Kilometers on koiva water. The lower reaches of the Koiva River in the section “Village Kusye-Alexandrovsky - “Ust-Koiva”. Arrival and departure options

- river in Perm region, right tributary of the Chusovaya.

The name comes from the Komi-Permyak words “koi” - “spray” and “va” - “water”.

Koiva begins in the Blue Swamp tract on the northeastern slopes of Mount Bolshaya Khmelikha (on the western slope Ural ridge). It flows southwest to the mouth of the Malaya Voronka River, then north to the mouth of the Biser River, and then west. It flows into the Chusovaya River.

Rocks on the Koiva River. Photo - sergej-mogilnickov

The length of Koiva is 180 kilometers. The pool area is 2,250 sq. km. The average slope of the river is 1.5 m/km. The main tributaries: Tiskos, Kyrma, Olkhovka, Tyrym (left), Biser, Saranka, Kusya (right).

Kosva is a mountain river, clean and transparent, winding strongly. Good transport accessibility.

There are many riffles here, there are rapids and rifts. In the upper reaches it is narrow, there are rubble, combs and clamps.

The banks, overgrown with coniferous forests, are picturesque, with a lot of berries. In many places, fighting rocks approach the water. There are small caves in some rocks.

The most expressive grotto on Koiva. Photo - Bogatyrev

In some places, Koiva was dominated by a dredge, leaving behind a dug up riverbed and numerous islands. Mined here diamonds.

It was in the Koiva basin, on its tributary, the Poludenka River, in the gold placer of the Adolfov Log of the Krestovozdvizhensky mines, in the vicinity of the modern village of Promysla (now the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm Territory) on July 5, 1829, the first Russian diamond was found by 14-year-old Pavlik Popov. For this he received his freedom. Diamonds were later found in other places on the Koiva and its tributaries. The domestic diamond mining industry originates here in the Koiva Basin.

In 1942, the necessary abrasive diamonds began to arrive from Koiva to defense factories. Before this, enterprises had to buy them from the population to make abrasives. Here, during the war, geologists discovered major placers and created a modern diamond mining industry.

Ural diamonds are the most beautiful and more valuable ($300-500 per carat) than diamonds from Yakutia and Botswana. Perm diamonds until 1956 (until the discovery of a deposit in Yakutia) were the only ones in Russia.

Diamond processing factories operated in the villages of Tyrym, Kusye-Alexandrovsky, Pashiya, Promysla, and Medvedka. Since the 1950s, the world's first diamond mining dredge, reconstructed from a gold mining dredge, has been operating at Koiva since the 1950s. It was much smaller in size than the huge four-story dredges built later with a bucket immersion depth into the soil of the river bed of up to 7 meters.

Koiva from the top of the cliff. Photo by Yuri Krivov

In the past, timber was floated down Koiva. In some places at the bottom you can see tree trunks that have sunk since then.

Fossils are found in the Koiva valley, there are several geological monuments: the Babylon quarry with a complex of Riphean stromatolites (4 km upstream from the village of Biser on the right bank), the Strelny stone with manifestations of diagenetic cherts (2 km downstream of the village of Kusya on left bank), Dublin Stone, complex gabbro massif (southwest of the village of Teplaya Gora), Ust-Koiva section with boundary deposits of the Carboniferous and Permian (on the right bank of Koiva, 2.5 km above the mouth and the village of the same name).

There are few settlements on Koiva, the largest of which are Teplaya Gora, Stary Biser and Kusye-Alexandrovsky. They are convenient for throwing and throwing.

Rafting on Koiva

There are several options rafting route on the Koiva River. Water tourists can start rafting in Teplaya Gora, Ust-Tiskos, Stary Biser or Kusye-Alexandrovsky. And you can finish either in Kusye-Alexandrovsky, or in Ust-Koiva or the city of Chusovoy on the river of the same name.

You can get to the starting point of the rafting on the Koiva River by personal or chartered vehicles, or by rail.

By train connecting Nizhny Tagil - Chusovskaya (or Ekaterinburg - Solikamsk) you can get to stations Teplaya Gora, Ust-Tiskos, Biser or Pashiya. If you are coming from Perm, you will need to change trains in Chusovoy. From Biser and Pashiya (Gornozavodsk) there are buses to Old Beads And Kussier-Alexandrovsky respectively, located on Koiva.

From the train stop in Teplaya Gora to the river it is 1 kilometer, in Ust-Tiskos - 2.5 kilometers.

It is best to raft along the Koiva along big water– in May or June, or after heavy rainfall. Most water tourists go to Koivu during the spring flood. In summer, the river becomes shallow, especially in the upper reaches. In spring, it is suitable for rafting from the Teplaya Gora station and up to the confluence with Chusovaya (it is best to sail to the town of Chusovaya).

The most high water 4-5 days after opening. In spring, the river is high-water and swift. The current speed at this time reaches 7-7.5 km/h. In summer, the Koiva becomes shallow, there are many protruding stones and small riffles in the riverbed, and the speed of movement can drop to 2-3 km/h.

Rocks on the Koiva River. Photo - sergej-mogilnickov

Having started rafting in Warm Mountain, to the station Ust-Tiskos The Koiva River flows for about 8 kilometers near the railway. In summer in this area average depth the river is 20-30 centimeters deep, you have to walk a lot.

When rafting on deep water, dangers include rapids, rifts, pressure points, overhanging water or fallen trees. The length of the shivers reaches 2 kilometers.

In summer it is worth starting rafting from Kussier-Alexandrovsky. However, even here you will often have to shoal the ship. The rafting section from Kusye-Aleksandrovsky to Ust-Koiva is considered the most difficult.

Kusye-Aleksandrovsky is the largest settlement on Kosvo. The ironworks at the confluence of the Kusya and Koyva rivers, which gave rise to this village, arose in 1751.

In Kusye-Alexandrovsky, the man-made waterfall on the river Kusye near its mouth. Some extreme sports enthusiasts go through this drainage on catamarans or kayaks. This is extremely dangerous and requires a lot of experience.

Waterfall in Kusye-Alexandrovsky. Photo - Bogatyrev

In addition to fast rapids, there are rapids and rifts on Koiva. The Fedotovsky and Shemakha rapids and the Kalistratovskaya Shiver are especially significant.

Fedotovsky threshold doesn't represent great danger, but you should still pass it carefully, on the left bank. It is formed by a large stone extending from the right bank into the water for about 6-8 meters. The river in this place (if you look at the map) makes a sharp loop. The length of the Fedotovsky rapids is about 500 meters.

Previously, the village of Fedotovka stood near this threshold. Now all that remains of it is a clearing, the name of the threshold and the tract on the map.

The total length of the tourist rafting route along the Koiva from Teplaya Gora to the mouth is about 170-180 kilometers, another about 35 kilometers to the city of Chusovoy along the Chusovaya River, which also has a lot of beautiful and interesting things (see descriptions and photos of Chusovaya). In the spring, with rapid currents, the entire route from Teplaya Gora to the city of Chusovoy can be covered in three to five days.

Fishing on Koiva

There are not many fish on Koiva. Nevertheless, you can catch fish, including grayling, pike, and perch.


(on the western slope of the Ural ridge).

It flows southwest to the mouth of the Malaya Voronka River, then north to the mouth of the Biser River, and then west. It flows into Chusovaya 66 km from its mouth. The length of Koiva is 180 km, the basin area is 2,250 km2, average height drainage area - 359 m, average slope - 1.5 m/km.

Koiva River

Main tributaries:

left: Tiskos, Kyrma, Olkhovka, Tyrym;

right: Biser, Saranka, Kusya.

The Koiva is predominantly a mountain river, winding and fast, with many riffles and shoals. On the banks there are coniferous forests, and there are stones - “fighters”.
In May-June it is used for rafting by tourists from the village of Tyoplaya Gora to Chusovskaya station.

Koiva is a small picturesque tributary of the Chusovaya. The only significant drawback of the river is its low water level during low-water periods, but in May, especially during the bird cherry blossom season, Koiva can leave an indelible impression on travelers.

(but these are real crystal pendants) - Northern Urals

Sailing along the Koiva can begin from the Teplaya Gora station on the Chusovoy-Kushva road, where the river is less than 1 km away (another option for the starting point is the Ust-Tiskos station next to Kushva, from where it is about 2 km further to the railway bridge over Koivu, but but it is possible to bypass the low-water 12-kilometer section of the river from Teplaya Gora).

At the beginning of the route, the Koiva - a fast, rolling, winding river 15 - 20 m wide and no more than 1 m deep - flows along steep banks along a narrow deep valley, the slopes of which are covered with coniferous forests, often along with coastal alder and bird cherry trees leading to the water . At the bends of the river, the eroded banks reveal dark shale cliffs. Further, the river valley expands, continuing to remain wooded, but then, near the village of Biser (with a kilometer-long rift in the area of ​​the bridge), the banks are again decorated with rocks.

(snowy morning in the Middle Urals) Koiva River

To the village of Kusye-Alexandrovsky is the most picturesque and sparsely populated section of the river. Here you will have to overcome several rocky rifts and the Fedosovsky threshold passable in the center; The width of Koiva is 25 - 30 m, on the banks there are beautiful dolomite rocks and cliffs.

(The mouth of Koiva - further the Chusovaya River)

After Kusye-Alexandrovsky there is a dam on the river that will have to be surrounded. In this area and further, almost to the mouth, the Koiva flows in high rocky, wooded banks, but here the river bed is dredged. In the last kilometers before flowing into the Chusovaya, the Koiva flow is fast, riffles and turns follow one after another.

(ancient Ural volcano)

In contrast to the cramped, fast Koiva, the calm Chusovaya, whose width here reaches 100 m, at first seems very wide. 34 km after the merger, the voyage ends near the Chusovoy station.

Source: Voronov Yu.B. " 100 favorite routes for kayaking trips". M., "Mir", 1993.

Koiva River


The Koiva flows through picturesque places - among steep banks covered with coniferous forest. In the upper reaches, up to the village of Biser, the rocky shores are composed of dark shales and diabases, then - of limestones and dianites, and in the lower reaches of sandstones.

The Koiva River, in terms of the number of settlements and their antiquity, can be called the most populated, most industrial and historical river of the Gornozavodsky region. The largest villages are: Teplaya Gora, Biser, Kusye-Alexandrovsky. The settlement of the latter grew when an iron smelting and ironworks plant was founded in 1751, at the mouth of the Kusya River. Kusye-Aleksadrovsky is the oldest and largest village in the area.

During the spring flood, the Koiva, like any mountain river, turns into a stormy stream with riffles, rapids and rifts. The Fedotovsky rapids, located near the mouth of the Fedotovka River, is especially famous; it is a huge stone slab lying across the riverbed with a powerful spillway in the center.

Almost along the entire length of the river banks rise beautiful rocks, in the steep walls of which there are grottoes and caves. About a few kilometers from the village of Ust-Tyrym there is the highest rock on the river - the Shaitan stone.

Near the village of Kusye-Alexandrovsky the river becomes wider and calmer. On the right, the Kusya River flows into a three-meter waterfall. A pond is formed on the river, from the dam of which Kusya falls into a waterfall into Koivu. Behind the village, in the middle of the Koiva riverbed, there are islands - this was the site of the dredge; in the post-war years, diamonds were mined in these places. But now the islands are overgrown with trees and give the impression of being natural. After 20 kilometers, Koiva flows from the right into Chusovaya. At the mouth of the river, on the left bank, is the village of Ust-Koiva.


Tyoplaya Gora is an urban-type settlement in the Gornozavodsky district of the Perm region of Russia.

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2014 No. 1398-r “On approval of the list of single-industry towns”, the town is included in the category “Single-industry municipalities Russian Federation(monotowns) with the most difficult socio-economic situation.”

Located on the western slope of the Middle Urals near Mount Teplaya on the Koiva River (tributary of the Chusovaya), approximately 14 km west of the border of the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region and Europe with Asia. The railway station is 113 km northeast of the city of Chusovoy, 244 km from Perm, 1678 km from Moscow.

In 1880, Count Shuvalov began construction of the Teplogorsk ironworks. Apparently, the first settlement appeared a little earlier. The village owes its name to the following legend. The village is located on the slope of a mountain, between the Koiva River below and the railway above. To get to the railway station with cargo, carters (and cargo, as you know, were transported on horses) had to climb this mountain. Having climbed the mountain, even in the winter cold, they wiped the sweat from their foreheads and said: “Wow, what a warm mountain!”

In 1912, the first and only blast furnace with an elliptical profile in Russia at that time was erected here.

Not far from the village in 1829, the first diamond in Russia was found, gold is mined industrially, and there are small quantities of platinum deposits.

Before the construction of the Gornozavodskaya Ural Railway in 1879, all finished products of the Bisera factories, as well as Tyoplya Gora, Kusye-Aleksandrovsk, were floated on barges along the Koiva and Chusovaya to the Kama.

In 1956, the plant was transformed into a foundry and mechanical plant.

Since December 1987, the crushed stone plant began operating.

The Perm-Nizhny Tagil railway passes through the village, which is also the main highway to the north of the Sverdlovsk region to the cities of Serov and Severouralsk.

A new road with asphalt concrete pavement was built from Teploya Gora to Gornozavodsk in one direction and to Kachkanar in the Sverdlovsk region (via the village of Promysla) in the other. Built highway Perm-Ekaterinburg, passing through Polazna, Chusovoy, Tyoplya Gora, Promysla, Kachkanar.

Tyoplaya Gora station is an important transport hub for tourists. Tourists transit through it on their way to rafting on the rivers of the Perm region: Usva, Koiva, Vilva, etc., or on bicycles and walking routes to the Tyoplaya, Kolpaki mountains and further to Sverdlovsk region and others.


Chusovoy is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Chusovsky district in the east of the Perm region and the Chusovsky urban settlement.

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2014 No. 1398-r “On approval of the list of single-industry towns,” the Chusovskoye urban settlement is included in the category “Single-industry municipalities of the Russian Federation (monotowns) with the most difficult socio-economic situation.”

The city is located 140 km from Perm, at the confluence of the Usva and Vilva rivers into the Chusovaya River, in a wide valley surrounded by ridges, which, due to the rather deeply incised valley, have rather steep slopes. Area 58.0 km².

The city was founded in 1878. The emergence of Chusovoy is associated with the construction of the Gornozavodskaya railway in 1878 as the Chusovskaya station and the founding of a metallurgical plant in 1879 by French entrepreneurs (the first blast furnace was built in 1894).

With the construction of a road bridge across the Chusovaya River in 1964, the city began intensive housing construction on the left bank of the river. As a result, the city significantly expanded its borders. On the left bank of the Chusovaya River, in the New Town, microdistricts A and B have been built up, and construction of microdistrict B is underway.

The development of the city's social infrastructure took place most intensively in the 50s and in recent decades. The education system is developed. Currently, the city has 8 basic schools (grades 1-9), a gymnasium (grades 1-11) and one school for high school students (built as part of a regional experiment), another 16 schools operate in the Chusovsky municipal district. There are 25 preschool institutions (18 in the city and 7 in the region), 3 institutions of additional education. In addition, in Chusovoy there is a medical school, an industrial technical school, a vocational school, and there is a branch of the USTU UPI named after. B. N. Yeltsin. On the basis of the Ogonyok sports complex there is a sports school of the Olympic reserve (luge, freestyle, natural skiing, alpine skiing).

Cultural institutions are represented by the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists, two cinemas, the House of Culture of Railway Workers, five libraries, and a music school. There is a city park in the New Town. There is also a station for young technicians. At the Ogonyok sports complex - Chusovskoy ethnographic park— an exhibition dedicated to rural life at the end of the 19th century.

There is a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Chusovoy.

A dispensary for a metallurgical plant, a clinic for 200 visits per shift, and a hospital for 150 beds were put into operation. At the same time, there is a significant shortage of doctors and nursing staff. A clinic is needed in the New Town.


The banks of the river are covered with forest, there are few settlements. The largest settlements on Koiva are Teplaya Gora, Stary Biser and Kusye-Alexandrovsky. They are convenient for throwing and throwing. The oldest and largest of them is Kussier-Alexandrovsky. An ironworks at the confluence of the Kusya and Koiva rivers was founded in 1751.

There are beautiful rocks along the banks of the river. They are much more modest majestic rocks on the Chusovaya River, which flows very close. However, Koiva is beautiful in its own way! There are few tourists on Koiva. There are plenty of places for parking and firewood.

It is best to raft along the Koiva in high water - in May or June, or after heavy rainfall. In summer the river becomes shallow. Especially in the upper reaches. In spring, it is suitable for rafting from the Teplaya Gora station and up to the confluence with Chusovaya (it is convenient to sail to the city of Chusovaya on the river of the same name).

In summer it is better to start rafting from Kussier-Aleksandrovsky. However, even here you will often have to navigate the watercraft in the shallows. Here and there on Koiva a dredge took over, leaving behind a dug up riverbed and islands.

There are several options for the rafting route along the Koiva River. Here are the settlements from which you can start the route and finish it: Teplaya Gora - Ust-Tiskos - Stary Biser - Kusye-Alexandrovsky - Ust-Koiva - the city of Chusovoy (Chusovaya River).

The total length of the route from Teplaya Gora to the city of Chusovoy is about 180 kilometers. In the spring, with rapid currents, the entire route from Teplaya Gora to Chusovoy can be covered in three to four days.

In the section from the Teplaya Gora station to the Ust-Tiskos station, the Koiva flows for about 8 kilometers near the railway. When casting railway(section Chusovskaya - Nizhny Tagil) you can start rafting from either one or the other station (however, the path to the river from Teplaya Gora is much closer).

In Kusya-Aleksandrovsky, the discharge of the Kusya River into the Koivu waterfall is interesting. Some extreme water tourists go through this drainage on catamarans. This is quite dangerous and requires a lot of experience.

After the village of Kusye-Alexandrovsky the river becomes wider, fuller and calmer. Although there are troubled areas here too.

In addition to fast rapids, there are rapids and rifts on Koiva. The Fedotovsky rapids and the Kalistratovskaya Shivera are especially good (both attractions are between Stary Beads and Kusye-Alexandrovsky).

The Fedotovsky threshold does not pose much danger, however, beginners should pass it carefully. The length of the Fedotovsky rapids is about 500 meters.

Previously, near this threshold there was the village of Fedotovka. Now all that remains of it is a clearing, the name of the threshold and the tract on the map.


Water system: Chusovaya → Kama → Volga → Caspian Sea.
Length: 180 km.
Catchment area: 2,250 km².
Slope: 1.9 m/km.
Character of the current: piedmont.
Tributaries: Bolshaya Shaldinka, Poludenka, Pesyanka, Tiskos, Kyrma, Bolshaya Voronka, Biser, Bolshaya Saranka, Malaya Saranka, Malaya Urayka, Bolshaya Urayka, Bolshoi Tyrym, Kusya, Yamskoy Log, Kurtymka.
Reservoirs: Medvedkovsky pond.
Bottom: rocky, pebble in places.


Coastal landscape: the river flows in a sparsely populated area, among low mountains overgrown with coniferous and mixed forests. Along the banks there are often rocky outcrops, and in some places there are oxbow lakes and wetlands.
Settlements on the banks: Medvedka, Promysla, Tyoplaya Gora, Ust-Tiskos, Stary Biser, Ust-Tyrym, Kusye-Alexandrovsky, Ust-Koiva

Coordinates: 58°49′59.1″ N. latitude, 59°02′19.5″ e. d.
Altitude above sea level: 463 m.
Topographical landmark: the Blue Swamp tract, located on the northeastern slope of Mount Bolshaya Khmelikha.

Coordinates: 58°13′56″ N. latitude, 58°12′09.8″ e. d.
Height above sea level: 127.4 m.
Location: Chusovaya River - right bank 66 km from its mouth - within the boundaries of the village of Ust-Koiva.

Route: the most popular rafting route along the Koiva starts from the village of Tyoplaya Gora and continues all the way to the mouth. Then tourists usually continue rafting along Chusovaya - to the city of Chusovoy.
Difficulty category: 2.
Obstacles: fast currents, pressures, rapids, rifts, trees lying in the water.

Fishing on the Koiva River

Types of fish:
Demoiselle minnow
Demoiselle minnow
European grayling
European grayling

Fishing spots
Successful fishing is possible from settlement Medvedka and downstream.

Fishing Features
According to local fishermen, the river is rich in grayling; dace, chub, pike and perch are also often caught here. Less commonly, roach and ide are present in the catches. In winter, burbot fishing is possible. There is also information that taimen were previously caught in this river, but recently nothing has been known about it.

To the upper reaches of the Koiva

The weather in Perm was still dry and warm. We dried out and warmed up properly. After consulting with the map, we decided to go to the basin of the Chusovaya River, famous among tourists and fishermen. For me, traveling along it has been a long-time dream. Now such an opportunity has presented itself.
We decided to sail along Koiva, having previously reached there by train going to Nizhny Tagil. Koiva originates from the very middle of the Ural ridge, flowing into Chusovaya to the southwest. This is not to say that the Koiva is a wild river; on a 170-kilometer rafting trip we came across three villages and several tourist rafts in the lower reaches.

This is Vishera in miniature, with not so grandiose, but no less beautiful rocky areas, good flow speed and dense forests full of mushrooms and berries. The weather here is much milder and warmer than in Vishera, and numerous shallow shallow rifts allow lovers of light spinning and fly fishing to float along it calmly.

Fishing on Vishera and Koiva Almost everywhere you can walk to the middle of the riffle and throw a fly or spoon into the hole, so it’s quite possible to stumble upon a good pike or perch here, or catch a 200-gram grayling on the riffle.

Due to its small width, there are sometimes blockages in the upper reaches of the Koiva, but all of them are passable from one side or the other. Grayling is careful and is caught with small dry flies near long rocky rifts with large stones and, for some reason, near thickets of burdocks standing in the water. Most likely, it stays here because of spiders and other insects falling from plants.

There is quite a lot of water in Koiva - it looks like there was heavy rain here a week ago too. This can be seen from the brushwood hanging on the branches 1.5 m above the water, and from the still submerged burdocks near the shore. The fish bites carefully and reluctantly. You have to watch what she eats and spend a long time picking up flies.

Other rafting participants dug up earthworms under the rotten debris and began to catch dace with them. The fish soup was only diversified by a couple of graylings and perches caught in the slow reaches. You can feel the fishing pressure. I haven’t seen any of the tourists on rafts catch grayling here using lures, but pike are sometimes caught on the move.

All along the way along Koiva we encountered only one powerful rapid - Fedulovsky, then there were only small rapids with a high slope a few kilometers from the confluence with Chusovaya. However, it was not worth losing attention even then - on one of the drains, our busiest boat nevertheless ended up in a strong oncoming whirlpool formed after draining from the riffle, and scooped up half the boat’s water with its side. Everything was dried on the shore, but it was a rewarding experience.

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Overview map (M 1:200000, ~ 334 KB)

Route length - 144 km
Season: May-September

Koiva is one of our most popular rivers. Its main advantages are convenient entrances, the possibility of access to the river in several places, good places parking lots along the banks, ending the route in the town of Chusovoy near the railway station.

You can raft on the Koiva all summer long. Rafting is most popular during spring floods (the first ten days of May). In summer, in hot, dry weather, there may not be enough water in the upper area above the village of Biser.

The Koiva in its upper reaches reaches the railway near the Tyoplaya Gora station, then flows for about eight kilometers next to the railway to the east of it, then crosses it between the stops 255 km and Ust-Tiskos and goes southwest. It’s convenient to go to the river:

  • in Tyopla Gora to the road bridge (about three kilometers),
  • from the stop 255 km by rail to the bridge over Koivu (about two kilometers)
  • in Ust-Tiskos (100 meters before the tributary of the Koiva - Tiskos, on the opposite bank it is convenient to collect ships and start rafting, and three kilometers later the Tiskos flows into the Koivu in front of the railway bridge). From the bridge it is about thirty kilometers to the village of Biser.

The village of Biser is located 12 km from the railway station of the same name and is connected to it by bus. The next village on the river is Kusye-Alexandrovsky. It is connected by bus to Pashia station. It is about 35 km along the river, approximately in the middle of this section there is another attraction - Fedotovsky threshold, formed by a large stone extending from the right bank into the water for about 6-8 meters. The end of the stone in the river is doused with water, forming a drain and a shaft about a meter behind it. The threshold is located at the left turn and at the left (inner) bank, the passage is clear.

Another route option is to start rafting along the Kusya River, which can be reached along the road from the Koiva electric train stop (about seven kilometers to the southeast). There is enough water in the river during the spring flood, but the river is narrow, winding and requires sufficient experience, well-coordinated crew and attention. After 15-20 km there is a pond on the river, from the dam of which it falls into Koivu with a three-meter waterfall. Thrill-seekers can also go through the waterfall (insurance is required).

After 20 km, Koiva flows into Chusovaya. At the mouth on the left bank is the village of Ust-Koiva. There are two camp sites here, where you can stop, relax, and go to the bathhouse. The town of Chusovoy is still about 20 km away. It is more convenient to finish the route on a small spot at the mouth of a small river flowing in from the right next to the station.

In spring, the entire route from Tyopla Gora to Chusovoy can be completed in 3-4 walking days.

(the oronymic dictionary was compiled by S.V. Kotelnikov in 2007)

Birch Mountain. A dome-shaped hill on the right bank of the Koiva, 2 km below the village of Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. It is the southern spur of Mount Dombra. The absolute height is 298 meters above sea level. The name is “transparent”: the predominant tree species on the mountain is birch.

Hare Hill. This is the name of the southern steep slope of the Birch Mountain, descending to the river. For the most part he is meadow. According to the stories of local hunters, there are a lot of hares on it, which was the reason for its name. This toponym according to the classification of E.M. Pospelova refers to the names of mountains “after animals”. All of them are connected with real or former habitation on them of certain species of animals.

Hare Hill

Little Shaitan. A high cliff with a grotto in the central part of the outcrop and a flat top. It “looks out” from the forest on the right bank of the Koiva, right behind Zayacha Gorka.

Little Shaitan

Currently, there are two Shaitans: Big and Small. The first one, relative to the village of Kusye-Alexandrovsky, is located upstream, the second one is downstream. Geographical name paired and characterizes the size of a natural object. The black eye sockets of the caves, opening at a height of 40 m above the river, give a special color to the powerful steep cliff.

“However,” notes A.K. Matveev, - the word “shaitan” itself is not Mansi, but Turkic (shaitan - “ evil spirit“, “devil”), which ultimately goes back to the Arabic shaitan with the same meaning "... “Place names of this kind,” he continues, “first of all, reflect the attitude of the Muslim Turks (as well as Russian settlers, since they also learned the word shaitan) to the places of religious worship of the pagan Mansi..."

Most likely, in the through caves of the Big Shaitan and the grotto of the Small Shaitan, the Mansi in the distant past kept their idols, prayed to them, made sacrifices and gifts, which became the reason for the names of the cliffs.

Arrow Stone. A beautiful tall and powerful stone on the left bank of the river, 5 km below the village of Kusye-Alexandrovsky.

First mentioned by geologist A.A. Krasnopolsky in 1889: “4 versts below the Koiva plant forms a sharp turn from W to NO. On its left bank, in this bend, dense...limestones, white or gray...are exposed, forming the picturesque cliffs of the Strelny stone.”

Arrow Stone

In addition to Koiva, Strelnye Kamni are located on Chusovaya and Usva. Among the local population and local historians, there are still many curious explanations for the origin of the name of these coastal cliffs. For example, this is how local historian V.V. Kireev describes the appearance of this geographical name: “Here maximum attention and effort was required if the rafters wanted to safely pass these scary places. That is why, the senior caravan man, with a shot from a small cannon mounted on the lead barge, attracted the attention of the barge haulers. This happened just as the barges were sailing past the stones and what they called Strelny.”

Among local residents There are two versions of the origin of the name. Stories related to time are usually told civil war. For the most part, their story boils down to the fact that on the top of the cliffs the “whites” shot captured Red Army soldiers.

However, these stories are not supported by historical data. And they are impartial: the “whites” really shot captured Red Army soldiers and local residents who sympathized with the Bolsheviks. But this happened in a completely different place, moreover, in the opposite place: on the road to Ust-Tyrym, behind Glyadenovskaya Gora, where two obelisks were subsequently installed on the graves of those executed.

The second version of folk etymology is more ancient origin and is associated with beautiful but sad love. Brief essence hers is like that. In the “pit,” that is, in a pool located under a shore stone, a long time ago there lived a mermaid who fell in love with a village shepherd boy. And, it seems, he also did not deny her feelings and love pleasures. But then he still married a local beauty and forgot the mermaid. Out of sadness, she rose to the top of the stone and, saying goodbye to life, jumped, in local terms, “shot” down and crashed.

Arrow Stone

But these are all legends. In fact, the name “Strelny” is derived either from the old Russian word “strelnya” - “tower in a fortification”, “watchtower”; the coastal cliffs could get their names for their resemblance to these high military fortifications. Either from geographical term“arrow”, which has the general meaning of “cape”: Koiva really describes a cape with a length of 5 km and an isthmus of about a kilometer, at the beginning of which Strelny Kamen rises.

The word “arrow” - “mountain cape” is noted in Russian, namely in the Siberian chronicles of the 12th century. The term is formed with the suffix -к(а) from the word arrow and is the result of transferring the name “arrow” (from “arrow”) to geographical feature, similar in shape.

Stove (Arch). A small, but very beautiful in its structure, rock on the left bank of the river, just below the confluence of the right tributary of the Koiva - the Parshin Log stream.

“In a coastal outcrop at a height of 6 m above the water’s edge, the entrance to the cave opens. It is a picturesque arch 4 m wide and 5 m high, facing north. An underground cavity 14 m long formed in the central part, or, as geologists say, in the core of a steep anticlinal fold.”

Stove (Arch)

The local, more ancient, name is “Stove”, the tourist, modern name is “Arch”. Both names are based on a comparative metaphor. The first name was given in the old days for its resemblance to the “brow” of a Russian stove.

Rock Pechka (Arch)

“Arch” is the modern name of the stone, which in a short time replaced the old name of the cliff. It comes from the name of the cave - “Arch”, located in it, which was given in 1993 by the famous speleologist from Kungur A.I. Lavrov when he drew up its plan and detailed description. The sonorous “Arch”, that is, “an arched vault over an opening,” briefly but very succinctly characterizes the appearance of the coastal stone.

Grief Stone. Coastal stone wall. It stretches along the right bank of the Koiva below the confluence of the Gorevoy stream on the left. Its height gradually increases downstream and reaches 120 meters above river level at the end of the rock outcrop.

It was first mentioned in the report by geologist A.A. Krasnopolsky: “On the left bank dark gray fine-grained limestones protrude..., composing the high, but heavily forested cliffs of the Gorevoy stone.”

Grief Stone
Grief Stone (Mother-in-law's tongue)

The adjective “burning” is based on the word “gar” - “burnt forest”, “a section of forest burned out as a result of a natural fire”, “bare earth”, “thickets of bushes confined to places forest fires” and even “small aspen forest,” “an aspen forest that grew on the site of a fire that destroyed a coniferous forest.” In our region - “a completely or partially burned area of ​​forest.”

Springstone. The highest and most powerful coastal cliff in the lower reaches of the Koiva.

It consists of several rock ridges rising in jagged tiers above the river. The total height above the river water level reaches 150 meters, and the length along the river exceeds 1 km.

Described in the geological report of A.A. Krasnopolsky: “Entire layers full of valves... can be observed in the next steep cliff on the right bank - Spring Stone, composed of... gray limestone with black flint nodules.”

It got its name from the deep karst river flowing from its foot. “Spring” - “natural outlet of groundwater to the surface of the earth”, “key”. The term “spring” - “key”, “source” is noted in Russian monuments of the 15th century, formed by the suffix -nik from the root of the verb “to give birth”.

Spring stone

Lothari. Nowadays, this is the name of a long and narrow clearing with rocks on the right bank of the Koiva, stretching from Spring Stone to the Upper Chastoy Islands. Until the mid-50s of the last century, there was a settlement of special settlers Lothari on it. The village is long gone, but the name remains.

At the end of the 19th century, this was the name of a completely different place: a mountain without rocky outcrops on the right bank of the Koiva and was described in great detail by geologist A.A. Krasnopolsky: “These limestones, quite similar to the Devonian limestones of Vilva, Vizhay, etc., protrude along the banks up to the so-called “Lotary”, where they are replaced by gray slatey rubble, gray and red clays, among which exploration of iron deposits began in 1865 ore... The development of this deposit was carried out in several floors... The name is based on the nickname of the person who opened the mine: “lodar”, “lotar”, “lotar”, “lodar”. The main meaning is “slacker”, as well as “connecting rod”, “tramp”, “motishka”, “reveler”, “spendthrift”, “bogeyman”.

Pushkin. A separate rock in the outcrops of Spring Stone. Located in the downstream part of the bank rock, to the right of the path leading to the top of the rock outcrop.

Rock Pushkin

Modern name- a metaphor given by tourists to the rock for its resemblance to the portrait of the poet, drawn by him himself in one of his manuscripts.

Observation deck. A separate cliff in the outcrops of Spring Stone. A rocky cliff with a flat, forested top and a long treeless ridge descending towards the river. Located in the downstream part of the shore rock.

Panorama of the Spring Stone and the Koiva River

The modern name is a metaphor. From the flat top of the cliff - the “observation platform”, located on the top of the cliff, a panorama of the entire Spring Stone and the Koiva flowing at its foot opens up. The name is based on the verb “to look” - “to direct the gaze to see...”, “to look.”

Panorama of Koiva
(photo taken from the Observation Deck cliff)

Turtle. A separate rock in the outcrops of Spring Stone. It is located in the central, highest part of the coastal stone.

The modern name is a metaphor given by tourists for the similarity of the rocky outcrop with the head of this amphibious reptile.

Rock Turtle

Shakers. Several cliffs composed of vertical layers of limestone. They stretch along both banks of the Koiva from the Sukhoi River to the Lotharinsky Sukhodol.

Scala Vostryaki

Vostryaks are described quite colorfully by A.A. Krasnopolsky: “Immediately behind the mouth of the Sukhaya, on the right bank of the Koiva, high cliffs rise, the so-called “Vostryaki”, made of gray dense... limestone... Down the Koiva... vertically standing layers of these limestones are observed along the left bank of the Koiva, Moreover, they jut into the river like vertical ridges or walls, giving rise to a rather picturesque appearance of this part of the banks of the Koiva.”

Vostryaki Cliffs

The geographical name is based on a comparative metaphor associated with the structure of coastal cliffs. “Vostryak” - “mountain peak”, “sharp peak of the mountains”, “pointed mountain”. Used in the plural is "stirring". "Vostry" means "sharp."

"Pillars of Hercules"
A ridge of stone slabs 1.5 - 2 m high lying on the river bottom.

Puzhny Stone. A high and powerful rocky outcrop on the right bank, 1 km below the Pochta tract. Consists of two parts. In the upper part there is a lonely triangular rock up to 40 meters high. Below, around a sharp left turn, the main rock massif opens. The height of the steep cliffs exceeds 100 meters, and the length reaches 1 km.

Puzhny stone
Mentioned in the report by A.A. Krasnopolsky: “In a small north-eastern bend of the river, on its right bank, these gray limestones... form large rocks... Puzheny.”

During the rafting of “iron caravans” from the Bisersky and Kusye-Aleksandrovsky factories, it unexpectedly grew behind a sharp left turn of the river, frightening the barge rafters with its steep and high bulk. The name of the stone comes from the old Russian verb “to frighten” - “to intimidate”, “to make one timid, afraid”, “to instill fear, fear”, “to threaten”, “to threaten”.

Korobeyka. A small triangular-shaped cliff with a small cave visible from the river. It is located on the left bank, opposite the central part of the Puzhny stone.

The cliff was described by A.A. Krasnopolsky: “A little lower, on the left bank, white fine-grained limestones... form quite beautiful cliff"Peddler". The modern name is “Korobeyka”. The name is based on a comparative metaphor: the structure of the cliff with the cave resembles a box.

“Korobeyka” - in Perm dialects means “box”, “basket”.


Perevoloka. A mountain-ridge on the left bank of the Koiva, forming an almost closed river loop about 3 km long and a short isthmus of 200 m.

The name of the mountain is mentioned by A.A. Krasnopolsky. In the Perm region, one of the meanings of the term “transport” is “an isthmus between the bends of the river, along which boats are dragged to shorten the journey.” The geographical name “perevoloka” - “the space between rivers through which ships are dragged for further navigation” is noted in Russian monuments of the 12th century, formed with the prefix pere - from the root of the verb “voloch” - “to drag”, “to carry something without tearing it off” from the earth".

Upper Perevolochny Stone. A rocky outcrop-wall at the beginning of Mount Perevoloka, which has a strong pressure to the left bank.

First described by A.A. Krasnopolsky: “5.5 versts above the mouth, Koiva forms a loop-shaped bend, curved to the west. At the beginning of this bend, on the left bank of the Koiva, in Mount Perevoloka, white thick-layered fine-grained limestones are exposed.”

Upper Perevolochny stone

Nizhny Perevolochny Stone. Rocky cliff with a niche at the foot. Located on the left bank at the end of the loop.

Nizhny Perevolochny stone

Also mentioned is A.A. Krasnopolsky: “At the end of this bend, on the left bank of the Koiva, we again meet the limestones we saw already in Mount Perevoloki.” The names are in pairs.

The adjectives “upper” and “lower” are used to clarify the location of natural objects.

Kurtymskie Stones. Two high rocky ridges on the right bank of the Koiva. They rise far from its bed below the confluence of the Kurtymka River.

It got its name from the tributary.

Cruiser. The first ridge of the Kurtym Stones. It is a triangular-shaped rock outcrop with a flat top and a height of up to 100 meters.


The modern name is a metaphor given by tourists: from the river, the cliff resembles the high bow of a ship, cutting through the green “waves” of a mixed forest.

Blue Stone. The last, very picturesque coastal stone. Located on the left bank of the Koiva, 1 km before its confluence with the Chusovaya.

Blue stone

The name of the cliff is mentioned in the report of A.A. Krasnopolsky: “And finally, near the village of Ust-Koiva, in Siny Kamen, on the left bank, gray limestones are discovered.”

According to E.M. Pospelova: “This name, common in Russian folklore, is associated with the visual impression of blue mountains on the horizon.” It is confirmed by the stories of local residents: “Its outlines in clear sunny weather, both in the morning and in the evening, are drowned in a blue haze.”

Blue stone

Plants provide us with more than just food, shade, or pleasing to the eye. They are also a natural pharmacy, capable of curing a lot of diseases and giving us fullness and joy of life for many years.

Oregano (origanum vulgaris L.)

The Latin name of oregano comes from the Latin words: oros - mountain, gamus - decoration; mountain decoration. In Russia, the plant is distributed almost everywhere except the Far North. To colonize, oregano chooses clearings of dry forests, their edges, upland and floodplain meadows, and dry open rocky places. The smell of the herb is pleasantly aromatic, the taste is bitter-spicy, slightly astringent, tart.

Rhodiola pink(Rhodiolarosea L.) is one of the famous medicinal plants. But many people are more familiar with the popular names of Rhodiola - "Golden root", "Siberian ginseng".

An ancient Altai belief says: whoever finds the golden root will be lucky and healthy until the end of his days, and will live for two centuries.

Chinese emperors equipped special expeditions to search for the golden root. As the greatest value, this plant was smuggled across the border by smugglers.

The indigenous population of Altai carefully hid the places where the golden root grew. The methods of its use were surrounded by mystery, which was passed down from father to son, and sometimes went to the grave with the owner.

Legends were created around the golden root - one more colorful than the other.

Special expeditions of scientists who went to places where, according to legend, the golden root grew, returned with nothing. Not knowing what this plant looked like, botanists passed by it.

Only in 1961, an expedition led by Professor G.V. Krylov found a golden root in the Altai taiga, at an altitude of 3000 m.

Research on Rhodiola rosea has shown that it is simply a storehouse of useful substances. The roots of the plant contain essential oil, tannins, more than 20 valuable microelements (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, antimony, etc.), ascorbic and nicotinic acids. Rhodiola leaves and stems contain malic and tartaric acids.

Rhodiola rosea (Rhodiolarosea L.)

Rhodiolarosa has been used as a medicinal plant since time immemorial.

The genus Saxifraga of the Saxifraga family (Saxifragaceae) is quite numerous, it has more than 450 species of perennial herbaceous plants.

Plants vary significantly in size, shape and color of leaves and flowers, and significantly differ from each other in their requirements for living conditions. They live in cold and temperate regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as in the highlands. They can be found in the tundra, arctic deserts, forest zones, and alpine and subalpine mountain zones.

Saxifrage (breaking rocks)

Route: Kusye-Alexandrovsky village – Ust-Koiva village

Length of the active part: 42 km.

Price individual tours calculated separately!
We are waiting for your call: tel. 234-22-58

You can come with your own transport, leave the car on the territory of the base and get a discount on the tour of 900 rubles.

Tour program:

When the tour starts on Sunday, departure to
10:00 !!! (if you used our transfer services Perm-camp site-Perm)
21:00 arrival on the bank of the Koiva River, accommodation in tents
21:30 dinner, meeting the instructors, getting food and equipment. Overnight for 3-4 people in tents.

10:00 rising, washing in the river.
10:15 Breakfast.
11:00 Rafting along the Koiva River to the Shishikha tributary. During the day: optional: excursions to the stones “Maly Shaitan”, “Strelny”, “Arochny” (the objects are located along the banks of the Koiva River).
14:30 Lunch at the “green parking lot”, continuation of the rafting to the “Pochta” parking lot.
20:30 Breaking up the Bivouac. Dinner. Overnight in tents.

9:00 rising, washing in the river.
9:30 Breakfast.
10:00 Rafting down the Koiva River to the confluence of the Koiva and Chusovaya rivers ( Former village Diamond)
15:00 Dinner. (when leaving on the first day at 10:00 and if the group fits into the schedule) Excursion to the natural monument of the “Dyrovaty” stone (picturesque rocky outcrops of Carboniferous limestone with a large cave arch 24 m high). + souvenir photos at beautiful viewpoints. (Attention! This excursion may not be possible due to weather conditions)
18:00 Departure by bus to the city of Perm.
23:00 arrival of the bus in the city of Perm.

Route: Tyrym village - Kusye-Alexandrovsky village

Length of the active part: 15 km.

Cost of rafting along the Koiva River (2 days).

Cost of a standard route for a person in a group:
deadlines: Weekdays weekend
1950 2400
Transfer 1000 1000
for children 3-7 years old 40 %
for children 8-12 years old 30 %
for children 13-16 years old 10 %
Included in the price: 3 meals a day (we prepare it ourselves)
rental of tourist equipment
instructor accompaniment
excursions according to the program
transfer Perm – Koiva river – Perm

You can come to this route by your own car.
Leave it on the territory of our camp site for free.

In prefabricated groups, the route will take place when the group consists of 18 people or more

Tourists are provided with all the equipment necessary for the trip: 6-seater catamarans, oars, life jackets, insulating mats, sleeping bags, 2-, 3-, 4-seater tents.

8:00 Bus departure from our office in Perm (53 Sibirskaya St. (formerly Mirabella)
12:30 Arrival at the camp site “ lost World" Dinner.
13:30 Transfer to the starting point of the rafting village of Tyrym, meeting the instructors, receiving food and equipment.
14:30 Arrival at the bank of the Koiva River. Completion of safety training.
15:00 Start of rafting on the Koiva River.
19:30 Breaking up the Bivouac. Dinner. Overnight for 3-4 people in tents.