Registration and receipt of citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Saint kitts and nevis kitts and nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis or Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis- a state in the eastern Caribbean Sea, consisting of two islands - Saint Kitts (168 km²) and Nevis (93 km²). It borders on Antigua and Barbuda to the east, Montserrat to the southeast, the Netherlands Antilles (St. Eustatius) to the northwest, and Saint Barthélemy (an overseas community of France) to the north. The area of ​​the country is 261 km². The capital Basseterre is located on the island of St. Kitts.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a member of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain.

Both islands are of volcanic origin, mountainous and surrounded by coral reefs (most extensive on the northern and western coasts), and between them and the coast there is a shallow strip of lagoons.

The island of St. Kitts stretches for 37 km from northwest to southeast. In the same direction along its central axis stretch strongly dissected peaked mountains with the highest point of the country - the extinct volcano Liamiuga (1155 m), in the crater of which there is a lake. The southeast of the island is a flat peninsula (no more than 22 m high), replete with salt lakes, with an uneven coastline forming many bays with sandy beaches. The sand of some beaches is dark, almost black.

The island of Nevis lies 3 km south of St. Kitts and is separated from it by the Narrows Strait. The island has a rounded shape, almost the entire Nevis massif is formed by volcanic rocks of ancient eruptions, mainly from Nevis Volcano (the highest point of the island, 985 m), as well as its side vents - Saddle Hill and Hurricane Hill. A strip of sandy beaches stretches along the coast.

The vegetation in the interior mountainous regions of the islands is represented by dense tropical rain forests (lianas, mangoes, breadfruit and cinnamon trees, tamarind, avocado, bananas, and papaya grow). At the tops of the mountains, forests give way to meadows, and in the lower parts they are cleared and replaced by plantations of sugar cane and other crops. They are especially common in the northern part of the island of St. Kitts, which consists of gently undulating hills. On the western slopes of the island of Nevis, rows of palm trees rise, forming a real coconut forest.

The forests are home to numerous tropical birds and butterflies, and there are monkeys. Many seabirds, including pelicans, nest on the coast. The waters abound with fish.

Climate in Saint Kitts and Nevis

The tropical climate on the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis is formed under the influence of trade winds. The climate is humid and hot, average monthly temperatures are about +26 °C, occasionally dropping to +18 °C or increasing to +32 °C. Precipitation ranges from 1500 mm per year in the lowlands to 3700 mm in the mountains. Precipitation is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. The rainy season (it does not rain often) is from May to November.

The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis are in the path of severe tropical storms, which are most likely between August and October and sometimes cause significant damage.

Last changes: 05/12/2013


Population of Saint Kitts and Nevis- about 50 thousand people, of which 37 thousand live on the island of St. Kitts, 13 thousand on the island of Nevis (2010).

The population is dominated (about 90.4%) by blacks - descendants of African slaves brought in the 17th-19th centuries. for work on plantations. Also living in the country are mulattoes (5.0%), Indians (3.0%), others (1.6%) - whites (British, Portuguese, Spaniards, etc.).

Among the believers, Anglicans and Methodists predominate; there are Catholics.

The official language is English.

Last changes: 05/12/2013

About money

East Caribbean dollar(XCD or EC$) equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins in denominations of 1 dollar, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent.

The East Caribbean dollar is a currency used in 7 countries that are members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as well as island of Anguilla. Pegged to the US dollar, the exchange rate has not changed since 1976 (EC$2.7 = US$1).

Banks are usually open from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 to 14.00, on Fridays from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00-17.00. Some bank offices in airports and seaports are open from Monday to Friday from 07.00 to 17.00.

Currency can be exchanged at almost any bank in the country, with the best rates usually offered for US dollars and euros.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and many large stores.

Travel checks can be cashed almost anywhere. To avoid additional conversion costs, it is recommended to use traveler's checks in US dollars.

Last changes: 05/12/2013


Telephone code: 1 - 869

Internet domain: .kn

How to call

To call from Russia to St. Kitts and Nevis, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 1 - 869 - subscriber number.

To call from Saint Kitts and Nevis to Russia, you need to dial: 011 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

Landline communications

Payphones that allow international calls are located throughout the country and operate using coins and calling cards, which are sold at post offices, telephone company offices and supermarkets.

Calls from hotels are usually made through an operator (usually the cost of a call from a hotel room is 10-15% more expensive than from a pay phone).

International calls can also be made from the post office.


Cellular communication standards GSM 850/900/1800/1900 and TDMA. The coverage area covers almost all the islands (unstable reception is sometimes observed in mountainous areas).

You can rent handsets or purchase local SIM cards at the offices of local operators.

Local operators - Digicel (, Chippie (


Internet can be found in many hotels, as well as in internet cafes located in tourist areas.

Sea and beaches

Some of the beaches on the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis have dark (almost black) volcanic sand. There are also beaches with white and golden sand.

Last changes: 05/12/2013

History of Saint Kitts and Nevis

The original inhabitants of the island of St. Kitts were the Carib Indians.

The islands were discovered by X. Columbus in 1493. The Spaniards did not colonize them.

In 1623, an English settlement was founded on St. Christopher (the old name of St. Kitts) (the first in the West Indies); in 1624 - French. Since 1625, together with the island of Anguilla, it has been a colony of Great Britain, which became its base for the conquest of other islands in the region, for which it was called “the mother of the English colonies in the West Indies.” In the north-west of the island, in the heights, is the well-preserved Brimstone Fortress, which is called the “Gibraltar of the Caribbean”.

In 1623, a joint French-English punitive force carried out a massacre of the local Indian population, killing up to 4,000 people in the valley of the river, called the Bloody River, along the waters of which bodies were carried out to sea within 3 days.

Since the 17th century, there was a struggle between Great Britain and France for the possession of the islands, until finally, according to the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, they finally came under the rule of the British.

Since 1871 they were part of the English colony of the Leeward Islands, and since 1958 - of the West Indies Federation.

In 1967, Saint Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla received the status of an "associated state with Great Britain" with internal self-government. Issues of foreign policy and defense remained within the competence of Great Britain. In 1980, Anguilla left the three-island federation.

In 1998, a referendum was held on the issue of the island of Nevis secession from the federation and the formation of an independent state on it. 62% of voters voted “for”, but the decision was not made, since for a positive decision, according to the law, at least 2/3 of voters must vote “for”.

Last changes: 05/12/2013

Tap water is usually chlorinated and safe to drink, but bottled water is recommended.

The tidal currents off the Atlantic coast of the islands are so strong that even good swimmers should swim here with great caution.

During the local “peak” winter season (December to February), the islands are crowded with tourists, and prices are noticeably higher.

Last changes: 05/12/2013

How to get to Saint Kitts and Nevis

There are no direct flights between Russia and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The islands can be reached by transit through the UK (London) or the USA (Miami).

British Airways flies from the UK (London) to St. Kitts. Travel time is about 10 hours. In London, there is a change of airports, from Heathrow (you fly into it from Moscow) to Gatwick (you fly out of it to St. Kitts). You need to get an English visa.

American Airlines flies from the USA (Miami) to St. Kitts. Travel time - 3 hours. To fly through the United States, you need to obtain an American visa (even for transit passengers).

Last changes: 04/10/2017

Sandy Point Town is the second largest city on the island of St. Kitts, after the city of Basseterre. Sandy Point Town is the county seat of St. Ann-Sandy Point Parish. In the 17th century, the city was the largest tobacco trading center on the island, so its main attraction is the large tobacco warehouses built at the same time by the Dutch West India Company.

According to historians, the town of Sandy Point was founded in 1623 by Sir Warner, an English colonizer of the islands. It was in this place that his team landed, and the gradual conquest of all of St. Kitts and Nevis by the British began. And from the very foundation, Sandy Point earned the honorary title of the main commercial center and trading port of the region. And although the commercial and political center moved to the city of Basseterre in the mid-eighteenth century, Sandy Point continued to play an important role in the life of the islands and remain the largest center for the tobacco trade. Modern Sandy Point is also a major industrial, manufacturing and tourism center for the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Scuba diving enthusiasts will also love Sandy Point. However, the sea coast is famous not only for its magnificent coral reef and rich underwater life, but also for stunning views of the ocean, wild sugar cane plantations and the formidable Black Rocks with frozen black lava.

Old Road Town

Old Road Town is a small town located in the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis on the Caribbean Sea. This city is considered one of the best historical attractions on the island of St. Kitts.

Old Road Town was built on the site where the first British settlers of the island landed in 1623. They were led by Sir Thomas Warner, who founded the first permanent European settlement here. They began growing tobacco here, thanks to which the Warner clan was able to make a large fortune. Until 1727, this city was the capital of the island, and then it became just a pleasant colonial town. Of the old buildings, the Government House, built of red brick, has been preserved here. In the old cemetery in the courtyard of the modest church of St. Thomas, 1.5 kilometers north of the main road, tourists can see the marble crypt of Sir Warner himself.

This city produces excellent batik fabric; here you can see the process of creating the fabric and painting it. The finished product can be purchased at the Caribel-Batik factory, which is located north of Old Road Town, in the suburb of Wingfield Estate. On the rocks you can find many examples of writing from the first Indians of the Cariba tribe. Tourists also come here to go diving, surfing, water skiing, yachting, scootering, and visiting restaurants, shops, and clubs.

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Frigate Bay

The famous Frigate Bay is one of the most vibrant places in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis and the main resort area of ​​the country with magnificent beaches, excellent climate and good conditions for relaxing on the seashore.

Frigate Bay is essentially two bays on the island of St. Kitts, which are located next to each other, in the northern part of South East. Frigate Bay is famous for such resort areas as Turtle Beach and the snow-white beach of White House Bay, the coast of Boobie Island and the bays of South Fries Bay and North Fries Bay.

Fans of scuba diving and snorkeling should visit the wonderful White House Bay beach, where all the conditions are created for exploring underwater life. And connoisseurs of natural beauty should definitely admire the many tropical animals and birds, as well as the amazing pink salt water ponds, of which there are many in this part of the island of St. Kitts. The color of the water is due to the myriads of tiny crustaceans that inhabit these lakes.

Middle Island is one of the 14 districts of the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which has an area of ​​24.3 square kilometers. The island's long coastline is made up of rocky beaches, black sand and cliffs, and the entire island is covered in tall tropical forests.

The landscape changes dramatically as you move further inland into abandoned areas of sugar cane and small farms. Tourism is a major attraction in the area due to its many historical sites. The main attraction of the island is the fortress of the Hill of Native Sulfur. The massive fortress was the largest ever built by the British in the Caribbean, and receives more visitors annually than any other site in St. Kitts and Nevis. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It is on the island of Middle Island that the famous ancient city of Old Road Town is located - the center of tourism of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Heritage-Sisayati Museum

The Heritage Museum on the island of St. Kitts is a national museum of the natural, historical, environmental and cultural heritage of this island, opened in 2002. It is housed in the old Treasury House from 1894, which is also called the “Gateway to Basseterre.”

The Heritage-Sissayet Museum is located near the circus square, in the southern part of the city of Basseterre. It is famous for its ethnographic collection and numerous historical photographs. It contains shell tools and pottery shards from the Carib Indians who inhabited these islands before the arrival of Europeans. The exposition of the Basseterre Museum gives visitors an idea of ​​the history and culture of the island, the pre-Columbian and slave periods of its development, and the 350-year history of the sugar industry. In his collection you can see Indian ceramics and clay pipes, firearms and cannonballs from the colonial period, samples of national clothing of St. Kitts and Nevis, and a series of historical maps of the island.

Mount Liamuiga

Mount Liamuiga is an incredibly beautiful, dormant volcano on the island of St. Kitts, 1156 meters high, located in the large rainforest of this green island. Liamuiga is the youngest of the three volcanic centers on the island of St. Kitts. Mount Liemuiga was formerly called "Mountain of Suffering".

The slopes of the mountain are covered with farmland and small villages. Many tours and excursions to the mountain usually start from the village of St. Paul. Then the path leads to the top through abandoned areas of sugar cane, through mango trees, through tropical rainforest. At the top of the mountain there is an amazing view of the Caribbean Sea, the neighboring islands of Saba, St. Barts, St. Martin, Antigua and Nevis. You can also see the extinct crater of the volcano, which after rains fills with water and creates a small lake.

Factory "Karibel-Batik"

The Caribel Batik factory is one of the attractions of the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which is located north of Old Road Town, in the suburb of Wingfield Estate. This is a small factory where batik-painted fabrics are produced.

The factory was founded in 1974, and since then, having gained great momentum, it has become very popular all over the world. This complex is located on the site of the Romney Manor sugar plantation, which dates back to the 17th century. It belonged to the great-grandfather of Thomas Jefferson, a prominent lawyer and third President of the United States. There is a small botanical garden around the factory. Its main decoration is considered to be a 350-year-old adobe tree, which is the oldest on the island.

Tourists can visit the factory and walk through all the workshops, learning the intricacies and technology of fabric painting. It should be noted that production at the factory is mass production, as well as exclusive for individual orders. Many celebrities turn to the Karibel-batik factory for unusual outfits.

Saint Christopher Island

Saint Christopher Island, better known as Saint Kitts Island, is the main and largest island of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis. It was colonized by the British in 1623, although even before that, in 1493, it was described by Christopher Columbus.

The island of St. Christopher is located in the Caribbean, washed by the Caribbean Sea on the west and the Atlantic Ocean on the east. The highest point in St. Kitts is the 1,156 meter dormant volcano Liamuiga, located over an area of ​​about 168 square kilometers. There are several cozy towns on the island, and the towns of Basseterre and Sandy Point are the most visited of them. In addition to a wonderful holiday on the magnificent coasts and white sandy beaches, the main attractions of the cities deserve attention - historical colonial houses, the central park, the Anglican Church of St. George, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the St. Kitts History Museum, the Heritage Sisayeti Museum, the House of Crafts.

Challengers Village

The village of Challengers lies 7 kilometers north of the city of Basseterre, the capital of the island of St. Kitts. It is known as the site of the brutal massacre of the island's first settlers, the Carib Indians, in 1626.

Here, among the green rocks, lie huge boulders, and even entire sections of stone walls, many of which bear ancient petroglyphs, widely known for their unique compositional structure - scientists believe that these are the first animations on Earth, in the sequence of signs of which certain signs can be traced. then religious or historical events of Indian peoples. Tourists enjoy exploring the surroundings of the village - they are interesting for anyone who loves exploring ancient places.

South East Peninsula

The South East Peninsula is the southeastern peninsula of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. At the isthmus, the coast is sandwiched by Frigate Bay, and to the south it widens noticeably, forming a “blade” of the St. Thomas Lowland district heavily indented with bays and salty reservoirs.

The South East Peninsula is strictly protected by the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis environmental laws, so it remains a nature reserve with magnificent beaches and stunning salt lakes. Only recently were several roads built here for ease of movement. The nature of the peninsula is replete with rugged bays, salt lakes and lonely grass-covered hills. Traveling here you can meet only a few representatives of the animal world - flocks of vervet monkeys, deer and wild goats grazing on the hilly plains.

You can relax in one of three resort complexes and explore the mysterious peninsula, enjoying the unsurpassed nature, captivating at first sight with its formidable and at the same time enchanting beauty. You should definitely visit the magnificent Turtle Beach, the Great Salt Pond, the largest pink pond on the peninsula, as well as the famous bays - Ballast, Meyer, Frigate Bay and Kokleshell.

The most popular attractions in St. Kitts with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in St. Kitts on our website.

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. The area of ​​the country is 261 square meters. km.

Both islands are covered with small mountains and tropical forests. On the island of St. Kitts there is the highest point in the country - the extinct Lamiuga volcano (1155 m) with a lake in the crater. The island of Nevis lies three kilometers south of the island of St. Kitts and is separated from it by the Narrows Strait. The country has a lot of beaches with different types of sand. The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis are surrounded by coral reefs.

The climate of St. Kitts and Nevis is tropical and very even. The average temperature is from +18 ˚С to +24, the air temperature in summer does not exceed +30. There is no rainy season here; precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year.

Lianas, mangoes, bread and cinnamon trees, tamarind, avocados, bananas, papaya, etc. grow on the islands. Monkeys, tropical birds and butterflies live in the forests.

Government structure and population of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis

The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis has one of the most stable political systems in the Caribbean region. Since September 19, 1983, the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis has been independent and part of the British Commonwealth. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. Executive power belongs to the government headed by the prime minister - the leader of the party that won the last elections. The legislative body is the parliament (the island of Nevis has its own parliament).

The capital of the state, Basseterre, is located on the island of St. Kitts. There are preserved stone Victorian buildings here, which are decorated with grilles and stucco. The center of the city is Independence Square. There is a fountain with a statue that was given to the city by Queen Elizabeth II. The city is home to the headquarters of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and the Eastern Caribbean Stock Exchange.

The country's population is about 50 thousand people, of which 80% live on the island of St. Kitts. African Americans dominate the population. The main religion is Christianity. The official language is English. The country's national currency is the Eastern Caribbean dollar, which is pegged to the American dollar (USD 1 = XCD 2.7).

Economic situation of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

The economy of Saint Kitts and Nevis is successfully recovering from the 2009 crisis. Over the three years of the anti-crisis program (2011–2014), the country’s financial stability has noticeably improved - public debt has decreased, the budget balance has increased, employment and wages have increased. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) noted the stable economic growth of St. Kitts and Nevis, which was primarily driven by the recovery in the tourism and construction sectors.

Every year, visitor numbers to the islands are increasing, due to improved infrastructure and the emergence of a wide selection of hotels and holiday apartments. According to the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, in 2000 the number of tourists amounted to 246,000 people, in 2013 this number increased to 691,000 people. Most holidaymakers come to the country from North America (65%), the Caribbean (24%) and Europe (9%).

The country has a well-developed transport system - there is a railway, 300 km of highway, two airports, and a seaport. A new airport for private jets is currently under construction on the island of St. Kitts.

The main export products of St. Kitts and Nevis are sugar, molasses, cotton and cottonseed oil, tobacco products, and fruits. Imports are almost 4 times higher than exports; equipment, petroleum products, food, and industrial products are imported into the country. The main country for import and export is the USA.

The Citizenship by Investment program plays an important role in the growth of the economy of St. Kitts and Nevis, which has replenished the country's budget through foreign investment. The government expects to further develop the program.

    Antigua and Barbuda >

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    Saint Kitts and Nevis >

St. Kitts is an island about which the average Russian tourist knows little. Or rather, he’s unlikely to say where he is. Some will suggest that somewhere in the tropics. And they will be right. But this island is not just paradise. Unlike Eden, from which a person was once expelled, one can live in St. Kitts forever. For a certain bribe, of course. In this article we will tell you about the economic citizenship program operating in this country. Yes, small Saint Kitts with the even smaller island of Nevis is an independent state that is part of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. It is not difficult to guess that the official language here is English, which simplifies communication between tourists and the local population. The currency is the East Caribbean dollar, which is divided into one hundred cents.

Where is it located?

The main island of Saint Kitts and Nevis, photographed from the air, looks like two pearls on the endless expanse of the ocean. Two pieces of sushi form a federation. Moreover, Nevis has the right to freely withdraw from it. St. Kitts was until recently called St. Christopher. Because of this, on old maps you can find a different name for the state. Saint Christopher and Nevis is the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere. And its population is the smallest - fifty thousand people. Below we will talk about the original method that the confederation government used to raise this figure. Where is the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis located? On the world map you need to look for it in the Caribbean Sea. It is part of the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles (Windward) Islands. All borders of this state are maritime. Saint Kitts and Nevis neighbors similar dwarf powers. In the east, the islands are bordered in the north by the French overseas territory of Saint Barthelemy, in the northwest by the special municipality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of Sint Eustatius, and finally in the southeast by Montserrat.


The main island, St. Kitts, is located north of Nevis and is separated from it by the three-kilometer Strait of the Narrows. The state can be called mountainous. St. Kitts stretches from southeast to northwest for thirty-seven kilometers. Its entire area is dissected by mountain ranges. The highest point of the island (and the entire dwarf country) is the extinct Lamiuga volcano (one thousand one hundred and fifty-five meters above sea level). In the southeastern extremity, the relief decreases and forms a flat plain occupied by salt lakes. The coastline here is uneven, replete with bays and sandy beaches. The neighboring island of Nevis has an almost circular outline. It is composed of rocks from ancient eruptions. The highest point of this island is the Nevis volcano (almost a thousand meters above sea level). The state is surrounded on all sides by coral reefs. Therefore, tourists on the beaches can enjoy the tranquility of the turquoise lagoons.


It is determined by the tropical latitudes in which the island of St. Kitts is located. The weather here is wonderful and practically does not change at any time of the year. The islands can confidently be called the dream of Eden come true. The night temperature never drops below eighteen degrees, and on summer days it never rises above thirty. These are the most comfortable conditions for relaxation. But we should not forget about the second name that the Lesser Antilles have - the Windward Islands. The dwarf state lies in the path of tropical hurricanes. They do not happen every year and are most likely from August to October. The rest of the time, warm trade winds blow over St. Kitts and Nevis. The amount of precipitation depends not on the season, but on the altitudinal zone. In the mountains, rain falls from 2000 to 3700 millimeters per year. On the coastal plains the amount of precipitation is half as much. There is no “wet season” as such. But most tourists prefer to come on vacation to tropical islands in the winter - from November to April.

Brief history of the state

The island of St. Kitts, like neighboring Nevis, was discovered in 1493 by Christopher Columbus. However, his expedition, busy searching for India, did not colonize these islands. England did it for them. In 1623 she founded the first colonial settlement in the West Indies at St. Christopher. The French also tried to "stake out" no-man's territory and founded their own fort. None of the Europeans asked the opinion of the local population: in 1626, English and French troops carried out a joint massacre, destroying about four thousand Indians. In this regard, the river, on the banks of which the massacre took place, now bears the name Bloody. In the north-west of St. Kitts, Fort Brimstone has been preserved, from where the British seized lands in the Caribbean. This fortress is called the Gibraltar of the tropical seas. In 1783, France, according to the Treaty of Versailles, ceded all rights to the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis to Great Britain. The state gained independence in September 1983. But the Queen of Great Britain continues to be the nominal head of the country.

How to come to the dwarf Caribbean state

In old directories you can read that tourists from the CIS need a visa to be admitted to the island of St. Kitts. This information is outdated. In June two thousand and thirteen, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced a diplomatic achievement. From now on, Russian citizens can visit tropical islands without a visa. However, the total travel time should not exceed three months. However, you can extend your stay on site. A Russian tourist must have a set of documents with him: a foreign passport that will not expire in the next six months, a bank card account statement that indicates your solvency, and return tickets. The lion's share of tourists arrive and leave the island by plane. It is necessary to pay a certain amount in order to leave the hospitable dwarf state without any problems. When departing from Golden Rock International Hub, you will be required to pay an airport tax (forty-one Caribbean dollars for each person over twelve years of age) and an environmental tax (EC$4).


The island state, located on just two hundred and sixty square kilometers, contains everything that a tourist dreams of in his dreams of the tropics. On the slopes of the mountains there are cotton and sugar cane plantations. Even higher is the virgin jungle with vines, cinnamon and breadfruit, mango, tamarind, bananas, papaya, and avocado. In some places the mountain tops are covered with meadows. The island of St. Kitts to the north is a rolling plain of farmland. There are many coconut groves on Nevis, especially in its western part. The rain forests of the two islands are inhabited by monkeys, but there are no dangerous predators. The silence of the jungle is filled with the cries of tropical birds, and huge butterflies flutter everywhere. The water area, owned by the state, will certainly be of interest to divers and fishing enthusiasts. Although the coastal areas seem arid and covered with bushes, the islands have many rivers and streams.


St. Kitts is an island whose coastline is covered in an interesting black color. But on its southeastern edge there is a flat peninsula composed of ocean sediments. That's why the beaches here are golden. The coast of the island of Nevis is the embodiment of dreams of a vacation by the tropical sea. The resort areas of the dwarf state satisfy all needs. St. Christopher (St. Kitts Island) has a lot of entertainment - golf clubs, nightlife, casinos. The capital of the state, the city of Basseterre, is especially famous for its evening life. The island of Nevis has all the conditions for a measured and relaxing holiday. It's a good place to spend a romantic evening, walking along the promenade and sunbathing in the shade of palm trees. But if you wish, you can find entertainment in Nevis. Entertainment establishments are concentrated in the main city and administrative center of the island - Charlestown. The sea near the beaches is always calm and serene, because the shores are protected from storms by a wall of coral reefs. The entry into the water is gentle, which is safe for children to swim in.

Tourist infrastructure

The backbone of the economy of the dwarf state has long been the export of sugar cane. But in recent years, tourism has pushed this industry away from first place. All conditions have been created here for foreign travelers. The island of St. Kitts has especially succeeded in pleasing vacationers. Reviews from tourists claim that its entire coastline is occupied by luxury hotels and expensive, magnificent villas. Buying real estate in is easy. There are no restrictions for foreigners here, as in some countries. The staff of hotel complexes and restaurants is very kind and strives to fulfill any wishes of clients. As the reviews say, you need to get used to their dialect of English. Even the British don't always understand the locals. The chefs of St. Kitts have fully mastered European cuisine, and the culinary school of Nevis gravitates towards traditional local recipes. The number of serious crimes on the islands is quite low. But, tourists warn, pickpocketing is common, so it is better to keep valuables in a room safe.

St. Kitts Island Tours

Of course, the sea and the beach are the main attractions of the dwarf state. But there are others. If you are vacationing on the island of Nevis, do not be lazy to climb the peak of the same name. The height of this volcano is nine hundred eighty-five meters above sea level. Your reward for your hard work will be an unparalleled view of the two islands. And you can go down through the side vents of the Hurricane Hill or Saddle Hill volcano. Transport links in the country are well developed. There is even a narrow-gauge railway here. There is also an airport on Nevis - Newcastle.

The island of St. Kitts is of interest to ecotourists. Its attractions are not only natural. Traveling through the Golden Rock Plantation Nature Reserve and Brimestone Hill Fortress Park, you can see an ancient British fort. In its barracks there is a museum whose exhibition tells about the colonial history and the traditional way of life of the islanders. On Nevis, you should visit the Historical Museum and the House. Entertainment on the islands includes leisurely sailing on yachts along the strait and lagoons, cycling, and horseback riding. The country has casinos and many golf clubs.


The population of the dwarf state is the descendants of African slaves who settled the islands after the almost total extermination of the indigenous inhabitants - the Indians. Therefore, the main religion is Christianity. The colonial period made its own adjustments to the religion of local residents. Most are Anglicans or Methodist Protestants. But the number of Catholics is also large. The main colorful events are also associated with religion. Reviews recommend visiting the island of St. Kitts during the Christmas season. The twenty-fifth of December is celebrated very beautifully here. And on the second of January, a colorful festival takes place on the island. The beginning of Lent, Good Friday, the Resurrection of the Lord and Pentecost are also celebrated on a large scale. Of the secular holidays, special mention should be made of the British Queen's birthday, which falls on June 12, Emancipation from Slavery (the first Monday in August) and Independence Day (the nineteenth of September).

Saint Kitts: Citizenship

Many tourists, having arrived in this paradise country, simply fall in love with it. But you can stay forever, adding fifty thousand to the population of the dwarf state. When global demand for cane sugar fell, the government of St. Kitts and Nevis launched a program with the eloquent name “Citizenship by Investment”. Anyone who makes a voluntary contribution to the country's Sugar Fund receives a passport from the island power without any problems. The amount of investment donations depends on the number of dependents in the applicant’s family and ranges from two hundred fifty to four hundred fifty thousand US dollars. Some additional amount (but not more than ten percent of the main contribution) will be required to pay various government fees and notary acts. What does citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis give? Firstly, it is visa-free entry into one hundred and twenty countries. Citizenship is inherited by children from their parents. You do not need to renounce your country of birth.

Citizenship through real estate

There is another way to obtain the coveted state passport. The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis have been acquiring luxury housing over the last decade. On the shores and even on the shallow bottom of lagoons, luxury villas are being built on stilts, just waiting for their buyers. Haven't you dreamed of your own house by the sea? And not just any Barents or Laptev, but the Caribbean? If you purchase real estate for an amount not less than four hundred thousand US dollars, citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis will be a pleasant bonus for you. This method, reviews say, is more profitable if you want to live on the islands. After five years, you can sell your property without losing your citizenship. But there is a great danger of losing money due to online scams. The government of the country, in order to prevent this, published on its website an official list of all dealers who have the right to purchase real estate in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Do you want to be able to travel without visas to different countries? Do you admire the nature of the Caribbean and want to settle on paradise islands? Dreaming of enjoying ocean views in a warm climate? The Citizenship by Investment program of St. Kitts and Nevis is exactly what lovers of tropical nature and comfort require

Portrait of the country

Located on two islands in the Caribbean Sea - Saint Kitts and Nevis.

  • Area – 261 sq. km.
  • The capital is Basseterre.
  • The average annual temperature is +18-24 0С.
  • There is no rainy season.
  • The population is more than 50 thousand people, mostly African Americans.
  • The official language is English.
  • The basis of the economy is tourism and agriculture.

Features: picturesque nature, large national park, developed transport infrastructure, entertainment and tourism industry, holidays and carnivals.

It ranks 6th in the world in the Global Index of Citizenship by Investment Programs.

Visa-free regime with 132 countries, including the UK and EU states.


Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation of two islands with a total area of ​​more than 220 square meters. km. The capital of the country is Basseterre. The city is located on St. Kitts, where more than two-thirds of the population lives. The characteristic landscape for both islands is small mountains, abundantly covered with forests. There is an extinct volcano in St. Kitts with a height of 1155 m. In its crater there is a beautiful lake. Almost a third of the territory of St. Kitts is occupied by a national park, protected by the state. Saint Kitts and Nevis are separated by a 3 km wide strait. The nature of Nevis is no less picturesque: tropical forests, a chain of rounded mountains, amazingly beautiful sunsets and suddenly flashing rainbows turn the island into a pearl of the Caribbean.

Saint Kitts and Nevis has a mild climate. There is no rainy season here, and the air temperature is almost constant and ranges from +18 0C to +24 0C.

The islands are famous for their beaches, coral reefs and comfortable bays. Saint Kitts and Nevis boasts not only beautiful nature, but also a rich history. The names of Alexander Hamilton and Admiral Nelson are associated with them. Nevis even has a small Nelson Museum.

The islands contain ancient forts, ruins on ancient plantations, and the architecture itself bears clear traces of colonial influence.

Political and economic structure

The state of Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence in 1984, and since then it has been part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The head of state is the British monarch, represented by the Governor-General. Legislative power is vested in the parliament, elected by the citizens of the state. Economic power is concentrated in the hands of the prime minister, who becomes the head of the political force that wins the next parliamentary elections.

About 10-15 years ago, tourism and agriculture were the basis of the economy, but after the global crisis of 2008-2009. The tourism industry has suffered serious losses. The government has focused on this sector. The result was five-star resort complexes.

Villas and bungalows with sea views, SPA hotels and golf clubs, apartments and studios with swimming pools, marinas and yacht clubs have attracted tourist flows from the USA and Europe to the country. Now the country is visited by about 700,000 people a year. The construction boom also revived the domestic economy, so that now Saint Kitts and Nevis is an economically prosperous state. Construction is underway on both islands: on the active, crowded St. Kitts, and on the peaceful, calm and picturesque Nevis.

The investment citizenship program has been implemented here since 1984; since the early 2000s, the influx of investments has been growing steadily, which makes it possible to implement serious development projects.
The climate, nature and infrastructure of the islands seem to many to be a sufficient reason to decide to go to live in St. Kitts and Nevis or obtain citizenship.


The country has an optimized taxation system, where capital gains from foreign operations are not taxed. This encourages investors with international business to place capital in the country and become tax residents. There are no income taxes, no gift or inheritance taxes.

Main types of taxes in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Capital gains tax on domestic transactions Charged on transactions involving assets located in the country for less than one year from the date of acquisition 20 %
Social Security Tax Paid by employees
Earning an annual income of 1000 to 6500 Caribbean dollars 3,5 %
From 6500 to 8000 Caribbean dollars 10 %
More than 8000 12 %
Income tax for legal entities conducting commercial activities within the country Payments are made by resident enterprises of the country operating on its territory 35 %
Tax on transfers of individuals All individuals pay when transferring funds outside the country 10 %
Property tax Annual 0.2% of market value

Income received from rental property is not taxed. There is no capital gains tax on the sale of real estate.

Life in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Just over 50 thousand people live in the country, almost 80% of them live in St. Nevis. African Americans predominate among the indigenous population. The official language is English. The currency is the Caribbean dollar, which is used throughout the Caribbean.

The country, although it looks like an untouched tropical paradise, has a very developed infrastructure. The length of roads is over 1000 km. A narrow gauge railway runs along the coast of St. Kitts. Three large ports receive not only sailing ships, but also cruise ships. There are international airports on every island. Construction of a special terminal for receiving private jets is now being completed in St. Kitts.

Entertainment and cuisine

Locals love holidays, so throughout the year several colorful carnivals take place on the islands, mostly dedicated to Catholic celebrations. The developed resort infrastructure includes many sports clubs and facilities: golf and tennis courses, riding clubs, infrastructure for yachting, surfing and diving. The abundance of coral reefs and shipwrecks that abound in these waters make diving especially exciting. There is also plenty to do on land, from visiting swimming pools and spas to excursions to the national park, which is part of the UNESCO heritage.

There are many places to relax with children: a water park, an amusement park, paintball, an adventure track, children's railway excursions with guides.

Nightlife takes place in clubs, bars and restaurants. There are many food establishments here. The cuisine of St. Kitts and Nevis is a bizarre fusion of French, Spanish and local culinary traditions. It has a lot of vegetables and meat fried over an open fire, fish and seafood, and excellent desserts and delicacies are prepared from local fruits.


As with most islands, prices here are higher than on the mainland:

  • Bottle of wine – $14;
  • A pack of cigarettes – $12-14;
  • Lunch at a fast food restaurant – $7-8;
  • Dinner for two in a restaurant – $75-85 without alcohol;
  • A cup of cappuccino in a cafe – $3.5-4;
  • Can of cola – $2.

Prices in stores differ little from price tags on other islands:

  • Chicken fillet – $8 per 1 kg;
  • Oranges – $3-4;
  • Milk – $3 per 1 liter;
  • A movie ticket costs $5-6;
  • Subscription fee for unlimited Internet – from $35 per month;
  • Public transport ticket for one trip – $1.5;
  • A liter of gasoline is about $3.

The country has a high standard of living, one of the highest in the Caribbean, with an average salary of $3-3.5 thousand per month, which encourages immigration to St. Kitts and Nevis.

Real estate

Resort real estate here is quite expensive, so to realize the dream of a villa with a pool and an ocean view you will need at least $800,000 - $1,000,000. The minimum investment contribution under the Citizenship by Investment program for St. Kitts and Nevis is $400,000. For these money can buy apartments with 1-2 bedrooms, a small house in the coastal area or a share in the property.

Rental housing costs from $1000. For this money you can rent a small house in the suburbs with two bedrooms. Renting the same house in the capital will be twice or three times more expensive.

Benefits of obtaining citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis

The citizenship by investment program of St. Kitts and Nevis is one of the oldest, it has been operating since 1984. According to the terms of the program, you can invest in real estate or pay a contribution to a government fund. What are the benefits of a St. Kitts and Nevis passport?

  • Visa-free entry to 132 countries, including the UK, Schengen countries, Singapore, Hong Kong and other global centers of business and financial activity.
  • Returnable investment is possible in high-class resort real estate.
  • The mild and dry climate makes living or relaxing here as pleasant and rewarding as possible.
  • A quick change of tax residence is possible.
  • You can register enterprises and conduct business using the received passport.
  • The result of participation in the program is full citizenship.
  • Money invested in real estate can be returned by selling it after five years (without capital gains tax).
  • There are no taxes on profits earned from business activities abroad.
  • The purchased property can be rented out, gifted or inherited.
  • Citizenship provides an “alternate airfield” in case of a sudden change in the political or economic situation.
  • St. Kitts and Nevis recognizes second citizenship, so there is no need to renounce the original one.
  • There are no requirements for permanent residence, language, or knowledge of history. There is no need to undergo an interview.

We are official representatives of the Citizenship by Investment program, so we will select an individual solution for you, taking into account your requirements, objectives and expectations.