The most beautiful natural attractions of Russia. A variety of attractions of vast Russia - photos with names and descriptions of the main attractions of the city

37 chosen

At the end of March, the multimedia project “Russia 10” was launched. The country chooses its main symbols - the most striking and significant cultural and architectural monuments, as well as natural attractions. As a result of the voting, which will last six months, the top ten main symbols of Russia should be obtained.

This competition, it seems to me, should raise interest in the history and culture of our country, help us learn about the sights in the regions, about the unique natural landscapes of our vast Motherland. The project can spur tourists, not only foreign ones, but also ourselves, to travel more and explore not only well-known attractions, but also the outback.

So, I offer you a version of the Top 10 main attractions of Russia.

No. 1. Novgorod Kremlin

The Novgorod Kremlin is the oldest surviving kremlin in Russia. The first mentions date back to the mid-19th century. However, the uniqueness of the ensemble, in my opinion, is not even in its age or architectural features, but in the fact that it is the spiritual center in which Russian statehood was born, where the Novgorod veche gathered, which became a unique experience of ancient democracy. This is the first fortification, built under Ivan the Third, who united the Russian lands under the rule of Moscow. The Moscow Kremlin was built only a year later.

No. 2. Petrodvorets

Petrodvorets is located 30 km from St. Petersburg and is one of the most famous palace and park ensembles in our country and, perhaps, the whole world.

I would call it the main decoration of the “pearl necklace” of the city on the Neva, as the suburbs of St. Petersburg are called.

The history of Petrodvorets is inextricably linked with the name of Peter the Great, who in the mid-20s of the 18th century ordered the creation of a country residence that would not be inferior to the residence of the French kings - Versailles. Peter himself took an active part in the design and construction of this complex.

In my opinion, the unique difference between Petrodvorets and other palace and park ensembles are the dozens of fountains, varied in appearance and design, included in the stunningly beautiful complex.

No. 3. St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral is considered one of the most striking and famous monuments of ancient Russian architecture. This is the main temple of Red Square and all of Moscow. It was built in the mid-16th century by decree of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates. Later, the holy fool St. Basil the Blessed was buried in one of the premises of the temple, which is why the cathedral received this name. For us Russians, he is a symbol of our national history and national character.

No. 4. Mamaev kurgan

Mamayev Kurgan is rightfully considered the main height of Russia; the monument erected on it is a unique composition dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. It captures the great epic of the courage and heroism of the defenders of Stalingrad. Mamaev Kurgan received its name during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, when the outpost of Khan Mamai was located on its top.

No. 5. Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Cathedral of Christ the Savior - Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. The existing structure, which was erected in 1994-1997, is a recreation of the temple of the same name, created in the 19th century. The cathedral was erected in memory of the Napoleonic invasion. The names of Russian army officers who died in the War of 1812 were carved on its walls. The temple was built according to the design of the architect Konstantin Ton, and its construction lasted 44 years.

No. 6. Solovetsky Archipelago

The uniqueness of the Solovetsky archipelago, in my opinion, is that millennia of Russian history have miraculously merged here. These are sites of ancient people, monastic shrines, and the memory of the Soviet past, combined with a stunning natural landscape.

In 1992, the historical and cultural ensemble Solovetsky Islands was included in the World Heritage List.

No. 7. Kizhi

Kizhi is a state historical, architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve located in Karelia. The name of the museum is given after the island of Kizhi in Lake Onega, 68 km from Petrozavodsk. This is one of the largest museums in Russia under open air, historical, cultural and natural complex, which is an object of cultural heritage of our country.

No. 8. Smolensk fortress wall

The Smolensk fortress wall is defensive structure, erected in 1595-1602, during the reign of Tsars Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov. It is also called the Smolensk Kremlin, the length of which is 6.5 km. It amazes me that even the part of the wall that has survived at present (about half of the fortification built at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries) demonstrates the grandeur and historical significance of the structure designed by the architect Fyodor Savelyevich Kon.

No. 9. Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is located almost in the center of Eurasia, in the Baikal mountain region, which is surrounded on all sides by high ridges. It stretches 636 kilometers long and about 80 kilometers wide. 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, half of the volume of water entering the lake is brought by the Selenga. The only river that flows out of Baikal is the Angara. The surface area of ​​the lake is 31,470 square kilometers, maximum depth reaches

1637 m. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, which has 30 islands, the largest of which is Olkhon Island.

No. 10. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

The word "geyser" means gushing. In Kamchatka it is amazing phenomenon nature was discovered in 1941 by T.I. Ustinova. The most active area is located in downstream Geysernaya River and stretches 3.5 km upstream. The uniqueness of the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka is that all famous geysers, constantly operating and pulsating boiling springs, steam jets. There are about forty of them in total. The largest of them, “Giant,” is located on the left bank of the Geysernaya River.

So, I have brought to your attention a version of the Top 10 new symbols of Russia. What symbols of Russia would you suggest?

Natalie Stewart , especially for

Photo:,,,,,,,,, cultcalend. ru

Ecology of life: Especially for you, we have collected 10 of the most beautiful natural monuments, which are among the specially protected...

Specialized institution The UN Education, Science and Arts oversees the preservation of cultural heritage sites around the world. This category includes both the most outstanding architectural structures created by man and nature reserves- in the second case, UNESCO specialists have to put a lot of effort into protecting unique phenomena nature from plunder and destruction by our freedom-loving race.

Especially for you, we have collected 10 of the most beautiful natural monuments, which are among the specially protected.

St Kilda


This unique, isolated archipelago was inhabited by a small Gaelic population - all evacuated during the Second World War. Now home to a militarized base and several teams of scientists, St Kilda is home to rare species birds and animals.

Wulingyuan Mountains


This mountain system is located in the north of Hunan Province. The mountains owe their appearance to the weathering of sandstones. It was here that Cameron filmed his “Avatar” - one of the peaks was subsequently renamed by the provincial authorities to “Hurray, Avatar!”

Wadden Sea

North Sea area

Wattom is the name given to the shallow sea area, of which there are dozens. Natural processes function here without the slightest human intervention; almost the entire territory of this unusual sea is covered by three national parks.

Giant's Causeway

Northern Ireland

The unique area consists of more than 40,000 basalt columns. They connected with each other as a result of a volcanic eruption, and the ancient tribes had already come up with a legend that trolls would follow these pillars to Ragnarok.

Rapa Nui National Park


The whole world knows this place thanks to the unique moai statues: Easter Island is considered almost the most mysterious place of our planet.

Galapagos Islands


It was here that Charles Darwin first thought about the theory of evolution: the abundance of flora and fauna still makes the Galapagos a place of pilgrimage for every self-respecting natural scientist.

Socotra Archipelago


Four islands and a pair of rocks: one of the world's most isolated archipelagos, located near pirate Somalia, boasts an abundance of endemic fauna and flora found nowhere else in the world.

Yosemite National Park


Three thousand square kilometers of unique mountain landscapes, granite cliffs, waterfalls and redwood trees: Yosemite is rightfully considered one of the best National Parks in the country.

Sights of Russian cities

When talking about Russia, foreigners imagine endless expanses of forests and blue Lakes, as well as the most recognizable symbols of the capital - Red Square with the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral.

Of course, pedestrian and bus routes in Moscow, the main attractions are not limited to: tourists can see more than a dozen cathedrals, get acquainted with the exhibitions of the Tretyakov Gallery and several museums. Children usually visit the Moscow Zoo and one of the city’s huge water parks.

People come to St. Petersburg for European architectural beauties: it will take at least a week to see the most famous palace and park ensembles and houses of writers in ancient buildings. St. Petersburg museums house huge collections of royal treasures, antiques, culturally significant finds and objects belonging to different eras. A mandatory point of the program is a visit to Peterhof, the most elegant palace and park ensemble in the vicinity of St. Petersburg.

The most famous cultural and historical route is not limited to one city: the attractions of the Golden Ring of Russia include entire cities with centuries-old history, where beautiful temples, ancient Kremlin fortresses and other examples of Russian architecture have been preserved. The classic list includes Suzdal, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Ivanovo. However, the thematic route can be safely supplemented with a visit to the cities of Gus-Khrustalny, Uglich, Myshkin, Rybinsk, Kalyazin and some others, very interesting in terms of history (mentioned in chronicles), architecture and traditional folk crafts.

Architectural landmarks and rich cultural heritage- one of the main reasons to go to Kazan. The destination is very popular all year round: in winter, walks along the walls

Compiling a list of the main attractions of Russia is not an easy task. After all, from the stunning diversity of natural, architectural and cultural monuments countries to choose 25, 50 or even a hundred of the most worthwhile? But we will still try to compile such a list.

In this article you will find information about the main attractions of Russia, with photos, names and descriptions. See how amazing and multifaceted the largest country on the planet is!

The most important attractions of Russia: the problem of choice

Russia, due to its colossal area, has enormous excursion and tourism potential. And this potential has not yet been fully explored by the Russians themselves. There is absolutely everything here: the deepest lakes, the highest Mountain peaks, arctic deserts, geysers, volcanoes, waterfalls, caves... In addition, Russia is a state with an incredible architectural and cultural heritage.

The lists of the main attractions of Russia are very different from each other. And this is not at all surprising, given the colossal volume of monuments, places and objects from which you have to choose! Each author has his own vision of which sights of Russia are the most important and most interesting.

26 objects on the territory Russian Federation included in the list World Heritage UNESCO: including 16 names - according to cultural criteria, and 10 - according to natural ones. Moreover, four objects are recognized by the organization “ natural phenomena exceptional beauty and value."

Thus, the main natural attractions of Russia (according to UNESCO) are the volcanoes of Kamchatka, virgin forests Komi, Lake Baikal, as well as the Putorana plateau with a full range of pristine arctic and subarctic landscapes. Overall, the country ranks ninth in the world in terms of the total number of World Heritage sites.

The main attractions of Russia: photos with names (TOP-25)

There are so many unique and beautiful places within the large country peace? It is almost impossible to answer this question. It is very difficult to count all the most important attractions of Russia. Even more difficult is to rank them in order of importance and value.

Below we have compiled a list of 25 main attractions in Russia. You will find photos with descriptions of all these objects further in our article. We will also try to explain why they made it to our list.

Foreign tourists, as a rule, begin their acquaintance with Russia by visiting Moscow and St. Petersburg. But many of them forget to “look” into no less interesting and original cities- Suzdal, Vladimir, Vologda or Kostroma. Even fewer tourists go to Altai, Kamchatka, Karelia... When compiling a list of the main attractions of Russia, we tried to expand the geography of the country as much as possible, including objects from various regions.

So, our list includes the following objects:

  1. Moscow Kremlin.
  2. Lake Baikal.
  3. Trans-Siberian Railway.
  4. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka.
  5. Mountain Elbrus.
  6. Hermitage Museum.
  7. Peterhof.
  8. Kizhi churchyard.
  9. Memorial "Motherland" on Mamayev Kurgan.
  10. Gerhardt's mill in Volgograd.
  11. Lena pillars.
  12. Man-Pupu-Ner plateau.
  13. Fortress "Oreshek".
  14. Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg.
  15. Curonian Spit.
  16. Derbent fortress.
  17. Diamond quarry "Mir".
  18. Marble Canyon Ruskeala.
  19. Amber Museum in Kaliningrad.
  20. Mosque "Heart of Chechnya".
  21. Oymyakon village.
  22. Nevyansk Leaning Tower.
  23. Lace Museum in Vologda.
  24. Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  25. Moscow subway.

And now we invite you to take a closer look at the main attractions of Russia!

Moscow Kremlin

The Kremlin can perhaps be called the main attraction of Russia. This grandiose fortress, occupying an area of ​​27 hectares in the very center of Moscow, is a unique symbol of Russian power. It was built at the end of the 15th century. IN close proximity from the Kremlin - St. Basil's Cathedral, stunning in its beauty and originality, as well as the mausoleum in which the body of the fiery revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin rests.

Lake Baikal

The deepest and cleanest body of water on the planet is located in Russia. This is Lake Baikal. Its maximum depth is 1642 meters. The lake contains about 20% of the world's reserves fresh water! But Baikal is famous not only for its impressive statistical records. The “Pearl of Siberia” boasts incredibly picturesque shores. In addition, only here (and nowhere else on the entire planet) can you taste the most delicious fish - the Baikal omul.

Trans-Siberian Railway

The best way to enjoy the views of Lake Baikal is from the windows of a train that goes around the reservoir along the famous Trans-Siberian Railway. This is the longest Railway in the world (9288 km) and one of the main attractions of Russia. In a word, a unique object and an invaluable engineering and technical monument! Today, fast train No. 002M Moscow - Vladivostok runs on the Trans-Siberian Railway. He covers this impressive distance in 6 days, 7 hours and 10 minutes. Due to the enormous duration of the route, the train cars are equipped with refrigerators, electric stoves, showers and other necessary things.

Valley of Geysers

The Russian Far East is an amazing region, within which there is concentrated great amount beautiful and unusual natural monuments. One of these is the Valley of Geysers, located in Kamchatka. The largest geyser field in Eurasia has two dozen springs, which from time to time push out jets of boiling water along with clouds of hot steam. Fantastic spectacle! You can only get here by helicopter and with a guide. Independent “wild” trips of tourists to the valley are strictly prohibited.

Mountain Elbrus

If we are already talking about natural monuments, then we cannot fail to mention this object. Mount Elbrus is, without a doubt, considered one of the main attractions of Russia. The photo of the highest peak in the country amazes with its grandeur and severity. But this does not stop thousands of daredevils who want to conquer it. Among them there are both beginners and very experienced climbers. The absolute height of Elbrus is 5642 meters. You can get to the 3800 m mark by cable car, which makes the task very simple.


The Hermitage is one of the most famous museums on the planet, which recently celebrated its 250th anniversary. Its collections contain over three million exhibits - paintings, sculptures, fragments of ceramics, jewelry... You name it! Few people know that the Hermitage began as a private collection of paintings by Catherine II, and access to it was closed to “ordinary mortals” until 1852.


After viewing the Hermitage exhibitions in St. Petersburg, it would be foolish not to stop by Peterhof, located just 30 kilometers from the Northern capital. The magnificent royal residence of Peter the Great with a park, magnificent fountains and sculptures has been preserved here. It was built in the middle of the 18th century according to the design of the famous architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

Kizhi Pogost

Architectural ensemble on Kizhi Island on Lake Onega, from a distance it resembles a skillful craft made from matches. A rough bell tower, a massive fence and an openwork 22-domed church, built with only one ax - all this is today under the protection of UNESCO.

Mamayev Kurgan and “Motherland”

The Battle of Stalingrad is a key page in the history of World War II. Large-scale memorial Complex dedicated to this event, was opened in Volgograd in 1967. The main object of the memorial is the huge statue “The Motherland Calls,” made of 5.5 thousand tons of concrete and 2.4 thousand tons of metal. The total height of the monument is 86 meters. And the sword that the “Motherland” militantly holds in her hand weighs 14 tons.

Gerhardt's Mill

On our list of the main attractions of Russia there are two objects that are directly related to the Great Patriotic War. And both of them are located in the same city - Volgograd. The dilapidated Gerhardt mill is an ancient brick building of blood red color. During the Battle of Stalingrad it was damaged by numerous attacks and bombings. But it survived. They did not restore the mill - they left it as is, as a reminder of that terrible and merciless war.

Lena pillars

The Lena Pillars in Yakutia are a unique geological phenomenon, a series of bizarre vertical rocks stretching for many kilometers along the bed of the Lena River. The height of individual “pillars” reaches one hundred meters. The natural monument is located far from civilization, but there are two camp sites where travelers can stay overnight.

Man-Pupu-Ner plateau

Plateau with quite exotic name is located within the Komi Republic. From the Mansi language it can be translated as follows: “small mountain of idols.” Idols are indeed present here. But it was not man who created them, but nature. These are five weathering columns 30-40 meters high. According to legend, these are petrified giants, according to science - the remains of ancient rocky mountains that existed in this place about 400 million years ago.

Fortress "Oreshek"

Unique and impregnable fortress is located on a tiny island on the Neva. It was founded back in 1323 by Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich. The stronghold has the shape of an irregular triangle and consists of five towers connected by walls. The Oreshek fortress was badly damaged during the Second World War. For 500 days, a handful of Soviet soldiers defended it from fascist troops, preventing the latter from crossing to the right bank of the Neva and cutting off the so-called road of life.

Palace Bridge

Drawbridges and white nights are, perhaps, the main associations that arise in a tourist’s head when he mentions St. Petersburg. The most popular and most photographed in Northern capital- Palace Bridge. Against the background of the spire Peter and Paul Fortress he looks absolutely gorgeous! During the summer navigation period, the Palace Bridge is opened twice a day: at 1:25 and at 3:10.

Curonian Spit

A sand spit almost a hundred kilometers long connects two cities - Russian Zelenogradsk and Lithuanian Klaipeda. This is a real museum natural areas open air! Driving along the spit, you can see various landscapes: meadows, swamps, birch groves, pine forests and even deserts. Coming to the Curonian Spit, all tourists certainly visit two sites - the famous Efa dune and the so-called Dancing Forest.

Derbent fortress

Derbent is one of the oldest settlements in the world. The first mention of it dates back to the sixth century BC. In 2003, the historical part of the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Derbent fortress is just a fragment of a grandiose defensive system that in ancient times protected the peoples of Transcaucasia from northern nomads.

Diamond quarry "Mir"

Right on the outskirts of the city of Mirny (Yakutia) there is a giant sinkhole with a perfectly round outline. This is the appearance of an exhausted diamond quarry. A deposit of the most valuable stone was discovered here in 1955. The city of Mirny itself soon grew near the quarry. The dimensions of the crater are impressive: the diameter of the “hole” is 1200 meters, and its depth is 525 m.

Marble Canyon in Ruskeala

Another fantastic man-made object is located in the Ruskeala natural park in Karelia. Once upon a time, marble was actively mined here: the valley of the Tokhmayoka River was densely dotted with a system of quarries and adits. When stone mining stopped, the quarries very quickly filled with water, turning into incredibly picturesque lakes with marble shores. Interesting fact: many of them are lined with local marble. historical buildings and churches of St. Petersburg.

Amber Museum

About 90% of the world's amber production occurs in Russia, in particular in its Kaliningrad region. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a “sun stone” museum in Kaliningrad. It is located in the city center, in a rounded 19th-century fortress tower. total area The museum halls are impressive - 1000 square meters. Here you can see various samples of amber, interesting inclusions, paintings, boxes, dishes, watches and other products made from this stone.

"Heart of Chechnya"

One of the most beautiful and large mosques in the world is located in the city of Grozny. It is located on the banks of the Sunzha, surrounded by colored fountains. It's incredibly beautiful here dark time days when the night lighting is turned on. The “Heart of Chechnya” mosque was built in 2008. The highlight of the mosque is its 36 magnificent chandeliers. The largest of them follows the shape of the main Islamic shrine, the Kaaba from Mecca. It took about three kilograms of gold and over a million Swarovski crystals to create all these chandeliers.

Oymyakon village

Are you complaining about the winter cold and severe frosts? Be thankful that you don’t live in Oymyakon! This small village in Yakutia is called the “Pole of Cold”. In the winter months, the air temperature here is between 40-50 degrees. With a minus sign, of course. Although in summer the air can warm up to +30 Celsius. The severity of the local climate is explained by several factors: its location in the subpolar latitudes, significant distance from the ocean and a fairly high absolute altitude (740 meters above sea level). The officially registered minimum air temperature in Oymyakon is -69.6 degrees.

Nevyansk Tower

Russia also has its own “Leaning Tower of Pisa”. It is located in the city of Nevyansk Sverdlovsk region. The Nevyansk Tower was built in 1732. Its height is 57 meters, and its deviation from the vertical is almost two meters. Why and when exactly the tower tilted is unknown.

Lace Museum

The museum's exhibitions tell about the history of the development of the traditional artistic craft of Vologda - lace making. Products dating back to the 17th century are located here. In 2015, the Lace Museum in Vologda entered the top ten best museums in Russia.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The largest Orthodox monastery in Russia is located in Sergiev Posad. The year of its foundation is 1337. For a long time, the monastery was a stronghold of Moscow rulers in the fight against the Tatar-Mongols. The architectural ensemble of the Lavra took shape over four centuries. The best architects of the country took part in its creation.

Moscow subway

The final attraction on our list is the Moscow Metro - one of the largest and most beautiful in the world. Tours of the capital's metro are very popular among foreign tourists. The Moscow Metro is a real art museum! Many stations amaze with the splendor and richness of their interior decoration.


In this article we have listed all the main attractions of Russia. Of course, our list does not claim to be completely objective and accurate. Each reader will undoubtedly be able to add several of their own objects to this list. And he will be absolutely right!

World Travel


28.06.15 12:21

Without a shadow of false patriotism, we note: our country occupies such vast territories that one can endlessly extol the charm of its protected places. Of all the beautiful natural attractions of Russia, it is very difficult to choose the very best, but we will try.

Siberian pearls

Part Altai mountains, which includes the Katunsky and Altai nature reserves and the Ukok plateau, is called the “Golden Mountains of Altai”. Under this name, in 1998 they were included in the UNESCO heritage list. Lake Teletskoye and Mount Belukha are one of the many natural attractions of Russia located in this territory. Almost one and a half thousand ridges and glaciers stretch in the south of Siberia. Rare animals live here - the snow leopard, the Altai argali (large wild sheep) and Siberian mountain goats.

The Lena Pillars Nature Park is another pearl of Siberia, although it is located in the northeast of the territory. As the name suggests, these rock formations located along the beautiful Lena. In addition to the fact that these places fascinate any traveler, they also carry valuable information. The steep “walls” contain fossil organisms that lived here during the Cambrian period. A real excursion into the distant past!

The deepest (more than 1640 meters), the purest, the oldest - only superlatives are suitable for Baikal. After all, this is truly one of the most beautiful sights in Russia. 20 percent of the planet’s fresh water is what Baikal is. Many of the animals and plants that live in the lake are endemic (meaning you won't find them anywhere else on Earth). In total, there are more than 1,700 representatives of fauna and flora in the Baikal waters (and on its shores). Of course, UNESCO could not help but add this miracle to its famous list!

Drifting Dunes

The stunning beaches and shimmering golden dunes of the Curonian Spit are another Russian “jewel”. This is a narrow strip of land separating the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. It stretches across the Kaliningrad region and abuts the territory of Lithuania. Our kind of “piece of the Baltics”. It is the high dunes, reaching 60 meters, that are the main curiosity of this place - because they are constantly drifting.

Hidden in a volcano

There are several beautiful volcanoes in Kamchatka, among which we highlight the Maly Semyachik stratovolcano. He is unique in his unusual lake, hidden in one of the largest craters. The light green, seemingly fluorescent glow of this hot body of water attracts many travelers - they risk their lives climbing the slopes of the volcano and admire the view. The diameter of the Troitsky crater is approximately 700 meters. The color of the lake is due to the high content of sulfur and aluminum.

Among the "Seven Wonders of Russia"

Kronotsky Nature Reserve is the pride of Kamchatka. After all, it has a unique Valley of Geysers; according to a 2008 survey, it was included in the “Seven Russian Wonders”. Interestingly, this place was opened quite recently - in 1941. Alas, the number of visitors here is limited (and “wild” tourism has been completely prohibited since 1967). Convergence mudflow in 2007 caused serious damage to this natural attraction - after it only half of the 42 geysers remained unharmed, but later some were restored, including the Great Geyser. If you watched the wonderful Soviet film “Sannikov Land”, then you can imagine what the Valley of Geysers is - the movie was filmed there.

Another lucky object that made it into the “seven wonders” is Mount Elbrus. This is an inactive volcano, the most high peak Russia (5642 meters). It is located a little further north Caucasian ridge and divides Europe and Asia. Hiking in these most beautiful places very common; several groups of climbers climb the mountain every year. Are you familiar with Greek myths? Poor Prometheus was chained to one of the Caucasian rocks (for sharing fire with people) - this was the verdict of Zeus. But some believe that the titan suffered torment precisely on Elbrus.

Land of Ten Thousand Lakes

And again we return to Siberia! One of the most pristine and remote natural attractions of Russia is the Putorana Plateau. This basalt “plane” is located at a high elevation. On both sides the plateau drops off very steeply, but from the south and east it is quite easy to get to it - along gentle slopes. The plateau covers an area slightly larger than the UK. This is also a UNESCO protected site; it is called the land of 10,000 lakes and 1,000 (this is a record for our country) waterfalls.

The largest river in Europe and a unique cave

Of course, we couldn’t do without Mother Volga on our list of beautiful natural attractions in Russia. Beautiful flamingos, majestic pelicans and other rare birds splash in its waters; it is the largest river in Europe. The Volga flows through many major cities central Russia(among them are four “millionaire” megacities).

On the border of the Urals and Siberia there is one of the largest caves in our country - Kungurskaya. This is also the most beautiful natural attraction of Russia, annually attracting thousands and thousands of tourists to its depths. More than fifty grottoes and seven dozen underground lakes, and almost 6 thousand kilometers of passages - that’s what it’s like Kungur cave. The ice formations inside it are bizarre, the stalactites and stalagmites are beautiful, and there are also so-called “organ pipes” (almost one and a half hundred of them).