Bridge next to the Peter and Paul Fortress. The first independent hike aggregator. Where is Ioannovsky Bridge?

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The oldest bridge in St. Petersburg is considered to be the Ioannovsky Bridge - the same age as the city, founded in 1703 during the Northern War. The city, as you know, began on Zayachy Island, and at the same time, construction of residential buildings began on Gorodsky Island (now the Petrograd Side). At the same time, by order of Peter I, the first floating crossing was built across the Kronverk channel, paving the way between the fortress under construction and the village.

The Swedes, who did not want to cede the lands at the mouth of the Neva to the Russian sovereign without a fight, made a number of attempts to capture St. Petersburg, which was under construction, in 1704-1705. Although their actions were not successful, they forced the Russian military to remain on guard, causing a lot of trouble and trouble for the builders. In the event of a sudden attack by the Swedes, the crossing, made up of barque pontoons covered with wooden flooring, had to be quickly dismantled or simply burned.

Several years have passed. The Peter and Paul Fortress lost its defensive function, and the temporary structure was replaced by a permanent wooden drawbridge. It was first called Red, then Petrovsky (1730). Modern name the bridge has been in place since 1887, and it came from a dismantled bridge that was previously thrown across the ditch at Ioannovsky Ravelin (part defensive structures Peter and Paul Fortress).

The bridge was rebuilt several times (1738, 1802, 1848, etc.), changing its appearance. The existing bridge is a pedestrian bridge, on stone abutments, but the decking is still wooden, so smoking is prohibited here.

Its dimensions (according to St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest): total length - 152 meters, length of the riverbed part - 74.6 meters, width - 10.5 meters.

The beautiful grille and lanterns in the form of copies, collected in bunches and topped with double-headed eagles, are made in the style of the early 19th century. However, they appeared much later - in 1953. So, during the reconstruction under the leadership of architect A.L. Rotach, the bridge was decorated for the 250th anniversary of the city.

For the next anniversary in 2003, the bridge acquired its own mascot. A figurine of a hare was installed on a pile at the base of the bridge. According to tradition, tourists make a wish and throw a coin to Arseny (this is the name of the eared cat in memory of the ancient name of Hare Island - Yenisari). If the coin does not fall into the water, but ends up on a pedestal near the hare, the wish will come true.

Where is Ioannovsky Bridge?

A walking tour of the Peter and Paul Fortress begins from Ioannovsky Gate. From the Petrograd side the bridge of the same name leads to them across the Kronverk Strait. Ioannovsky Bridge connects Trinity Square and Hare Island.

I made a sample of 2500 hikes from 20 travel clubs. It turned out that...

Summer accounts for 66% of hikes for the entire year. It’s no surprise that summer is the best time to vacation with a backpack. Firstly, warm and dry; secondly, there is the opportunity to take a vacation to travel.

in autumn There are few hikes, because school, study, work begin, and the weather gets worse.

in winter ski tours or accommodation at recreation centers, combined with radial excursions without heavy backpacks and equipment, predominate. Winter accounts for 6% of all trips.

in spring I can’t bear to sit at home, so I get my equipment and plan trips. The weather in Crimea, Cyprus and the Caucasus is already above zero, which allows you to make simple treks without fear of freezing at night in your sleeping bag. March is 5% of the total statistics.

In April– sudden pause (3%), as tourists save time and money for May holidays. The end of April is a sharp start to the season of hiking in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Sayan Mountains, and Altai with the capture of the May Day holidays. Those who want warmth go along the Turkish Lycian Trail or trek through the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Also at the end of April there are many offers where you can go with children. Everyone is looking forward to the end of April - both adults and children. Life is gaining momentum.

May is distinguished by a fourfold increase in the number of trekking and hikes - 13% of the total statistics. Campsites are opening, and tourist centers are ready to accommodate tourists. TO May campaigns hikes starting in late April are added to cover the holidays.

The top five most visited regions look like this:

First place. Caucasus – 29%. Elbrus and Kazbek attract hikers with their beauty.

Second place. Crimea – 15%. The proximity of the sea and the mild climate make this peninsula unique and seemingly created for week-long excursions.

Third place. North-West – 11%. Residents Leningrad region and Karelia is lucky with nature: here more rivers and lakes than in Central District. In the Moscow region there is nowhere to go.

Fourth and fifth places. Altai, Baikal and Siberia – 7% each. It’s expensive to get there from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but it’s worth it. Beautiful nature, and there are not as many tourists as in other places.

All excursions to the Peter and Paul Fortress begin with a passage along the Ioannovsky Bridge, the road to which passes either through Alexander Park (from the metro), or through Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt from Trinity Square, where tourist excursion buses usually stop.

If you draw an imaginary line, continuing the Ioannovsky Bridge to reverse direction, then it will run into the Mosque.

The famous St. Petersburg hare sits at one of the bridge abutments, where any passing tourist always tries to throw a coin.

If, after crossing the bridge, you turn left, you first come out onto a lawn, and then along a narrow pavement paved along the outer walls of the fortress to the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

If you turn right, the road through another field leads to a helipad from which air tours over St. Petersburg take place.

If you go straight... But that's a completely different story.

Ioannovsky is famous for being the very first permanent bridge in the city.

It was built in the year of the foundation of St. Petersburg, in 1703, along with the beginning of the construction of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Then a floating wooden bridge was built across the Kronverk channel. His duties included connecting the fortress under construction and Gorodovoy Island, now called Petrogradsky.

Then it had a different name - Petrovsky, and for a long time it was the only permanent crossing in St. Petersburg.

Petrovsky Bridge was wooden, drawable, its surface was divided into two parts - pedestrian and roadway.

In the mid-18th century, almost its entire area, with the exception of its drawbridge, was paved with cobblestones.

At the end of the 19th century, the Petrovsky Bridge, which had become dilapidated by that time, was rebuilt. At the same time, he received a new name.

Now, after the name of the pre-fortress structure of the Peter and Paul Fortress, the bridge began to be called Ioannovsky.

Ioannovsky Bridge underwent a new reconstruction in the mid-20th century. Then the decorative elements were updated - the grille was updated, new lights were installed.

The two parts of the Ioannovsky Bridge have different decorative grilles. On one part of it there are fences installed, repeating in their design the gratings of the Kronverksky Canal embankment. The second part is decorated with a fence with an intricate floral pattern.

The stands are decorated with images of battle axes.

The last time the structure was restored was for the 300th anniversary of the city. Then the bridge deck and waterproofing were replaced, and the bridge abutments were re-lined.

With the help of new technologies, the vaults were strengthened and protected from destruction, with the help chemical composition, the stones from which they are made.

Now the bridge is guaranteed to be protected from destruction for the next 30 years.

In addition to strengthening the structure, work was also carried out to restore lost decorative elements. Restored lanterns once again appeared at the entrances, and on them were gilded figurines of eagles restored from surviving drawings.

The decorative grille was also repaired.

The length of the Ioannovsky Bridge is now 152 meters and the width is 10 meters.

John's Bridge - the very first and oldest bridge structure St. Petersburg, whose history began with the birth of the city itself.


The crossing at the Menshikov Bastion was built by May 1703 with the purpose of transporting land for the foundation of the Peter and Paul Fortress - the first powerful outpost of the newborn city of Peter. In those days, the crossing across the Kronverk channel connected Gorodovoy Island (today Petrogradsky) with Zayachiy.

The unreliable floating bridge, which in those days bore the name Red, rested on wooden barges, rocking on the waves and scraping each other with their sides, and had two drawable spans. According to the builders, such a design had its advantages for a military situation - in the event of a likely enemy attack, the wooden structure could easily be set on fire and stop the enemy.

On the map of young St. Petersburg, the bridge, which was built only in the summer, was marked already in 1705, and by mid-1706 a stable pile structure with a flooring made of boards was erected, where a lane was allocated for both carts and pedestrians. By 1730, the bridge began to be called Petrov (or Petrovsky).

In 1738, the Ioannovsky Ravelin was built in the Peter and Paul Fortress, named in memory of the brother of Peter I and in honor of the reigning queen Anna Ioannovna, the niece of the sovereign. The need for additional fortifications disappeared, and the pile structure was rebuilt into a multi-span bridge with a central drawable wing.

Some of the structures - coastal spans and dams - were laid out of stone in the form of arches, which have come down to us unchanged. The middle spans, raised above the channel of the strait, remained wooden and were subsequently rebuilt several times. The axis of the structure was oriented towards the John's Gate of the ravelin, built by 1740 according to the design of the talented military hydraulic engineer Count Burchard K. von Minich.

By the end of the 1760s. The surface of the roadway of the Petrovsky Bridge was laid out in the form of a cobblestone pavement, excluding the drawbridge. By 1887, given that the bridge leads directly to the Ioannovsky Gate of the ravelin, it was given the final name - Ioannovsky.

Over the next decades, the bridge was repeatedly updated, as a result of which the through arched spans on the bank were filled with stone, the railings and lampshades were restored, but the structure did not undergo serious structural changes until the middle of the 20th century.

During the major overhaul of 1951 - 1953, which was carried out according to the design of engineers P.V. Bazhenov and P.P. Stepanov and completed for the 250th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the middle spans, previously made of wooden beams, were reconstructed in metal. The historical appearance of the flooring was preserved, leaving it wooden.

Thanks to the work of restoration architects A.L. Rotach and N.N. Belekhov, the design of the crossing was also changed. The bridge was illuminated by lanterns that repeated the design of the lamps of the old Suvorov Bridge, and the pattern of the new fencing lattice largely coincided with the design of ancient fences on the embankments of the Kronverksky Strait with twisted floral patterns. Obelisks with helmets are made according to samples from the early 19th century created for the Trinity Bridge.

John's Bridge in our time

During the restoration repair of the Ioannovsky Bridge 2001 - 2003. The bridge deck, cladding of the arcades and bases were replaced, the vault of the structure was strengthened, the masonry was strengthened, and the open vault was waterproofed with compounds that long-term protected the limestone masonry from moisture.

During the restoration work, the pattern of the cast-iron grille was restored, gilded images of double-headed eagles above the spears reappeared on the floor lamps,

The length of the bridge part above the riverbed is 74.6 m, the total length including the arches above the bank part is 152 m, and the width is 10 m.

In May 2003, a half-meter figurine of a Bunny appeared on a pile near the bridge. The creator of the bronze animal, sculptor Vladimir Petrovichev, dedicated it to the peaceful inhabitant of the ancient Hare Island. According to legend, dating back to the construction of St. Petersburg, the long-eared one saved itself from the flood by hiding in the boot of Peter the Great.

Since the chronicles report that the emperor personally saved soldiers during spring floods, standing waist-deep in icy water, the legend took on a special meaning. And the St. John's Bridge Bunny has become a talisman that tourists shower with coins every day for good luck.

To find Ioannovsky Bridge, you need to get to the Gorkovskaya metro station, and after exiting the city, turn and walk in the opposite direction through Alexander Park for about 7 minutes.