What sights could you see? State Historical Museum

Whatever the purpose of our visit to Moscow, we will definitely spend some time exploring interesting places in the capital. What to see first in Moscow? Not an easy question, but let's try to answer it. So, we offer a list, photos, descriptions and ratings of the best attractions in the capital that cannot be missed.

It is impossible not to visit the Kremlin - this is the “heart of the capital”. Moreover, the tickets you purchase will allow you to see a lot. True, after the Soviet period, out of 50 historical buildings only half remains here. You will enter the Kremlin territory through the Kutafya Tower. Inspect the cathedrals, which are the “pearls” of Russian architecture - the Assumption, Annunciation and Arkhangelsk, and admire the bell tower of Ivan the Great.

You can also take a photo with the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. Next to the relatively modern State Building Kremlin Palace(1961) is adjacent to the Senate, where the top officials of the USSR worked. The Faceted and Armory Chambers will attract attention (the latter also houses the Diamond Fund). The Tainitsky Garden is home to falcons and hawks, which were bred to chase pigeons out of the Kremlin territory.

Red Square

One of the oldest and certainly the most famous squares in our country. It was once made of wood, and since this area often burned, the square had another name - “Fire”. Only in the 19th century. it was lined with stone. Walking along the paving stones of Red Square is already touching history. There is also a Historical Museum and the beautiful St. Basil's Cathedral, named after the famous holy fool who lived during the time of Ivan the Terrible. Vasily was never afraid to tell the Tsar the truth. By the way, official name the temple has another - the Intercession on the Moat.

Opposite the Kremlin is GUM, the main department store, located on the site of the old Upper Trading Rows. If you wish, you can examine the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin - in Soviet times it was a real place of pilgrimage. And of course, you will want to take a photo next to the famous monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It should be remembered that only amateur cameras are allowed on Red Square. Professional photographic equipment will require special permission.

Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets

Without a walk along these famous streets, it is difficult to fully feel that you have been in the capital. Where Tverskaya Street is now located, in the 14th century. The route ran from the Kremlin to Tver, hence the name. Later, Tverskaya became the most “popular” street in the capital, and it was almost impossible for mere mortals to settle on it. The houses of the wealthiest residents and those close to the court were located here. There were only 5 churches here.

Unfortunately, during the Soviet period, many historically significant buildings were demolished. But even today you will see the exhibition hall “New Manege”, the Ermolova Theater, the Chekhov Theater, the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky on Tverskaya Square and the city hall building. In addition, there are memorial plaques on almost every house here. The most famous poets, writers, artists, and statesmen lived and worked on Tverskaya.

Some people still perceive Arbat as a kind of market where you can buy souvenirs. Therefore, it will be even better if you find yourself here with a modest amount in your pocket and do not pay attention exclusively to retail outlets. You can wander here, looking at every house (the street is pedestrian, there is no traffic here). There are many artists here, they paint and sell their paintings, and there are also a huge number of souvenirs, but the main thing is that Arbat is living history.

Representatives of such famous noble families as the Sheremetevs and Golitsyns lived here; this street remembers Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Konstantin Balmont, Marina Tsvetaeva, Andrei Bely. In one of the Arbat lanes there is a house where Bulat Okudzhava grew up, and now there is a monument to the bard on Arbat. And fans stand for a long time at Tsoi’s Wall, covered with quotes from his songs.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

In this main temple of Russia in holidays The services are led by the Patriarch himself. Bishops' councils also meet here. But guests can also see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It is recommended to come here as part of a tour to learn more interesting facts. It is called the “monument temple”, “martyr temple”... it was originally built at the end of the 19th century. in honor of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, designed by Konstantin Ton. Its construction took almost 50 years.

Under Stalin, the temple was blown up; it was supposed to give way to the Court of the Soviets, but the Great Patriotic War prevented this project from being realized. In subsequent years, the Moscow swimming pool was located here. In the early 90s of the last century, they decided to restore the temple. The final stage of work was led by Zurab Tsereteli. As a result, the temple differs in many ways from its predecessor.

Monasteries: Novodevichy, Donskoy, Novospassky

The Novodevichy Convent was founded in the 16th century. Grand Duke Vasily III, after Smolensk returned to the Principality of Moscow. Its name is probably due to the fact that the monastery was intended for girls, and since there was already an older monastery in the capital, the prefix “new” appeared. Girls and women from noble families, including the royal family, found shelter here. During the War of 1812, the monastery was miraculously not blown up. During the years of Soviet power, Novodevichy was naturally closed.

Today it exists as part of the Historical Museum, and services are also held there. Rare icons and books dating back to the 16th century are kept here. Of particular interest is the cemetery at the monastery, where Gogol, Chekhov and other famous people are buried.

Donskoy Monastery. According to legend, in 1591 the icon of the Don Mother of God saved Moscow from the troops of Khan Kazy-Girey. The monastery was founded in honor of the miraculous image. Its architectural structures were erected under Princess Sophia, Peter the Great and other rulers. After the revolution, the Museum of Architecture was located here. The monks came here again in 1991. In 1992, the crypt of Patriarch Tikhon was found here.

Famous military men, writers, and representatives of noble families lie in the cemetery at the monastery. Novospassky Monastery was founded in the mid-15th century. He defended the city from the southeast with his powerful walls: first wooden, and starting from the 17th century. - stone. Noble boyars, including those from the Romanov family, were buried in the cemetery at the monastery. In the 90s, their tomb was restored.

Estates: Tsaritsyno, Kuskovo, Arkhangelskoye, Ostankino

Tsaritsyno is a palace and park ensemble in the pseudo-Gothic style, which was founded at the end of the 18th century. by order of Catherine P. Two famous architects worked on its creation: Bazhenov and Kazakov. Nowadays there is a museum-reserve. Kuskovo is the former possession of the Sheremetev counts. To visit it, you need to go to the south of the city. Several buildings from the 18th century have been preserved here, including a palace, where there are many interior elements of former times and paintings by domestic and foreign masters.

Arkhangelskoye is also a palace and park ensemble. It’s very pleasant to walk here, so it’s better to come in the morning - and for the whole day, so that you can leisurely explore 3 parks: Italian, French and English. Pay attention to the palace itself, the temple-tomb of the Yusupovs, the temple of Michael the Archangel, built back in the 17th century, and the so-called Tower of the Old Witch.

Ostankino is a magnificent ensemble of the 18th century. It was built according to the design of Count Nikolai Sheremetev. The palace became his summer residence, and the theater was the center of the ensemble. Famous architects worked on the creation of Ostankino, and the park was laid out and looked after by famous gardeners. The famous ancient Church of the Life-Giving Trinity is also located here.


The Tretyakov Gallery is a world-famous museum that was opened in the mid-19th century. entrepreneur and philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov. First, he began to collect a collection of paintings, and then donated it to Moscow. Today you can see here the rarest icons, paintings and sculptures by great masters. State Museum Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin was opened in 1912. The works of foreign masters of art are collected here, from ancient times to the present day. The complex includes about 3 dozen buildings and structures, and its collection includes about 700 thousand exhibits.

Historical Museum - founded by order of the Emperor at the end of the 19th century. A special building was built for him on Red Square - an unprecedented case. By the early 2000s, after restoration, the museum regained its original appearance. Stores over 5 million exhibits telling about the history of our country from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. The Museum of Cosmonautics was opened in 1981 in honor of space explorers. Authentic documents, photographs, films telling about the exploration of outer space, and things belonging to astronauts are stored here. And also works of art dedicated to this topic. IN last years interactive exhibits have been added.

Zoo and Planetarium

The excursions that we will talk about now will delight, first of all, children, but will also be interesting for adults. The Moscow Zoo was opened in 1864 and was first located on Presnensky Ponds, where Muscovites loved to walk. Initially, about 300 animals were housed there. In the early 90s of the last century, the state of the zoo could be called emergency.

After reconstruction, it opened in 1997 - the year of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. Today it is a beautiful, modern zoo housing animals from all over the world. If you wish, you can become the guardian of one of them, which will be indicated by a special sign near the enclosure. Various educational programs are held on the territory of the zoo.

The planetarium is one of the largest in the world, and in our country it is the oldest. Built in 1929. Created with the aim of popularizing knowledge. Here you can observe various space objects, listen to lectures, watch films in a 4-D cinema, visit museums, buy souvenirs and even taste “cosmonaut food”. The Great Moscow Circus is truly the largest circus in Europe. Over 3 thousand residents can simultaneously fit here. Opened in the spring of 1971.

Today there are several arenas here - equestrian, water, ice and others, which can quickly replace each other. Over 100 programs are presented in the Moscow circus arena, with artists of all genres performing for the audience. Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard - the oldest circus in Moscow and all of Russia today bears the name of the clown Yuri Nikulin. Spectators first entered it in the fall of 1880. At first there were only a few rows of seats. Over time, the circus was completed and expanded. Famous domestic and foreign artists - the Durovs, Trutsi, Kio and others - performed there. For 15 years - until 1997 - the circus was headed by Yuri Nikulin.

Grand Theatre

The construction of the Bolshoi Theater began at the end of the 18th century. It was built three times, and all three times the building was destroyed by fire. It was only in 1856 that the theater we see today was built. The project belonged to the architect Albert Kavos, and the famous Pyotr Klodt also took part in its creation. During the Great Patriotic War, a bomb hit the Bolshoi Theater, fortunately, the building did not suffer irreparable damage. In the period 2005-2011. The theater was undergoing reconstruction.

They tried to give it the look it had before the revolution. The best artists from both Russia and other countries of the world have performed and continue to perform on the Bolshoi stage. In total, over 800 works were shown here. And now, in the 3rd century, the phrase has been heard at the entrance to the Bolshoi Theater: “Is there an extra ticket?”

Poklonnaya Gora and Victory Park

Poklonnaya Hill once looked like a real mountain, when you climbed it you could look around Moscow. Our ancestors did just that, bowed to the “white stone” from here. Napoleon, who dreamed of conquering Russia, looked at the burning Moscow with Poklonnaya Gora. And from here our troops went to the front during the Great Patriotic War. Today, when multi-storey buildings have risen in the capital, there is no great view from Poklonnaya Hill. But from here you can clearly see Victory Park. The idea of ​​creating a park was born in 1958. Residents from all over the country contributed whatever they could for its construction.

Everyone wanted to take part financially - as a result, millions gathered. The opening of the park was timed to coincide with the 50th Victory Day. There are many symbolic buildings here. The height of the Victory Monument is 141.8 m. For our people, the war went on precisely “1418 fiery days and nights.” There is also a Museum of the Great Patriotic War here. And also erected - Orthodox church in honor of St. George the Victorious - the heavenly patron of warriors, memorial: a mosque, a synagogue and a Catholic chapel. After all, people of different religions fought for Victory on the fronts and in the rear. Fountains in the park dark time days have a red backlight.

Gorky Park

Gorky Park was a favorite vacation spot for citizens back in the 30s of the last century. It resembled a kind of “state within a state.” In addition to rides and other entertainment, it had its own post office and savings bank, a first-aid post and a police station. Today Gorky Park has acquired a modern look. Of course, there are cafes and snack bars, there is a wooden deck on the beach - by the way, the Internet works in this area.

In the park you can rent a bicycle and learn yoga, dancing or fitness for free - instructors give lessons to everyone. It’s also nice to sit on the grass here, walk along the paths... The love of the capital’s residents for the park has remained unchanged.


VDNKh is an exhibition of achievements of the national economy. Today it is the largest complex performing entertainment and educational functions. During the Soviet years, the exhibition was intended to demonstrate the successes of socialism, although citizens came here rather to at least look at the abundance, which in reality was not there at all.

During the years of perestroika - and the subsequent 90s - the exhibition essentially turned into a huge market. Today VDNKh has flourished again, and thousands of people come here every day to visit the shopping pavilions, see exhibitions, go on rides, and attend literary events. The pride of VDNKh is the huge oceanarium, interactive museum astronautics, and in winter there is also a skating rink.

"Worker and Collective Farm Woman"

The monument, designed by V.I. Mukhina, represented the USSR at the 1937 exhibition held in Paris. Raising the tools of labor high - the hammer and sickle - the young man and girl personified the power of the working people. Ten years later, “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” became the symbol of the Mosfilm film studio. In 2003-2009 reconstruction was carried out. The monument was inaugurated again on December 4, 2009. The pedestal houses a museum dedicated to the history of sculpture and interesting facts, associated with it.

7 “Stalinist” skyscrapers

Houses built between 1935 and 1960. called "Stalinists". The most famous are 7 high-rise buildings in the capital. The main building of Moscow State University was founded in 1949. Its height with a spire is 240 m, it has 36 floors. The high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment has 26 floors, its height is almost 180 m. The building of the Ukraina Hotel was completed in 1957, its height is 206 m. The building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came into operation in 1953. It has 27 floors, and its height is over 170m. The high-rise building on Kudrinskaya Square dates back to 1954. If you count the spire, the structure is higher than 150 m. The high-rise building on Red Gate Square has 24 floors, and the height of the Leningradskaya Hotel is 136 m.

Many people associate tourism only with foreign countries, and in order to experience something mysterious and mysterious, they go to Peru or Mexico.

However, in Russia there are many unique and outlandish places for which foreign tourists come to our country, but we live very close and do not know about these wonders.

Lena Pillars

The most majestic places in Russia are located along the Lena River, in Yakutia, near the Khangalsky ulus, 100 km from the city of Pokrovsk.

These geological formations stretch vertically along the beautiful valley of the Prilensky plateau for a distance of 80 km.

A particularly beautiful place is located between the villages of Petrovkoye and Tit-Ary.

The height of rock formations made of Cambrian limestone reaches 100 meters. The area of ​​the natural park is 485 thousand hectares.

In addition to unique rock formations In the parks you can see blowing sand-tuculans, the site of an ancient man, and unique permafrost ecosystems.

Fossilized remains of bison, mammoth, and woolly rhinoceros were found in these territories.

Diamond-bearing pipe "Mir"

In Yakutia, on the outskirts of the city of Mirny, there is one of the largest diamond quarries in the world. The quarry has a depth of 525 meters and a diameter of 1.2 kilometers. It is clearly visible even from space.

Mining of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore ceased in June 2001. Currently, an underground mine of the same name is being built on board the quarry to develop the remaining sub-quarry reserves, the extraction of which by open pit mining is unprofitable. Here you can learn everything about diamond mining and buy diamonds at cost.

Lake Baikal

There are a lot of tourist areas, bases and sanatoriums around the lake. The Bolshaya River passes along the shores of Lake Baikal hiking trail- a system of ecological routes with walking and horseback excursions.

The deepest lake on the planet (1642 meters) is located in the southeast of Siberia. The shape resembles a large crescent. The lake is surrounded by mountains or hills. It is very clean and transparent. The composition of the water contains few salts. Therefore, Baikal water can be compared to distilled water.

The area surrounding Baikal is unique in that many species of its plants and animals are present only here. The lake is home to 2,600 species and subspecies of animals, more than half of which are not found anywhere except Baikal. Baikal sturgeon and omul, burbot, taimen, pike, and whitefish are found here.

In winter, when it is very cold, you can see very beautiful natural phenomenon when the ice breaks into large cracks. This phenomenon occurs accompanied by a loud sound reminiscent of thunder.

There are 27 islands on Baikal, the largest is Olkhon Island. It is there that many tourists flock to live in tents, feel the romance, and enjoy the surrounding splendor. The peculiarity of this island is that it has only 48 cloudy days a year.

When you go to Baikal, you can visit natural monuments: Mount Chersky Peak, Cape Burkhan, Shaman Rock, Peschanaya Bay. Be sure to take a train ride along the Circum-Baikal railway, which passes through the most beautiful places, revealing magnificent landscapes from the windows of the cars.

Volcanoes of Kamchatka

More than a thousand volcanoes located in Kamchatka are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, but belong to different geological epochs. Among them, 28 are active. The height of the largest volcano, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, is 4750 meters above sea level. It is the highest in Eurasia and one of the most active on the peninsula.

Along with volcanoes, the surrounding areas are also included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site because of their picturesque landscapes and unique diversity of flora and fauna.

At the foot of the Uzon volcano there is the hottest body of water on Earth. The water temperature in Lake Fumarole is 50 degrees.

Also in the southeast of the peninsula there is the Valley of Geysers - a unique natural complex out of 20 large geysers and several hundred inthermal water outlets, from which almost boiling water flows and hot streams of steam rise.

The fountains gushing out of the ground reach a height of 40 m. They are located 160 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Saint Petersburg

Historical Center northern capital And palace and park ensembles were included in the list of the World cultural heritage UNESCO.

The UNESCO list includes 36 St. Petersburg sites, uniting about 4,000 outstanding monuments of architecture, history and culture.

Here are just the most significant ones that you must see: the palace and park ensembles of Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Peterhof, Pushkin, Ropsha, Tsarskoe Selo, the old part of Kronstadt and its forts, the stunningly beautiful Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood on the banks of the Griboyedov Canal, built on the site of Alexander’s murder II and majestic Saint Isaac's Cathedral- symbol of St. Petersburg.

One of the most beautiful places The city is considered Elagin Island - an oasis of peace among the bustle of the city.

The Summer Garden is the oldest and beautiful park St. Petersburg with many sculptures and a forged fence, recognized as an independent masterpiece of decorative art.

Thanks to his geographical location In St. Petersburg there is such a thing as “white nights”. At midnight the sun drops below the horizon by only 7°, so the morning and evening dawns converge and light twilight sets in. The period of white nights lasts from late May to mid-July. This event additionally attracts tourists from all over the world.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

Reserve of Russian wooden architecture.

According to legend, the 22-domed Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, consecrated in 1714, was built with one ax without nails, which the master then threw into the lake.
Built half a century later, the Intercession Church complements the Transfiguration Church, echoes it, reflecting an architectural echo.

If the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is directed upward, then the nine-domed Church of the Intercession is wide and steep. The ensemble is complemented by a tented bell tower, built in 1863 on the site of the old one.

The Kizhi churchyard, consisting of two multi-domed churches and a bell tower in a single fence, is distinguished perfect proportions and fits harmoniously into the surrounding landscape.

In 1966, at the base architectural ensemble In the Kizhi churchyard, the Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum was founded, where chapels, houses and outbuildings were brought from different regions of Karelia.

Divnogorye Landscape Reserve

If you want to relax in an amazingly beautiful place, feel the coolness of the chalk vaults cave churches- come to Divnogorye. This place is considered a protected area.

Is in Voronezh region on the right bank of the Don River in the Liskinsky district.

Cretaceous deposits of bizarre shape surround the plateau.

In these rocky natural formations in the 17th century chalk churches were built.

The Church of the Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God is carved right into the rock. Believers can even hold a service on the occasion of a major church holiday.

In addition to the cave churches, there are many ancient archaeological sites: the Mayatskoye settlement (remains of a medieval fortress and necropolis), the Mayatskoye pottery complex, the Holy Dormition Divnogorsk Monastery, the amazing Diva pillar mountains.

Nature has created a unique landscape here: more than 250 species of plants grow here, and chalk pillars above the river local residents They themselves called them “divas” - from the word “wonder, miracle”.

Arkaim ancient settlement

Arkaim is one of the most iconic places in the Urals, surrounded by numerous legends and an aura of mystery.

Originated on Earth during construction Egyptian pyramids, it is called a wonder of the world. Scientists believe that the city stands on an unusually strong energetic place on the planet. It’s not for nothing that it is so often visited by shamans, magicians, esotericists and UFOs.

The ancient city is located in Chelyabinsk region, but it’s more convenient to get there by bus from Yekaterinburg. You will have to live in a tent.

Arkaim is a fortified Bronze Age settlement. The archaeological site dates back to the turn of the third or second millennium BC and consisted of a fortified city, two necropolises and animal pens.

Arkaim burned out as a result of a fire, but something still remained - defensive ditches and walls form two concentric circles, 60 dwellings were attached to them, and in the center there is a free area.The settlement received its name from Mount Arkaim.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

From the point in the center of the Moscow map, where the main clock of the country runs and the zero kilometer sign is driven into the ground, the countdown of Russian time and space always begins. The Kremlin is the historical center of Moscow, spiritual and state symbol Russia.
The oldest part of Moscow and the official residence of the President of Russia. Initially, the Kremlin was made of wood; the first fortifications on Borovitsky Hill were destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars in 1238. In 1330, the oldest church in Moscow, the Cathedral of the Savior on Bor, appeared in the Kremlin. During the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace in the 19th century, the cathedral was neatly integrated into its courtyard and is carefully preserved to this day.

In the second half of the 15th century, the Moscow Kremlin was rebuilt by Italian architects, who took the Sforza ducal residence in Milan as a basis. Then the Arkhangelsk, Annunciation and Assumption Cathedrals, the Faceted Chamber and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower appeared. In the 17th century, the Kremlin towers received tiered and hipped roofs, acquiring a modern look.

St. Basil's Cathedral is located on Red Square. According to legend, after the completion of construction, Ivan the Terrible ordered the architect to be blinded so that he could not build anything similar again.

On Red Square there is also the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, a necropolis near the Kremlin wall, where prominent people of the USSR are buried, Lobnoye Mesto, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, Upper Trading Rows (GUM), the Historical Museum opened in 1883 and the Kazan Cathedral.

Man-Pupu-Ner plateau

This unique geological natural monument is located in the Troitsko-Pechora region of Komi.

It is called the Ural Stonehenge for the huge stone pillars scattered across the mountain, reaching 40 meters in height. A hike to this wonder of the world is possible on foot (200 km in 5-6 days of travel) from the side Sverdlovsk region, Perm region and the Komi Republic or by helicopter.

About 200 million years ago in place stone pillars there were high mountains. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains, and especially weak rocks. The hard sericite-quartzite shales, from which the remains are composed, were destroyed less and have survived to this day, while the soft rocks were destroyed by weathering and carried by water and wind into depressions of the relief.

One pillar, 34 m high, stands somewhat apart from the others; it resembles a huge bottle turned upside down. Six others lined up at the edge of the cliff. The pillars have bizarre outlines and, depending on the place of inspection, resemble either the figure of a huge man, or the head of a horse or ram. In past times, the Mansi deified grandiose stone sculptures and worshiped them, but climbing Man-pupu-ner was the greatest sin.


Next to the new RAS building there is a small Observation deck, which not everyone knows about. From here the same ones open beautiful views as with Vorobyovy Gory, and even better: you can see more buildings of the historical center, the embankments of the Moscow River and the river itself. The sites are located within a half-hour walk from each other, so you can admire the sights from different angles, compare and, of course, take photographs.

ave. Leninsky, 32, lit. A, page 1

Japanese garden 0+

In this place, time stands still: rush and bustle big city remained behind the bamboo gates, and symbolic for Japanese culture pagodas, pavilions and bridges set the mood for contemplation. The garden was designed by a Japanese landscape architect and was a gift from Japan to the Soviet Union. The park is good at any time, but it is especially beautiful during the cherry blossom season, in early May: in total there are about 250 trees, of which 40 are in bloom. The cherry blossoms quickly fade, so it’s worth taking a day and joining in with Japanese culture.

st. Botanicheskaya, 4

House of architect K. Melnikov 6+

The Melnikov House is widely known abroad as one of the brightest examples of the Soviet avant-garde, but in Moscow itself, oddly enough, little is known about it. The design, inspired by a futuristic theme, makes the building look like spacecraft. The inside of the house is no less interesting than the outside: the space is organized so diversely that the architect even offered a prize to anyone who could understand how many floors there are in the building. Now the Melnikov Museum is open here; visiting is possible only with a guided tour and by appointment.

lane Krivoarbatsky, 10

Live jazz evening JazzLike 6+

A mandatory part of the program is to attend a jazz concert at least once. But not at the one where everyone sits with an important look, but at a lively and vibrant show, when the musicians delight with improvisations and stories interesting stories about jazz. Such concerts are held in the “Good Republic” every Friday and Saturday. It relieves fatigue after a working week once or twice.

Prechistenka Street

Prechistenka is one of the oldest streets in Moscow, which is compared to the Parisian district of Saint-Germain for its luxurious and picturesque appearance. Perhaps no street in Moscow can boast as many luxurious mansions and apartment buildings as Prechistenka. In addition, the place has a strong connection with literature - Bulgakov settled Professor Preobrazhensky in house 24, and many writers mentioned the street in their works.

st. Prechistenka

Moscow Planetarium 0+

In the main Planetarium of Russia you can see large-scale and mesmerizing space paintings without leaving planet Earth. In different halls, visitors will find answers to fundamental questions: how the Universe came into being and whether we are alone in it, how life began and why stars fall. Here you can take part in unusual scientific experiments, touch fragments of meteorites and, of course, watch the celestial bodies through a telescope.

st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Estate "High Mountains"
The tea merchants' estate, featured in Soviet films

It’s hard to believe that in the very center of Moscow there is a corner where secluded gazebos are hidden in the silence of an old park, classical sculptures and a romantic grotto. A beautiful mansion with columns takes us back to the 19th century - in the “Vysokiye Gory” estate, everything that is usually attributed to lordly life has miraculously been preserved. If Mosfilm needed to create the atmosphere of the past, then the filming took place here. IN " High mountains"We filmed "Pokrovsky Gates", "Intergirl", "Guest from the Future" and other films beloved by Russians.

st. Zemlyanoy Val, 53

Museum of Man, "Living systems" 0+

“Living Systems” is an unusual educational and entertainment project for the whole family. Here you can learn in a playful way about how the human body works and how it functions: see how a skeleton rides a bicycle, turn into a turtle or Spider-Man. You can and should interact with all exhibits: touch, jump, scream, throw balls and even lie on nails.

st. Butyrskaya, 46/2

Park of Arts "Museon" 0+

"Museon" is the country's largest museum of sculpture under open air. The whole variety of genres and art movements of the 20th and 21st centuries is presented here. In addition, it is also a real cultural and educational ground: musicians and theater troupes perform on street areas, artists give lectures in the School pavilion, and photo exhibitions are regularly held in the park itself.

st. Krymsky Val, ow. 2


Few people have ever been on an airport tarmac other than as a passenger. Meanwhile, this is an opportunity to experience a unique and amazing feeling when airplanes are just a stone’s throw away and they take off right above your head. From time to time Sheremetyevo Airport organizes spotting excursions, but you can come there on your own. To do this, you don’t even need to study the schedule and guess the time - air traffic is active, you will be able to see a lot and, if desired, photograph it.

region Moscow, Khimki, " international Airport Sheremetyevo"

Not far from the Babushkinskaya metro station there is a real graffiti town: 12 houses between Izumrudnaya Street and Yantarny Proezd are covered with bright colorful murals made with the permission of the administration. In 2007, Russian and foreign artists participated in the “Color Moscow!” project. and turned drab standard houses into modern art objects. The graffiti is really done at a high level; even the windows of some buildings fit organically into the overall design.

st. Emerald

Estate "Uzkoe"

The interior decoration of the manor house of the Uzkoye estate is striking in its splendor: it contains art objects from the 17th-20th centuries, antique furniture, and interior elements from different eras. Such an exhibition would be a credit to any Moscow museum. It seems that time has stood still, and everything here is the same as many, many years ago - but this is not entirely true. Now life is in full swing here, there is a sanatorium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, so it is not possible to get into the estate without hindrance. You can pose as a potential client and come in to inquire about prices, meals, and procedures.

st. Profsoyuznaya, 123a, 123b

Openwork house

There is an interesting building on Leningradsky Prospekt, which was supposed to become a model for Soviet standard houses. The block concrete structure is very reminiscent of palaces with marble cladding and stucco, but the house was built for ordinary citizens and inside has a Spartan appearance: one-room apartments with small kitchens, only one staircase and a first floor reserved for general needs. The house remained one of a kind, since after the war there was no money for even minimal decor.

What to see in Moscow: interesting places in the capital that you can visit today, on weekends and other days, for free. Selection of the best attractions and parks in Moscow. And 2 more routes as a bonus!

Russia is amazing country, which annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. Each of its regions has a unique infrastructure, nature and atmosphere. However, the capital is of greatest tourist interest for both foreign and domestic travelers.

Moscow is the capital of tourism

No matter how banal it may sound, but Moscow- This is truly a city of contrasts, the “Big Village” and the “third Rome”. Life here is in full swing around the clock, and after sunset the capital's streets are illuminated by thousands of lanterns, creating an incredibly festive atmosphere. Asking Muscovites where to go in Moscow, you can spend the whole day listening to the answer. And this is not surprising, because the list of attractions has long exceeded a thousand.

Many people mistakenly believe that coming here go out for the weekend- This is a waste of time and money, because in a short time it is impossible to feel the atmosphere of the capital. But this is a mistaken opinion. Even in 2 days you can visit most main attractions. Moreover, most of them provide the opportunity to go for free, which significantly saves personal funds.

Moscow- an interesting find both for modern youth and for people who prefer a calm and measured vacation. It is here that anyone can relax their body, as well as find something to do to their liking. The abundance of nightclubs, theaters, parks, museums, monuments, ancient buildings - this is not a complete list of what the Russian metropolis can surprise.

Where can I go?

The Teatralny fountain in front of the Bolshoi Theater

Even a native Muscovite cannot list all the noteworthy Moscow attractions. Therefore, when thinking about what to see in Moscow, it is worth setting priorities in advance and deciding on personal preferences.

A distinctive feature and advantage of the capital is the opportunity to entertain yourself every day by visiting an exciting establishment or event. Noisy concerts, performances, fashion shows, theatrical performances and humorous skits take place here every day. Therefore, entertainment is the last thing you should worry about when planning this trip.

Those who love something more leisurely and productive in terms of knowledge will definitely appreciate museums, art galleries, philharmonic societies and theaters that have gained worldwide fame.

When going for a walk with children, we offer you our other article: “Where to go with a child in Moscow.” The capital offers a lot of entertainment for kids: huge playgrounds, circuses, amusement parks, a water park, zoos and regular entertainment programs on city streets or in parks.

Video from Makeev: TOP 5 unobvious places for walks in Moscow

Main attractions

Despite the abundance of interesting, ancient and historically important objects, there is a list of must-see attractions. Not knowing what to see in Moscow in 1 day, you can easily use this list. This is a list of what any traveler visiting the capital for the first time should visit:


The Moscow Kremlin is located in the very center of the metropolis. It is of historical and cultural value for all of Russia. This is a unique wooden fortress with a delightful monument ensemble. It is protected by UNESCO and serves as the official residence of the head of state. The building is located on the banks of the Moscow River, and near its walls are the Alexander Garden, Red Square, Vasilyevsky Spusk and the Kremlin Embankment.

Mausoleum of V.I.Lenin

This is one of the main attractions Russian Federation. Here is the embalmed body of the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, on display since his death in 1924. The mausoleum is a granite structure, the architecture of which fully conveys the style of the last century. Queues of tourists gather here every day, so it’s worth planning this excursion in advance. It doesn’t always work, it’s worth checking this information in advance.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary or St. Basil's Cathedral

This is a working temple and one of the most recognizable places on the planet. It is also under the protection of UNESCO, as it is of great historical heritage value. Its height is 65 meters, and each of the 9 thrones was consecrated in honor of church holidays, during the days of fierce battles for Kazan.

Red Square

When tourists ask the question: – “ Where to go in Moscow?", this is what almost 100% of people call, because this is the main and central square capital Cities. Its length is 330 m and its width is 75 meters. Now it is an official pedestrian zone, where it is prohibited to travel by any type of transport (even by bicycle). Every year a festive parade dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War takes place here, which gathers millions of Russians near the screens. Here you can also see the famous monument to Minin, Pozharsky and Marshal Zhukov.

A historical museum complex that represents the world's largest collection of Russian paintings. Here you can see with your own eyes the oldest icons dating back to the 11th century, the best works of Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Perov and many others. Repin’s painting “Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan”, Surikov’s “Boyaryna Morozova” and Savrasov’s “The Rooks Have Arrived” received particular fame. Contemporary art exhibitions are also regularly held here, which can be visited by anyone.


The oldest Moscow street, dating back to the 15th century. Here is the largest tourist flow, because Arbat is rich in ancient and luxurious buildings with rich history. Anyone can walk along the wall in memory of Viktor Tsoi, the House with Knights, the Vakhtangov Theater, the Pushkin memorial apartment and taste delicious dishes in the Prague restaurant, which was opened in 1872.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

It has the highest spiritual and religious value for the entire country. It is at the same time a monument to the fallen soldiers in the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as gratitude to God from people for the salvation provided. The relics of St. Philaret of Moscow, pieces of the robe of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God are permanently kept here. Each Orthodox holiday is accompanied by a large flow of believers who want to touch ancient shrines.

Best parks

Moscow park areas are a topic that deserves special attention. When trying to find somewhere to take a walk, Moscow parks are something that is on the list of must-see places. And this is not surprising, because there are many of them in the capital. Each of them has unique nature, atmosphere, style and specificity. They occupy a large area and also host many entertainment venues on their territory that will delight adults and children. This:


The Exhibition of National Economic Heritage is a large-scale exhibition, cultural, entertainment and historical complex throughout the world. VDNH includes 49 unique architectural monuments. Exciting excursions, vibrant festivals, free concert programs and even business meetings are held here throughout the year. When winter comes, the Main Ice Rink of Russia is formed here. In the warm season, many rollerbladers and cyclists have fun and ride here, and there are enchanting fountains and flower beds.


This is one of the largest and most visited park areas in Europe. Sokolniki Park is especially popular among family audiences. In the warm season, there are fountains and swimming pools, amusement parks, an open-air cinema, sports grounds and bicycle paths. This perfect place for lovers of a relaxing holiday and natural beauty. There are a huge number of different plants, trees and flowers, as well as clean ponds and a forested area. Children will definitely appreciate the small zoo where they live rare species animals. Those who want to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy a cup of excellent coffee and sit in silence with their favorite book can visit Bukvodom, where business conferences and exciting gatherings are also held.


Zaryadye Park in Moscow was opened in honor of the 870th anniversary of the city and is considered one of the most picturesque sites in the metropolis. Its distinctive feature is the “floating” bridge over the Moscow River and planted plants from the four zones of Russia. Interesting excursions, celebrity performances and entertaining lectures are regularly held here. There is also a unique VR flight technology that allows anyone who wants to plunge into the virtual world and fly over all the beauties of the capital in special eyes, sitting on a comfortable chair.

Gorky Park

Gorky Park– this is the most popular place for everyday recreation among Muscovites. This site is largely intended for young people, but representatives of the adult generation can also find decent leisure time here. Its territory includes Pushkinskaya Embankment and Neskuchny Garden, which smoothly turns into Vorobyovy Gory. Now any tourist can enjoy cycling, playing table tennis, watching movies in the fresh air, and also use free Wi-Fi.

Places for evening walks

Where to take a walk in the evening in Moscow and where to take a girl for a romantic walk are also popular topics among tourists. This city is capable of striking the hearts of lovers, because many objects have been created here that are imbued with romance.

Chistye Prudy

With the onset of darkness, the night lights come on in the park, creating an atmosphere of lightness. Every evening, couples of lovers come here, as well as lovers of evening walks. Here you can sit in a nice restaurant on the water or sit on a bench admiring the view of the pond.

Tsvetnoy Boulevard

It is popular among connoisseurs nightlife since the 19th century. When night falls, the bustle of the neighborhood subsides, and the boulevard takes on a delightful appearance. Immersed in silence, you can enjoy the smell of flower beds and admire the large fountain named after Yuri Nikulin.

Hermitage Garden

Hermitage Garden, Moscow

Popular among romantics and those who decide to go on a night promenade. Amazing lawns, fountains and flowers abound here. But the distinctive structure is a heart with a bell inside, made of pure silver. According to local legend, you need to go through it and make a wish, after which it will definitely come true.

Bolotnaya embankment

All Moscow embankments are full of fun and good times. However, it is on the Vodootvodny Canal that one can find the epicenter of modern entertainment. On both banks there are noisy bars, cafes, restaurants and nightclubs. Each of them is ready to provide their services to ensure an unforgettable continuation of the evening.

Many places to go in Moscow are within walking distance. You can get around them all at once, in one walk. For this purpose, special routes have been created that allow tourists to quickly navigate the area and as quickly as possible. short time see many sights.

From China Town to Pyatnitskaya Street

The route is only 4 kilometers, but it is quite useful for exploring the central zone of the metropolis. The departure point is the metro station near Kitai-Gorod, from which you need to turn off to st. Varvarka where is the new one located? Zaryadye Park and ancient churches. They are open to the public, and also provide the opportunity to enter absolutely free of charge and attend the sacred service. In Zaryadye itself, of course, you can be “stuck” for a long time, this is a separate review.

Then you need to go to Big Moskvoretsky Bridge across the Moscow River, along Bolotnaya embankment and go to Tretyakov Gallery bridge, which takes you to the side where it itself is located. At this stage, you can enjoy the famous representatives of Russian painting, who have received recognition on the world art scene. After this, it is recommended not to go directly to the street. Pyatnitskaya, but choose a path around it. In this way, it will be possible to capture many additional structures that carry historical value.

The final point is the long-awaited Pyatnitskaya street, which is rich in bars, cafes and restaurants with delicious cuisines. Here you can replenish your own strength, as well as stay overnight in a hotel.

Walking route from Kitay-Gorod metro station to Pyatnitskaya street

From Tverskaya to Krasnye Vorota

The length of this route is longer – 5 kilometers. Its main advantage is considered to be a unique opportunity to walk and fully explore one of the main decorations of the capital - Tverskaya Street. This is an excellent solution for those who do not know where to go in Moscow today, since this direction has not lost its relevance for many centuries. You should start your mini-trip with the Historical Museum, a tour of which will be an unforgettable event. After this, it is recommended to stop by GUM and have a delicious ice cream snack. Then continue your way to Nikolskaya to Lubyanka Square. There are many bars and entertainment venues where you can relax, eat and recharge. You should also definitely visit the Biblio-Globus bookstore, recognized as a real find for book lovers. After enjoying the smell of new books, you need to go up Myasnitskaya and go to the underground metro, where you board a carriage that heads to the final point of the walk - the Red Gate.

What types of transport should you use?

Any native Muscovite or visitor will say with confidence that traffic jams are an obligatory Moscow component. Therefore, those who want to spend their time profitably prefer to avoid ground transport. This applies not only personal car, but also taxis. The best way to avoid prolonged and nervous standing in kilometer-long traffic jams is this is an underground metro. Its use guarantees saving time, nerves and even finances.

Those who prefer to travel in their own car, but arrived without one, can always use the rental service, including car sharing. Both budget and luxury cars are available for a fee. Bicycles have become especially popular. Almost all parks in Moscow are equipped with separate bike paths and hourly rentals. You can also try roller skating, scooters and hoverboards, which are found in abundance here.

Interesting fact! In the heart of the metropolis there are river walks, thanks to which you can economically move around various areas on a pleasure boat. This is a great way to simultaneously combine an exciting excursion and the need to get to another part of the city.

Aerial photography of the most popular and beautiful places in Moscow

It is best to decide on personal preferences and interests, and also choose housing with convenient transport links and location. This will also help save time spent on movement and travel.

Where should you go first when you find yourself in the capital? We reviewed the most interesting places in Moscow, and also told you how to get to them most conveniently.

The capital of the Russian Federation evokes conflicting feelings among tourists: some are tired of the noise and bustle of the metropolis, others sincerely admire its scale and beauty. However, we believe that Moscow is amazing city, where everyone will find a lot of interesting and unusual things for themselves, and we decided to compile a selection of the most interesting, in our opinion, places in Moscow that a tourist should see on his first visit to the capital. We do not pretend to cover all the sights of the Mother See, and have highlighted only those that seem interesting to us.

Kremlin and Red Square

Usually tourists quickly find the answer to the question of where to go first in Moscow - it’s customary to start getting acquainted with the capital with Red Square and the Kremlin. These are the main symbols of Moscow and Russia; the largest number of attractions are concentrated here. On Red Square there is Lobnoye Mesto, Lenin's Mausoleum and a monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

The monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected in 1828 in front of the Upper Trading Rows (GUM), in 1931 it was erected in front of St. Basil's Cathedral (Photo © unsplash.com / @nikolayv)

To the west of the square is the Kremlin, to the east - GUM, to the south and north - St. Basil's Cathedral, the Historical Museum and the Kazan Cathedral. The Moscow Kremlin is an ancient fortress in the center of the capital and the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation. South wall defensive structure overlooks the Moscow River, the northern one - to the Alexander Garden.

On the left in the photo is St. Basil's Cathedral, on the right is the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower (Photo © essuera / pixabay.com)

On the territory of the Kremlin there are squares, palaces, temples, the Armory and Faceted Chambers, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. A ticket to Cathedral Square costs 350 rubles. People are allowed into the Armory at 10, 12, 14:30 and 16:30. The ticket office is open in the Alexander Garden from 09:30 to 16:30. A ticket costs 700 rubles, children under 16 years old are free.

How to get there? The most convenient way to get there is by metro, bypassing traffic jams and other delights of land travel. You can get to Red Square if you get off at the Okhotny Ryad or Lenin Library stations (on the red line).

On the left is the Nikolskaya Tower of the Kremlin, in the center is the State Historical Museum, on the right are the walls of GUM (Photo © wikimedia.ru / Sergey Lemtal)

Among the interesting places in Moscow that are worth visiting, temples and shrines occupy an important place. One of the most famous is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which was built over 44 years and was erected in memory of Russian soldiers who died in the Patriotic War of 1812. During Stalin's times he was subjected to complete destruction, and only in the 90s of the last century was restored.

Near the temple there is one of the most beautiful bridges in the capital - the Patriarchal Bridge, which offers wonderful views of the city and the Moscow River. The Kremlin towers and the monument to Peter I are clearly visible, and on the other side of the river stands the building of the famous Red October confectionery factory.

How to get there? You can take the metro to the Kropotkinskaya station, then go to Volkhonka Street. Or take a walk through the Alexander Garden from Red Square along Mokhovaya Street.

The temple is the largest cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, its height is 105 meters. 1.5 meters higher than Isaakievsky (St. Petersburg). (Photo © Bluesnap / pixabay.com)


Once upon a time, Arbat was a street of aristocrats: such famous families as the Sheremetevs, Kropotkins, Tolstoys, and Golitsyns lived here. Later, Arbat became a haven for the Moscow intelligentsia; Konstantin Balmont, Marina Tsvetaeva, Sergei Aksakov, Bulat Okudzhava and other celebrities lived here.

Today it is a popular pedestrian street where you can buy souvenirs, sit in a cafe or order your own portrait. Among the interesting places in Moscow for young people, the wall of house No. 37 - the wall of Tsoi, the lead singer of the legendary rock band "Kino" - is considered truly iconic.

How to get there? You can walk to Arbat from the Arbatskaya or Smolenskaya metro stations or walk from Red Square.

Morning Arbat. Following the example of a capital street, pedestrian streets other Russian cities also began to be called “Arbats”. (Photo © Ssppeeeeeddyy / flickr.com)

All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh)

Another interesting place for tourists in Moscow is the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The original significance of the exhibition center has been slightly lost; part of the pavilions of the former VDNKh has been given over to trade. Residents of the capital and tourists come here to admire the sights and just relax.

The main attraction of the All-Russian Exhibition Center is the famous “Friendship of Peoples” fountain, surrounded by sculptures of women in national costumes of the former Soviet republics. Another fountain - "Stone Flower" - was the first light and music fountain in the USSR. The sculptural composition is based on Bazhov’s fairy tales; the flower petals are decorated with malachite.

16 sculptures symbolize the 16 former Soviet republics. From left to right: Lithuanian SSR, Georgian SSR, Uzbek SSR. (Photo © eAKuptsova / pixabay.com)
Fountain "Stone Flower", in the distance - the Central Pavilion, VDNKh (Photo © Valeri Pizhanski / flickr.com)

Not far from the main entrance of the All-Russian Exhibition Center stands the most recognizable monument of the post-Soviet space - the sculptural composition "Worker and Collective Farm Woman". At the exit of the metro station there is a rocket pointing upward, and the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is located nearby. Pavilion No. 1 houses the famous museum of the popularly loved show “Field of Miracles”.

The large territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center is interesting place in Moscow for walks, adults rollerblading and cycling, children have fun on trains and ATVs. But the best attraction of the center is the 73-meter Ferris wheel.

How to get there? You can get to the place by metro, VDNH station.

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The monument was intended for international exhibition in Paris 1937, after the event the sculpture was installed in Moscow on a pedestal near the Northern entrance of VDNH (Photo © wikimedia.ru / Nikolai Bakhmarov)

Sparrow Hills

A very popular observation deck in the capital, located on the high bank of the Moscow River and overlooking Moscow State University. This is the place where a tourist should definitely go to admire Moscow from above. In Soviet times, this area was called Lenin's mountains. The site offers views of Ostankino Tower, Stalin's skyscrapers, the White House and Moscow City. In the distance you can see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

How to get there? You can take the metro to the Vorobyovy Gory station, and from there climb the slope to the site. Or get off at the Universitet metro station, then walk through the Moscow State University park.

If you prefer to stay away from a noisy metropolis, then we advise you to read ours. In it you will find an overview of the most optimal price and quality options for houses, cottages and recreation centers in the Moscow region.

10 most beautiful stations Moscow metro


Until the mid-18th century, Ostozhenka was an ordinary Moscow outskirts. Once upon a time, here, in the floodplain of the Moscow River, trade routes passed through meadows with haystacks. Later, the royal stable yard was built, then the first residential buildings began to appear nearby. Prosperous people were built closer to Prechistenka, poorer houses and warehouses were located between Ostozhenka and the Moskva River.

Now Ostozhenka is an old Moscow street with preserved mansions, where it is interesting to stroll. The most colorful houses are yellow buildings with triangular porticoes in the Empire style. Notable are the Vsevolozhsky mansion, the Turgenev house, the apartment buildings of Gryaznov and Kekusheva, the Abrikosov mansion and others. Some are inclined to consider the Kekusheva mansion the home of Margarita, the main character of Bulgakov’s famous novel “The Master and Margarita”.

How to get there? You can get to the place by metro to the Kropotkinskaya or Park Kultury stations.

Luzhkov Bridge

This pedestrian bridge(official name - Tretyakovsky) was built in the 90s. An elegant structure that connected Bolotnaya Square and Kadashevskaya Embankment. In 2007, a Tree of Love was erected here for all lovers so that they could attach their locks. After the first tree buried in castles, dozens of new ones appeared.

Luzhkov Bridge (Tretyakov Bridge) at night (Photo © Evgeny / pixabay.com)

Nowadays, a tradition has already developed - newlyweds come to the bridge, hang up the lock and throw the key into the river. A semicircular Bench of Reconciliation was placed next to the bridge; its design is such that it is impossible for two people to sit on it without clinging to each other. The bridge quickly became popular, and is popularly called the Bridge of Kisses.

How to get there? The bridge is located on Kadashevskaya embankment, you can get to the place by metro to the Tretyakovskaya station.

Tree of Love on Luzhkov Bridge (Photo © Adam Baker / flickr.com)


This is one of the most beautiful estates in the capital with ponds, a greenhouse complex and a light and music fountain. At one time there were estates of the boyars Godunovs, Streshnevs, Golitsyns, and the Moldavian prince Cantemir. Modern look The estate was acquired after Empress Catherine the Great entrusted the construction to the architect Bazhenov.

They say that the queen was dissatisfied with the result, and no one ever lived in the estate. By order of Nicholas I, a hospital for peasants was opened in the Bread House, and in the Soviet years, until the 70s, it had communal apartments. After complete restoration in 2006, the palace and park complex received the status of a museum-reserve.

Entrance to the park is free, but admission to the palace, greenhouses and Bread House requires tickets. A full ticket costs 250-350 rubles, preferential categories - 100 rubles. In summer, the park is open daily from 6 a.m. to midnight; the palace is closed on Mondays.

How to get there? You can take the metro to the Tsaritsyno station.

Grand Palace in Tsaritsyno (Photo © katerinasipaeva / flickr.com)

Moscow Zoo

Perhaps one of the most interesting vacation spots for children in Moscow. However, adults will also like it there. Dolphinarium, esotarium, pink flamingos, wild cats of all varieties, ponds with giant fish, the public's favorite giraffe, and other representatives of wild fauna. There are about 1100 species in total. For kids there is a small area with attractions and a pony club.

How to get there? The zoo is located on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya. You can take the metro to the Barrikadnaya or Krasnopresnenskaya stations. Children and representatives of preferential categories have free admission, adults - 400-500 rubles.

Lowland gorilla at the Moscow Zoo (Photo © moscowzoo.ru)