Mountain Chechnya. Itum-Kalinsky district (47 photos). Mountains of the Chechen Republic The highest mountains of Chechnya

Meshes- a small tower village on the southern slope of Mount Kharsakort. This is the westernmost settlement of the Malkhistinsky Gorge and the entire high-mountainous Chechnya: the border with Ingushetia runs along the northwestern ridge, and with Georgia along the southern ridge. An approximate estimate of the age of the buildings is XIV–XVIII centuries.

The mesh consists of two complexes. A five-story battle tower with a pyramidal roof, and a large four-story semi-battle tower with a surrounding stone extension were masterfully built on a steep slope from rough sandstone with lime mortar. Inside the battle tower there are still remains of wooden floors. A small cellar was built at the bottom of the tower. At the floor level of the upper floor, on four sides there were battle machicolations, which are now partially destroyed. The semi-combat tower and its annex partially collapsed.

On the opposite eastern slope, across the stream, there is a second residential complex. It is erected on a rocky ledge made of poorly processed slate slabs with clay mortar. It has a trapezoidal plan, slightly tapering from the main to the rear façade. Inside the four-story tower, a rock outcropping occupied part of the space on the first and second floors. The ground floor is solid, the second has windows and an entrance from the southeast. The ceilings of the first floors rested on the projections of the walls, pilasters leaning against them and on two supporting pillars that stood inside the tower. The third floor is residential, high, with large windows, traces of clay coating on the walls and an entrance from the southeast. Its ceiling rested on the projections of the side walls, corner ligaments and longitudinal wooden beams. The fourth floor looked like a semi-open veranda with four wide rectangular openings - embrasures, open towards the valley of the Meshi-khi River, and a flat roof.

In the lowland, on the left bank of the stream flowing into the Meshi-khi River, two tower-shaped crypts with a pyramidal-step roof have been preserved. The first one is single-tiered, with an eastern façade wall. The second, two-tiered, is made of well-cut stones, with white walls, because... lime mortar was used liberally. The entrance to the first tier is from the eastern side, and to the second - from the western side. The thickness of the masonry is about half a meter.

The tower settlement of Meshi has original architecture and is of great interest as an example of a monumental complex of the Middle Ages, combining residential and defensive functions.

Type:Tower village
Construction start date:14th century
Coordinates:42.75105, 45.17737 google, yandex, osm
Height above sea level:1700 m
Compound:3 towers (1 combat, 1 semi-combat, 1 residential)
2 crypt burial grounds
Difficulties with visiting:serious, you need a pass to the border area
Recommendation for visiting:Yes
Best time to visit:spring-autumn
Nearby are:Terta 1.5 km, Ital-chu 3.2 km, Ikal-chu 3.5 km, Benesti 3.8 km, Sakhana 4.7 km, Korotakh 7.9 km, Tsoi-Pede 8.2 km

K.F.Gan. Travel to the country of Pshavs, Khevsurs, Kists and Ingush (1897)

"Caucasian Bulletin", No. 6 for 1900

During the trip, I had to get to know two Chechen tribes a little better, namely the Kists and the Ingush. According to the latest census, there are 6,150 kists in the entire Caucasus, of which approximately half, about 3,000 souls, live in the valleys of the river. Meshe and its tributaries Vega-chu, Tursala and Umu-hi. There are 14 villages and 230 households. The largest villages are Tereti and Muzo (on the map of Mashie). River valley Meshe bears little fruit and, due to the harsh climate, the inhabitants are forced to engage almost exclusively in cattle breeding. They are very poor and often poverty forced them to rob neighboring Khevsurs, and many paid with their lives...

The brushes are tall, slender and of strong build, their face is beautiful, oval in shape, and their nose is aquiline. In their movements they show great dexterity and grace, they are very understanding and have a great desire to learn. Two Kistinas traveled with us, of which one policeman, named Tsotesh, from Muzo, is considered the richest man. He has up to 500 rams, 20 cows and 8 bulls and, in addition, several thousand rubles in cash. His wealth is also expressed in excellent weapons. He very kindly received us at his place and tried to treat us as best as possible, and, indeed, we found a wonderful shelter with him. Although he has a vast, well-preserved castle, with high walls and a high tower, he does not call himself a prince. The Chechens do not have such people at all. “We are all Uzdeni,” they say, “we are free, like a Borsenna (wolf) and the only difference between us is greater or lesser poverty.” At a time when they still had slaves from among the prisoners of war, these, having served faithfully for some time, could marry the daughter of their master and then became free and equal in rights with others.

Tsotesh's house itself, located above a deep ravine, is a huge quadrangular tower of three floors with some extensions. It was built from huge blocks of slate with dry masonry. Having passed a large paved courtyard surrounded by a high wall, we entered the lower floor through a low door; This is a dark room without light where livestock are kept. Climbing a narrow stone staircase in the dark, we soon found ourselves on the second floor, where the women live. Although these rooms are kept cleaner than those of the Khevsurs, they are also quite dark and the ceilings are heavily smoky with smoke. Large copper and tin basins hang or stand on the walls, and large chests with rich carvings are placed right there. The floor is earthen; the room is poorly lit by a few small holes in the wall. A poor ladder leads to the upper floor, to the owner's dwelling, where the marriage bed is located. Here the walls are hung with all sorts of weapons and festive clothes of the owner and his wives. In front of the room, the flat roof forms something like an altan, bordered by a low wall. From this high balcony there is a wonderful view of the valley, the village and the proud castle of the ancestors of Tsotesh, at the foot of which flow two mountain streams, Vegi-chu and Tursal, and there, in the distance at the sources of Vegi-chu, the snowy peaks of Vegi-lam (“ Lam" are called mountains covered with eternal snow; "kort" - snowless peaks (gruz, "tavi" or Tatar "bash" - head) "Ars" is the name of mountains covered with forest. eternal snow and ice, voluntarily agreed to endure all suffering in this life in order to enjoy eternal bliss in that life. For, according to the belief of the Chechens, all living and lifeless creatures must suffer for their sins after death.) with some minor glaciers; Closer to us, to the right, rises the city of Hassa Court (11277′), on the top of which there seems to be no more snow. We are located at an altitude of at least 6000′ feet with beautiful alpine terrain.

As almost everywhere in Chechnya, so at Tsotesh, next to his house, a small outbuilding of two rooms for guests was built, this is the so-called “kunatskaya”. We took shelter in this kunatskaya. The walls of this house are made of adobe, both outside and inside are cleanly whitewashed. The front room has a bed, a table and several chairs; the room is heated by a fireplace. A wide shelf is attached along the wall, on which mattresses and blankets lie, and under them hang turkish skins, which are spread on the floor to make beds on. On the occasion of our arrival, they slaughtered a young sheep and baked something like cheesecakes. In general, we were given a very kind welcome and the next day the owner, his son and several of his relatives accompanied us a long distance.

The clothing of the Chechens differs from the clothing of the Khevsurs, who wear exclusively black or red short Circassian coats, mainly in that their Circassian coats are made of yellowish, gray and brown cloth and are much longer. Moreover, they wear a calico beshmet, cloth trousers, light chaps and a sheepskin hat. For walks in the mountains, they wear stronger shoes made of buffalo leather. Shoes are also often found, the sole of which is made up of a rope net on which soft grass is placed. These shoes are attached to the joints with thin straps. Women wear red skirts and trousers of the same color and go barefoot; faces are not covered.

The Kistins are separated from the Ingush by a high mountain range, rising in many places to the area of ​​eternal snow. But through alpine meadows with very scanty grass we ascend in great zigzags to a pass whose height is slightly less than 10,000 feet. Dear Tsotesh showed us his baranta, which was located in a high pasture. We were struck by a huge number of rams with four horns, the like of which I had never seen before. At the pass itself we bent over small snow fields; one of them had a bright blood-red surface. This red color, like the so-called rain of blood, comes from a mass of small red organisms. I could not notice any flowers from whose flower dust such a color could have come from the snow. In general, the vegetation up here is remarkably sparse; here I found only a few low representatives of herbs and Alcine and Draba growing close to the eternal snow; but as you descend, the flora becomes little by little richer. Here, for the first time in the Caucasus, I saw a beautiful flower, Dryas octopetala, at a fairly considerable height, and below, in a birch grove, Pirola secunda. At the very bottom, in the valley, the black berries of the plant Vaccinium myrtillus (blueberries) had already ripened, which we found especially tasty. Crossing the pass was quite difficult for us, especially the hour and a half descent on slippery grass and smooth slate took its toll on our legs, so that we needed quite a long rest, and a long time passed before we mounted our horses again.

Probably, this post will be especially useful for those who have a desire to travel to Chechnya further than Grozny forged no worse than a blade made of Atagin steel.)

In the previous chapters of this mountain guide, all attention was paid to mountain villages, and not to the City, which we consider only as a geographical landmark and transport hub. Now everything will be exactly the same, only the villages will become smaller, the mountains will be steeper, and the roads will be at and more dangerous.

All this is about the Sharoisky district - the southernmost, most remote from the center, the highest, most inaccessible and most multi-towered of all fifteen districts of Chechnya. This is the edge of the earth on a local scale, undeservedly deprived of the attention of travelers.

In addition, this area is the most sparsely populated in a republic of more than a million people; the permanent population here numbers less than three thousand people, that is, 0.02%. Among other things, this is the only region of the Chechen Republic in which Chechens are in the minority - there are only 1.2 thousand of them (the rest are Avars living in the village of Kenkhi and smaller neighboring villages).

Half of the region (if not more) belongs to the border zone. To the south, just beyond the Tusheti ridge, Georgia begins.

Road. Departing to Sharoy from Grozny, we pass the large village of Starye Atagi and reach the regional center of Shatoy (about 55 km from the city). In Shatoi, at the bus station, the paths will diverge: the straight line will go to the village of Itum-Kale, and the one on the left will go to the villages of Aslanbek-Sheripovo, Khal-Kiloy, Sharo-Argun and Dai, Shatoi district.


The first road - the one that goes through Itum-Kale (photo 3) and turns left there - will lead to Sharoy through (photo 4) the two-thousand-meter passes Chantybarz and Dzheinjare. This is a longer route - about 105 kilometers from Grozny, about thirty from Itum-Kale.



The second road, the so-called lower one (photo 5-8), goes through the village of Dai along the Sharo-Argun River. It is shorter, but also more difficult - it happens that in winter and spring it is closed due to icing and rockfalls.





There is very little public transport in the Sharoi direction - only buses and minibuses to Shatoi and Khal-Kiloy. They depart from the Grozny Minutka bus station.


The skyscrapers of Grozny City in the background seem to hint that Minutka is located far from the center.

By car from Grozny to Khimoy (the administrative center of the Sharoi district) it takes about 2.5 hours.

Himoi(Chechen Khiima, according to the 2010 census, population is about 300 people) - one of two villages in the region, along with Kenkhi, that are not included in the border zone.


In the central, historical part of Himoy there is a carefully restored mosque, built in the 19th century from a residential tower; as well as a remake battle tower (2011), which you can climb, modern cottages and the ruins of a huge number of ancient towers, among which representatives of the local fauna graze.




The “Petroglyph” above the loophole of the Khimoi tower-new building tells descendants the name of the head of the Sharoi district Musalov R.D.)



Above the window opening of a well-preserved residential tower - the one that the Khimo residents did not dismantle into stone, like others, but were taken over for a local history museum - a left-sided swastika, carved on the stone by the hand of an ancient architect, is clearly visible. Among the Vainakhs, the swastika was a symbol of eternal life and a universal amulet, and its curved ends symbolize the movement of the Sun across the sky.


Overnight. There have never been any hotels in the area, but the hospitable people of Sharoy will not leave you on the street. You can spend the night in the house of one of the villagers (most likely, they will invite you themselves) or in one of two local high-rise buildings - a two-story dormitory for employees of the district administration. The red-brick hostel building is located in the newly built “administrative quarter” next to the same new buildings that house the district administration, hospital and other government agencies.


Beyond Khimoy, on the road to Sharoy, you come across a curious object, which has become known as "dinosaur eggs".




Photo welran

Journalists reported this discovery in April 2012. Then members of the “Chechnya - Center of Tourism” expedition went to the Sharoi region to study waterfalls and caves, and discovered about 40 spherical stones sticking out of the rock, the diameter of which varied from 20 centimeters to a meter. Based on the results of the expedition, Magomed Alkhazurov, a participant from the Geography Department of ChSU, suggested that these were eggs of herbivorous dinosaurs, laid about 60 million years ago.

In an effort to prove the “egg” hypothesis and attract tourists to the republic, experts from Chechnya tried to explain why large eggs could be next to smaller ones. According to Chechen scientists, small dinosaurs stayed close to large ones to protect themselves from attacks by predators.

However, the staff of the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences remained adamant: in the Caucasus there are no geological layers dating back to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, when dinosaurs existed. According to Moscow paleontologists, the finds in the Sharoi region are not of biological, but of geological origin. Simply put, these are not eggs, but just stones, albeit of an unusual shape.

The head of the Paleontological Museum of the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Karhu, explained how to distinguish fossilized dinosaur eggs from just stones: “It’s enough to take a magnifying glass and examine the surface. The shell of an egg has pores because the egg must breathe. Pores are also preserved in fossil eggs. If they are not there, and the surface is smooth and uniform, then it is almost certainly a geological object.”


Sharoy(Czech Shara). On a hill in the center of the village, next to an ancient mosque and picturesque ruins with an abundance of petroglyphs, there are two large and beautiful battle towers (in the title photo). Modernity lives side by side with them:


One of them, with a flat roof, was completely rebuilt after it was destroyed by bombing in 1995.


The second tower, which suffered much less damage during the last two wars, can be climbed using restored wooden stairs. From the top floor you will have a clear view of the mosque, the entire village, the road to Itum-Kale and Khimoi, a cemetery with a local ziyarat, the Sharo-Argun river, as well as a large military town and the surrounding mountains.



Solar signs on the wall of the old battle tower in Sharoy. In the 24th photo it is noticeable that during its restoration, Chechen architects of the 21st century did not spare cement.



Photo welran . In the background on the left is a military base, which is generally not allowed to be photographed.

There is a private store in the village, and there is one of the same in Khimoya and Kenkhi. There is no gas yet either in Sharoy itself or in other villages in the region. Electricity was installed in Sharoy only in the summer of 2006; before, the village did not have it either under Soviet rule, or during “independent Ichkeria,” or after the “restoration of constitutional order.” During the Soviet years, electricity supply was organized only in Gyeonghi, whose residents achieved this in 1987 by sending a petition to the Lenin Mausoleum.

Village Kyunghee looks like that , how any ancient Avar village “must” look - narrow streets and “honeycomb” houses on steep slopes.

The Kenkhin people process and sell the stone with which their valley is strewn as building material. These are flat and narrow stone blocks designed specifically for construction. Towers were made from such stone in the past. Now it is used to erect decorative towers, with which the Chechen authorities decorate the main roads. Residents of Kenkha, known as good masons, go to work in other regions of Chechnya and beyond.

The road to Kenkhi from the “mainland” (i.e. from Grozny and Shatoy) leads only through the Kirinsky Bridge and the post of the same name. Along the same road from the Kirinsky bridge-post, only closer, - the village Kiri(emphasis on the last syllable). According to employees of the Sharoi district administration, Scythian (? - Author) burials were discovered above the village, next to the old Chechen cemetery.

Hulanda. Not a village - two houses, one “street” and two families. The end of local-scale geography and, moreover, the border zone. It seems to be the southernmost permanently inhabited village in the republic at the junction of Chechnya, Georgia and Dagestan. Some of the most difficult to reach towers in the area.

From Khulandoy there is an unpaved road to the village of Sharoy (8-9 km), traffic on it is very rare. According to unverified data (April 2012), border guards are building a grader road to Khulandoy from the village of Veduchi in the neighboring Itum-Kalinsky district (directly - about 15 km). Construction was supposed to be completed by July 2012.

To cement the tradition

Although the mountains occupy only 1/3 of the territory of the republic, all the most beautiful things are located there and, accordingly, the concentration of natural beauties is the greatest there. Among nature there are also man-made beauties and miracles. If you came to Chechnya and didn’t go to the mountains, consider that you never came! 🙂
We spent almost the entire day out of 3 in the mountains, of course I would have spent all 3 there, but the plan was only one. They promised to take us there to the famous Argun Gorge. What it’s famous for, I didn’t really know, before it was only heard from the news and other things. The news was not always pleasant, but what happened, I hope it passed. Now this gorge is simply a natural monument, and the towers along its banks and mountains, in my opinion, are some of the most interesting architectural structures, in my opinion, even Grozny City is inferior to them, they look so organic here and it’s not even clear what it would be like without them . 🙂
Believe me, I selected the photos quite carefully and specially selected almost all without people, mountains without people always felt good, and in the mountains without people it was safe!

In the morning, we boarded 2 Shnivas and one Ford with the most important representatives of the Beeline company in Grozny and moved south.


Despite the fact that the roads in the republic are in decent condition, we managed to find something very suitable for the Niva, but not very pleasant for the Ford Focus. 🙂


The mountains here are not only for beauty, but also for work. There’s a cement plant quarry on the mountain, they’re crushing it and pouring it down a pipe, creating dust.


The further we go, the higher the mountains, but the highest ones are not yet visible, although there are peaks here over 4000 m high, but we most likely will not reach them, they promised to take us to the village of Veduchi, in any case, I sincerely believed in this and how I really wanted to see where a super-duper ski resort would be built there.


The end of the “Zone” zone, but not the end of the coverage area of ​​the Beeline mobile network. Surprisingly, in many places Beeline worked better than Megafon guarding this area, probably all because they are now very actively increasing their presence here, installing BS-ki and promoting 4G Internet.


Who can be surprised by a spring along the road? But its design is quite possible for those who understand.


We are driving into Shatoi, here we will need to do a little shopping at the market. Shatoy is also a well-known name; it is a regional center in a valley between two gorges through which the river flows. Argun.


After Shatoy, the gorge narrows and the asphalt disappears, not forever of course, but it’s better to close the windows and turn on the air conditioning. Despite the fact that we are in the mountains, it’s already warm here - spring is smoothly turning into summer :)


I apologize for any artifacts in the photo, I took it through glass, but in my opinion the photo fully reflects the places where we were traveling.


We couldn’t resist - we stopped. 🙂


The gorge is quite narrow, the river is somewhere down there!


Proper transport does not drive, but flies.


Very nice mountains. It’s good that we got there before everything turned green, so the relief can be seen much better.


It’s getting really narrow, which means something interesting is close :)


Yeah, here are the famous Ushkaloy towers - twins.


These two battle towers reliably blocked the passage here before they cut a wide road. It was impossible to enter or leave without permission :)


Now it’s as easy as pie to get to the towers over the bridge.


And hide between them in their shadow.


Suddenly the roar of engines, a column of dust. Equipment is coming: armored personnel carriers and fuel tankers. They most likely go to the outpost, which is located upstream. The Argun Gorge leads directly to the border with Georgia, and we have it locked!


The soldiers distracted us from the towers, but not for long. Want to see what's inside?


I climbed into the “window” and became convinced that nothing was wrong, these were practically replicas of the chimney towers, no one had spared them before, and when they were captured they were most likely destroyed so that the mountaineers could not use them again.


View from the lower window of the tower. Mountains with snow are already visible. 🙂



Fortunately, you won’t get bored here, there is something to see, they built a whole museum!


There is also a tower, but it looks new, although it is on an old foundation. In 50 years it will be like the old one :)



In addition to combat towers, there are also residential ones, they are not so tall, but more substantial with rooms.


You can immediately see where is new and where is the original.


The rotunda overlooking the village is clearly not in Vainakh traditions, but it has excellent Beeline reception! Its special design is designed to capture and amplify the signal. Unfortunately for VimpelCom representatives, it also enhanced Megafon, but its speed was still not up to par. 🙂


All the buildings of the architectural monument look very harmonious surrounded by mountains.



Inside the towers there is a small exhibition of traditional local jewelry, weapons, clothing and utensils.






There are also empty rooms; with poor lighting, it’s easy to get lost in them :)


Before leaving for Tazbichi, we found out where all Chechen roads begin :)


It’s a 10-minute drive up to Tazbichi and from the towers from Itum-Kale, and there’s also a tower there and you can climb inside it. Just what we all needed!

Eskigora - Eskievs' tower.


Another tower is clearly visible from it - Bassara bIav - the slope tower - the ancestral tower of the Suleymanovs and Magomadovs.


From the loopholes of the tower, as you rise, views open into the distance.


Tower veil :)


The tower's ceiling is completely made of stone - enemies won't be able to set it on fire!


Time spares nothing; it has to be strengthened and preserved.


Loopholes with visibility and a downward firing sector.



There is a cemetery next to the tower, you can’t climb over the fence, but you can take it off from afar. It doesn't look like ours at all.


And it's not just about crescents and Arabic script.


But also in tombstones in general!


No matter how nice it is in the mountains, it’s time to start heading back.


It would seem that everything was already filmed in the morning, but in the evening the light becomes a little different and it would seem that the same places look different.


Powerful diagonal layers cut by the river converge closer and closer.


The road above the cliff is practically unfenced, so you should be careful.


There is somewhere to fly away, the Argun stream below is as powerful as in the morning, the water is dirty in color. It’s warm, the snow in the upper reaches is melting rapidly, the river carries a lot of suspended matter.



Go, bulls! 🙂


And while the bulls are moving forward, we are driving towards Grozny, the mountains are ending for today, and there are no excursions yet. 🙂

Mount Amir-Kort is located in the Chechen Republic in the Nozhai-Yurt region, on the right bank of the Yaryksu River, east of the village of Baytarki in the North Caucasus. It reaches 1061 meters above sea level and is part of the group of thousand-meter mountains of the Caucasus.

Located on the border with Dagestan. According to some legends, the Amir-Kort mountain peak was named in ancient times in honor of the mythical Nart named Amir (Amirani). Amir is the Caucasian prototype of the famous Prometheus.

Mount Amir-Kort is home to chamois, wild boars, golden eagles and other animals. A large number of plants grow.

Mount Ashenethe

Ashenete is a mountain peak located in the Russian Federation, in the Nozhai-Yurt region of the Republic of Chechnya. It belongs to the Caucasus mountain system and has an absolute height of 1,257 meters above sea level.

There are settlements located not far from Mount Ashenete. These are the cities of Grozny, Kaspiysk and Makhachkala, as well as the villages of Lem-Korts, Dargo and Benoy-Vedeno. From the top there are magnificent views of the neighboring mountains, so this area is always full of tourists enjoying the Chechen nature.

According to legends, mountain Christians (“lam-crists”) once lived on Mount Asheneth.

Mountains dominate in Chechnya. The terrain is divided into plains, foothills, highlands, and peaks. Almost half of the area is occupied by ridges and intermountain valleys. These hills are of no small importance in the history of the country - they are witnesses of both crushing defeats and grandiose victories. Many films have been made about the mountains of Chechnya, and many songs have been written.

Most of the hills are located on the southern outskirts of the Republic. It is there that the largest glaciers are located and the climate is difficult to live in. Despite the fact that the rocks in this area are considered the most difficult to traverse, they are especially colorful. Not only curious travelers, but professional photographers come here for photos of the mountains of Chechnya.


This mountain peak is recognized as the highest mountain in Chechnya. It rises approximately 4500 meters above the sea. Glaciers cover 3 square kilometers. Until the beginning of the 20th century - 1905, the mountain peak was a source of rock crystal mining for an enterprise in Switzerland. In the fifth year of the twentieth century they moved out, closing up the adits. The crystals reached 1 meter in size.

Bald Mountain

In Chechnya, it is most famous among the rest due to the fact that it became a site of military operations. In 1995, on April 18, the Rosich special forces diverted the attention of a group of militants numbering several thousand, thereby saving an operational brigade from death, carrying out an assault on Bamut at height 444. The mountain is located in the Achkhoy-Martan region, near the village of Bamut. In an overgrown clearing, in a grove, not far from the village, there is a cross to the officers executed here. It is not marked on any map.


Mount Diklosmta is considered the second highest in the entire Chechen Republic - 4285 meters. It is located in the southwest of Chechnya and serves as a natural border for Dagestan, Georgia, and the Chechen Republic. Glaciers occupy more than 5 sq. km of the entire area, feeding some famous rivers.

To get to the hill, you need to go to the village of Khulandoy, located at the northern foot of the mountain.


Yastrebina Mountain in Chechnya cannot boast of height - only 470 meters above sea level. It is located near the capital – Grozny, close to the border with South Ossetia. However, Yastrebinoye Lake, located in the area of ​​Mt., is more famous. The mountain is mostly used for climbing by novice professionals and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The village of Kulikovo is located nearby.


In the Itum-Kalinsky region there is the Lazarchu mountain peak, whose height is almost 4 km above sea level (3816 meters). The border with Georgia is located nearby. You should start conquering the mountain from the nearest settlement to the mountain - the small village of Itum-Kale at the foot of the mountain peak.

The names of mountains and villages in Chechnya are often associated with what they are famous for, for example, military operations. These places are witnesses to fierce battles of both the 20th and 19th centuries. Fortunately, now the mountains of Chechnya are used only for recreation and climbing; these mountains are ideal for creating magnificent photographs. Step by step, the people are restoring ancient monuments and villages, building new ones, and a lot of money is being invested in the development of skiing. The unique flora and fauna attracts many nature lovers and ordinary travelers.