How to get to Mount Sinyukha. Mount Sinyukha (Altai Territory): photos and reviews. How to get to Mount Sinyukha in the Altai Territory

Attracts with the uniqueness of the relief and flora, rich history, for Orthodox Christians the mountain is a sacred place. Many famous travelers and ore experts have visited here; a stone-cutting plant has been operating nearby for 300 years.

Location of Mount Sinyukha, Altai Territory

Sinyukha - mountain Kolyvansky ridge in North-west Altai mountains, located approximately 300 km from Barnaul. The height of Mount Sinyukha is 1210 km above sea level, this is the highest point of the ridge. From a distance, the peak appears blue thanks to the fir forests covering its slopes - hence the name of the mountain.

Sinyukha is located in the Kurinsky district, 8 km from the village of Kolyvan and 2 km from the village of 8 March. Nearby is the Loktevka river and the natural monument Moss Lake. The reservoir is very small - approximately 22 by 33 m; it is not visible on the map of the Altai Territory near Mount Sinyukha. There is an opinion that by swimming in the lake, you can wash away accumulated sins, and those who like easy solutions are willing to try this belief.

There are plenty of tourists here sunny days, great fishing, fresh air with the aromas of medicinal herbs and an introduction to the history of the region. Near Mount Sinyukha there are the camp sites “Kolyvan-tour” and “Bogomolov”, the campsite “Zagis”; You can improve your health at the Skala dispensary.

However, the tourist infrastructure of the places still lags behind their popularity. But for savages who prefer tent camps, the surroundings of Sinyukha are a real paradise. Many fans flock to Mount Sinyukha every year - they call the holiday in tents here magnificent.

How to get to Mount Sinyukha? From Kolyvan - on foot or by a good cross-country vehicle. It’s safer to walk - the road is abandoned, in bad weather weather conditions becomes dangerous.

From Lake Beloye, a popular natural monument among tourists, it is 5 km to the east to Kolyvan. The road is not bad, the path from Bely to Sinyukha is 11 km. Part of the path will have to be walked; the only path to the mountain passes by Lake Mokhovoye.

Climbing Mount Sinyukha

The ascent does not seem difficult - the climb is quite gentle, but it fully opens up picturesque panoramas of the surrounding area. The endless Kulunda steppe appears to travelers on one side, and the snow-capped peaks of the Tigiretsky ridge on the other. The top of the mountain is bare rock and is accessible only to rock climbers. Northern and south side the mountains are steep, tourist routes laid along the northwestern and northeastern slopes.

First, more interesting route, passes through the Kolyvanstroy tract, where in the 18th century the industrialist Demidov built a copper smelter, and subsequently tungsten-molybdenum raw materials were mined. Travelers also encounter an abandoned granite quarry, where wonderful views of the mountains open up.

The starting point of the second route is Lake Beloye. The path also follows a forest path, but is longer. Near the lake there is a group of ancient mounds and an archaeological monument - the village of Podsinyushka. In our era, there was an Orthodox Christian convent, now installed in its place worship cross. Halfway to the top there is a Holy Spring, especially revered by believers.

Tourists who made the climb describe their experiences as follows:

  • “The beauty that you see when you get to the top is indescribable! It’s breathtaking from these rocky ledges, as if someone had intricately laid them on the top of the mountain”;
  • “The view from above is just super!”

Sinyukha is a sacred place

In the upper part of the mountain and on Lake Mokhovoye, gray granite outcrops, formed over thousands of years, acquired unique shapes. At the top, the rocks form columns and arches - giant stones are flawlessly fitted by nature. The powerful masonry forms a semblance of fortress walls, covering the top of the mountain in semicircles, as if nature itself had built a universal temple here.

A huge natural recess in granite, located near the top, is a real miracle of nature! The large hemisphere in which water accumulates has a diameter of about a meter and a depth of about half a meter. Water is considered healing, capable of healing any wounds. The miraculous cup is tirelessly photographed by amazed tourists; successful photographs complement the set of photographs of Mount Sinyukha in the Altai Territory.

The mountain was worshiped by both ancient pagans and Orthodox Christians - it is no coincidence that a monastery was built at the foot of the peak, which existed until the 30s of the last century. Orthodox communities of Kazakhstan and Altai previously gathered on the top of Sinyukha, which served as their temple. The pilgrimage continues today: after Trinity, the traditional ascent of believers and clergy to the Holy Mountain takes place.

Pilgrims perform prayers, drink the water of the Holy Spring, wash their faces in a miraculous bowl and worship the cross on the top of Sinyukha, erected in 1997. This is how people cleanse their souls, find peace and tranquility.

Natural resources of Sinyukha

The vegetation of the mountain is very diverse - 541 species of trees, shrubs and grasses are found here. The slopes of Sinyukha are covered with black taiga, which is quite rare in our time - fir-aspen forests with pine and birch trees. Viburnum and rowan, bird cherry and spirea are often found. There are no larch or cedar here.

There are on Sinyukha and relict plants- maral root, Krylov’s forget-me-not, Mertensia Palassa, Rhodiola rosea and others. 18 plant species are listed in the Red Books of the Altai Territory and Russia.

The inhabitants of the forest zones of the mountain include a wide variety of birds and mammals - lynxes and wolves, red foxes and ferrets, gophers and many other animals can be found here. Pleases with the beauty and abundance of butterflies.

Wonderful nature also suffers from humans here - thousands of tourists tear out rare plants and flowers, golden and maral roots are destroyed especially quickly. Since 2009, it is planned to create the “Gornaya Kolyvan” park with the aim of preserving rare nature.

Attractions in the vicinity of Sinyukha

The tourist attractiveness of Sinyukha is also explained by the attractions near the mountain. Having visited Sinyukha, tourists usually do not deprive them of attention.

Kolyvan Lake

From a considerable height, the lake looks very much like a Bactrian camel with a large head. The reservoir is surrounded by rocks, sharpened by the winds, among them - the likeness of animals, rocks, castles. The rarest water chestnut chilim, shaped like the bizarre head of a devil, has been preserved here.

The lake is known for its beautiful beaches with good sand and a gradual increase in depth. The reservoir is small, calm, with the purest water. Tourists live in tents or numerous equipped campsites.

Kolyvan stone-cutting plant

The plant is considered the soul of the wonderful region - Kolyvan. Famous stone-cutters in Russia have long worked here; craftsmen created the “Queen of Vases” from jasper - the current decoration of the Hermitage, more than 2.5 m high and weighing 19 tons. The cup, as a symbol of dignity and courage, adorns the Coat of Arms of the Altai Territory.

The Kolyvan Stone-Cutting Museum is also interesting. The atmosphere there is magical - you can touch ancient objects with your hands, collected with love and carefully transferred to the museum by local residents.

Mount Jealousy

Sight federal significance captivates with its beauty and surprises with its rich history. There is a unique jasper deposit here.

The world's greatest vase, “The Queen,” was made from a block 11 m long in the 19th century; craftsmen embodied the strength and spirit of man in stone. The craftsmen also made the columns of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the stone from the deposit.

Mount Charming

The low mountain (600 m) is located 5 km from the settlement of Kolyvan. At the top there are unusual rock formations- boulders and grottoes, which probably served as a sanctuary for the sorcery of shamans and an ancient observatory.

It doesn’t take much time to explore the mountain. Impressions of the beauty of nature and mysterious stone structures of fantastic shape are usually very vivid.

Mount Sinyukha and its surroundings - most interesting place Altai region, where you can have a good rest and enrich yourself with knowledge of the history of your country. By casually looking at your photo of Mount Sinyukha, you will be immersed in the world of the most pleasant memories.

The mysterious Mount Sinyukha will reach a height of 1210 meters with its rocky slopes covered with dense forests.

This highest mountain point of the ridge is under state protection in the Tigireksky reserve and its name - Mount Sinyukha - is fully justified by the blue-tinged slopes on which dense fir forests grow. The top of the mountain is completely “bare” - here, due to the rocky soil, the seedlings cannot strengthen their roots to the ground, but, despite its gloomy appearance, the peak provides the traveler with the opportunity to enjoy a fantastically beautiful view of the snow-covered peaks of the majestic Altai Mountains, to see the hidden the blue haze of Protocol Lake and the endless Kulunda steppe stretching in the west.


Among lovers of the natural beauties of our planet, Mount Sinyukha is famous for the ornateness of its relief forms, which for centuries have been created in these places by strong winds and water. In the southern and east direction Low spurs diverge from the mountain massif, cut by the mountain rivers Kamenka, Belaya, Podsinyushka and Loktevka, and it is here that fancy stone arches grow, columns created by nature rise, fantastic creatures freeze in their rock cover.

Scientists, especially botanists, are attracted by the richest plant and animal world, as well as the climatic features of Mount Sinyukha. Here grow relict plants that have been preserved since ancient times, such as maral root, Pallas's mertensia, pink radiola, and Krylov's forget-me-not. Eighteen species of plants growing on the slopes of Mount Sinyukha are listed in the Red Book. There are corners of the mountain that botanists from all over the world consider to be a great secret. natural world our planet, unexpected discoveries that are exciting for scientists are still being made here.

Travelers will be delighted by the sight of yellow poppies, showered with white juniper flowers, over which in the summer many brightly colored butterflies flutter and the air rings with the melodious buzzing of beetles.

The bizarre relief of Sinyukha surprises nature education: tightly fitting stones cover the top and high powerful walls in two semicircles, as if they created a temple, next to which there is a granite hemisphere in which water accumulates. This miraculous bowl of regular round shape has a diameter of about one meter and a depth of about 50 centimeters. Since ancient pagan times, the water in the bowl has been considered healing, capable of healing any wounds and healing from any disease. If the water is completely scooped out of the bowl, then after a little time it will be filled again with the purest water.

Ancient pagans, and in subsequent times Christians, chose Mount Sinyukha as their place of worship. An Orthodox women's monastery was built under the mountain, in which nuns lived until 1930 - that year the monastery was destroyed.

At a time when the atheistic worldview was actively promoted in Russia, the Orthodox communities of Kazakhstan and Altai gathered on the top of the mountain, this tradition has not lost its relevance today: after Trinity, believers, together with the clergy, climb Sinyukha and install there camping. Orthodox believe that if you wash your face with prayer and drink water, which is considered holy, from a granite bowl, and also bow to the cross on top, then a year will pass without illness and sorrow.

Not far from the top there is a spring, the purest water of which is also declared holy. Next to the source there is an icon and signs with prayers.

Climbing Mount Sinyukha

The climb to Sinyukha is not difficult, but the ascent is made difficult by the constant change of weather - the heat can quickly disappear under gusts of fierce cold winds and strong thunderstorms. The ascent is carried out in two routes:

  • Along the northwestern slope, through the Kolyvanstroy tract, not far from Lake Mokhovoy. Open on the route beautiful views, you can see a granite quarry long abandoned and abandoned by people. This route is difficult.
  • Along the north-eastern slope the route leads along a forest path from Lake Belye, where anyone can catch crucian carp. This route is characterized by a long climb. Not far from the lake you can see a group of mounds dating back to the 1st century BC, the settlement "Podsinyushka" - an archaeological site of the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC.

Special equipment and professional skills are not required to climb the mountain. The ascent can take travelers the whole day.

Where to stay

Tourists near Mount Sinyukha are hospitably greeted by the comfortable tourist centers “Kolyvan-tour” and “Bogomolov”, you can have a good rest at the “Zagis” camping site, and the professional medical staff offers to improve your health at the “Skala” dispensary.

How to get to Mount Sinyukha

Mount Sinyukha is located in the Kurinsky district, two kilometers from the settlement of March 8, and from this settlement A dirt road leads to the foot, past lakes Mokhovoye and Beloe. You can drive along this road with any vehicle in dry weather.

For several years in a row, coming to observe the deep clear starry sky in Savvushki, our attention was attracted by Mount Sinyukha. We tried to make radial trips in cars with the goal of storming these mountains. The bald peak with rocks beckoned! But our trips were always full of adventures and ended in failure. And the roads in those places are broken up by timber trucks, and the taiga is dense with sharp rocky roads.

And then one day, purposefully going to Sinyukha, the assault was still a success. I wasn’t on that trip, but there were still plenty of people who wanted to climb Sinyukha, and the decision was made to return there again!

Because the first assault was accompanied by heavy fog, dew and almost rain. The participants, walking along the path blindly, did not know when they would finally reach the top; they were all wet from head to toe and pretty frozen, and they also did not take food or water with them. Having already learned from experience, we prepared for the worst: cold, wetness and heavy climbs. But this time we waited longer, hoping that the dew would dry. After all, the grass there is waist-deep, and if you go down or up, it means it can be higher than your head.

Moss lake in the mountains
You can get to Kolyvan by any car; there is a small parking lot where you can leave your car. Then there are more difficult road changes, complicated by large stones on the road. We drove a Niva and a Kia Sportage. with a little help from each other in terms of the direction where it was best to go around this or that cobblestone, both cars were able to get as close as possible to the mountain. There is also a parking area here, and then a walking trail begins, marked with red ribbons.

The peak of Sinyukha is visible ahead

Since I was more busy climbing the mountain, here is a photo right from the top. And below there are photos on the descent, because it was easier this way - to overtake everyone and go down first.

View towards the Tigireksky reserve

At the very peak there is a cross that can be seen from below

We start our descent from the top

Descent from the top

Descent from the top

Sometimes the path seems to disappear

Descent along the path

The tall grass is already raging below

Steep descents

Based on physical strength, anyone can climb the mountain. I don’t remember exactly from this parking lot, but the route is about 3 km. It is complicated by changes and elevation gain. The route is safe and does not require special skills. The main thing is not to have problems with joints. But if your car can’t get that close, you’ll have to walk another 3-5 km along the road with a climb.

It is always windy at the top and very beautiful.

Overnight under the starry sky

Brief information:

1. Participants of the expedition: members of the collective radio station of the military training center of Tomsk State University RW9HYY/9/P - Khatskevich Yuri Anatolyevich, Plotnikov Nikolai Vladimirovich; assistants - Plotnikov Vladimir Nesterovich, Utkin-Sevastyanov Georgy Sergeevich.

3. Power: QRO, QRP

4. " Anomalous zone» Sinyukha – R9Y1

5. Ranges: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m.

6. Modulation types: SSB, CW, BPSK-31/63

7. Equipment, antennas: ICOM-718, FT-817ND, Inv.V, G5RV.

Food for thought...

Mount Sinyukha ( 1210 m) is the highest point of the Kolyvan ridge and is located in the south of the Altai Territory in the Kuryinsky district.

The mountain is interesting in several respects:

- firstly, this is a sacred place for Orthodox Christians, a temple under open air;

- secondly, it has a unique relief and unique vegetable world;

— thirdly, it is located near the famous Kolyvan stone-cutting plant in the village of Kolyvan, and many ore miners, travelers and scientists of the 18th century visited its slopes.

Mount Sinyukha has long been considered a place of pilgrimage. On the top and slopes of the mountain there are several natural granite bowls filled with what many believe to be holy water. A holy spring flows on the northern slope of Mount Sinyukha. Residents of the surrounding villages have long considered this place sacred and, when they fell ill, came here to get healing water. If faith was firm and prayer was sincere, then a miracle happened, and even the hopelessly ill were freed from their ailments.

Until the beginning of the 20th century. At the foot of the mountain there was a convent; now in its place stands a worship cross, installed by believers in 1997. Here, after the Trinity holiday, a tent camp is set up every year. Traditionally, pilgrims from the Rubtsovsky, Aleysky and Barnaul dean districts of the Barnaul-Altai diocese arrive to climb the mountain. Participants in the ascent are parishioners of Orthodox parishes, mainly young people, and, of course, the clergy.

Information from the Internet.

Composition of the group.

Khatskevich Yuri Anatolievich

Plotnikov Nikolay Vladimirovich

Plotnikov Vladimir Nesterovich

Utkin-Sevastyanov Georgy Sergeevich


There were no special problems associated with preparing for the hike to Mount Sinyukha. Numerous sources provided us with a link to the exact location of this natural object, its exact coordinates, photographs, as well as routes of simple ascents. In addition, Nikolay Plotnikov himself comes from almost these places, and his father, Vladimir Nesterovich Plotnikov, who was our guide and active assistant in all our endeavors, navigates the surrounding area “like a fish in water.”

Therefore, we immediately decided that we would try to work with a power of 100 Watts, and for energy supply we would take with us a 220-Volt gas generator.

The equipment we took with us was an ICOM-718 transceiver (they couldn’t find anything easier), a netbook, a gas generator, gasoline, etc. To reserve the main equipment, just in case, we took the “baby” YAESU FT-817ND, an 8 Ah gel battery and a solar battery. From the antenna-mast property, standard antennas from radio stations R-143 and Severok-K (varieties G 5RV) went to the expedition.

It didn’t take long to collect all the other equipment, necessary material resources and property, since all the “infrastructure” was there and was just waiting in the wings.

Some concerns still remained regarding whether we could raise all the property to the required height.

Having received the weekend, we hit the road.

Passing the route

In order not to waste time, we left Tomsk at 17.15 local time (the difference with Moscow is +3 hours) on June 8 this year. We drove into the night along the route: Tomsk - Novosibirsk - Barnaul - Aleysk - Chineta. The journey was long, Georgy and Nikolai drove the car in turns, and I most slept for a while in the back seat.

We drove about 870 kilometersfirst along an asphalt road, then along a gravel road, at approximately 05.00 on June 9 we arrived in the village of Chineta.

In Chineta we were met by Nikolai's parents - Vladimir Nesterovich and Tatyana Nikolaevna, to whom I want to express personal THANKS for the warm welcome, accommodation and all kinds of help. Many thanks to them for this.

Despite the fatigue after the long journey, everyone unanimously decided to move to the mountain almost immediately after a short rest and a delicious lunch. At 10.00, Vladimir Nesterovich took us to the intended point in an onboard UAZ through the most picturesque meadows, valleys and passes.

By 12.30 we arrived at the foot of the peak and, after conducting reconnaissance and having a smoke break, at 13.00 we moved up the slope.

They decided to climb along the northeastern slope of the mountain. The route starts from Lake Beloye. Not far from Lake Belye you can see a group of mounds (1st century BC - 1st century AD), as well as the archaeological monument of the settlement "Podsinyushka" (III-II centuries BC) - the oldest settlement of metallurgists - Afanasyevtsev, III-II centuries BC; in our era, a female Orthodox monastery arose in its place. The monastery was destroyed during Soviet times. On the site of the monastery there is now a worship cross.

Our path to the top followed a well-trodden path. Every now and then we came across people who had already been, some at the very top, some at the Holy Spring, which Orthodox pilgrims strive to visit. Tired, but happy, they went downstairs.

This source is located approximately in the middle from the foot to the very top and is very popular among vacationers.

Holy spring on the town of Sinyukha

The climb to the top is not particularly difficult and does not require any special knowledge and skills in mountaineering, orienteering, etc. In our case, the matter was complicated only by heavy backpacks, mosquitoes, heat of about 30 degrees and complete calm.

Climbing Mount Sinyukha

However, with numerous stops and smoke breaks, we rose to a height of more than 1000 meters and stopped to set up camp. They did not climb to the very top with their property, since the Holy Spring is last place when climbing, where there is normal running water, and running for water 700- 800 metersI didn’t really want it.

Field shek

At about 18.30 we slowly set up camp, deployed the equipment and antenna, and began to prepare dinner. Aired at 6:45 p.m. We slowly made 50 phone and digital connections. They wanted to work as a telegraph operator, but there was a test going on, so they didn’t bother anyone.

We talked for a long time by the fire, then went to bed in a joyfully high mood.

On the morning of June 10, we woke up, had breakfast, assigned “duty” at the equipment, and scattered around the mountain in search of interesting things. We visited the highest point, explored other trails, photographed local beauties and... May the “luminaries of the air” forgive me, we left the camp and equipment to the mercy of fate, went down, jumped into a UAZ camouflaged in the foothill bushes and drove to Kolyvan.

It’s just that if fate brought me to these places, I really wanted to visit the Kolyvan stone-cutting factory and its museum in order to see with my own eyes the place where the 19-ton “queen of vases” was created with the hard work of old masreurs and those masterpieces that now adorn the collections of the Hermitage, Louvre and other museums.

Returning in the evening we continued working on the air. We didn’t clear out the “pile up”, but we didn’t sit idle at all. In total, we “made” more than two hundred connections and after lunch on June 11 we went down with the equipment and safely returned to Chineta.

We went to Lake Mokhovoye.
In July 2000, my mother and I visited these places, drove to Kolyvanstroy and went to Mount Sinyukha.
Sinyuha - highest point Kolyvansky ridge (1206 meters).
You can climb the mountain from two sides - from the north-west, from Kolyvanstroy past Lake Mokhovoy and from the north-east, from Lake Bely.
We climbed from Kolyvanstroy. The climb is not difficult, but long. We left the camp immediately after breakfast and returned only for dinner. A cross was installed on the mountain, at the very top there is a granite bowl with a diameter of about one and a half meters, it is believed that the water in it is holy.

This time we decided not to climb Sinyukha, but to try to get to Mokhovoy by car along this road

As a result, dad drove most of the way; we climbed on foot and admired the surroundings.

11 years ago Mokhovoye seemed amazing to us, fabulous place. We walked for a long time in the heat along a dusty road and suddenly saw a mirrored bowl of cold water surrounded by granite rocks and tall pine trees. We sat on the stones for a long time in silence and coolness before moving on, and it was one of the most vivid impressions trips to Mountain Kolyvan.
This time the lake disappointed us: gazebos, fire pits and, of course, garbage appeared on the shore. Cars, tents, lots of tourists, no fairy tale. And people constantly go to Sinyukha. In 2000, all day we saw tourists only at the top of the mountain, then almost everyone climbed from Lake Belye, few knew “our” route.
It even seemed that the lake was very overgrown and shallow. But, once we got there, we took a walk around the neighborhood, especially since dad and Alexey had never been to Mokhovoy before.
And when we returned home, we looked at old photographs and it turned out that Mokhovoye had not changed at all.

For reference: the water surface area is 615 sq.m, the circumference is 125 meters, the greatest depths are up to 2 meters, the area of ​​wetlands is 248 sq.m. The maximum width of the reservoir is 33 m.

year 2000



After walking around and having a snack, we returned to Kolyvan and decided to go to the Belaya River to spend the night there.
We are approaching the village of Bugryshikha. It’s immediately clear why it was called that

We spent a long time looking for a parking spot on Belaya.

But they still found it. We pitched tents, cooked dinner, sat by the fire, and played cards.
At night it became sharply cold, ice formed on the tents and the car, and the grass was covered with frost.
But in the morning, fortunately, it became warm again, even hot, and we went further - to Kolyvan Lake. More on this in the next part.

Track - Kolyvanstroy - Lake Mokhovoye - Belaya River - 42 kilometers:

Altai 2011:
Parts 1-2 - August 10-13 - Road. Klepikovo:
Part 3 - August 14 - Going to the mountains:
Part 4 - August 15 - Caves:
Part 5 - August 16 - In the Ust-Kansky region:
Part 6 - morning of August 17 - Kumir River:
Part 7 - day August 17 - Border zone:
Part 8 - morning of August 18 - From Tyuguryuk to Upper Uimon.