Why are there no centuries-old forests left? Why is there no relict forest in Siberia? Cryptomeria "Jomon Sugi"

Scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Forest and Wood named after. V.N. Sukachev discovered an area with the oldest trees growing within our country.

It is known that of the trees growing in the forest zone of Eurasia, the longest-living are larches (genus Larix). Trees of this genus (there are about 25 species) grow in lowland forests of the cold-temperate zone and in mountain forests of the warm-temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere - in Europe, Asia and North America. Until now, larch was considered to be one of the trees growing in North America - its age is estimated at 728 years.

Traces of sacred groves remain in wonderful names, such as bugai, forest god or young forest. The mistakes and errors indicate the inextricable connection between the holy groves and the aquatic environment. In folk lyrics, the grove is located on the seashore: “There are sea gypsies on this gag; There are sea kayaks in this creek.” According to Arthur Kowalski, an analysis of the term "error" also shows its connection with the idea of ​​"curvature", considered a predicate of sacred space. The word "grove" may be related to the words gajiti and gojiti.

Among the trees you can walk, smell their crazy scent, and you can also work. People were not allowed to go into the sacred groves, without being required to talk too loudly to them. In the groves it was not allowed to hunt, tear branches, pick fruits and mushrooms, or even break leaves, because the victims were threatened with blindness, illness, and if the trees were cut down, death. Even dry crunch was collected only for ritual purposes. The habit of strictly prohibiting trees from groves, even if they fell to the ground and spilled uselessly into dust, or even if they were chests.

The age of larches growing in Russia, as studies have shown, increases in the direction from west to east. In the Polar Urals and Western Siberia, the oldest living tree discovered was 486 years old, in Central Siberia - 609, and in north-eastern Siberia - 670 years old. Further research in this region made it possible to find an area where numerous Cajander larch trees grow ( Larix cajanderi), having an age of more than 800 years!

It was believed that criminals who violated the law of the groves risked being disabled. Any deviation from the law of the holy groves was considered a serious sin. The destruction of the forest was comparable to the crime of God and inevitably brought punishment to the criminal. The tree was discovered during a research expedition to study the effects of climate change in a forest near the Greek Pindos mountains. The age of the trees was determined using dendrology, a method that takes into account the rings within a sample of a tree trunk. To know exactly how many years we had to penetrate into the core, from the outside to the inside.

This section has coordinates 69 o 24’N. and 148 o 25' E. and is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), on the right bank of the river. Indigirka in its lower reaches. More than ten of the larches growing here were 750–850 years old, and the record holders were two trees aged 878 and 885 years. However, the share of such old trees on the site is about 15%, and the rest of the forest stand is represented by younger larches.

The scientist added that the samples used to count the rings were not taken from the base of the tree, meaning it could be even older, although it cannot be said how much. Experts joke that Adonis witnessed all the important historical events of the Middle Ages until recently. Therefore, when the tree was just a seedling, Byzantium experienced its renaissance. When Adonis was a hundred years old, the first written description of gunpowder was edited in China.

Adonis, however, is still young compared to other trees that are several thousand years old. This means that it was probably a seedling when the ancient Egyptians began building the pyramids. The wind that is in the province. The Silesian exploded on Thursday night at a speed of 100 km/h, causing great damage. The concern comes from the Polish Atomic Energy Agency. A radioactive isotope of ruthene has reached Poland from an unknown source. A similar situation is observed among our neighbors.

It is interesting that trees of such a respectable age are by no means gigantic in size. Their height is only 8.5–9 m, and the trunk diameter at human chest level is about 25 cm. This is due to extremely harsh climatic conditions - the average radial growth of trunks in this area is only about 0.15–0.22 mm /year, which corresponds to the annual growth of approximately 5–7 rows of wood cells.

According to experts, snow has melted here only seven times in the last three hundred years. On a cool September morning, residents in the southern regions of our country seem to have been able to watch keys fly south from the tap for a week. The Phi Phi Islands on Thai beaches have become very dangerous due to the large number of jellyfish that have washed ashore. Particular attention should be paid to caregivers.

The long nights we experience in October allow us to observe the interesting events that take place in the sky this month. Today it measures almost 11 meters, but because the body cannot cope with extreme weather conditions. This tree is not able to collect enough water and cool down during thirty-degree heat, says Stolarczyk, the tree's custodian.

Naturally, weather conditions are not constant, but vary from year to year. Accordingly, the size of the annual growth rings changes - in warmer years they are wider, and in colder years they are narrower. This gives researchers the opportunity to reconstruct the climatic conditions of past years based on the pattern of tree cuts. And the presence of tree cuts that are many centuries old allows you to obtain truly unique data!

The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management has issued a level three warning. The coastal area is under a Level 1 warning against strong winds. read more. Since last year we have been working without protection to understand how he can cope on his own. We only maintain it during times of extreme temperatures or no precipitation. Currently it is shaded, we also take care of the soil moisture so that the roots can grow, the guardian reports.

Exceptional assistance here is not only necessary, but even necessary. This yew - like many organisms - needs to cool down, but first of all needs a good root system and water, says the tree guardian. Unfortunately, when the tree is not in danger of drying out, it is in danger of being flooded during the spring thaw.

Along with growing living trees, the site discovered by Krasnoyarsk scientists contains a significant number of dry trunks of varying degrees of preservation. By comparing the dynamics of the thickness of tree rings on their saw cuts with fresh cuts, it is possible to detect identical areas and, by their location, determine the years of life of now dead trees. If it turns out that the dry trunk belonged to a tree that grew in more ancient times than the living larches, scientists obtain data on temperature dynamics in that distant period. And then you can compare the dynamics of the rings on a cut of an ancient tree with another dry cut, which may belong to a tree that grew at an even earlier time. Studies have shown that dry larch trunks in Yakutia are well preserved on the surface for 1500 years! Among these dead trunks, a specimen was discovered that grew here in the period from 310 to 1228, i.e. lived 919 years. This is a documented record for the life expectancy of trees in Russia.

We are dealing with flooding and the root system responsible for running this tree has too little oxygen. This excess water is pumped out by us, and we try to maintain moisture without flooding the roots, reports Stolarczyk. Nature knows no boundaries and nothing can stop it - if anyone doubts it, just watch this movie to the end. According to one Denver resident, "It's the coolest thing he's ever seen." An unusual “natural monument” that dates back a quarter of a century. read more.

The end of July, August, September are the months when the heaviest tree reacts. It's important to understand that most of these trees grow in groups, in short, says the guardian. Unfortunately, as the climate warms, the threat becomes increasingly real. Heat waves are becoming increasingly severe, and stands and individual trees often cannot cope with it on their own. And the truth is that at some point they will have to gain independence.

Thus, in Yakutia, scientists actually discovered a natural recorder that recorded changes in air temperature in this region over the past 2000 years! And such data, in turn, allows us to re-evaluate information about the formation of flora and fauna, and about the characteristics of people’s lives at that time. For example, a preliminary study of the collected material indicates that in the period from 900 to 1300 there was a warming of the climate in the northeast of our country.

Cis is extremely rare in Poland and is protected. Due to the acute climate in our country, it often takes the form of a bush. The wood of this long-living tree is used in the production of furniture, crossbows, and bows. The plant contains a highly toxic substance that was used to poison arrows.

It is definitely younger than yew and oak. It is about 520 years old, has a circumference of 10 meters and a height of 35 meters. It is also widely used in herbal medicine. The treated seedlings were called papal oaks. They were divided between forest areas, schools and workshops throughout Poland.

Based on materials from an article by E.N. Vaganova, M. Mnaurzbaeva and I.V. Jaegers
“Limit age of larch trees in Siberia” (Forest Science. 1999. No. 6)

Trees are among the longest-living organisms on the planet. There are at least 50 trees that have lived for more than a thousand years, but there may be many more undiscovered.

Oak is a tree belonging to the beech family. There are more than 200 species. These plants are found in the temperate zone. The tree has many uses - the bark of some species is part of herbal mixtures and is used in tanning, and the wood is used to make furniture.

In ancient times, the Greeks and Romans believed that oak trees were the seat of Zeus and Jupiter. The leaves of this tree were a symbol of valor and nobility, so Rome recognized prominent citizens with a wreath of these leaves. They are also present on the Polish Scout cross, next to the laurel wreath.

Some of the oldest trees on earth, the huge Bristlecone pines, time does not seem to affect them the way it does us. At 3,000-plus years old, these trees continue to grow as vigorously as they did at 100. Unlike animals, these pines do not accumulate genetic mutations in their cells over time.

Some trees defy time by growing in clones, or genetically identical shoots, so that the death of one trunk does not mean death for the entire organism. Giant colonies can have thousands of individual trunks, all with the same root system.

Maple trees, elm, five hundred years old, larch, six hundred pine trees, pine forest, chestnut and chestnut trees - seven hundred years old. The creator of the term “natural monument” was the German naturalist and traveler Alexander von Humboldt. Natural monuments can include not only trees, but also groups of trees, boulders, waterfalls, and caves. Anyone can make entries, and the final decision rests with the City Council or City Council.

The secular oak from Kajwan looks down on us from a height of 23 meters and has a circumference of 11 meters, at the thickest point of the tree. Adrian Patrutz. The oak was revered by the locals, and therefore no one tried to cut it. This is a landmark for the area. We believe that oak trees are 900 years old or perhaps even more, and we want them to live for at least a thousand.


While individual Pando trees are not technically the oldest, this colony of Quaking Aspen trees in Utah is indeed ancient. The 105-acre colony consists of genetically identical trees connected by the same root system. The "Waving Giant" dates back to at least 80,000 years ago, when all of our ancestors were still living in Africa. But according to some estimates, Pando may be about 1 million years old, which means Pando is older than early Homo Sapiens. Pando is also the heaviest living organism on Earth, weighing approximately 6,615 tons.

Experts also established a total cost of about 85 cubic meters of niggas, of which: 35 cubic meters - the trunk, 39 cubic meters - the two main branches and 11 cubic meters - the rest of the crown. Unfortunately, as is the case with many natural monuments in Romania, this tree is also not taken into account and is not properly protected. Just a few meters away there is a county road, which only worsens the existence of the secular oak due to heavy traffic. No measures have been taken to prevent the destruction of this tree or its location to become a true tourist attraction nationally and internationally.


The world's oldest free-standing tree lives 10,000 feet above sea level in Inyo National Forest, California. A staggeringly old 4,765 years old, the primeval tree was already a hundred years old when the first pyramid was built in Egypt. The tree is hidden among the other thousand-year-old pines of the Great Bristlecone Basin, in a grove called the Forest of the Ancients. To protect the tree from vandalism, the Forest Service is keeping the tree's exact location a secret, but this tree looks like what Methuselah might look like.

However, local residents managed, at their own expense, to place a bas-relief at the base of the tree, which illustrates a scene in which Prince Stephen the Great would have rested in the shade of the tree. Kavana is a city in Suceava County, in the south of Bukovina. It is the twelfth urban center of the district. The area is known specifically for the tenement oak tree, which locals say the Moldavian ruler, Stephen the Great himself, and his army stood in the shade of, probably this year. But the history of oak is much older.

Then a huge trench was dug, and not to forget, the place was planted with oak. This is an old oak tree today. And the name of the city is associated with legend, even in the time of Stephen the Great. It is said that when the great ruler stopped near these places, the village people went to him to offer a good deed on the land they were working on, taking it, as it was, with curds instead of bread and salt. One of the ruler’s subjects would say: “Gentlemen, what is the best thing to do!” It is said that after this incident, the ruler came to know that the curd was made in the valley at the place where it was lying and gave the name "Kashvana".


This long-lived cypress tree is located in Abarkooh, Iran. The evergreen plant took root here between 4,000 and 4,500 years ago, around the time Stonehenge was built. It may be the oldest living organism in Asia and is a national monument in Iran. The Zoroastrian Sarv is about 25 meters tall and has a girth of 11 and a half meters.

Yew of Llangernyw Yew

This is a common yew in Llangernew, Wales, and began to grow in the Bronze Age in Britain, 3000 or 4000 years ago. The yew was able to live this long thanks to new shoots. When the main trunk died, these shoots continued to grow. The new shoots fed off the decaying main plant until they reached the soil at the base.

Alerce Tree

The majestic evergreen tree was discovered in 1993 in a grove in the Andes Mountains in south-central Chile. Using rings on trees, scientists found out that the age of the giant is 3620 years. Although cypress trees in Patagonia can reach 45 meters, they only grow a millimeter in girth per year and can take thousands of years to grow. The Zoroastrian Sarw and the Llangernew yew are thought to be older, but the Alerse is the second oldest tree whose age is known.

The Senator

This giant swamp cypress grows in the subtropical Big Trees Park, Florida, surrounded by palm trees. The senator is the largest tree by size east of the Mississippi River. The 38-meter giant has lived for about 3,500 years. Cypress began to grow around the same time that the first Polynesian settlements appeared in Fiji.

Jōmon Sugi

With a height of 25 meters and a girth of 16 meters, this Cryptomeria makes it the largest conifer in Japan. The tree grows in a misty, primeval forest on the northern side of the tallest mountain on Yakushima Island in Japan. Tree rings indicate that Cryptomeria is at least 2,000 years old, although some estimates suggest it may have been growing for as long as 7,000 years.

General Sherman

This giant sequoia, as tall as a 27-story building, extends 83.8 meters into the air and has a girth of 31 meters. This makes it the largest (by size) free-standing tree in the world. The general grows in Sequoia National Park in California. Scientists believe this tree may be between 2,300 and 2,700 years old.

Te Matua Ngahere(?)

This majestic kauri tree is found deep in the primeval rainforest of Waipaua Forest, New Zealand. The tree is believed to be about 2000 years old. With a girth of 16 metres, Te Matua Ngaere is the widest tree in New Zealand. The giant, whose name means "Father of the Forest" in the Maori language, was seriously damaged during a storm in 2007.

Juniper Jardine Juniper

This juniper grows in the Cache National Forest in Utah. It was originally thought to be about 3,200 years old, but after examining wood samples, its age was reduced to 1,500 years. This tree is about 12.1 meters in height and 7 meters in circumference.


This gnarled, ancient oak tree stands deep in the Jaegerspris forest in Denmark. Scientists estimate that the "King Oak" is between 1,500 and 2,000 years old, making it a contender for the title of oldest free-standing tree in Northern Europe. Although trees sprouted in the surrounding clearing, slowly stepping on the old oak, killing it.

Old Tjikko

This ancient, 5-meter tall spruce grows in the bush-covered Fulufjället mountains in Sweden. At 9,550 years old, Old Tjikko is the oldest single-trunked clonal tree, having begun growing shortly after glaciers retreated from Scandinavia following the last ice age. To find out the age of the old spruce, scientists conducted carbon dating of the roots. For thousands of years, in the harsh climate of the tundra, Old Tjikko could only survive as a bush. But as the climate became warmer over the last century, the bush was able to grow into a full-fledged tree. The spruce was discovered by geologist Leif Kullman, who gave the tree the name of his dead dog.