The Altai Mountains were formed. Altai Mountains: description, structure

Altai Mountains grade 4 report is presented in this article.

Message about the Altai Mountains

Altai Mountains geographical location

These majestic mountains represent very complex system from all Siberian ranges. They are separated by river valleys, vast intermountain and intramountain basins. They are mainly located on the territory of the Altai Republic and a smaller part in Eastern Altai. This mountain system is divided into Southwestern Altai, Eastern Altai, Southeastern Altai, Northwestern Altai, Central Altai, Northeastern Altai and Northern Altai.

Why are Altai called the golden mountains?

From the Turkic languages, the word “Altyn” is translated as “golden”. In the evening, if you look closely, you can see how the rays of the sun at sunset give the mountain tops a magical, golden glow. But there is a less beautiful version. Gold was mined and washed out near the mountain, in its rivers and lakes. This is where their second name comes from.

Relief of the Altai Mountains

In the mountains, the relief is varied - there are mid-mountain, high-mountain, low-mountain, areas of intermountain basins and ancient plains. Low mountains from an elevation of 500 m smoothly pass to heights of 2000 m. The mountain system was formed at the site of the slope of the ancient plain and glaciers dissected by winds and water. The ridges are fan-shaped from the north west to the south east. The peaks of Altai are flat, less often rounded and flat.

The main forms of relief are carlings and peaks, trough valleys, cirques, lake basins, ridges, moraine hills, screes, landslides, and solifluction formations.

Climate of the Altai Mountains

The mountain system is characterized by a moderate, sharply continental climate with a pronounced contrast between the warm short and long cold seasons of the year. The climate of the Altai Mountains is influenced by the relief. It forms a certain climatic zonation, consisting of a low-mountain climate zone, a mid-mountain climate zone, and a high-mountain climate zone. Also, relief features affect hydration. Moist, sea air comes from the west, the path of which is blocked by mountains, so they western slopes more precipitation falls. But on the other side, on the eastern slopes, an arid climate prevails, because humid air practically does not reach here.

Flora and fauna of the Altai Mountains

In the mountains, the rather sparse and monotonous vegetation is represented by subalpine and alpine meadows, on which columbine, swimwort, anemone, pennywort, gentians, forget-me-nots, poppies, mytniks, and waterworts grow. In the mountain tundra belt you can find low-growing willows and birches, lichens and partridge grass. There is no vegetation on the high mountain ridges.

Among the animals that live here are the corsac fox, manul cat, gazelle antelope, tolai hare, ruffed duck, sajah, bustard, remez, griffon vulture, black vulture, saker falcon, pearl snapper, reindeer,

  • In the mountains there is Lake Teletskoye, filled with 40 km 3 of fresh, clean water. It is so transparent here that at a depth of up to 15 m you can see the bottom.
  • The Altai Mountains are the cleanest region Russian Federation. In their area there is no railways and industrial enterprises.
  • There are 1402 glaciers in the mountains, which cover an area of ​​910 km2. These are giant reservoirs of fresh water.
  • The rivers that flow in the mountains change their color in amazing ways. different time of the year.

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Belukha is the most high mountain Altai. The sacred mountain has many local names: Kadyn-bazhi - “Top of the Katun”, Ak-suru - “White Giant”, Musdutuu - “Ice Mountain”, Aktau - “ White Mountain"; judging by the names of Uch-Syumer, Uch-Syuri, Uch-Ayry - “Three hills”, “Three spiers”, “Three branches”, the mountain once had three peaks. Poets, philosophers and religious thinkers call it the “Silver Thread of the World”, “Planetary Throne”, “Shield of Fiery Power”, “Tower of the Mother of the World”, “Fortress of the Diamond Throne Buddha”, “Stronghold of the One God”.
Scientists see, first of all, a granite massif covered with glaciers, composed of rocks of the Cambrian period. To this day, tectonic movement continues - an uplift that began in the Paleogene era, so this mountain is a real museum of all kinds of geomorphological processes and landforms. Two peaks in the shape of irregular pyramids - Eastern Belukha (4506 m) and Western Belukha (4435 m), with a drop to 4000 m (the so-called "Belukha Saddle") between them - crown the Katunsky ridge of Central Altai in the south of Western Siberia, where the borders of four countries meet: Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. The mountain is almost vertical in the north (the so-called Akkem wall from the side of the Akkem glacier) and more flat in the south, where the Katun River originates from the Katun glacier (otherwise known as the Gebler glacier).
People have inhabited the intermountain valleys of Altai since the Paleolithic era (the first settlements appeared about 1.5 million years ago. In the 7th-3rd centuries BC, Altai was inhabited by the Pazyryk Scythians, then they were replaced by the Huns and Sarmatians, from the mid-5th century - Turks, the ancestors of modern Altaians, who formed a large medieval state of the Turkic Khaganate (monarchy), which, along with Altai, included the territories of Manchuria, Mongolia, East and West Turkestan, Kazakhstan and North Caucasus. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Altai is part of the Dzungarian state, liquidated by the Qing dynasty (China) during the Third Oirat-Manchu War (1755-1759). In parallel, there was an expansion of the Russian Empire, during which in 1717-1747. Northern, and in 1756 southern Altai became the possessions of the Demidovs.
Studying and conquering this not the highest, but difficult to climb and spiritually significant mountain peace has become a matter of honor for many. But only in the 20th century.
The slopes of Belukha, on average up to a height of 2600 m, are covered with glaciers (currently 169 are known, with a total area of ​​​​about 150 km 2), which is reflected in the name Belukha, i.e. “White”. Due to the difficulties of climbing the glacial slopes and the sacred tradition of the local population to bypass Belukha for quite a long time, no one dared to climb to the top, as one of the encyclopedic publications of 1891 laments. Its height was approximately calculated in 1835-1836. German doctor of medicine, geographer Friedrich August von Gebler (1781-1850) who worked in Russia. The Russian botanist, geographer and traveler Vasily Vasilyevich Sapozhnikov (1861-1924) reached the “Belukha Saddle” in 1895, who brought greater accuracy to the measurements.
The Tronov brothers - glaciologist (ice researcher) and climatologist Mikhail Vladimirovich (1892-1978) and chemist Boris Vladimirovich (1891-1968) - carried out a detailed study of Belukha glaciers already in Soviet times. They also have the honor of the first ascent of Belukha in 1914: its higher eastern peak managed to conquer only the third time (the first unsuccessful attempt to climb was made back in 1907 by a group of Russians, and in 1909, just as unsuccessfully, by a group of English climbers).
The snow-white crown of the Altai beauty was captured in their paintings by Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich (1874-1947) and the outstanding landscape painter of Altai origin Choros-Gurkin - Grigory Ivanovich Gurkin (1870-1937). In the wake of the revolution in 1917, he, as himself famous representative indigenous nationality, he was persuaded to head the Karakorum-Altai district government, and in 1919 the Kolchakites arrested him “for separatism and treason.” Released on bail, the artist hastened to flee abroad. In 1925, he was persuaded to return to Soviet Russia, where he painted pictures, drew posters and illustrated folk epics until 1937, until he was accused of nationalism; died in the dungeons of the NKVD, rehabilitated in 1956.
At the end of the 20th century. Belukha is turning into a center of extreme sports and tourism. Today, different climbing routes are known, all of them are rock and ice.
Among the animals and birds there are rare specimens, for example, the snow leopard and golden eagle listed in the Red Book. The mountain, together with its ecosystem, was first declared a natural monument of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Okrug, and then a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site under the official name "".

general information

The highest point in Siberia.

Administrative affiliation: border Ust-Koksinsky district, Siberian federal district, Russian Federation.

Ethnic composition: Altaians (indigenous people) are the majority, Kazakhs - up to 6%, there are small groups of Russian Old Believers who moved here more than 200 years ago.

Religions: Burkhanism (local belief with elements of Buddhism and shamanism), Buddhism (Altaians), Orthodoxy (Russians), Islam (Kazakhs).

Largest river: Katun.
Largest lakes: Kucherlinskoye, Akkemskoye.

Largest glaciers: Sapozhnikov Glacier 10.5 km long, area 13.2 km 2; The Big and Small Berel glaciers are 10 and 8 km long and 12.5 and 8.9 km 2 in area.

Immediate settlements: Ust-Koksa village.

Distance from China and Mongolia: about 100 km.


Eastern Belukha: 4506 m.
Western Belukha: 4435 m.
Belukha Saddle: 4000 m.
First ascent: 1914, Tronov brothers.
Glaciers of Mount Belukha: number - 169, area - 150 km 2, 50% of all glaciers of the Katunsky Range.
Ice movement speed: from 30 to 50 m per year.

Climate and weather

Sharply continental, with short hot summers and long frosty winters. Varies according to altitudinal zonation.
Average annual temperature in the valley: 0…+5°С
Average annual temperature at the summit:-6°С
Minimum summit temperature: in winter up to -45°C, in summer up to -20°C.

Curious facts

■ Complex cosmological ideas connect Belukha with Tibet and India. Local residents are sure that Belukha and Tibet are connected by very real cave passages. According to one version, Indian mythological sacred mountain Meru (the center of all universes) is Altai Belukha.
■ The number three carries important symbolism for Belukha. It is believed that three religions meet here: Christianity, Buddhism and Islam; Altai, Himalayas and Pamirs are connected through Belukha; the mountain is located at approximately equal distance from three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Indian.

The Altai mountains, which have glorified the Siberian land throughout the world, are dozens of massifs, ridges, and the most high peaks region. It’s not for nothing that travelers call Altai the Russian Tibet or the Siberian Alps - they are so similar in grandeur and appearance.

For the indigenous population, the Altai Mountains are direct evidence of the existence of ancient gods, by whose will these stone giants grew on the steppe land. It is the romantic image of the mountains that attracts tens of thousands of tourists from abroad, among whom you can see artists, photographers and even world-famous scientists.

Stretching for 150 km from east to west, or the Katunskie squirrels, is the highest chain of the Altai Mountains. The ridge is a natural watershed for the water areas of the largest rivers of the republic - Katun, Argut and Berel. Located mountain range in the southern part of the Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic.

Here is the highest point of Siberia - Mount Belukha, and average height the mountains do not fall below 2600 meters. The Katunsky ridge is home to 300 glaciers, total area which exceeds 280 km 2. These are the same glaciers that give rise to the Katun and other famous rivers of Altai.

There are several dozen high-mountain lakes in different parts of the ridge. Talmen, Multinskie lakes, Kucherlinskoye lake and other reservoirs are included in the territory biosphere reserves, reserves and nature protection zones.

The vegetation of the Katunsky ridge is divided into high-mountain and low-mountain zones. Pines, cedar, and Altai larch species grow here up to 2000 meters above sea level. Lake and river valleys are rich in thickets of berries, wild honeysuckle bushes and mushrooms. From an altitude of 2200 meters on the Katunskie squirrels the picturesque alpine meadows with dwarf birch trees and flowers.

Animal world The mountain Katun is rich and varied. Travelers can see not only Siberian bears, but also mountain goats, deer and even the rare snow leopard in their natural habitat.

The highest point of Altai and all of Siberia is a mountain with its legendary two peaks. The eastern peak rises above sea level by 4509 meters, the western peak by 4435 meters. The mountain is considered to be the geographical center of Eurasia - it is almost equally distant from the three oceans.

But for the Altai people, Belukha, or, as the ancient inhabitants of these lands called it, Kadyn-Bazhi, is not just a mountain, but a sacred place, which in the old days it was impossible to even look at without a special reason. It was believed that in ice caves The beluga whale is inhabited by an evil demon who will punish anyone who tries to climb the mountain without his permission. This is how the Altai people explained the frequent avalanches and rockfalls caused by earthquakes.

Buddhists are sure that somewhere near the top of Belukha the entrance to the legendary Shambhala, the mythical land of sages, is hidden. It was the search for Shambhala that brought Nicholas Roerich here, who painted his famous canvases from life, as well as other artists, photographers, writers and scientists from all over the world.

Belukha did not submit to the climbers right away - the first attempts to climb the mountain were made back in XIX century, but due to avalanches and rockfalls, not a single climber was able to reach the top. The conquerors were the brothers Mikhail and Boris Tronov. One of the glaciers flowing down the western slope was later named in honor of the discoverers of the peak.

Since climbing Belukha is possible only as part of an experienced and prepared group, most tourists are content with only views of this majestic peak. Fortunately, in good weather, even from a long distance, you can take many photographs against the backdrop of the snow-capped peaks of the mountain.

To the east of Belukha stretches part of the Katunsky ridge, known as the Delaunay ridge, and is crowned by the eponymous Delaunay Peak. This mountain is considered the third peak of Altai with a height of 4260 meters above sea level. It received its name in honor of Boris Nikolaevich Delaunay, one of the founding fathers of the Soviet school of mountaineering.

Climbing Delone Peak is not as popular as Belukha, although the two mountains are comparable in degree of danger. The ice pyramid, located next to Belukha, is surrounded by snow cornices, which from time to time become the cause of terrible avalanches.

As in the case of Belukha, most tourists are content with taking pictures with the mountain in the background, occasionally climbing to the famous Tomsk sites, from where well-equipped groups of professional climbers begin their hikes to Belukha and other Altai peaks.

The former peak of 20 years of October, and now it is the third, and if you count Belukha as two mountains, the fourth highest peak of the Altai Mountains. It rises above sea level at 4178 meters. The famous Western Plateau Pass passes through the summit.

The mountain’s non-political name appeared due to the crown-like appearance of the peak when viewed from Lake Akkem. The views from here on the mountain are divided most of guests of the Altai foothills. And if you're lucky, the Crown of Altai will not be covered by clouds, and it can be seen in all its glory.

Chuiskie squirrels or - the second most popular tourist mountain range in Altai. Its total length is 210 km, on which hundreds of glaciers rest, giving rise to thousands of Altai reservoirs. These Altai mountains are officially divided into two unequal parts - the North Chuysky and South Chuysky ridges.

The length of the North Chuysky ridge is 120 km, and it is much more popular than its southern “neighbor”. Some sites can be reached by SUV, and even novice tourists can walk to natural attractions. In total, there are about 300 glaciers, several dozen large lakes and many rivers and very small mountain streams on the North Chuysky ridge.

The South Chuysky ridge is considered less accessible to tourists. The mountain slopes are surrounded by rivers and neighboring massifs, so most popular sites can only be reached on foot, sometimes by fording icy rivers.

The mountain is the highest point of the Chuisky ridge, rising 4177 meters above sea level. There is a glacier of the same name, a river of the same name and a lake on it. And it is the last reservoir, located at an altitude of 1984 meters above sea level, that attracts the bulk of tourists who want to see the mountain peak closer.

Climbing the mountain itself is possible only if there is high level training and at least two experienced guides responsible for safety. Every summer, from the side of the lake you can see equipped climbers setting off to conquer Maashey-Bashi.

The peak is located in the Kosh-Agach region of the Altai Republic. This is the second highest peak of the North Chuysky ridge, which in the tourist community is known not so much for mountaineering tours as for trips to the mountain valley, from which the snow-capped peak 4044 meters high is clearly visible.

But the valley of Mount Aktru is also known for the oldest mountaineering camp in Altai. Today it operates all year round. In winter people come here to ski and snowboard. And in the summer you can practice or even learn mountaineering from scratch, or just relax while enjoying the views majestic mountain, the ascent of which is accessible only to experienced climbers.

The highest point of the South Chuysky ridge is Mount Irbistu- this is one of the most difficult peaks of Altai and all Asian mountains to climb, but at the same time it is one of the most picturesque mountains in the region. The height above sea level is 3967 meters, and with certain skills you can reach the 3500-meter mark without climbing sheer cliffs.

Most often, hikes to Irbistu begin from the Tydtuyaryk campsite, famous among tourists. From here, walking groups go to the sides of the ridge, cross many fords and stop at the observation deck, which was created by nature itself.

The Ukok Plateau, or Ukok Plateau, is amazing place, which in most international directories is indicated as the junction of the borders of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia. But this is not the only value of such an area; nature itself is a key attraction here.

In addition to the peaks of the plateau framing the plateau, there are many other memorable places. Archaeologists from all over the world travel to Ukok to see the ancient cave drawings, mounds, stone sculptures standing in the middle of the steppe landscape. Several thousand bodies of water are located around them in a chaotic manner - from tiny lakes to deep rivers.

But the most famous attraction found here is the same “Princess of Altai” - the mummy of a young woman, whose body is covered with numerous tattoos. The whole world learned about the discovery in the 1990s, and now thousands of people come to see the princess’s “residence” on the plateau. The mummy itself is now kept in Gorno-Altaisk, and you can see it in National Museum named after Anokhin.

Geological structure and the long history of relief formation reveal a picture of the origin of plains and mountains. In the Archean, Proterozoic and early Paleozoic eras, the territory of Altai was covered by the sea - it was part of a vast geosynclinal area stretching between the Russian and Siberian platforms. In the Paleozoic, powerful tectonic movements occurred, the seabed experienced significant fluctuations in horizontal and vertical directions.

At the end of the Paleozoic, in place of the modern plains of the region, land arose that experienced oscillatory movements. At the beginning of the Mesozoic, the land slowly subsided and troughs formed. One of these troughs is the Kulunda Lowland.

In the middle of the Mesozoic (Jurassic period), the land sank so much that the sea again covered almost the entire flat part of the region.

In the next Cenozoic era (Paleogene), the subsidence of the base of the Altai plains continued and the sea existed until the Neogene period. Sedimentary rocks of the ancient Paleogene sea leveled out small depressions, and when the sea retreated, the perfectly flat surface of the Kulunda Lowland remained.

The maximum thickness of sedimentary deposits accumulated on the plain over the entire geological eras, reaches 3000 m. The crystalline rocks that form the bases of the plains are located at great depths.

During the Quaternary period, the plains experience tectonic movements of an eiperogenic nature. The area is slowly sinking. Favorable conditions are created for the accumulation of sediments, mainly due to material brought by rivers. In Quaternary time, the relief of plains is formed.

At the base of the region's plains lies a section of the West Siberian Plate. The West Siberian Plate is part of a young Paleozoic platform, composed of Hercynian and Caledonian folded structures, overlain by a thick sedimentary cover.

Geological history The Altai mountains are more complex than the plains. The base of the Altai Mountains is composed of the same structures of the young Paleozoic platform as the plains, only they are not covered by sedimentary deposits and come to the surface. The Altai Mountains are part of a vast mountainous country that arose in parts of the Paleozoic Sea and occupies an area stretching for thousands of kilometers from Altai south to the Tien Shan, west to the Urals, east to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan.

The beginning of the formation of the Altai Mountains dates back to the Caledonian folding, when the northeastern ridges appeared, located east of the Katun. There was still a sea in the southwest. At the end of the Paleozoic, in the Hercynian era, the bottom of the sea was crushed into folds, internal forces squeezed them upward, forming a mountainous country. Mountain-building movements were accompanied by strong volcanic eruptions that poured lava onto the surface of young folds. A folded mountainous country rose high above the vast plain.

During the Mesozoic era, the Altai Mountains were gradually destroyed by the sun, wind and other forces of nature. Over millions of years, the former mountainous country turned into a flat, vast, elevated plain with isolated elevated areas protruding as outcrops. There were lakes and swamps everywhere.

In the Cenozoic era, tectonic processes of Alpine mountain building reappeared in Altai, proceeding in a special way, due to the fact that the land passed into a platform state. The flat areas, consisting of destroyed folds, could no longer be compressed, since the rocks were very hard, the earth's crust had lost its mobility. Under the influence of tectonic processes, faults arise, separate blocks are formed, which move one onto another, simultaneously rise and split.

Tectonic movements in the Altai Mountains region were accompanied by intense volcanic activity; under their influence, magma rushed into cracks and poured out to the surface. During vertical movement of layers earth's crust horsts and grabens were formed. The greatest uplifts occurred in the southern part, where a mountainous country formed instead of an elevated plain.

During the Quaternary period, cooling began. In the Altai Mountains, highly elevated flat areas were covered with thick layers of ice. Glaciers slowly slid down the mountain slopes. After the first glaciation, an interglacial period began, during which tectonic movements resumed. The land is subsiding and rising along the lines of old and new faults. The formation of the Lake Teletskoye graben dates back to this time. Melt waters do a great deal of destructive work, forming deep river valleys.

With climate warming, there was a gradual reduction of glaciers, which continues to the present day. When ancient glaciers melted, powerful streams of water formed, which carried huge amounts of gravel and sand to the plains.

Melted glacial waters flowed into the Kulundinskaya lowland area, where extensive lakes arose. Some of the Kulunda lakes are the remnants of these dried up reservoirs. Clays were deposited in glacial lakes. In the area between the Biya and Katun rivers, in the foothills of Altai, loess-like deposits up to 25 m thick were formed. In river valleys, on the slopes of hills, along watersheds, loess-like deposits filled negative surface shapes and gave the relief a smooth character.

The second mountain region is represented by the Salair Ridge. The Salair ridge has a complex complex of crustal layers of different ages. This is explained by the location of the ridge on the border between the moving land areas, where the formation of the Altai mountain system took place, and the giant stable block of the Siberian platform.

The beginning of the formation of Salair dates back to the Caledonian era of folding, its final formation occurred in the Hercynian time. Since then, the rocks of Salair have been weathering. From the slopes of the ridge, destruction products are carried into the Kuznetsk Basin and to the west - into the valleys of Chumysh and Biya. In the central part of the Salair Ridge, ancient layers come to the surface. In low places they are overlain by more recent deposits.

The land surface in the Altai Territory is mostly flat, but there are also low mountain ranges. In the east, the Pre-Altai Plain is bordered by hilly territory, in the south by the spurs of the Anuy, Tigiretsky, Cherginsky, Seminsky and Baschelaksky ridges, in the southwest there is a popular for tourist travel Kolyvansky ridge.

The land surface of the region gradually rises from the northwest to the southeast. Highest point edge has a height of 2490 meters, it is named Shangin Lighthouse in honor of the famous Altai explorer. It is located in the Korgon ridge at the source of the Kumir River.

Geology and tectonics of mountains

The geological formation of the territory of the region took place over 2 billion years. In the north of the region, where a plain is observed in the modern topography, there is the outskirts of the young West Siberian platform or plate. In the east and south of the region there are tectonic structures of mountain structures of different ages.

The earth's crust here has a three-layer structure, the thickness of which increases under mountain structures and reaches 50-55 km. In the east and southeast of the region, the Altai-Salair fold system was formed. In the southwest it is associated with the tectonic structures of Western Altai.

In sea and ocean waters ancient sea With big amount island chains in the distant geological past, thick layers of sediments were formed. Clay, sand and calcareous sediments were deposited near the islands. It is they, in the form of crystalline shales, that today make up the shores and the Terektinsky ridge.

After the geological period of sedimentation, active volcanic activity began. Powerful lava flows penetrated into sedimentary rocks and volcanogenic-sedimentary and metamorphic rock strata were formed. About one and a half billion years ago, calcareous and calc-siliceous rock strata formed again along the outskirts of the extensive underwater swelling formed during the process of volcanism.

Calcareous-siliceous rocks with remains of marine organisms, quartzites and intrusive granites, diorites and gabbro today make up the rocky ledges of the northern face of Altai. In relief today these are the beautiful and bizarrely shaped remnant rocks of Babargan and Maly Babyrgan, the towns of Mokhnatoy and Sinyukha, the town of Pleshivaya and the Makaryevka rocks, the Tserkovka rocks and the “Four Brothers” in Belokurikha.

Relief of the Altai Mountains

The relief in the Altai foothills is very diverse; low mountains and partly middle mountains, ancient intermountain valleys are concentrated here. Low-mountain relief forms rise in the south of the region above the plain up to 500 m, and gradually continue to the south with mid-mountain ridges up to 2000 m.

The low mountains of the Altai Territory are characterized by dome-shaped ancient peaks with remnant rocks significantly destroyed by erosion. Low-mountain and partly mid-mountain landforms were formed as a result of volcanism on the site of an ancient plain. These landforms are highly dissected by erosion from glaciers, wind and water flows.

The mountain ranges here extend from northwest to southeast. Their destruction under the influence of frost and heat, precipitation, wind and flowing water greatly dismembers the relief of the foothills. The forces of nature destroy, crush sedimentary rocks on the surface and carry them away from the slopes. As a result of this process, granite, marble, porphyrite, and diorite remains are exposed. From the tops of collapsing mountains, debris rolls down in scree and accumulates at the foot.


The subsoil of the industrial “Rudny Altai” (Gornyak, Zmeinogorsk) is rich in polymetallic ores. They contain compounds of lead, copper, tungsten, zinc, molybdenum, precious and rare earth metals. The Salair ridge is rich in bauxite; magnesium ores occur at the junction with Altai.

In addition to metal ores, in the mountain systems of the foothills of the region, many deposits of building materials were formed in the sedimentary strata of the ancient sea, different types sand, sand-gravel mixtures, marls, marble, clay, limestone, ornamental stones, quartzites, porphyrites, jasper.

In the foothills on the territory of the Cherginsky ridge, the richest reserves of thermal radon waters were found, on the basis of which the balneological resort of the All-Russian Health Resort operates. Together with thermal waters, mountain coniferous air, the unique relief forms of Mount Tserkovka, the rock “Four Brothers” are used here for healing, ethnographic and event tourism is being developed.


The climatic conditions of the foothill southern territories of the Altai Territory are moderate, continental with a large difference in the amount of sunlight and heat throughout the year. In winter, the territory of the foothills becomes very cold due to anticyclonic weather, but in summer it warms up well.

In terms of the amount of solar radiation, the territory of the Altai foothills is not inferior to the famous Crimean resorts of Sochi and Anapa. To the south in the mountain spurs the cloudiness becomes stronger and more precipitation falls, up to 800-900 mm per year. In the foothills there are many days with winter snowfalls; the territory is promising for the development of ski tourism.

Average temperatures during the long winter range from -15°C to -20°C, and in January the minimum temperature can drop to -50°C with intrusions of cold arctic air. In summer, dry warm foehn winds from the Iranian Plateau and Central Asia significantly soften the climate of the foothills. Average July temperatures are +18оС, +20оС, they can rise with southern winds to +38оС. Wet cyclones come from the west, from the shores of the Atlantic, bringing with them heavy rain with winds and thunderstorms.

The transition seasons of the year are characterized by frosts and sharp cold snaps caused by Arctic air. Spring comes to the Altai Territory from the southwest, with the arrival of warm winds from Kazakhstan from the foothills. The snow melts very quickly with dry southwest winds. In autumn, after the first frosts, clear, warm weather usually sets in, which is called “Indian summer”. Then cold winds and long, dank autumn rains arrive.


The foothill territories and spurs of the northern Altai ranges, with an abundance of atmospheric precipitation, have a dense hydrographic network. Many abundant fresh watercourses, springs and springs, streams, mountain karst and glacial lakes are formed here.

The Suenga, Ik, Alambay, Chem, Konebikha, Bachat rivers originate from the slopes of Salair, flowing into Inya, and rushing to Chumysh Kara-Chumysh and Tom-Chumysh. The reservoirs of Salair support the hydrological regime of groundwater in the Ob-Irtysh interfluve.

The right tributaries of the Charysh and the upper reaches of the sources of the Alei flow through the specially protected territory of the Tigiretsky ridge. Here is the richest in species biological diversity of the Belaya River basin, the upper reaches of the Bolshaya Khankhara River. The Anuya ridge is a natural watershed of the Anui and Peschanaya rivers.

The Cherginsky ridge separates the basins of the Peschanaya and Sema rivers. The rivers Peschanaya and Sema, Emurla and Bertka, Apshuyakhta and Anos originate on the Seminsky ridge. Peschanaya and Sema are rich in placer gold. The Baschelaksky ridge separates the basins of the Charysha and Anuya rivers, and the deep lakes Baschelakskoe and Talitskoe are well known. In the area of ​​the Kolyvan ridge, the Belaya River flows, flowing into Charysh, the White Lake of the same name and the natural monument Lake Savvushkino, which is often called simply Kolyvansky, are located.

Nature of individual mountain ranges

The highest peak of the Kolyvan ridge in the Kurinsky region is Mount Sinyukha with a height of 1210 meters. Its slopes are covered virgin forest, which, in thin air, from afar has the hue of Sinegorya and is covered with a bluish haze. Nearby is the village of Kolyvan with the famous stone-cutting factory.

The highest peak of the low-mountain, highly dissected Salair in relief is Mount Kivda, 618 meters high. In the Altai Territory, the spurs of Salair are located in the drainage basin of the Sary-Chumysh River. In the karst limestones of Salair, there are many forms of relief of karst origin: caves, sinkholes, basins, dry lairs and ponors.

In the mountains of the Tigiretsky ridge there is a forest of the same name formed in 1999 to preserve the rich species biological diversity of the black taiga and forest-steppe communities of the Altai foothills. Tourists here will be interested in the “Big Tigirek” ecological trail, its length is up to 70 km, and the wonderful “Seven Caves Mountain” excursion.

The most popular tourist attraction in the Cherginsky ridge is Mount Tserkovka with a height of 815 meters and bizarre, unusually shaped rocks at the top. The rocks crowning the mountain really look like domes Orthodox church, installed on top worship cross. A funicular was built from the Belokurikha balneological resort located at the foot of the mountain to the top.

The Baschelaksky ridge “byzhi-ak” “white peak” has a peculiar shape, reminiscent in relief of the Great Wall of China. Its outlier peaks in the form of a skillfully constructed wall were formed as a result of processes of wind and water erosion. A lot of debris has accumulated at their base.

The northernmost peak of the Seminsky ridge is the beautiful Babyrgan with a height of 1008.6 meters, which represents like a giant giant clock face of Altai. At the top of Babyrgan, high granite and syenite Devonian outlier rocks and walls are of great interest to tourists. Over the mountain from time to time local residents and guests see a vision of a medieval city with towers and battlements.