The most amazing countries in the world. The most amazing places on the planet. Hot springs in Iceland

Urban sculpture on the coast:

Hallgrimskirkja City Cathedral:

There is something so majestic about India, a quality not found anywhere else on the globe. To begin with, the atmosphere is serene and full of harmony, even when giant elephants and kamals share the road with cars and bicycles. The cultural value of India is endless, it is boundless as it takes your breath away with its colorful clothing, sacred music and its art of dance as not only a means of entertainment but also a means of communicating with something greater than yourself. The earth was also created to radiate calm and picturesque world.

Evening Reykjavik:

According to a 2007 UN study, Iceland is recognized the best country in the world for living. The country's leading position was ensured by a record average life expectancy (more than 81 years) and a very high GDP per capita. There are practically no poor people in the country, and class stratification is very weak. Plus, Iceland is the cleanest country in Europe, because the state is heated from geothermal sources, which do not pollute the environment (any hot water - in heating pipes, taps, swimming pools, etc. - is of natural origin and slightly radiates sulfur).
The population of Iceland is small - 317 thousand people live in the country, with 65% of the total population living in the capital and its suburbs.
Life here flows smoothly, the population is mainly employed in the service sector, and fishing is also thriving.

India is its best history and its culture is its best. Spain should be in the top 20 European countries, this list was made dumb by American. 3rd most visited country in the world. Australia has a very warm climate and is very dry. Official language The country is English. Australia has lush and beautiful rainforests and wonderful beaches. It has snowy peaks and cold temperatures to make dry and savory desserts. wild nature Australia is unique and you won't find most marsupials anywhere else in the world.

The culture in Australia is wonderful and the locals are very friendly. The cities in Australia are simply amazing. Dinner and night life are fantastic, and there are tons of cultural activities of every type imaginable. In Australia you will find a variety of nature and culture.

Tourists come to Iceland for a quiet and comfortable holiday in harmony with nature: hiking in National Parks and in areas of volcanoes and glaciers, watching bird colonies and whales, horseback riding in vast flat areas. Patriots of Iceland made an unusual video about their country, the main goal of which was to increase the flow of tourists. The music theme of the video was the song “Jungle Drum” by the famous Icelandic singer Emiliana Torrini:

Everything is great in Australia. The wildlife is amazing: koalas, kangaroos, beautiful birds and the most beautiful coastline with pristine beaches and great surfing. There is a great shopping for a good cultural scene. The people are very friendly and will take the time to show you around. It's a fun place and visually stunning.

Wildlife, different landscapes and friendly people, whether you want beaches, desserts, rainforests or cities, head to Australia because you can find them all and much more. To add, Australians are very friendly. It is the most populous country in the world with a population of over 388 billion people.

Volcanoes of Iceland

Iceland is famous for its volcanoes: the world-famous Hekla volcano and hundreds of other volcanoes are located here, because this region is located at the junction of moving lithospheric plates. Moreover, Iceland is the largest volcanic island in the world. In 2010, the famous Eyjafjallajökull volcano awakened here, covering Europe with clouds of volcanic ash, which caused air traffic to be blocked for some time.

Other big cities- Hong Kong and Shanghai. With history and natural beauty. Friendly people and amazing food. China has many landscapes. You can ski and enjoy the frozen world in northern China because it is very cold there. Likewise, you can swim in the sea and enjoy interesting vacation in southern China because it is in the subtropical zone.

Some parts are absolutely amazing and some are crap ugly. The scenery is so beautiful and the cities are so unique. Stunning landscapes, people, their culture and cuisine. The people living there should feel so privileged, but they don't, because they dream of sunny islands, which can become so boring after a while. Everything is perfect, so is the weather! Germany is a country where anyone would want to live!

Hekla Volcano has erupted more than 20 times and is considered the most active volcano in Iceland:

Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano:

This is a very underrated country. There are so many beautiful lakes like Lake Constance, Königssee and Chiemsee. Also the Bavarian Alps are beautiful. Norway offers everything from lush and green hills to large, beautiful mountains. Norway has the 2nd longest coastline in the world and has the most amazing fjords. Norway has beautiful landscapes. Surrounded by fjords and mountains.

It is known as the most peaceful country on earth. The country is beautifully located and has rich beaches and people. The scenery, the ice and the ring road were beautiful and fun. Don't forget your airline, which is cheap and accommodating. No wonder Iceland was so expensive! Reykjavik, of course, and much more!

This is the most beautiful country, which you can visit! All the cultures, all the history, beaches and hot brunettes! most visited country in Eastern Europe. Who can deny that it's wild beaches, deep lake and rock walls are not the most beautiful? In Scotland there is a pleasant mixture of kindness, enthusiasm and a pretentious lack of surprise in the wake of this result. People say they know their country is the most beautiful. The good feeling may be exaggerated by the fact that England finished seventh.

You can see for yourself whether this country deserves such a designation or not. Best beach in Scotland, full white sand, situated on west coast Mulla. Calgary Bay, whose name comes from Gaelic and means meadow beach, is surrounded by low hills, partly wooded. There are rocky ridges everywhere - home to many diverse bird populations and eerie ruins of stone forts and deserted villages. Wonderful local blue water, but it's very cool. If the cold water is not afraid, you can swim calmly.

Lakes of Iceland

The lakes of Iceland are notable for the fact that many of them do not freeze all winter due to the abundance of warm springs at the bottom.

Such places are usually inhabited by numerous colonies of birds. In the north of Iceland is Lake Mývatn, famous for the abundance of trout in its waters and wild ducks on its shores. The lake in translation is called “mosquito lake” because of the huge number of midges above it, which, however, do not cause any harm to humans. There are more than 50 islands in the lake:

While this may be too much for some, you won't regret it. Loch Coruisk is an inland freshwater lake. This is considered the home of the water horse. The lake can be reached by boat from Elgol or on foot from Sligachan. It is also possible to come from Elgol, but one part of the journey is quite difficult.

The lake is almost two kilometers long, but about 400 meters wide. It is one of the most amazing of all Scottish freshwater lakes. While it's very likely that you'll get there quite demanding and perhaps not completely dry, it's just a small price you pay for this magnificence and views of the mountain scenery. Lough Coruisk, in the heart of the Cuillin, is the most amazing of all Scottish freshwater lakes.

Unusual-looking lakes form in many craters of extinct volcanoes:

The Loch Coruisk Memorial Hut is located in Loch Coruisk, approximately 100 meters from the Loch Cuils Stairs. This place was to be a continuation of a lifelong love of the lake. Its owner now takes the boat from Elgol to Lough Cowisk for many tourists who want to explore the area even for the water.

Glasgow is the third largest city in the UK. Situated on the River Clyde in the western part of the Central Plains. The city grew from a small rural settlement and became the largest seaport in Britain. Following the expansion of the medieval bishopric and kingdom and the subsequent founding of the university in the fifteenth century, it became a major center of Scottish enlightenment in the eighteenth century. The city is located approximately 60 km west of the Scottish capital Edinburgh. It is very popular among tourists, and after London and Edinburgh the third most visited.

Hot springs in Iceland

The hallmark of Iceland is its hot springs. Ancient name one of them - Geyser - spread throughout the world and became a household name. 100 km east of Reykjavik at the foot of the Langjökull glacier lies the unique valley of Haukadalur geysers, where this famous Great Geyser is located:

Traveling around Scotland is often the goal of many tourists. The city itself offers many places that attract tourists from all over the world. The beautiful sunrise over the river is also beautiful. The city has practically become a multicultural center where you can find many types of theatres, cinemas and specialty cafes. Great bands from all over the world fly to Glasgow to play here. There is also chinese city or several mosques. There are also a number of museums and galleries worth visiting, such as the Museum of Modern Art, Kelvingrove, the Museum of Religion, the Museum of Transport and much more.

Within 10 minutes, the Geyser throws a stream of water 40-60 meters high into the sky three times in a row.

Big Geyser before releasing water:

One of Scotland's secret treasures, an industrial monument with stunning views. It is surrounded by cliffs on three sides and forms one of the most spectacular marinas you will find in Scotland. They had to climb 330 stone stairs that were created on a steep cliff in Ulbster.

It is almost impossible to photograph this magical place. Locals they say there are only 365 steps, although the Royal Commission on Historical and historical monuments supports 330 stairs. The landscape passes between mountains and lakes. They are main feature landscapes and are very popular for both climbers and walkers. It's worth seeing the scenery at night, when the only light is the bright eyes of the deer flanking the road.

Geyser Shot:

Getting too close to hot springs is dangerous - you can get burned, because... the temperature in them reaches 200 degrees.

Another large geyser- Strokkur:

All tourists must visit one of the most famous geothermal resorts in the world." Blue Lagoon":

Due to the fact that the temperature of the island's interior is very high, Iceland has the largest number of hot springs in the world. In total, 250 groups of thermal springs are open in Iceland, including 7,000 hot springs.

Iceland waterfalls:

Iceland has many waterfalls. Here is the most powerful waterfall in all of Europe, Dettifoss, which is fed by huge glaciers in the middle of Iceland:

The Gullfoss waterfall (translated as Golden Waterfall) is considered the most beautiful of all:

On the Botsna River is the most high waterfall in Europe - Glumur (198 m):

IN national park Skaftafell is home to the unusual Svartifoss waterfall. It is surrounded by dark lava, which has frozen in the form of crystals:

One of the most famous waterfalls in the country, Seljalandfoss (in the south of Iceland) is famous for its beauty. It falls from a height of about 60 meters above the cliffs of the former coastline:

And also on south coast Skogafoss waterfall is very popular in Iceland:

From small beautiful waterfalls You can note Godafoss (translated as Waterfall of the Gods):

This is a list of the most original countries that are specific because of their natural beauties, some because of their demographic characteristics, and some because tourist features. Only sovereign states were taken into account. By the way, on the website of the travel agency "Lena-Tour" information on tours is updated daily. Tours are offered all over the world. The website contains a fresh selection of tours, information about countries, and online tour selection. With Lena-Tour companies you can go to any of the 9 countries listed below.

1. Country with 3 million lakes - Canada

Canada contains more than 60 percent of the world's lakes, so many that their exact number is unknown. In some regions, for every 100 sq. km there are more than 30 lakes.

2. A country with more than 17,500 islands - Indonesia

Indonesia consists of more than 17,500 islands with a full coastline at 81350 km. Approximately 6,000 of the islands are inhabited. The most large islands– Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Bali, Lombok and Flores. Indonesia contains 10-15 percent of the world's coral reefs.

3. Desert Country - Libya

Libya is the country with the highest percentage of desert (99%). The Libyan Desert, which covers most of Libya, is one of the driest places on Earth. In some places, decades can go by without rain, and even in the highlands, precipitation is rare, once every 5-10 years.

4. The country with the smallest population density is Mongolia

The country with the lowest population density in the world is Mongolia, with a population density of about 4.4 people per square mile (1.7 people/sq km). In Mongolia, 2.5 million people occupy more than 600,000 square miles of land (about 1,560,000 sq km). Most of This population lives in urban areas, as development of grazing land in Mongolia's vast deserts is difficult, particularly due to drought and dust storms, leaving some parts of the country almost as desolate as they were in the time of Genghis Khan.

5. Country in the jungle - Suriname

The forest area is 14.8 million hectares (57,000 sq mi), representing 91% of Suriname's total land area (16.3 million hectares or 63,000 sq mi). Suriname's vast forest and low population, around 400,000 in the capital and coastal towns, give it one of the lowest deforestation rates in the world. Only 5 percent of the population lives in tropical forests, are indigenous peoples and six tribes of blacks - descendants of fugitive slaves who recreated forest communities centuries ago and today retain their traditional West African style.

The country with the highest decline in fertility is Ukraine, with a natural population decline of 0.8% each year. Ukraine is expected to lose 28% of its population between now and 2050 (from 46.8 million currently to 33.4 million in 2050).

7. Country Below Sea Level – The Netherlands

Half of the Netherlands' territory is below sea level. More than 60 percent of the country's population of 15.8 million people live below sea level. Only in the south of the Netherlands does the terrain rise to 30 meters or more.

This is one of the smallest countries in the world. Tuvalu lies halfway between Australia and Hawaii and is predicted to be the first country to disappear underwater when global warming raises sea levels high enough. It is also very difficult to get to and very expensive flights from Fiji. A total of 1,100 tourists visit Tuvalu per year.

9. Country-continent – ​​Australia

Australia is the only country in the world that spans an entire continent; every other continent has more than one country. This is the only country that is a continent, and the continent that is a country. It is the sixth largest country in the world, with with total area At 7,686,850 sq km (2,967,909 sq mi), it is slightly smaller than the 48 US states and 31.5 times larger than the United Kingdom.