Where is the source of the Big Sister River? Questions. Grayling fishing in Sestra

The sister is a river in the Solnechnogorsk and Klin districts of the Moscow region, as well as in the Konakovsky district of the Tver region of Russia. The largest left tributary of the Dubna (in the Volga basin). It originates in Lake Senezh, in the lower reaches it flows under the canal named after. Moscow.
The Sestra River is a thoroughbred river with a good pedigree.
In the 19th century, it was a link in the water system that connected the Volga with the Moscow River along the route Volga - Dubna - Sestra - Istra - Moscow. The carrying capacity of the Sestra River was strengthened by the dug Catherine Canal.
Barges with stone blocks weighing up to 30 tons were floated along the Sestra River for navigation.
The stone was used for the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
Now this is a thing of the past; the Catherine Canal was abandoned in the mid-19th century.
But the Sister River remains a beauty – and what a beauty it is!
The Sestra River meanders between the hills of the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge.
The hills in the vicinity of the Sestra River are so majestic that they are called mountains: Solnechnaya Gora, Raspberry Mountain, Boblovskaya, Spasskaya, Doroshevskaya Mountains...
The Sestra River begins as a small stream in a forest ravine in the Solnechnogorsk region. Not far, to the east of it, the large river of Central Russia, the Klyazma (length - 647 km), originates, on which the ancient city of Vladimir, which was the capital of medieval Rus', is located. Due to the fact that the area where these rivers originate is part of a military training ground, it is not possible to examine the sources in detail. Before flowing into Lake Senezhskoe, the Sestra River passes through a network of small reservoirs.
The Sestra River flows into the lake from the eastern side and flows out from the northern side, where a lock is located that regulates the water level. The hydroelectric power station was recently restored, and the energy it generates is used to illuminate the waterworks. Previously, small hydroelectric power stations blocked Sestra in the areas of Sinkovo, Akateva, Belozerok, Maidanovo, etc. The depth of the lake at the very base of the dam is 5.5 m. Most of the lake is 2 m deep. Gradually, the lake near the shores is overgrown with grass, becomes swampy and shallow. The process of swamping is especially active at the confluence of rivers and streams. Lake Senezhskoye is home to: perch, pike, crucian carp, roach and other fish. In the past there was regular commercial fishing. And in the 1950s – 1960s, a small steamer “Chernyakhovsky” sailed on the lake.
After leaving the lake of the Senezhsky river. The sister makes her way through a network of ponds where fish are bred and raised. In the floodplain of the river near the village of Sergeevka there is a unique Lake Bezdonnoye - a natural monument. It is small in size, but very deep. The rarest plant grows there - Water Chestnut - Chilim. In the floodplain of the river you can find the remains of the Catherine Canal, somewhere in the form of a dry dam, somewhere filled with water. Sometimes the river valley is swampy, passing through small lake-like peat expansions, sometimes its valley narrows sharply and becomes so narrow that the trees growing along the banks almost cover the river with their crowns.
The floodplain of the Sestra River is exceptionally picturesque, especially in the area of ​​the villages of Sergeevka, Sinkovo ​​and the city of Klin. Dams were built on the river in Akatevo and Belozerki. There are 4 of them on the territory of Klin. A new waterworks in the 3rd microdistrict of the city made it possible to create a large water bowl favorable for recreation and fishing (Klin Sea). After the village Maidanovo Sister overlooks the meadow expanse of the Upper Volga Lowland. Its flow is calm and unhurried. Only behind the Slobodsky Bridge there is a dangerous roll, similar to rapids. The banks become low and featureless. In the Dmitrov region, the large Yakhroma River flows into the Sestra. The river doubles in size and poses a serious obstacle for those wishing to cross to the other side. Local residents use boats because... after Ust-Pristan there are no more bridges across the river. In the lower reaches, motor boats ply its waters.
Not far from its mouth, the Sestra River meets the canal named after them on its way. Moscow. To allow the river water to pass through, a forty-meter concrete tunnel was built, passing under the canal perpendicular to it. Motor ships and barges slowly sail along a wide canal, and beneath them the river carries its waters. Sister. Channel named after Moscow was built in the thirties of the 20th century. mostly Gulag prisoners. Here you see the fruits of the prisoners' enormous hard work. Having merged with the Dubnaya River, Mother Volga receives the waters of the Sister after 11 km. This area, rare in beauty, was called the Ratma Spit.

In the vicinity of the Sestra River, among the vast expanses, many outstanding Russian people lived and worked: scientists D.I. Mendeleev and A.N. Beketov, historian V.N. Tatishchev, composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and poet A.A. Block.

Alexander Blok

"Oh, spring without end and without edge"
Oh, spring without end and without edge -
An endless and endless dream!
I recognize you, life! I accept!
And I greet you with the ringing of the shield!
I accept you, failure,
And good luck, my greetings to you!
In the enchanted area of ​​crying,
There is no shame in the secret of laughter!
I accept sleepless arguments,
Morning in the curtains of dark windows,
So that my inflamed eyes
Spring was annoying and intoxicating!
I accept desert weights!
And the wells of earthly cities!
The illuminated expanse of the skies
And the languor of slave labor!
And I meet you at the doorstep -
With a wild wind in snake curls,
With an unsolved name of god
On cold and compressed lips...
Before this hostile meeting
I will never give up my shield...
You will never open your shoulders...
But above us is a drunken dream!
And I look and measure the enmity,
Hating, cursing and loving:
For torment, for death - I know -
All the same: I accept you!
October 24, 1907

city ​​of Klin.

The first mention dates back to 1317 - the Nikon Chronicle says: “... In the summer of 6825... Prince Yuri Danilovich of Moscow with Kavgady and with many Tatars and with the princes of Suzdal... going from Kostroma to Rostov, and from Rostov going to Pereyaslavl, and from Pereyaslavl going to Dmitrov, and from Dmitrov to Klin.” Was part of the Tver Principality.
In 1408, Edigei was ravaged by the Tatars. In 1482 Klin was annexed to the Moscow Principality. In 1569 Klin suffered greatly from the oprichnina. In 1572, Ivan IV bequeathed to his son Ivan Klin with volosts, villages and duties; later Klin was the patrimony of the Romanov dynasty. In 1617, Sokolovsky's Poles besieged the city, where Pozharsky and Dmitry Petrovich Lopata held the defense.
In the 18th century, a post office was established in Klin by decree of Peter I. From 1785 - a district town in the Moscow province; At the same time, Klin acquired a regular plan. In 1851, one of the first railways in Russia, Nikolaevskaya, passed through Klin. Workers of Klin factories actively participated in the strike movement of 1905. From November 23 to December 15, 1941 it was in the hands of the Nazi occupiers; suffered greatly. Restored according to a new master plan.

There are many settlements along the river, and resort areas near the mouth. On the territory of the Vyborg region there are the villages of Mainilo, Leninskoye, Repinskaya Estate, Sestroretsky.

In the Vsevolozhsk region, the most significant is the village of Beloostrov, which is located on both sides of the river. This is where you should start fishing, moving upstream. There is also the village of Repino. Both of these settlements are part of the resort area of ​​St. Petersburg.

Access roads to the Sestra River

In the lower reaches of the Sestra it is more accessible than in the upper reaches, where it passes through forests and ravines. The Primorskoye Highway runs from St. Petersburg to the mouth and along it. There is also access along the Sestroretsk highway, which runs from Sestroretsk to Beloostrov.

Upstream the Vyborg Highway passes through the river. It turns into the M-10, E-18 “Scandinavia” highway, which crosses the river again near the village of Maynilo. The A-122 road runs parallel to this highway.

Access roads to the upper reaches of the Sestra are difficult. Here you can find only small forest trails or infrequent dirt roads. You can drive as close as possible, then walk to the shores.

Where is the Sestra River located? Description and reviews about fishing

Among the numerous reservoirs of the Leningrad region, the small Sestra River flows along the Karelian Isthmus. It begins in the swamps of the Lembolovskaya Upland and flows into an artificially created lake called Sestroretsky Razliv. The length of the river, including its sources, is less than 90 km, but fishermen divided it into several sections:

  • Upper reaches of the river.
  • The section from the middle of the river and downstream.
  • The lower reaches of the river and its mouth.

Fishing conditions, in their opinion, in each area have their own characteristics. The Sestra River (Leningrad Region) was no exception.

About the twin river Sestra

There is another river called “Sister”, but it flows in the Moscow region. Fishing conditions here are significantly different. Avid fishermen, enthusiastically describing the delights of fishing on the Sestra River, often forget to clarify where exactly this river is located, which misleads fishermen who are ready for long trips in the name of impressions and catch.

You need to decide in advance where to go if you were attracted to the Sestra River. The Moscow region and the Leningrad region have a river with the same name on their territory.

Features of fishing in the upper reaches

The upper reaches of the Sestra River have the most fishing spots. The low banks are completely covered with forest thicket. Small islands divide the river bed into several channels.

It seems that in these places several small rivers flow at once, which are trying to merge into one. The islands are overgrown with thick grass.

The bottom is sandy, with pebbles. The depth of the river is no more than 1 meter, but there are several deep pools.

Navigation in these areas is impossible. But nature has created wonderful conditions for fish here.

Brook trout live in the clear waters of the upper reaches. Pike often hunt in the pools.

There are also many other fish. Perch, ruffes, bream, and roach are found here in large quantities.

There is a lot of fish, but it is difficult for fishermen to get here. It is impossible to drive directly to the banks of the river by car due to the complete lack of roads.

Vehicles have to be left as close as possible, and then walked along forest paths to the water. The Sestra River attracts special attention from fishermen in the region.

Island fishing

The best way to fish is from the islands. A thicket of forest comes very close to the shore, which creates some inconvenience.

There are no problems getting to the islands. The shallow depth makes it easy to reach the island on foot.

Bait can be an earthworm, maggot, grasshopper, or steamed grains. You can also catch it on bread, but it is quickly washed away.

The fish are biting actively. Almost every cast is accompanied by a bite, you just need to catch it in time.

The Sister River was created for secluded relaxation. Fishing on the islands attracts tourists.

How to catch brook trout

Despite the widespread appearance of paid ponds, free fishing remains a priority for most fishermen in the Moscow region. Only on it:

  • — contact with real, captivating nature is possible;
  • - to catch a fish, you need to show all your skill;
  • — family budget savings are possible;
  • — it is possible to fish at any convenient time;
  • - You can organize your leisure time according to your preferences.

Fishing near Moscow

The vastness of the territory of the Moscow region, the presence of many reservoirs on it, offers fans a wide variety of free fishing. There are two options to get to them:

  • - the best - a personal car; you are not tied to time, you can change, if necessary, the fishing place or body of water;
  • - public transport - it is well developed in the Moscow region.

What is it about Sister?

Along the entire length of the Sestra River there are many places where you can get a good catch. But it is important to know where exactly on the Sestra River fishing will be most fruitful.

Let's start in order. It’s easier to start fishing from the lower reaches, although there are not so many fish here. But in the depths hide various species of fish, such as perch, ruffe, roach, dace, burbot, as well as some other species. More generous catches can be obtained further upstream.

Grayling fishing in Sestra

A little higher from the mouth, the river is framed by steep banks and ravines. The riverbed here is rocky, with quite large boulders in places. The current is fast. These seemingly shallowest places are rich in small grayling. It can be caught all year round. The average grayling is no more than 200 grams.

Fishing on the Sestra River in this place is more for professionals than for amateurs, since it is important to determine the places where grayling may be located and sense the bite in time. It is better to fish with a light fishing rod and line with a diameter of 0.2 mm. At the same time, you should keep the line taut: then you can clearly feel the moment of the bite, and you can make a quick hook.

Another feature of these places that the Sestra River hides is that fishing here is difficult due to slippery rocks. Therefore, after hooking, in order to pull out the fish, it is difficult to go to the shore. Therefore, experienced fishermen take with them a container for fish: a bag or basket.

Sister is a river in the Leningrad region, which originates in the swamps of the Lembolovskaya Upland and flows into Sestroretsky Razliv. Its length is 85 kilometers, the depth varies along its entire length. At the source the Sestra is shallow, with many fords.

The depth of the upper and middle sections of the river varies between 0.4-0.7 meters, and towards the mouth it becomes deeper, on average 3 meters, in some places - up to 6 meters.

The average width of the Sestra River is 10-20 meters. The average current speed is 0.3 m/sec.

Settlements near the Sestra River

There are many settlements along the river, and resort areas near the mouth. On the territory of the Vyborg region there are the villages of Mainilo, Leninskoye, Repinskaya Estate, Sestroretsky.

In the Vsevolozhsk region, the most significant is the village of Beloostrov, which is located on both sides of the river. This is where you should start fishing, moving upstream. There is also the village of Repino. Both of these settlements are part of the resort area of ​​St. Petersburg.

Access roads to the Sestra River

In the lower reaches of the Sestra it is more accessible than in the upper reaches, where it passes through forests and ravines. The Primorskoye Highway runs from St. Petersburg to the mouth and along it. There is also access along the Sestroretsk highway, which runs from Sestroretsk to Beloostrov.

Upstream the Vyborg Highway passes through the river. It turns into the M-10, E-18 “Scandinavia” highway, which crosses the river again near the village of Maynilo. The A-122 road runs parallel to this highway.

Access roads to the upper reaches of the Sestra are difficult. Here you can find only small forest trails or infrequent dirt roads. You can drive as close as possible, then walk to the shores.

Known types of fish in this body of water, what kind of fish can be caught:

Tributaries of the Sestra River

The Sestra River has six main tributaries. On the left is the Samenskaya River and the Serebryany and Pastorsky streams, flowing from Lake Pastorskoye and having a length of 10 kilometers. The right tributaries are the Lyublinka River, which originates in Lake Lublin, and the Lesnoy and Dubensky streams, which is also called Shchuchy and flows from Lake Shchuchy.

What is it about Sister?

Along the entire length of the Sestra River there are many places where you can get a good catch. But it is important to know where exactly on the Sestra River fishing will be most fruitful.

Let's start in order. It’s easier to start fishing from the lower reaches, although there are not so many fish here. But in the depths hide various species of fish, such as perch, ruffe, roach, dace, burbot, as well as some other species. More generous catches can be obtained further upstream.

Grayling fishing in Sestra

A little higher from the mouth, the river is framed by steep banks and ravines. The riverbed here is rocky, with quite large boulders in places. The current is fast. These seemingly shallowest places are rich in small grayling. It can be caught all year round. The average grayling is no more than 200 grams.

Fishing on the Sestra River in this place is more for professionals than for amateurs, since it is important to determine the places where grayling may be located and sense the bite in time. It is better to fish with a light fishing rod and line with a diameter of 0.2 mm. At the same time, you should keep the line taut: then you can clearly feel the moment of the bite, and you can make a quick hook.

Another feature of these places that the Sestra River hides is that fishing here is difficult due to slippery rocks. Therefore, after hooking, in order to pull out the fish, it is difficult to go to the shore. Therefore, experienced fishermen take with them a container for fish: a bag or basket.

Upper reaches of the Sestra River

Higher up, the river flows through the thicket of the forest, in places dividing into several channels, separated by small islands with thick, tall grass. The banks here are low. Brown trout live in these areas. The easiest way to get a good catch from the islands is to hide in the tall grass.

You can catch worms and grasshoppers using both a fishing rod and a spinning rod. There are many pools in the upper reaches. Here, fishing on the Sestra River can reward you with a good catch of pike, especially for an experienced fisherman. Over a distance of approximately 6-7 kilometers there are several pools in which quite a lot of individuals of this type of predator live.

With proper skill, every cast can end up with prey. What else is attractive about Sister? In addition to pike, trout, and grayling, there are other types of fish found here. For example, in May-June you can get a good catch of bream. And from the end of September and throughout almost the entire autumn there is a lot of burbot in the lower reaches of the river.

It is worth noting that the upper reaches of the Sestra River are richest in fish: fishing here can generously reward you with a catch. There are fewer fish in the lower reaches, but no one leaves here without a catch.

Galaktionov Yakov, Kryuchkov Andrey, 6th grade students

“A person can contemplate three things endlessly: flowing water, burning fire and floating clouds”

It is impossible to overestimate the economic importance of rivers. Our region is not usually rich in different types of fresh water: rivers and lakes, groundwater. Currently, in a number of areas of the country, there is an alarming situation associated with a shortage of water or deterioration in its quality. There is a constant need to combat pollution and freshwater depletion. Already now, the cost of preserving and reproducing water quality ranks first among all human costs for environmental protection, and the total cost of fresh water is much higher than the cost of any other type of raw material used.

The purpose of this project is to study the modern use of fresh waters of the Sestra River in the economic and cultural life of people, as well as to assess the environmental situation and ways to solve it.







MOU-SOSH village. Tchaikovsky

Project topic

The Sestra River is the main water artery of the Klin region.

Ecological problems

Completed by 6th grade students

Galaktionov Yakov Vyacheslavovich

Kryuchkov Andrey Dmitrievich

Head of Tomilina

Nadezhda Borisovna

Geography teacher



  1. Geographical position of the Sestra River.
  2. Modern use of the Sestra River in the economic and cultural life of people.
  3. Ways to solve the environmental situation of the Sestra River.




The very existence of humanity and the settlement of people around the planet is directly related to water. At all times, people have strived for rivers and lakes and settled along their banks. What attracted people to them? First of all, rivers are sources of fresh water necessary for drinking and household needs, and sometimes the only means of communication. Rivers and lakes have fed their settlers with fish for thousands of years. And in our time? The desire of people to escape from the reinforced concrete urban jungle into nature and the beauty of rivers is increasing. It is no coincidence that a saying has come down to us from the depths of centuries: “A person can contemplate three things endlessly: flowing water, burning fire and floating clouds.”

It is impossible to overestimate the economic importance of rivers. Our region is not usually rich in different types of fresh water: rivers and lakes, groundwater. Currently, in a number of areas of the country, there is an alarming situation associated with a shortage of water or deterioration in its quality. There is a constant need to combat pollution and freshwater depletion. Already now, the cost of preserving and reproducing water quality ranks first among all human costs for environmental protection, and the total cost of fresh water is much higher than the cost of any other type of raw material used.

The purpose of this project is to study the modern use of fresh water from the Sestra River in the economic and cultural life of people, as well as to assess the environmental situation and ways to solve it.

Description of the research object. Geographical position.

Historical and cultural information from the territory covered

The Sestra River flows.

The main river of the Klin region, Sestra, flows in the Moscow region. It begins in the Solnechnogorsk region, then along the Klin region and flows into the Dubna River in the Taldom region.

The source of the Sestra River is located not far (1500 meters) from the village of Gigerevo in a remote ravine. There are coniferous (spruce) forests with an admixture of birch. Until the 60s, the “Upper Reach” nature reserve of the Klyazma River was located here, not far from the source of the Sestra River - the source of the Klyazma River is also located - to the largest water artery in the country. Suffice it to say that the city of Vladimir, the capital of the ancient Russian state, was located on this river.

The Sestra River does not start from a spring, not from a lake, but water simply appears at the bottom of a ravine and the further downstream, the water content of the river increases and it flows into the Mazekha Bay of Lake Senezh. Before Lake Senezhskoe, the Sestra River is very meandering, passes through thickets of bushes, opening onto the expanse of fields and meadows. The upper reaches of the Sisters are located in hilly areas. Therefore, there are many fast riffles along the river.

After the Sestra River leaves Lake Senezhskoe, it forms another reservoir, this reservoir of fishing significance. There are several ponds here that form a network of carp breeding facilities. Usually in the fall, many ponds are drained and a large amount of fish is poured out, which goes to store shelves not only in Solnechnogorsk, but also in Zelenograd and Moscow. The area here is extremely picturesque. The river's floodplain is quite wide and surrounded by high hills. These hills offer beautiful views into the distance. On the right floodplain bank there are the remains of the Novoe estate. It is significant because the famous Russian writer, author of the novel “War and Peace” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy came here.

Then the river flows in front of its first fairly large bridge. This is the Tarakanovskoye Highway bridge. This highway is interesting because it leads to the famous A.A. Blok Museum-Reserve “Shakhmatovo”. A. Blok often drove along the Tarakanovskoye Highway and his attention was always attracted by the Bottomless Lake, located 300 meters from the village of Sergeevka, in the floodplain of the river. Sisters, on its left bank. After the Tarakanovskoe Highway, the Sestra begins to accept fairly large tributaries and, beyond the village of Tolstyakovo, turns sharply to the left and now flows not in the north, but in the west. Here the Rokhtalka River flows into it, the clean water that the famous Russian historian V.N. Tatishchev, author of “Russian History from Ancient Times,” loved to drink. His estate is located 3 km. from the river on the left bank. He lived the last years of his life on the Boldino estate, where he died and was buried in the Rozhdestvensky graveyard. An interesting marble sarcophagus with an inventory of his biography has been preserved at his grave. On the other, right bank, the estate of Count Orlov is located. A magnificent birch tree entrance alley leads to Orlov’s estate, passing through a gorgeous linden-tree, centuries-old park. After the Orlova estate, the river enters the aisles of the Klinsky district. Here the wooded part of the area ends, and the river opens onto expanses of meadows. Bizarrely meandering, the river meanders along a wide floodplain among picturesque meadows. In the area of ​​the village of Berezki, the river is blocked by a dam, and there is good fishing here.

A few kilometers later, the river is again blocked by a large dam, already in the outskirts of the city of Klin. Then, on the territory of the city, the river is blocked by 3 more dams. Since the Sestra River is not a very large waterway, the presence of 4 dams within the city makes it quite attractive and makes it possible to use its banks as a city recreation area. In the area of ​​the first large platinum (it was built in 1997) there is an equipped beach and interesting species of fish are bred for organized fishing. On the second dam there is a city boat station in the area of ​​the 4th dam there is a beautiful Maidanovsky Park. P.I. Tchaikovsky lived here for some time. He loved to walk along the bank of his sister’s river, and in winter right along the ice. After Maidanovo, the river flows through an industrial area and, leaving Klin, enters a forested area. Then from the left it receives the Yamuga River - the first largest tributary on its way.

Modern use of the Sestra River

in the economic and cultural life of people

The water in the Sestra River is not clean enough to be used to supply water to residents of settlements located along its banks. In Klin, the water supply system operates on the basis of artesian water, which is extracted from underground by drilling wells and pumping out using electric pumps.

Some state farms use the water of the Sestra River to irrigate farmland, primarily cabbage. There are currently no power plants on the river, although there were some before the Great Patriotic War. But after the destruction they never recovered. Dams on the Sestra River in Akatevo, Klin, and Maidanovo play the role of maintaining a sufficient water level in the river to help prevent its shallowing. There are fish ponds in Vertlino. At the first dam in the city of Klin, various breeds of fish are bred. There is a boat station at the second dam. Clinch residents can rent boats for river trips. Here, the banks of the Sestra are surrounded by beautiful birch groves, walks along which are so loved by the Klin residents.

Assessment of the ecological state of the Sestra River.

In the first section, we already mentioned that the Sestra River comes out of Lake Senezhskoye quite clean. It is not without reason that after the lake the river water is used for breeding carp in fish ponds. In the spring, during floods, isolated manure from the farm in the village of Tolotyakovo may enter the river. Local, small treatment plants discharge wastewater from holiday homes and camps into the river: “Orlovo”, “Akatyevo”, “Belozerki”, “Zvonkiye Golos”. However, these small flows of wastewater, entering the river, are diluted by the large amount of water carried by the Sister.

Approaching the city of Klin, the river is quite clean. But the presence of four dams in the area of ​​the city of Klin causes certain damage to the river, because The water in the dams stagnates. In the summer, this is especially dangerous in hot weather - the water begins to bloom.

However, the most significant damage is caused to the river by the flow of a lime stream into it from the Khimvolokno p/o. This association was built in 1932 and was the largest plant in the city of Klin. In previous years, up to 10,000 people worked there. It must be taken into account that this chemical production and its wastewater are very dangerous. Currently, the Khimvolokno p/o practically does not work and there is practically no waste water. During the last survey of the area where the lime stream flows (it is so called because lime is used to neutralize the chemical elements of the water used in production), it was noted that not such a large amount of water is neutralized by the large flow of the river. It is interesting to note that the limestone stream flows in the former bed of the Catherine Canal, which at the beginning of the 19th century. used as a shipping vessel. This stream flows into the river at the very exit from the city in the area of ​​the so-called Morozovskaya Dacha. Still, not such a large amount of water is neutralized by the large flow of the river.

Of course, the storm drains that run through the city of Klin cause enormous damage to the river. Particularly destructive are oil residues and petroleum products, which abound on asphalt roads and parking lots. We know that the territories of large enterprises, especially motor transport ones, are simply saturated with petroleum products. It is very painful to see how endless streams flow into the river, on the surface of which rainbow spots glitter.

But it must be said that the greatest damage to the ecology of the Sestra River at present is caused by wastewater from the treatment facilities of the city of Klin. Four large iron pipes run from the city to the treatment facilities, which are located on the left bank of the river near the village of Yamuga. They are laid right across the field. They carry wastewater from the entire city and the Khimvolokno p/o. They are poured into a tank, then flow through the so-called rake, where they undergo rough cleaning. Then, foaming and wavering, they pour into two large pools, which have a round shape. Here they also undergo weight cleaning. Then the water enters the blower. There are huge electric pumps here that pump air. Passing through the water, this air saturates it with oxygen. Then the water flows onto the silt sediments. Here are beneficial microbes that actively destroy harmful microbes. The wastewater then flows through gutters and makes its way through several settling ponds. After that, they are discharged through a large pipe into the Sestra River. The pipe is located on a high bank of the river. To prevent the shore from being washed away, a large number of granite blocks were piled at the bottom. The spectacle is impressive - it resembles a real waterfall.

It would be wonderful if in our Central Russia there was such an impressive sight. However, the water entering the river is not clean. Despite the fact that it has traveled a long way through wastewater treatment facilities, it has a dark, cloudy color and an unpleasant odor. Of course, this is no longer the same water that was pumped from the city of Klin. It was freed from mechanical impurities and some chemical elements. It is called conditionally pure, but it is still far from real pure water. It’s painful to see how almost as large a stream of water as our sister catfish pours into the river with noise, foam and splashes. The river seems to shy away from this dark water, begins to press against the right bank, and does not want to connect with this dark, foaming stream. From the top of the hill it is sad to see a river flowing into the distance, divided by sexes. The right half is light and clear, while the left is dark and frothy.

Downstream, the foam disappears from the surface of the water and the water becomes homogeneous, but this water is cloudy and unpleasant.

We know that below the discharge line of conditionally clean water from the treatment facilities of the city of Klin, the Sestra River flows through a meadow floodplain. Before the river is crossed by the Slobodskoy Bridge, the Lutosnya River flows into it on the right. This river is even longer than the Sestra River, but it carries slightly less water. The water in the Lutosnya River is quite clean, there are even crayfish in it. Despite the fact that such a large tributary as Lutosnya dilutes the dirty waters of the Sestra River, it does not become an attractive river. As reported in the newspaper “Serp i Molot”, right up to its confluence with the Yakhroma River, the Sestra River represents an environmental disaster zone. There is no fishing or swimming here.

Ways to solve the environmental situation of the river. Sisters

In 2008, the Klin decision of the Council of Deputies of the Klin Municipal District approved the program “Comprehensive development of water supply and sanitation systems in the city of Klin and the Klin municipal district for 2008-2014.” Which was signed by the Head of the district A.N. Get your hair cut.

In this program, it was noted that the city wastewater treatment plants are located in the area of ​​the village of Yamuga and are designed to receive wastewater in a volume of 30.0 thousand cubic meters. m/day The average daily water discharge in the city of Klin is 32.4 thousand cubic meters. m/day Thus, the treatment plants are overloaded. Currently, a feasibility study has been developed for the technical re-equipment of treatment facilities. Major renovationsludge maps and modernization of central treatment facilities at municipal wastewater treatment plants in Klin. Design of a disinfection plant Wastewater Klin. The water drainage system of the city of Klin includes city sewerage treatment facilities, a gravity-pressure sewer network, and sewage pumping stations. In this program, 154.5 million rubles were allocated for the reconstruction of the sewerage system.


Having studied the geographical location of the Sestra River, familiarized ourselves with the modern use of fresh water from the river in the economic and cultural life of people, and assessed the environmental situation, we can conclude that currently the use and pollution of fresh water has reached such an extent that it is necessary to take urgent measures.

Rivers are one of the main sources of fresh water, arteries of life for humans. Life itself! But they, like humans, have their own temper, rhythm of life. That is why it is so important to study and know rivers in order to live in harmony with them.


  1. Website (interesting resources)
  2. A.I. Alekseev Geography of Russia Bustard 2011
  3. M.O. Polyakova Geography short course M. Exam 2007
  4. Geography and ecology of Moscow and the Moscow region "Tutorial"

M. 2000

  1. E.V. Bryzgalin, Yu.M. Dedkov et al. Ecology of the Moscow region: Encyclopedic manual M. 2001.

Lake Senezh. Because the Sister and flows into and out of Senezh, filling and supplying it with water, the lake can rightfully be considered one of the constituent parts of the river. Senezh is an artificial reservoir. Even during the time of Peter I, a project was drawn up to connect the upper part of the Volga with the Moscow River with a canal, which was supposed to connect the rivers Dubna (a tributary of the Volga) and the Sestra with the Istra, a tributary of the Moscow River. This would shorten the waterway between St. Petersburg and Moscow by more than 1000 miles. But the project was safely forgotten, and only at the end of the first quarter of the 19th century they returned to this issue again. Construction of the canal began in 1826 and was completed only in 1850. In twenty-five years, 8.5 km of waterway between Sestra and Istra, 33 stone locks (including 20 on Sestra), retaining dams and drawbridges and dams were built significantly its left tributary was also changed. Water is big Lake Senezh(of glacial origin), the area of ​​which was previously only 66 hectares. Initially, Senezh was located on the site of the current Mazikha Bay. Thanks to the new lake, the water level in the canal was maintained at a fairly high level. Barges loaded with stones traveled along it to Moscow. But with the construction of the Nikolaev Railway in 1851, the canal was abandoned, since transporting goods along it was more expensive. The canal gradually fell into disrepair, and in 1860 the water system was closed. Only the remains of the previous structures have survived to this day, and Lake Senezh soon acquired the appearance of a natural reservoir. The area of ​​the “modern” Senezh at a normal retaining level is about 850 hectares, and now it is the largest lake in the Moscow region. Its shape is irregular, lobed, due to the bays that form it the Sestra and Mazikha rivers.

The greatest length is 5.3 km, width is 3.8 km. Coastline without significant bays and bays. The western and eastern banks are mostly elevated, the southern one is low, and the northern one is formed by a dam about 1.5 km long, along the crest of which an asphalt road is laid in the direction of the village of Ti-monovo. The total length of the coastline is 16 km. The Senezh is fed mainly by Sestra and Mazikha, numerous springs in their beds, and atmospheric precipitation. During the year, the water level in the lake changes slightly, as a rule, by no more than 0.51.5 m, while its area can be reduced to 700 hectares. Senezh belongs to low-flowing reservoirs. The bottom relief is mostly flat, without steep slopes, edges or ledges. The soils covering the bed are mostly silty and only in the area of ​​the dam and the northwestern part of Senezh are pebble-sandy. The maximum depths of the lake (5-6 m) are located in its near-dam part, as well as in the vein lake basin of Old Senezh, the average values ​​are within 2.5-3.0 m. Recently, Senezh has become heavily overgrown and swamped, especially in the bay Sisters and in the adjacent areas. In summer, huge reed and reed thickets, endless plantations of pondweed, uruti and elodea form here. As a result, such phenomena as fish death due to lack of oxygen are not uncommon, and their occurrence has been noted both in winter, when plants die and decompose, and in the summer heat, especially in the early morning hours when aquatic flora does not release, but absorbs oxygen.

Ichthyofauna of Senezh has been formed over decades. Initially, before it was filled, the fish population consisted of roach, perch, pike, ruff, crucian carp, tench, bleak and verkhovka. Only in the 50-70s of the last century, in order to acclimatize and expand the species composition, juveniles of mirror carp, carp, silver crucian carp, developing caviar, larvae and fry of bream, pike perch and eel began to be regularly released into the lake. A small hatchery for pike reproduction was built. It must be said that not all acclimatizers showed themselves to the fullest. So, for example, at first, pike perch took root well, even for some time supplanting the native pike, and began to be regularly caught by fishermen mainly using live bait gear - circles and baits, and less often with spinning rods. Some specimens reached a mass of 5-8 kg or more. But now, when the reservoir has become heavily overgrown, the already few natural spawning grounds are being reduced, stocking has almost completely stopped, and the number of predators has dropped sharply. The same thing happens with eels. As for carp, its natural spawning in the climate of the Moscow region is not always possible due to lack of heat. As a result, the carp population today is extremely small. But anglers are pleased with perch, roach, bleak, pike, ruff, bream, and tench.

The number of these species still remains sufficient; Senezh is a difficult reservoir. Not everyone, even an experienced fisherman, can immediately adapt to its conditions and start successfully fishing overnight. This requires patience, observation, and experience that comes with time. The pickiness of the fish, it seems to me, is largely due to the rich food supply of the lake. In silt deposits, in thickets of aquatic plants, in the pelagic layer of water, numerous accumulations of oligochaetes, chironomids, phyto and zooplankton, all kinds of mollusks, leeches, dragonfly larvae and other food organisms live. Therefore, Senezh fish does not lack high-calorie natural food during most of the open water season. Active biting of white fish has a pronounced periodicity. Only with significant warming of the water, usually occurring at the end of the first ten days of May, does active pre-spawning biting for roach, bleak and bream begin. Fishing is practiced with all kinds of float gear. The most popular baits are bloodworms, maggots, their combination - “sandwich”, as well as dragonfly larvae, semolina, oatmeal, dough, etc. However, it must be taken into account that without high-quality, balanced bait one cannot count on good results. Successful hunting of Senezh predators with a spinning rod, as practice shows, is possible as there are very few convenient places for fishing from the shore. Considering the strong overgrowth of the lake, the most effective bait models are non-clinging options.

When fishing for pike and perch, oscillating spoons with hooks protected by wire cutters, converted “spinners,” various plastic baits on offset hooks, as well as plastic worms on a “Carolina” rig have brought me success more than once. Their placement should be uneven, wavy, and carried out in the middle water horizon. In addition to them, some floating wobblers, poppers, as well as very effective Snag Proof rubber frogs also work well. The most productive time for fishing with a spinning rod is August-October. Winter fishing on Senezh usually begins in the second ten days of November. First, Old Senezh rises, and in calm frosty weather the entire lake freezes at once. Less reliable ice remains only in the middle part, which must always be remembered. Despite its considerable size, in terms of its hydrochemical, in particular oxygen, regime, Senezh, in my opinion, is comparable to a very large pond. Therefore, the activity of fish in winter, as in summer in open water, here has a pronounced periodicity. The most productive time is the first ice. lasting no more than 2-3 weeks from the moment of freeze-up, when numerous aquatic vegetation has not begun to intensively decompose and the oxygen concentration is still sufficient, as well as the “last” ice - literally a week to a week and a half before it melts, when the reservoir is saturated with oxygen due to melt water . The rest of the time, the fish bite is usually sluggish. The methods and techniques of winter fishing on Senezh are basically the same as on other bodies of water. Fishing is practiced with a jig (with a nozzle and without a reel), "devil", float tackle, lures using vertical or horizontal baits. In addition, sometimes zherlites also bring success. Despite the unpredictability and vagaries of biting, Senezh still remains one of the most popular and beloved reservoirs of fishermen in the Moscow region.


The upper reaches of the Sestra are located among the numerous hills of the moraine Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge. After the Senezh dam, the channel of the Sestra passes through a vast lowland area, where it immediately gets lost among the Senezhskoe carp fish farm located here. In autumn, when water is released from the ponds, the river flows along their bottom. Below the ponds, the winding bed of the Sister makes its way surrounded by numerous thickets of willow, alder, nettle, wild cucumber and hops, and other woody and herbaceous plants. The flow direction of the small river is north. Beyond the village of Sergeevka, the Sister flows along the old Catherine Canal. In the channel, whose width is 58 m and depth - 0.4-0.7 m, there are large stones, small riffles, and the remains of piles of old destroyed bridges. Having passed the right-bank village of Tolstyakovo, numerous dachas and cottages, Sister turns sharply to the west and enters a narrow but very picturesque valley, overgrown with a dense spruce and birch forest. The speed of the current increases sharply, reaching 0.3-0.4 m/s, there are still many large stones in the riverbed, there are riffles, and springs appear along the water's edge. Over a distance of 8-10 km to the village of Gorbovo, several small, more stream-like tributaries flow into the Sestra. Among them are the rivers Zheludovka, which flows in on the left, and Rakh-talka, which replenishes the Sister on the right. Just downstream of Gorbovo there is an old destroyed dam, and in front of the left-bank village of Shakhmatovo, known from the nearby estate of A. A. Blok, there is a bridge on the road leading to the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway. Another 7-9 km Sestra flows framed by good coniferous forests, gradually leaning towards the north-west direction. Then it comes out onto a treeless area of ​​the area, which, with the exception of a small green area on the right bank, continues all the way to the city of Klin. In the area of ​​the village of Belozerki, Sestra turns sharply to the west for some time, crossing the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway and forming a lake-like expansion, and after another 4-5 km, at the level of the village of Sokhino, it rushes in a northerly direction. Along this length it is replenished by small tributaries, including the Zhukovsky and Bezymyanny streams and the Zhornovka River.

To the right of Sister the old Catherine Canal stretches, in places connecting with the river bed. A large modern dam was built in Klin, supporting a riverbed reservoir stretching for more than 2.5 km. Its maximum width reaches almost 100 m, its depth is about 2-4 m. Recently, it has become a cultural fishery, which is periodically stocked with carp, silver carp, etc. Fishing here is paid. Behind the dam the river takes in! the same appearance throughout! Almost 15 km flows through the urban areas of Klin, once again crossing the Moscow - St. Petersburg highway. The ecology of the river is undergoing dramatic changes. If in the upper reaches the hydrochemical composition of the water more or less corresponds to natural standards, now domestic and industrial wastewater from city wastewater treatment plants, including from the Khimvolokno enterprise, which produces fishing line, is known to many generations of fishermen. Water Sisters becomes undrinkable for a long time! From a fisherman’s point of view, not all sections of the upper reaches of the Sestra are equal. The reservoirs of the Senezhsky fish farm are of undoubted interest to lovers of carp and crucian fishing. There are at least two ponds here for paid fishing, which are regularly stocked with different-sized carp and crucian carp. Moreover, in one of them, individuals of exclusively breeding stock are concentrated, differing in non-standard dimensions. True, the price of fishing here is also extremely high. Fishing in ponds is possible with almost all known gear, ranging from trivial ones - a float rod and a cast-iron with feeders to a modern plug or feeder and specialized carp rods on Rod-Pod stands with electronic bite alarms. A wide variety of baits of animal (worm, maggot, bloodworm) and vegetable (corn, pearl barley, semolina, all kinds of boilies, Hercules oatmeal dough, etc.) origin is used. Particularly popular is dough prepared on the basis of specialized carp feed. Similar fishing is practiced in the dammed reservoir in Klin. Along with specially introduced carp and crucian carp, the ichthyofauna of the reservoir is complemented by native fish - roach, bream, pike, perch. The Sister herself is not distinguished by a special variety of species. Here you can find bleak, roach, perch, redfish and ruff; only occasionally dace, medium-sized pike and chub. The most productive time for catching them is spring and early summer, the most popular gear is wire fishing rod with rings and .

Middle reaches and lower reaches of the Sestra River

Having passed the city of Klin, after 7 km Sestra accepts another tributary on the left - the Yamuga River and sharply changes the direction of movement from north-west to north-east. After that, it flows for almost 40 km, to the village of Trekhsvyatskoye, through an uninhabited area. First, for 912 km, the river is surrounded by a mature mixed forest, then by a wide, treeless floodplain. The left bank is significantly higher than the right bank for a long distance. Along it, at a distance of 300-500 m, there is a road in the direction of the village of Birevo. The width of the river at low water here is about 10-12 m, the flow is smooth, calm, and its speed is a little more than 1 km/h. The soils covering the bottom are mostly sandy. Closer to the mouth of a fairly large right tributary, the Lutosni Sestra River, gradually changes direction to the east. Forests again begin to approach its left bank, and along the right bank, swampy floodplain, flows the right tributary - the Lyutenka River, which flows into the Sestra just above Lutosnya. A noticeable right tributary of the Lutosnya in the lower reaches makes its way through open, partly swampy terrain. After taking it, entering the open floodplain, Sister becomes wider and full of water. Its banks are significantly lowered, and the channel expands to 1520 m, the depth is on average 1.3 m, the flow speed remains the same. To the left and right, along the bush-covered banks, are scattered numerous, often horseshoe-shaped, oxbow lakes connecting to the main channel, small floodplain lakes and irrigation canals. In 4 km Sister crosses the Shevlyakovo - Sloboda highway with a reinforced concrete bridge, and after another 8 km - the bridge of the Slobodka - Vatolino road. Near the bridges there is a possibility of access to the water. Now a beautiful coniferous forest again approaches the right, high and steep bank. Slightly higher than stretched along rivers of the village of Trekhsvyatskogo to Sestra another tributary flows in from the left Berezovka river, and 2 km below is the mouth of the Sundysh River.

Behind Trekhsvyatsky, at a distance of 7 km, are the villages of Olsovo and Ust-Pristan. It is from here that the most promising and interesting section of the river for anglers begins. Having passed under the next bridge, the Sister on the right receives the main, largest tributary - the Yakhroma River, and at the confluence it is almost one and a half times narrower than its tributary. The ancient trading village of Ust-Pristan has long been an important transshipment point. Goods that arrived along the Sestra from the Volga went from here further along Yakhroma to Dmitrov. Below the mouth of the Yakhoma, the river turns north, the current slows down even more, the channel widens significantly, in some places reaching 3050 m, the depth increases to an average of 2.0 m. The bottom is still sandy. Deep places begin to regularly alternate with shallow rapids and minor riffles. Sister here it seems to be woven from whirlpools, holes and long reaches with calmly running water. Occasionally along the shores there are sandy beaches and spits. The bedrock banks themselves become quite high (12-15 m) and steep. Since the current is not strong, in summer the shallow waters of the Sisters become heavily overgrown. Accumulations of reeds, sedges, egg capsules, pondweed, hornwort and other aquatic plants appear both along the water’s edge and in its thickness, which creates certain difficulties for fishermen. The population around Sister is increasing somewhat. One after another, the villages of Pustyn, Nizhnevo, Dulovo appear on its banks... The village of Pustyn (formerly called Bear Pustyn) stands on a steep northeast bend of Sestra. It is famous for its ancient monastery (1472) and the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary located in it (1556). A dirt and gravel road runs along the right bank in the direction of Ust-Pristan - Nizhnevo. Here the river makes a very steep but picturesque bend. Starting from Dulov and almost to the mouth of the river, it flows along the border of the Moscow and Tver regions. Having passed the village, it enters a forest area, I approach both its banks for a distance of about 7 km. Further, the right bank becomes open, in
In the immediate vicinity there is a highway in the direction of Dmitrov - Meldino. There are villages and villages here: Dro-chevo, Dutshevo, Isakovo, Nazarovo, Lipino, Tishino...

Just below the village of Dutshevo on the river there are ruins of a once operating local power station. Despite the fact that the dam is practically gone, a slight backwater of water still spreads up the river, creating attractive places for fish and anglers. Right here Sister it is replenished by subsequent tributaries: the Dyatlovka River, and after another 9 km the Krutets River, which flows in from the left. The sister gradually turns to the northeast, simultaneously forming large, smooth bends. At the Karmanovo station of the Savelovsky direction of the railway, it passes under the Moscow Canal, after which it forms two sharp bends and soon, near the village of Ustye-Strelka, flows into Dubna.

In terms of fishing, the average and lower reaches of Sestra, of course, the most interesting and promising. Almost all categories of fishermen can express themselves here: floaters and spinning anglers, jigs and fly-fishers, bottom fishers... Roach, perch, bleak, ruffe, pike and chub are found everywhere here. Moreover, as they approach the lower reaches of the river, their numbers increase. From numerous floodplain lakes and oxbow lakes, silver crucian carp has entered Sestra and is doing well. During the spring flood, large quantities of bream, silver bream, roach, chub, and ide rise here from the Volga and Dubna in large quantities to spawn and feed. In some years, even sabrefish were caught, and in the pre-estuary area there is a possibility of encountering asp and pike-perch, and there was once a catfish...

Fishing season on Sestra begins almost immediately after the river opens up and the ice melts, when small snow thawed patches are just beginning to appear along the banks. For the first week and a half, while the water remains unturbided by groundwater runoff and the current is not strong, effective fishing with a float rod for medium-sized chubs and silver bream is possible here. The only attachment at this point is a bloodworm, and the main components of success are the finest equipment, high maneuverability, stealth of movement, and good choice of location. It is not necessary to use bait during this period. With the arrival of warmth, the water in Sestra rises sharply, overflowing its banks in low-lying areas, flooding the floodplain. This period is considered “dead” for fishermen. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that a significant part of the Sestra valley and its main tributary, the Yakhroma, is plowed under fields, the runoff from which pollutes the river for 1.52 weeks. This must be taken into account when going fishing. When the flood ends and the water gradually clears, Sister A large number of migratory fish rise from the Volga and Dubna. At this moment, in areas with intense currents, fishing is successful with a float fishing rod and half-bottom, as well as with a light picker or feeder. In the lower reaches of the Sisters Where the current is noticeably weaker and the river is wider, many anglers also use plug rods with shortened, delicate equipment. The main bait at this time is a dung or earthworm, caddisfly, as well as bloodworms and maggots. as the water temperature rises, it begins to bring more tangible results, and anglers no longer have to move from one place to another several times in looking for fish.

As the water warms up and the water area becomes overgrown, the most effective tackle becomes a summer jig with a side nod, and there is no need for a particularly long rod, a 6-meter one is enough. In the “windows” among aquatic plants you can find a wide variety of fish: from small roach and bleak to large bream, crucian carp, and chub. From predators on Sister You can hunt for chub, which has recently become the most numerous, as well as pike. However, due to the strong overgrowth of rivers, spinning fishing has its own difficulties associated with both the choice of specific fishing spots and the selection of bait. In areas free of vegetation and in fairly fast currents, small spinners work well ( Long or Comet petal N91-3), minnow type wobblers, in some places - light and . The key to success is frequent changes of places and maneuverability. In winter, fishing on Sestra does not stop. True, there are certain difficulties, the main one of which is the impossibility of access directly to the river. Even in those places where the highway comes quite close to the river, you still have to walk through deep snow for at least 200-300 m. In general, ice fishing is practiced along the numerous whirlpools and reaches in this area. Considering that in winter the current speed decreases even more due to the minimum water level, the main gear here is a winter fishing rod with a nod and a jig. It is also possible to have a float rig with a hook. True, there are no particularly rich catches, but small and medium-sized perch, as well as roach, are regularly pecked almost all winter. During prolonged thaws, you can count on catching a decent chub, and with spring warming, the bleak bite usually begins.

In conclusion, we cannot help but touch upon such a problem as poaching. Like most of our other rivers in the middle zone, it flourishes on the Sister. Here, in addition to the already “talk of the town” electric fishing rods and “network operators”, grabbers of a somewhat different kind also ply their trade. On no other river, except, perhaps, the Dubna, into which the Sestra flows, have I seen so many fundamentally (for more than one year) “cranes” installed along the banks - devices for lifting fish with “spiders”. Moreover, the dimensions of the “spider” lifts themselves are also impressive: 2x2, 3x3, and even more! The most important thing is that “non-humans” hunt for them exclusively in the spring, when the fish, having gathered in schools, rise along the Sister to the spawning grounds to perform the sacrament of procreation, precisely at the time when the two-month period for the protection of the reproduction of fish stocks is in effect, when even sports gear for amateur fishermen are limited... Naturally, the producers scoop everything up without a trace, and no one cares. And if you are tired of the reservoirs of the Moscow region, then private hotels in Sochi are suitable for your conditions. Why private hotels? Yes, because you live there like at home, and this has a positive effect on your vacation.