The most waterfalls! The mesmerizing beauty of Niagara Falls: dream and reality

Waterfalls are some of nature's most beautiful and impressive creations. The sight of water falling freely through the air and crashing on the ground in a cloud of splashing and thundering roar is truly one of the most beautiful experiences in life.

In addition, most of the waterfalls are located in pristine, breathtaking terrain, and beautiful rainbows can always be seen in the areas near the waterfalls.

Bird's eye view of Angel Falls The world's tallest Angel Falls was discovered by American pilot Jimmy Angel in 1935 while he was prospecting for gold in southeastern Venezuela. He was flying his small plane through a narrow canyon when he noticed an arrow of water rushing from a height of 979 meters from the tepui down to the mountainous tropical lowland.

The Tugela Falls in South Africa are almost as high, with a total height of 933 meters. (Some sources indicate a height of 850 meters, while it is still the second highest). However, not many people have heard of Tugela Falls because it is not the tallest waterfall.

The tallest waterfall in North America, Yosemite Falls is the sixth tallest waterfall in the world.
Located in Yosemite national park in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, it presents a fantastic and breathtaking spectacle. In fact, other than Angel Falls, few people have ever heard of any other tallest waterfalls.
The fact is that most high waterfalls are located in remote mountains, far from human eyes. And besides, they are usually found on small rivers. After all, many rivers are born in the mountains, where they must flow for a long time, taking in everything more water from its tributaries before becoming really big. But what if a river like the Amazon, Nile, or Mississippi falls off a cliff? One such super waterfall is Khon Falls on the Mekong River in Laos.
Its height is only 22 meters, yet an average of 11,000 cubic meters of water flows through it per second. Read on.

Much more famous is the waterfall on the Nile River in Africa. Educated in Uganda national park Murchison Falls. But the most big waterfall in the world, consisting of a single stream - another African giant, Victoria Falls. Situated on the mighty Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, this fearsome giant lets out a deafening roar as a wall of water approximately one mile wide crashes down to the ground from a height of almost 120 meters.
The story of the discovery of Victoria Falls is also known. The first European to see it was David Livingstone, who named it after Queen Victoria. Iguazu Falls The most spectacular waterfall creator in the world is the South American Parana River.
On one of its tributaries, on the border of Brazil and Argentina, is the Iguazu Falls. A series of rocky and wooded islands divide the river into approximately 275 streams that fall 280 feet from cliffs more than two miles wide.
Water flows averaging about 1,600 cubic meters per second increase to more than 11,000 during times of flood. In 1986, Iguazu Falls was declared a natural heritage of humanity by UNESCO. You've probably never even heard of the largest waterfall on Earth. Located downstream on the Parana River, Guaira Falls had 7.5 times the average flow of Iguazu.

Unfortunately, it was flooded by the construction of the Itaipu Dam in 1982. Niagara Falls North America's most famous waterfall is located near the middle of the Niagara River, which flows from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.
On one side of the island in the river is the long, straight line of the American Falls; on the other is the graceful crescent of Horseshoe Falls. Both fall approximately 51 meters, together forming the famous Niagara Falls. Etienne Bruhl, the first European to see Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron and Superior, may also have been the first to see Niagara Falls, in 1615. Of course, it was hidden deep in the wilderness 400 years ago.
Today, Niagara Falls is famous mainly because it is located near one of the world's largest population centers. Of course, this is an amazing sight, even if it cannot be compared with some of the giants in other countries. The American Falls plummet from 21 to 33 metres, while the Canadian Horseshoe Falls plummet from 51 meters into the Pond of the Maiden of the Mists. More than 4,300 cubic meters of water rushes through the falls every minute during peak flow. Niagara has gained particular fame as a place that attracts lovers. The falls also appeal to daredevils, scores of those who have found fame—or death—trying to survive one of the fastest river floats around, a drop of no more than five seconds from Niagara Falls.

A wooden barrel could even be considered official vehicle waterfall If you think that there are many huge waterfalls in the Himalayas and Andes, you are not alone, I thought the same thing. Yet, even though Asia is the largest continent, there is only one waterfall worthy of making the list. North America puts on quite a show with half a dozen superwaterfalls.
Yet tiny Norway surpasses Canada, the United States and Mexico combined in this part - as many as eight. With France and Switzerland having one super waterfall each, Europe easily beats the other continents with a total of ten waterfalls for the record books. Even tiny, arid Australia has three times as many superwaterfalls as Asia.

List of the 20 highest waterfalls in descending order:

Angel, Venezuela
Tugela, South Africa,
Utigård, Norway,
Monge, Norway,
Mutarazi, Zimbabwe
Yosemite Falls, USA,
Espelands, Norway,
Lower Mar valley waterfall, Norway,
Tissestrengene, Norway,
Kukenan, Venezuela
Sutherland, New Zealand,
Kjell, Norway,
Takkakau, Canada
Tape, USA,
Upper Mar Valley waterfall, Norway,
Gavarnier, France,
Vettis, Norway,
Hanlen, Canada
Tin Main, Australia,
Silver Strand, USA.

Guys! We continue to describe various objects found in nature. This object is formed using water and rocks.

Guess the riddle.

Water rushes from the cliff,

The jets fly with a roar.

Can you guess

What is this - ... (waterfall).

♦ Let’s say the word “waterfall” again. Slowly, syllable by syllable. What two simple words is this formed from? compound word? Explain its meaning.

This word is formed from two words: “water” and “fall”. Therefore it means falling water.

♦ How is a waterfall formed?

There are many large and small rivers in our country. Mountain rivers rush wildly and swiftly, while lowland rivers flow smoothly and calmly. But it also happens that a flat river becomes swift and stormy. This happens in cases where its channel is blocked by rocky rocks. Such places are called thresholds. They are very dangerous for shipping.

If the river bed suddenly breaks off in the form of a steep ledge, the water falling from it forms a waterfall.

♦ Where are waterfalls most common?

Right! In the mountains or on the border between flat and mountainous areas.

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls, located in South America on the Churun ​​River. Its height reaches 1054 m.

The most famous waterfall in the world is Niagara Falls (on the Niagara River in North America). The height of the ledge of this waterfall is not so great - about 50 m, but the width is about a kilometer. Translated from Indian, Niagara Falls means “rumbling water”, because its noise can be heard over a distance of up to 25 km!

The largest waterfall is located in Africa, on the Zambezi River.

In our country the most large waterfall bears the name of the hero Ilya Muromets. It is located on one of Kuril Islands. There, a mountain river makes a giant leap from a cliff into the sea. A mighty stream of water falls from a height of 141 m.

A smaller waterfall can be seen on the Suna River in Karelia. It is called Kivach, the water here falls down from a height of 11 m. Many waterfalls can be found in the Caucasus mountains.

♦ Have you ever seen a waterfall? Describe it.

Powerful waterfalls are an unforgettable sight. The water falls down with a deafening noise. It breaks into separate jets, and a cloud of water pearl splashes, foam and tiny water dust hovers around the waterfall.

IN sunny days A bright rainbow plays in the water droplets, sometimes you can see many such rainbows!

Falling from a cliff, the water rushes further and further at great speed.

Many tourists deliberately go on a long and difficult journey to admire the amazing spectacle of falling water.

Listen to the poem.

A waterfall rushes down the mountain,

He doesn't whisper, he doesn't flow,

The water flies with a roar:

Foam, stones, menacing view!

The waterfall rushes down -

Do not fill the jugs with water.

Clouds of pearl splashes,

From the bottom to the top,

Rainbows are burning in the drops!

What a miracle - a waterfall!

Answer the questions

1. What is a waterfall? How does it appear in nature?

2. What does the waterfall shown in the picture look like?

3. List the names of waterfalls that you know.

4. Where are waterfalls most common?

5. Why is Niagara Falls called “rumbling water”?

6. What are the names of the waterfalls found in Russia?

A waterfall is a place where, in the path of a river or spring, there is a sharp vertical cliff from which water falls. Waterfalls also occur where meltwater falls over the edge of layered icebergs or an ice shelf. However, not all waterfalls fit this description. There are so many unusual and unique waterfalls, that they involuntarily arouse mistrust and sincere surprise of visitors. These natural wonders are very rare and they are still largely unknown to the general public.

1. Bigar Cascade Falls, Romania

This is the Bigar waterfall, located in the county of Caras-Severin, Romania. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in this country. It is unique in the way the water spreads and falls from the rocks in thin threads. It is located exactly on the 45th parallel, which is also quite unique.

This amazing moss-covered waterfall is located in the forests of the Aninsky Mountains and is formed from an underground spring, the water of which flows into the Minis River.

2. Eternal Flame Falls, USA

The Eternal Flame Falls is located in the small Shale Creek Nature Reserve, which is part of the Chestnut Ridge Park in New York (by the way, we have already talked about it).

The Eternal Flame Falls is highly dependent on precipitation and meltwater. It usually flows only in early spring, or after prolonged heavy rains. Its height reaches 9 meters and its waters fall from a slope made of shale and divided into two segments. In a small grotto, located at a height of one and a half meters, to the right of the bottom of the waterfall, there is a source of natural gas that can be ignited. The height of the resulting flame varies from 10 to 20 centimeters. When the waterfall flows at full strength, the water pours over the grotto, covering the flame and scattering its light like a lampshade.

The Eternal Flame Waterfall is truly one of the most unique waterfalls in the country and one of the few natural areas of our planet that have not been touched by human hands.

3. Asik-Asik Falls, Philippines

Located in Alamada, North Cotabato province, Asik Asik Falls falls from a height of 60 meters. Its width is 140 meters, and its waters are considered healing.

By the way, there is no river or any other body of water above the waterfall. The water just pours out of the rock formations on the edge of the hill. Most of The rocks are covered with vegetation and resemble a large green curtain.

The clean and fresh water falling from the waterfall into the river is so cool that visitors can drink it. The provincial government has built a network highways leading to a waterfall in spring time. This made the path to the waterfall much easier for tourists, since before there were no such roads and they had to walk the whole way.

4. Horizontal Falls, Australia

Horizontal waterfalls are a natural phenomenon, set on the coast of Kimberley, Western Australia.

Despite their name, horizontal falls are a fast-moving tidal current passing through two narrow, closely spaced gorges. mountain range McLarty Range in Talbot Bay. The direction of the flow changes with each change of tide. Because tides in the Kimberley can reach 10 metres, the peak of the tide results in significant differences in sea level on either side of each of the gorges.

The width of the northern gorge, closest to the sea, is 20 meters, and the southern, internal gorge is 12 meters. Between each of the gorges there are natural reservoirs, ranging in size from six to eight kilometers, which are filled with sea water through the openings of the gorges. During low tide, water leaves these reservoirs, and they are almost completely drained. The inner gorge is also partially fed fresh water from Poulton Bay. You will find more photos, information, and videos about this unique place here.

5. Bloody Falls(Blood Falls), Antarctica

Bloody Falls was first discovered in 1911. Pioneers in Antarctica initially thought that the red color of the waterfall was due to red algae, but it was later proven to be due solely to iron oxides. This chemical compound contained in water appeared there as a result of the metabolism observed in unique microorganisms.

Salty, iron-rich water is leaving a small crack in the Taylor Glacier. Bloody Falls is fed by a nearby lake covered with a layer of ice, which is located at a depth of 400 meters. The salt content in water is 4 times higher than in the ocean. Therefore, the water in the waterfall never freezes even at temperatures below -10°C.

6. Svartifoss, Iceland

Svartifoss (or Black Falls) is a waterfall located in Skaftafell National Park in Iceland. It is one of the park's most popular attractions. It is surrounded by dark lava columns, which give it its name.

Other famous formations of similar columns can be found on the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland, “Devil's Tower” in Wyoming, USA and on the island of Staffa in Scotland.

The base of this waterfall is notable for its sharp rocks. New parts of hexagonal column fractures break off faster than edges worn out by falling water. These basalt columns have been a source of inspiration for many Icelandic architects. Their influence is most noticeable in the Hallgrímskirkja church in Reykjavík, as well as in the National Theater building.

7. Baatara Gorge Waterfall, Lebanon

Baatara's Throat Falls is a waterfall located in the municipality of Tannourine, Lebanon. The height of the waterfall is 255 meters. Water falls into Pothole Baatara, a cave made of Jurassic limestone located on the Lebanon Mountain Trail. Discovered in 1952 by French bio-spelunker Henri Coiffait, the waterfall and cave were fully mapped in 1980 by the Spéléo club du Liban. The cave is also known as the Cave of the Three Bridges.

Traveling from Laklouk to Tannourine, tourists pass the village of Balaa and the "Chasm of Three Bridges" - a five-minute journey into the valley below, where you can see three naturally formed bridges rising above each other and spanning the chasm, descending to the mountain Lebanon. When the snow melts, a 90-100 meter waterfall forms behind the bridges and then falls into a 250 meter abyss. A test using fluorescent dyes carried out in 1988 showed that the water feeding the falls comes from the Dalleh spring, located in Mgharet al-Ghaouaghir.

8. Boiling Water Falls (Hierve el Agua), Mexico

Boiling water falls are a series of natural rock formations in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, which look like waterfalls. The falls consist of two rock terraces or cliffs, the height of which varies between 50 and 90 meters from the bottom of the valley. Hanging from them are almost white rock formations that look like waterfalls.

The waterfalls are formed by a relatively small amount of water, which is supersaturated with calcium carbonate and comes to the surface through cracks on the mountainside. The water temperature ranges from 22 to 27°C. As water flows down the rock, it forms large stalactites, similar to those found in caves. The flow of water from a spring mainly depends on the season and its strength depends on whether it is the dry season or the rainy season.

One of the cliffs, called the Little Waterfall or Amphitheater, contains two artificial swimming pools, as well as a number of small, natural pools. One of the artificial pools is located very close to the edge of the cliff. The waters of these pools are famous for their medicinal properties due to its high mineral content.

Labasin Waterfall Restaurant, Philippines

The Labazin Waterfall Restaurant will give you a truly unique and memorable experience. It is located at the Villa Escudero resort in the Philippines, where guests can enjoy their food while feeling the water flow under their feet.

In addition to enjoying local cuisine, here you can also enjoy the almost untouched nature of the region, previously occupied by farms and coconut plantations.

Labazin Waterfall is not a natural waterfall. In fact, this is the spillway of the Labazin Dam, the first working hydroelectric power station in the country, built in 1029 by Don Arsenio Escudero.

Daria Nessel| Oct 12, 2017

Niagara Falls- one of the wonders of the world, located on the border of Canada and the USA. Every second, huge masses of water rush down with noise, a truly breathtaking and amazing sight. Let's take a closer look at one of the most beautiful places on our planet.

Where is Niagara Falls located?

Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River of the same name, between two states. It is not the largest in the world, its height is only fifty-three meters, but colossal volumes of water pass through it, incomparable to any other. Many people think that Niagara is one waterfall, but in fact there are three of them: American, Canadian and Veil. There are two cities near it: the American Buffalo and the Canadian Niagara Falls.

View of the Horseshoe Falls from above.

The history of Niagara Falls

The history of Niagara Falls goes back twelve thousand years. The reason for its formation, like the river, was the appearance of the Wisconsin Glacier; it moved across Canadian territory. Glacial masses compacted rocks and soil layers, creating a unique landscape, river beds, lakes and rapids. After the glacier began to melt, huge volumes of water created soil erosion, as if pushing apart the bowels of the earth, thereby creating entire gorges and cliffs filled with water.

The destruction of the soil continues now, Niagara Falls is gradually moving up to the source of the flow. We won’t see this happen, but according to professors’ estimates, in twenty thousand years it will reach Lake Erie, becoming one huge body of water.

Discovery of Niagara Falls

The discovery of Niagara Falls belongs to Samuel de Champlain in 1604, by pure chance. While studying and mapping the beds of the St. Lawrence River, the scientist learned from local residents about the existence of a small ledge of water between Lakes Erie and Ontario. He put it on the map, and there the Europeans learned in absentia about the new wonder of the world.

The next eyewitnesses of the unprecedented miracle were missionaries in 1640 and 1647, then they called it “a waterfall of terrible height.”

Niagara Falls - a beautiful legend of love

A touching and romantic legend of the local Indian flame is associated with Niagara Falls. It tells about the beautiful Lelavalaya, the daughter of the leader of one of the tribes. Her father, against her will, betrothed her to an honorable warrior; the girl sincerely hated him. Unable to accept her fate, she sacrificed herself, throwing herself into the watery abyss, in the name of bright love for God He-No, the lord of thunder, who lived in a cave. He-No was fascinated by the girl and did not let her die, he picked her up on the fly. Since then, their souls have lived in peace and love, guarding Niagara Falls. This is where its name came from; it literally means “rattling water” in Indian.

Niagara Falls, observation decks.

Extreme fun in Niagara

In the 19th century, an unusual, risky fun appeared - descent in wooden barrels. The first person to descend from Niagara was, oddly enough, an ordinary teacher Annie Taylor; she not only overcame it in a wooden barrel, but most importantly, she survived, receiving only a small wound on her head.

After this strange act, hundreds of extreme sports enthusiasts in wooden barrels rafted through the waters of Niagara, many received serious injuries, often this adventure ended tragically, but there were those who made this extreme jump several times. Every year the sad list of unsuccessful descent attempts grows and it has become a popular place for suicides, a beautiful death in front of a huge public.

Now descending it is prohibited, it is punishable by a large fine and even imprisonment, but despite all the prohibitions there are daredevils or madmen who want to conquer the raging elements.

VIDEO: Niagara Falls

Watch the video “Journey to Niagara Falls”

Excursions at Niagara Falls

The best place to see natural splendor is Observation deck Table Rock.

Many tourists choose the deck of the Maid of Mist ships. They depart from both sides every thirty minutes, the capacity of one such boat is about six hundred passengers. The price from the Canadian side is 15C$, from the American side 9$. The tour lasts about twenty minutes.

The most interesting part begins when approaching the center of the Horseshoe, the ship goes around it in a circle. At this time, people on the deck are being doused with a mass of water, enthusiastic exclamations and screams can be heard everywhere, many are trying to wrap themselves in raincoats, but this will not help much, water will be everywhere.

You can admire the amazing beauty of Niagara Falls from a bird's eye view by booking a helicopter ride, it will cost $140.

The infrastructure in this area is very developed; you can visit a 3D cinema, where anyone can watch videos related to a local landmark. In the nearest cities, there is a Ferris wheel, various lifts, platforms and terraces, a wax museum, and many attractions.

Note to tourists!

  • If you are going to sail on a boat near Niagara Falls, if you have the opportunity, then buy not an ordinary raincoat, but a cellophane overall and swimming goggles.
  • The equipment should also be better packed, and in no case should it be missing, otherwise the minimum: it will simply flood, the maximum - you will simply lose it due to a strong flow. It’s better to take beautiful shots from observation platforms.
  • Additionally, take a second pair of shoes with you to continue the tour in comfort.

Niagara National Park

Not far from Niagara Falls there is a national park of the same name - a small and cubby, where you can relax a little after a busy excursion. The ticket costs only ten dollars, and parking costs the same. There are several cafes and restaurants in the park where you can eat delicious food, not just fast food, but quite healthy and satisfying dishes. On its territory there is an aquarium, where interesting shows with fur seals are organized for children, as well as a museum dedicated to the discovery, study and interesting facts associated with the main attraction. Near the museum there are shops and stalls with souvenirs that will remind you of your unusual journey.

Niagara Falls - winter light show

Traditionally during the winter festival, it lasts from November to January, Niagara Falls is painted with millions of colors, a spectacle incredible beauty. Although the waters are illuminated throughout the year, it is during the festival that the colored spotlights are turned on not for just three hours, but for seven or more.

To better enjoy the show, there is a special route along which a small tram runs.

They decided to organize a light show in 1860. In honor of the arrival of the royal person, the Prince of Wales, a grandiose show was staged with colored spotlights and fireworks. The tourists liked the magical spectacle so much and local resident, that color backlighting has since been used constantly.

IT TURNS out that Niagara Falls is not the largest waterfall in the world!

Niagara Falls - just the most famous waterfall, thousands of tourists come to the USA every year to see it.

“Big” is usually called high or full-flowing (powerful) waterfalls.

So, tallest in the world is Angel Falls in South America in the country of Venezuela. The height of this waterfall is 1054 meters (the height of a 350-story building)!

The waterfall was named after the Venezuelan pilot Juan Angel who discovered it. The fact is that Angel Falls is located, perhaps, in the most inaccessible corner of the earth, and the approaches to the sheer wall of the waterfall are blocked by the dense jungle a tropical forest, so only the pilot could see it first.

The wild forest here is entirely intertwined with vines and bushes, so they were able to determine the height of Angel Falls only fifteen years after its discovery - the expedition had to be well prepared. To get to the waterfall on the ground, surveyors had to cut a road using axes and machetes. The last 35 km were covered... in 20 days!

It is clear that even today tourists cannot get close to Angel Falls - it is still impossible. We can only believe the stories of scientists that “the waterfall is so high that powerful streams turn into the smallest water dust before they even reach the ground!”

By the way, within a year highest waterfall the world looks different: in the rainy season the waterfall is divided into many powerful jets, and in the dry heat it flows undignified...

The most powerful cascading waterfall in the world - Iguazu (height about 80 meters - 25 floors) is called one of the seven wonders of the world. A monstrous mass of water falls over the crest of the ledge of this waterfall - more than 700,000 tons of water per minute. That is, the waterfall throws down a billion tons of water per day! The roar of the powerful waterfall (in Spanish, Iguazu means “devil’s throat”) can be heard for many kilometers.