Sel definition. Reasons for the formation of mudflows. The most catastrophic mudflows in human history. Flood forecasting. Flood prevention measures. Engineering measures for protection. When snow melts due to radiation, it captures

Landslides- This is a sliding displacement of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity.

They are formed in various rocks as a result of an imbalance or weakening of their strength. Caused by both natural and artificial (anthropogenic) reasons. Natural ones include: increasing the steepness of slopes, eroding their bases with sea and river waters, seismic tremors. Artificial is the destruction of slopes by road cuttings, excessive removal of soil, deforestation, unreasonable management Agriculture on the slopes. According to international statistics,up to 80% of modern landslides are associated with human activity. A significant number of landslides occur in mountains at altitudes from 1000 to 1700 m (90%).

This is due to the slight fragmentation of the habitats of these butterflies within the peat bog. Because of the butterfly habitat, the area can be divided into two parts - southern and northern. In the northern part of the habitat and the way they are used, they correspond ideal conditions for butterflies. There is a mosaic of grassland habitats, farmland and buildings that favors a wide diversity of species. In the southern part, butterflies are already present in lower densities. However, it is still relatively isolated.

Conservation of the habitat of this area is important to preserve the continuity of the teleionia, telegraph, ghost and sheriff habitats of Southern Poland. The parish church of the Ten Thousand Martyrs, built of red brick. In the desert live a herd of bison - a dozen or so with a mixture of Caucasian bison blood. Krakow: Hejnal from the tower of St. Mary's Church, Wawel and Czartoryski Museum, Vistula Boulevards, Planta, Wit-Stwosz Altar, Wipiana Stained Glass, Kazimierz. Royal Road, Florian Gate and Barbican, Theatre.

Landslides can occur on all slopes, starting from a steepness of 19°. However, on clay soils they also occur at a slope steepness of 5-7°. For this, excessive moisture of the rocks is sufficient. They come at any time of the year, but for the most part in spring and summer.

Landslide classification

Landslides are classified: according to the scale of the phenomenon, speed of movement and activity, mechanism of the process, power and place of formation.

Czartoryski Museum, Florianska Street, Main Market Square, Weaving Hall, st. Wojciech Church, St. Mary's Church, Grodzka Street, St. Mary's Church. Wawel Cathedral, castle, royal chambers and apartments, royal treasury and arsenal, dragon cave, Pauline's Church on the Rock, Kazimierz, St. And with him the mourners and problems.

Over the course of two days, you literally fill us with photos of surface roads that are now inaccessible in many places. For 60 years, no one has been interested in this road from No. 7 to 13 Zakrzewska Street in Vitaszyce. Please intervene in this matter, Ms. Elizabeth writes and sends photos from the road?

By scale Landslides are classified into large, medium and small scale.

Large ones are usually caused by natural causes and form along slopes for hundreds of meters. Their thickness reaches 10-20 meters or more. The landslide body often retains its solidity.

Medium and small-scale ones are smaller in size and are characteristic of anthropogenic processes.

For many years you cannot require any reinforcement. At the moment, the mud is so murky that cars carrying people are coming into houses, making it almost impossible to walk to the store or stop as a child, explains Darek. Perhaps after some intervention or article, any action will be taken. Geographically it is the border of the commune of Jarocin and on the occasion of Jarocin County. Don’t you see the problems of the residents of the Jarocyn land? The city is not good everywhere.

Mrs. Katarzyna wrote a letter to the mayor and published it in in social networks. Just boasting about successful investments is not enough! We were interested in the urban settlement of Jarocin. Following the remarks of the municipal secretary Michal Fijalkowski. Zakrzewska in Vitashice.

Scale is often characterized by the area involved. In this case, they are divided into grandiose - 400 hectares or more, very large - 200-400 hectares, large - 100-200 hectares, medium - 50-100 hectares, small - 5-50 hectares and very small - up to 5 hectares.

By speed very diverse, as can be seen from table. 2.3.

By activity Landslides are divided into active and inactive. The main factors here are the rocks of the slopes and the presence of moisture. Depending on the amount of moisture, they are divided into dry, slightly wet, wet and very wet. For example, very wet ones contain such an amount of water that creates conditions for liquid flow.

The connections between individual blocks become especially fragile during rains and periods of snowmelt. Water plays a big role in breaking rocks into blocks

The Municipality of Jarocin is implementing the construction of Zakrzewska Street in an area of ​​about 477 meters from the existing asphalt surface until the end of June. On the other hand, the road along the property from No. 7 to No. 13 will be maintained as part of the city's ongoing road maintenance. Work at the municipality will begin as soon as weather permits.

The Municipality of Jarocin will carry out the construction of Leszcice Street on a plot of land as part of an investment task by the end of September. Until the task is completed, the road will be maintained as part of ongoing municipal road maintenance. Roads managed by the Municipality of Jarocin will be maintained as part of the ongoing maintenance of municipal roads.

According to the mechanism of the process are divided into: shear landslides, extrusion landslides, viscoplastic landslides, hydrodynamic landslides, and sudden liquefaction landslides. Often have signs of a combined mechanism.

By process power landslides are divided into small - up to 10 thousand m 3, medium - from 11 to 100 thousand m 3, large - from 101 to 1000 thousand m 3, very large - over 1000 thousand m - the mass of rock involved in the process.

Openings of culverts

Do you have similar problems with roads? Residents of Meshkov, as well as st. My brother wanted to help me and he buried himself. Our interlocutor points out that as soon as the residents themselves paved the road among other slags. - When the sewerage went down the middle of the road, and since then it has been a slaughterhouse - adds Krzysztof, and he says that after yesterday's incident he had to go to the mechanic with the car.

Every year the same situation occurs, but no one cares because the road is mainly used as a way to get to the fields where we live. Tell us about the house on Zakrzewska Street 3 in Vitashice, isolated from other buildings by about 400 meters. The 80-year-old lives with us, so if necessary, medical intervention, also the ambulance will have a problem. Today one of the housewives was stuck in the car in the mud so thoroughly that we had to ask the neighbors to help with “fishing”.

By place of education they are divided into mountain, underwater, adjacent and artificial earthen structures (pits, canals, rock dumps).

Landslides cause significant damage to the national economy. They threaten the movement of trains, road transport, residential buildings other buildings. When landslides occur, the process of land removal from agricultural use is intensive.

The condition of the road was often discussed at meetings organized by the village chief. It would be great if we could harden ruby ​​or small stones from the Zakrzew side into our home. The road is very narrow and there are also trees growing on both sides of it, which is an additional danger in the event of a car accident. In the app, we send a slightly blurred image that shows the level of car dirt at the base of the wheel. This time Mrs. Monika from Jarocin. - Queen Hedwig of Gliesinek has such a path.

Table 2.3. Characteristics of landslides based on movement speed


Motion estimation

Exceptionally fast

Very fast

1.5 m/day

Children returning from school are dirty, and the same dirty shoes go to school. Traveling with a baby stroller is associated with a miracle. It's a shame when children go to school. And we are working - sorry about the apartment. Today we received photos from Luguv. Well, we live on Mr. Salkowski's street. So he goes to the store, the kids go to school, drown in the mud and fall into the pool. Vodna and Korotkaya streets, what some kind of training looks like, writes a resident who requests anonymity.

Temperature reduction of the snow layer

Today it’s even worse because it’s raining, it’s literally impossible to leave the house,” says a resident. And further proof of the impartiality of our local roads. With this last road under the forest there is interesting story. - Residents complained to the mayor, and he said that nothing more could be done. Just sign that the road is impassable,” says the photographer. - The mayor also said that once people had this way, and no one complained. And you can't go there by car.

1.5 m/month


Very slow

Exceptionally slow

They often lead to human casualties. Thus, on January 23, 1984, as a result of an earthquake in the Gissar region of Tajikistan, a landslide 400 m wide and 4.5 km long occurred. Huge masses of earth covered the village of Sharora. 50 houses were buried, 207 people died.

In any case, a crush appeared on the road at the end. And again Pavlovice. Our road was an inch of mud. Following the intervention of the village chief, the municipality removed the rubble onto the road. There are also bottles or drink cartons and other trash. The road condition was even worse. After another intervention from the village chief in charge of roads, he said that he could now sign that the road was impassable because there was nothing else he could do, reports another villager. Yesterday the mayor intervened.

Large landslides harm the national economy, destroying buildings and engineering structures, rendering roads unusable, etc.

He said he signed the contract with what his employee told him because they wouldn't do anything. Of course, many of you have wandered along the path passing through the Dabrova forest, located in the southern part of the Kartuz buildings. Residents of Kartuz undoubtedly went for a walk along the very popular natural and educational path, to which the entrance is along the street. It has been in operation for more than 10 years and has served not only for recreation, but also for training sessions on the treatment of children and young people. It recently received a new face because the teeth of time and damaged path elements are unusable.

In 1989, landslides in Ingushetia led to destruction in 82 settlements. 2,518 houses, 44 schools, 4 kindergartens, 60 healthcare, cultural, trade and consumer services facilities were damaged.

A type of landslides are snow avalanches. They are a mixture of snow crystals and air. Large avalanches occur on slopes of 26-60°. They are capable of causing great damage, resulting in loss of life. Thus, on July 13, 1990, on Lenin Peak in the Pamirs, as a result of an earthquake, a large derailment snow avalanche demolished the climbers' camp, located at an altitude of 5300 m. 40 people died. It was the biggest tragedy in domestic mountaineering.

What to do during collapses

The timing of the passage and the not always disciplined users of the path made this a moment to restore the path. Increasing people's demand for leisure in the forest made us want to develop a new model for its functioning. Motorists can leave their cars at the forest stop, which is located on the route and from here to go.

Despite the changes, the path has not lost its educational significance. Organized along a route, the plaques will allow you to enrich your natural knowledge. Thanks to the tables we can learn about the problems of spruce trees in Polish forests or the everyday life of words. You will also find the answer to the question of whether forests are threatening our forests and whether forests are endangered - foresters are encouraged.


Mudflow (mudflow)- a rapid mud or mud-stone flow, consisting of a mixture of water and rock fragments, suddenly appearing in the basins of small mountain rivers.

It is characterized by a sharp rise in water level, wave movement, short duration of action (on average from one to six hours), and a significant erosion-accumulative destructive effect.

You'll rest on new benches along the route and improve your fitness - using simple exercise equipment that is located in the forest parking lot. Foresters also encourage further travel - a prepared route is not the only alternative to walking. They stress that the stop is a great starting point for all the surrounding forests.

Who heard this to celebrate mud day? After all, it's dirty, hard to clean and so full of germs! - some adults say. Dirt! - the children shouted joyfully, and they were confident to shout on Saturday during the mud festival organized by the Warsaw Foundation. The foundation garden has been divided into two parts - one for fun in the dirt and the other a workshop where you can saw, sand and decorate boards and nails nailed down. The mud was organized into a kitchen where, using everything we kept in drawers, the children could prepare the most delicious dishes.

Mudflows pose a threat to populated areas, railways and highways and other structures located on their way.

The immediate causes of mudflows are showers, intense snow melting, breakthrough of reservoirs, less often earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.

Classification of mudflows

All ifs, according to the mechanism of nucleation, are divided into three types: erosive, breakthrough And landslide.

There were cloudy soups, ice cream, pancakes, and whatever the kids' imaginations gave them. The hit was a great swimming pool located next to a makeshift aqueduct and water tap. The splashing, splashing, splashing isn't over yet. We raised it several times, and if it weren't for the hunger that interrupted her, she probably would have been there. In the end, with enough rain and goodwill, we can organize similar games ourselves. You can read about the origins, ideas and celebrations around the world here and here.

Besides the obvious benefits of pleasure, this form of spending time also provides the opportunity to express emotions and experience sensory stimuli that we do not encounter every day. This stimulation of deep feeling when you have to remove your foot from dense mud is a tactile sensation when we tangle our hands or exercises when we run around a pool in hard paddles.

With erosion, saturation occurs first water stream debris material due to the washout and erosion of the adjacent soil, and then a mudflow wave is formed.

Breakthrough is characterized by an intensive process of water accumulation, at the same time rocks are eroded, a limit is reached and a breakthrough of a reservoir (lake, intraglacial reservoir, reservoir) occurs. The mudflow mass rushes down the slope or river bed.

Below is a video from the official website International Day garbage. We did the mud for the first time three months ago, right after we discovered our baby wouldn't get out of the pool. To create the mud we used: 3 cups carob, 3 cups flour, cup sugar, water. During the first game we created a sensory box in which we placed rocks, branches, cones and fake worms and we were all muddy. Zosia pulled out more objects, throwing them, stirring them. In a word, she was delighted!

As part of the approach we took a few days ago, we became free and free, and this time our daughter offered what she wanted. So there was mud soup, ice cream, jumping into the pool and drawing with my hands. There were no rubber pigs in the mud and no cars, which we washed in a makeshift car wash.

During a landslide, a mass of water-saturated rocks (including snow and ice) is torn away. The flow saturation in this case is close to maximum.

Each mountain region has its own causes of mudflows. For example, in the Caucasus they occur mainly as a result of rains and downpours (85%).

IN last years added to the natural causes of mudflow formation technogenic factors, violation of the rules and regulations of mining enterprises, explosions during the construction of roads and the construction of other structures, logging, improper conduct of agricultural work and violation of soil and vegetation cover.

When moving, a mudflow is a continuous stream of mud, stones and water. The steep leading front of a mudflow wave with a height of 5 to 15 m forms the “head” of a mudflow. The maximum height of the water-mud flow shaft sometimes reaches 25 m.

The classification of mudflows based on the causes of occurrence is given in Table. 2.4.

In Russia, up to 20% of the territory is located in mudflow zones. Mudflows are especially active in Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Dagestan, in the Novorossiysk region, Sayano-Baikal region, in the area of ​​the Baikal-Amur Mainline, in Kamchatka within the Stanovoy and Verkhoyansk ranges. They also occur in some areas of Primorye, Kola Peninsula and in the Urals. Back in 1966, more than 5 thousand mudflow basins were registered on the territory of the USSR. Currently, their number has increased.

Table 2.4. Classification of mudflows based on the root causes of occurrence

Root Causes

Distribution and origin

1. Rain

Showers, prolonged rains

The most widespread type of mudflows on Earth is formed as a result of erosion of slopes and the appearance of landslides


Intense snowmelt

Occurs in the mountains of the Subarctic. Associated with the breakdown and waterlogging of snow masses

3. Glacial

Intensive melting of snow and ice

In high mountain areas. The origin is associated with the breakthrough of melted glacial waters

4. Volcanogenic

Volcanic eruptions

In the areas active volcanoes. The largest. Due to rapid snowmelt and outburst of crater lakes

5. Seismogenic

Strong earthquakes

In areas of high seismicity. Rupture of soil masses from slopes

b. Limnogenic

Formation of lake dams

In high mountain areas. Dam destruction

7. Anthropogenic direct impact

Accumulation of technogenic rocks. Poor quality earthen dams

At waste storage areas. Erosion and sliding of technogenic rocks. Dam destruction

8. Anthropogenic indirect impact

Disturbance of soil and vegetation cover

In areas where forests and meadows are cleared. Erosion of slopes and channels

Based on the main factors of occurrence mudflows are classified as follows: zonal manifestation - the main formation factor is climatic conditions(precipitation). They are zonal in nature. The convergence occurs systematically. The paths of movement are relatively constant; regional manifestation (the main formation factor is geological processes). The descent occurs episodically, and the paths of movement are not constant; anthropogenic - this is the result of human economic activity. Occur where there is the greatest load on the mountain landscape. New mudflow basins are formed. The gathering is episodic.

Classification by power (based on transferred solid mass):

  1. Powerful (strong power), with the removal of more than 100 thousand m 3 of materials. Happens once every 5-10 years.
  2. Medium power, with removal from 10 to 100 thousand m 3 of materials. Happens once every 2-3 years.
  3. Weak power (low-power), with the removal of less than 10 thousand m 3 of materials. They happen every year, sometimes several times a year.

The classification of mudflow basins by the frequency of mudflows characterizes the intensity of development or its mudflow activity. Based on the frequency of mudflows, three groups of mudflow basins can be distinguished:

  • high mudflow activity (with recurrence once every 3-5 years or more);
  • average mudflow activity (with recurrence once every 6-15 years);
  • low mudflow activity (with a frequency of once every 16 years or less).

Mudflows are also classified according to their impact on structures:

  • Low-power - small erosion, partial blocking of openings in culverts.
  • Medium power - severe erosion, complete blocking of holes, damage and demolition of foundationless buildings.
  • Powerful - great destructive force, demolition of bridge trusses, destruction of bridge supports, stone buildings, roads.
  • Catastrophic - complete destruction of buildings, sections of roads along with the road surface and structures, burial of structures under sediments.

Sometimes a classification of basins is used based on the height of the sources of mudflows:

  • alpine. The sources lie above 2500 m, the volume of removal from 1 km 2 is 15-25 thousand m 3 per mudflow;
  • mid-mountain. The sources lie within the range of 1000-2500 m, the volume of removal from 1 km 2 is 5-15 thousand m 3 per mudflow;
  • low mountain. The sources lie below 1000 m, the volume of removal from 1 km 2 is less than 5 thousand m 3 per mudflow.

Landslides (mountain collapse)- detachment and catastrophic fall of large masses of rocks, their overturning, crushing and rolling down on steep and steep slopes.

Landslides of natural origin are observed in the mountains, on sea shores and cliffs of river valleys. They occur as a result of a weakening of the cohesion of rocks under the influence of weathering processes, erosion, dissolution and the action of gravity. The formation of landslides is facilitated by: geological structure terrain, the presence of cracks and rock crushing zones on the slopes. Most often (up to 80%) modern collapses are associated with the anthropogenic factor. They are formed mainly during improper work, during construction and mining.

Landslides are characterized by the power of the landslide process (volume of falling rock masses) and the scale of manifestation (involvement of area in the process).

According to the power of the landslide process, landslides are divided into large (rock detachment of 10 million m3), medium (up to 10 million m3) and small (rock detachment of less than 10 million m3).

According to the scale of manifestation, landslides are divided into huge (100-200 ha), medium (50-100 ha), small (5-50 ha) and small (less than 5 ha).

In addition, landslides can be characterized by the type of collapse, which is determined by the steepness of the slope of the rockfall masses.

Landslides, mudflows, and avalanches cause great damage to the national economy, the natural environment, and lead to casualties.

The main damaging factors of landslides, mudflows and landslides are impacts from moving masses of rocks, as well as the collapse and flooding of previously free space by these masses. As a result, buildings and other structures are destroyed, settlements, economic facilities, agricultural and forest lands are hidden by rock layers, river beds and overpasses are blocked, people and animals die, and the landscape changes.

Landslides, mudflows and landslides on the territory of the Russian Federation occur in mountainous regions North Caucasus, Ural, Eastern Siberia, Primorye, Sakhalin Islands, Kuril Islands, Kola Peninsula, as well as along the banks of large rivers.

Landslides often lead to large-scale catastrophic consequences. Thus, a landslide in Italy in 1963 with a volume of 240 million m3 covered 5 cities, killing 3 thousand people.

In 1982, a mudflow 6 km long and up to 200 m wide hit the villages of Shiveya and Arenda in the Chita region. As a result, houses, road bridges, 28 estates were destroyed, 500 hectares of cropland were washed away and covered, and people and farm animals also died. The economic damage from this mudflow amounted to about 250 thousand rubles.

In 1989, landslides in Checheno-Ing Ushetia caused damage to 2,518 houses, 44 schools, 4 kindergartens, 60 healthcare, cultural and public service facilities in 82 settlements.

Consequences of mudflows and landslides

Sel is a temporary flow of water that suddenly forms in the beds of mountain rivers with a large content of stones, sand and other solid materials. The cause of mudflows is intense and prolonged rainfall, rapid melting of snow or glaciers. Mudflows can also form from the collapse of large amounts of loose soil in river beds.

Unlike ordinary flows, mudflows, as a rule, do not move continuously, but in separate waves. At the same time, hundreds of tons, and sometimes millions of cubic meters of viscous mass are carried out. The sizes of individual boulders and fragments reach 3-4 m in diameter. When encountering obstacles, the mudflow passes through them, continuing to increase its energy.

Possessing a large mass and high speed of movement, up to 15 km/h, mudflows destroy buildings, roads, hydraulic engineering and other structures, disable communication and power lines, destroy gardens, flood arable land, and lead to the death of people and animals. All this lasts 1-3 hours. The time from the occurrence of a mudflow in the mountains to the moment it reaches the foothills is often calculated as 20-30 minutes.

To combat mudflows, they fix the surface of the earth by planting forests, expand the vegetation cover on mountain slopes, especially in places where mudflows originate, periodically drain water from mountain reservoirs, build anti-mudflow dams, dams and other protective structures.

Active snow melting is reduced by arranging smoke screens using smoke bombs. 15-20 minutes after the smoke, the temperature of the surface layer of air decreases, and the water flow is reduced by half.

The level of water accumulated in moraines (mountain lakes) and mudflow reservoirs is reduced using pumping units. In addition, in the fight against mudflows, such simple structures as cotton wool, ditches and terraces with a wide base are widely used. Protective and retaining walls, semi-dams and dams are built along river beds.

For the timely adoption of measures and the organization of reliable protection of the population, a clearly organized warning and warning system is of paramount importance. In areas threatened by mudflows, an anti-mudflow service is created. Its tasks include forecasting mudflows and informing the population about the time of its occurrence. In this case, a route is provided in advance along which the population is evacuated to higher places. There, if time permits, livestock is driven away and equipment is brought out.

If a person is captured by a moving mud flow, it is necessary to provide assistance to him by all available means. Such means may be poles, ropes or ropes. It is necessary to remove rescued people from the stream in the direction of the stream, gradually approaching its edge.

Landslide- sliding mixing of earth masses under the influence of its own weight - occurs most often along the banks of rivers and reservoirs and on mountain slopes. The volume of rocks displaced during landslides ranges from several hundred to many millions and even billions of cubic meters. Landslides are caused by various reasons: erosion of rocks by water, weakening of their strength due to weathering or waterlogging by precipitation and groundwater, unreasonable economic activity person, etc.

Landslides can destroy populated areas, destroy agricultural land, create danger during the operation of quarries and mining, damage communications, tunnels, pipelines, telephone and Electricity of the net, water management structures, mainly dams. In addition, they can block the dam, form a dam lake and contribute to flooding. Thus, the economic damage they cause can be significant.

The most effective protection against landslides is their prevention. A landslide does not usually start suddenly. First, cracks appear in the ground, ruptures in roads and coastal fortifications, buildings, structures, telegraph poles are displaced, and underground communications are destroyed. At the same time, it is very important to notice these first signs in time and make a correct forecast about further development landslide. It should also be taken into account that landslides move at maximum speed only in the initial period, then it gradually decreases.

In landslide areas, constant monitoring of soil movement, water levels in wells, drainage structures, wastewater disposal systems, boreholes, rivers, reservoirs, precipitation and precipitation is organized. Such observation is organized especially carefully in the spring-autumn periods, when the most precipitation falls.

If a landslide occurs, it is necessary, firstly, to warn the population, and secondly, as the situation worsens, organize the evacuation of the population to safe areas.

In the event of destruction of buildings and structures as a result of a mudflow or landslide, rescue operations are carried out, victims are removed from the rubble, and people are helped to leave the danger zone.

Protection of the population in case of threat and during landslides, mudflows and landslides

The population living in landslide-, mudflow- and landslide-hazardous zones should know the sources, possible directions and characteristics of these dangerous phenomena. Based on the forecast data, residents and enterprises are informed in advance about the danger of identified landslides, mudflows, collapse sources and possible zones their actions, the periods of passage of mudflows, as well as the procedure for sending signals about the threat of these phenomena. Such early informing of people about possible outbreaks natural disaster reduces the impact of stress and panic that may subsequently arise when transmitting emergency information about the immediate threat of these phenomena.

The population of these dangerous mountainous areas is obliged to take measures to strengthen houses and the territory on which they are built, as well as to participate in the construction of protective hydraulic and other engineering structures that protect against landslides and mudflows.

Primary information about the threat of landslides, mudflows and avalanches comes from landslide and mudflow stations, parties and hydrometeorological service posts. It is important that this information is communicated to the destination in a timely manner. Warning of the population about these natural disasters is carried out in the prescribed manner through sirens, radio and television, as well as through local warning systems that directly connect hydrometeorological service units with populated areas located in threatened zones.

If there is a threat of a landslide, mudflow or landslide, and if there is time, advance evacuation of the population, farm animals and property from threatening zones to safe places is organized.

Before leaving a house or apartment for early evacuation, they are brought into a state that promotes weakening damaging factors natural disaster, preventing the occurrence of secondary factors and facilitating subsequent possible excavations and restoration. Therefore, moved property from the yard or balcony must be removed into the house; the most valuable property that cannot be taken with you must be protected from moisture and dirt. Doors, windows, ventilation and other openings are tightly closed. Electricity, gas, and water supply are turned off. Flammable and toxic substances are removed from the house and, if possible, buried in remote pits or separate cellars. In all other respects, citizens act in accordance with the procedure established for organized evacuation.

If there was no advance warning of the danger and residents were warned about the threat immediately before the onset of a natural disaster or noticed its approach themselves, each of them, without worrying about property, makes an emergency independent exit to a safe place. At the same time, relatives, neighbors, and all people encountered along the way should be warned about the danger. For an emergency exit, you need to know the routes to the nearest safe places. These paths are determined and communicated to the population based on the forecast of the most likely directions of arrival of a landslide (mudflow) to a given settlement (object). Natural safe measures for emergency exit are the slopes of mountains and hills that are not prone to landslide processes or between which there is a mudflow-hazardous direction. When climbing to safe slopes, valleys, gorges and recesses should not be used, as side channels of the main mudflow may form in them. On the way, assistance should be provided to the sick, elderly, disabled, children, and the weak. For transportation, whenever possible, personal transport, mobile agricultural machinery, riding and pack animals are used.

In the event that people, buildings and other structures find themselves on the surface of a moving landslide area, they should, after leaving the premises, move upward as much as possible and, depending on the situation, beware when braking the landslide of blocks, stones, fragments of structures, earthenware rolling down from its back part. shaft, scree. It can also take over the thrust of immovable rocks. At high speeds, a strong shock is possible when stopping the landslide. Everything poses a great danger to people in the landslide.

After the end of a landslide, mudflow or landslide, people who had previously hastily left the disaster zone and waited out it in a nearby safe place, making sure that there is no repeated threat, should return to this zone in order to search for and provide assistance to the victims.


By altitude position

According to the geomorphological structure of the basins

For reasons of occurrence

According to the degree of saturation with sediment and its fractional composition

Mud mudflows

Mud-stone mudflows

Water-rock (alluvial) mudflows


Sometimes mudflows occur in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry ravines with significant (at least 0.10) thalweg slopes and in the presence of large accumulations of weathering products.


Mudflows are characterized by the advancement of its frontal part in the form of a shaft of water and sediment, or more often by the presence of a series of successively shifting shafts. The passage of a mudflow is accompanied by significant reformations of the riverbed.


Debris flows coming from volcanoes are called lahars.

The average speed of mudflows is 2-4 m/s, reaching 4-6 m/s, which causes their great destructive effect. Along their path, streams carve deep channels that are usually dry or contain small streams. Mudflow material is deposited in the foothill plains.


Connected people include mud-stone streams, in which water is practically not separated from the solid part. They have a large volumetric weight (up to 1.5-2.0 t/m3) and great destructive power. Water-stone flows are classified as incoherent. Water transports debris and, as its velocity decreases, deposits it in the channel or fan area on the foothill plain. The volumetric weight of water-rock mudflows is 1.2-1.5 t/m3.

The following zones are distinguished in the mudflow basin:

  1. Origin zone (feeding)
  2. Transit zone
  3. Accumulation zone.

Fighting mudflows

Mudflows can cause enormous destruction. The fight against mudflows is carried out mainly by securing soil and vegetation cover and constructing special hydraulic structures.

To combat mudflows, preventive measures and construction of engineering structures are carried out. The use of certain control methods is determined by the zones of the mudflow basin. Preventive measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of a mudflow or weaken its effect at the very beginning of the process. The most radical remedy is afforestation on mudflow-prone mountain slopes. The forest regulates flow, reduces the mass of water, and cuts streams into separate weakened streams. It is forbidden to cut down forests or disturb the turf cover in the catchment area. Here it is advisable to increase the stability of slopes by terracing, intercept and drain water with upland ditches and earthen ramparts. In mudflow channels, dams have the greatest effect. These structures made of stone and concrete, installed across the riverbed, delay the mudflow and take away some of the solid material from it. Half-dams push the flow toward the shore, which is less susceptible to rupture. Mud catchers are used in the form of pits and basins laid in the path of flows; they build bank-protecting retaining walls that prevent erosion of the banks of the riverbed and protect buildings from the impact force of mudflows. Guiding dams and mudflow reservoirs are effective. Dams direct the flow in the desired direction and weaken its effect. At the sites settlements and individual structures located in the proluvium deposition zone, diversion channels are constructed, guide dams are installed, and river beds are taken into high stone banks that limit the spread of the mudflow. To protect road structures, the most efficient are mudflow drains in the form of reinforced concrete and stone chutes that allow mudflows to pass above or below structures.

see also


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