The highest mountain road in the world. The most terrible roads in the world. Glass Path and Heaven's Gate

Most of the treacherous routes are in the mountains, where there is a risk of not only falling into the abyss, but also becoming a victim of a landslide. We offer you the top deadly dangerous roads.

When planning a trip from point “A” to point “B”, each driver carefully chooses the safest and highest quality route. The road is the most popular link connecting countries, cities, various settlements. They are different: wide, narrow, straight and winding. And there are roads that, in the usual sense of the word, are difficult to call “road”.

1. Bolivia – Death Road

First place in the ranking of the most dangerous roads in the world is occupied by the forty-mile Yungas Highway in Bolivia, which annually claims more than a hundred lives. It is rightly called the “Road of Death”. On a stretch of about 70 km connecting La Paz and Coroico, more than 25 cars crash every year and 100-200 people die. This is an extremely narrow, winding road with steep slopes and slippery surfaces. Due to tropical rainfall, landslides are common, and thick fog significantly reduces visibility. The worst road accident in Bolivian history happened on July 24, 1983. Then a bus with more than 100 people on board fell into the canyon. However, this is almost the only road connecting northern Bolivia with the capital, so its operation continues today. Since the early 1990s, the Death Road has become a place of tourist pilgrimage among foreigners. In December 1999, a car carrying eight tourists from Israel fell into the abyss. But this does not stop those who like to “tickle their nerves”.

2. Brazil – BR-116

The second longest road in Brazil, which stretches from Porto Allegre to Rio de Janeiro. The section of road from the city of Curatiba to Sao Paulo stretches along steep cliffs, at times going into tunnels cut into the stone. Due to numerous fatal accidents, this road was nicknamed the “Highway of Death.”

3. China – Guolliang Tunnel

This undoubtedly dangerous road local residents called “the road that does not forgive mistakes.” The path, carved into the rock by hand, was the only link between the local village and the outside world. It took 5 years to build and many locals died in accidents during construction. On May 1, 1977, the authorities built a tunnel, which is 1,200 meters long, and opened it to vehicle traffic.

4. China Sichuan – Tibet Highway

This high mountain road is considered one of the most dangerous roads in the world. Its length is 2412 km. It begins in the east of China in Sichuan province, and ends in the west in Tibet. Highway passes 14 high mountains, average height which is 4000-5000 meters, covers dozens of rivers and forests. Due to numerous dangerous sections, the number of fatal accidents on this route has been last years increased many times.

5. Costa Rica - Pan American Highway

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Pan-American Highway is the longest highway in the world. It starts in North America and ends in the southern regions South America, and this is 47,958 km. A relatively small section of this road passes through Costa Rica, and has been called “the bloodiest route.” And the point is that this road runs along picturesque tropical forests countries and construction work is not carried out there. During the monsoon, parts of the highway are washed away, often leading to fatal accidents. In addition, the road here is narrow and crooked, and floods and landslides often occur.

6. France – Passage du Gois

Not only high mountain roads can be unsafe and threaten human life. The 4.5 km long Passage de Gois motorway in France is impressive and intimidating at the same time. This road is only open to traffic a few hours a day. The rest of the day it is hidden under water. When setting off on the road, you first need to carefully study the tide schedule, otherwise your car will simply drown.

7. Northern Italy – Vicenza

This path is built in the footsteps of an ancient path, and you can only move along it on motorcycles and bicycles. It is a narrow and rather slippery path that runs along rocks and cliffs. Incredibly stunning landscapes open up for extreme sports enthusiasts, and, despite its danger, this road is very popular among tourists.

8. Mexico - Devil's Backbone

In the Mexican state of Durango there is a road known as the "Devil's Backbone". This mountain pass for a long time remained the only connecting link between the cities of Durango and Mazatlan. To get from one settlement to another, local residents will need at least five hours. But from a bird's eye view, The Devil's Backbone is a fascinating sight. Agree that you don’t see such a picture often. But for local residents, this road remains the most dangerous and longest, and throughout the entire journey people pray to get there alive.

9. Alaska - Dalton Highway

The most snowy and isolated track in the world. Intended exclusively for transportation of construction materials. The first car drove along it in 1974. It is noteworthy that the length of this road is exactly 666 km! Along the entire route there are three small villages with a population of 10, 22 and 25 people respectively. And if your car suddenly breaks down, you won’t be envied. Experienced drivers always have everything they need with them: from a supply of water to a first aid kit.

10. Russia – Federal highway M56 Lena

Popularly known as the “Highway from Hell,” this 1,235 km long road runs parallel to the Lena River all the way to Yakutsk. This northern city is considered one of the coldest cities on earth, with an average monthly January temperature of -45 °C. It is noteworthy that the worst time to move along it is in the summer. At this time of year, traffic on the road is practically paralyzed due to heavy rains and hundred-kilometer traffic jams form. In 2006, this road was recognized as one of the most dangerous.

11. Philippines - Halsema Expressway

It is generally difficult to call such a “road” with this word. It starts out as a cobblestone street and gradually turns into a pile of dirt. The length of the road is almost 250 km, and to get along it from start to finish even in good weather it will take at least 10 hours. This is a very narrow road with frequent mountain falls, but is the only way to get to Luzon. Due to frequent fatal accidents, this route has been named one of the most dangerous in the world.

12. Norway – Troll Staircase

This road is also known as "Troll Road". She is dangerous and beautiful at the same time. The route looks like a mountain serpentine, has 11 steep loops (hairpins), and is open to travel only in spring and summer. But even during this period, cars with a length of more than 12.5 meters are prohibited from passing, because in some places the road width does not exceed 3.3 meters.

13. Pakistan – Karakoram Highway

This route is the highest mountain road in the world, and its length is 1,300 km. There is almost no road surface on it. In addition, toe snow avalanches and blockages on the passes are not uncommon here.

14. India – Leh-Manali

The road is located amidst the Himalayan mountain range and is approximately 500 km long. It was built by the Indian Army and passes through some of the highest mountain passes in the world, reaching 4850 m. It is considered one of the most difficult in the world due to frequent snowfalls, landslides and difficult terrain.

15. Egypt - Luxor-al-Hurghada highway

Speaking about the most dangerous roads in the world, one cannot fail to mention the familiar road from Hurghada to Luxor. There are no cliffs, there are no landslides or floods, and the road surface is in fairly good condition. The main danger on this highway is terrorism and banditry. Tourists were often robbed and kidnapped. That is why this tourist route is always accompanied by the military.

16. Japan – Eshima Ohashi

Our review ends with a bridge road in Japan. It is the only road connecting the two cities. Its length is 1.7 km and its width is 11.3 m. The track is built at such an angle that if you look at it from a distance, the idea of ​​driving to such a height and at such an angle seems unrealistic. And all this so that ships could sail under the road-bridge.

For thousands of years, roads have made it faster, easier and safer to get from point A to point B. This does not mean, however, that all modern roads in the world are safe and provide a comfortable and easy journey.

From our material you will learn about roads that are located in distant and little-visited corners of the planet, as well as about roads that are the main national and international highways. All these transport routes have one thing in common: for one or more reasons, traveling on these roads is unsafe. Trails may be unpaved, remote, winding, narrow and unprotected. Whatever the reason, the dangers of these 25 roads around the world will force you to take a plane or train.

Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia

This highway is one of the five longest roads in the world, along with the Trans-Canada and Australian Highways. This road unites the European and Asian parts of Russia and leads from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok through Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Chita and Khabarovsk.

If the section from St. Petersburg to Moscow is busy and well-equipped, then at huge distances from Chita to Khabarovsk there is sometimes no light, no asphalt, or oncoming cars. It is doubly scary to break down on such a section of the road, because there is a forest around and, most likely, there is no cellular communication.

Highway 1, Mexico

Some sections of this Mexican highway are paved with asphalt, but the main part of the road is little different from the surrounding rocks and dirt. In addition, sections of the highway pass directly over high precipices and most often they are not protected by barriers and fences.

Serpentine of the Stelvio Pass, Italy

This may not be the scariest or most inconvenient road in the world, but it is the most ornate. This three-kilometer stretch of road in an alpine pass is not easy for novice drivers.

Road to Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador

The Pan-American Highway has many dangerous sections (more on them below) and branches, but the 40-kilometer section that leads motorists to national park Cotopaxi. This is a road without asphalt, and it is full of dangerous potholes, and it is also very slippery to drive on during rainfall.

Pan-American Highway, from Alaska to Argentina

This is the longest road in the world, and some sections of the highway can be considered the most dangerous. The road passes through jungles, mountains, glaciers, deserts and socially and politically unstable regions. It is not surprising that travelers often face problems along the way.

A44, England

This road does not seem dangerous at all, but a huge number of cars collide on it, most often head-on.

Road A682, England

Like the A44, this English road appears quiet and peaceful, but over a hundred people have died along this stretch in the last few years.

National Highway 5, Chile

This highway, especially the section from the city of Arica to port city Iquique is the cause of a considerable number of DDPs. Probably because open straight sections provoke violations of the speed limit.

Godao 318, China

This national highway, especially the section in Sichuan and Tibet provinces, is famous for its high number of fatal accidents. There are almost eight thousand fatalities per hundred thousand drivers. In addition, the road is often at risk due to avalanches and landslides, as well as bad weather.

Mountain road from Patiopoulo to Perdikaki, Greece

This section of road is narrow, winding and steep. You either ascend or descend 500 meters. In rainy and foggy weather, it is better to avoid traveling along this narrow mountain road.

Highway A726, Scotland

Just like the English roads mentioned above, the Scottish A726 is a normal looking road which, however, becomes a place huge amount head-on collisions.

Highway 431, Alabama, USA

This road is rightly called the “Highway to Hell.” The road is full of crosses and memorials, reminding travelers of how many lives it has claimed.

Barton Highway, Australia

This road is called the most disgusting in all of Australia, and not all motorists traveling along it reach their destination safe and sound.

Road from Luxor to Hurghada, Egypt

Natural dangers await drivers on other roads around the world, but this stretch of Egyptian road is dangerous due to frequent attacks. Drivers even prefer to drive at night with their headlights off to avoid attacks.

Road to the mountain meadows of Nanga Parbat, Pakistan

The foothills of one of the most high peaks The Himalayas (known as the killer mountain) are also called “fairy meadows”, but the road to them is not strewn with fairy dust, but is a ten-kilometer stretch of narrow and dangerous path.

Skipper Canyon Road, New Zealand

Driving along this narrow and dangerous road directly above the canyon is only possible with a special permit. The road is very slippery and drivers risk colliding with oncoming cars when turning.

Halsema Highway, Philippines

The only way to reach the popular tourist spot called Sagada is to drive along the dangerous section of the Halsema Highway. It is dangerous due to frequent landslides, especially during rains.

Pazubio, Italy

Located in northern Italy, the commune of Pazubio is an amazing a nice place, but getting to it is not easy. Pazubio is surrounded by a narrow and winding mountain road that cannot even be passed by a large vehicle.

Taroko Road, Taiwan

This is the most dangerous road in Taiwan, with many blind turns, sharp turns and narrow sections passing through passes and mountain cliffs.

Road through the Guoliang mountain tunnel, China

This road through the Taihang Mountains was built by ordinary residents of the city of Guoliang, cut off from the rest of the world by huge cliffs. Today, the Guoliang Tunnel is a very scenic, but also very dangerous road.

Himalayan roads

This includes a web of unpaved, narrow, slippery and dangerous roads and trails that criss-cross the Himalayas. The remains of crashed buses and cars are still visible on some of these tracks.

Highway BR-116, Brazil

This is the second largest highway in the country. It is called "the road of death" due to its disgusting condition, lack of repairs and threats of attack from gangs of robbers.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

This highway passes through a desert region where it is scary to break down due to the lack of civilization. In addition, the region experiences strong winds that carry rocks that can break a car window.

Commonwealth Avenue, Philippines

This highway is better known as the "killer road" in the Philippines. The highway that passes through Quezon City has killed many drivers, cyclists and pedestrians due to non-compliance with rules and lack of proper regulation.

Yungas Road, Bolivia

Another “killer road,” this time in Bolivia, is considered the most terrible and dangerous in the world. Buses, trucks and large cars often fall into the abyss right off the road. Trying to overtake a car moving ahead at low speed can cost you your life.

“Fools and roads” - this problem concerns not only our country. The problem of dangerous and mediocre roads exists in many countries around the world. We could not even imagine the existence of some of them.

We present to you the “Top 10” most dangerous roads of our time.

10. Gravelly Hill (England).

Spaghetti Junction is the most confusing road junction in the UK. There is only one good thing - the quality of this road is excellent. Gravelly Hill Interchange was developed in 1965. 560 reinforced concrete columns support the six levels of this interchange. At this intersection you will have 18 options to continue driving. Birmingham's complex weave baffles even the most experienced drivers.

09. Stelvio Pass (Italy).

This road runs in northern Italy. Construction began in 1820 and lasted more than five years. The road is high mountain, the highest point of which has an altitude of 2757 km, and the road itself, 44 km long, is one of the most dangerous in the world. There is a ban on trailers in this area. The maximum slope of the road is 14%. The world's popular TV show “Top Gear” considered that this road is the best place for aesthetic driving pleasure.

08. Atlantic Road (Norway).

The ingenious design of this road gives this place a beautiful appearance, but in fact saturates it with dangerous descents and turns. This road is a favorite tourist attraction. It connects the two towns of Kristiansund and Molde. During a storm, waves break right onto the road, intimidating naive tourists. Atlantic Road- one of the most picturesque highways in the world, connecting 12 bridges along its route. The length of the road is 36 km.

07. Fairy meadows (Pakistan).

This gravel road is exactly the opposite of its name. It lies in the northwestern Himalayas. The name of this road, once upon a time, was invented by German climbers. The road is located at an altitude of 3 km above sea level. The road does not contain any fences, only the mountains and expanses of Pakistan. Residents of this country manage to travel along this route in buses and trucks. If you travel the world and love extreme adventures, this route is for you.

06. Zoji Pass (India).

This site is located at an altitude of 3529 meters and is part of the Himalayan range. The Indian mountain road is constantly exposed to raging winds, heavy snowfalls, so during winters this road is impassable and remains closed. This pass is vital and connects populated areas such as Kashmir and Ladakh. They were subject to heavy fighting in 1948 between Pakistan and India, and constantly changed hands.

05. Sichuan-Tibet (China).

The 2,411 km long highway is located between Tibet and Chengdu. Fourteen mountains carry this road, surrounded by dozens of Tibetan rivers and wild forests. Highest point these mountains are 6095 m. The number of car accidents that occurred here exceeds all international standards, installed World Organization healthcare! This highway is considered one of the most dangerous not only in China, but throughout the world.

04. Siberian road (Russia).

The road runs all the way to Yakutsk (M56 highway), and there is simply no other official route to this city. The length of the highway is 1236 km. Passenger cars have no place here. Even tractors and trucks get stuck in the washed-out road mud. The condition of the highway is catastrophic, and will the situation be corrected in the near future? It’s hard to call this road “federal”. What's going on on this road in winter? The most adequate way to Yakutsk remains air transport.

03. Taroko Gorge (Taiwan).

The beautiful Teroko Gorge Tunnel Road is a favorite route among tourists, however, walking this path without a guide is very dangerous! The road runs through tunnels measuring 4 x 3 (height and width). A large amount of marble is mined in the Taroko Gorge, and the Taroko Road is a route for transporting this rock.

02. Halsema (Philippines).

Halsema also has the name "Mountain Trail". It is the highest highway in the Philippines (7.4 km above sea level). The highway got its name in honor of the American-born engineer Julius Hobzems. This man served as mayor of Baguio City in the 1920s and 30s. The construction of this road took about seven years and local residents were used as builders. During the rainy season, these places experience a large number of landslides, which pose a danger to all participants traffic.

01. North Yungas (Bolivia).

The “Road of Death” has a length of almost 66 km and is located at an altitude of 4.5 km. In 1995, this road was named the most dangerous in the world. About 400 tourists a year died on this route. Memorial markers and signs have been installed at the sites where people died. In 2006, another path was created, however, North Yungas still remains a road of constant “adventures”.

For some, such roads are a real nightmare, while others are drawn to them by some magical force. The absence of fences, slippery sandy slopes, steep climbs, sudden streams of water crossing the path, mountain passes and other “delights” - this is what these routes can offer to drivers who lack adrenaline in life.

Those who dare to take a risky trip need to pack more courage in the trunk of their car. Without it, it is impossible to conquer the most dangerous roads in the world.

Seventh place - Stelvio Pass

The pass is located at an altitude of 2757 meters above sea level and is the largest in Italy and the second largest in the Alps. A 50 km long road connects Italian region Lombardy with South Tyrol. The route through the Stelvio, which is accessible from the end of May to November, was opened in 1829. Since then, the high-mountain zigzag route has changed little. Lots of narrow places, steep climbs, descents and 75 turns - this is a real challenge for vehicle drivers and their passengers. Excessive speed and inattention while driving have more than once led to dire consequences.

The Stelvio is a popular circuit for motorsport fans and is also home to the annual Girod'Italia cycling race. The pass serves favorite place for filming Top Gear episodes. Famous racers and thrill-seekers test their driving skills on the mountain slopes.

Sixth place – Karakoram Highway

Previously, this road connecting China and Pakistan was called the Great silk road. In 1986, the 20-year construction of the Karakoram Highway, which is 1,300 km long, was completed. Throughout the entire route, drivers are unlikely to be able to demonstrate the wonders of fast driving - the average speed here is about 40 km/h. And this is due not only to the poor condition of the asphalt surface. Sharp turns, deep cliffs, frequent downpours, as well as snow and stone avalanches that occur in these places with alarming regularity.

In 2010, a huge landslide in the Hunza Valley caused flooding that inundated 22 kilometers of the highway. Until 2015, the section of road passing through Attabad Lake could only be crossed by boat. Today, a network of tunnels has been built to bypass the rubble, the portals of which are often blocked by glaciers descending from the mountains.

Fifth place - Guoliang Tunnel

Tunnel in Chinese mountains Taihang Shan not only ranks among the world's most dangerous roads, but also stands out for its incredible construction history. In 1970, 300 residents of the small village of Guoliang, connected to the outside world only by a narrow mountain staircase, asked the government to build a road. Their application was rejected. In 1972, 30 of the village's strongest men, using simple hand tools, began carving a path into the rock.

Five years later, a road appeared that cost the lives of many villagers and became an example of the perseverance and hard work of the Chinese people. The length of the tunnel with 30 openings-windows that let in light is 1.2 km, width - 4 meters, height - 5 meters. Nowadays, the route carved into the mountain not only connects Guoliang with the world, but also serves as a kind of attraction for those who want to ride along the stone “pipe”.

Fourth place – Trollstigen (Troll Staircase)

Motorists traveling along the Åndalsnes-Valldal route are treated to a breathtaking panorama. A winding path winds its way among the majestic mountains at a 9 percent incline and has become one of Norway's main attractions. But the deep-sea fjords, endless valleys and sparkling 180-meter-high waterfall shouldn't distract drivers. The scenic road has prepared a surprise in the form of eleven dizzying turns and narrow sections 3.3 meters wide, suitable for only one car, the length of which does not exceed 12.4 meters.

Because of humid climate, the danger of avalanches and the icy air of Norwegian winters, you can move along the winding Troll Staircase from May to mid-September. And in the summer we must not forget about caution - driving on steep slopes is allowed at a speed not exceeding 80 km/h.

Third place – Kabul-Jalalabad highway

A partially destroyed road surface, a continuous series of bottomless cliffs, winding sections and sharp changes in altitude - all this is a 60-kilometer route connecting the Afghan cities of Kabul and Jalalabad. Local motorists are not overly concerned about following traffic rules and only know speed limits from hearsay.

Second place – Zoji La Pass

Drivers who decide to conquer the route connecting the Indian cities of Cashmere and Ladakh better buckle up and hold on to the steering wheel tightly. For those who lack extreme driving experience, it is difficult to imagine how Zoji La Pass can be overcome in a passenger car. The 9 km long high-mountain pass, laid at an altitude of 3,529 meters, is replete with the most dangerous sections that greet travelers with sharp turns, frequent landslides and days of incessant downpours.

The path to the top of Zoji La Pass rises in an almost vertical wall and inexorably narrows. Where the clouds touch the mountains, the road turns into a narrow path. Vehicles can only travel in one direction. During the cold season, the pass, which is part of the Himalayan range, is covered with snow, so traffic is open here from May to October. IN dark time It is prohibited to travel along the fatal route for days.

The most dangerous road in the world

The most dangerous road in the world is northern road Yungas- a 70 km long path connecting the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, and Coroico, a city in the west of the country. The width of the track is only 3.5 meters. Only 20 km are covered with asphalt, and the remaining path is buried in mud, which is not at all conducive to serene driving.

Yungas originates at an altitude of 3,600 meters above sea level and gradually decreases to 330. On one side the road is backed by mountains, on the other there is an abyss 600 meters deep. In some areas, cars passing through are forced to hang over the abyss. Fortunately, a bypass has been in place in this area of ​​Bolivia since 2007. Today this road attracts mainly fans of extreme driving.

Until recently, the list of the most dangerous roads in the world included the Russian Federal Highway Lena. People deservedly called it “hell’s highway.” The shocking condition of the road surface and the disgusting weather prevailing in the territory from Amur to Yakutsk made several areas impossible to travel. But large-scale construction work unfolding on the A360 (formerly M56) gives hope that by 2025 the northern route will turn into the “road of life.”

The roads described below claim lives every year. We offer you a list of the scariest and deadliest roads you have never seen.

Stelvio Pass is a mix of beauty and danger. Along the way, breathtaking Italian views open up to your eyes. Drivers are greeted with 75 hairpin banked turns. Because of this, the pass is considered the most winding road in Europe. Some turns force you to turn the car 180 degrees

The road is only open from May to September. The risk of landslides, slippery asphalt and poor visibility sometimes forces authorities to close the road even in the warm season. The route is protected by a half-meter concrete fence, which at an altitude of 2700 meters causes dizziness even for experienced drivers.

Dalton Highway, Alaska

The length of Dalton is 666 km. The number hints that you shouldn’t go with fearful people. The road is isolated; along the route there are only 3 small villages, the number of inhabitants of which is 57 people. Drivers spend the rest of the journey surrounded by ice and snow.

The Dalton Highway is rightly called the snowiest and one of the most dangerous roads. Every year it causes hundreds of accidents due to the fact that most of the year the road is covered with a crust of ice, and losing control and getting stuck in the snow is a matter of a few seconds.

The photos of the road look like Photoshop. It's hard to believe that it is possible to drive onto the almost 100-meter top of the bridge. This height is necessary for the passage of large vessels.

The length of the road is 1.7 km, which makes the slope when driving no more than 6%, but the appearance of the bridge is scary.

The road is closed in the fall and winter, but is a popular attraction during the warmer months. attracts tourists amazing view, which opens from an altitude of 850 meters above sea level.

The climb to the top consists of 11 sharp turns on sharp cliffs, protected by a concrete fence and stones. There, visitors are greeted by parking, souvenir shops, an observation deck and a waterfall.

The road was built to transport mining equipment in a canyon full of gold. The path to the precious metal was paved in the 1900s. During this time, he took more than one life. Captains Road is narrow, with soft and shaky soil. Since its founding, no infrastructure or asphalt has appeared. Some areas do not accommodate two cars going in the same direction.

During rains, the path turns into a swampy mess, from which only special equipment can pull the car out. There are no barriers along the way, so during rainstorms the soft earth crumbles and forms gaps. It is impossible to obtain compensation for damage to cars on this road.

Those traveling along this highway are greeted by rockfalls, landslides, extreme weather, avalanches and lack of oxygen. Sometimes highways are closed for 2-3 months due to insecurity. Even in sunny and dry weather, bloody and fatal accidents occur on the highway.

The highway runs along a picturesque mountain range and covers 14 mountain peaks, the average height of which is 4-5 km. The peak point of the route is a pass at an altitude of 6 km above sea level. Drivers unaccustomed to such conditions sometimes develop altitude sickness. Therefore, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is the most dangerous in the country.

Locals call Guoliang the road that does not tolerate mistakes. Wrong movement easily drives the car into a trap. The tunnel, built in steep rocks, has many holes that lead straight to a deadly cliff, and sharp turns are not protected by anything. Because of this, cars easily fly off the track and crash.

The width of the road is less than 4 meters. Small tourist buses can hardly fit into the narrow openings between the rocks, and it is simply impossible for two cars to pass each other on a 1 km long section of the road. There is no artificial lighting in the tunnel; it is illuminated by “windows” cut into the rocks.

Northern Yungas Road or "Road of Death"

Yungas deservedly bears the title of the most dangerous road in the world. Every year, 300 people die and 30 cars and buses crash on the Death Road. The length of the path is 69 km, and the width is 3.2 m. vehicles It is impossible to pass each other in some places, so drivers agree on travel times ahead of time.

In the most bottlenecks The cars hang like a wheel over the abyss, the depth of which is 600 meters. The height of the “Road of Death” reaches 3.6 km. Weather and climate also make travel difficult. Fogs reduce visibility on the road to a few meters, and humidity and rain provoke landslides. The worst thing is that there are no alternatives to the road, and local residents use it every day.


Along with cars and buses, cattle cross the 11-kilometer pass. They move only in one direction: traffic on Zoji-La is one-way, cars drive in opposite directions in turns. The road is only open from May to October, from 4 am to 4 pm. The height of the mountain path is 3529 meters.

The danger does nothing to reduce the influx of cars. Sometimes traffic jams form on Zoji-La, during which convoys of vehicles line up in front of sharp turns. There are no fences or asphalt surfaces to be expected. The crossing is complicated by the sudden change in weather: on one side of the pass the sun is shining, and on the other it is raining.

Los Caracoles

The road connects Argentina and Chile, so there is always a large flow of cars on it: cars, trucks and large tourist buses. The path runs along the slope of the harsh Alps and winds through a serpentine of 20 turns. The road surface is of high quality, but slopes and sharp turns are difficult to navigate.

The crust of ice that appears after frost significantly aggravates the passage of the path. Most year the pass is snow-covered. The authorities monitor the condition of the road, clean and repair it. Full length safety fences transport route do not meet.