Natural phenomenon cave 5 letters. I. Caves are a unique natural phenomenon

Armenia is very beautiful land With ancient history- This is the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion. It is famous for its world-famous cognac, and its mineral springs are no worse than those in other parts of the world.

Armenian temples and churches excite, evoking peace, the turquoise Lake Sevan framed by mountains and clouds bathing in it enchants and delights, and vineyards, trees and bushes ripen under the sun's rays against the backdrop of the royally magical Ararat.

Armenia tells about itself with the incomparable melody that the duduk “sings,” as if it has absorbed the whole soul and wisdom of the Armenian people.

We present to you some of the most mysterious and majestic places in Armenia, which amaze with their natural landscape, unique shapes and are fraught with centuries-old mysteries that have yet to be solved...

Natural “umbrellas” in the Hunot gorge

One of the wonders of Armenia are the waterfalls in the Karkar River gorge. Near the city of Shushi, the river forms the deepest gorge in the country, 300-350 m deep.

At the bottom of the gorge, from the tributary of the river, a strong spring flows from the rock, which, descending from the stone walls of the cave, flows into the river, forming an incredible cascade of waterfalls.

Over the centuries, the water, with its gentle flow, feeds millions of algae that hang over the “arches” of the cave, forming a natural phenomenon, similar in appearance to umbrellas.

The waterfall is called Mamrot Kar, but the locals nicknamed it Ovanots, which translated into Russian means umbrella.

Symphony of stones

Near the legendary Garni Temple, there is a canyon of the Azat River, it is an incredible natural monument.

Its walls, as if carved by a human hand, are formed from basalt hexagons, reminiscent of organ pipes in their appearance, for which they received the name - Symphony of Stones.

These rocks rise from below to the very top of the gorge. The natural composition is also called “Symphony of Rocks” or “Basalt Organ”.

“Symphony of Stones” is included in the list of natural monuments and is protected by law.

Lake Sevan

The decoration of the country is the incredible Lake Sevan - the largest of the highlands, and the largest in Transcaucasia. It is located in the heart of the mountains at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level.

The water in it is clear and clean. Ancient legends say that the gods and stars quenched their thirst from it. Located around the lake National Park Sevan.

There are many historical monuments, famous fortresses, old monastery complexes and Cyclopean buildings of the Urartian period in Sevan.

Particularly interesting is the monastery complex standing on the Sevan peninsula - dating back to 878.

Satan's Bridge

Armenia also has a unique natural monument - Satani Kamurj or Devil's Bridge. This natural miracle can be seen on the road leading from the village of Halidzor to the village of Tatev (the Goris-Tatev highway passes along it).

This is a naturally formed bridge located over the Vorotan River. At the base of the bridge, on the river bank, there are many beautiful waterfalls cascading down from the cliffs.

Recesses, niches and even small caves formed there. There are stalactites and small natural pools with mineral water, the temperature of which is 25 °C.

The rocks themselves mainly consist of yellowish and pink travertine, as well as limestone, which is simply a mesmerizing picture of bright colors.

Akna lich

Lake Akna is of volcanic origin. It is located in the Geghama Mountains, at an altitude of 3300 m above sea level and with an area of ​​0.5 m2. The lake is filled with spring waters. It is surrounded by volcanic cones and alpine meadows.

The water in the lake is fresh and clean. The lake mirrors the sky and mountains. This lake is considered one of the most picturesque places in Armenian nature.

Natural pyramids

The city of Goris is located in the wooded part of the Vararak River. The surrounding area of ​​the city is full of unusual structures: towers, castles, pyramids and caves. Old Goris is built entirely of “karataker” (rock house), very similar to pyramids.

Each such “apartment” has a window, a door and a stove. Doors and windows are located at a height of 4–5 meters from the ground. People used wicker stairs to enter apartments. According to locals, there were 700–800 such apartments in the old city. This area will be protected, as well as its natural and historical value.

Lake Parz

Parz Lich (Armenian Parz - transparent, Lich - lake) is a small lake that is located high in the mountains of Armenia, near the city of Dilijan, on the forested slope of the Areguni mountain ranges.

The lake is closely surrounded by dense forests and is considered one of the most beautiful places in the country. The maximum depth of the lake is only five meters, but the water in it is so clean that the lake was nicknamed Transparent or Clear.

Bear Cave

This cave is also one of the natural wonders of Armenia, it is located in Vayots Dzor, near the city of Yerevan, near the Noravank monastery complex.

The temperature inside the cave does not change all year round - +9 °C. Huge cave halls of karst origin, “lined” with all types of deposits (stalagmites, curtains, stalagnates, stalactites and corals) create a truly majestic picture.

The underground lake and cave river give the place a mysterious and fabulous look. And, of course, the underground siphon deserves special attention.

Kasakh waterfall

Kasakh waterfall is the highest in Armenia. Its height is 70 meters, and it is located on the Kasakh River in the Aragatsotn region.

Once upon a time, powerful lava flows covered many river channels, and although some rivers managed to maintain their flow under the earth's surface, most of them were unable to withstand the stone elements. Including an ancient watercourse, the bed of which is located in the thickness of volcanic rocks. It runs along the perimeter of the modern Kasakh River and is called Paleokasakh.

The strong lava flows that buried it became waterproof, hence the new surface Kasakh. The revived river cut through a 90-kilometer canyon, and now this pristine beauty will take your breath away: you can see the bizarre terrain, grottoes and mountain caves.

The waters of Kasakh, breaking against the rapids, noisily fall into a deep gorge, thereby forming the Kasakh waterfall.

Lake Tsakhkunyats

Tsakhkunyats is Mountain Lake, located in the middle part of the Tsakhkunyats ridge, at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is fed only by rain, and in winter it is covered with ice.

The lake, although small, is very beautiful and fabulous, it is surrounded picturesque mountains and meadows.

Shakinskiy waterfall

The Shaki River is a small tributary of the stormy Vorotan, and its length is only 18 km, but despite this, it forms an amazingly beautiful waterfall, which is a natural landmark of Armenia.

The waterfall goes perfectly with the view of the Paleolithic caves located nearby. The territory of the Shakinsky waterfall is called an “archaeological storehouse”, since in this place there are several unique grottoes in which primitive people lived.

Araks River

Araks is the largest river in the Armenian Highlands (995 km long). The current of the Araks is very strong, especially during spring floods, when it overflows its banks, thereby washing away crops and destroying bridges. But it also saturates its banks with moisture, forming lush gardens on them.

The silty sediments that covered the river for many centuries are marked by great fertility. most Ararat plain.

Mount Ararat

And in conclusion, I would like to talk about the famous Ararat - the symbol of Armenia. Nature clearly did not skimp in creating this miracle, endowed with incredible strength and spirit.

Ararat (Masis in Armenian) is a volcanic massif that consists of two extinct volcanoes: Little Ararat and Greater Ararat. This natural splendor perfectly reflects the majesty and history of the country.

Ararat is covered with eternal snow and its fantastic view is simply mesmerizing.
For Armenians, this mountain is considered sacred. According to Biblical sources, it was at its top that Noah’s Ark landed.

Cave of Swallows(Spanish Sótano de las Golondrinas, English Cave of Swallows) - of karst origin in Mexico, in the state of San Luis Potosi. The shape is a cone-shaped (or bottle-shaped) karst sinkhole expanding downwards.

The hole in the Swallow Cave on the surface of the earth has an elliptical shape (round in plan, as it is located on a slope) and has dimensions of 49 by 62 meters, the depth of the hole is from 333 to 376 meters (the hole on the surface is located on a slope).

Especially after the rainy season there is faster water, but now it was only in August that we could go a little. The river has relatively large waterfalls in a relatively short stretch, creating "pools" in which you can relax. You can do this yourself by car or even by bus from Ciudad Valles, which will pick you up from the road right at the entrance. You will save a lot because you will find many certified riverside guides who offer this experience for 150 pesos.

We weren't shy, we wore the mandatory vests and helmets, and they were already climbing the stairs to get to the start of the route. At the initial waterfall we did a couple of test jumps from 2 and 4 meter high cliffs to prepare for the higher cascades and take on the journey on the water. The first minor adrenaline rush was the search big waterfall. The water broke and hid my gaze when it was unpleasant for me, but for a moment we found ourselves behind a white curtain under a rock where the water flowed. Then we'll just let it drift.

At the bottom it has an elongated shape, close to an oval with one almost flat side. The volume of space is estimated at 33110 m³. The bottom and passages to deeper levels, which probably exist, have so far been poorly explored.

A narrow pedestrian path and a dirt road lead to the Swallow Cave, which can only be driven by off-road vehicles.

The first 4 meter waterfall is a test, a technique, so we know how to jump and jump. Of course, we repeated this with Mira twice. Then it went smoothly, mainly because of the vest. We threw in the towel again and again, paid, were given a guide with a dagger and quickly burned south to the tuna tank to take a boat to Tamul Falls. They told us that no one else could take us at that hour and that the cost of the boat was 600 pesos regardless of the number of people, but we didn't let that discourage us and we went out.

Especially don't let local guides "guide" you right into the village that you park and go with them. It's far from the village! You may meet such people along the way, but you can get to the car where you can go. At first we wanted to join the group, but most of them were quite large and they fell out of the "losers". Finally, the grandfather approached us and offered us his services. The contract ended at 300 pesos to the satisfaction of both parties and we set out with our own boat on the river.

Its dimensions are such that it can easily accommodate the famous New York skyscraper Chrysler Building.

The Cave of Swallows was known to people who inhabited this area since ancient times. The first documentary research was carried out on December 27, 1966.

IN last years became favorite place base jumpers.

Part of the filming of the film “Sanctum” took place there.

The journey was truly endless and we had nothing to do, it was raining. We were confident in Mira's waterproof camera, at least for this moment. Tamul Falls, which measures a hundred meters high and about 300 meters wide, unfortunately cannot be approached by a boat for safety, so we mostly only saw part of this giant. But if you ever get the chance to get here, you can buy skiing to enjoy the waterfall.

In the morning we got up at five o'clock because we recommend local residents get out on time to avoid the swallows of Sotano de las Golondrinas. This cave, about 400 meters deep in free fall, is one of the largest "holes" in the world and is considered the most beautiful. This karst formation was created by water erosion in a limestone fissure. A typical feature is the diameter of the cave, which extends deeper in direction. As an ordinary observer, you only see a circular hole with a diameter of about 60 meters.

The Spanish name of the cave comes from the Mexican name for swallows - Golondrinas. However, it is inhabited by swifts of the Black Swift species and parrots of the Mexican Aratinga species.

Flora and fauna of the Swallow Cave

In the morning, flocks of birds fly in a spiral, gaining altitude until they reach the exit. In the evenings, the swifts return, and they dive in flocks of several dozen individuals until they reach the level of their nesting area there. Observing the behavior of birds has become one of the favorite activities of tourists visiting its entrance.

As you dare to approach and the volunteers supply you with a rescue rope, you lean towards the edge, in amazement as it is deep. Previously, paratroopers jumped. Especially thanks to the average 300-meter rocky bottom, it was safe, but not for the swallows that remained in the cave, so this activity was later prohibited, and now you can lay out the bottom for a lot of money.

Our wasta knowledge is not yet complete. In total, the surreal buildings are built in the rainforest on an area of ​​32 hectares, which flows through clean river and forms cascades and natural pools. These are incredible structures that often do not end and do not begin.

The Swallow Cave is also quite densely populated by insects and snakes. Due to the large amount of guano on the floor of the cave, evaporation, the presence of a large number of bacteria in the air, and fungi and mold on the walls.

The floor of the pit is covered with the excrement of millions of birds. This excrement, rainwater, and debris from the surface are the food base of the numerous animals on the cave floor. There are centipedes and insects, snakes and scorpions. The air is filled with odors, fungi and bacteria. It's possible to be at the bottom without a breathing mask, but cavers who want to explore the far reaches should bring additional equipment.

In this garden of shapes you can walk all day and you won't get lucky. He began to explore Mexico and, on his way to Huastse, he became deeply interested in the orchids that grew there. The rain through which the river flowed attracted him so much that he decided to dock and create a paradise there. He began growing more and more orchids and exotic plants, creating terraces and fences for the animals he cared for. He had many exotic birds, deer, small steelhead, turtles, toucans, ducks, flamingos and many others.

This sparked James's idea, which became the beginning of the magnificent buildings we see today. The idea behind this project was to create shapes that fit into natural landscapes tropical forest, creating something as majestic and enchanting as his orchids without destroying anything.

To protect nature, Swallow Cave and its unique ecosystem, the researchers agreed to use only one launch point. This place is equipped with rope bolts. Another point is the time of day, birds fly out of it in the morning and arrive in the evening. Explorers and especially BASE jumpers should not disturb the peace at this time of day.

Integral to this project were his friends and artists Plutarco Gastlum, who figured as administrator for the construction of the buildings, and Don José Aguilar Camacho, who created wooden molds for casting concrete, which were later recognized as a critical work for their traditional processing. So, as you walk through this amazing garden, you can see orchids, bowls of different colors, shapes that resemble mingling flamingos, bamboo clusters, stairways to the sky and many other formations that allow you to work with your imagination.

This is the 2nd deepest deep place in Mexico, and the 11th deepest in the world. It is the depth that attracts many tourists and especially lovers of such extreme sports like base jumping (parachute jumping from any heights).

Giant beauties discovered thanks to mining

You can find many more photos in the gallery. In the Mexican semi-desert, about 100 kilometers southeast of the city of Chihuahua, there are the Naica Mountains. It is literally intertwined with a network of cracks and natural caves. Cracks in the mountains, once deep in the Earth, penetrated the surface of mineral mineral springs. The water cooled up the road, causing minerals to precipitate and crystallize. The stone cavities were filled with ores rich in silver, lead and zinc. These metals have also been mined and some mines are still in operation.

A person without a parachute would fall for approximately 12 seconds, from top to bottom. As a result, many extreme sports enthusiasts take up the challenge to jump off the edge.

There was also a case recorded when balloon of medium size were led from the bottom of the cave through its 45-meter entrance.

Swallow Cave is also a popular destination for experienced cavers. The descent to the bottom can take about 20 minutes. They go down there using a rope. But the way back is a real challenge to your strength!

The explorer must climb up a single rope using clamps, which is very tedious. This is a minimum of 40 minutes of enormous stress, and even for extremely trained researchers this is a serious test. And for normal, physically fit people, the journey takes about two hours.

There is also a psychological point here: the height is not the only problem, the width makes it much lighter and it looks smaller than it really is. Our brain cannot accurately estimate real distances. Therefore, the climber forces himself to work hard without any visible progress.

The Swallow Cave has many gentle slopes and stepped passages. So going down, much less climbing, is a difficult task.

One can admire endlessly the ingenious creations of nature. One of these amazing places is Cave of Swallows. It is located in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi and is considered the deepest cave in Mexico.

The Cave of Swallows can be reached by bus from Mexico City or Monterey in about 5 hours. The cost of a bus ticket is about $30.

You can get to the cave along a dirt road that can only be driven by off-road vehicles.

When we first saw the cave, it didn't seem too big. But in reality it is just huge. The shape of the cave resembles a giant bottle: a vertical “neck” with a diameter of 55 meters expands to 140-160 meters. Its depth is as much as 376 meters! For comparison, one of the New York skyscrapers can be hidden in it.

The people who inhabited this area knew about the existence of the cave for a long time, but the first documentary research here was carried out only in December 1966.

The Swallow Cave is home to many colonies of not only swallows, but also other birds, including parrots.

In the morning, millions of birds fly out of the cave and quickly rise to the sky. And when evening comes, you can watch the birds return to the cave and collapse like stones inside. It is a very impressive and unforgettable sight to watch how birds, like stones, fall straight into the abyss of the cave and stop near their nests.

You can go down inside the cave using climbing equipment or by parachute. Near the cave there is a special area for attaching equipment. Descending into the cave using a parachute only takes about 10-15 seconds. In order not to disturb the usual life of the birds, as well as for the safety of people, descents are allowed strictly from 12 to 16 hours, at which time the birds fly away to feed.

Jumping or climbing down a cave is one thing, but climbing up an almost vertical wall is quite another. The journey to the top takes an average of a couple of hours and requires excellent physical fitness.

The cave itself is quite cool. There is vegetation only near the entrance to it. After heavy rains, streams appear and cascade into the cave. Inside the cave, in addition to birds, there live many other living creatures: various insects, including scorpions and snakes. So you need to be extremely careful inside.

The smell inside is, to put it mildly, not very good. The air is filled with the smell of rot and mold, so staying in a cave for a long time without oxygen equipment or special filters is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

At the bottom of the cave lies a thick layer of stones and bird droppings. The bottom is sloped and has many small tunnels and splits leading to lower levels. Now they have not yet been fully studied by scientists.

It is noteworthy that part of the filming of the famous film Sanctum took place here.

The size of the cave is truly impressive. For the descent and subsequent ascent to the top you need good physical (I repeat) and moral preparation. If you doubt your abilities, then you can not go down, but just look in the evening at the huge flocks of birds returning to their nests.

  • Karl Walter Claus Carstens (German: Karl Walter Claus Carstens; December 14, 1914, Bremen, - May 30, 1992, Meckenheim, North Rhine-Westphalia) - German conservative politician and statesman, a prominent figure in the CDU.
  • Cave in the rock
  • The world famous Postojna Cave is located on this plateau.
  • Dissolution of sedimentary rocks (limestones, gypsum) by groundwater with the formation of caves, gullies, sinkholes, etc.
  • Cave as a natural phenomenon
  • Underground cave with river or lake
  • A plateau in Yugoslavia that gives its name to a geological phenomenon
  • Phenomena occurring in water-soluble sedimentary rocks (basins, sinkholes, caves)
  • State earth's surface in areas where the soil is formed from sedimentary coarse-grained soils soluble in natural waters
    • Rains are precipitation falling from clouds in the form of liquid droplets with an average diameter of 0.5 to 6-7 mm.
    • A phenomenon that has never been observed in the Chilean Atacama Desert
    • Moderately beneficial natural phenomenon
    • weather phenomenon
      • Frost is a type of precipitation that is crystalline or granular deposits of ice on thin and long objects (tree branches, wires) in wet frosty weather.
      • A natural phenomenon
      • A natural phenomenon similar to frost
      • weather phenomenon
        • Rainbow is an atmospheric, optical and meteorological phenomenon observed when illuminated by a bright light source (in nature, the Sun or the Moon - see below).
        • Natural optical phenomenon
        • Natural seven-color phenomenon
        • A natural phenomenon
        • Optical phenomenon
        • Optical phenomenon after rain
        • Atmospheric optical phenomenon
        • What natural phenomenon do the Israelites call “the bow of Jehovah God”?
        • Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits (a natural phenomenon)
        • Which one optical phenomenon are there all the colors?
        • Natural "arch" in the sky

I. Caves are a unique natural phenomenon.

Man is always attracted to the unknown, the mysterious, hidden in darkness. Caves are probably the most striking example of a Mystery created by nature. When a person finds himself in the narrow or wide passages of “underground palaces”, he can be overcome either by anxiety and fear, or by indomitable curiosity - both attract and force him to return again and again to solving this riddle. Moreover, caves are a rather rare geological phenomenon. They allow a person to look deep into the Earth, find out the contents of its depths, and look at the grandiose, impressive work of water.

Yes, it is water that is the creator of caves, more precisely, underground water. They travel through voids and cracks earth's crust and build their paths by penetrating rocks and dissolving them. Moreover, some rocks succumb to water quite quickly (carbonate, sulfate and chloride), while others remain unchanged. This is how thousands, millions of years pass - caves and multi-story labyrinths are formed, through which underground rivers often flow. This natural phenomenon is called karst.

The caves also attract people with their beauty. Drops of water, saturated with calcium bicarbonate, build bizarre sculptures: stalactites “grow” from the ceiling of the cave, and stalagmites on the floor; when they connect, columns are formed. The cave turns into underground city or garden.

All over the world, people's interest in caves has gone through several stages over time. For primitive people they were dwellings and temples. Since the Age of Enlightenment, caves began to attract the attention of scientists, whose interest was spurred by the finds of human and animal bones of the “antediluvian” period made in the caves. In the second half of the 19th century, geomorphology arose at the intersection of geology and geography, whose representatives paid considerable attention to caves. At the same time, the aesthetic, scientific and educational value of caves as unique natural, historical and cultural objects was realized - speleology was born.

The most popular among tourists are not the deepest (the Jean-Bernard well in the Savoy Alps - 1410 meters) and not the longest (Flint Mammoth Cave in the USA - 341.1 kilometers), but the most beautiful and accessible caves. The Kungur “ice” cave in the Urals stretches “only” 5.6 kilometers. The amazing colors and bizarre shapes of stalactites and stalagmites, the complex combination of limestone and ice growths make the cave look like a fairy-tale underground kingdom. The most famous cave in the Caucasus is the Anakopia (New Athos) cave. The natural entrance to it is located in a funnel in the forest on Mount Iverskaya. To enter the gigantic halls of the cave, you need to descend 139 meters vertically. The cave is equipped for tourists to explore: a tunnel for an electric train has been made in the “body” of the mountain. In the USA, at the foot of the Guadalupe Mountains, in the south of New Mexico, there is the famous Carslab Cave (length - 33 kilometers, depth - 313 meters), which has several floors. It is visited by numerous tourists, is electrified, equipped with elevators and snack bars.

^ II. Tavdinsky caves – favorite place tourists.

In the territory Altai Territory There are quite a few caves. The most famous of them: Geofizicheskaya, Altai, Tavdinsky - these are the favorite places of tourists traveling around the Altai Mountains.

The most accessible to visit are the Tavdinsky caves. Despite the fact that they are located in steep cliffs and on the steep slopes of the Tavdinskaya Mountain, visiting them is quite simple - an asphalt road leads to them and special steps have been made (Fig. 3 and 4), and there is even electricity installed in the Tavdinskaya-2 cave for convenience tourists. Since the caves are a well-known and popular place among tourists, almost every recreation center in the area provides information posters informing about the time, duration and cost of excursions to them. The entrance to the natural monument itself has long been turned into a place for a comfortable stay for guests with numerous cafes, kiosks with souvenirs and even holiday houses. It is also attractive that there are other attractions located not far from the Tavdinsky Caves Gorny Altai: Lake Aya, Lake Manzherok, Kamyshlinsky waterfall, Arzhan-Suu spring.

The Tavda Caves got their name from the name of the village of Tavda (the second name is Talda), which was previously located not far from these places. The local population has a romantic legend about the origin and name of these caves:

“For a long time, no one remembers exactly when, Khansha Tavda lived in the mountains. She was known among people as such a miser, the likes of which the world had never seen. And, although she had a myriad of riches, she came up with new tricks just to rob people completely. But where she put the goods taken from people: cattle, harness, poultry, killed game - no one could understand. Everything that was brought to her yurt and piled up in whole heaps disappeared before our eyes, as if it had sunk into the ground. The hunters killed all the sables, goats, and deer in the entire area, and Tavda kept increasing the rent.

She threatened that if the tribute was not submitted on time, then she would take away their children from unwitting people. He will take his sons into his army, and his daughters into slavery - to weave carpets, milk goats and do all sorts of menial work. Hunters rushed around the deserted taiga day and night. Dejected, with empty nets, fishermen wandered into poor yurts; there had been no fish in the lakes and rivers for a long time. Everything disappeared into the insatiable, bottomless womb of the greedy Tavda.

No one knew how long this would last. Yes, strangers appeared in those places: husband and wife, young, handsome. Soon good fame spread throughout all the nearby camps about them. Manzherok, that was the man’s name, was strong and dexterous even in hunting and fishing. And he conquered everyone because he knew how to sculpt all kinds of dishes from clay. When he took his wonderful bowls out of the hot oven and gave them to the poor, there was no end to the joy. Katyng, that was the name of his slender, green-eyed wife, captivated everyone with her ability to embroider carpets with strange birds, animals and flowers, and weave fishing nets, which had never been seen in those places.

The fame of the craftsman's young family soon reached Tavda. Her hands even shook with anger when she saw their creations. Immediately she imposed such a large rent that even a dozen craftsmen would not have been able to bear. Imagine the surprise of the khan’s servants when, at the appointed time, the khanshas Manzherok and Katyng appeared at the yurt almost empty-handed. The master had only one jug in his hands, and the craftswoman had only one fishing net... “Listen to us, lady, our tribute to you is not simple,” Manzherok began. “Here is my jug, it has no bottom, into it you will pour as much kumiss as all your subjects will prepare.” “And here is my network,” Kating continued. “Your servants will use it to catch all the fish from the rivers and lakes of Altai.” And there were cells like this on the network big size, which was clear: no fish would be kept!

Tavda realized that the masters simply laughed at her greed. She hit Manzherok with an enchanted staff, he immediately turned around beautiful lake. When the staff touched the green-eyed Katyng's braids, she managed to run to the side, and in her rapid run splashed with the white-foamed beauty of the Katun River. And before her death she managed to shout to her beloved - “Farewell!” And she threw a handful of needles into the water, with which she embroidered her beautiful carpets. These needles scattered along the bottom of the lake and sprouted into a strange nut - chilim.

Tavda, finding herself on the left bank of the river, became furious because they dared to deceive her. And out of anger she stomped her foot so much that she, along with her goods, fell into the ground. And in the place where this happened, not far from one another, holes are visible. These are the entrances to the Tavdinsky caves. People took a lot of things out of them when they found them. There were fishing nets and pottery - a lot of good stuff! This is the wealth of Khansha Tavda. And the entrances to the Tavdinsky caves are guarded by the Moon Sable. It was carried on the shoulders of the greedy Khansha. He kept track of her wealth, and now he guards it in the Tavda caves.”

The Tavdinsky caves are located in the Altai region of the Altai Territory, but access to them is possible only from the Chuysky tract through the territory of the Altai Republic, with which the Altai Territory borders along the Katun River, it can be crossed via a new iron bridge (toll) leading to the Turquoise tourist complex Katun. The caves are located on the left bank of the Katun River, 200 meters from it, 10-15 kilometers above the confluence of its left tributary, the Ustyuba River; 10-12 kilometers south of the village of Nizhnyaya Kayancha, almost opposite the village of Izvestkovy located on the Chuysky tract. Their geographical coordinates: 51 0 47' north latitude, 85 0 40' east longitude.

There is a whole complex of karst formations, which includes about 30 caves: Bolshaya Taldinskaya, Tavdinskaya-2, Bear's Hole, Teremok, Cellar, Through, Golubinaya, Sportivnaya, Bad Dreams, Pereklichka, Wide Gate, Picturesque, Leaders, Tiny, Snake, Throne, Cuttlefish, Glinyanaya, Big Gate, Ichthyander's Grotto, Krotovsky Grotto and others - they are all of varying sizes and degrees of development, and a beautiful karst arch. From the top of Tavdinskaya Mountain there is an unforgettable view of the Katun River and the Chuysky Tract. This view makes everyone stop and think and gives rise to philosophical reflections in people’s souls:

“Nature is a miracle. The real idea that it was Gorny appeared precisely when we reached the Katun. We walked along the left bank, where I would never have even thought of going! Great. Unusual. This is the real Gorny, and not the one that was brought up in me since childhood, the Gorny - Chuisky, which we drove through in an air-conditioned car at a speed of 100 km per hour. The distance we covered in these ten days could have been covered in 30 minutes by car. But only now did I recognize the real Gorny. Maybe this happened when we were climbing the pass, or when I sat on a rock today and looked at the Chuysky tract, which was a small strip on the other side of the river, small shiny cars were driving along it, so tiny! Or when I looked at a lake surrounded by mountains. In such moments you understand that this world was truly created by God and all your deeds are so petty and insignificant... Or when I walked along this dark cave created by small droplets of water. They are so mysterious and beautiful..."

^ III. History of the development and study of Tavdinsky caves.

Tavdinsky caves have been known for a long time. They apparently began to be visited by tourists and summer residents staying in Manzherok from the beginning of the 20th century. In any case, when the first mentions of caves appeared (the first list of natural monuments compiled by N.A. Khrebtov in 1919), they were already popular excursion sites. The cave has retained this popularity to this day.

In 1926, an article by geologist M.I. appeared. Krot-Donorsky about the Tavdinsky caves, which he explored in 1920, being the director of the Biysk Museum. This first, actually, speleological work in Altai was accompanied by the very first plans of caves, quite well executed. M.I. The mole made in two caves archaeological finds, and in the other two he found earthen structures with masonry. In several caves he observed traces of recent human habitation. Or someone hid in the caves during civil war, or the hermit Old Believers were previously hiding there.

Subsequently, the caves and finds in them were mentioned in a number of articles and tourist guides. Since the 1960s, the Tavdinsky caves have attracted the attention of speleologists and karst experts from all over the country. In 1968, the caves were explored by a joint group of the Karst detachment of the Western State University under the leadership of G.P. Sharikhina and the third Altai expedition of the speleological section of TSU under the leadership of V. Chukov. But many caves on Tavdinskaya Mountain are still poorly studied.

Scientists have been looking for writings here for a long time. Information that in the Tavdinsky caves or on the rocks next to the caves there are ocher paintings cave drawings ancient man, in different years received by archaeologists A.P. Okladnikov, V.D. Kubarev, museum workers B.Kh. Kadikov and S.S. Zyablitsky. In 1968, these drawings were unsuccessfully searched for by members of the TSU speleological expedition; in the 1970s, Academician A.P. Okladnikov; in 1981, V.K. Wistinghausen. But all searches in this direction were fruitless.

IV. Geology.

This area was first explored in 1930 by K.V. Radugin. He worked in the basins of the Maima, Kayas, and Saidys rivers - as a result, he noted the widespread occurrence of marbles and quartzites here. In the same year, Kraevskaya studied the basins of the Kamenka, Ustyuba and Sema rivers - she pointed out the significant distribution of limestones and marbles along the Ustyuba River. In 1933, geologist Nenakhov conducted research in the Chemal River basin; he noted that this area is composed of Proterozoic and Cambrian marbles and limestones, intruded by acidic intrusions. In 1942-1944 M.K. Winkman and S.F. Dubinkin was investigated geological structure northern part of the Altai Mountains and identified the age units of the Borotal Formation and the Kayachin Formation. In 1948 and 1949, the first geological maps of the area were compiled.

In the 50s of the 20th century, in connection with the ongoing construction, a large amount of building materials was required in the Altai Territory. In particular, there was a need to prepare a raw material base for facing marbles. That is why in 1955, the Main Geology Department of the MPSM - USSR instructed the Sibgeolnerud trust to carry out prospecting work in the Maiminsky district, Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region and Altai region, Altai Territory - the so-called Katunsky marble deposit - in order to prepare marble reserves. To accomplish this task, the West Siberian expedition of the Sibgeolnerud trust organized the Maiminsk geological exploration party, which began field work in May 1955. In the same year, the party examined six sites, of which Izvestkovy 1 and Tavdinsky were chosen as the most promising due to a number of factors, and the limestones of the site were recommended as a raw material for air lime, and not as a facing stone.

Research has shown that the Tavdinsky site is composed of limestones of the Kayanchinsky formation. It is in this part of the Katun deposit that there is an areal distribution of limestones, which make up a number of hills in this area, including Tavdinskaya Mountain. Its maximum height is 882 meters above sea level, the level of the Katun River in this area is at around 320 meters. Consequently, the relative elevation is 400-500 meters. Marbles in the form of rock outcrops can be traced along the Katun River for 4 kilometers.

The marble here is gray, light gray with a bluish tint, dolomitized, massive or banded. The strike of the marble strata is submeridional, the dip is western at an angle of 40-65 0 . The age of the marbles is Lower Cambrian. The thickness of the sediments is small, does not exceed 1.5 meters, and they are represented by Quaternary yellow-brown clay with fragments of marble and other rocks.

In the modern climate, the formation of local relief forms is influenced by vigorous frost weathering and karst phenomena. Some areas of Altai with widespread limestones bear clear features of a karst landscape.

The Taldinsky karst massif consists of two limestone cliffs. The length of the cliffs with caves along the coast is about 5 kilometers. The southern cliff (Mount Mokhnatukha, 863.1 meters) is monolithic, while the northern one is divided into separate groups of rocks by ravines and canyons. The cliffs rise above the second (10-15 meters) terrace above the floodplain of the Katun River, overgrown with pine forest with an admixture of birch. The caves of the massif are located at heights of 40-200 meters above the river. At the junction of the rocks with the second terrace there are several minor niches. The Ichthyander Grotto cave stands apart. Its entrance is located in the south-facing ledge of the Katun cliff at water level, and the other two are represented by funnels on the surface of the 2nd terrace, connected by wells to the lower part of the cave.

V. Natural monument.

As part of the specially protected natural areas of the Altai Territory, a category has been identified - a natural monument (law of the Altai Territory of December 26, 1996). The status of the monuments is secured by resolutions of the regional administration No. 234 of April 13, 1998 and No. 568 of July 21, 2000. Currently, on the territory of the Altai Territory, 143 natural monuments of the regional and federal significance. Among them there are separate groups: geological, hydrological, botanical. Some of the monuments are only conditionally assigned to one group or another, but in fact they are complex. The group of geological natural monuments consists of 63 objects. The vast majority of them are located in the south of the region - in the mountains and foothills of Altai.

The Tavdinsky caves are also a geological natural monument, which has been visited by more than one thousand tourists since its opening. The “guests” caused enormous damage to the caves: everyone wants to take a piece of this “beauty” with them or leave a memory of themselves here in the form of an inscription on the wall. Mining near limestone, scaring away and destroying bats and other inhabitants, unauthorized excavations, and destruction of stalactites and stalagmites also cause damage to caves.

The Taldinsky karst massif is a complex (landscape) reserve. Officially registered geological natural monuments are the Tavdinskaya-1 (Bolshaya Taldinskaya) cave and the Tavdinskaya-2 cave. Their profile is geomorphological. They are natural monuments of regional (territorial) significance. Their status was confirmed by Decree of the Administration of the Altai Territory dated April 13, 1998 No. 234 “On natural monuments of regional significance on the territory of the Altai Territory.” They were registered with the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Altai Territory on April 24, 1998, and here monument passports were drawn up for them Nature on April 24, 1998, protection obligations were drawn up.

An acceptable type of use of this natural monument is tourism. On its territory and protected zone it is prohibited:

1. Damage to landforms;

2. Excavation of loose and rocky rocks;

3. Damage and destruction of soils;

4. Grazing;

5. Deforestation and bushes;

6. Waste disposal.

The most visited cave by tourists in the Tavdinsky massif is Bolshaya Taldinskaya, its other name is “Maiden Tears”. It is a system of two grottoes. The lower entrances to it are located 70-80 meters from the road. The main gallery is quite spacious and rises gradually. The difference from the lowest entrance to the highest is 23 meters. On the last forty-meter section, in front of the highest entrance, the gallery, rising, twists in a spiral, overlapping its lower part and forming a ledge. The area of ​​natural monuments is 0.2 hectares.

^ Cave Tavdinskaya-2 is located at an altitude of 100 meters from the base of Tavdinskaya Mountain. Its length is 250 meters, volume is 1200 m 3. The cave is dry and through, has five entrances, is an arched grotto, and there are no sinter formations. The area of ​​the natural monument is 9 hectares. Protected zone of geological natural monuments 75 hectares.

Unique and ^ Tavdinskaya karst arch . It represents a rare form - the remnant of the arch of a karst tunnel or cave, which initially had the appearance of a wide span - a bridge, and later - an arch. The Tavdinskaya Arch is located at an altitude of about 80 meters above the water level of the Katun River. The width of the through hole of the arch ranges from 3 to 13 meters, the height - from 3 to 5 meters. The vault of the arch, 5 meters thick, is covered with sparse herbaceous vegetation and pine trees. Since 1996 it has the status of a natural monument.

Effective protection of caves requires regular inspection and regulation of economic, excursion and tourist activities in their vicinity.


I. Caves are a unique natural phenomenon.

A person is always attracted to the unknown, the mysterious, hidden in darkness. Caves are probably the most striking example of a Mystery created by nature. When a person finds himself in the narrow or wide passages of “underground palaces”, he can be overcome either by anxiety and fear, or by indomitable curiosity - both attract and force him to return again and again to solving this riddle. Moreover, caves are a rather rare geological phenomenon. They allow a person to look deep into the Earth, find out the contents of its depths, and look at the grandiose, impressive work of water.

Yes, it is water that is the creator of caves, more precisely, underground water. They travel through the voids and cracks of the earth's crust and build their paths by penetrating rocks and dissolving them. Moreover, some rocks succumb to water quite quickly (carbonate, sulfate and chloride), while others remain unchanged. This is how thousands, millions of years pass - caves and multi-story labyrinths are formed, through which underground rivers often flow. This natural phenomenon is called karst.

The caves also attract people with their beauty. Drops of water, saturated with calcium bicarbonate, build bizarre sculptures: stalactites “grow” from the ceiling of the cave, and stalagmites on the floor; when they connect, columns are formed. The cave turns into an underground city or garden.

All over the world, people's interest in caves has gone through several stages over time. For primitive people they were dwellings and temples. Since the Age of Enlightenment, caves began to attract the attention of scientists, whose interest was spurred by the finds of human and animal bones of the “antediluvian” period made in the caves. In the second half of the 19th century, geomorphology arose at the intersection of geology and geography, whose representatives paid considerable attention to caves. At the same time, the aesthetic, scientific and educational value of caves as unique natural, historical and cultural objects was realized - speleology was born.

The most popular among tourists are not the deepest (the Jean-Bernard well in the Savoy Alps - 1410 meters) and not the longest (Flint Mammoth Cave in the USA - 341.1 kilometers), but the most beautiful and accessible caves. The Kungur “ice” cave in the Urals stretches “only” 5.6 kilometers. The amazing colors and bizarre shapes of stalactites and stalagmites, the complex combination of limestone and ice growths make the cave look like a fairy-tale underground kingdom. The most famous cave in the Caucasus is the Anakopia (New Athos) cave. The natural entrance to it is located in a funnel in the forest on Mount Iverskaya. To enter the gigantic halls of the cave, you need to descend 139 meters vertically. The cave is equipped for tourists to explore: a tunnel for an electric train has been made in the “body” of the mountain. In the USA, at the foot of the Guadalupe Mountains, in the south of New Mexico, there is the famous Carslab Cave (length - 33 kilometers, depth - 313 meters), which has several floors. It is visited by numerous tourists, is electrified, equipped with elevators and snack bars.

II. Tavdinsky caves are a favorite place for tourists.

There are quite a lot of caves on the territory of the Altai Territory. The most famous of them: Geofizicheskaya, Altai, Tavdinsky - these are the favorite places of tourists traveling around the Altai Mountains.

The most accessible to visit are the Tavdinsky caves. Despite the fact that they are located in steep cliffs and on the steep slopes of the Tavdinskaya Mountain, visiting them is quite simple - an asphalt road leads to them and special steps have been made (Fig. 3 and 4), and there is even electricity installed in the Tavdinskaya-2 cave for convenience tourists. Since the caves are a well-known and popular place among tourists, almost every recreation center in the area provides information posters informing about the time, duration and cost of excursions to them. The entrance to the natural monument itself has long been turned into a place for a comfortable stay for guests with numerous cafes, kiosks with souvenirs and even holiday houses. It is also attractive that not far from the Tavdinsky caves there are other attractions of the Altai Mountains: Lake Aya, Lake Manzherok, Kamyshlinsky waterfall, Arzhan-Suu spring.

The Tavda Caves got their name from the name of the village of Tavda (the second name is Talda), which was previously located not far from these places. The local population has a romantic legend about the origin and name of these caves:

“For a long time, no one remembers exactly when, Khansha Tavda lived in the mountains. She was known among people as such a miser, the likes of which the world had never seen. And, although she had a myriad of riches, she came up with new tricks just to rob people completely. But where she put the goods taken from people: cattle, harness, poultry, killed game - no one could understand. Everything that was brought to her yurt and piled up in whole heaps disappeared before our eyes, as if it had sunk into the ground. The hunters killed all the sables, goats, and deer in the entire area, and Tavda kept increasing the rent.

She threatened that if the tribute was not submitted on time, then she would take away their children from unwitting people. He will take his sons into his army, and his daughters into slavery - to weave carpets, milk goats and do all sorts of menial work. Hunters rushed around the deserted taiga day and night. Dejected, with empty nets, fishermen wandered into poor yurts; there had been no fish in the lakes and rivers for a long time. Everything disappeared into the insatiable, bottomless womb of the greedy Tavda.

No one knew how long this would last. Yes, strangers appeared in those places: husband and wife, young, handsome. Soon good fame spread throughout all the nearby camps about them. Manzherok, that was the man’s name, was strong and dexterous even in hunting and fishing. And he conquered everyone because he knew how to sculpt all kinds of dishes from clay. When he took his wonderful bowls out of the hot oven and gave them to the poor, there was no end to the joy. Katyng, that was the name of his slender, green-eyed wife, captivated everyone with her ability to embroider carpets with strange birds, animals and flowers, and weave fishing nets, which had never been seen in those places.

The fame of the craftsman's young family soon reached Tavda. Her hands even shook with anger when she saw their creations. Immediately she imposed such a large rent that even a dozen craftsmen would not have been able to bear. Imagine the surprise of the khan’s servants when, at the appointed time, the khanshas Manzherok and Katyng appeared at the yurt almost empty-handed. The master had only one jug in his hands, and the craftswoman had only one fishing net... “Listen to us, lady, our tribute to you is not simple,” Manzherok began. “Here is my jug, it has no bottom, into it you will pour as much kumiss as all your subjects will prepare.” “And here is my network,” Kating continued. “Your servants will use it to catch all the fish from the rivers and lakes of Altai.” And the net had such large cells that it was clear: they couldn’t hold any fish!

Tavda realized that the masters simply laughed at her greed. She hit Manzherok with the enchanted staff, and he immediately turned into a beautiful lake. When the staff touched the green-eyed Katyng's braids, she managed to run to the side, and in her rapid run splashed with the white-foamed beauty of the Katun River. And before her death she managed to shout to her beloved - “Farewell!” And she threw a handful of needles into the water, with which she embroidered her beautiful carpets. These needles scattered along the bottom of the lake and sprouted into a strange nut - chilim.

Tavda, finding herself on the left bank of the river, became furious because they dared to deceive her. And out of anger she stomped her foot so much that she, along with her goods, fell into the ground. And in the place where this happened, not far from one another, holes are visible. These are the entrances to the Tavdinsky caves. People took a lot of things out of them when they found them. There were fishing nets and pottery - a lot of good stuff! This is the wealth of Khansha Tavda. And the entrances to the Tavdinsky caves are guarded by the Moon Sable. It was carried on the shoulders of the greedy Khansha. He kept track of her wealth, and now he guards it in the Tavda caves.”

The Tavdinsky caves are located in the Altai region of the Altai Territory, but access to them is possible only from the Chuysky tract through the territory of the Altai Republic, with which the Altai Territory borders along the Katun River, it can be crossed via a new iron bridge (toll) leading to the Turquoise tourist complex Katun. The caves are located on the left bank of the Katun River, 200 meters from it, 10-15 kilometers above the confluence of its left tributary, the Ustyuba River; 10-12 kilometers south of the village of Nizhnyaya Kayancha, almost opposite the village of Izvestkovy located on the Chuysky tract. Their geographical coordinates are: 51 0 47’ north latitude, 85 0 40’ east longitude.

There is a whole complex of karst formations, which includes about 30 caves: Bolshaya Taldinskaya, Tavdinskaya-2, Bear's Hole, Teremok, Cellar, Through, Golubinaya, Sportivnaya, Bad Dreams, Pereklichka, Wide Gate, Picturesque, Leaders, Tiny, Snake, Throne, Cuttlefish, Glinyanaya, Big Gate, Ichthyander's Grotto, Krotovsky Grotto and others - they are all of varying sizes and degrees of development, and a beautiful karst arch. From the top of Tavdinskaya Mountain there is an unforgettable view of the Katun River and the Chuysky Tract. This view makes everyone stop and think and gives rise to philosophical reflections in people’s souls:

“Nature is a miracle. The real idea that it was Gorny appeared precisely when we reached the Katun. We walked along the left bank, where I would never have even thought of going! Great. Unusual. This is the real Gorny, and not the one that was brought up in me since childhood, the Gorny - Chuisky, which we drove through in an air-conditioned car at a speed of 100 km per hour. I could have covered the distance we covered in these ten days in 30 minutes by car. But only now did I recognize the real Gorny. Maybe this happened when we were climbing the pass, or when I sat on a rock today and looked at the Chuysky tract, which was a small strip on the other side of the river, small shiny cars were driving along it, so tiny! Or when I looked at a lake surrounded by mountains. In such moments you understand that this world was truly created by God and all your deeds are so petty and insignificant... Or when I walked through this dark cave created by small drops of water. They are so mysterious and beautiful..."

III. History of the development and study of Tavdinsky caves.

Tavdinsky caves have been known for a long time. They apparently began to be visited by tourists and summer residents staying in Manzherok from the beginning of the 20th century. In any case, when the first mentions of caves appeared (the first list of natural monuments compiled by N.A. Khrebtov in 1919), they were already popular excursion sites. The cave has retained this popularity to this day.

In 1926, an article by geologist M.I. appeared. Krot-Donorsky about the Tavdinsky caves, which he explored in 1920, being the director of the Biysk Museum. This first, actually, speleological work in Altai was accompanied by the very first plans of caves, quite well executed. M.I. The Mole made archaeological finds in two caves, and in the other two he discovered earthen structures with masonry. In several caves he observed traces of recent human habitation. Either someone took refuge in the caves during the civil war, or hermit Old Believers had previously hidden there.

Subsequently, the caves and finds in them were mentioned in a number of articles and tourist guides. Since the 1960s, the Tavdinsky caves have attracted the attention of speleologists and karst experts from all over the country. In 1968, the caves were explored by a joint group of the Karst detachment of the Western State University under the leadership of G.P. Sharikhina and the third Altai expedition of the speleological section of TSU under the leadership of V. Chukov. But many caves on Tavdinskaya Mountain are still poorly studied.

Scientists have been looking for writings here for a long time. Information that in the Tavdinsky caves or on the rocks next to the caves there are rock paintings of ancient people made with ocher was received in different years by archaeologists A.P. Okladnikov, V.D. Kubarev, museum workers B.Kh. Kadikov and S.S. Zyablitsky . In 1968, these drawings were unsuccessfully searched for by members of the TSU speleological expedition; in the 1970s, Academician A.P. Okladnikov; in 1981, V.K. Wistinghausen. But all searches in this direction were fruitless.

IV. Geology.

This area was first explored in 1930 by K.V. Radugin. He worked in the basins of the Maima, Kayas, and Saidys rivers - as a result, he noted the widespread occurrence of marbles and quartzites here. In the same year, Kraevskaya studied the basins of the Kamenka, Ustyuba and Sema rivers - she pointed out the significant distribution of limestones and marbles along the Ustyuba River. In 1933, geologist Nenakhov conducted research in the Chemal River basin; he noted that this area is composed of Proterozoic and Cambrian marbles and limestones, intruded by acidic intrusions. In 1942-1944 M.K. Winkman and S.F. Dubinkin investigated the geological structure of the northern part of the Altai Mountains and identified the age units of the Borotal Formation and the Kayachin Formation. In 1948 and 1949, the first geological maps of the area were compiled.

In the 50s of the 20th century, in connection with the ongoing construction, a large amount of building materials was required in the Altai Territory. In particular, there was a need to prepare a raw material base for facing marbles. That is why in 1955, the Main Geology Department of the MPSM - USSR instructed the Sibgeolnerud trust to carry out prospecting work in the Maiminsky district, Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region and Altai region, Altai Territory - the so-called Katunsky marble deposit - in order to prepare marble reserves. To accomplish this task, the West Siberian expedition of the Sibgeolnerud trust organized the Maiminsk geological exploration party, which began field work in May 1955. In the same year, the party examined six sites, of which Izvestkovy 1 and Tavdinsky were chosen as the most promising due to a number of factors, and the limestones of the site were recommended as a raw material for air lime, and not as a facing stone.

Research has shown that the Tavdinsky site is composed of limestones of the Kayanchinsky formation. It is in this part of the Katun deposit that there is an areal distribution of limestones, which make up a number of hills in this area, including Tavdinskaya Mountain. Its maximum height is 882 meters above sea level, the level of the Katun River in this area is at around 320 meters. Consequently, the relative elevation is 400-500 meters. Marbles in the form of rock outcrops can be traced along the Katun River for 4 kilometers.

The marble here is gray, light gray with a bluish tint, dolomitized, massive or banded. The strike of the marble strata is submeridional, the dip is western at an angle of 40-65 0 . The age of the marbles is Lower Cambrian. The thickness of the sediments is small, does not exceed 1.5 meters, and they are represented by Quaternary yellow-brown clay with fragments of marble and other rocks.

In the modern climate, the formation of local relief forms is influenced by vigorous frost weathering and karst phenomena. Some areas of Altai with widespread limestones bear clear features of a karst landscape.

The Taldinsky karst massif consists of two limestone cliffs. The length of the cliffs with caves along the coast is about 5 kilometers. The southern cliff (Mount Mokhnatukha, 863.1 meters) is monolithic, while the northern one is divided into separate groups of rocks by ravines and canyons. The cliffs rise above the second (10-15 meters) terrace above the floodplain of the Katun River, overgrown with pine forest with an admixture of birch. The caves of the massif are located at heights of 40-200 meters above the river. At the junction of the rocks with the second terrace there are several minor niches. The Ichthyander Grotto cave stands apart. Its entrance is located in the south-facing ledge of the Katun cliff at water level, and the other two are represented by funnels on the surface of the 2nd terrace, connected by wells to the lower part of the cave.

V. Natural monument.

As part of the specially protected natural areas of the Altai Territory, a category has been identified - a natural monument (law of the Altai Territory of December 26, 1996). The status of the monuments is secured by resolutions of the regional administration No. 234 of April 13, 1998 and No. 568 of July 21, 2000. Currently, on the territory of the Altai Territory, 143 natural monuments of regional and federal significance are legally registered. Among them there are separate groups: geological, hydrological, botanical. Some of the monuments are only conditionally assigned to one group or another, but in fact they are complex. The group of geological natural monuments consists of 63 objects. The vast majority of them are located in the south of the region - in the mountains and foothills of Altai.

The Tavdinsky caves are also a geological natural monument, which has been visited by more than one thousand tourists since its opening. The “guests” caused enormous damage to the caves: everyone wants to take a piece of this “beauty” with them or leave a memory of themselves here in the form of an inscription on the wall. Mining near limestone, scaring away and destroying bats and other inhabitants, unauthorized excavations, and destruction of stalactites and stalagmites also cause damage to caves.

The Taldinsky karst massif is a complex (landscape) reserve. Officially registered geological natural monuments are the Tavdinskaya-1 (Bolshaya Taldinskaya) cave and the Tavdinskaya-2 cave. Their profile is geomorphological. They are natural monuments of regional (territorial) significance. Their status was confirmed by Decree of the Administration of the Altai Territory dated April 13, 1998 No. 234 “On natural monuments of regional significance on the territory of the Altai Territory.” They were registered with the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Altai Territory on April 24, 1998, and here monument passports were drawn up for them Nature on April 24, 1998, protection obligations were drawn up.

An acceptable type of use of this natural monument is tourism. On its territory and protected zone it is prohibited:

1. Damage to landforms;

2. Excavation of loose and rocky rocks;

3. Damage and destruction of soils;

4. Grazing;

5. Deforestation and bushes;

6. Waste disposal.

The most visited cave by tourists in the Tavdinsky massif is Bolshaya Taldinskaya, its other name is “Maiden Tears”. It is a system of two grottoes. The lower entrances to it are located 70-80 meters from the road. The main gallery is quite spacious and rises gradually. The difference from the lowest entrance to the highest is 23 meters. On the last forty-meter section, in front of the highest entrance, the gallery, rising, twists in a spiral, overlapping its lower part and forming a ledge. The area of ​​natural monuments is 0.2 hectares.

Cave Tavdinskaya-2 is located at an altitude of 100 meters from the base of Tavdinskaya Mountain. Its length is 250 meters, volume is 1200 m 3. The cave is dry and through, has five entrances, is an arched grotto, and there are no sinter formations. The area of ​​the natural monument is 9 hectares. Protected zone of geological natural monuments 75 hectares.

Unique and Tavdinskaya karst arch. It represents a rare form - the remnant of the arch of a karst tunnel or cave, which initially had the appearance of a wide span - a bridge, and later - an arch. The Tavdinskaya Arch is located at an altitude of about 80 meters above the water level of the Katun River. The width of the through hole of the arch ranges from 3 to 13 meters, the height - from 3 to 5 meters. The vault of the arch, 5 meters thick, is covered with sparse herbaceous vegetation and pine trees. Since 1996 it has the status of a natural monument.

Effective protection of caves requires regular inspection and regulation of economic, excursion and tourist activities in their vicinity.