Open the left kiten menu. Kiten Resort, Bulgaria: reviews, photos and prices Everything is cheap and tasty in Bulgaria

You and I continue our travels through the cities and villages of the wonderful country of Bulgaria. Today we will go to Kiten town in Bulgaria and, as always, we’ll talk about the history of this city, its customs, hiking trails, attractions and much more. So, what kind of city is this and why did we decide to talk about it? The thing is that this small town, even by Bulgarian standards, is very popular among tourists, not only among visitors from other countries, but also among local residents.

The fact is that this has very, very low prices and a lot of different entertainment, imagine that even by Bulgarian standards the prices in Kiten are very low, so it is not surprising that this resort is very popular among the local population, because it is simply ideal for family holidays and student entertainment. There are a lot of the latter here during the holidays. But we’ll talk about all this a little later, and let’s dive a little into the past and find out the history of Kiten, because we are respectable tourists and we are very interested in knowing the history of the place where you and I are going to go on vacation.

History of the city of Kiten

History of Kiten began many centuries apparently expected this to be the start of the conversation from us. In fact, everything is much more prosaic, the history of this resort began quite recently, the resort was founded in 1932 and immediately began to gain popularity among tourists of that time, but only a few years passed and events known to everyone became the reason that the resort was forgotten, well, not Before people had a rest then, they were busy enthusiastically killing each other in the millions. The general clouding of mind passed and people, returning to peaceful life, did not remember the resort again, the fact is that after the war they had to rebuild everything that had been successfully destroyed, and a lot was destroyed, so there was something to do. The resort received its new life only in the 50s of the last century; since then it has been actively developing and annually welcomes thousands of tourists from all over Europe into its open arms.

But don’t think that there was never anything on the territory occupied by modern Kiten, there was, and how. If you delve into textbooks and other entertaining literature, it turns out that the history of Kiten is not so young, the first settlers appeared here in the 6th century BC and they were Thracians. Then the Romans dealt with them, then the Slavs came there, and after them the Turks, and so all these peoples and eras mixed on this land until scientists dug them up and placed them in a museum. All artifacts found on the territory of modern Kiten and its surroundings are stored in the Museum of Archeology. So, if you are very interested, be sure to visit this museum and admire the ancient objects from the territory of the resort where you are planning to go.

Now this city, as we have already said, is a popular holiday destination for tourists and there is everything for a holiday that any tourist with any income needs. Hotels and residential buildings are being built here and the city is gradually growing. If you wish, you can travel around this city without any problems, without even leaving your home. There are web cameras everywhere in the city and everyone can admire the beauty of Kiten before going on vacation and decide whether it’s worth going there at all.


So, having returned from traveling through history and virtual worlds, it would be very nice to take an interest in the weather that can await you at your vacation destination. You can do this without any problems via the Internet; now you can generally check the weather anywhere in the world, even at the North Pole, not to mention Bulgaria. It's best to check the weather in Kiten, Bulgaria just a couple of weeks before you go on holiday, so you'll know roughly what will be waiting for you there. In general, the weather there is good all year round.

In winter there is sub-zero temperature, but the thermometer rarely drops below -3 degrees Celsius, but in summer the weather here is comfortable. The fact is that the resort is reliably protected from cold winds by rocks, so in winter it is not cold here, and in summer there is no annoying, debilitating heat. The average temperature in the summer months here is around +25 degrees. Add to this excellent clean air and the opportunity to improve your health. It is thanks to these factors that the resort is popular not only among visitors, but also among local tourists.

Kiten Hotels in Bulgaria

We've sorted out the weather, now let's discuss a question no less important than the weather, namely: where to stay in Kiten in Bulgaria and how much it will all cost. As you understand, you can stay not only in a hotel; here you can easily find accommodation that is completely unrelated to hotels. You can rent an apartment or a cottage, but today we won’t talk about that, we’ll talk exclusively about Kiten hotels in Bulgaria. So, first let's talk about prices and stars, and then we'll look at a few hotels specifically. So, there are hotels here for every taste and color, from 2-star to 5-star, but the majority, like everywhere else in Bulgaria, have 3-4 stars on their sign. We would like to tell you right away that it is better not to rush when choosing a hotel, since in some 2-star hotels the prices are higher than in 3-star ones. For example, at the FreshHotel with 2 stars, prices are higher than at the Sigma hotel with three stars, and the difference in price is significant. Therefore, there is no need to rush when choosing a hotel; before you go on a trip, it is best to study the entire range of hotels, and at the same time study the prices in these hotels. This can be done using the Internet. And at the same time, you can book a hotel room through the network without any problems, each hotel has its own website, and there are a bunch of websites that provide intermediation for renting rooms.

It is worth remembering that the number of stars on the hotel fuselage does not at all affect the quality of service in the hotel itself. Here you will always be greeted with a friendly smile; most hotels can boast of being located near the sea. Although almost every hotel has its own swimming pool, so there is absolutely no need to run to the sea, it is, of course, a matter of business, but many vacationers do not really like swimming in the sea, many prefer to lie near the pool with sea water.

Each hotel can boast a range of different services for the health and entertainment of its guests. Gyms, restaurants, bars and discos. And where would we be without these, because there are a lot of students here, which means there should be discos and nightclubs. The most popular hotels on this coast are called “Ariana” and “Kamenets”; these hotels have 3-4 stars on board and boast an extensive infrastructure for the recreation of their guests. Let's look at these two popular hotels in our article. So let's start with Ariana.

As we said, this is a three star hotel. What will you find there? This hotel is perfect for a family holiday and for those people who don’t like to just lie on the couch or on the beach.

Sports fields, billiards and even your own football field will help you engage in active recreation. If you like to eat, but kicking a ball around the field in the heat is not for you, then you should definitely visit the hotel restaurant, where you can enjoy national Bulgarian cuisine and ordinary traditional European cuisine, so everything is fine with food.

The hotel has more than 120 rooms, which are equipped with cable TV, shower, toilet, air conditioning, and free Internet. The hotel is located near the sea, so if you wish, you can easily go to the beach; this journey will not take you more than 10 minutes, since the hotel is located practically on the beach, only 200 meters away. Of course, guides and tickets for various excursions are at your service, the opportunity to rent any sports equipment, including bicycles, and secure parking. Animators can take care of children. A standard room in this hotel costs from 1900 rubles per night.

Now the second hotel "Kamenets" is a four-star hotel. It can offer you both a standard room and a presidential suite. On site there is a swimming pool, gym, billiards, restaurant, bar, night club. If you decide to stay at this hotel, then you don’t need to go to the city for entertainment. All entertainment is located right in the hotel. In addition, you can easily go to the beach, which is located next to the hotel. Guarded parking and other amenities of civilization. The hotel also has more than 120 rooms, a standard room will cost you approximately 2,300 rubles, as you understand, everything will depend on the exchange rate when summer arrives. You can rent equipment and go on an excursion. It is clear that these are not all the hotels that can be found in this city.

Children's holiday

Speaking about hotels and other problems, we forgot to talk about the most important thing - children's holidays in Kiten. Yes, you were right, in addition to entertainment and recreation for adults, special camps for children’s recreation have been built here. We will talk about camps in Kiten in Bulgaria using the example of the Rositsa sports camp. So, what is this camp “Rositsa” in Kiten? What can our offspring do there and, most importantly, how long can they be sent there? This is a sports and recreational camp where your children can have fun and, most importantly, spend their time usefully.

There is everything for active recreation, a lot of equipment, various sports grounds, but most importantly, experienced instructors in these various sports. Don’t think that only children who play sports in their normal lives get here, no, any child up to 16 years old inclusive can get here. In the first days, the child is offered an introductory excursion to various sports, the child can try what he liked, and perhaps will then engage in this sport in everyday life after returning from the camp. In addition to various sports grounds, the camp has a huge swimming pool 25 meters long, and anyone can swim in it.

There is also a computer class where your offspring can study computer science or simply chat with friends on social networks or with you on Skype. Needless to say, this is the place most visited by teenagers, although the counselors drive them out of there and strictly ensure that children do not sit at computers for more than 30 minutes a day, except for those who study computer science. As practice shows, at first 90% of those who come to the camp sign up for lessons in this science, but literally a day later only a few remain there, because they are not allowed to play in these classes.

But computer science itself is a rather boring science. You can send your child to the camp for different periods of time, the minimum stay is 14 days, the maximum is 30 days. The cost of a voucher for the entire race last year was about 70,000 rubles; it is difficult to say how much the vouchers will cost this year. If this information is interesting to you, we advise you to visit the official website of the Rositsa camp in Kiten in Bulgaria, where you will find all the information you are interested in closer to the beginning of the season, the first arrival at the camp begins at the end of May. We almost forgot to talk about feeding, the boys there are fed 5 times a day, so they can’t lose weight there. Reviews of the Rositsa camp in Kiten in Bulgaria are extremely positive.

Well, this concludes the conversation about the city of Kiten in Bulgaria, as you understand, everyone can relax here. Anyone, of any age, can find something to their liking. Have a nice holiday!

Between two amazing beaches (Atliman and Karaach), on a small peninsula of the Black Sea with the mythical name Urdovinza, Kiten is located. This is a rather small (1115 people) settlement in the Burgas region, which by decision No. 557 of June 17, 2005, instead of the village of Kiten, was declared the city of Kiten. For vacationers there are also nightclubs “Royal”, “Tequila”, “Jamaica” and water sports. The Balkanika naval base in Kiten offers resort tourists various types of water sports - sailing, underwater fishing, underwater archeology, sailing, water skiing and others. The sincere atmosphere, Bulgarian hospitality and low prices for accommodation, food and entertainment, as well as the beauty of nature, the combination of mountain and sea climates make this place a real paradise for budget-conscious holidaymakers.

Beach in Kiten

There are two cozy beaches: the northern one - Atliman, and the southern one - Karaagach. The southern beach is conventionally divided into two - the Kiten-South beach and the Camping Kiten beach. There is also a tiny Urdoviza beach, located between the beaches of Karagach and Atliman.

The Legend of Kiten

In the eastern part of the peninsula, above the rocky coast, a fortress of an unknown ruler was built in ancient times. Since then, the fortress became the basis of a new settlement. No one can say who was the ruler in the fortress, what happened at the end. Only local traditions, presented in the folk songs of that region, passed down from generation to generation for many centuries, can tell us about this. They talk about a settlement named Haseknyata, and as a privileged area during Ottoman rule. Even more curious is that at the center of everything is the personality of a Bulgarian girl, who, with her love for the fatherland and native land, made this region privileged. At that time, Bulgaria was under the Ottoman yoke; it was the first year of the conquest of Bulgaria by the Ottoman Empire. In the village (with a fortress) a girl named Urdovizka was famous for her beauty. She was very beautiful. At that time, this area was ruled by the Turkish Sultan and he was simply captivated by the girl’s beauty. He ordered his military to deliver the girl. The Sultan invited the girl to marry him, and she agreed, but on one condition: that he first fulfill her wish. And she wished that he would exempt from all taxes the land of his native land within the range of a horse’s run from sunrise to sunset. The Sultan owned a huge territory in Europe and Asia, so her wish did not pose much difficulty for him and he immediately agreed to fulfill it. And one early morning Urdovizka equipped her horse and rode from the peninsula southwest towards the Goshelek hill, then descended to Velsk on the opposite bank of the river. Then towards the west and upstream. So throughout the day within Strandzha through forest valleys and hills. The horse was covered in foam. By evening we were behind the villages - Urdoviza, Urgari (Bulgari), Marzevo (Kondolovo) Gramatikovo, Zabernovo, Vtika, Stoilovo, Kolovo (white water), Ghok Tepe (Zvezden) Sarmotnik (Brashlyan) and some others in a western direction. But when the horse reached the bay, north of Urdovisa, the driven horse died from exhaustion. The beautiful girl Urdovizka also died. The local bay in this place was called Atliman Bay (Horse Bay). The Sultan fulfilled his promise and, by a special decree, freed these places from all taxes and duties. The area was named Hasekiyata or Asekiya, and enjoyed privileges during the first half of the 19th century.

Kitena weather

Kiten has a mild, warm and humid climate, transitional Mediterranean. The average annual temperature is 12°C, the average temperature in January does not fall below 2°C. The average daily temperature in summer is 27°C, hot summer with 1700 hours of sunshine from May to October. The predominant winds are north-westerly, and there is a warm breeze from the sea for six months. Summer
The season is very favorable for holidays, but there are heavy rains and thunderstorms at the end of the season, usually in late August and September.


From Burgas to Kiten the ticket price is 7 levs, buses run every hour.


To explore the sights of both Kiten and others in Bulgaria, it is best to rent a car or use the services of numerous travel agencies.

I have prepared a short story and a selection of photographs from a Bulgarian town neighboring Primorsko called Kiten. Kiten is interesting, perhaps, because of the lowest prices for food and accommodation on the entire Bulgarian coast.

Kiten is located just 3 km south of Primorsko and 55 km south of Burgas. To get to Kiten, you need to buy an air ticket to Burgas, and then from Burgas airport get to Kiten by minibus. Kiten is clearly visible from the Primorsko embankment, especially in the evening, when the city is illuminated by the lights of the city's vibrant nightlife.

In principle, in Kiten everything is the same as everywhere else in small Bulgarian resort towns. There are no special attractions in the city. However, the city is attractive for budget tourists with its truly low prices for accommodation and food. Eating in restaurants and cafes in Kiten will cost you 30% less than in Primorsko. Those. a salad, which in Primorsko costs 4.5 leva (2.25 Euro), in Kiten costs 3 – 3.5 leva (1.5 – 1.75 Euro). One can only guess how much such a salad would cost on expensive Sunny Beach. Breakfast in the hotel restaurant will cost you only 4 leva (2 Euro) per person.

Low prices form the backbone of the resort's vacationers: many Bulgarians come here with their families, and Czechs and Slovaks meet here. In Soviet times, this was their favorite vacation spot, and remains so to this day. With average salaries in Bulgaria amounting to approximately 300 Euros, many locals can afford a holiday in Kiten. Russians in Kiten can only be found passing through from other Bulgarian resorts or children from camps. Like Primorsko, Kiten offers an affordable holiday.

Like most other places on the Black Sea coast, the season in Kiten lasts from mid-May to the end of September. In September there can be storms at sea, but, as a rule, they do not last for several days in a row.

Kiten has very cheap real estate, which is readily bought by Europeans and Russians. The city has a bus station from which you can easily get to neighboring Primorsko, Burgas or other towns.

The city has 2 beaches: the northern beach called “Atliman” and the southern beach. The northern beach is much smaller than the southern one, and during the day it is simply crowded with vacationers. Renting a beach umbrella and sunbed for one day will cost you 6 levs (3 Euros).

I was passing through Kiten a couple of times, and each time I noted to myself that in some places there was an eerie smell of sewage. Locals say that since the permanent population of the town is just over 1,000 people, the sewage system simply cannot cope in the summer.

Kiten is famous for its nightlife. The town is home to one of the most famous clubs in the south of the Black Sea coast - Cocaine. This year we visited this club and were surprised that the club played exclusively Bulgarian music and there were only Bulgarians. There were no tourists in this club at all. Around the city you can often find restaurants serving Bulgarian cuisine with live music, where songs are sung to order.

Kiten is suitable for families with children; for young people (not Bulgarian), despite the clubs, it is very, very boring. But, if you want to save a lot on your vacation, you can safely come here. Among the hotels I can recommend Hotel Princess Residence, Hotel Sigma and Hotel Kamenec, accommodation in which will cost you an average of 16 Euros per night with breakfast.

Bulgaria is a hospitable, sunny country with many places to relax. Its coastline faces the waters of the Black Sea. Among the entire Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, which is almost 400 km long, about 200 km are occupied by beautiful beaches. By the way, all of them are state property of the republic. The most popular resort countries are Golden Sands, Sunny Beach,. But less popular vacation spots are also worth a look. Among them, for example, is the city of Kiten in Bulgaria.

Holidays in Kiten, Bulgaria

The sunny town of Kiten is located on the Black Sea coast near the mouth of the Karagach River. The settlement is adjacent to the city of Burgas (55 km) and the resorts of Lozenets and Primorsko. The city was founded quite recently - in 1932. It was founded by the settlers of Eastern Thrace. However, the history of the city is ancient: back to the 6th century BC. this territory was inhabited by the Thracians. This is evidenced by the tools of labor and life of the ancient people found here.

The small resort of Kiten in Bulgaria is very loved by locals. Middle-income Bulgarians, students, and young people prefer to relax here because of the fairly affordable prices. The weather in Kiten allows you to relax here from May to October. In summer, the air warms up to an average of 28-30 degrees, and the water temperature in the sea reaches 26 degrees.

With all this, the nature of the Kiten resort in Bulgaria is extraordinarily beautiful: located on a small peninsula, the city is bordered by the sea on one side and Strandzha Mountain on the other. The advantage of a holiday in Kiten can be considered the absence of sweltering heat due to the proximity of the mountains, which trap cool air masses. Thanks to the excellent climate, the locality has a thriving flora world. By the way, the name of the city translates as “wrapped, immersed in greenery.” In addition to the wild nature of mountain rocks and cliffs, there are parks and public gardens in the city and surrounding areas.

As for holidays in Kiten, first of all we should talk about the beaches of the city. The resort is washed by the sea on both sides, which contributed to the formation of two beaches. The beach on the northern side is called Atliman, and on the southern side it is called Urdoviza. In general, the 100 m wide beach strip stretches for about 3 km. By the way, the beaches are clean and sandy with dunes. The descent into the water is gentle, and the sea is shallow and warm. Family paradise!

In Kiten, hotels are represented mainly by two- or three-star hotels with good service, for example, Marina, Elite, Shipka, Kamenets, Desislava and others. There are also campsites for tourists traveling by car. An interesting fact is that at the Asarel Hotel there is one of the best children’s camps in Bulgaria, 100 meters from Kiten in a park area. Schoolchildren and students are invited here for excellent recreation and entertainment.

Entertainment in Kiten

In addition to the so-called lazy relaxation on the beach in Kiten, you can take walks through the rich beauties of the local nature. In addition, fitness centers and sports complexes will help you spend your time actively. We recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the local restaurants and cafes, which offer delicious dishes of national, as well as Russian, Greek and Turkish cuisine. Treat yourself to a variety of fish dishes and Bulgarian wines.

If you wish, you can go through the shops and souvenir shops in the central part of Kiten to buy gifts for your family. For nightlife lovers, the resort offers a visit to one of the night bars, clubs and discos.

In Kiten you will be offered to take part in a tour of the ruins of the defensive fortress of Urdoviza, built by the ancient Thracians. Not far from the city there is the Center for the Development of Thracian Culture and villages with interesting architectural monuments. It is also worth visiting the Ropotamo Nature Reserve.

If we talk about the attractions of the Kiten resort, there are not so many of them. The main historical landmark of the city is the medieval fortress Urdoviza, which was built to protect residents from robbers and pirates.

20 km from Kiten is the city of Sozopol, which is one of the ancient Greek settlements on the Black Sea coast. You can also visit the Ropotamo Nature Reserve, where a river flows through virgin thickets of plants and flowers.

Opinions about the sights of Kiten

They write that: every era has left its mark on the style of architecture and art of Kiten. A visit to Kiten's many historical sites gives a fairly complete picture of the rich history of Bulgaria.

They write that: in the immediate vicinity of the Kiten resort there are the remains of the Urdoviza fortress.

They write that: in ancient times, on the site of Kiten there was a Thracian settlement (in the 5th century BC), and then the Urdoviza fortress and a small village near it were built here. The fortress protected the surrounding areas from pirate raids. And it owes its name to the Bulgarian girl Stana Urdovizskaya, who agreed to become the wife of the Turkish Sultan in exchange for freedom for her land. Therefore, the surrounding areas to this day are called Hasekiyata, that is, tax-free. The ruins of the Urdoviz Church can still be seen today.

They write that: during your holiday in Kiten you can go on a special excursion to the city of Sozopol. It is located 20 kilometers from the resort. There is also an excursion along the Ropotamo River, where there is another attraction of these regions - a stone in the shape of a lion’s head. In the dunes you can see rare trees listed in the Red Book.

They write that: a holiday at the Kiten resort means visiting cities such as Sozopol, Primorsko, Tsarevo and many others, which contain a large number of attractions (architectural, historical, cultural).

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Reviews about the Kiten resort

Great resort. Friendly residents and great service staff. Hotel "Coop Kiten"
Ruslan, 57 years old, Moscow

We bought an apartment in Kiten in 2012 (although for a long time we did not consider Bulgaria as a holiday destination). We fell in love with this place; whenever possible, both in winter and summer, we are drawn there all the time. I don’t know families who bought housing there and were dissatisfied with something. The sea is fantastic, the prices are cheap, the people are friendly, and the nature is a nature reserve!!!
Larisa 49 years old, Moscow

We vacationed in Kiten in the summer of 2010. The resort is young, mainly Bulgarians themselves vacation there. Nice beach, lots of vegetation, calm sea, no wind. We vacationed with children, they liked it.
Galina. 31 years old, Novosibirsk

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