Sights of Costa Rica, their photos and descriptions. Travel to Costa Rica: attractions, what to see Stone balls of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a small, exotic Central American country washed by the waters of Pacific Ocean And Caribbean Sea. The name of this blooming and beautiful country translated from Spanish means “rich coast”. The climate in the state is subequatorial, there are two seasons, the sun shines from December to April, and the rainy season from May to November.

The best time to visit the country is considered to be from December to April. There is a visa-free regime for Russian citizens. Costa Rica is rich in natural attractions, with foggy jungles, wild animals, paradise beaches, mesmerizing waterfalls, lakes, mysterious caves and volcanoes. The country attracts lovers of ecotourism and adventure tours.

In western Costa Rica there is the Barra Honda cave complex, which has 42 caves. The largest cave is Santa Ana, its depth 240 meters. The cave chain was formed over thousands of years from limestone. To date, archaeologists and historians have only partially studied the limestone caves of Barra Honda Park, but during the research, priceless artifacts were discovered, dating back to approximately three centuries BC.

The conservation park was created in 1974 to protect local cave systems. Underground lakes have been discovered in some caves. They also live there the bats and various insects. A dense tropical forest grows around the cave complex.

On the Pacific coast in the province of Alajuel, the Poas Volcano National Park has been opened. The park itself is located on the slope of a mountain. The Poas volcano is considered extinct today; on its top there is a crater with a small geyser. Poas Park is home to many wild animals and tropical plants.

At the foot of the mountain there is a fabulous orchid garden. The national park is home to birds such as quetzals, hummingbirds, toucans and flycatchers. Coyotes, skunks, squirrels, armadillos and other interesting mammals are found in this area. Tourists are offered an exciting excursion to the Poas volcano.

The La Paz Waterfall Park, located on the slopes of a volcano, is recognized as the pearl of Costa Rica. This is the most large waterfall country, its name is translated from Spanish as “white magic”. Indeed, powerful and endless streams of water delight and fascinate. The park has the largest collection of butterflies.

Separately, you can enjoy the beautiful garden with fragrant orchids, and see the garden in which hummingbirds fly. A winding mountain river flows through the reserve. But the main pride of the park is its majestic waterfalls; there are about five of them. There is a cafe on site where tourists are treated to local cuisine.

The city of San Jose has one of the country's famous cultural attractions - a museum that houses the design works of contemporary authors. The museum's exhibitions demonstrate new design trends and ideas created in America, Europe and Asia. The exhibits are regularly updated, so both citizens and tourists often visit this museum. It contains unique masterpieces, brought from different parts of our vast planet.

Location: Calle - 15, San José.

An unusual museum has been opened in San Jose, which houses gold items of the inhabited peoples. The visitor is presented with gold items and ancient jewelry; they were created by masters of the past. The collection of the San Jose Gold Museum includes about 2000 items. The oldest exhibit is 500 BC.

Location: Calle 5, between Central and 2nd Ave.

The largest uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean, it belongs to Costa Rica. There has been an interesting legend about the island for a century now, as if a treasure trove was hidden there, but so far the treasure has not been discovered. Coconut covered impenetrable jungle, where rich plant and animal world tropics. The flora and fauna of this island is under state protection, and at the end of the 20th century, Cocos Island was included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO.

Cocos Island is of volcanic origin and is shaped like a rectangle with sides of 3 kilometers. Its territory is considered a protected area; visiting the island is possible only with special permission.

The Catholic Cathedral is located in the central part of the capital. The temple is actively visited every day by both local believers and curious tourists. Construction of the cathedral took place in the 1860s.

The Cathedral is especially beautiful and majestic. It personifies the cultural and spiritual heritage of the country. The architecture of the religious building amazes with its colorful stained glass windows, powerful snow-white walls and rich decoration. Three times a day in Spanish and English languages A mass is held and anyone can attend.

The volcano is located thirty kilometers from the capital of Costa Rica. Turrialba is the second largest volcano in the country, its height is 3340 meters. The peculiarity of the volcano is that it is active, but you can go down into one of its three craters and see secondary volcanic activity. On the slope of this mountain, priceless archaeological finds and ruins of settlements dating back more than 2,500 years were discovered.

Sierra Chirripo Mountain is recognized as the highest mountain peak state, its height is 3820 meters. Chirripo National Park is open on the mountainside. The top of the mountain was never covered with snow. Hiking tours to the volcano are organized. Chirripo's beautiful scenery, wild mountain terrain and amazing flora impress any tourist.

A national park is located in the northeastern part of the country on the Caribbean coast. Tortuguero was a river that flowed throughout the country. On one side of the park there is a rain forest, which is practically untouched by humans. The reserve includes all the diversity of Costa Rica's flora and fauna. Turtles, jaguars, sloths, howler monkeys, birds and other animals live here. National Park Tortuguero is recognized as the rainiest region in Costa Rica.

A national marine park has been opened on the Pacific coast, part of which is located in the ocean waters, and part of it is on the coastal territory. Las Baulas delights with its heavenly white beaches. The largest colony of leatherback sea turtles lives here. The park offers a lot of entertainment. This includes surfing and diving.

There is an opportunity to go on a trip through the mangrove swamps where crocodiles live. At the entrance to the park there is a small natural history museum that tells about the nature of the reserve. There are hotels and restaurants in the park.

The volcano is presented as high mountain With perfect proportions. The volcano is active and active, so during an eruption it illuminates the surrounding area. The small town of La Fortuna lives and thrives near the mountain. According to local residents, Arenal Volcano is considered the main attraction and business card countries. The slopes and surroundings of the volcano are rich in a variety of plants.

A national park has been opened on the Osa Peninsula in the Pacific Ocean. Corcovado includes a rain forest that is home to a wide variety of tropical flora and fauna. The national park is intended to protect and preserve the rich nature of the region and was founded in 1975.

The reserve contains the famous cotton tree, which grows up to 70 meters in height. On the territory of Corcovado there is the Salsipuedes cave, which is associated with a fascinating legend about the undiscovered treasures of the English fleet.

Irasu is the most high volcano Costa Rica, located fifty kilometers from San Jose. A national park was founded around this volcano. Due to its special location, from the top of the volcano two world oceans are visible at once - the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Irazu National Park is visited by thousands of tourists every year. In the park you can see the exceptional flora of this area. Coniferous trees and green oaks are considered such plants. And among the animals there are exotic coyotes, long-tailed weasels and tiger cats. During excursion tours travelers can enjoy the volcanic nature and explore the flora and fauna of the area.

La Fortuna waterfall is narrow, but the most beautiful waterfall Costa Rica. It is considered a popular and famous landmark in the La Fortuna area. At the base of the waterfall there is a platform from which a stunning landscape opens.

The main museum of the country is opened in an ancient colonial building. The museum houses extensive collections of artifacts that tell the history of Costa Rica from pre-Columbian history. One of the most valuable artifacts is a jade figurine in the form of a shell, dating back to the 5th century BC. The figurine is engraved with a hand holding a small animal. Visiting the museum, tourists learn a lot interesting information about country.

Location: Cuesta de Moras, San José.

There is an amazing park near the Pacific Ocean, which is one of the ten most beautiful national parks in the world. A variety of exotic animals live here. On the territory of the park there is unusual hotel a plane that supposedly crashed and got stuck in the trees.

It is also famous for the highest density of flora and fauna in addition to the varied topography of mountains, plains, forest areas, volcanoes, beaches, lakes and rivers.

Tamarindo - a great resort holiday

Year-round sunshine, breathtaking scenery, a tranquil atmosphere and close proximity to national parks make Tamarindo a popular holiday destination. family vacation and ecotourism.

Located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Tamarindo is one of the most developed and accessible coastal towns with paved roads and plenty of activities for tourists.

San Jose is the geographical center and capital of Costa Rica

The largest and youngest city surrounded by lush green plains, the capital of Costa Rica, San Jose, provides tourists with accommodation, food, shopping, and immersive atmosphere. nightlife city, enjoy art and culture.

The city is located on a hill, in the geographical center of the country, which allows you to see other attractions of Costa Rica.

Chirripo National Park

Stretching across the 3 provinces of southern Costa Rica, Limon, and San José, Chirripo National Park preserves the uniqueness of its environment and wild species animals.

Named after the highest mountain, Cerro Chirripo, the park is a combination of bare mesas (devoid of vegetation), fern groves, wetlands, lush tropical forest and glacial lakes.

Rincón de la Vieja National Park

Rincon de la Vieja is located in the northwest of the country, in the Pacific region of Costa Rica and is named after the main attraction - a huge, smoking volcano.

So amazing natural objects how craters, vents, bubbling mud volcanoes, geysers, and an incredible amount of plant and wildlife make this park one of best places to visit in Costa Rica.

Corcovado National Park

Many residents and tourists of Costa Rica recognized Corcovado as the pride of all the national parks of this country. Corcovado is home to such a vast array of wild plants and animals that it is one of the few places where you can enjoy magnificent views. This park is located on the Osa Peninsula, in the southwestern part of Costa Rica. It includes several major ecosystems with mangrove swamp and rainforest.

Tortuguero National Park

Despite the fact that Tortuguero, located in the northwestern part of Costa Rica, is remote from the city of San Jose and can only be reached by boat or plane, it is one of the most visited parks in the country.

As the largest turtle sanctuary on the west coast of the Caribbean, the park attracts tourists with its main attraction - sea turtles, which build nests and guard them until the hatchlings are right on the beach.

Playa Jaco - great surfing and active nightlife

Playa Jaco is a very popular holiday destination and is less than 2 hours from San Jose. It is famous for its magnificent beaches, wildlife, active recreation and vibrant night entertainment. This coastal city is full of life. It is also well known for its relaxed atmosphere and excellent surfing opportunities.

Manuel Antonio National Park

This is the smallest but most frequently visited park in Costa Rica and is easily accessible from San Jose. It is located on the mid-Pacific coast near the city. Manuel Antonio encompasses a large number of ecosystems with lush tropical forests, white sandy beaches and stunning coral reefs.

Arenal Volcano

A few years ago, Arenal was the most active volcano in Costa Rica. Frequent and short-lasting eruptions could produce incredible bursts of lava at one time. However, in 2010, Arenal entered a dormant phase, but it is unknown for how long. However, the surrounding area still provides tourists with the opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery and find exciting activities.

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

Mountains lush with greenery and tropical jungles shrouded in clouds have aroused the genuine interest of exotic songbirds, animals and insects. Monteverde is located in central Costa Rica and is a top destination for tourists due to its amazing natural beauty, extraordinary biodiversity and abundance of activities including rope climbing and canopy tours.

Would you like to go down into the crater of a real volcano? Or feel like a pirate searching for lost treasure? Or maybe yours perfect holiday— is it surfing and white sand beaches? Then take a trip to Costa Rica - a true Central American tourist paradise!

San Jose is the capital of Costa Rica

Be sure to visit this hospitable city, located among mountains and valleys at an altitude of 1200 meters. Ancient buildings and modern ones shopping centers, neighborhoods of old buildings in pre-classical or neo-colonial style, pedestrian streets, friendly locals - all this awaits you here. A unique landmark of the city is the central market. Connoisseurs of real aromatic coffee can buy it here.

There are many museums in the capital of Costa Rica, San Jose. For example, those who want to plunge into the pre-Columbian era can visit Gold Museum. There are more than two thousand gold items created by the Indians, some dating back to the fifth century BC. These are household items, jewelry, gold shields, and figurines. Unfortunately, this is only a small part of the Indian heritage: much of it was melted down or destroyed at one time.

Dedicated to the creativity of the local population before their contact with Europeans jade museum. It houses one of the largest thematic collections in all of America.

Jaco - for fans of clubs and windsurfing

Just an hour and a half drive from San Jose, Jaco- a real paradise for young people who come on vacation. Here you can find clubs, restaurants and bars in huge numbers. And if you want to learn windsurfing, they can also help you here: the beaches of Jaco have excellent conditions for this type of recreation.

Natural Wonders of Costa Rica

If you ask tourists why they go to Costa Rica, the nature of this country will certainly be high on the list of their answers. Volcanoes, lakes, National parks, islands, beaches with clear water and white sand - all this attracts those who want to take a break from the city noise and love nature tourism.

Volcanoes of Costa Rica

A significant part of the country is covered by mountain ranges, and there are many volcanoes - active and extinct. Traveling to Costa Rica without volcanoes is almost impossible to imagine. The most popular volcanoes among guests of the country are:

  • Arenal;
  • Turrialba;
  • Irasu;
  • Poas.

One of the most famous attractions in Costa Rica is Arenal volcano. It reaches a height of 1657 meters, and last erupted in 2000. Nowadays, small lava eruptions occur periodically, absolutely safe, but at the same time very spectacular. The volcano is located on the territory of the national park of the same name; nearby there is a lake with the same name.

Lake Arenal- the largest in Costa Rica. It covers an area of ​​about eighty square kilometers. It became so large due to the fact that a hydroelectric dam was built here in 1979. The depth of the lake can vary from 60 to 30 meters - it depends on the season. It is surrounded by beautiful tropical forest. In the spring and summer, thousands of windsurfers come here.

In the Arenal National Park you can also see La Fortuna waterfall, falling from a height of more than 70 meters. You can climb to the top of the waterfall on horseback or on foot along a specially organized trail and enjoy the view of the waterfall, canyon, and moss-covered rocks from the observation deck. Those who wish can even take a dip in the cool water of the waterfall pool.

Another active volcano, located just thirty kilometers from San Jose - Volcano Turrialba. Its height is 3340 meters, and this the only volcano in a country into the crater of which tourists can descend absolutely safely. And from its high peaks there are stunning views of the tropical forests surrounding the peak.

Guayabo- archaeological site, abandoned ancient city, located on the southern slope of the Turrialba volcano. At the moment, archaeologists have excavated only a small part of the city, a little more than two hundred hectares. But this alone allows us to judge that during its heyday the city was quite well developed. People have lived here since about 1000 BC. to 1400 AD In 800 AD. About ten thousand people lived here. Aqueducts, remains of the foundations of wooden houses and entire streets were found.

At a distance of 31 kilometers from the city of Cartago, at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level, is located volcano Irazu. Once upon a time, in one of its craters there was salt lake. It could change color from green to red. However, after the earthquake the lake disappeared, but this did not make the volcano any less beautiful. As you climb, you can take unique photos of the landscapes opening from its slopes.

Territory Poas volcano It is also one of the national parks, spread over an area of ​​65 square kilometers. The height of the volcano is 2700 meters, two of its three craters are inactive today. In one of the craters there is ice lake with a diameter of 360 meters. In the national park you can find a huge variety of animals and plants, for example, beautiful orchids and magnolias.

National parks

Nature reserves, national parks, and protected areas occupy almost a third of the country. There are seventy-four protected areas in Costa Rica. The most famous of them:

Situated on the Pacific coast Manuel Antonio National Park, founded in 1972. On an area of ​​more than 16 square kilometers there are four wonderful beaches, many hiking trails, and tidal pools for scuba diving enthusiasts. About one hundred and fifty thousand people a year become visitors to the park.

On the Osa Peninsula, also on the Pacific coast, is located Corcovado- another national park. It is almost 42 and a half hectares of untouched rain forest with amazing plants and animals. Visitors to the park can see at least eight different ecosystems and more than five hundred species of trees. Be sure to visit the Salsipuedes Cave, the main attraction of Corcovado, where, according to legend, Francis Drake himself hid a treasure.

Monteverde National Park constantly shrouded in foggy haze, and no wonder: it is located at an altitude of 1400 meters. In the tropical zone of our planet, this is perhaps one of the richest reserves: there are more than 2,500 species of plants, more than 400 orchids alone. More than 400 species of birds also live in the park. Hotels have been built for tourists in the park, and extreme sports enthusiasts can have fun rappelling at a height of 40 meters with insurance.

La Amistadinternational park: It is located on the border between Costa Rica and Panama. More than 5,700 square kilometers of the park are covered with tropical rain forests. This reserve is the largest in Central America. Four tribes of Indians live here, and archaeologists have also discovered traces of human activity dating back to the tenth century BC.

Braulio Carrillo- a national park named after the country's president. This is more than forty-four thousand hectares that cover tropical forests. The park contains many mountains, as well as two currently inactive volcanoes. There is a very wide variety of plants and animals due to significant elevation changes. For example, visitors to the park can see more than 600 species of trees alone.

Located in the north-west of the country Guanacaste— a protected area that includes five parks with total area more than one thousand four hundred square kilometers. The state and UNESCO protect the rich flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes territories. To date, the nature of the parks has not yet been fully explored.

Six hundred kilometers from west coast country located Cocos Island- It is the largest of the uninhabited islands of the Pacific Ocean. According to legend, a mysterious treasure was hidden on the island, which has not yet been found. Who knows, maybe you will be lucky enough to become its owner? In the center of the island is Mount Roundell-Con, around which there is a wild jungle, and sharks live in the coastal waters.

Many fans of pirate legends have heard about island Tortuga. Whole generations of pirates molested this island in the old days. Here one could not only profitably sell looted jewelry and other goods, but also simply have fun and relax. Today the island is an attractive place for tourists.

Costa Rica: what else to see from natural sites?

Santa Teresa Beach- one of the most beautiful in this country. If you love relaxing beach tourism, then this place is simply made for you. There are no noisy discos here, but there are cozy bungalows, cute restaurants with delicious dishes, snow-white sand and all the conditions for surfing.

In general, each beach in the country has its own “specialization”:

  • Playa del Coco is a scuba diving center;
  • Playa Flamingo and Tamarindo are ideal for surfing;
  • Playa Conchal is the beach with the whitest sand;
  • On the beach of Playa Grande you can see turtles - they love to lay eggs here.

Nauyaka Falls It’s not promoted by travel agencies, but it’s very popular with local residents. From the parking lot, to see it, you will have to walk several kilometers through the forest, but it’s worth it: along the way you will be able to observe beautiful nature. And in the waterfall itself there are tiny cute frogs that you can catch if you try.

Age limestone caves of Venado- about 15-20 million years. Here you can see stalactites and stalagmites created by nature itself over this long time. Tourists can go into the caves, but it is worth remembering that the territory of the caves is not specially equipped: there is no hiking trails, lighting, on the floor of the caves there is water almost everywhere. Therefore, you can wander here with a flashlight as much as you like, feeling like real cave explorers!

They also willingly take tourists to coffee plantations. Most Popular Heredia plantations, located just ten kilometers from San Jose.

What to see in Costa Rica, besides nature?

Construction of the national theater building began in 1891, and opened six years later. It was built thanks to coffee magnates: money for construction was received from taxes on coffee exports. Thus, the theater symbolizes the economic prosperity of the country. The building was built in the Renaissance style and decorated with statues, and the Paris Opera was taken as a model. The interior of the theater was severely damaged by one of the earthquakes, but it was subsequently completely restored.

One of the most beautiful sights in Costa Rica - Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels. It is located in the central square of Cartago. It is noteworthy that the basilica was the only building that survived the earthquake that once destroyed the city. The inside of the building is decorated with many beautiful stained glass windows and statues; visitors can also see the “Black Madonna” - a miraculous statue.

In San Jose you can also visit the largest in Costa Rica Simon Bolivar Zoo. Various representatives of the cat family live here, a huge variety of species of colorful parrots - they are collected literally from all the forests of this tropical country. And in the serpentarium of the zoo there are colorful snakes.

Costa Rica attractions

Costa Rica is of interest to scientists, geographers and archaeologists. But most of all, travelers love it. This is a small country in Latin America with a varied natural landscape and favorable climate. Tourists are interested in all the sights of Costa Rica, including national parks and reserves, thundering waterfalls and terrifying volcanoes . The journey takes place along fascinating routes, full of secrets and local flavor. By the way, there is never winter here, so recreation is year-round. All guides are highly qualified, since traveling around this country requires specific knowledge.

What to see first in Costa Rica

Before you enlist the help of tour guides and begin exploring this colorful country, take a couple of minutes to look through our list. Even experienced people may not guess which objects will be of interest to you, so it is better to decide on your preferences before the trip.

1. Manuel Antonio National Park (Manuel Antonio)

Bay of Manuel Antonio Park with beach

Attractions to visit in Costa Rica e A must see is Manuel Antonio Park. This is the oldest resort in the country, and it is rightfully considered the most visited. Tourists are attracted here, first of all, by the extraordinary beautiful beaches. They are well maintained, clean and completely safe. A special feature of the local beaches is their snow-white sand, warmed by the sun. In addition, the water in Costa Rica is very clean and clear.

Since the coast is surrounded by greenery, the beaches of Costa Rica are very convenient for families with small children. Families come here, and the tourism infrastructure allows this. Good access routes ensure an even distribution of passenger traffic. There are many restaurants in Manuel Antonio different levels. Moreover, here, as in any southern resort, active nightlife.

Bars and cafes are always ready to welcome guests, music thunders from everywhere. Souvenir shops are found at every step, so tourists leave here with gifts and souvenirs. There are always a lot of people here, which determines the friendly nature of the local monkeys, of which there are many in the area. Funny white-faced animals literally stick to tourists, but feeding them is strictly prohibited.

2. Santa Teresa Beach (Nicoya Peninsula)

Tropical paradise of Santa Teresa Beach

The beach is located in the southern part of the Nicoya Peninsula. This is one of the natural attractions of Costa Rica. The atmosphere of a tropical paradise from advertising posters seemed to come from pictures to earth in this place. Snow-white sandy beaches called the pearl of Costa Rica, and this is true.

The sand here is pleasantly white. It has extremely small fractions, so it is not for nothing that it is called silk. The water on the coast is very clean, this is carefully monitored by local services. Many tourists with children flock to this beach, since the coast is sloping and the shallow water here extends far inland.

In addition to its natural beauty, the beach is interesting because it has well-functioning tourist services. Experienced tourists call it civilized. There is a place to relax and have a snack. The access roads are in excellent condition. You can always hide from the scorching sun in the shade of spreading trees.

For thrill-seekers looking for what to see in Costa Rica, Santa Teresa Beach boasts year-round high swells. Surfing conditions here are excellent. Nearby is the small settlement of Malpais, where you can relax if you are tired of too many impressions on the beach.

3. Venado Caves (Venado Village)

Bizarre outlines of the Venado Cave

Thinking about what to see in Costa Rica? The caves of Venado deserve your attention. Tourists are amazed by the guides’ message that the age of the caves reaches 20 million years, and that they were under water for a long time. The caves appeared on the surface due to tectonic activity. After the surface of the earth began to move under water, the caves gradually moved upward.

For many centuries they were inhabited by aborigines, settling as much as possible. This is a natural landmark of Costa Rica, formed from beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. Here you can see plenty of amazing corals. The structure of the caves is limestone, their arches are compressed to the state of dense stone. An underwater river flows in the cave, which gives its arches the most bizarre shapes.

By booking an excursion to the Venado Caves, you can admire the fossilized remains of marine animals and meet hordes of bats. They inhabit these gloomy underground labyrinths, and their whole life is spent in complete darkness. Staying in a cave, as they say, tickles the nerves, but professional guides do not let travelers get scared, drawing their attention to new details. The tour ends with a group selfie.

4. Arenal Volcano (Alajuela Province)

Arenal Volcano and its surroundings

Arenal Volcano is active. It is interesting because it is located in a mountain with perfectly regular conical outlines. Nature has decreed that in dark time day the volcano is illuminated with “neon” longitudinal stripes. When an eruption occurs, the lava completely illuminates the surroundings. The height of the volcano above sea level is 1670 m.

Scientists suggest that the volcano's first eruption occurred 7,000 years ago and lasted for more than 30 years. Since then, explosive eruptions, extremely spectacular, have occurred here every few hundred years. Its last powerful eruption occurred in 1968 after an earthquake. Powerful lava flows erupted continuously for several days. They covered 15 square kilometers of terrain. Then 80 local residents and 10 rescuers died.

Interestingly, after the 1968 eruption, several other craters formed near the volcano. The village, located on the mountainside, was completely destroyed. Currently, scientists periodically note the activity of the volcano. For example, in 2011, a smoke screen was recorded at the top of Arenal.

5. Corcovado National Park (Puntarenas province)

The pristine beauty of Corcovado Park

The province of Puntarenas is close to the Pacific Ocean. This is where one of the main attractions of Costa Rica is located - Corcovado Park. It is located on the Osa Peninsula. The park area is almost completely covered wild forest. There has never been any cutting down of trees here, so the area is rightly considered a protected area. The flora and fauna in Corcovado are extremely diverse.

The first settlers began to appear here only in the mid-seventies of the last century. The park has been preserved in its pristine beauty. There are more than 500 species of different trees here. The famous 70-meter cotton tree, located in the park, has a diameter of 3 meters.

The park will be interesting for those who are interested in ornithology. In particular, 400 species of birds can be found here, including several especially rare ones. For example, the population of red macaws feels at ease here. In addition, the rare glass frog is also an inhabitant of local forests. Among the mammals in the park you can find ocelots and jaguars. Everyone's favorite sloths also live in Corcovado. In the park, to the delight of tourists, there are many monkeys.

If you are thinking about what to see in Costa Rica, then the Salsipuedes Cave, located in the park, will leave an indelible impression on you. There is a legend that the countless treasures of the famous navigator Francis Drake hidden on this island. In 1579, F. Drake stayed in one of the bays of the peninsula. This happened during his trip around the world.

Feel the atmosphere of Costa Rica in this beautiful video!

6. La Fortuna Falls (Alajuela Province)

La Fortuna waterfall with wild nature in the background

Natural attractions of Costa Rica include La Fortuna Falls, located in the Arenal National Park. The waterfall is 75 m high, but the water flow is not wide, so there are always a lot of swimmers at the foot. In addition, the place has become a favorite for those who prefer picnics in the wild. The place where the waterfall falls is surrounded by large stones. A cool and very clean lake formed at its very foot.

Interestingly, the waterfall can be admired both from below and from above. A narrow path leads up, and you can not only walk along it, but also ride a horse. Locals We are happy to provide this opportunity to tourists.

The waterfall is used as a tourist infrastructure facility. At its base on top there is Observation deck, giving travelers the opportunity to enjoy a fabulously beautiful view of the surrounding area. The site is safe, it is fenced with a strong mesh and stable railings.

7. Gold Museum (San Jose)

Golden Indian figurines from the Gold Museum

What to see in Costa Rica? Of course, the Gold Museum. It is located next to cathedral in San Jose. The exhibition includes jewelry and religious objects made by Indian craftsmen. Among the exhibits there are rarities made 500 years before the birth of Christ. In addition, exhibits dating back to the 16th century, when the Spaniards first arrived in the city, are of particular value. In total, the museum has approximately 2,000 exhibits.

There are household items, ritual figurines, and jewelry. Tourists are delighted with the shields made of pure gold, the size of a man. The fabulous figures of birds captivate with their particularly delicate ornamentation.

At the same time, the museum represents one of the saddest pages in the history of Costa Rica. The fact is that many jewelry and unique household items belonging to the indigenous population were simply transported by the conquistadors into ingots, since it was more convenient to transport them to Spain. Some things, however, have been preserved, so the museum is under special state protection. It is one of Costa Rica's most famous cultural attractions.

8. Tortuga Island

View of Tortuga Island

When thinking about what to visit in Costa Rica, you should not ignore the idyllic island of Tortuga, which is a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. Of all the peninsulas and islands in Costa Rica, this is the most desirable. However, there are no hotels on it, and you cannot pitch tents here.

What attracts tourists there? The azure ocean and silky sand of the beach are the main advantages of the island. In fact, Tortuga consists of two islands: Alcatraz and Tolinga, but the local population has adopted the name Turtle Island. The water here is not just clean, it has the color of sapphire.

On the island you can endlessly enjoy the sun and sand or book a variety of excursions. One of the most favorite entertainments for tourists is a trip on a glass-bottomed boat, which gives a happy opportunity to admire the beauty of the underwater world.

There are quite a lot of places where you can eat. Inexpensive and uncrowded cafes are part of the tourist infrastructure. Tired of the sun, you can relax in a coconut grove in the beneficial shade. The island is rocky, so in the 17th century it served as a shelter for buccaneer hunters.

9. Hot springs (Tabakon)

Hot springs at the Tabacon resort

Among those natural attractions that you must visit in Costa Rica are the hot springs at the Tabacon resort. They are pools of various shapes with thermal water. The hotel itself promises luxurious service, which is enhanced by the extraordinary beauty of nature.

The water in the hottest pools has a temperature of 42 degrees Celsius. They are closest to the Arenal volcano. In those pools that are located on the territory of the resort, the water has a temperature of no more than 27 degrees Celsius. As a rule, tourists move from one pool to another, which enhances the therapeutic effect of the contrasting temperature.

The history of the origin of these pools is interesting. Water originates in clouds. This is nothing more than rainwater falling into crevices earth's crust. IN close proximity Arenal volcano water is pushed to the surface.

What do Tourists see at the resort? There is a lot of lush tropical vegetation here, which does not at all give the impression of some kind of wild thickets. The hotel has a staff of 50 people whose responsibility is to care for the local green spaces. Well-groomed paths lined with beautiful plants lead from one pool to another. Everywhere tourists are surrounded by natural beauty, enriched by man.

10. Chirripo National Park (Cerro Chirripo)

Mountain lakes Chirripo Park

The park is located at an altitude of 3820 meters above sea level. Staying in the park is very comfortable. There is always a pleasant coolness here. The nature in the park is diverse, but tourists are most attracted to dwarf trees.

Translated, the name of the park means “eternal waters.” It comes from several mountain lakes scattered throughout the park.

The only way to get to Chirripo Park is on foot. The path is safe, but the journey is long and tiring. However, after crossing it, you will be able to admire the sunrise over the Caribbean.

Sights of Costa Rica: what else to visit while in Costa Rica

To say that they are interesting is to say nothing, because here tourists can get acquainted with truly exotic animals, monuments of ancient times and incredible beauty species. Our list will give you the opportunity to get at least a general idea of ​​the best attractions, so that later it will be easy to decide where to go first and what to leave “for later”.

11. Zoo named after. Simon Bolivar (San Jose)

Zoo crocodiles

The San José Zoo is one of Costa Rica's most iconic attractions. It was founded in 1919. During the entire operation of the zoo, the Ministry of Environmental Protection paid special attention to ensuring that animals were kept there in conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

Here you could see jaguars and lions, not in cages, but in cozy open enclosures. In total, the zoo is home to 400 species of different animals, fish and birds, as well as an impressive collection of snakes. Moreover, in the serpentarium there are especially rare snakes - multi-colored ones. The pride of the zoo is its large collection of parrots, which are also provided with comfortable living conditions.

In 2013, the government intended to close the zoo. Environment Minister Rene Castro intended, in his words, to “awaken the environmental conscience of Costa Ricans.” He, in particular, stated that keeping animals in enclosures and cages is inhumane. The government's initiative was for all 400 species of fish, birds and animals to be distributed to sanctuaries or released to wildlife.

However, his opponent was the director of the zoo, Yolanda Matamoros. The woman harshly criticized the minister, saying that the country does not have the means to distribute such a large number of animals to different points. She was especially outraged by the idea of ​​releasing already domesticated animals into the wild.

Later, the idea of ​​turning the zoo into a Botanical Garden appeared. However, it continues to function to this day. For tourists, this is one of the most interesting sites in the country.

12. Lake Arenal (90 km from San Jose)

Lake Arenal is a place of various entertainments

The lake is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. It is located next to the Arenal volcano, which is located on the southeastern coast. In 1979, construction work was carried out on the dam of the local hydroelectric power station. This caused the water in the lake to almost triple. At the same time, several local settlements were subject to flooding.

The area of ​​the lake is 80 square kilometers. This is the largest store fresh water in the region. The lake provides water not only to San Jose, but also to Gaunacast. A wide variety of entertainment is offered to tourists in the lake area all year round. Here you can go organized fishing or windsurfing.

In addition, kayak and boat tours are regularly carried out on the lake. For surfers, the lake is interesting because there is a constant wind load here. You can also go mountain biking in the area around the lake.

13. Butterfly Farm (Puntarenas)

Butterfly farm - home of lovely creatures

At the butterfly farm in the province of Puntarenas you can see butterflies of all kinds. This is one of those attractions that almost all tourists want to see in Costa Rica. The journey to the farm is accompanied by a professional guide. You can listen to a whole story about each butterfly.

The accompanying people talk about how the butterflies hatch from the cocoon and what living conditions they need. The farm is located in Monteverde Park. Tourists can expect to see not only beautiful colorful butterflies, but also many exotic plants.

The farm is one of the undoubted attractions of Costa Rica. Butterflies are raised here not only for scientific purposes. This is a real business, since such an original gift as a butterfly in a box is gaining more and more popularity around the world.

14. Monteverde National Park (Monteverde)

Suspension bridge in Monteverde Park

The province is located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level in the Cordillera. For tourists, this area is attractive because of its forests, which are always shrouded in fog. In them you can admire flora and fauna untouched by humans.

Monteverde National Park has become a natural attraction of Costa Rica and one of the most sought-after destinations for popular eco-tourism. This biological reserve is home to over 400 species of birds and 100 species of mammals.

As for plants, there are more than two and a half thousand species here. There are hiking trails throughout the park that are invisible at first glance. They are laid through the thickets of the forest, so making your way through them is especially interesting.

In addition, the park has several suspension bridges from which you can admire the treetops, which are always covered with gray clouds.

15. Cocos Island (Puntarenas)

The lush jungle of Cocos Island

Of all the uninhabited islands in the Pacific Ocean, Cocos is the largest. It is separated from the coast of the country by 360 miles. The fauna of the island is under protection; since 1997, Cocos Island has been included in the list of UNESCO sites.

Why is this natural attraction of Costa Rica interesting to tourists? Of course, lush jungles, making your way through which is a real adventure. In addition, the seabed near the island is dotted with volcanic rocks, on which algae writhe intricately.

It is noteworthy that gold played a big role in the history of the island. In the 16th century, the warriors of the Tawantinsuyu Empire were armed with swords made of real gold, and central square The main city on the island was surrounded by a huge chain, also made of precious metal.

There is a legend according to which the disappeared gold of the Incas is hidden on this island. For example, August Gissler, a German explorer and founder of the colony on Cocos Island, searched for this gold for 20 years. However, his search was unsuccessful.

Costa Rica (Costa-Rica) - translated from Spanish means "rich coast", in fact, a lot of wealth can be found in this country: Quiet and Atlantic Oceans with their wonderful beaches, many national parks, forests and reserves with animals and birds, volcanoes, including active ones, provinces rich in adventures and authentic souvenirs, and finally, the capital with its colonial architecture. Costa Rica will not leave anyone indifferent.

Geography of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is located in the narrowest place in Central America, excluding Panama, the distance between the two oceans, the Pacific and the Atlantic, is at its bottleneck only 118 km. Costa Rica borders on the north and the south on the south.

Due to the presence of long oceanic borders, Costa Rica has a long sea coastline - 1228 km, on which many seaside resorts are located. In the center of the country there is a plateau with cloud forests and volcanoes, also called the “Central Valley”.

In the center of the country there are many small but fast rivers that originate in mountains and volcanoes; canoeing is often arranged on them and canopies and zip lines are arranged over them.

Largest cities in Costa Rica:

  • Capital - (San Jose)
  • Alajuela is a satellite city of the capital, part of the capital agglomeration
  • Liberia is a large city in the north-west of the country (the capital of the province of Guanacaste), from here you can reach most of the seaside resorts on the north-west coast of Costa Rica (,).
  • Puntarenas - resort town in the west of the country, the capital of the province of the same name. From here you can get to the resorts of the western and southwestern coasts of the Pacific Ocean (Playa Herradura, Manuel Antonio, Marino Ballena).
  • Limon is a large port city on the Atlantic coast of the country, the capital of the province of the same name. From here you can reach all resorts on the Atlantic coast of Costa Rica (,).

Russians do not need a visa to visit Costa Rica. For up to 30 days, you will be given an entry stamp right at the border or at the airport. .

Currency of Costa Rica

The currency of Costa Rica is the Costa Rican colon or simply colon. On price tags it is designated as CRC.

The Costa Rican colon exchange rate for 2019 is:

1 USD = 600 CRC.

In tourist places you can pay in dollars. In many shops, restaurants and cafes you can pay with plastic cards. The banking infrastructure is very well developed in Costa Rica, so that even in the most run-down town there are bank branches with automated teller machines (ATMs) where you can withdraw money from your card.

All outlets in Costa Rica are American type 110V.

The climate in Costa Rica is determined by its distance from the ocean and altitude. The closer to the ocean and lower, the warmer and the climate is more tropical; closer to the center and higher up, the colder. In general, the central part of the country is located on a plateau, and it is quite comfortable here.

There are clearly defined rainy (May - November) and dry (December - April) seasons.

How to get to Costa Rica

By plane

There are no direct flights from Russia to Costa Rica, so you need to make a transfer in Cuba, the USA or Europe. The most profitable options are offered by Iberia airlines - via Madrid, Lufthansa (Condor) - via Frankfurt and Cubana - via Havana. An airport tax will be charged upon departure. A taxi from the airport to the center of San Jose takes about 15 minutes and costs about 20 USD. The bus travels for about 1 hour and costs 1 USD.

By bus

Costa Rica can be reached from nearby countries (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama). The Pan-American Highway travels through all these countries. international buses. The most common bus companies: TicaBus, KingQuality, etc. Compare prices on websites and choose cheaper. And, of course, all these international buses arrive and depart to/from their terminal. These terminals are located in different cities; if there is no terminal in the city, you will be dropped off in the city or somewhere nearby.

The most common and cheapest transport in Costa Rica are buses. Bus network very densely covers almost the entire country, including even the most hidden corners, national parks, volcanoes, etc. Almost everywhere can be reached by bus. There are city, intercity and international buses. It should be noted that in Costa Rica there is no such cruelty as in other Central Asian countries (I mean chicken bass). There are none here, just ordinary modern buses, very often with air conditioning.

In the capital and large cities you can use taxi services, for example a short trip around San Jose will cost 10-15 USD.

You can also rent a car at one of the rental offices: license, age over 21, 1000 USD as deposit and the car is yours. It makes sense to rent a car for traveling around the country, it’s very convenient

Where to stay, what to eat, prices in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a huge number of hotels, hostels, cabins, lounges, etc. There are also luxury chain hotels: Hilton, Holiday Inn, Best Western, as well as fairly cheap hostels for 20-30 USD.

On popular sea ​​resorts You can often come across themed hotels, for example the world-famous airplane hotel () in .

In small resort towns, you don’t have to book a hotel in advance, but look for it upon arrival, because... Usually these towns are small, and there is a lot of housing, then you can go around and look for it. In addition, you can evaluate the level of comfort live and bargain.

In large cities, such as San Jose, you need to either have a reservation or have several options with addresses in mind, because... V big city It can be quite difficult to find a hotel at random. You can book standardly on or on a newfangled

The cuisine and food of Costa Rica is not very different from the cuisine of other countries in Central and South America: it is still the same arroz con pollo (rice with chicken), arroz con carne (rice with meat), arroz con camarones (pilaf with seafood), ensaladas (salads). There is also a large selection of fast food (all kinds of burgers).

As a side dish, they usually serve platano (banana cakes), patacones (fried plantain stalks), casados ​​(rice-vegetable mixture).

The cost of food and housing is quite high when compared with other Central Asian countries. It’s very cheap to eat in a cafe with a drink for about 7-10 USD. Eating in a restaurant for tourists from 30 USD. Housing is the cheapest 20 USD per double. with very modest conditions (this will most likely be a cabinas (room)).

Sights of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a country attractive for all types of holidays. Here you can either bask on the beach with snow-white sand, drinking rum and cola, or climb a volcano or conquer the waves on a board.

The main attractions of the country are undoubtedly its natural beauty: oceans, beaches, volcanoes, tropical and cloud forests, and national parks with many inhabitants.

On the Pacific Coast National parks definitely worth visiting: Santa Rosa, Guanacaste, Marino Ballena

You can see the capital of Costa Rica - its architecture, churches, parks and museums, but I would not stay here more than 2-3 days, because there is so much interesting in Costa Rica.

Safety in Costa Rica

Costa Rica feels like the most safe country in Latin America. There is a lot of white population (descendants of the Spaniards), maybe because of this this impression is created. It was a little awkward in San Jose early in the morning, but that's normal for a big city.

Let me remind you of the safety rules that should be followed even if everything seems safe:

  • In the dark, it’s better not to go out at all, and if you really need to, we take a taxi. We plan all transfers during daylight hours
  • Do not flash money, photo or video equipment on the streets or in crowded places. We carry all our camera equipment in a bag or backpack. We take out our camera, quickly take pictures of what we need and put the camera in our backpack.
  • Do not wear jewelry or earrings
  • It’s better to wear discreet clothes, but even though you’re tourists you can already see
  • Do not go into potentially dangerous areas (usually the city center, markets, bus terminals)
  • Try not to go out on Sunday in business centers and the city center (all centers “die out” on Sundays)
  • Drink only bottled water, wash fruits with water.

But of course, all these rules are for strong reinsurance, otherwise the country is cool - come, but it’s expensive.


  • Costa Rica covers an area of ​​51 km? — it’s a little larger than the Moscow region
  • The only state in all of America that does not have an army, i.e. Costa Rica is a completely neutral state
  • Population 4.8 million people.