Geography of Georgia. Georgia: area of ​​territory excluding Abkhazia and South Ossetia Where Georgia is included

Republic of Georgia.

The national name is Sakart-velo (Kartvelians - “Georgians”).

Capital of Georgia. Tbilisi.

Georgia Square. 69700 km2.

Population of Georgia. 3.716 million people (

Georgia GDP. $16.53 billion (

Location of Georgia. Georgia is a state in the Southwestern Transcaucasus region. In the west it is washed by waters. In the north it borders with Russia, in the east - with, in the south - with Azerbaijan, and. Georgia includes two autonomous republics (Adjara and Abkhazia) and the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

Administrative divisions of Georgia. Georgia consists of 65 districts.

Form of government of Georgia. Republic.

Head of State of Georgia. President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Supreme legislative body of Georgia. A bicameral parliament whose term of office is 5 years.

Supreme executive body of Georgia. The Supreme Council.

Major cities of Georgia. Kutaisi, Batumi, Sukhumi.

State language of Georgia. Georgian.

Religion of Georgia. 65% are adherents of the Orthodox Church, 10% of the Russian Orthodox Church, 11% of Islam, 8% of the Armenian Orthodox Church.

Ethnic composition of Georgia. 70.1% are Georgians, 8.1% are Armenians, 6.3% are Russians, 5.7% are Azerbaijanis, 3% are 1.8% are Abkhazians, Adjarians and Greeks also live.

Currency of Georgia. Lari = 100 tetri.

Georgia. The climate of Georgia depends on the region: in the Colchis Valley and on the Black Sea coast and continental in the mountainous regions. The average January temperature ranges from - 2 °C (Iverian) to + 3 °C (Colchis), August - + 23-26 °C. In the mountains of Western Georgia, facing , 1000 to 2800 mm of precipitation falls per year, in Eastern Georgia - 300-600 mm.

Flora of Georgia. There are 15 in Georgia, the main one is Lagodekhi, where they are located. Forests occupy 40% of the country's territory (evergreen in the subtropics).

Fauna of Georgia. Georgia is home to the tiger, Dagestan tur, mountain goat, bear, deer, roe deer, lynx, many birds, and snakes.

and lakes of Georgia. The main rivers are Kura and Riona. The largest lakes are Paleostomi, Ritsa, Ametkel.

Sights of Georgia. In Tbilisi - Sioni Cathedral, St. David's Monastery, Anchiskhati Basilica. In Kutaisi - the Bagrata Temple, in Mtskheta - the Svetitskhoveli Patriarchal Cathedral, in Gelati - the Gelati Monastery, the building of the Academy.

Useful information for tourists

A large number of tourists are attracted by springs (Borjomi, Tskaltub, Mendzhi, Saimre), as well as coastal climatic (Gagra, Pitsunda, Kobuleti, etc.), mountain climatic (Bakuriani, Bakhmaro, etc.) resorts.

Shops are usually open from 9.00 to 19.00, and a large number of shops and supermarkets serve customers around the clock. Fairs and markets are open seven days a week.

The export of items of historical and cultural value is prohibited.

About Georgia

Georgia is a unique country with ancient history and culture, friendly people who are famous throughout the world for their hospitality. This is a country of majestic mountains, crystal clear lakes, breathtaking landscapes, ancient cities and distinctive traditions.

IN Georgia each of us will find something of our own, because in this country, without traveling long distances, you can see the entire planet - there are mountains, forests, valleys, plains, rivers, the sea, and even deserts. This is a country of year-round recreation. In winter, the famous ski resorts of Gudauri and Bakuriani await us for vacation, in summer - magnificent beaches and resorts of Adjara, spring and autumn are the best time for excursion, health, gastronomic and wedding tours! Georgia attracts tourists from all over the world. This mysterious country enchants them with its secrets, hospitable people, vibrant and rich cuisine, stunning nature and much more.

Geography. Georgia is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, in the central and western part of Transcaucasia. In the west it is washed by the Black Sea and borders Turkey, in the south it borders with Armenia, in the east with Azerbaijan, and through the Caucasus Range in the north with Russia. The capital and largest city of the country is Tbilisi.

The territory of Georgia occupies 69,700 square meters. km, mostly mountainous, more than a third covered with dense forests. The highest point of the Caucasus Range is Mount Shkhara (5068 m). The Lesser Caucasus Range runs through the south of the country; here the highest points do not exceed 3000 meters.

The capital, Tbilisi, is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Georgia, with almost 1,700 years of history and about 1.5 million inhabitants. Translated from Georgian, Tbilisi means Warm.

The official language is Georgian.

The government system is a unitary parliamentary-presidential republic.

Climate.N in the west of the country the climate is subtropical, in the east it is transitional from subtropical to temperate. Summer is hot and long. The average August temperature throughout almost the entire country is +23–26 °C.

Population. The country's population is about 5 million. The vast majority of the population of Georgia are Orthodox Christians (83.9%).

Visa.G Citizens of Belarus and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus do not require a visa to visit Georgia, provided that the duration of the visit does not exceed 90 days within a 180-day period. Attention!!! If your passport contains notes about visiting Abkhazia or South Ossetia entry into the territory of Georgia will be denied, including arrest and deportation.

The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into Georgia and must have at least 2 blank pages for stamping.

Time. The time difference with Minsk is plus 1 hour.

Money. Lari (GEL). 1 lari = 100 tetri. There are both metal coins and paper banknotes. You can exchange money at bank branches or exchange offices. There is no commission for currency exchange at Georgian exchange offices. You can pay using a credit card in hotels, large restaurants and shops. In case of unexpected expenses, you can receive money throughout the country through the Western Union system.

Transport. Various types of public transport are common in Georgia: buses, minibuses, taxis, and there is a metro in Tbilisi. The country has a developed railway network. There are 3 international airports in Batumi, Kutaisi and Tbilisi.

Connection.Georgia's dialing code is +995.

The shops. Shops are usually open from 9-10 am to 6-7 pm, many modern shops in Tbilisi follow a 12-hour opening hours: from 9 to 21 or from 10 to 22, and supermarkets are often open around the clock. Markets and fairs open from 5-6 am and close shortly after noon.

TAX FREE. With the help of the TAX FREE system, foreign citizens are given the opportunity to return value added tax after leaving Georgia. The product must be purchased from a store that has the right to issue a special receipt for the refund of VAT, and the delivery of the product must be subject to VAT. The purchase price must exceed 200 Georgian lari in one receipt. Removal of goods must occur no later than three months after arrival. The product must be packaged in a special sealed plastic bag in which the seller places the product, the integrity of the seal must be maintained. A special receipt for VAT refund is required. The goods reflected in a special receipt for VAT refund must be completely exported from the territory of Georgia.

Story. Georgia is the intersection of two greatest cultures - the culture of the West and the culture of the East. Many centuries ago, the main roads of the Great Silk Road passed here. The first mention of the creation of the Georgian state dates back to the distant 10th century. In these ancient times, several Georgian principalities united into one single state, which, however, did not last very long - only three centuries. The “Golden Age” of Georgia occurred between the beginning of the 11th and the beginning of the 13th centuries. The peak of its prosperity is considered to be the reign of Queen Tamara, nicknamed the Great (1184-1210). In the 18th century Georgian principalities were able to unite again, and later most of them became part of the Russian Empire. Georgia has always been and today remains a multinational, hospitable country.

Attractions. For thousands of years, Georgia has accumulated its cultural baggage, from time immemorial to the present day, and thanks to traditions and love for its homeland, it has been carefully preserved for posterity. Cyclopean fortresses, ancient cities and temples, breathtaking landscapes that open up for viewing from observation platforms and mountain serpentines, karst caves, dinosaur tracks near Kutaisi, the oldest wine cellars in the world, stylish modern architecture along with twisted Tbilisi balconies - all this will not leave you indifferent not a single tourist.

There are about 150 museums and 12,000 historical monuments in Georgia, 3 of which are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List: Mtskheta - a museum city, the ancient capital of Georgia; the architectural complex of Gelati, including a medieval academy, a central temple with unique mosaic frescoes and tombs of Georgian kings; Upper Svaneti with its historical towers.

Kitchen. Georgian cuisine takes a well-deserved place on the culinary Olympus. Food for Georgians is one of the most important parts of Georgian culture. The basis of the cuisine, contrary to popular belief, is not meat, but a variety of dairy and vegetable products, as well as cereals, from which everyday dishes are mainly prepared. Among the meat dishes, the most typical ones are “mtsvadi” kebab, unique “khinkali” dumplings made from lamb richly seasoned with herbs and spices, “Lori” ham, fried or smoked “kupaty” sausages, “buglama” lamb stewed with spices, boiled meat with seasonings “ khashlama", hot liver dish "Kuchmachi", loin on a spit, "chanakhi", various types of pilaf, fried beef fillet "basturma", "kaurma", giblet broth with garlic "hashi", soup "kharcho", cold soup from by-products “muzhuzhi” (more like jellied meat), “bozbashi” with lamb, etc. Poultry dishes are everywhere on the table - the famous “satsivi” of all types, poultry broth seasoned with flour, vinegar-egg mixture and onions - “chikhirtma”, the famous “chakhokhbili” and “tabaka” chickens, chicken soup with nuts, scrambled eggs with nuts, chicken stuffed with rice, as well as a variety of fish - with “tsotskhali” sauce, trout with nuts, fish kebab, etc. Well and, of course, greens. This is both the basis of the kitchen and its main asset. A Georgian table is simply unthinkable without greens and a wide variety of vegetables.

Georgian cheese deserves special compliments. Many varieties of cheese are made - “Suluguni” from Western Georgia, young cheese with mint “Gadazelili” from Imereti, lamb cheese “Guda” from Teuleti, Tushino and Kobi cheeses from Javakheti, fried Suluguni or cheese soup - all this is only a tiny part of the application cheese in this country. Greens and cheese are used as an ingredient in almost every Georgian dish!

The national pride of Georgians is, of course, wine! It was in Georgia that the culture of grape cultivation and winemaking arose. Back in the 6th millennium BC, people living in these places produced wine. Georgian wines are something special! These wines are not like the wines of other countries. Unlike France or Italy, in Georgia wines are aged not in glass bottles, but in special jugs - “qvevri”. Largely thanks to this, Georgian wines have such a unique, original taste! Here are just some brands of Georgian wines - “Kindzmarauli”, “Manavi”, “Mukuzani”, “Napareuli”, “Alazani Valley”, “Akhasheni”, “Khvanchkara”, “Tsolikouri”, “Chkhaveri”, “Argveta”, “Kardanakhi” ", "Khirsa", "Psou", "Samo", "Yeniseli", etc.

Holidays in Georgia. Thanks to the state program for the development of tourism, the ultra-modern resort city of Batumi has grown on the Black Sea coast of Georgia. Once famous for its cargo port, today Batumi has become a mecca for seaside holidays. Modern hotels, entertainment complexes, a huge number of bars, restaurants and beach bungalows are located on the city streets and on the seaside boulevard right by the sea, nightclubs and casinos are within walking distance regardless of your vacation spot. In addition to Batumi, smaller resorts are also extremely popular among vacationers - Kobuleti, Ureki, Anaklia, Kvariati, etc. A huge advantage of most Georgian resorts is the unity of beauty (the beaches are washed by the sea on one side, framed by mountains on the other) and balneological health opportunities.

Balneological and health resorts of Georgia: Borjomi, Tskhaltubo, Sairme, Abastumani. Georgia has long been known for its healing resorts due to the presence of unique mineral waters and a combination of mountain and sea air. There are 22 main sources of mineral waters on the territory of the republic, the most famous of which are Zvare, Sairme, Nabeglavi, Borjomi, etc. Georgia supplies its healing mineral water to more than 25 countries of the world.

The oldest health resorts from the times of the Russian Empire and the Soviet period are now experiencing a rebirth. In Borjomi, new sanatoriums and boarding houses are being revived and built, the medical buildings of the famous Tskhaltubo have again begun to conduct health procedures using radon waters, in Abastumani and Bakuriani they continue to be treated with the unique healing properties of the local mountain air.

One of the most popular types of recreation in Georgia is undoubtedly a vacation in the mountains. The purest mountain air and incredible landscapes, rafting on mountain rivers, mountaineering, trekking and hiking, mountain biking from year to year attract lovers of active recreation to the Caucasus Mountains. Many marked routes make active tourism in Georgia attractive to everyone.

Winter holidays in Georgia, of course, are primarily associated with alpine skiing and snowboarding. Considering that about 70% of the territory is occupied by the mountain systems of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus Ranges, the ski resorts of Georgia are among the most popular winter resorts in the CIS. The most famous ski resort in Georgia can be called the village Gudauri, located on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range. Many kilometers of pistes, endless opportunities for freeride and off-piste skiing, modern cable cars and cozy chalets annually attract thousands of skiers and snowboarders.

Tours to Georgia are relevant at any time of the year! Flights to Georgia are offered from Minsk or Moscow. Direct flights are operated from Minsk to Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi.

Souvenirs. From Georgia you can bring many unique souvenirs and gifts for friends. Among the main ones: wine; chacha - Georgian grape vodka; Georgian sweets - churchkhela, dried persimmon, pastila, baklava, gozinaki, a wheel of real Georgian suluguni cheese; seasonings or in Georgian - hops-suneli; kubdari, lobiani and khachapuri; wine horn; dagger, saber, gun; highlander costume, national costume; handmade jewelry with Georgian cloisonné enamel; magnets, keychains, postcards, the flag of Georgia, decorative plates, cups and T-shirts with various national designs, etc. Georgian scarves are often brought from Georgia. Tourists love to buy daggers. But in this case, a document confirming the purchase is required, which is taken immediately in the store.

Welcome to hospitable Georgia!

This culturally rich state is located on the territory of Western Asia and the Middle East. Life in this country has always been turbulent, but this did not stop its inhabitants from amassing a rich cultural and historical heritage.

Geography of Georgia

The climate in this country is mild and warm, and due to the fact that it is geographically partially located in Western Asia, its flora and fauna are extremely diverse and interesting.

The territory of Georgia (georgia) on modern maps occupies almost 70 thousand square meters. kilometers, it also has a maritime border with the Black Sea of ​​about 310 kilometers. There are many ranges throughout the country, which is why the country is distinguished by the presence of many mountains and hills. Geologists associate a large number of ridges with the movement and melting of glaciers.

The natural conditions there are very diverse and are distinguished by their beneficial effect on the human body. Thanks to this, Georgia is a favorite country for tourists around the world.

The lack of developed shipping throughout the long existence of the country is explained primarily by the fact that there were no bays and bays on the coast that were suitable in size and conditions.


The country for the most part has mountainous terrain, but there are also:

  • Lowland plains;
  • Highland areas;
  • Plateau-like areas.


There are many different plants on the territory of the country, this is mainly due to the fact that the climate there does not change much in winter and summer, and there are red soils, soils of the humid tropical zone, soils of moderately humid forests and even semi-deserts.

Earthly riches

Rich in fossil treasures, the earth contains large amounts of:

  • Manganese ore. The approximate reserve of deposits is 200 million tons;
  • Stone coals. The approximate reserve of deposits is 400 million tons;
  • Copper ores. The approximate reserve of deposits is 250 million tons;
  • Oil. The approximate reserves of the deposits are 30 million tons.

They also extract a lot of raw materials used as building materials, such as:

  • Useful clays;
  • Limestone;
  • Raw materials for the production of cement and bricks;
  • Gypsum and talc.

One of the main riches of Georgia is their healthy mineral waters. There are more than 2 thousand fresh springs and 22 mineral water springs. World-famous Borjomi and Sairme are distributed to 24 countries around the world in a volume of 40 billion liters per year.

The country's territory has 27,000 square kilometers of forests.


One half of the territory is in the subtropical, and the other in the Mediterranean climate zone.

The Great Caucasus Range retains cold northern winds, and thanks to this, a warm and humid climate is maintained along the entire coastline. Several types of palm trees and many fruit trees grow there.

The temperature rarely drops below zero, the winter months pass at 5-8 degrees Celsius, and in the summer at 24-28 degrees.


The total population in Georgia as of 2017 is 3,718,200 people. According to the latest population census, the percentage of nationalities and nationalities is known.

  • Georgians – 83.83%;
  • Azerbaijanis – 6.28%;
  • Armenians – 4.53%;
  • Russians – 0.71%;
  • Ossetians – 0.39%;
  • Yazidis – 0.33%

State structure

The basis for the modern constitution of Georgia, which was adopted in 1995, is the previous constitution of 1921. located in the eastern part of the country.

The head of the country is the president, who is elected by secret ballot. The term of office is 5 years; one candidate cannot be elected more than 2 times in a row. He is the de facto head of state, the supreme commander and the main representative in contact with other countries.

The highest legislative power belongs to parliament. It has 150 deputies, 77 are chosen from a list of possible candidates, and 71 from single-member constituencies.

However, it is worth noting that the autonomous republics of Abkhazia and Adjara are not under the control of the Georgian parliament.

Zviad Gamsakhurdia became the first president of Georgia, but the conflict within the country made his reign short-lived.


It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of which countries Georgia borders with. On its territory there are two neighboring autonomous republics, whose independence Georgia and the UN Council do not recognize, calling their position illegal and occupied by Russia.

Officially, Georgia’s neighbors are four countries:

  • Türkiye. The length of the border is 275 kilometers;
  • Armenia. The length of the border is 196 kilometers, according to Armenia, and 224 kilometers, according to Georgia;
  • Azerbaijan. The length of the border is 480 kilometers;
  • Russia. The length of the border is 897 kilometers, and if we recognize the autonomy of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, then 365 kilometers.

In 1990, elections to the State Duma were held. The victory was won by the party of Zviad Gamsakhurdia, who was proclaimed the first president of the Georgian republic.

At the end of March 1991, a referendum was held, which raised the question of Georgian independence. In fact, the purpose of the referendum was separation from the USSR. The country was fully supported by the US Congress.

Abkhazia and South Ossetia have declared their intention to secede from Georgia and become independent republics with an autonomous form of government.

After the collapse of the USSR, major military conflicts occurred between Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the result of which was that the autonomies were beyond the control of the Georgian government.

For many years, autonomy was not recognized by anyone except nearby Russia. But after the brief South Ossetian conflict in 2008, the world community recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but many Russophobes still claim that the territories are under occupation.

Change of power

On May 26, 1991, Zviad Gamsakhurdia won the first presidential elections. But already in December, the national guard under the leadership of Tengiz Kitovani, with the support of the Mkhedrioni military formation, rebelled. The president was forced to leave the country and go to Armenia, but under pressure from the Georgian authorities, he could not stay there for long and went to Chechnya, where he was an honored guest.

In 1992, Eduard Shevardnadze, who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the USSR before the collapse, was called to the main leadership post of the State Council of Georgia (the main administrative body created by the revolutionary government).

Already in 1993, Gamsakhurdia returned from the Chechen Republic to his native Zugdidi province, to the location of his supporters. This led to a bloody conflict for power. Shevardnadze's power was in a precarious state after the defeat in Abkhazia, and he was forced to ask for help from Russia. In December 1993, Gamsakhurdia was killed under mysterious circumstances; the official version was that he committed suicide, but a bullet hole in the back of his head makes many think about murder.

Terrible living conditions and the threat to statehood in the country led to a change of government in 2003. Shevardnadze was forced to resign as president.

A country's economy

According to available data, it is known that in 2017, 9.1% of the population in Georgia was below the poverty line. GDP per capita is 10,100 US dollars.


Heavy and large industry in Georgia is developing mainly due to enterprises organizing the extraction of minerals and those that produce food. Otherwise, most of the factories and enterprises are idle due to unnecessary use or lack of funding.


Agricultural products in Georgia are produced either by private estates or small farms. Since most farmers there work manually and rarely use a lot of farm equipment, the efficiency of such activities is quite low. More than 50% of the population is engaged in agricultural activities, but this brings only 12% to the annual growth of the country's GDP.

- a state in South-West Asia in the Transcaucasian region. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In the north it borders with Russia, in the east with Azerbaijan, in the south with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. Georgia includes two autonomous republics (Adjara and Abkhazia) and the autonomous region of South Ossetia.

The national name is Sakart-velo (Kartvelians - “Georgians”).

Official name: Republic of Georgia (Sakartvelo).


The area of ​​the land: 69.7 thousand sq. km

Total Population: 4.4 million people

Administrative division: Georgia consists of 65 districts.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Population composition: 70.1% are Georgians, 8.1% are Armenians, 6.3% are Russians, 5.7% are Azerbaijanis, 3% are Ossetians, 1.8% are Abkhazians, Kurds, Adjarians, and Greeks also live.

Official language: Georgian, but many speak Russian.

Religion: 65% are adherents of the Georgian Orthodox Church, 10% of the Russian Orthodox Church, 11% of Islam, 8% of the Armenian Orthodox Church.

Internet domain: .ge

Mains voltage: ~220 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +995

Country barcode: 486


In the west it is subtropical, in the east it is transitional from subtropical to temperate. Throughout the country, the climatic situation is complicated by the influence of mountains, but since most of the ridges run from west to east, even in the most remote areas the influence of warm Black Sea air masses is noticeable.

In the western regions, influenced by the Black Sea, summers are humid and warm, with average July temperatures of 22–24° C. Winters are mild, with average January temperatures of 4–7° C. There is a large amount of precipitation (1000–2000 mm per year) with maximum in Adjara (up to 3200 mm). The predominant part of precipitation occurs in spring.

The Likhsky ridge intercepts moisture from air masses moving from west to east. In the eastern regions of Georgia, the climate is formed under the influence of continental air masses. On the plains, summers are longer and hotter, with average July temperatures of 23–25° C. Winters are cool, with average January temperatures from +1 to –2° C. Average annual precipitation is 400–600 mm, the maximum occurs in late spring and early summer.

On the slopes of the Georgian mountains, average July temperatures drop to 4–6° C; in the highlands, average January temperatures can reach –10–16° C. Average annual precipitation ranges from 1600–2800 mm in the west to 1000–1800 mm in the east of the Greater Caucasus and up to 600–700 mm on the South Georgian Highlands. The weather in the mountains changes quickly. Sudden cold snaps are accompanied by heavy snowfalls, downpours, hail and foes (strong, warm winds blowing from the mountains to the valleys), causing significant damage to the economy.


From the West, Georgia is washed by the Black Sea. The coastline (308 km) is slightly rugged and describes a smooth arc; the coast is devoid of significant bays and peninsulas. Georgia borders with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and the Russian Federation.

The landscape of Georgia is diverse. The high-mountain region of the Greater Caucasus is characterized by the presence of mountain-forest, black-meadow and non-vald belts, and the presence of dark coniferous forests. The Colchis lowland is humid subtropics, the flat-hilly and forest-steppe region of Iveria determines the forest-steppe and steppe nature of the landscape.

In the Middle Mountain region of the Lesser Caucasus, in addition to the mountain forest and mountain meadow belts, there are areas with dark coniferous forests with abundant moisture and less humid areas. The highest points in Georgia are mountains Shkhara (5068 m), Kazbek (5035 m), Ushba (4700 m). The longest rivers (km) are Alazani (90), Kura (351), Rioni (333); lakes (km²) - Paravani (37.5), Paliostromi (18.2), etc.

Soils are diverse. Red soils are distributed mainly in Adjara and Guria, yellow soils, chernozems, chestnut, brown and gray-brown soils are characteristic of the eastern part of the intermountain depression.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The vegetation in Georgia is very diverse: more than 5,000 species of flowering plants alone are found here. Depending on the climatic features and the absolute altitude of the area, several zones and vertical belts of vegetation are distinguished (from steppe to alpine).

Forests are distributed mainly in the mountains and occupy approximately a third of the country's area. In the west of Georgia they descend to the sea itself, and in the east their lower border is at altitudes from 600 to 800 m above sea level. The forests of Western Georgia are especially rich and diverse.

Their lower belt (up to 1000–1200 m) is dominated by broad-leaved species (oak, hornbeam, chestnut, maple, beech, etc.) with an evergreen undergrowth of Pontic rhododendron, cherry laurel, boxwood, Colchis holly, Colchis broom, and Caucasian blueberry. This type of forest, called Colchis, is characterized by an abundance of vines - ivy, clematis, and liana; In some places it becomes impassable.

The swampy forests of the Colchis Lowland are dominated by alder and there is almost no undergrowth. In some areas of the coast of Abkhazia, endemic species are found, for example, Pitsunda pine, a relict of the Tertiary Crimean-Caucasian flora. Over the past millennia, grapes and fruit crops have been cultivated in the valleys.

In Western Georgia, above the belt of Colchis forests and up to the upper forest boundary (1700–1800 m), mixed forests are common, in which beech and spruce-fir, and less often pine, stands are common. At the upper border of the forest there are birch forests with an admixture of rowan and thickets of rhododendron.

The forests of Eastern Georgia are floristically less rich. In the upper mountain belt (up to 2300–2400 m) spruce-fir forest stands are common, found to the west of the river. Ksani, and in the more eastern areas there are only pine and pine-birch forests. Below, coniferous forests give way to beech and then oak and hornbeam forests.

In the extreme east of the country there are small areas of dry steppes (fescue-feather grass and fescue-bearded grass with forbs) and xerophytic woodlands with species such as hackberry, pistachio, pomegranate, and tree-tree. Wormwood semi-deserts with kochia and solyanka have an even more limited distribution. In the valleys of the Kura, Alazani, Iori and other rivers, floodplain tugai forests of aspen, willow, silver poplar, oak, and dogwood have been preserved.

Subalpine and alpine meadows in the west of Georgia rise to 2800–3000 m, in the east – up to 3600 m above sea level. The subalpine meadows of Western Georgia are characterized by lush tall grasses with a large participation of Umbelliferae, Legumes and Lamiaceae. Low-grass alpine meadows are distributed in fragments, alternating with stone placers, rock outcrops and glaciers.

Animal world

The fauna of Georgia is diverse. It is represented by more than 100 species of mammals, 330 species of birds and 160 species of fish. Many representatives of the fauna are endemic or semi-endemic, for example, the Artvinian lizard and the Kuban tur (whose horns are used as vessels for wine in Georgia).

The fauna of the steppes of Eastern Georgia is very unique. Until recently, the goitered gazelle was found there, surviving only in certain areas of the Shirak steppe. The striped hyena is found in the Gardabani steppe and Alazani valley. Other predators include the fox, jackal, and jungle cat. Wolves are common in livestock-raising areas. Rodents are typical for the steppes: jerboas, voles, hamsters. Common birds include tree sparrow, gray partridge, quail, and steppe eagle. Characterized by an abundance of lizards and turtles, as well as snakes (common and water snakes, western boas, yellow-bellied snakes). Viper is found in the Eldar and Shirak steppes.

The wildlife of forests is richest. In many areas, Caucasian deer, roe deer, wild boar, brown hare, squirrel are common, and predators include brown bear, wolf, jackal, lynx, wildcat and fox. The badger causes great damage to agriculture.

The forests of Georgia are famous for the abundance and diversity of birds. Common species are chaffinch, black-headed chickadee, great tit, greenfinch, blackbird, etc. Among the species of birds of prey listed in the Red Book of Georgia, there are (mainly in nature reserves) bearded vulture, golden eagle, griffon vulture, black vulture, etc. In some areas of Colchis and Kakheti you can still see pheasants. Of the reptiles in the forests of Georgia, the most numerous are lizards, marsh turtles and snakes (snakes, copperhead, Caucasian viper).

The high-mountain fauna is better preserved within the Main Caucasus Range. In its western part the Kuban tur is found, in the eastern part - the Dagestan tur. Both species descend into the forest belt for the winter. The chamois is almost ubiquitous, and in the east the bezoar goat is found. Typical birds of the highlands include the Caucasian black grouse, chukar and bearded vulture.

Banks and currency

Lari (GEL) equal to 100 tetri. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 lari, gold coins in denominations of 500 and 1000 lari, as well as 5, 10, 20 and 50 tetri.

Banks are usually open on weekdays from 9.00-9.30 to 17.30-19.00.

US dollars are widely used, especially in the private sector. In Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Adjara, rubles are widely accepted. Currency exchange can be done in banks and specialized exchange offices located almost everywhere. There is also a private currency exchange market, but using the services of private money changers is associated with certain risks.

In Tbilisi, you can use VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and Cirrus/Maestro credit cards in large hotels and supermarkets. Major banks accept traveler's checks for payment. In private shops, hotels and in provincial areas, their use is almost impossible.

Useful information for tourists

A large number of tourists are attracted by mineral springs (Borjomi, Tskhaltub, Mendzhi, Saimre), as well as coastal climatic (Gagra, Pitsunda, Kobuleti, etc.), mountain climatic (Bakuriani, Bakhmaro, etc.) resorts.

Shops are usually open from 9.00 to 19.00, and a large number of shops and supermarkets serve customers around the clock. Fairs and markets are open seven days a week.

The export of items of historical and cultural value is prohibited.

State in Transcaucasia. Pl. 68.7 thousand km2. Us. 5443 thousand people (1989). The state includes the republics of Abkhazia, Adjara and the South Ossetian Autonomous Region. Capital Tbilisi. In 1989 per 1000 people. 877 people were aged 15 years and older. With… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

III.9.5. Republic of Georgia (Sakartvelo)- ⇑ ... Rulers of the World

Republic of Georgia, Sakartvelo, state in Transcaucasia. The national name of the country is Sakartvelo, where Kartvels are the self-name of Georgians, and sa and o are paired affixes that serve to form a designation of place, that is, in general, the place (where they live) of Georgians. In Russian... Geographical encyclopedia

Republic of Georgia, a state in Central and Western Transcaucasia. Georgia includes two autonomous republics, Adjara and Abkhazia. Georgia. Capital Tbilisi. Population: 5431 thousand people (1998). Population density 78 people per 1 sq. km... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

- Republic ← … Wikipedia

Georgia- Georgia. Panorama of the village Mestia. GEORGIA (Republic of Georgia), a state in the central and western part of Transcaucasia, is washed in the west by the Black Sea. Area 69.7 thousand km2. population 5482 thousand people, urban 56%; Georgians (70.1%), Ossetians (3.0%) ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Sakartvelo) Republic of Georgia, in the central and western part of Transcaucasia, in the west it is washed by the Black Sea. 69.7 thousand km². Population 5493 thousand people (1993), urban 56%; Georgians (3,787 thousand people; 1989 census), Ossetians, Abkhazians, Armenians,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

GEORGIA- REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA State in the Transcaucasian region. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. In the north it borders with Russia, in the south with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey. Georgia includes two autonomous republics: Adjara and Abkhazia; and... ... Cities and countries

Since December 1918, the Republic has actually become part of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic ← ... Wikipedia

- (Lernaayastan, Arm. Լեռնահայաստան) a self-proclaimed state that existed for a short time on the territory of modern Syunik during the Civil War in Russia. History On August 10, 1920, between the RSFSR and the Republic of Armenia there was... ... Wikipedia


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