Eastern and Western Ghats. Eastern Ghats. Man-made and natural attractions

Eastern Ghats located in eastern India between Deccan plateau And Coromandel coast, which belongs to the coast of the Bay of Bengal. These mountains begin in the state Orissa, and in the south they connect with Western Ghats in the mountains Nilgiris.

View from one of the observation decks in the settlement of Yercaud, which is located in the Eastern Ghats

In the morning I left Auroville. The road is beautiful. You drive away from the coast and low rocky hills begin to appear. When you haven’t seen the mountains for a long time, you are so happy about them! One of these hills is at my destination, but I didn’t climb to the very top. I thought about the city for a long time Thiruvanamalai and the mountain Arunachaleswar u. First, a stranger recommended this place to me, then Sergei, my pen pal, advised me not to miss it. In the end, I didn't miss it. I climbed up, but didn’t get any pleasure from the views. Halfway along the way I met a woman from Belarus already descending, she said that the views would not get any better, at the top there was a temple in which, after the festive rituals, it was very trashy and there were puddles of oils everywhere.

View of the city of Tiruvanamalai from Mount Arunachaleswara

View of Mount Arunachaleswara from Tiruvanamalai

Having gone downstairs, I hurried to catch the bus to Salem. The city is quite large: there are lights, shops, cafes everywhere, but as in all of India, there are unfinished junctions and overpasses, there is a lot of garbage and the feeling is that the city survived devastating military operations, has not yet been restored, but the surviving people live and are happy with what they have.

I tried to fit into the Catholic cathedral but it didn’t work out. I risked falling asleep on a bench outside at the station. After half an hour, the guard tried to shoo me away, then demanded 100 rupees. He gave up on all my refusals and left. After some time, I realized that all my methods to protect my body from mosquitoes were not successful, I stood up and saw a horde of blood-sucking mosquitoes flying out from under me. I walked along the pyron and found at the end of it a small, more or less clean plot of land. There he pitched a tent and fell asleep. In the morning I got ready before dawn in 18 minutes. All this time, while I was getting ready, a man was squatting in the bushes about three or four meters away. He still didn't move. Strange - I thought and left.

Decent and more beautiful views of the city of Salem. View from the roof of one of the buildings

Salem is the starting point for visiting the mountain village Yercaud, which is famous for its plantations of coffee, oranges, jackfruit, guava, cardamom and black pepper. The forests of Yercaud are rich in sandalwood, teak, and oaks. Among the wild animals found here are bison, deer, foxes, mongooses, snakes, and squirrels. Birds include kites, sparrows and swallows. The village itself is located at 1515m above sea level.

I liked the city. Very clean and many buildings that were erected by the British

Church in the settlement of Yercaud

Inside Indian churches

The coolest place is here Lady's Seat. I got here early in the morning, before the invasion of tourists, and for a long time I enjoyed the view of the local mountains and the singing of birds coming from there. In Auroville, I finished reading the book “In the Slums of India” by Louis Jacolliot, which perfectly describes all the impenetrability and wildness of these places. Mostly the Western Ghats, but these mountains too. I sat and imagined all this.

Settlement of Yercaud. Lady's Seat Observation Deck

One of the streets of the Yercaud settlement

Indian woman doing laundry

As a result, I met a motorcyclist here who gave me a lift to a couple of cool places, after which I went even further south.

IN Madurai I went to see the temple Meenakshi (dedicated to Parvati - the wife of the god Shiva).

On the streets of Madurai

To get into the temple, you had to take off your shoes and hand over all your belongings to the storage room that the temple had for visitors.
My first surprise inside the temple was the cleanliness. Then one monk called me to a corner where food was being distributed. It was Pongal porridge, which is a mixture of rice and lentils, although I think they also added a little millet to it.
In general, I liked the temple. I meditated for about 40 minutes opposite some god in silence behind a column, where I could not be seen. As throughout the south, believers wear black clothes and look like sorcerers. On the forehead they make a large yellow dot, then in the center there is a smaller red dot and thus it resembles a third eye.

Meenakshi (Parvati) Temple in Madurai. This is what a typical south Indian temple looks like from the outside

Tamil Nadu temples were built by villagers as religious, social, cultural, and political centers. The building has a certain layout. Through the Gopura (main gate) in the wall you can enter the courtyard and then to the porch, mandala (hall) and the main sanctum. Worshipers move from an open space full of symbolic sculptures to a massive, dark space characterized by simplicity. High walls were made to protect against raids, and all the deities of the Hindu pantheon were depicted on the Gopura, so that people of a lower caste could also pray without entering the temple. Often, all daily life is concentrated in the temple and merchants take their places.

Before leaving the temple I saw an elephant. I like these animals. Some people came up and decided to pet him. I just stood aside, watched and continued on my way...

Madurai. Winter. Dry rivers garbage A

Madurai. Winter. Dry rivers of garbage

.]] The mountains occupy 60,000 km², the average height is 1200 m. The mountains are home to more than 5,000 species of flowering plants, 139 species of mammals, 508 species of birds, 179 species of amphibians. Many species are endemic.


The Western Ghats are not a full-fledged mountain range, but represent a shifted edge of the Deccan Plateau. They were probably formed during the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana about 150 million years ago. Geophysicists Barren and Harrison from the University defended the version that the western coast of India was formed from 100 to 80 million years ago, after it broke off from a. Soon after the breakup, the peninsular region of the Indian Plateau drifted through the area of ​​modern a (21°06′ S, 55°31′ E). Major eruptions created the Deccan Plateau, a broad basalt formation in central India. These volcanic processes led to the formation of the northern third of the Western Ghats, their dome-shaped outlines. The underlying rocks were formed more than 200 million years ago. They can be seen in some places like the Nilgiris.

Basalt is the main rock and is found at a depth of 3 km. Other rocks include harnokites, granite gneisses, khondalites, granulites, metamorphic gneisses with occasional inclusions of limestone, iron ore, dolerites and anorthosites. There are also deposits of laterites and bauxites in the southern hills.


The Western Ghats extend from the Satpura range in the north, running south through Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The large mountain range starting in the north is Sahyadhri and has many hill stations. Among the smaller ranges are the Kardamom Hills and the Nilgiri Hills in Tamil Nadu. In the Western Ghats lies the highest point of India south of the Himalayas - Ana Mudi (2659 m).


The Western Ghats form one of the watersheds of India. They give rise to important rivers of peninsular India flowing from west to east into the Bay of Bengal such as the Krishna, Godwari and Cauvery. Reservoirs have been built on many rivers in Maharashtra and Kerala.


The climate of the Western Ghats is humid and tropical, varying with altitude and distance from the equator. At an altitude of more than 1500 m in the north and more than 2000 m in the south, the climate is closer to temperate. The average temperature here is +15, in some places in winter the temperature drops to 0. The coldest periods coincide with the wettest.

The mountains stop the western monsoon winds that carry rain, and therefore receive a lot of rainfall, especially on the western slopes. Dense forests also contribute to rainfall in this area. 3000-4000 mm of precipitation falls annually.

The mountains are covered with monsoon forests. There are also tea and coffee plantations on the mountain slopes.

The Eastern Ghats join the Western Ghats in the south at the Nilgiri Mountains.

Eastern Ghats
Hindi पूर्वी घाट

Square262,673 km²
Length1131 km
Width1053 km
Highest point
highest peakDevodi-Munda
Highest point1680 m
15°47′ N. w. 80°00′ E. d.
A country
RegionsAndhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka

Eastern Ghats


  1. Geographical encyclopedic dictionary: geographical names / Ed. A. F. Treshnikova. - 2nd ed., add. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989. - P. 113. - 210,000 copies. - ISBN 5-85270-057-6.
  2. Eastern Ghats // Dictionary of geographical names of foreign countries / resp. ed. A. M. Komkov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Nedra, 1986. - P. 126.
  3. Eastern Ghats // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  4. Eastern Ghats
Aerides curly

Curly Aerides (lat. Aërides crispa) is a species from the genus Aërides of the Orchidaceae family.

Ghats (disambiguation)

The Gathas are part of the Avesta

Eastern Ghats - mountain system on the eastern coast of Hindustan

Western Ghats - mountain system on the western coast of Hindustan

Geography of India

India is located in South Asia, mostly on the Hindustan Peninsula. The coast of India, which is more than 7 thousand km long, is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean - the Bay of Bengal from the southeast and the Arabian Sea from the southwest. The area of ​​India is 3 million 288 thousand km², according to this indicator the country ranks seventh in the world.

India is located north of the equator between 6°44" and 35°30" north latitude and 68°7" and 97°25" east longitude.

Mountain-forest belt

Mountain-forest belt is a natural high-altitude zone with a predominance of forest landscapes.

Mountain forests are forests located within mountain systems and individual mountain ranges with fluctuations in relative terrain heights of more than 100 m and an average surface slope from the foot to the top of mountain ranges or to the border of treeless spaces of more than 5°, regardless of the fact that individual sections of the slope may have a slope of less than 5°, as well as forests on mountain plateaus and plateaus, regardless of the slope of the terrain. Plateau forests, however, are not subject to altitudinal-zonal patterns, but to latitudinal-zonal ones, so their classification as mountain forests is debatable. The mountain-forest belt reaches its greatest development in equatorial latitudes. The mountain forest belt is distributed mainly in the mountains of fairly humid areas, but is also observed in the mountains of arid areas, where it often does not form a continuous strip, but is found in combination with meadows and steppes (mountain forest-steppe).

The mountain forest belt is often divided into a number of sub-belts, differing in the properties of the forests composing them. The presence of specific sub-belts depends on

continental climate and

other factors, including human activity.

Deccan (plateau)

Deccan, or Deccan Plateau (Hindi दक्खिन, Dakkhin; English Deccan Plateau, from Sanskrit दक्षिण dakshina - “southern”) is a plateau in India on the Hindustan Peninsula. It is located in the interior of the peninsula, bounded on the north by the Narmada River and on the south by the Kaveri River. Covers an area of ​​about 1 million km². The surface is mainly inclined towards the east, due to which most of the rivers flow towards the east and empty into the Bay of Bengal.

To the north of the plateau is the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Along the western edge of the plateau are the Western Ghats, which in the southern part fence off the Malabar coast, and along the eastern edge - the Eastern Ghats, which fence off the Coromandel coast from the plateau, respectively.


Jackfruit, or eve, or Indian breadfruit (lat. Artocarpus heterophyllus) - plant; a species of the genus Artocarpus (Artocarpus) of the Mulberry family, a close relative of the breadfruit tree.


The Dravidians are peoples who inhabit mainly South India (only the Brahui remain in Pakistan) and speak Dravidian languages. Anthropologically, the Dravidians are so different from the rest of the population of India that many researchers identify them as a separate race - Dravidian, or South Indian - apparently the result of a mixture of the Indo-Mediterranean and Veddoid races.

The Dravidian peoples are the main creators of one of the oldest and most developed world civilizations - the Indus Valley Civilization, or Harappan civilization, in the culture and mythology of which Dravidian elements are quite clearly visible. It is assumed that during the period when this ancient civilization was already declining, as a result of a series of environmental disasters and a wave of Indo-Aryan (racially Caucasian) onslaught, the cities in the Indus basin were destroyed, and the indigenous population, in particular the Dravidians, were forced out, or migrated to the south of the Hindustan Peninsula.

The Dravidians include Telugus, or Andhras (44 million people according to 1967 estimates, currently more than 80 million people), Tamils ​​(~70 million people, partly also live on the island of Sri Lanka, in Malaysia, Myanmar and other countries of the South -East Asia), Malayali (more than 35 million people), Kannar (44 million people), Gonds (more than 4 million people), Tulu (about 1 million people), as well as a number of small peoples who have largely preserved their tribal way of life and live mainly in mountainous and forest areas: Oraons, Todas, Kota, Kurumba, Badaga, Baiga, etc.

The Telugu and Tamil peoples are the creators of two of India's largest film industries: Tollywood (Telugu language cinema) and Kollywood (Tamil language cinema), currently surpassing Bollywood (Hindi language cinema) in terms of film output.

The South Indian cities of Bangalore and Hyderabad are India's largest scientific and industrial centers. Hyderabad vies with Bangalore to be called India's Silicon Valley.

Western Ghats

Western Ghats (Hindi पश्चिमी घाट), Sahyadri (Hindi सह्याद्रि) - a mountain range in the west of Hindustan. They run north to south along the western edge of the Deccan Plateau, separating the plateau from the narrow coastal plain along the Arabian Sea. The mountain range begins near the border of Gujarat and Maharashtra, south of the Tapti River, stretches for about 1,600 km through the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, ending at Kanyakumari, the southern tip of Hindustan. About 60% of the Western Ghats are located in Karnataka.

The mountains occupy 60,000 km², the average height is 1200 m, the highest point is Anai Mudi (2695 m).


India (Hindi भारत Bhārat, English. India), official name - Republic of India (Hindi भारत गणराज्य Bhārat Gaṇarājya, English. Republic of India) is a state in South Asia. Population - 1,340,468,000 people (December 22, 2017), territory - 3,287,263 km², by both these indicators it is the largest country in South Asia. It ranks second in the world in terms of population and seventh in territory. The capital is New Delhi. The official languages ​​are Hindi and English.

Federal state, parliamentary republic. Prime Minister - Narendra Modi, President - Ram Nath Kovind. It is divided into 29 states and 7 union territories.

India borders Pakistan in the west, China, Nepal and Bhutan in the northeast, and Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. India also shares maritime borders with the Maldives in the southwest, Sri Lanka in the south and Indonesia in the southeast. The disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir shares a border with Afghanistan.

The Indian subcontinent is home to the ancient Indus civilization. For most of its history, India was the center of important trade routes and was famous for its wealth and high culture. Religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism originated in India. In the first millennium AD, Christianity and Islam also came to the Indian subcontinent, having a significant influence on the development of the diverse culture of the region. In the 18th - first half of the 20th centuries, India was gradually colonized by the British Empire. In 1947, after many years of struggle, the country gained independence. By the end of the 20th century, India achieved great success in economic and military development; the country's economy became one of the fastest growing in the world. Despite this, a significant part of the population continues to live below the poverty line. High levels of corruption and a backward health care system are also pressing problems.

India is a potential superpower and has nuclear weapons. It is a member of such international organizations as the UN, G20, WTO, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Commonwealth of Nations, as well as BRICS and SCO.


Hindustan (Hindi हिन्दुस्तान Hindustān, Urdu ہندوستان‎ Hindostān from Persian Hindū‎ - Indus + -stān) is a peninsula in southern Asia. Area approx. 2 million km². The northern border is conventionally drawn from the Indus delta to the Ganges delta. Sometimes all the plateaus and mountains south of the Indo-Gangetic Plain are also referred to as Hindustan. The peninsula contains a large part of India, parts of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

From the west it is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea, from the east by the Bay of Bengal. To the southeast of the tip of the peninsula is the large island of Sri Lanka. Hindustan is the southern part of the Indian subcontinent, located on the Indian tectonic plate.

Along the coastline there is a narrow strip of plains. Above them rise the Western and Eastern Ghats, framing the Deccan Plateau. The highest point is Mount Anai-mudi, whose height is 2698 meters. There are also large deposits of coal, manganese, iron and copper ores, mica, bauxite and precious stones. The southernmost point of the peninsula is Cape Comorin.

Coromandel Coast

Coromandel Coast - the eastern coast of the Hindustan Peninsula south of the Krishna River delta to Cape Comorin. The coast is washed by the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean, has a length of about 700 km and a width of 80-100 km. It is a strip of hilly plains, turning into the Eastern Ghats in the west.

Along the coast there are large sandy beaches and spits. The coast is low, indented by deltas of several large rivers, including Kaveri, Palar, Penner and Krishna, which form deltas with an area of ​​up to 10 thousand km². The rivers originate on the Deccan Plateau and, flowing from the Eastern Ghats, form fertile alluvial plains.

Currently, the Coromandel Coast is located in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, as well as in the union territory of Puducherry. There are large port cities on the coast - Chennai (Madras), Cuddalore, Tranquebar (Tharangambadi), Nagapatnam and others.

The Coromandel Coast is a humid agricultural region of India, with rice and coconut palms being cultivated.

South India

South India is a region consisting of the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Puducherry.

The Sahyadri Mountains, more commonly referred to as the Western Ghats, are a vast mountain range stretching 1,600 kilometers along the western edge of the Deccan Plateau on the Hindustan Peninsula. The mountains originate on the border of two northern Indian states, one of which is Maharashtra and the other Gujarat, and end near the southern city of Kanyakumari. The highest point of these mountains, covering an area of ​​60,000 square kilometers, is the peak of Anamudi, reaching 2,695 meters above sea level.

Recognized as one of the oldest on the planet, this enormous mountain range has exceptional landforms and exhibits unique ecological and biophysical processes. The local highland forests are under the constant influence of humid winds blowing from the water surface of the Indian Ocean. Moderating the rainfall-rich western monsoons, the mountains form one of the most distinctly tropical climates on the planet.

The Western Ghats have the highest biological diversity, notable for the large number of endemic life forms. In this regard, the mountain range is recognized as one of the most amazing wilderness areas on the entire globe. The evergreen rainforests here are home to 130 species of mammals, including endemics such as the spiny dormouse and Wonderoo macaque; 180 species of amphibians, two thirds of which are endemic, and 500 species of birds. More than 100 species of fish live in local reservoirs. No less interesting is the mountain flora, which includes almost 5,000 species of flowering plants.

The Western Ghats stretch along the coast of the Hindustan Peninsula from north to south. It is customary to call them a mountain range, but in fact they are not quite ordinary mountains. The folds of the terrain were formed in ancient times when the ancient supercontinent Godwana was breaking up. The Ghats are the edge of a huge formation that forms the entire peninsula. The ridge is separated from the Indian Ocean by a small flat strip.


The name very accurately characterizes the external features of the mountains. Translated from ancient Sanskrit, the word "gats" means steps. The mountains, however, are similar to them. The Western and Eastern Ghats are different from each other. The western edge is steep, while the eastern edge transitions more smoothly into the plain. The northern part of the mountains is represented by monolithic ridges formed by the influx of one plate onto another more than 150 million years ago. The Southern Ghats, called the Malabar Coast, are more like single sloping hills.

One of the most popular tourist destinations that the Western Ghats are famous for is Goa. This small Indian state is dotted with river beds flowing from the mountains and carrying their waters into the Arabian Gulf. The traveler can easily select a suitable excursion to the mountains that will suit his wishes. By the way, holidays and accommodation in Goa are considered one of the most economical options. The region's tourism infrastructure is under active development, and local business owners have room to grow. But the beautiful nature more than compensates for the shortcomings of the service.

An equally popular place for which many people strive to visit the Western Ghats is Mumbai. This ancient city is the second most densely populated city in the world (after the Philippine capital). Here you will find luxury hotels and restaurants, theaters and museums, colorful antiquities and monuments of modern art.

Unique nature

Biologists call the Western Ghats a unique natural reserve. Several species of animals live here that are found nowhere else in the world: lion-tailed macaques, hooded gulman, spiny dormouse, tarsal goat, and others. Along with them live less rare animals, for example, the Indian elephant and baboon. Many tourists go here to admire the butterfly population. Their numbers have declined in recent years and were once among the largest in the world. The total number of rare species of animals living in the Ghats has exceeded 3 hundred.

The flora is also diverse. The calling card of India is tea. The country ranks second in the world (after China) in its procurement. Most of the harvest is obtained on the terraces of the Ghats. It was organized by the East India Company at the end of the century before last. When the English colonialists left Hindustan, the plantations were preserved and have been diligently cultivated ever since.

The local population has been engaged in agriculture for centuries. Many crops introduced by Europeans during colonial times are grown here.

Man-made and natural attractions

When traveling to the Western Ghats, plan your route. Animal lovers will be interested in visiting unique natural reserves: Mudumalai, Bandipur, Nilgiri. The luxurious rose garden in Udagamandalam is worth visiting. The national parks of Eravikulam, Karimpuzha, Mukurthi and Silent Valley are cool on a hot day and will help you learn more about the unique nature of the Ghats.

There is also something to see for lovers of antiquities. The city of Palakkad is especially interesting in this regard. When going there, visit the ancient fort, Jain temple, and Brahmin monastery.

  • Mount Ana Mudi is the highest point in India south of the Himalayas. Its name is translated from Sanskrit as “elephant’s head”. It is shaped like the forehead of an elephant.
  • Yakshagana is a traditional art in these parts. This is a dance with a plot that is performed only by men.
  • In the Botanical Garden you can admire a petrified tree that is 20 million years old.
  • On the terraces of the Western Ghats there are unique tea trees that have grown from bushes.
  • And the most important thing is the following. The Western Ghats is a unique place where the concept of “holiday season” does not exist. Nature is kind here all year round and you can go on a trip at any time.