Where does the ferry arrive from the island of Djerba. Djerba is an island of date palms and pink flamingos. Money and currency exchange in the resort of Djerba

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Djerba is a resort island in the south of Tunisia, which at first glance is almost no different from the mainland of the country. But it has a special charm that attracts thousands of European tourists all year round. And the island has something to captivate its guests: from natural beauty and a relaxed pace of life to picturesque beaches and historical heritage.

Djerba Climate

The island of Djerba, located in a bay and at the same time close to the desert, enjoys a mild tropical climate. The swimming season here lasts almost all year round, but the seasons are still usually distinguished into low and high. The best time for vacation is from April to the end of November. The average air temperature on the island at this time is +29Ā°C, the water warms up to +27Ā°C. The remaining months are low season in Djerba. The sea cools down to +20Ā°C.

Djerba Island Map

Holidays in Djerba

First of all, Djerba is a destination for a beach holiday. The coast here is wide and in some areas reaches 500 m. All of them are covered with coarse or fine sand - there are almost no rocky beaches. It is believed that the best are concentrated on the east coast, where the snow-white beach line is reminiscent of the heavenly pictures of the beaches of the Caribbean Sea. Naturally, the best hotels were built here to meet the highest requirements of vacationers. For a secluded holiday, you can choose the northern or southern coast of the island, where there are noticeably fewer tourists.

Djerba has long been one of the main thalassotherapy centers in Tunisia. On its territory there are modern centers, where relaxation will give spiritual harmony. You can come to Djerba for thalassotherapy sessions in any season - the mild climate is completely conducive to this. Here you can find swimming pools with sea water, wrapping procedures, mud baths, massages and whole packages of recovery programs (from weight loss to rehabilitation after operations).

Sights of Djerba

Despite the distance from the mainland, you wonā€™t be bored in Djerba with such a rich historical heritage and amazing nature nearby. You can start getting to know the island by visiting its main city -. Here is a monumental Gazi Mustafa fortress, whose history began in the 9th century. Inside, the fortress consists of corridors and passages, one of which houses a small mosque. If you climb to the top, you will see breathtaking views of the bay. Concerts and street markets are often held in front of the fortress.

It will be interesting to visit Museum of Local Lore, where a large collection of traditional clothing of the inhabitants of Djerba, ceramics, jewelry and household utensils is collected. Among the religious monuments, the Mosque of Wanderers deserves attention, decorated with a minaret with ornaments and domes.

Afterwards, the path of most tourists lies to Djerba Lagoon. This is a unique place where you have a chance to observe the life of pink flamingos. They usually fly to the Lagoon in winter, and the observation process requires endurance from tourists. The rest of the time, the natural pride of Djerba is a place for leisurely walks in the shade of olive and date groves.

Worth a trip to the city Riyadh, where is located Grib synagogue. It is officially recognized as the oldest in Africa. Visitors are impressed by the Central Hall, whose arches and walls are lined with tiles. The synagogue houses a valuable antique Torah scroll. As for the building itself, it was restored in the 19th century and has not been preserved in its original form.

Those wishing to get acquainted with the customs of the local residents should go to Gellalu where he works Museum of Folk Traditions. Here they will tell you what the features of life on the island are and how they differ from the way of life on the mainland of Tunisia. The museum will show how traditional crafts are made and olive oil is extracted, henna patterns are painted and national clothes are woven.

Shopping in Djerba

In Djerba you should not look for a large number of fashion boutiques. Some work in the city, but shopping on the island will mainly be for souvenirs. It is difficult to leave Djerba empty-handed - tourists are attracted by numerous oriental bazaars, where you can feel the unique flavor of Tunisia. Here you can buy excellent straw hats, small colorful carpets, rose water, and oriental perfumes with a unique aroma. Women are massively buying local cosmetics and soaps containing healing mud and algae.

Tunisian ceramics painted by craftsmen from the island of Djerba are of particular value. Itā€™s better to go to get her Gellalu, where a wide range of products are offered at different prices. You can take good wine from Djerba - the tradition of its production came from French colonists. Wine and liqueurs are sold here at reasonable prices ($3-20). Jewelry is very popular - both inexpensive jewelry and exquisite jewelry from specialized boutiques. One of the most original souvenirs is the Desert Rose. These are bud-shaped mineral formations formed by rain and sand. Desert Rose has a natural color or is sold after craftsmen have painted the buds with bright colors.

Djerba Restaurants

Visiting restaurants on Djerba is another opportunity to experience the flavor of the island. Among the best tourists call La Lagune in Midoun, which overlooks the ocean. The menu includes grilled fish, salads, meat dishes and tapas. There is a fish restaurant right on the beach Adel, which serves fresh seafood at reasonable prices. It is worth ordering meze, king prawns in signature sauce and inimitable Bedouin dishes.

There is no shortage of good places to eat in Houmt Souk. Haroun- a restaurant that will offer a variety of fish, sorbet, local tea with almonds, meze. In the evenings, guests are entertained with national music. In the same city it deserves attention Essofra. The menu includes Tunisian snacks, mint tea, couscous, fish prepared according to the Djerba recipe in a mixture of special spices, and tender Tunisian stew. Essofra is notable for its unusual interior - it resembles a museum and is decorated with antique furniture.

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Once again, I welcome you to the beautiful Tunisian beach that we reached by boat.
Why go somewhere to the beach if the hotel has a pretty good one? Itā€™s also a mystery to me, but apparently the organizers wanted to surprise us and they succeeded. Do you want to know how we got there, what we did along the way, rested on the ā€œisland,ā€ whether we saw flamingos, etc. - welcome!

To get to any tourist place, you first need to leave the tourist area. You can also find something in it, but behind it, as a rule, it is much more interesting. The main thing is not to get from one tourist area to another. :)


It seems I havenā€™t shown the Djerba mosque yet. Iā€™m not particularly good at them, I donā€™t distinguish Shiite from Sunni, and I canā€™t tell the approximate date of construction and style based on the type of construction. It's a little easier with churches.


We donā€™t go for long and it looks like, as I wrote above, we are moving from one tourist area to another. Everything is too different from what was seen from the bus window 3 minutes ago. It wasnā€™t that it was too trashy or broken down, but it was lived-in, but here everything is beautiful, but thereā€™s no one there.


Hey people!
We, the whole journalistic crowd, arrived at the Djerba marina near the city of Houmt Souk - the largest on the island.
Everything here looks almost European. Only date palms give away Africa, and the identical pleasure boats ā€œparkedā€ along the embankment tell us that itā€™s all tourist.


We follow the smell and find ourselves in a fishing port. Some fishermen are not shy about showing off their catch.

The rest are dismantling gear and nets, preparing boats for going out to sea. The smell is "wonderful". :)
I hope you know what fish smells like in the heat of +30 and above? In general, you canā€™t confuse it with anything.


Why isnā€™t anyone loading onto these ships? Is there a tourism crisis in Tunisia or something? I canā€™t believe that so few people want to ride with the ā€œpiratesā€, they just donā€™t know what theyā€™re missing out on! :)
Surely the hotel sales people just don't do their job properly.


Welcome aboard! "Pirates" are very happy to have guests. They show special joy at the sight of the opposite sex. :)


To the soundtrack of ā€œPirates of the Caribbean,ā€ they deftly release the mooring lines and rush to the mast. It seems they will raise the sails, but no, they show us something like the tricks of aerialists, climbing in every possible way and hanging on the shrouds.


In my opinion, all fishing boats should be like this, but if you have a boat like this, then most likely you will only catch fish for food and will not be able to earn anything at all.


In previous posts I have already mentioned security and now I will once again show the boat with our security.


If you did not plan to get sunburned on this particular day, then it was best to be in the shade of the upper deck. Soft drinks, cookies and delicious halva were also offered here.


Itā€™s good for bloggers to sit in the shadows, but imagine how difficult it was for those who were here on real business trips, sent on business trips with editorial assignments, these people defied the heat to film stories. :)


Do you know why there is such heavy traffic on the water? It's simple. The fairway to the sea runs here. 10 meters to the right or to the left and a depth of 2 meters. The coast near the island is not famous for its great depths. This is why, although it cannot be said for sure, the water warms up quickly.


Our skipper confidently navigates the narrow corridor, not forgetting to smile at the photographers.



It would be boring to just swim for almost an hour. No alcoholic drinks were served; all that was left was to look at the sea and communicate with each other.
But the team had other plans for us. Since we left the fishing port, it made sense to take a net with us and do a little fishing.
There were no indifferent participants in casting the net!


It turns out that the latrines on this ship are M and F! :)


I donā€™t remember exactly, but most likely at that moment the corresponding soundtrack from ā€œTitanicā€ was playing.


We walk along the shore of the wide sand spit Ras R`mal - Sandy Head. On the side of the bay, piers and impressive sheds have been built for tourist boats.


Surprisingly, they are not crowded with tourists. This means there is a chance to come here and not be shocked by the number of people.
Maybe it even makes sense to grab a fishing rod and fish a little?


We moor in the same way as similar schooners of ours moor and land.
Who remembers that our trip was originally called ā€œto Flamingo Islandā€. After half an hour of torturing the escorts, we finally found out that there are no flamingos here in June. This is almost a beautiful legend and it is extremely rare to find them here.


There are many more camel drivers here than mythical flamingos. The camels didn't tempt me. I didn't ride.
On the beach they asked us for 10 euros for half an hour.


On one side of the spit there is a bay, and on the other there is open and shallow sea. The best thing for those who havenā€™t swum on the beach near their hotel. :)


Or I forgot to take a photo.


We spent about an hour here waiting for additional entertainment.


kirill_potapov says hello to everyone! :)


Meanwhile, the fun continues. What do tourists love more than fiery Arabic music?


Right. Have a good meal! :)

The girls were specially called because it was they who, according to the ancient pirate custom, had to bring the prepared food to the tables.


I wish I could sign everyone, but I can only sign Elena mozhet_byt163 from Samara.


Our captain has transformed and is dancing with a dish on his head. The most important thing is not to miss anything and take pictures. We're the press! :)


It would be absolutely unforgivable not to film what we eventually managed to taste. Believe me, it was not only beautiful, but also delicious. By the way, lunch was non-alcoholic. If you want to take it, bring your own, but itā€™s better not to, itā€™s a little hot to drink during the day. :)


Tea is better, but it is very sweet and almost 100% mint, I only had enough for a couple of glasses at most. Sweets were also offered, but after such tea there was no way they could enter. If you want to try everything, count on your strength.


It's time to board the ship. I took the command to ā€œcall everyone upstairsā€ too literally and climbed a little higher than where I could have been comfortable.


From here there was a wonderful view of the tented bungalow and the surrounding buildings.


The photo is my personal favorite.


He said let's go!


Natalya Seliverstova, chief photographer of RIA Novosti, does not part with her two Nikons.


Perky Konstantin Skripalev.


And press girls dancing with pirates. Didn't their parents ever tell them that getting involved with pirates was at least unwise? :)


Arthur from St. Petersburg and Alexander udikov from Kazan they watch with tension the culmination of the dance with the pirates.


The rest are just chatting.


I say hello from the bowsprit. They didnā€™t let us take pictures there for a long time. The team got worried and removed us from there. :)


Remember when we cast a net somewhere here a few hours ago? It's time to get her out! The catch is not rich. There are literally 10 small fish per 30 meters of net.


And I would like to let it go, but such a net seriously injures the fish, it is only for frying.


We return to the port.


All the fishing boats have been in place for a long time.


Having barely had time to say goodbye to the ā€œpirates,ā€ the most desperate ones, instead of running to the bus, rush to ships and boats, hoping to film something interesting.


Rest between trips to sea without stopping home. Why waste time, wrap yourself in a blanket and sleep in the shade of a boat!


The mountains of pots for catching octopuses could not leave anyone indifferent.


This is the kind of siesta for local fishermen during Ramadan. You canā€™t eat or drink, but you can lie in the shade and chat while watching the bustling tourists.


I complete todayā€™s story with a shot of flowers and the sea in the arch.


Thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll start getting short posts from 5-10 photos, but only from fifty. :)

Is it worth continuing?