Open the left menu of kobuleti. Is it worth going to Kobuleti: our review with a photo How is the humid climate tolerated in Kobuleti

City (since 1944) in Georgia, Adzharia, on the banks of the Black Cape. Railway station. 21.1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Tea shop, cotton weaving factory; tung and canning factories. climatic resortBig Encyclopedic Dictionary

City, Adzharskaya Avt. Rep., Georgia. From the cargo, kobuli pen for sheep. place names World: Toponymic Dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001. Kobuleti ... Geographic Encyclopedia

City (since 1944) in Georgia, Adzharia, on the Black Sea coast. Railroad station. 21.1 thousand inhabitants (1991). Tea, cotton-weaving factories; tung and canning factories. Climate resort. * * * KOBULETI KOBULETI, a city (since 1944) in Georgia, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A city (until 1944 a settlement), the center of the Kobuleti region of the Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (part of the Georgian SSR). Located on the Black Sea. Railway station on the Samtredia Batumi line, 21 km North East of Batumi. 18 thousand inhabitants (1970) ...

Kobuleti- a city in the Adjara Autonomous Republic of Georgia. Translated from the Georgian kobuli - "pen for sheep" ... Toponymic Dictionary of the Caucasus

Kobuleti- city, Adzharskaya Avt. Rep., Georgia. From the load, kobuli sheep pen ... Toponymic Dictionary

- (Acharis Avtonomiuri Sabchota Socialisturi Republic) Adjara. As part of the Georgian SSR. It was formed on July 16, 1921. The area is 3.0 thousand km2. The population is 310 thousand people (as of January 1, 1969, an estimate; 245 thousand people according to the 1959 census). In A. 5 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Mzhavanadze. Kakhaber Mzhavanadze ... Wikipedia

Hotel Amigo II- (Kobuleti, Georgia) Hotel category: 3 star hotel Address: Tabidze Street 4, 6200 K … Hotel catalog

Tetri Etli- (Kobuleti, Georgia) Hotel category: Address: Agmashenebeli Street 528, 6010 Kobuleti, Georgia … Hotel catalog


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Kobuleti: treatment, health improvement, medicine, balneotherapy. Information about medical centers and sanatoriums of Kobuleti. Reviews of tourists about Kobuleti.

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Not far from Kobuleti is located national park"Kintrishi". This is a real paradise wildlife with relic pine forests, lakes, rivers and mountain waterfalls. True, this reserved place near the village of Khino and Tskhemlovani can only be reached by taxi for 70-80 GEL.


Everyone who came or comes to rest in Kobuleti is fascinated by mild comfortable weather. As elsewhere in Adjara, the climate here is typical subtropical: with hot summers, cool winters and year-round high humidity. In winter, snow falls very rarely, and in summer, thanks to sea breezes, there is no heat. The holiday season opens in May and ends in October. Fans of relaxation in the velvet season come to Kobuleti in November.

When I, as a travel agent, studied seaside resorts Georgia, I first heard such names - Kobuleti, Ureki.

At the same time, all advice regarding these resorts usually boiled down to the following thought: only mothers with children who need a calm and inexpensive vacation by the sea should be sent there. And all other tourists should definitely be sent to Batumi .

We personally made sure that Batumi will please the eye and become a vivid impression for tourists. We share our findings on Batumi here:

After Batumi we planned to visit Kutaisi, and the road there just goes through the resort villages of Kobuleti and Ureki. That's how I got the chance to form my opinion about these places.

After elegant Batumi, other resorts will seem like a remote village to us ...

Kobuleti: beach holidays, hotels, photos

We left Batumi in the afternoon. First passed Makhinjauri district, which is also often recommended for budget holiday. Oh, no, I would not want to rest here - some endless houses, sheds, fences ...

Kobuleti - the second most popular (and size) city on the Black Sea coast of Georgia. The climate of this part of the coast can be called ideal: in winter there is practically no snow, and in summer there is no strong heat, thanks to the sea breeze.

It is believed that in Kobuleti there is a cleaner beach with small pebbles, and the sea is cleaner than in Batumi.

Well, I don’t know ... When we went to the beach to take a couple of photos, we were dumbfounded: I saw such an amount of garbage on the beach only once in Adler, after a strong storm! There was even no desire to come closer to the sea.

Perhaps such a picture on the beach in Kobuleti that day was also the result of a storm that was yesterday on the entire coast in the Batumi region. Or in the low season, just no one bothers with cleaning the beach ...

Again, according to guidebooks and reviews on the Internet, the holiday season in Kobuleti begins in May and ends in October. Those wishing to relax during velvet season”recommend to come in November. All the photos you see in this article were taken at the end of September. And as you probably noticed, there are no beachgoers in Kobuleti at this moment:

Only the boats lying on the shore reminded us that until recently they swam in the sea, sunbathed and had fun on water attractions ...

By the way, don't let the sand you see in this photo fool you. Closer to the water you will not see it, and the entrance to the sea will also be pebbly. The pebbles on this part of the beach were perhaps the size of an egg, and in the most remote areas they may have the appearance of cobblestones.

With us, no one swam in the sea, and only rare tourists walked along the embankment.

By the way, the embankment of Kobuleti is considered healing, due to the fact that a pine grove adjoins it. Many people come to Kobuleti just to walk along the embankment, breathing in the healing air.

It cannot be said that it is well-equipped, but it has its own special atmosphere: renovated sections of the embankment, lined with restaurants and new hotel buildings, alternate with semi-abandoned territories.

Even during the season, life on the waterfront starts around 9 am and ends around 8 pm.

Where to stay in Kobuleti

In Soviet times, here in Kobuleti, they began to build sanatoriums and rest houses. Their hulls, sticking out on the shore, among a pine grove, give Kobuleti just a portrait resemblance to the coast of Pitsunda.

But this resort began to enjoy real popularity only in recent decades. Therefore, the vast majority of accommodation offers in Kobuleti are represented by mini-hotels, apartments and guest houses.

Here are some good options for hotels: Hotel Amigo I, Castello Mare Hotel&Wellness Resort, Kobuleti Pearl Of Sea Hotel & Spa, Okro Life.

And these apartments will be a good option for families with children and friendly companies: Apartment Alex, Zuras Apartment Kobuleti, Inga's Apartment.

Infrastructure of Kobuleti

In general, there are only 2 streets in Kobuleti, they are located parallel to each other and stretch for 9 km in length, parallel to the beach and the embankment. The central street, as expected, is at the mercy of cafes, restaurants, bars, discos and other tourist establishments. Their level is very different: from the European “with cappuccino” to the dull Soviet one with instant coffee.

To be honest, those quarters of Kobuleti that went along the sea can be called a resort with a stretch. Yes, I understand, it was the end of September, and one could not expect a beautiful resort atmosphere. but still, I would definitely get bored here even in the season ...

But I also noticed - and this was a plus - that everywhere is very clean and tidy.

What to do in Kobuleti

There are mineral springs 2 kilometers from Kobuleti. Water from these sources is used for drinking treatment of the digestive system, in case of metabolic disorders, as well as in diseases of the excretory system, liver, etc.

The amusement park "Tsitsinatela" is also located outside the city and starts working only in the evening.

For those who do not know how to lie stupidly on the beach for two weeks, the following information will be useful: there are two beautiful natural parks near Kobuleti - Mtirala national park And nature reserve Kintrish . You can go there with full day excursions.

History buffs will love to visit Fortress of Petra which is located near the resort. Sometimes it is also called Petra-Tsikhe, it consists of a citadel and ancient settlements and is of historical and archaeological value.

Also, while relaxing in Kobuleti, you can get to know Ureki resort . By and large, this is the most ordinary village. And the only thing worth seeing there is black magnetic sand. About him beneficial features Much has been written, who are interested - read on the Internet.

Our resume in Kobuleti

The resort of Kobuleti has many advantages: it is quiet and calm, clean and beautiful, a wide beach and a clean (according to reviews) sea. Lots of greenery. And most importantly - reasonable prices.

Of the minuses - a small variety of entertainment. But for some tourists, this is not very important.

In general, your perception of Kobuleti will depend on your own mood. There are people who like him (and when I wrote on my Instagram that they were unlikely to ever face a choice - or Kobuleti, many people asked me - why, why didn’t I like cute Kobuleti?)

But for some (myself included), the atmosphere of a cheap resort is depressing in it: cheap hotels, cheap entertainment, cheap restaurants, cheap swimwear and dull cheap family life.

By the way, when we had already left Kobuleti towards Kutaisi, we saw a fruit seller on the side of the road, we decided to stop to find out the prices.

It turned out that everything is even more expensive than in Batumi ... Well, who do they rely on here with such prices in the off-season?

In general, there are no comrades for the taste for color, as they say. I would be glad to know your opinion about Kobuleti. For sensible comments - plus 5 points to karma ;-)

Kobuleti (Georgia) - the second largest city of Adjara after Batumi, a large youth beach resort with a coastline of 10 kilometers! This is a great alternative to Batumi, it is a little cheaper and there are fewer tourists, but there are almost the same number of guest houses, restaurants and various entertainments. Kobuleti is called budget Batumi, and these are the two main competing resorts in Adjara.

Let's figure out what are the features of Kobuleti (Georgia), what beaches and attractions are there, how things are with apartments and hotels.

History of Kobuleti

The first settlements in this area appeared in the Stone Age, Georgian archaeologists are still arguing where people settled earlier - in Kobuleti or Batumi. The settlers came to the marshy ground around modern city in the 5th millennium BC. The area was inhabited by the Gurians, a people that almost does not belong to modern Adjara, and this region is very interesting. During the reign Ottoman Empire nothing interesting happened here.

Since the arrival Russian Empire in Georgia, in Kobuleti, they began to build dachas and sanatoriums, as well as along the entire Adjarian coast. The city center was chosen by the generals, with the support of which the Batumi Doctors Society declared the area a resort. Rest in Kobuleti became more interesting with the advent of the first sanatoriums here, under which the generals' dachas were rebuilt under the USSR.

With the independence of Georgia, boarding houses and sanatoriums fell into decay, and even now you can find several destroyed complexes in the central part. Since 2010, the Georgian authorities have declared Kobuleti a free tourist zone. Investors were exempted from taxes, so the restoration of sanatoriums and the construction of hotels went more actively.

Kobuleti beach

Before talking about the beach, I cannot but mention the city itself. The fact is that Kobuleti has a unique layout. There are only three main streets that run parallel to each other and the sea. The closest to the beaches is Embankment Street, behind it is the central Kobuleti Avenue - David the Builder Street, and Rustaveli Street is considered a bypass.

The beach of Kobuleti stretches right under the Embankment, as much as 12 kilometers! Many argue how to count the beach within the city, but they agree on the figures of 9-13 kilometers, so there is enough space here. You can walk along the Embankment for a long time, up to 4 hours one way. In the south of the city, the street is strongly elevated above the beach, but towards the center it is already flush with the sea. To the north, the street enters Pinery, there are now several sanatoriums.

In general, the beach is quite nice and comfortable. Due to the length, you can find a variety of areas here: large pebbles, small pebbles, even something that looks like sand. When you think about where to rent an apartment in Kobuleti, immediately pay attention to the beach in the vicinity. There are many tourists in the resort during the high season, but it is very easy to find a secluded place - just walk a couple of kilometers to the north or south. The central part of the beach has the most entertainment, including for children.

Beach holidays in Kobuleti ( private sector you choose for housing or hotel) is very good. In the evening, youth shows and discos are often held, but during the day you can find a quiet place. For children, a gentle entrance to the water and a clear sea are suitable, for young people - bars and nightclubs right on the Embankment, for the elderly - sanatoriums with all amenities. Kobuleti is quite a multifaceted city!

As already noted above, you will have to choose among hotels of different stars and the private sector, represented by guest houses, apartments and just rooms.

Hotels in Kobuleti

The peculiar sights of Kobuleti are resort hotels. Here you can find very cheap rooms, and elite rooms in high-rise complexes. It is most expensive to live in the southern part of the city, closer to the bus station and the road to Batumi. The further north you go, the cheaper the rooms become, on the border of the city you can find very budget accommodation even in hotels.

There are about a hundred hotels in the resort, if you count all the guest houses. I’ll tell you about the most interesting ones and those that other tourists noted:

  • Hotel Tetri Etli is located in the north of the central part of the city, almost opposite the park-reserve. There are many rooms, all with their own bathroom and toilet.
  • Hotel National - guest rating (according to Booking) "Excellent". The hotel is on the first line, overlooking the sea. It is located in the north of Kobuleti (Georgia), so even the prices for luxury here are very affordable.
  • Hotel Sanapiro is one of the last southern hotels resort, very close to the bus station. It will be convenient to travel to Batumi and other places Black Sea coast Georgia.
  • Hotel Palermo is another hotel not far from the park-reserve, but it stands between the streets of David the Builder and Rustaveli - in a quiet shady area.
  • Hotel Chveni Ezo - rating "Excellent". Excellent hotel for families with children, there are family rooms, private parking. On the one hand - Embankment, on the other - a large park.
  • Hotel Savane - rating "Excellent". The second hotel in the far north, only here, right on the territory, there are gardens. Located on the second line, but still close to the sea.
  • Hotel Amigo I - Excellent rating. It is located closer to the south, because the prices are higher here. There is a shop on the territory, you can arrange a transfer or book a tour.
  • Hotel Ponto - "Fabulous" rating. budget hotel in the central part, has its own swimming pool, restaurant, bar, garden for walking. A little further north is the same park-reserve.
  • Kobuleti Beach Club - "Excellent" rating. Elite hotel in Kobuleti (Georgia) in the north of the resort. There is a swimming pool, a fitness center, a restaurant, a private beach, a full package of services.

Photos of rooms, detailed reviews hotel guests and prices for specific dates, see the links above.

And these are only the most famous options, there are several times more hotels in the resort. Even in the high season, you can easily find a good price-quality room, but for best offers I still recommend booking in advance.

Housing in Kobuleti - private sector

There is not much private sector in the usual sense in Kobuleti - almost all the owners have retrained as owners of guest houses. Most of there are such small private hotels on the Embankment, there are definitely more than a dozen of them here. On parallel streets, you can also find apartments, that is, the same private sector: apartments, rooms, studios.

It is not always possible to rent an apartment in Kobuleti during the high season. Many rooms are rented out in new buildings, you just can’t go into them and ask if there are free places. Therefore, it is better to book in advance through accommodation search sites. With guest houses, the situation is different - you can really just knock on the door and check if there are places. Moreover, it is convenient in Kobuleti - it is enough just to go straight along the Embankment and look into every place you like.

If you are going to Kobuleti in the summer, I advise you to book in advance at least a hotel, at least an apartment. In autumn or winter in Kobuleti (Georgia), almost all hotels and guest houses are empty, so there will be no problems finding accommodation. Unlike typical beach resorts, there is something to do without the sea. From Kobuleti you can go even to the south along the coast, towards Batumi, the botanical garden, fortresses, even to the north, to.

Sights of Kobuleti

In addition to the huge beach, which I consider the main attraction of the resort, there are a couple more interesting places:

  1. Nature reserve Kobuleti. Reserve - loudly said, it looks more like a large and not fully ennobled park. It's good that it is located within the city, at any moment you can go not to the sea, but to the shade of the trees. You can walk here for a long time, but you will not find particularly interesting places, just an ordinary park.
  2. Tsitsinatela park. A large amusement park at the northern exit from Kobuleti (Georgia). It starts working at 18:00, but at this time in the summer it is still light, I advise you to have time to ride on the Ferris wheel before dark. The park works also at night, and appears in all its glory - there is a very bright illumination here. Entrance is free, but it is better to buy tickets for attractions right away.
  3. National Park "Mtirala". A huge reserve on 6000 hectares southeast of Kobuleti. Subtropical mountain systems, healing springs and waterfalls, endemic plants are of interest here. The park has been open since May, admission is free, and they will also give you a map with routes. You can stay overnight in guest house caretaker - 100 lari with meals for two.

The sights of Kobuleti are not very diverse, but everything is saved by a convenient location. If you want, go south, there is Batumi, and then Turkey. If you want - to the north, to Ureki with sandy beaches. You can go east, inland, into the mountains and main city- Tbilisi.

How to get from Tbilisi to Kobuleti

If you want to see as much as possible and be free to move around, I recommend renting a car. I know an excellent online service where I booked a car myself and was very pleased. About roads in Georgia, rules traffic and my experience of renting a car in Georgia. You will also find there detailed instructions about the choice of the car and its reservation.

How to get from Batumi to Kobuleti

It is much faster to go from Batumi to Kobuleti, although there are also two options - a train and a minibus. But for the train you will have to pay almost as much as for a ticket to Tbilisi, and the ride is only 20 minutes. Therefore, the option is inconvenient.

The budget option is the bus. In Kobuleti, it departs from the old bus station or the Leogrand hotel (not far from the lower station of the cantana road). The price of the issue is from 1.5 GEL.

If you want to get to Kobuleti in comfort, I recommend ordering a transfer on the local GoTrip website. The site is convenient in that you will immediately see which car and which driver will take you.

If you want to go to Kobuleti for a couple of hours or half a day, then immediately order a transfer back and the PRICE WILL NOT CHANGE!

If you need to get from Batumi to Kobuleti in one direction, it is better to call a taxi. About the Batumi taxi.

How to have a good rest in Kobuleti? Prices in 2020 for tours, tickets, food and hotels. Tips and reviews of tourists about the rest in Kobuleti. What to see and what beaches to visit.

Kobuleti is the second most popular Georgian resort after Batumi. It is located on the Black Sea coast just north of Batumi - the distance between them is about 20 km. The length of the beach area is 10 km.

The weather in Kobuleti is very pleasant: from +25...+28°C in summer, there is no abnormal heat here. The sea warms up in mid-June and remains warm until the end of summer. The gently sloping bottom makes the beaches attractive for families with children.

Prices for tours in Kobuleti - 2020

Kobuleti is a fairly popular resort in Georgia, but there are not many tours there. Although Georgia is to some extent "their own" country for Russians, the prices for tours to Kobuleti in 2020 are very high. For example, vouchers for 11 nights with a flight from Moscow cost from 80 thousand rubles for two, and for 14 nights - all 90 thousand. This is the average price of a 3* hotel with breakfast included.

Best hotels with a beach in Kobuleti, according to tourists:

(Photo © / Kobuleti Georgia Palace Hotel & Spa)

Airfare prices - 2020

Batumi airport is the closest to the resort, it is located 30 km from Kobuleti. The cost of round-trip tickets from Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 11 thousand rubles, from Rostov-on-Don - from 5.5 thousand. Tickets from other Russian cities are much more expensive. If you are flying with luggage, then the cost will increase by at least 1 thousand rubles - it all depends on the airline.

Hotels and private sector in Kobuleti. Prices in 2020

Most a budget option recreation in Kobuleti is housing in the private sector. Prices are low - local residents rent rooms from about 700 rubles per day. Such accommodation can be found on the spot or searched in advance on the Airbnb website (inexpensive options are usually located far from the sea).

There are no high-level hotels with an all-inclusive system in Kobuleti. Most apartments and hotels do not have any star rating at all, and 3 * and 4 * have only a few hotels in the city. Because the modern resort industry in Kobuleti has been developing only since the zero years, and during this time little new has been built.

At the same time, prices for holidays in Kobuleti are comparable to well-developed resorts. The cost of a room in a 4 * hotel starts from 5500 rubles per night (double room), there are options more expensive than 6000 rubles per day. Meals - breakfast or breakfast + lunch.

Most tourists prefer to stay in small guest houses with their own kitchen: there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits in Georgia, and therefore tourists prefer to cook themselves.

(Photo © / Kobuleti Pearl Of Sea Hotel & Spa)

Beaches of Kobuleti

The main advantage of the resort is the purest water and beautiful beaches. They are mostly small pebbles, but there are also large pebbles, and in some places even coarse sand. Beaches don't have specific names coastline conditionally divided into three parts: northern, central and southern. Tourists note that the peculiarity of the beaches of Kobuleti is as follows: the further north - the cleaner beach and the sea, but the infrastructure is worse. Many advise renting a car and driving around the entire town.

Northern part

This part of the city has the cleanest sea. In reviews of holidays in Kobuleti, where tourists talk about clear water and healing air, it is the northern section of the beach that is described. This is where the pine grove begins, so the area is incredibly famous clean air. In the shade of pine branches you can meet tourists with tents. The beach is pebbly, but the pebbles are much smaller than in other places.

(Photo © / Reness)

central part

Closer to the central part of the Kobuleti beach, the pebbles become larger, and at some point it will be difficult to swim with pleasure: it is impossible to enter the water without shoes, and not everyone likes to relax on large stones.

In the center, the beach is narrow and long - they go down to it by stairs that stretch along the coast. There are plenty of cafes and bars too.

South part

This part of the beach has small pebbles and a shallow bottom. The water in the south of the resort is not the cleanest - this is influenced by small rivers that flow into the sea in this particular part of the city.

There are many good cafes and restaurants in the beach area, and there is also an abandoned amusement park - an atmospheric attraction for fans.

(Photo © varfolomeev / / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

What to see on vacation in Kobuleti

Kobuleti is a young resort, tourists have been accepted here for only about 10 years. Most of the sights are natural, there are also many Orthodox shrines.

In the southern part of Kobuleti at the entrance to the city is located Church of the Ascension- a temple with classical architecture for Georgia. In the northern part of the city is Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary- outwardly Orthodox church more like a Catholic church, because it was built recently.

A popular place to stay in Kobuleti - Amusement park "Tsitsinatela". Here you can spend time with the whole family: there are many attractions in the park, there are cozy alleys, green areas and dancing fountains.

(Photo © Arpik / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Kobuleti is famous for its nature reserves and parks. You can take excursions or get on your own by taxi (according to tourists, you can only get to the parks by car, buses do not go there). A taxi costs about 70-80 lari ($30-35), and while you are walking, the taxi driver will wait for you.

Spain- the territory where the world's only filtering sphagnum bog is located. In addition to its uniqueness, the reserve also has historical significance - many architectural monuments of the Middle Ages are hidden in the depths of peat bogs. Also here you can find rare species birds. The reserve is equipped with bridges, so the walk will be comfortable. Visiting the park during the day is not recommended - there is nowhere to hide from the sun.

Not far from Kobuleti is the national Mtirala park, named after the mountain located on its territory. The mountain hides in the fog in any weather, and therefore the locals called it "weeping". This place is known for its healing mineral springs.

Another beautiful place for recreation in Kobuleti - mountain reserve Kintrishi. Here you will see mountain waterfalls, lakes and relict forests. Sometimes buildings erected by man come across, some of them have already been destroyed. In this area, you can even pitch a tent and live for several days surrounded by natural landscapes untouched by man.

Do not forget to take a photo with the stone arched bridges of Kintrishi - this is the only place in Georgia with such an architectural feature.

The best way to explore the country is to travel by car. You can rent a car on the Skyscanner Car Hire service. You just have to choose the place where you want to pick up the car!

(Photo © dkhinveli /

Food prices in Kobuleti in 2020

1 Georgian lari = 25-26 Russian rubles.

Prices are comparable to those in Batumi, but rest in Kobuleti is calmer and more comfortable. The resort is popular not only among Russian and Georgian tourists - people also come here from neighboring countries, for example, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Let's see what are the prices for food in Kobuleti in 2020.

A liter of milk in a small shop (and there are simply no large supermarkets) costs 3 lari, a bottle of water 1.5 liters - only 1 lari, a bottle of beer - 2-3 lari. For 13-15 GEL you can have lunch in a cafe, and for 5 GEL you can drink coffee with dessert. According to tourists, the most delicious dishes and the most reasonable prices are in cafes and restaurants on Rustaveli Street. It's simple - this is no longer a tourist area, and it is not crowded here. It is better to buy baby food in Batumi, you can not find it in Kobuleti.

(Photo © / Hotel Chveni Ezo)

Do not forget that Kobuleti is a small village of almost rural type. Here you can and should buy products from locals - it will be cheaper, tastier and healthier. In June, strawberries and cherries are harvested in Kobuleti, in July - peaches and plums, in August it is time for pears and apples. The grapes, in which the city is buried, ripen closer to September.

Be prepared for the hospitality of the locals: you can easily be invited to the house just like that, eat, drink and talk about life.

Batumi can be reached in half an hour, a minibus ride costs 1.5 GEL. A taxi is faster, but more expensive - about 15-20 GEL. Keep in mind that taxis are not metered, so negotiate the price in advance.

(Photo © Mzuriana / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)