of the decorations of the sea coast, where there are fewer and fewer deserted places near the sea, but also as a human assistant in the fight against agricultural pests. The fact is that, in addition to small fish and marine invertebrates, this gull feeds on insects, which it hunts in the steppe. Scientists have calculated that over the summer, black-headed gulls from the Black Sea Nature Reserve, along with their chicks, eat over 5 thousand tons of insects, thereby preventing an annual loss to agriculture of up to 2 million rubles. An excellent example of a combination of nature conservation and a biological method of pest control that is safe for humans!

Another protected area on the Black Sea coast is located around Cape Kaliakra in Bulgaria. On the secluded coastal cliffs of this steep cape, the only seal species in the Black Sea breeds - the monk seal. It is listed in the International Red Book of Rare and Endangered Species. According to Bulgarian scientists, only a few pairs of seals remain there today, under strict state protection.

Yes, it is now becoming increasingly difficult for birds and animals to find secluded places on the shores of the Black Sea. People love them so much that sometimes it seems that a little more time will pass and all coastal settlements will merge into a continuous ring of cities and resorts. In any case, there is talk about resort development of the entire coastline as early as this century. Of course, the sea should help people in relaxation and treatment, this is indisputable. But what are the reasonable limits of this “human load” per unit of coastline has not yet been calculated. This is one of the most immediate and important tasks of science. In the meantime, the ranks of all kinds of recreation centers, camps, campsites, medical institutions, sports facilities, beaches, boat moorings and other forms of “sea use”, why not introduce such a term, by analogy with “environmental management”? Our relations with the sea need to be built in such a way as to ensure a gentle regime for it. After all (in addition to these seasonal recreational and medical facilities), around the circumference of the Black Sea there are about forty settlements of the rank of ports with a population of about 4 million people and with a certain negative impact on the marine environment. Thus, according to statistics, one permanent resident of the Black Sea coast has about 1 meter of coastline. But in the summer the population at least doubles, and then the share of coastline per person is reduced to half a meter. And if we take into account that “sea use” is not evenly distributed along the coast, then in settlements, resorts and other places the “personal” section of the coast is sometimes reduced to a few centimeters. This is a tense ecological situation that requires a person to be especially thrifty and attentive to the natural environment around him, to meet with which he sometimes travels thousands of kilometers and nurtures so many rosy plans throughout the year. And since the concept of “nature conservation” implies, first of all, the protection of its living inhabitants, let’s move on to getting to know them.

Yu.P. Zaitsev

Photo beautiful places Crimea

Compiled by

P. A. Tilba, R. A. Mnatsekanov, V. A. Krutolapov.

Geographical coordinates

45°17’34’’ N, 36°45’46’’ E


0-5 m above sea level.


38,400 hectares, including water surface: 38,400 hectares.

a brief description of

Shallow water sea ​​bays, the banks of which are covered with steppe or wetland vegetation.

Wetland type

A, E, G, J; predominate: J, A.

Ramsar Criteria

4, 5.

Criterion 4: The site is one of the wintering centers for waterfowl, the importance of which increases in cold winters when the water area of ​​the estuaries of the Eastern Azov region freezes.

Criterion 5: Up to 1 million birds stop here during migration (Wetlands of Russia, 2000). During mid-winter surveys carried out from the shore using spotting scopes, within the boundaries of the land we counted about 20,000 in 2003, in 2004 - about 10,000, in 2005 - up to 8,000, in 2006 - about 49 500 os. waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds.


Taman Peninsula, southwestern part Krasnodar Territory, 30 km from the city of Temryuk.

Physiographic characteristics

The site is a low-lying relief that was formed as a result of slow tectonic subsidence of the land, occurring at a rate of 2-5 mm per year (Kanonnikov, 1984). The surface of the coastal land is composed of deltaic and alluvial deposits, under which lie Neogene and Paleogene marine deposits. Bays are permanent bodies of natural origin. The salinity of the water in them reaches 11.3‰, decreasing near the coast to 2-3‰. The depth of the bays ranges from 0.5-2.5 m. The characteristic formations of the Taman and Dinsk bays are lagoons - salt lakes Markitanskoe, Tuzla, etc. In the water area of ​​the bays there are shell-sand islands and spits of various configurations. The Blevako mud volcano is located off the coast of the Chushka Spit in the waters of the Taman Bay.

The shores of reservoirs are composed of unstable rocks and are subject to severe destructive activity of the sea. The soil cover is predominantly southern chernozems with a low humus content. The climate type of the site area is coastal-steppe, moderate continental. The average January temperature is −0.8°; July 23.6°C, precipitation during the year is 330-340 mm.

The importance of the land in the natural water cycle

The drainage basin of the site is a hilly plain formed by marine sediments. The hills (reaching a maximum height of 164 m above sea level) are active or extinct mud volcanoes. The soil cover is represented mainly by chernozems, including their solonetzic and saline varieties; thick chestnut soils are also found. Main types of land use: field farming, vegetable growing, viticulture, livestock farming. The climate is moderate continental.

Environmental parameters

Along the shores of the bays there are communities of psammophilic and hydrophilic vegetation. Coastal shallow waters, shell spits, and islands are extremely important for the existence of waterfowl.

Valuable flora

One of the most widespread plant communities on the site is psammophilous vegetation. In floristic terms, this is the best preserved natural ecosystem, both in the coastal part of the Taman and Dinsky bays, and in Taman as a whole. Typical species on the coastal sands are sandy grate, common sea mustard, hogweed, Pontic katran, naked licorice, gorse-leaved toadflax and others. Of the halophytes on the coastal sand-shell dunes, white sweet clover, entangled and creeping sweda, solifa and tragus, Meyer's kermek, etc. are widespread.

And on wet salt marshes there are bluegrass-wheatgrass, rush-sedge and saltwort associations. The vegetation of reservoirs is formed from plant species immersed in water: hygrophytes, hydrophytes and hydatophytes. Phytocenoses of eelgrass and eelgrass are widespread, often forming pure groups over large areas. An equally common species is the holly pondweed. Two types of uruti grow in the reservoirs of the area: spiked urut and whorled urut. In some coastal areas there is typical floodplain vegetation with the presence of common reed, cattails, and sedges (Tilba, Nagalevsky, 1996).

Valuable fauna

The role of the area as a nesting site for birds. The site has a certain significance as a place of reproduction of semi-aquatic bird species listed in the Red Books Russian Federation and Krasnodar Territory: shelduck, oystercatcher (subspecies Haematopus ostralegus longipes), sea plover, little tern. On the territory of the islands there are colonies of great cormorant with a total number of 750 pairs, common tern - 300 pairs, and spotted tern - 300 pairs.

The role of the area as a place of bird migration. The site is located on an intensive bird migration route running along the coasts of the Azov and Black Seas. Within the Temryuksky and Dinsky bays, autumn concentrations of laughing gulls, black-headed gulls, and red herons were noted (Vinokurov, 1965). In the fall of 1995, 200 thousand wasps were counted here. coots, 54 thousand - mallards, 200 thousand - red-headed ducks, 1.5 thousand - mute swan (Vinogradov, 2000). The site is a stopover site and large concentrations of migratory waders: Turukhtan, turnstone, grasshopper, etc.

The role of the area as a wintering site for birds. The site is a traditional wintering site, primarily for waterfowl. Between 1967 and 1972. there were from 6 thousand to 250 thousand wasps here. Recently, there have been up to 48.5 thousand waterfowl within the area
(2006 data).

Swans. Mute swan and whooper swan are found in the wintering grounds. The latter species predominates in numbers in colder winters (1,500 were counted in 2003).

Ducks. The most numerous wintering species is the tufted duck (according to 2003 data - 11,500 individuals). In warmer winters, the number of tufted ducks is significantly lower. Of the other duck species, the most common are mallard and red-headed duck.

Other types of waterfowl. The most characteristic species include the great grebe, great cormorant, coot, and laughing gull.

Waders. On the site in winter period noted: herbal, great snail, middle curlew, great curlew, snipe, dunlin, on the adjacent territory of the coast of the Kerch Strait of the Chushka Spit was recorded during the wintering of the oystercatcher (Mnatsekanov et al., 2004b; Dinkevich et al., 2005).

The role of the area as a habitat for rare and vulnerable bird species.

Black-throated loon. A common species during the migration period, found in small numbers during the winter.

White-tailed eagle. Regularly wintering species.

Demoiselle crane. Breeding species of adjacent territories.

Bustard. Breeding species of adjacent territories.

Little Bustard. It was observed in winter in the coastal part of the site.

Oystercatcher. Common breeding species; rare, irregularly wintering species.

Great curlew. Not numerous, regularly found in winter.

Black-headed gull. Occasionally observed in winter.

The role of the area as a habitat marine mammals. The Taman and partly Dinskaya bays are the habitat of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin, a subspecies listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory.

Social and cultural significance of the site

Within the boundaries of the site there are the most valuable historical and archaeological monuments associated with the Tmutarakan principality of the 11th-12th centuries. In addition, on the site there is a house-museum of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Forms of land ownership


Land use

The main activity on the site is fishing; In the surrounding area there is winemaking.

Factors negatively affecting the condition of the land

Expansion of the area for the construction of the Port Kavkaz port.

Environmental measures taken

Part of the site is part of the Zaporozhye-Taman Zoological Reserve. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 1996 No. 591-r, the reserve (the order gives the name “Tamano-Zaporozhye Reserve”) is classified as a specially protected natural area of ​​federal subordination. According to the Regulations of the reserve, its area is 30,000 hectares.

Proposed environmental measures

Resolving the issue of the status of the reserve. Adjustment of the Regulations on the reserve, taking into account the importance of the territory as a mass wintering site for shorebirds, including rare species, as well as nesting places for rare bird species. Giving the status of a Ramsar site to the entire water area of ​​the Taman and Dinsk bays.

Scientific research

Scientific research within the site has been and is being carried out in the course of studying the biota of the Taman Peninsula as a whole. Besides, in last years special mid-winter waterfowl censuses are conducted here as part of the Wetlands International project on the Central Asian Flyway, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food of the Netherlands.

Environmental education

Not currently available. Available good opportunities to organize observations of migrating and wintering birds.

Recreation and tourism

The site is intensively used for tourism purposes, mainly for historical and cultural reasons. Recreational pressures on plant and animal habitats are low.


Administration of the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar region.

Site management body

The Tamano-Zaporozhye Nature Reserve is departmentally subordinate to the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance. Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea.