What is Vietnam called? Do you know where Vietnam is? Vietnam: where is this tropical country located?

Visit Vietnam- means immersing yourself in an incredibly beautiful and harmonious atmosphere, in a world of picturesque nature filled with bright exotic colors. Those who are interested in the culture of Asian countries know and appreciate the rich spiritual heritage of this country. For its guests, Vietnam offers a huge selection of unique attractions, original national cuisine, excellent tourist services at the best price.

Dalat, Crazy House Hotel


The country is located on the Indochina Peninsula. For a long time, Vietnam had the status of a French colony and became an independent state only in the middle of the last century. Today Vietnam is considered a socialist country.

Vietnam opened up for mass tourism relatively recently, but very quickly became one of the most popular holiday destinations for travelers from all over the world.

Main cities of Vietnam

The largest cities in Vietnam are Hanoi (the capital), Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Can Tho, Haiphong and ancient city Hoaly.


The nature of Vietnam is very picturesque and very diverse. About two-thirds of its territory is occupied by mountains. The largest mountain ranges- Hoang Lien Son (peak - 3143 m), Chuong Son. In the south of the country plateaus and plateaus predominate; the coast consists of lowlands.

Vietnam has many jungles with rich flora and fauna. Among the trees there is a large amount of bamboo, there are many precious species, and there are also aromatic ones (sandalwood). Plants are abundantly represented by the well-known ginseng, cinnamon, and cardamom.


The species of animals living in forests are no less diverse. There are predators, antelopes, deer, lemurs, and monkeys here. A traveler who dares to go “out into nature” will certainly be pleasantly surprised by an encounter with a wild elephant, rhinoceros or python. As for birds, there are a great many of them here, about 400 species: eagles, pheasants, parrots, peacocks and many other birds.

The pride of the country is its magnificent national parks: Ben Neng, Cuc Phuong, Yok Don, Cham Tim, a mangrove forest near Ho Chi Minh City, the picturesque Va Ve Lake, Western Nghe An Biosphere Reserve, and the Red River Delta. The nature in these places is fantastically beautiful.

Phong Nha Park - Ke Bang Bach Park - Ma

The most interesting sights

Vietnam is an ancient city with its majestic temple doors, where every stone breathes history, stunning landscapes high mountains, transparent bays and blooming gardens. Natural and historical attractions are everywhere, and in just a few days of travel you can discover many amazing places.

High in the mountains there is a small, but very popular among those interested in history, the picturesque town of Sapa, where you can plunge into the life of ancient times and spend the night in a village house where the atmosphere of the ancient past is recreated, as well as meet representatives of ethnic tribes.

No less interesting is the city of Hue, which was once the capital of Vietnam. The abundance of luxurious palaces, ancient temples and pagodas greatly impresses guests of the city and leaves vivid memories.

Fans of a relaxed beach holiday will be delighted with Da Nang, a port located near the famous city of Hoi An, or the island of Phu Quoc, these places are famous for their beautiful well-kept beaches with white sand.

Da Nang - Dragon Bridge

Lovers of quiet and have a relaxing holiday far from the big cities, they will find their happiness in the villages with the famous green rice fields located in the Mekong Delta.

The real jewel of the country is the picturesque Ha Long Bay with two thousand islands.

However, for many, Vietnam is associated primarily with the largest cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

In this amazing city, the atmosphere of old, leisurely, exotic Asia is combined with the rapid rhythm of a modern metropolis. Ancient historical and cultural monuments coexist with giant buildings of shopping centers, and crazy traffic flows are complemented by a large number of pedicabs.

Hanoi - capital of Vietnam

This city is ideal for lovers of active, educational and excursion holiday. A rich history and many historical and architectural attractions: museums, ancient temples, pagodas attract tourists from all over the world.

One of the places to visit in Hanoi is Lake of the Returned Sword (Hoan Kiem). It is the heart of the city and is very popular among locals and tourists. In the center of the lake you can see the Turtle Tower, and on its islands, one of which is connected to the shore by a beautiful red bridge, there are ancient pagodas. According to one of the many legends surrounding the lake, a wise turtle once lived there, who kept a magic sword at the bottom and surfaced only during important events for the country.

Not far from the Presidential Palace you will find another attraction - the Ho Chi Minh City Mausoleum. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow, which is not surprising - it was built with the help of Soviet specialists. In general, Lenin is highly respected by the Vietnamese; the central park of Hanoi is named after him.

Another place you can see in Hanoi is St. Joseph's Cathedral. This is Catholic Cathedral, very beautiful, especially inside, and reminiscent of Notre Dame in Paris. Catholic services there are held in Vietnamese, which is very unusual for tourists from Europe

Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) is the most Big city country, founded by French colonialists in 1874. Now it is a metropolis in constant motion, the business and cultural center of Vietnam.

Urban architecture here is characterized by a mixture of traditions and styles: Western European, Chinese and others.

Its main attractions are the Palace of Independence, the unique Notre Dame Cathedral, built in the colonial style, the Historical Museum, the Vinh Nghiem Pagoda, the Museum of War Relics, among the exhibits of which are weapons used by the Americans during the Vietnam War, the country's main zoo and the Botanical Garden with the rarest tree species.

In the Ku Chi area, you can visit real guerrilla tunnels built during wartime, with living quarters, hospitals and weapons workshops.

The city is famous for its beautiful parks, one of which is Dam-Sheen. Its visitors can become spectators of a puppet show, visit the water park and bird garden and the Royal Garden of Nam Tu.

Always in great demand among tourists Biosphere Reserve Kan Zio, famous for its unique mangrove forests. It is called the “lungs” of Ho Chi Minh City. On its territory you can easily find many exotic animals and birds, and tourists feed crocodiles from a fishing rod while sailing past them on a raft.

30 km north of the city, in Binh Duong province, there is “ bamboo village", which is a museum of bamboo, the role of which in the life of the Vietnamese is very great. 130 species of this plant are grown on its territory.

Those who visit Vietnam in the summer will be able to become guests of a popular annual event - the Fruit Festival, during which they will learn a lot of interesting things about the most exotic fruits and will be able to buy them at very reasonable prices.

One of the rarest and most famous places in the country is the amazingly beautiful Ha Long Bay, listed as a World Heritage Site protected by UNESCO. Every year it is visited by a huge number of tourists from many countries of the world. Picturesque islands with mysterious grottoes and caves, rocks rising in the middle of clear emerald water, like works of art, do not leave anyone indifferent.

As expected fabulous place, the bay is shrouded in legends and myths. Its name translates as “dragon descending into the sea.” According to legend, a giant dragon living high in the mountains one day decided to descend and furrowed the earth with its tail and claws, as a result of which valleys and gorges appeared. Tired, he sank into the sea, which as a result rose and flooded the shore, leaving only the tops of the rocks on the surface, which became islands. Many Vietnamese are still convinced that the dragon is alive and hiding in one of the many caves. It is not surprising that this mythical creature has become a kind of brand in the country, and its images are an invariable attribute of many local souvenirs. By the way, among the souvenirs you can buy very interesting things here: stalactites from caves, corals and beautiful sea shells.

Even amateurs will enjoy the bay educational excursions, and for those who prefer beach holiday. Exploring caves and other natural attractions, diving, rock climbing can be combined with swimming on one of the local sandy beaches.

There are floating boats in the bay fishing villages, which are home to more than 1,600 people. You can go there on an excursion to get acquainted with the life of Vietnamese peasants.

Bay Islands

The most visited island in Ha Long Bay is Cat Ba. The main attraction of the island is the National Park, which occupies half of its territory and is home to a rare species of primate - langurs.

Quan Lan Island is famous for its crescent-shaped sandy beach, Minh Chau, where you can swim in clear waters and surf when the waves appear, which happens quite often here. When you're on the island, be sure to see the wonderful Quan Lan Pagoda, built in the 18th century.

Dachu Be Island attracts with its amazing beauty of lakes connected by a whole system of caves. Thanks to the huge number of corals and underwater caves, the island is a favorite place for divers. And on its surface you can see monkeys, exotic birds and flying squirrels, and also admire the marvelous orchids growing there.

There is never a shortage of visitors on Titov Island. The island received such an exotic name on the occasion of a famous astronaut visiting it in 1962. Climbing up observation deck, you will be able to admire the amazing scenery, especially beautiful in the evenings when the sun sets.

The small island of Dinh Huong fits on a rock rising in the middle of the water surface. It is supported by four “columns”, clearly visible at low tide.


The largest cave in the bay, discovered by speleologists at the end of the 19th century, is called “Surprise” (Sung Sot). It is located on Bo Hon Island. The cave is filled with bizarre stalactites of various sizes and shapes. Don't forget to capture the amazing landscape that will open up to you as you exit - it is... business card Ha Long Bay.

Thien Kung Cave is famous for its countless stalactites and stalagmites of the most bizarre shapes, which are several million years old.

Me Cung Cave (translated as "charm") begins with a very narrow corridor that can only be passed by one person, and then divides into several "rooms" filled with stalactites. Recently, archaeologists discovered human objects related to stone age.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, Ha Long Bay's rich history was enriched with significant cultural events. It was here that films known far beyond Vietnam were filmed - “Indochina” and “Tomorrow Never Dies.” In 1962, the bay was awarded the status of a “National Landscape Monument of Prominence”, and in 2009, Ha Long was included in the list of candidates for the title of one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Hoi An

Hoi An is an ancient city with rich history, in terms of the number of historical and architectural values, reminiscent of a museum under open air, where every building breathes antiquity and peace. Most of the ancient houses in it have remained intact, thanks to which time seems to have frozen in the 16th-17th centuries, when Hoi An was a busy trading port. At that time, the Chinese settled in large numbers in the city, so temples, one-story residential buildings covered with tiles, and other buildings in chinese style meet there quite often.

Center ( Old city) Hoi An is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Walk along its streets with countless souvenir shops and cozy cafes and you can spend hours admiring the beautiful houses of a joyful yellow color, but no matter where you are, sooner or later you will definitely find yourself at the Japanese Bridge - the symbol of Hoi An, which is depicted on its coat of arms. The covered bridge was built at the end of the 16th century to connect the Chinese and Japanese quarters. This significant event in the life of the city was also reflected in the legend. A certain giant monster, whose head was located in India, its body in Vietnam, and its tail in Japan, at the slightest movement caused all sorts of natural disasters: hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. Having decided to deal with the annoying monster, people found an excellent means for this - a bridge. Having built it in the most vulnerable place of the monster, they lived calmly and happily.

Other must-see attractions include the ancient Chuc Thanh Pagoda, the Siep Dong Nguyen House, the Tran Family Chapel and the magnificent Phuc Kien Assembly Hall, where you will see intricate wood carvings on the walls.

There are many interesting museums in the city, among which is the Museum of History and Culture of Hoi An - a real paradise for those interested in archeology and life of different times. In it you can see many rarities, some of which are about two thousand years old: tools, ancient ceramic dishes and other valuable finds found during excavations.

Be sure to take time to visit the Cantonese Community Meeting House, located near the Japan Bridge, a late 19th-century Chinese-style building. The impressive interior of the house and its very beautiful and well-groomed territory will be remembered by you for a long time.

One of the most favorite places for walks among local residents and tourists is the embankment of the Thu Bon River, a romantic place, especially beautiful in the evenings, when multi-colored illuminations are lit everywhere, and large red lotuses light up on the river, among which many candles float in cardboard flowers.

Every year the city hosts the popular Paper Lantern Festival, during which travelers admire lanterns of various colors and shapes in the form of fish, animals and fairy-tale creatures.

Nature lovers will also be pleased when visiting Hoi An. Not far from the city is the Ky Lao Cham archipelago, on which the eponymous nature reserve. On the way there you can admire the beautiful corals through the clear water.

You can also take a trip to the village of Cha Que, located 3 km from the city, where you will be kindly offered to work in the garden so that you can feel like a real Vietnamese peasant, and as a reward they will reveal the local “know-how” - the secret of the amazing taste of vegetables and herbs grown in local garden beds.

In some of the villages closest to Hoi An, you can ride a buffalo and plant a mangrove palm as a souvenir of yourself.

Nha Trang is rightfully considered the beach capital of Vietnam. It is a bustling and energetic resort town that attracts many fun-loving holidaymakers with an active nightlife and lively party scene. Nha Trang is also famous for its mud baths, which provide excellent healing effects.

Nha Trang is a city of divers, and this is no coincidence: in the sea on which it is located, in addition to many unique species of fish, you can also see a huge number of corals, forming entire underwater gardens.

In this city you can see the ancient Pognagar towers, the Long Son Pagoda and the museum of Alexandre Yersin, a scientist from France who lived in Vietnam for many years.

Among the natural attractions, it is worth visiting the Yangbai and Bach waterfalls. You can also go on an excursion to Monkey Island, which is located near the city. You and your children will certainly enjoy the Dog and Monkey Circus and the Elephant and Bear Circus located on this island, as well as the opportunity to hand-feed the monkeys. You must keep in mind that on the island you will definitely become the object of the closest attention from the monkeys: as soon as you open your bag or backpack, they will surround you with a dense wall and will not let you out until you feed them or remove your hand from the bag.

You will also be impressed by a trip to the famous aquarium on Chi Nguyen Island, built in the shape of a huge ship, where you can see stingrays, sharks, turtles, statue fish and other sea inhabitants.

Be sure to visit the Michon temple complex. Once upon a time, the Holy Land of Miron was the center of the state of Champa, which existed for about a thousand years. There you can see unique ancient buildings of a religious nature.

With the world's longest cable car You can get to Vinpearl Land Park, located on the island of Hon Tre, especially popular among travelers with children: there is an amusement park, a water park and an aquarium.


Vietnam is famous for its ancient, unusually picturesque caves.

Shondong is the largest and most spectacular cave not only in the country but in the whole world, its dimensions are 200 meters high, 150 meters wide and supposedly 6-7 km long, and its volume is 38.5 million cubic meters. To date, more than 150 “halls” have been opened, which are connected to each other by long labyrinths of passages. Shondong is located in national park Phong Nha-Kebang in the central part of the country. The age of the cave is 2.5 million years. To get there, you need to have extraordinary endurance: you will need to walk for about seven hours throughout the park, but the adventure will not end there - you will have to climb down an 80-meter rope into the cave itself.

The name of the cave is translated as “mountain river cave”; there is actually a turbulent underground river flowing in it. In addition, in those places where the sun's rays penetrate, real lush jungles with 3-meter trees grow. Inside the cave you can even see clouds formed due to high humidity. All this affects visitors who dare to go deep into the cave, unforgettable impression. Shondong is more likely not like a cave in the traditional sense of the word, but like an entire underground world with its own nature and laws.

In Shondong you can see stalactites of impressive size, which when exposed to sunlight become like huge stone cacti.

In addition to a variety of plants, new unique species of animals were discovered there - hornbills and flying foxes.

The cave has not yet been fully explored, and one can only guess what surprises it will present to researchers and travelers.

There is another one in the same park amazing cave- Phongnya. The length of the cave is more than 7 km. You need to get to it by boat, and along the way you can admire the extraordinary beautiful scenery surrounding forest.

Inside the cave there are 14 grottoes and an underground river about 14 km long with real beaches. No one brought sand to them; it appeared here on its own. Recently, two lakes were discovered in the cave, the depth of which is so great that it has not yet been possible to measure it by any means. That's why they got the name "Bottomless".

There is another amazing cave on the Island of Wonders - the Grotto of Wooden Pillars. The stones and stalactites located inside resemble the silhouette of a strange monster in their outlines. The grotto consists of three large halls, in one of which spears were once stored, intended for the battle of the Bakhdang River and which gave the name to the cave (although they were not used for their intended purpose, but blocked the river, preventing enemy ships).


The culture of Vietnam is one of the oldest in Asia and in the world; its formation dates back to the Bronze Age: the peoples living in the country at that time already knew how to process not only stone, but also metals. The culture of Vietnam is characterized by the cult of ancestors; family and community traditions are very strong in it. Important symbols in works of art have always been dragons, turtles, bamboo and lotuses.

The richness and diversity of Vietnamese culture is complemented by influences from other cultures, especially Chinese. Thanks to the territorial proximity of the two countries, a single cultural space has emerged since ancient times. The Chinese influence is especially noticeable in Vietnamese architecture and crafts: ceramics, pottery, and silk painting. The culture of this country has also absorbed the traditions and customs of nationalities ancient state Champa, captured by Vietnam in the 10th century. French colonization also left its mark: as a result, hieroglyphs were replaced by official writing based on the Latin alphabet, and the influence of Catholicism increased in religious life. Since the 40s of the 20th century, socialist countries have had a strong influence on the culture of Vietnam.

Cultural monuments of particular historical value are included in the list of sites protected by UNESCO. Among them are the city of Hoi An, the Holy Land of Michon and the 15th-century Hanoi Citadel with the 33-meter Banner Tower, formerly used as an observation post, from which, as its name suggests, flies the banner - the symbol of the capital.

The religion of the peoples inhabiting Vietnam is dominated by three main directions that have had a significant influence on the development of culture: Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Temples, where believers can pray and perform the necessary rituals, are open everywhere in the country in large numbers.

Traditional arts include silk painting, religious sculpture, ceramics, and a form of theater that combines drama, puppetry, dance, and music.

Tourists from all over the world are always particularly interested in such a unique genre of art as water puppet theater. When it begins to get dark, the dolls, controlled by actors hidden behind a screen, move smoothly through the water, performing the performance. Against the backdrop of a sunset, with beautiful lighting, it looks unusual and beautiful.

National cuisine

As in most Asian countries, the staple diet of local residents is rice. On average, a Vietnamese eats about 200 kg of rice per year. For a Vietnamese, no meal is unthinkable without this dish. It is prepared in a variety of combinations: with meat, fish, sauces and spices; all kinds of pies, pancakes, dumplings and noodles are made from it. When cooking, no salt or oil is added to it. Concerning meat dishes, then the Vietnamese are rare entertainers. In addition to traditional pork, beef and chicken, as well as exotic crocodile and ostrich, in many restaurants you can try dishes made from lizards, snakes, caterpillars and field rats. One of the most popular drinks here is a cocktail made from vodka and cobra blood, which is served complete with a still beating snake heart. Unfortunately, local residents They even eat cats and dogs. They also respect seafood. By the way, the most delicious crabs can be tasted in Nha Trang. However, Buddhist culture has had a great influence on the formation of vegetarian traditions here, which many Vietnamese adhere to. One of the most delicious local vegetarian dishes is rice with fried bean curd Dou Fu. Soy, by the way, successfully replaces dairy products, which are practically not consumed here. And, of course, this country always has a huge selection of the freshest fruits, including such exotic ones as dragon fruit, longan, water apple, khaki and three-stone cherries.

What dishes should you try first when in Vietnam?


One of the signature dishes of Vietnamese cuisine is Pho soup. The Vietnamese eat it day and night. In any city you can see huge vats emitting an aroma familiar to every Vietnamese. The soup is a very rich meat broth, to which pieces of beef, pork or chicken, noodles, soy, a huge amount of seasonings and a lot of herbs are added. In the south of the country, banana flower petals become an important ingredient in this soup. Local residents generally love to mix many products in one dish, creating original flavors. The process of eating this dish turns into a kind of ritual with its own immutable rules. Liquids are supposed to be eaten with a spoon, but meat and noodles must be eaten with chopsticks.

Another soup that is very popular in Vietnam is Bun Bo. It differs from Pho in that instead of noodles, it uses rice vermicelli, and instead of thinly minced meat, it uses substantial chunks of beef. The essential ingredients of this soup are shrimp paste and lemongrass.

Fajitas Nem Nuong

This dish is also traditional in Vietnam. It consists of grilled pork sausages with garlic and spices, and fresh or pickled vegetables with lots of herbs. All this is served with carrot and peanut sauce and fried shallots.

You can't leave Vietnam without trying Rau Mong herb, which is fried with garlic in a garlic oyster sauce and served with chili sauce, or Bun rice noodles with meat, vegetables, herbs and nuts.

Very popular in Vietnam are crispy Nem pancakes made from rice paper and filled with a wide variety of fillings, steamed Bánh bao pies filled with different types meat, quail eggs, mushrooms and vegetables, eggplant sauté Cà Tím Kho Tộ, which is a vegetable stew with the addition of chili peppers and other specific spices, Nyuk Mam fish sauce, added to almost all dishes, as well as delicious egg coffee.


The main official holidays are national weekends and reflecting events from the history of the country - Youth Day (26.03), Victory Day (30.04), Birthday (19.05), Memorial Day (27.07), Revolution Day (19.08), Day Independence (2.09) and Defender of the Fatherland Day (22.12). In addition, the Vietnamese celebrate New Year, March 8, and even May 1 together with Europeans.

In Vietnam there are many holidays according to the lunar calendar, the dates of which fall on different days in different years. As a rule, they are based on ancient traditions and religious beliefs of the people, and their roots go back centuries. The most important holiday in the life of the Vietnamese is Lunar New Year, or Tet Nguyen Dan. That's when the Vietnamese have fun! Festive performances are held on the streets of all cities, and all residents of the country put on folk costumes and prepare a family festive dinner. The Vietnamese have fun for one week, at which time life throughout the country comes to a standstill, and tourists may have difficulty finding hotels and moving around the country. Another “lunar” holiday is the Day of Wandering Souls, celebrated in August, when gifts are given to the souls of the dead and food is prepared. Both of these holidays are days off. Folk holidays also include Thich Doan Ngo, which usually occurs on the Summer Solstice. Then figurines of people are burned everywhere and sacrificed to the “army of death.”

Popular events include the Pagoda Festival in January, the Whale Festival in March, and, of course, the very beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival at the end of September and the ox races that take place in October.

Currency of Vietnam

The currency of Vietnam is dong (VND). In fact, only large bills are in circulation, from 500 to 500,000 dong. There are banknotes of 100 and 200 dong, as well as coins ranging from 100 to 5000 dong, but their production has practically ceased and they are gradually going out of circulation. Nowadays only numismatists are interested in them and travelers who purchase them as a rare souvenir. Starting from 10,000 dong, banknotes are made not of paper, but of plastic, due to which they last longer in conditions of high humidity. The local currency also has its own characteristics. For example, the 20,000 dong bill is very similar in color to the 500,000 dong bill, and the 10,000 dong bill is very similar in color to the 200,000 dong bill. Therefore, it is very easy to confuse them, especially in a poorly lit place. Don't rush to pay, check the money carefully. And one more feature: since the cost of one dong is very small, locals like to call a thousand dong “one dong”.

However, when paying for a purchase, the Vietnamese are always happy to use the US national currency, because the dollar is approximately 20 thousand times more expensive than debt. This currency may be useful to you if you have not yet purchased dongs. You can exchange dollars in banks, travel agencies, and jewelry stores, which, as a rule, offer the most favorable debt-to-dollar exchange rate. The country has a law restricting the purchase of foreign currency by local residents, so dollars offered by tourists are at a premium here. However, in a number of places (in public transport, cafes and restaurants, supermarkets) dollars will still not be accepted, so it is better to exchange some of them for dongs. If you want to change euros, this can also be done at almost any bank.


Most Vietnamese hotels, regardless of the number of stars, have a very decent level of service. The country is dominated by 4-star hotels, but there are also a considerable number of 3* hotels. Almost all of them offer BB meals, that is, breakfast included in the price of your stay. All hotel rooms have air conditioning and satellite TV.

Tourists can also rent an apartment, house or villa. The variety of options offered makes it easy to choose a room to suit every taste and budget. Spacious studio during the tourist season - from $300 per month. A house with furniture, a washing machine and the Internet will cost from $400, and a European-style villa with a swimming pool will cost from $100.

For those who are more suitable budget options, can book a guesthouse with a shared kitchen, a 2-3 star hotel room, or a bamboo bungalow with minimal amenities, but on the shore of the bay.


Vietnam is a relatively calm, comfortable and safe place, there are no terrorist attacks, no pronounced racial prejudices, no religious fanaticism, people are quite reasonable, and cases of unmotivated aggression are extremely rare. However, in order for your vacation to leave only favorable impressions, you need to listen to some useful tips.


Despite the fact that the country has fairly low rates of serious violent crime, one should not relax: fraud and theft, especially pickpocketing, are very common here. They occur mainly in crowded places, but hotel rooms are also popular with criminals. The subject of the theft is money, mobile phones, cameras, tablets - anything that is of any value. If you become a victim of theft, of course, you should immediately contact the police. If your documents are lost, you should take a police certificate and take it to the embassy or nearest consulate.

The intrusiveness of some local residents, who with manic persistence offer tourists their goods or services that no one asked for, deserves special mention. Especially often there is no end to self-proclaimed “guides” of extremely low qualifications. If, under pressure, you buy something from them, it will be very difficult to get change. It gets to the point where your clothes can be deliberately soiled in order to impose expensive “help”. They often demand illegal tolls for crossing a road or bridge. It is important to remember that when communicating with such people, no matter how difficult it may be, you should maintain composure and try to watch your facial expressions: a dissatisfied facial expression is regarded by them as aggression and can serve as a reason for a showdown.

How to avoid such troubles that can ruin your vacation experience for a long time? First of all, do not carry large sums of money with you, especially when going to crowded places. Keep valuables in the hotel safe; instead of documents, carry copies of them with you. Never leave things unattended for a second. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry and watches. To avoid increasing the risk of robbery, do not drink alcohol in excess. And under no circumstances play in casinos that do not have a license.


  1. Health safety rules are not that complicated, and if you follow them, the risk of contracting any infection is small. These are the recommendations:
  2. Be careful with water, even that from the minibar. Buy bottled water after first checking that the cap and the film around it are not damaged.
  3. Always wash vegetables and fruits; If this is not possible, do not use them. Wash only with boiled water.
  4. Try to choose proven places to eat that are popular among other tourists and locals. Do not overuse unfamiliar exotic dishes.
  5. Avoid drinking drinks with ice, as it may contain harmful bacteria.
  6. Avoid drinking unbranded wine to avoid methanol poisoning.
  7. Eat meat and fish hot.
  8. If possible, do not stay in the sun for a long time, use protective cream and special glasses.
  9. If your plans include traveling through the jungle, take a course of malaria preventatives.
  10. Buy health insurance that includes infectious diseases. In villages or forests, the risk of contracting dengue, malaria or cholera is quite high. True, not all clinics, especially in the provinces, accept policies. Be prepared to pay immediately and in cash. If you wish, you can easily pay a fee to International SOS.
  11. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately.

Road traffic

Vietnamese drivers are extremely undisciplined, like to change lanes and cut off, ignore red lights and do not obey speed limits. When crossing the road, you must be extremely careful. Always walk slowly and straight, do not run from side to side.

Natural disasters

Main natural disaster For the Vietnamese, floods are a consequence of the rainy season from June to December. At the same time, typhoons often occur here, mainly in the north of the country.

What to bring from Vietnam

Choosing a gift for family and friends is usually not a problem here, the gifts from this exotic country are so diverse and original, and also have very reasonable prices.

In shops, markets and bazaars you can easily find everything you need: from fashionable clothes and shoes to exotic food products.

Connoisseurs of good coffee always have something to choose from here. There are a great many varieties of this wonderful drink, and its quality delights the most picky gourmets. One of the rarest and most unusual types of coffee is Kopi Luwak. Before processing, its grains are passed through the stomachs of musangs, the local animals, after which the drink acquires a completely unusual taste and aroma.

The choice of quality tea varieties here is also huge: wonderful aromatic tea with artichokes, jasmine, ginger, mountain herbs and many other additives can be bought in any supermarket. The most popular varieties are Thai Nguyen and Milk Oolong, which are very inexpensive here. All varieties, both green and black, are grown on tea plantations in Vietnam. And for tea you can buy a variety of sweets or candied fruits in beautiful gift boxes.

Fresh fruits are also presented in a large assortment here. As a souvenir of an interesting and unusual country, you can take with you such exotic things as whips, mongoose, dragon's eye or longcon. The cost of fruit here is several orders of magnitude lower than in Russia, but sometimes traders, seeing foreigners in front of them, inflate the price. Don't forget that bargaining here is not only appropriate, but also very welcome.

As for products, tourists often bring home all kinds of seasonings, spices, syrups, rice noodles and rice paper.

Silk products are always cast here high quality, because Vietnam is one of the world's leading producers of this fabric. You can please yourself and your loved ones by purchasing a silk robe, scarf or scarf, as well as beautiful bed linen. Any atelier can quickly and inexpensively sew you a wonderful dress from purchased fabric. A fan trimmed with silk or an exclusive painting embroidered with silk threads would be a wonderful gift.

Cotton products are also popular here, usually inexpensive and of high quality.

Exotic lovers can purchase an unusual souvenir - a beautiful bottle with a scorpion, snake or salamander preserved in alcohol. Whiskey is mainly used as alcohol. This gift is suitable for connoisseurs of good alcohol and those who like to decorate the interior in an original way.

As for alcoholic drinks, you can buy, for example, Dalat wine, which is very popular here, as well as balms infused with herbs and roots. Many types of alcohol are made from rice, and rice vodka is especially popular.

There is also a great selection of accessories here. A great gift for fans of exclusive fashion is a wallet, key holder, bag or phone case made of snake or crocodile skin.

The ideal gift would be magnificent yet inexpensive products made from white, black or pink pearls, which are grown here on oyster farms.

Among jewelry products, there is a particularly large selection of silver products. All jewelry has a unique design, especially those with ivory or pearl inserts. The silverware is also very beautifully made. Gem lovers will find here a variety of sapphires, opals, rubies; all this is mined in Vietnam.

As for souvenirs, the range of them here is simply huge. This country is famous for its folk crafts. A traditional Vietnamese souvenir is hats made from banana leaves of various shapes and sizes. Many of the most skillful works of wood, bamboo, ivory and even coconut shells are so beautiful and unusual that they cannot but arouse admiration. Original gifts will be a handmade mask made of coconut or bamboo, a beautiful national doll or a box with silk upholstery.

A useful gift could be Cobratoxan ointment, made from cobra venom, or White Tiger balm. They are produced exclusively in Vietnam and serve as an effective pain reliever for many diseases.

As you can see, there is a lot to bring with you from Vietnam, the main thing is to make the right choice.

Note to tourists

To make your trip to Vietnam enjoyable in all respects, try to prepare properly for it and take into account some recommendations that will help you navigate this country correctly.


If your stay in the country is more than 15 days, you will need a visa obtained from the Vietnamese consulate or issued immediately upon arrival. It must indicate the points of entry and exit into the country.

Customs regulations

Foreign currency can be imported without restrictions, but amounts over $3,000 must be declared; You can export currency only within the amount declared upon entry. It is prohibited to export national currency from the country. You will also have to declare household and computer equipment. Duty-free transport of alcohol, coffee and cigarettes is limited. You cannot import weapons, drugs, drugs containing narcotics without a special order (punishment may be the death penalty), or pornographic materials. It is prohibited to export works of art, jewelry and handicrafts from the country without related documents.

Difficulties with language

The names of a place or street can be pronounced differently by different Vietnamese people, depending on the dialect, so sometimes it can be difficult for locals and tourists to understand each other. To avoid getting lost in an unfamiliar place, write down the names of the places you plan to go to in Vietnamese and show it to the locals if necessary.


It is customary to leave a tip here in the amount of 5-10% of the total bill.


In major cities in Vietnam, you can take a metered taxi or pedicabs. With rickshaws, the fare is agreed upon in advance, but you can and should bargain. Average price: 16,000 VND for 15 minutes. There are also intercity buses and taxis.

Renting a car here is only possible with a “load” in the person of a local driver. Fortunately, a motorcycle or bicycle is rented without any additional kits.

Traffic in Vietnam is on the right. In large cities, traffic lights and road signs are installed everywhere, but this has little effect on the discipline of local drivers, who behave extremely carelessly. Remember that driving in this country always involves considerable risk to life and health.

How to get to Vietnam

You can get to Vietnam from Russia without any problems; the choice of flights is quite large. However, there are few cities from which there are direct flights to this country: Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok. But sometimes, during high season, you can go there directly by charter flight and from some other cities, in particular St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk.

From Moscow you can fly non-stop to Vietnam on Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines flights.

Flights from Novosibirsk are operated by S7 Airlines (Siberia), and from Vladivostok by Vladivostok-Avia.

In addition to direct flights, you can take advantage of connecting flights in, for example, Seoul, Bangkok or Hong Kong.

There are also more complex options that require a lot of time and effort, with two transfers (for example, in Paris and Bangkok), but many people use them because of the fairly low cost of tickets.

Having visited this beautiful exotic country, you will gain unique impressions and will long remember all the interesting and Amazing places where you managed to visit.

Do you know where Vietnam is?

Vietnam - small country, located on the Indochina Peninsula. The area of ​​its territory is estimated from 330.95 to 331.21 thousand square meters. km. This is due to the fact that Vietnam has territorial disputes with its neighbors and unresolved border relations. In terms of size, it ranks 66th in the ranking of countries in the world, and in terms of population density it ranks 30th. The population of Vietnam currently exceeds 92 million people. The capital of the state is Hanoi.

You need to look for a country on the world map in the eastern part of Indochina and Southeast Asia. Geographical coordinates Vietnam 16 10 N, 107 50 E. The territory of the state has an elongated shape and resembles the letter “S”. It crosses 15 parallels and stretches along Pacific Ocean. The distance between its extreme points from north to south is 1750 km. The narrowest part of Vietnam is only 50 km wide, and the longest distance from east to west is 616 km.

This meridional extension of the country predetermined its placement in several climatic zones. The tropical climate prevails in the south of the country. The opposite weather is developing in the north. Monsoon climate prevails here. Its characteristic features are hot weather and heavy rainfall. The rainiest months of the year in the area are from May to September.

Border with Laos

The total length of the border is 2067 km. The demarcation line runs along the Truong Son ridge. Transitions between countries are organized in pass areas. They connect the eastern part of Vietnam with Laos. Highways No. 8 Nabe and No. 9 Laobao lead to the border crossings.

Travelers in Vietnam Russian tourists can take advantage of these passages and visit Laos. To do this, they do not need to apply for special visas.

Maritime boundaries and coastlines

The length of the coastline of Vietnam is 3260 km. In the northeast it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin, and in the southwest by the Gulf of Thailand. They are part of the South China Sea. The country's most famous ports are Saigon, Danang and Haiphong. The country's continental shelf covers an area of ​​1 million square meters. km. It includes more than 2,700 islands. All of them are located at a distance not exceeding 100 km from the coast. The most significant islands are Con Dao, Phu Quoc, Khoai, Re and Cham. Vietnam is engaged in territorial disputes with China and Vietnam over the Paracel Islands and Spratlys.

Hello. Holidays in Vietnam - great option! If Vietnam were to magically suddenly be closer to Central Russia(say, somewhere in the vicinity of ), tourist flow in this country, without a doubt, would have grown many times over. Indeed, among the tangible disadvantages of this direction is only a long and, therefore, expensive flight.

Almost everything else is a complete plus: an unusual and exciting “excursion”, beautiful beaches with ample opportunities for active rest, extensive and high-quality hotel base. And with all this - low prices in hotels, restaurants, on excursions and generally everywhere.

Despite all this, Vietnam has thoroughly spoiled the image of itself with creepy consumer goods markets with bales of all kinds of rubbish, talkative inhabitants and the aromas of fried herring. Perhaps many today will wrinkle their noses when they hear an offer to go there: “I’ve seen enough of this here.”

Meanwhile, the real Vietnam is ancient temple complexes of unknown civilizations and the natural beauty of national parks, healthy and tasty food (dietary rice and delicious fresh seafood), the cheapest diving in the world (coupled with an abundance of underwater inhabitants) and resorts with a distinct European flair: after all, a former French colony.

In addition, here there is an opportunity to have plenty of nostalgia for the recent social past: the flag is almost like our former one, and the pioneers in ties, and even the leader in the mausoleum.

The capital is Hanoi. Interesting cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Hue; popular resorts: Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc, .

About a third of the country is located at a level above 500 m above the sea, so the climate there is subtropical, and in areas above 2000 m it is even temperate. From April-May to October, the southeast monsoons bring warm and humid weather to the country - except in areas protected by mountains.

In the south of Vietnam (from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet) two seasons can be distinguished - wet and dry. The wet season traditionally lasts from May to November, with the rainiest months being June-August. The dry season usually starts in December and ends in April. This is the most favorable time for European tourists. The “velvet” months in the south of Vietnam are January and February: soft sun, refreshing sea water. From the end of February to May there are hot days without rain.

Climate of central Vietnam (from the resort of Nha Trang to the ancient capital of Hue): from February to August - clear, rain is rare, temperature +30...+35 °C. In mid-December there are heavy rains, in October - November typhoons are possible in the area of ​​Da Nang and Hue, temperatures are +20...+28 °C.

In the north of the country (from Hanoi to seaside resort Halong) winter and summer season s are more clearly marked than in the south. Winter, cool and wet, lasts from November to February, with constant drizzling rain "fung" in February and March. The summer season begins abruptly in May: high humidity, temperatures up to +40 °C.

Vietnam customs

The import of foreign currency is not limited, but amounts over 3,000 USD must be declared: export of currency from the country is allowed only within the amount declared upon entry. The export of national currency is prohibited.

You can import duty free 400 cigarettes or 100 cigars or 500 g of tobacco, 1.5 liters of strong alcoholic drinks or 2 liters of alcoholic drinks with a strength of up to 22°, 5 kg of tea, 3 kg of coffee, as well as other goods with a total value of no more than VND 5 million.

Household and computer equipment must be declared: all undeclared equipment will be allowed for export only upon payment customs duties or having a receipt confirming its purchase in the country.

The export of art and antiques, jewelry and handicrafts without the appropriate permits is prohibited.


In Vietnam, which stretches from north to south, the smartest way to travel between distant cities is to use domestic flights Vietnam Airlines or Jetstar Pacific. Most often, planes fly between two megacities - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (up to 10 flights per day), but other large cities are not deprived of regular flights.

Vietnamese trains are comfortable and run on schedule. The main route, Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh City, will last 30 hours. Purchase tickets It is recommended at least 3 days before the travel date directly at the station ticket office (local travel companies can easily cheat on the cost of the ticket and class of carriage).

It makes sense to use intercity buses for relatively short trips: constant speed limits on highways result in unreasonably long journeys. On the other hand, the prices for bus trips are negligible: you can get from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City for only 450,000 VND.

When traveling at night, you should be very careful with your luggage: cases of theft are not uncommon (petty thieves are everywhere). It is better to put away players and other gadgets at the first sign of drowsiness.

Urban transport is well developed only in large capital cities: these are taxis, various motorcycle and pedicabs (“cyclo” or “cyclo”). Taxi fares do not need to be negotiated in advance: all cars have a meter that indicates the fare, and taxi drivers usually know some English. Taxi fare: VND 5,500-9,500 per kilometer plus VND 15,800-23,700 per landing.

Motorcycle and pedicabs will be happy with VND 15,800 for a 15-minute ride, but the amount of payment should be agreed upon in advance and bargaining is simply necessary in this case. Traffic on the roads is poorly regulated, so traffic jams in big cities- a common occurrence.

For diving enthusiasts

Diving in Vietnam is one of the cheapest in the world. At the same time, it is really interesting and organized at a quite decent level. There are many interesting dive sites off the coast of Vietnam. The best in this regard are considered to be Nha Trang, Hoi An, and Con Dao Islands. In addition to a wide variety of corals, you can see all kinds of mollusks, cuttlefish, octopus, squid, clown fish, moray eels, puffer fish, groupers, manta rays and barracudas.

The best time for diving is from October to April. Best season for diving in Nha Trang - February-October, and on Phu Quoc Island - from November to May. Near Nha Trang there are Famous places for diving: Muren beach, Rainbow coral reef and many islands near the resort.

The Con Dao Archipelago National Reserve consists of 14 islands and is located 300 km from the coastline. There you can find very rare mammals - dugongs (sea cows), large green turtles and many endemics - animals and plants that cannot be found anywhere else.

Shopping and stores in Vietnam

Local shopping has two pleasant features: a wide selection of purchases and the most low prices in the region (unless, of course, you forget to bargain). Shops are open almost every day, seven days a week, from 7:30 until late in the evening. Many supermarkets in the capital and major cities are open 24 hours a day.

From Vietnam you can bring things made of lacquer, bamboo, mother-of-pearl, items made of silver, pearls, mahogany and ebony - including very beautiful cutlery and boxes.

Another category of successful purchases is clothing and accessories made of silk, linen and cotton. Even in Saigon you can find very high-quality and beautiful gold products - not exactly at bargain prices, but quite reasonable prices, as well as products made from pearls - mainly from artificially grown river pearls, less often - cultured sea pearls.

It is worth purchasing various spices, especially Fukuoka black pepper. Representatives of the fair sex are guaranteed to pay attention to the national costume “ao dai”, consisting of a tight-fitting long shirt-dress with slits and pants (they are usually sewn to order).

Wonderful exotic souvenirs literally cost pennies here, and beautiful silver items cost almost nothing. Travelers returning from Vietnam usually take out silver jewelry and dishes, products made from natural silk, linen and cotton, souvenirs made from mahogany and bamboo, lacquerware and ceramics from their suitcases.

Vietnamese cuisine and restaurants

Vietnamese cuisine, although “omnivorous” (down to fried grasshoppers in bags made of newspapers instead of seeds), is at the same time quite light and, despite its unusualness, healthy. The products here are not subjected to long-term heat treatment. The basis of the cuisine is rice, noodles and spices, a variety of seafood.

Many dishes are seasoned with “nuok-mam” sauce made from fermented (read: “fermented in its own juice”) fish - however, the taste and smell is not at all as terrible as it might seem. As for soups, you should try the light and tasty “pho”: rice noodles with lean beef or chicken.

The French, former colonialists, also made a mark in local cuisine, making baguettes cut in half with all sorts of fillings popular as a “snack”. Green tea is traditionally popular in the country, and local coffee is considered very decent.

And they produce good red and white wines.

In state hotels and restaurants, 5% “for services” is usually added to the bill. In private establishments, if you liked the food and service, you can leave a tip of 5-10%.

Legends and stories of Vietnam

Here is a brief excursion into the complicated history of the Vietnamese people. More than three thousand years BC, the dragon king Lac Long Quan ruled the lands of what is now Vietnam. Once, puzzled by the continuation of the family, he decided to ask the fairy bird Au Ko for his hand in marriage.

The beauty was not slow to accept the offer and, on time, gave birth... a bag in which one hundred eggs were found, and from each came one heir-progenitor of one hundred Vietnamese families.

Whether the lady hatched the offspring or placed the offspring in an incubator - history is silent, but since then every self-respecting Vietnamese speaks of himself as “the child of the dragon, the grandson of the gods.”

The end of the story is very modern: after some time the couple separated - Lac Long Quan chopped off half of their sons and went to sea with them, and Au Ko took the remaining fifty and went to live in the mountains.

How correctly our Lev Nikolaevich noted about happy and unhappy families!

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Vietnam

Vietnam is ready to delight guests from the north with a variety of diverse entertainment: from elephant riding, visits to snake restaurants with crocodile sanctuaries, national parks and fishing - to casinos and nightclubs.

The highlight excursion program The country is considered to be the guerrilla tunnels of Ku Chi, but besides them, there are more than enough attractions here.

Halong Bay National Park has some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet. Several thousand small limestone islands and cliffs rising from the sea waters and having a bizarre shape make one believe in the legend of this place. It says that the Ha Long Islands were created by a giant dragon that lived in the mountains. Bizarre cliffs and rocks are shaped like a turtle, camel, cat, dog's head or dragon.

Hanoi has Buddhist, medieval and recent communist sites, as well as natural beauty in abundance.

Da Nang has beautiful " Marble Mountains» Ngu Nan Son and pagodas with unique statues. In Phan Thiet there is the famous statue of the Reclining Buddha.

Vietnam hotels

In the major cities of Vietnam, the choice of hotels is very diverse - from mini-hotels to De Luxe establishments. Their service is, in general, at the average European level. Type of meals - breakfast (most) or half board, there is practically no all-in. The buffet is extremely varied.

All rooms from three to five stars are equipped with air conditioning, TV with satellite channels and a telephone; more expensive rooms also have bathrobes, a hairdryer, tea and coffee making facilities, safes and minibars.

Mains voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz. Plugs generally have flat connectors. Rooms in many hotels are equipped with universal sockets, to which plugs of almost any configuration will fit - and if the plug still does not fit, the hotel staff will find the necessary adapter.

Do you need a visa and who?

Exotic Vietnam is moderately loyal to Russian tourists: on the one hand, entry into the country is simplified almost to the maximum (a visa for up to 15 days for tourism purposes is not needed), on the other hand, a visa will still be required for a longer visit.

But even in this case there should not be any difficulties: a visa to Vietnam can be obtained without any unnecessary hassles directly at the border upon arrival. What’s nice is that there is no visa fee for Russian citizens. Well, if you don’t want to wait for a visa to be issued at the airport, you can get it in advance at the Vietnamese Embassy in Moscow.

A visa-free 15-day stay in Vietnam is possible no more than once every 30 days. If you plan to leave and return to Vietnam (for example, as part of a combined tour), you will need a visa to re-enter.

Thus, Russian citizens arriving in Vietnam have three options:

1. Visa on arrival

If your stay in Vietnam lasts more than 15 days, a visa can be obtained upon arrival in one of international airports Vietnam: in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi or Da Nang. To do this, at the “Visas upon arrival” counter in front of passport control you will need to present:
a foreign passport valid for at least six months at the end of the trip;
return tickets;
visa permission - confirmation letter (Approval Letter).

By the way, the confirmation letter is a document with a unique code issued by the Vietnamese Immigration Department. It’s not difficult to get it; the easiest way is to order it online on one of the specialized websites (the price ranges from 15 to 38 USD, depending on the type of visa and the speed of processing). A confirmation letter will be sent by email and must be printed and then presented at the border control point.

The time to obtain a visa at the airport is approximately half an hour to an hour; tourists from Russia are issued it free of charge.

2. Applying for a visa at the consulate

Vietnam - (official name SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM). The country is located along
Vietnam - (official name SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM).
The country is located along the eastern coast of the Indochina Peninsula in southeast Asia. The maximum length of the country from northwest to southeast is about 1,650 km, and the maximum width from east to west is about 550 km in the north and about 340 km in the south. Vietnam borders China in the north; the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea are located in the east and south; the Gulf of Thailand is in the southwest; Laos and Cambodia (Kampuchea) are located in the west. The capital of the country is Hanoi. The area of ​​the country is about 331,041 square kilometers. Population - 74,545,000 (as of 1995).
In the north of the country, the densely populated Red River Delta is the main breadbasket where the country's main grain crop, rice, is cultivated. The Red River and its tributaries are regularly subject to severe, extensive flooding, while also serving as fields for irrigation and transportation routes for goods. The fertile Mekong Delta is almost four times larger than the Red River Delta and is one of the world's major rice-producing areas. Annual floods in the Mekong Delta, unlike floods in the Red Delta, occur regularly and increase the fertility of the land, bringing new land ill. In addition, the country has sugarcane, banana, and coconut plantations in the Mekong Delta. A narrow coastal plain, approximately 1,000 km long, connects these two main river deltas.
Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate with hot winters in the south and cold winters in the north. The annual average temperature in the north (Hanoi) is -23° and in the south (Ho Chi Minh City). - 27°. Average annual precipitation (mainly from May to October) is 1,500 - 2,000 mm. Typhoons occur in the north and southwest.
Almost one-third total area countries - under tropical evergreen and subtropical deciduous forests of oak, beech, chestnut, pine, teak. Bamboo is widespread both in forests and along rivers. Mangrove forests are common in the tidal coastal plains, while grassy savannas cover the tablelands and plateaus in the southwest. Large areas were devastated by barbaric farming methods (cutting and burning), as well as by bombing and herbicides used by the US military during the Vietnam War, although the devastated areas were subsequently restored (reclamation). About one fifth of the country's total area is used for agriculture.
Northern Vietnam is rich in mineral resources, especially anthracite and coal. Other minerals are discovered in the north, including iron ore, lead, zinc, bauxite, copper, chrome ores, and tungsten. tin. Small oil reserves have been found on the southern coast.
Currency: The national currency of Vietnam is the dong. Currently, 1 dollar is equivalent to approximately 16,000 dong. Payment in dollars is common in hotels, but you will need local currency when shopping in stores and paying for taxis. In big cities, you can pay with credit cards in hotels, restaurants and large stores. The Visa credit card is especially preferred.
Electricity: network voltage throughout the country is 220 volts. Sometimes hotels (especially in the southern part of the country) have electrical outlets that differ from European ones. In this case, you will be provided with the necessary adapters.
Safety: Vietnam is one of the safest countries in Asia. However, you should pay attention to the safety of your personal belongings. When staying in hotels, store valuables, documents and credit cards in safes.
At the airport: Keep the entry/exit form you filled out when entering Vietnam carefully. You will need it when leaving the country. Airport Tax - The airport tax for international flights is US$14. The fee is not charged for children under 2 years of age. The airport tax for domestic flights is included in the air ticket price. Luggage tags - keep your luggage tags (attached to your air tickets) to pass control when leaving the airport with your luggage.
The judicial system includes the Supreme People's Court in Hanoi and lower people's courts in provinces and major cities. The National Assembly may, in special cases, for example when national security interests are affected, by its decision create a special judicial body. The Supreme People's Court exercises control over the work of subordinate institutions. Representatives of national minorities have the right to use their native language in court. At the state and provincial levels and in the army, there are people's inspections, each of which is led by responsible prosecutors who carry out the task of monitoring the implementation of the law in government agencies, private organizations, military personnel and civilians. The judge considers cases during trials together with a council of people's assessors, consisting of five to nine people. There are over 10 thousand such councils in the country.
Armed Forces: Everything related to the Vietnamese People's Army and other security forces is strictly classified. In November 1998, the National Council voted for “transparency” of information in the field of public administration, after which the government developed a detailed program to familiarize the public with the issues of financing the services and departments it manages (it does not apply to the army, internal security agencies and party organizations). The number of military personnel in the country is estimated at approximately 0.5 million people, and security personnel - 2 million people.
Vietnam is located in South-East Asia and stretches for 1600 km along east coast Indochinese Peninsula.
More than 80% of Vietnam's territory is occupied by low and medium-altitude mountains. Less than 30% of the country is covered by forests. In the north, blocky-folded ridges of southeastern strike stretch parallel to each other - Hoang Lien Son (with highest point Vietnam by Mount Fansipan - 3143 m), Shusung Chaotai, Sham Shao, separated by narrow, deep longitudinal valleys. The Annam Mountains (Chuong Son) stretch along the western border. In the central and southern parts of the country there are basement and basalt plateaus - Pleiku, Dak Lak, Lam Vien, Zilin, and the Central Plateau. The largest and deepest rivers in Southeast Asia, the Hongha and Mekong, end their course in Vietnam, flowing into the South China Sea. The Bac Bo alluvial-deltaic plain is located in the lower reaches and delta of Hong Phi in northern Vietnam. This is also where the country's highest population density is (1,100 people/km2-) and where the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, is located. The vast alluvial-deltaic plain of Nambo is located in the extreme southwest of the country in the Mekong Delta. It also has a high population density (450 people/km²-) and is located The largest city country Ho Chi Minh City. Many small rivers flowing from the central plateau and the Annam Mountains where they flow into the South China Sea have formed a narrow strip of accumulative coastal plains.
Vietnam is located in the region of a subequatorial monsoon climate, but due to the country's large extent from north to south, the climatic conditions on its territory are somewhat different. Winter in the south is hot (26° C), in the north it is cool (15° C), the air temperature sometimes drops to 1° C due to the penetration of cold air from China. In the mountains at an altitude of more than 1500 m, frosts occur. Precipitation patterns also vary across Vietnam. Winters are dry in the south and wet in the north, and in summer monsoon rains water the entire country. At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the coast of Vietnam is visited by destructive typhoons. On the windward slopes of the mountains, 2500-3000 mm of precipitation falls annually, on the leeward slopes - 700-900 mm.
The country has three regions - the northern with dry and mild winters and humid, hot summers, the central with high temperatures and humidity throughout the year and the southern, whose climate is similar to that of the northern regions, but with higher temperatures.
In northern Vietnam, the dry season lasts from November to April, with the least rainfall occurring in December-January (about 10 mm). The maximum rainfall occurs in July-August and varies depending on the location from 270 to 450 mm per month, and 80% of the annual rainfall falls between July and September, amounting to 1400-1700 mm. In mountainous areas, annual precipitation reaches 3000 mm. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of +18C during the day and +9C at night. In the mountains at altitudes above 1500 m in winter there are frosts at night, and snow is also possible. In the summer months, during the day the thermometer rises to +30-32 degrees, at night it drops to +23. In the second half of summer and autumn, typhoons are common in the northern regions.
In central Vietnam in winter, daytime temperatures range from +21 to +24 degrees, night temperatures - from +15 to +18. The coldest month is January. During the summer, the air temperature remains almost unchanged - +34 C during the day and +25 C at night. Based on the nature of moisture in this region, a special area of ​​coastal lowlands is distinguished. They are protected from the southwest monsoon by the Truong Son mountains, so Vietnam's official maximum precipitation is not in the summer months, as in other areas, but in the autumn. The wettest months are September and October, when 400-500 mm of precipitation falls. The rainy season lasts until January. The least amount of precipitation occurs in February-March (about 40 mm).
In the south, the rainiest months are also July and August, but more precipitation falls - from 400 to 700 mm. Rain most often occurs during the day in the form of short showers. In January, the coldest month, the typical temperatures at night and during the day are +21 and +30 degrees, respectively. The warmest month is April with an average night temperature of +23oC and daytime temperature +33oC.
Administrative-territorial structure
Vietnam is divided into 58 provinces (Vietnamese: Tỉ-nh, Tinh). Along with this, there are 5 cities of central subordination, which have the same status as provinces.
Vietnam is a multinational country. More than fifty-four ethnic groups inhabit Vietnam from the Northern Highlands to the southern tip of Ca Mau. The ethnic majority of Vietnam - the Kinh - are petite, dark-haired, with brown or black eyes, the indigenous people of the country make up a total of eighty percent of the total population of Vietnam. By the way, the total population of Vietnam reaches eighty-two million inhabitants. Some other ethnic groups include the H'Mong, Muong, Zao and Thai peoples living in the Northern Highlands of Vietnam. The peoples living in the Southern Highlands of Vietnam include the Bahnar, Ede, M'Nong, Giarai, and Stien tribes. Each group has its own traditions and language, but the most popular and widespread language in Vietnam is Vietnamese.
The population of Vietnam is Buddhists 9.3%, Catholics 6.7%, Hoa Hao 1.5%, Cao Dai 1.1%, Protestants 0.5%, atheists and followers of local animist cults 80.8%
The main religion of the Vietnamese is a system of folk beliefs, the basis of which is the rituals of “tho cung to tien” (ancestor cult), strictly performed by the majority of the country’s inhabitants. This cult does not have a formalized doctrine, hierarchy of clergy and social organization (communities, parishes, etc.) and, therefore, does not have the status of a religious denomination. During the 1999 census, all persons who found it difficult to indicate their religious affiliation were recorded as atheists. It should also be noted that the place of worship of ancestors is often Buddhist temples, which is the reason for another popular misconception, according to which more than 80% of Vietnamese are Buddhists.
Vietnam exports crude oil, seafood, rice, coffee, rubber, tea, clothing and shoes ($57 billion in 2009). The main buyers are the USA 21.4%, Japan 14.4%, China 7.3%, Australia 4.4%, Germany 4.3%.
Vietnam imports industrial products, petroleum products, fertilizers, grain, cotton, cement, and motorcycles ($65.1 billion in 2009). Main suppliers - China 20.9%, Singapore 9.6%, Japan 9%, Taiwan 8.2%, South Korea 7.7%, Thailand 6.4%, USA 4.3%.
In the past, the USSR and Vietnam cooperated closely in various fields: Agriculture, oil production, construction and science, not to mention the military-technical industry. Now many projects are closed, but the joint oil production venture Vietsovpetro in the city of Vung Tau and the Center for Tropical Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Hanoi (with branches in Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang) are still operating.
For a long time, the economic growth of Vietnam was hampered by the American embargo and the excessive tutelage of the Soviet state - foreign capital was not welcomed in the country. In December 1988, the Vietnamese government passed the Foreign Investment Law, which guaranteed companies from other countries that their property and profits would not be nationalized. Vietnam, the official name Vietnam, was first attracted by companies from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, primarily South Korea and Australia, and then many others. And in 1997, the Vietnamese Parliament allowed all provinces and districts to independently carry out foreign trade operations. On January 11, 2007, Vietnam became the 150th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Public holidays: Tet - a week off in January or February - Hung Kings' Day (a holiday with a "floating date" - usually in April) - April 30 - Liberation Day of South Vietnam - May 1 - Workers' Day - May 19 - Ho's Birthday Shi Mina - September 2 - Independence Day (from France since 1945). The Vietnamese meet their New Year- Tet - by lunar calendar, accordingly, the holiday does not have a fixed date.
Large and small air-conditioned buses run from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to all other cities in Vietnam. Air and railway connection between all major population centers. You can rent a car, but only with a driver, because... The local traffic police do not recognize any driving licenses other than Vietnamese ones. To rent a motorcycle, you don't need anything other than a deposit. In cities, it is best to use a taxi. The cost of travel in taki is $1–1.5 per landing and then every kilometer 6–10 cents (depending on the class of car). The slowest, but most exotic transport is pedicabs, which are best suited for exploring the ancient quarters.
Interesting Facts
There is a legend that the Vietnamese (Viets) descended from a dragon and a fairy bird.
In the city of Vung Tau in southern Vietnam, a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church has been operating since 2002.
In Vietnam, near the city of Da Nang, there is the world's longest cable car.
Vietnam is shaped like the Latin letter “S”.

Until recently, many people associated Vietnam with total poverty and did not arouse much interest among tourists. But today everything has changed - the country is considered one of the most popular resorts in the world. And all because there are warm tropics, an unforgettable Asian flavor and an affordable price policy for tour packages. What will a vacation in Vietnam be memorable for, when and where is the best time to go, how to get there, what entertainment the country can offer to a demanding tourist - we will talk about all this later in the article.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

During its existence, Vietnam, whose history dates back to the first millennium BC, experienced many attacks on its territorial integrity and charter. He had to survive the times of the French colony, the Japanese occupation and a large number of wars. And the blind inheritance of the Soviet form of running the national economy led the country to a serious economic crisis. It took years to restore relations with developed countries on the world map, as well as to partially liberalize the economic system and rise from the ashes.

The name “Vietnam” comes from the ancient Viet people who lived on the territory of the modern republic, and from the word “nam”, which means “southern” in their language.

The territory of the modern state is spread over several climatic zones. That is why it is very important to find out before your trip where and at what time of year it is best to vacation in Vietnam.

Where is it on the map

The republic is located on the Indochina Peninsula, which is located in Southeast Asia. On the western side its neighbors are Cambodia and Laos, on the north the country borders on China people's republic, and from the south and east it is washed by the South China Sea.

The area of ​​the state, the heart of which is the city of Hanoi, reaches about 332 thousand km. More than 93 million people live in the cities and villages of Vietnam. They use the official Vietnamese language and the national currency, which is the Vietnamese dong.

How to get there from Moscow

The direct distance between Moscow and Vietnam is 6735 km. And tourists prefer to overcome it exclusively by plane. In this case, the flight lasts about 9–10 hours.

Today, Vietnam is a leading exporter of black pepper and cashew nuts. The republic also ranks second in the export of coffee outside the country. It is characteristic that coffee plants are not indigenous to these areas and were introduced into the state's crop production by French colonists.

The easiest way to get from the capital of Russia to Vietnam is through the main air gate of the republic. These are the airports in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Due to the strong competition between airlines, tourists in this direction are provided with a large selection of flights at relatively low prices.

If you prefer resorts in the south of Vietnam, then it is best to fly directly to Nha Trang, Danang or Phu Quoc Island. But in this case, be prepared that the ticket price will be significantly more expensive. To save money, many travelers choose flights to the Vietnamese capital, and then take buses to their destination.

To purchase the cheapest tickets, it is better to use search engines, which provide comparable prices from different airlines and many booking systems (Skyscanner and Aviasales). Practitioners say that in 90% of cases it is possible to save from 300 to 1000 rubles. But remember that on the eve of holidays, as well as on weekends, the cost of flights is much higher than on weekdays.

Consider yourself lucky if you manage to find tickets for the Moscow - Ho Chi Minh City flight at a price of 27 thousand rubles. This is rare, but it is still possible to catch luck by the tail.

More than 40% of Vietnamese people have the popular surname Nguyễn in the country, another 11% have Trần. So you already know half the population of the republic.

Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other destinations

Vietnam, through the spectrum of tourism, seems to have many faces. It is only at first glance that it seems that, apart from rice fields and noodles traditional for national cuisine, there is nothing interesting there. In fact, the state has a place and activity to suit athletes, seafood lovers, connoisseurs of historical attractions, those who prefer exciting adventures and a quiet family holiday, couples with children and fans of the fascinating water world. But let's talk about all this in order.

For many travelers, Vietnam begins with the capital. Tourists are amazed by the beauty of the local lakes that surround the city, historical monuments of the metropolis and buildings that have been preserved since the imperial era.

There are many places near the heart of Vietnam that every traveler must visit. We are talking about one of the famous wonders of the world - Dragon Bay. It is located only 160 km from Hanoi and amazes with its cleanliness, pretty islands that protrude thickly from the emerald water.

Ha Long Bay is also worth seeing. This is an intensively developing resort with hotels, entertainment centers and various boutiques. Perfect place for shopping, entertainment and beach holidays.

The Vietnamese language is characterized by six different tones. Their use radically changes the semantic meaning of words. Therefore, don’t even try to master it yourself.

Among travelers who know everything about Vietnam, this large resort city of Ho Chi Minh City is called the center of entertainment and the water world. Its attractions are considered Botanical Garden, amusement park, “Dai Nam” attractions, zoo, cinema, “Dam Sen” water park. This is one of the best variations family vacation with kids.

For fans of active holidays and athletes, it is best to choose the city of Mui Ne on the map of Vietnam. By the way, here you won’t have to rack your brains trying to understand the language of the indigenous Vietnamese. The fact is that the resort has many Russian-language signs and appropriate service personnel. And in some restaurants they can even offer you borscht and pampushki, traditional for our cuisine.

In Vietnam, it is not customary to completely drink any drink from a cup. Up to 10% of the drink must remain at the bottom.

Kiters and surfers should visit the local bay. Here, for beginning extreme sports enthusiasts, there are special schools for quick training, especially since the prices for the services offered are relatively low. This exotic paradise will be no less interesting for a family with children. For them, along the entire coast stretch beautiful hotels, wide sandy beaches and plantings of luxurious palm trees and pine trees.

For those who prefer to enjoy masterpieces of seafood cuisine on vacation, Nha Trang is recommended. The city is located in the most beautiful bay, so it constantly attracts tourists with its beautiful scenery and mild climate. This resort will be remembered for its exotic colorful dishes, warm sea, amazing souvenirs, parks, attractions, diving, night parties and visits temple complex. The place is suitable for children and adults. Your child will long be delighted with the Vinpearl Land water adventure park on Hon Tre Island, the Chi Nguyen Aquarium (Neptune's Palace), and the oceanarium.

When going on such a long journey, do not forget to stock up on time with the necessary set of medicines and repellents. In Vietnam, tourists often suffer from dangerous insect bites, fumes from poisonous plants, jellyfish burns and the scorching sun, as well as food poisoning, allergies and dirty local water.

Fans of a relaxing holiday should go to Phu Quoc Island. There you will not find the noisy streets of big cities, bright entertainment centers, endless shops, restaurants and cafes. Only the sea, palm trees, sun-drenched beaches, fabulous sunrises and sunsets. And also pearl farms and huge black pepper plantations. Tour operators often recommend this kind of vacation to families with children and elderly travelers, as well as people who are tired of the daily hustle and bustle of the city. But this pleasure costs much more than the above resorts.

Similar experiences await you from a visit to Vung Tau. In this place you can also connect with nature and improve your health. At the resort, it is worth visiting the statue of Jesus Christ. And if you climb up its spiral staircase, you will be able to appreciate the panorama of the entire Vietnamese town.

For those who dream of an educational journey and are eager to immerse themselves in centuries-old history Asian nationalities, the resort town of Hoi An is very suitable. There you will be impressed by the Marble Mountains, the Hai Van Pass, museums of architecture and sculpture, and the Cham complex of Michon. You can learn ancient traditions even just by walking along the local streets. They often contain antique shops and ancient temples.

The Danang resort is the perfect place to get acquainted with local traditions. But its only “disadvantages” are the high pricing policy in relation to tourists and some remoteness of the resort area from the center. These inconveniences are associated with the industrial and economic direction of the city.

In crowded places in Vietnamese resort towns and especially in the capital, tourists should be on alert. Very often, local entrepreneurs, spoiled by the constant flow of wealthy travelers, deceive and shortchange their customers. There are also very often cases when the price of a product is significantly inflated. Therefore, before purchasing anything in Vietnam, study the market and never leave your belongings unattended.

Weather in Vietnam: when is the best time to travel?

If you are choosing where to go on vacation in Vietnam, take the time to find out in which equatorial zone the resort you like is located. This is due to the large extent of the republic from north to south. In addition, the climatic conditions of the area are significantly influenced by monsoons.

In water

All year round, tourists have the opportunity to enjoy the clear waters of the warm South China Sea, located in the tropical climate zone. Its emerald waves amaze with their transparency - the seabed is perfectly visible even through a 10-meter thickness of water. Plus she's always warm. The sea temperature never drops below 23 °C. And in August it warms up to 30 degrees.

On the land

In the northern regions of the state, sunny weather does not last long. In the summer season, the air warms up to 28–30 °C. And in winter, in lowland areas, the temperature drops to a stable 20 °C. But in mountainous areas the thermometer can only record 5 °C. These resorts are suitable for recreation only in the summer, since it rains here from the beginning of September until the very end of May. Continuous downpours will accompany you throughout February and March.

In Vietnam there are no familiar to us shuttle buses and cars. The local population gets around on motorcycles. In this country, every family has at least 2 bikes. And every day over 10 million of such vehicles appear on the roads of the republic. In addition, it is not customary to allow pedestrians to pass at crossings here. Therefore, crossing busy highways constantly turns into an exciting and risky adventure.

It is best to go to the central zones of Vietnam in spring and summer, since the rest of the year there are heavy rains. The climate of these areas is characterized by warmth and high humidity. Average temperatures range from 35–40 °C in summer and 15–20 °C in winter.

The southern resorts of Vietnam are characterized by year-round heat. The temperature here almost never drops below 25 °C. It also rains here, but it often falls only at night and does not last as long as in the north of the country. In addition, in the south the air is never dry due to the constant evaporation of moisture.

Tour operators from Vietnamese resorts often recommend to tourists:

  • from April to August - Hoi An;
  • from January to March, as well as in December and November - Phu Quoc Island;
  • from February to September - Nha Trang;
  • throughout the winter - Phan Thiet.

Vietnamese aborigines firmly believe in the mysterious power of snake wine, which is the country's national drink. It is prepared by preserving poisonous reptiles in rice wine and grain alcohol. Moreover, local healers believe that what more dangerous than a snake, the healthier the drink will be.

Popular beaches in the country

Today, almost the entire southern coast of the republic is popular with tourists. But only elite beaches deserve special love from travelers:

  1. Con Dao. It is located on the island of the same name and is characterized by snow-white sand, crystal clear sea, dense thickets of coke palms, and mangrove forests. This is where you can easily find a unique plant or come face to face with an exotic animal.
  2. Mui Ne Beach. It is a wide beach strip that stretches between the cities of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. Local residents are accustomed to the constant influx of Russian tourists, so they adapt menus, signs and film screenings in cinemas to suit them.
  3. Lang Co. The beach is located in the resort of Hue, where travelers are pleased with a variety of entertainment centers and restaurants serving national cuisine.
  4. Ha Long. When the fantastic landscapes of this beach open up to your eyes for the first time, you are fleetingly reminded of pictures stuffed with modern special effects and computer graphics. From a charming fairy tale, tourists are brought back to reality by dirty sea water and a rather unpleasant nearby town.
  5. Phu Quoc. It is located 15 km from Cambodia and is the subject of quarrels between these 2 states. All coasts of the island are covered with sandy beaches with slightly pinkish fine sand and turquoise clear water. This is where you can take a wonderful selfie on a palm tree that approaches the sea itself. Providing shade, these trees are very suitable in hot tropical climates. Is it true, good roads can't be found on the island. But there is an airport.
  6. Nha Trang. This is a pearl among all the beaches in Vietnam. It is characterized by a snow-white sandy surface that stretches along the coast for 7 km. Since the area is located in a bay, which is almost completely hidden from the open sea by islands, the water here is never colder than + 24 °C. Also here you can easily get acquainted with octopuses, shrimps, squids and other marine inhabitants that are found right off the coast.
  7. Danang. The beach is about 20 km resort town, but has a small selection of hotels on the coast. Therefore, you need to take care of housing in advance when vacationing in these areas.
  8. Non Nuoc. Famous for the sacred Marble Caves.
  9. Vung Tau. Beaches in this resort can be found for every taste. For example, wild and little-known places will suit hermits, while demanding pampered travelers will be offered all the amenities on large modern beaches, which are in many ways similar to European ones. Shelkovichny (difficult to access), Front and Back beaches are popular.

There is a man in the country who has not slept for more than 40 years. This is 75-year-old Thai Ngoc. In the full bloom of his strength, he suffered from a severe fever and after that lost the desire to sleep. As a result of his ordeal, the Vietnamese experiences discomfort. He admitted to one of the local newspapers that he “feels like a plant without water.”

Sights and excursions

You can endlessly discover something new in Vietnam. Moreover, the country is in an endless revival after the wars it experienced. The local population is especially sensitive to ancient historical monuments. Although, let’s not hide, we can see some of them today only thanks to the intervention of UNESCO, which insisted on the reconstruction of destroyed buildings. So, if you follow the map of famous resorts in Vietnam from north to south, you can find many places that are really worth going to.

In the capital of the republic you can visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, the Hanoi Citadel, St. Joseph's Cathedral, the Museum of Military History and the Thang Long Water Puppet Theater. There is also the largest zoo in the republic, Thu Le. Its peculiarity is not only in meeting exotic wild animals, but also in the opportunity to ride a boat, walk with children and get a dose of adrenaline from local attractions. Also near Hanoi is the Bai Tu Long archipelago, famous for its 3 thousand miniature islands.

The city of Hue is home to many aerial pagodas and ancient palaces from the Nguyen Dynasty. The ruins of the Kinh Thanh citadel deserve special attention. It is here that you can see with your own eyes the Nine Holy Weapons complex, the forbidden purple city of Dai Non and the royal theater. You can also look at the imperial tombs, each of which is a small town.

Despite the temperature of 20°C outside, the Vietnamese consider this weather cold and, as a rule, wrap themselves in warm jackets and hats. They also customarily wear two-toed socks, which allow you to wear the famous flip-flops even in winter.

In the museum town of Hoi An, which is located just south of the resort of Hue, you will be interested in everything. It is through this locality passed through the Great Time Silk Road. The temples, which are like mushrooms after the rain in this city, will amaze you with their beauty. Among them are the legendary buildings of Fioklam, Cao Dai, Quan Kong.

In Nha Trang, it is worth taking a look at the Cham Towers, of which only 4 have survived to this day. Also of interest are the Buddha statue, Long Son Pagoda and the Museum of Marine Fauna, which contains up to 8 thousand exhibits. Children should be shown the Chinguyen Aquarium, which is a lake divided into 3 parts, each of which is home to decorative, edible and predatory fish.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Dalat mountain resort is located 60 km from the port of Cam Ranh. For great impressions, you should look into the “madhouse” of the Han Nga Hotel, as well as visit the Thung Lung Tinh Yeu Valley, Madame Dang Gallery and Vion Hoa Da Lat Flower Gardens.

Dalat, which is famous as the “Paris of Vietnam,” even has a replica of the Eiffel Tower.

The cheapest diving and other outdoor activities

For obsessive divers, this corner of the planet is considered sacred. And all because it was in Nha Trang Bay that corals began to form for the first time on the planet. Today there are about 400 species here, which is a record number. Few people know that there is a real coral reserve near Moon Island.

The most interesting places to dive are:

  • the area around Madonna Rock and its underwater tunnels;
  • Coral Garden reef, where hard corals grow;
  • area near Mushroom Reef, where flying fish and reef sharks are quite common, as well as colorful clown fish, moray eels, squid, huge turtles, seahorses and barracudas.

There is no need to go too deep here. The beauty of the sea can be seen already 5 m from the surface of the sea.

For beginners, diving clubs will offer paid training, after which a special certificate is issued. Experienced tourists who are keen underwater world, when choosing centers, it is advised to give preference exclusively to foreign institutions rather than Vietnamese ones.

For some reason, all Vietnamese swim in their clothes. They do not swim, but go into the water to a sufficient depth and splash in the warm waves. Inexplicably, they also snorkel clothed.

Among other types of active recreation in this exotic country, you may be offered to dive without scuba gear. This type of entertainment is called freediving. Depending on the level, its cost is between $150–250. The most suitable area for such dives is Whale Island, located 80 km from Nha Trang. It is famous for its turtle farm, so it will be of interest to both beginners and experienced divers.

During the day, everyday Vietnam resembles a large anthill, in which every resident is immersed in his own worries. And at night it does not fall silent, but on the contrary, with renewed vigor it is reborn into something new and mysterious. Vietnamese cities at night are famous for their grand parties and sexual adventures. As people see off the sun at sunset, they begin to celebrate. And there is no need for any reason for this. This tradition arose here during the Vietnam-American War, when, after difficult days, soldiers of the United States Army relieved their souls with noisy parties. Young Vietnamese were often invited to them. The indigenous people liked the idea so much that it became firmly rooted in their lives.

Don't lose your head from the night in Vietnam. Be vigilant even under the influence of strong drinks. Do not make dubious acquaintances and do not invite hotel room strangers. Indeed, often, when morning comes and the veil of holiday euphoria leaves their eyes, travelers do not find near them either the mysterious “moth,” or money, or documents.

If you want to taste all the delights of the nightly liberation of the Vietnamese, then feel free to go to the capital of the republic, Hanoi, and to the northern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City, called Saigon in local circles. It is in these two centers that the country's nightlife is concentrated. Even despite the bans of local authorities, bars, restaurants, gay clubs and other similar establishments, simulating their closing at midnight, continue to let customers in from the back door until the morning. Of course, not all nightclubs do this, which should be taken into account when making plans for the night. Be prepared that you may not only be invited to dance, but also offered delicate services.

The famous Saigon club “Apocalypse Now” is considered a leader in the Vietnamese sex industry. It has existed for several decades and does not lose its status as the main intimate attraction of the republic. There are so many pretty priestesses of love in this establishment that it will be oh so difficult to choose. You can recognize the establishment from afar by its bright signs and barkers who hang around the doors with the simple slogan “lady, boombum.” Along with brothels, street prostitution also flourishes in the country. Often on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi you can see pimps riding around on motorcycles with a frightening, menacing look.

Guests of the capital and resort Nha Trang will also be provided with an erotic massage. Such salons and local bars are full of people on any day and at any time of the year. Moreover, among them are mainly foreign tourists. But the Vietnamese themselves also do not refuse to have fun.

Other Vietnamese cities, especially resort ones, also have their own nightlife, but, as a rule, it lasts only until midnight.

When looking for hot entertainment in Vietnam, do not forget about contraception. At first glance, this seems like a silly reminder for students. But practice shows that in the heat of passion and drunk alcohol, tourists forget about basic condoms, as a result of which they return from vacation with a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases.

There are many places where you can relax to your heart’s content in Vietnam at night. For example, several capital clubs:

  • “Funky Monkey” (address: 31 Hang Thung) - known for a variety of cocktails, billiard games, exotic dancing and music preferences in the style of house, trance or techno;
  • “R & R Tavern” (address: 10 Tho Nhuom St) - famous for its excellent beer, rock music and unforgettable views directly from the terrace;
  • “Solace” (address: Chuong Duong Do) is a youth establishment that gives preference to non-stop music, fiery dances and lighting effects;
  • “The Spotted Cow” (address: 23C Hai Ba Trung) - lovers of football, billiards, darts and beauties make their way here.

Features of accommodation

Vietnam is a unique country not only regarding its tropical exotic fauna and flora. There are also unusual conditions for us to move through the streets, live here, and have a very specific cuisine. Let's look at everything in order.

During a night out in Saigon, watch your wallet, purse or bag. After all, bikers are rushing around the metropolis, not missing the opportunity for easy material extraction. It is best to leave all valuables in the hotel safe.


There are all types of modern transport in this country - from scooters to airplanes and international taxis. But local residents seem to have taken a liking to motorcycles for a long time. They move in a chaotic manner through the streets of big cities and small villages.

In any case, problems with transport in Vietnam will never arise. Of course, inconveniences on the road and frequent transfers are quite likely, but you can get to the right place.

The republic's air transport is mostly represented by the large carrier Vietnam Airlines and small companies Vietnam Airlines, VASCO, AirMekong, and VietJet. They operate flights exclusively to major cities and to the country's resorts. In some popular tourist destinations you can find special taxis that will take you to the airport.

The railway sector in Vietnam is characterized by weak development. It’s difficult to even call it a network, since trains run from north to south, with stops in Saigon, Hanoi, Sapu, Haiphong and Ha Long. This type of transport comes in two categories:

  • SE - they make stops only in megacities and are therefore considered fast and very comfortable;
  • TN - regular trains.

The fastest train in Vietnam from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi takes 29 hours.

For convenient and fast travel around the country, travelers choose buses. The category intended for international transport is equipped with sleeping places, and you must enter such transport barefoot with shoes wrapped in a bag. There is also Open Bus system transport.

If you decide to see the local islands, then you can’t do without a public boat. For example, it is convenient to quickly travel along the Mekong River Delta from Ho Chi Minh City to Kanto by water transport, which departs from Saigon Ton Duc Thang Avenue pier at 8:00 and arrives at its destination 5 hours later. The cost of such a trip is $1.

There are also taxis for tourists in Vietnam. But experienced travelers are not very willing to use it, since almost always all attempts to use this service end in disputes. Taxi drivers want to charge foreigners as much as possible, and to do this they twist the meters and come up with many ways to get theirs.

Vietnamese socialist republic ranks second in rice consumption. Each average resident of the country eats about 169 kg of this product per year.

But don’t expect to see the usual taxi cars on the streets of this state. Mostly motorcycle taxi services are offered. This method of transportation is considered the cheapest and riskiest. A one-hour trip costs $2, and a 12-hour trip costs $10. If you have to travel outside the city, the cost of the trip will increase to $15.


Vietnamese cuisine has absorbed the traditions of Indian, Chinese, French, American and at the same time has not lost its uniqueness, retaining the zest of its originality. But at the same time, it is not suitable for all tourists. After all, not everyone can eat dog, snake, turtle or rat meat, and seafood often causes an allergic reaction in European tourists.

The Vietnamese very rarely eat beef, and you almost never see duck or goat dishes here. But chicken and shrimp are frequent guests on the table.

A characteristic feature of the cuisine of this people is a rich variety of sauces, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. Local chefs always decorate any dish with coriander, basil, mint leaves and serve it with some kind of dipping sauce.

Most dishes are based on rice, which is simply adored here. Its green sprouts are even used to decorate tables in cafes and restaurants instead of flowers. And don’t expect to find many different dishes to suit every taste on the menu. It won't be there. You will be offered only traditional rice and noodles with different sauces.

Before tasting the masterpieces of Vietnamese chefs, make sure that the dish does not contain any products that can trigger your allergies.


In Vietnam, you can independently rent housing to suit every taste. True, this issue needs to be addressed in advance (several months before departure). Depending on your financial capabilities, you may consider:

  1. Guest houses and guest houses, which are a small room with a minimal set of furniture, a bathroom and Wi-Fi. This option is intended for undemanding travelers. If the housing is rented daily, the payment also includes electricity costs. If you plan to live there for a month or more, then you will have to pay for electricity using the meter. Typically, this amount ranges from $10 to $70.
  2. Rooms in small hotels. Here you will receive the same conditions as in the guest rooms, only with best service and service.
  3. Homestays. These are family-type houses with or without owners. They are offered in the north of the country. As a rule, the price includes cleaning and linen change.
  4. Apartments and studios. This option is for wealthy tourists who plan to stay in Vietnam for at least a month. The range includes large homes with multiple bedrooms, balconies, large windows and modern appliances. You can also be offered reception services, which will solve all your everyday issues, and security.
  5. At home. They provide a large yard and parking space, so they are preferable for family travelers with children and a car.
  6. Villas. This is premium real estate. It is located in a closed area that is guarded.

Against the backdrop of this luxury that is offered to tourists, the Vietnamese themselves live in very narrow houses, similar to school pencil cases, without windows and with a minimum of furniture.

Shopping in Vietnam

For avid shoppers, Vietnam is a true paradise. After all, the country is gradually beginning to gain the status of the second “clothing workshop of the world” after China. Here you can buy absolutely everything: from watches, clothes, shoes to furniture and pearls. Moreover, Western tourists remain satisfied with both the price and quality of goods.

If you are in Vietnam, be sure to pay attention to local silks, jewelry, gems, tea, coffee, ceramics, wooden souvenirs and balms made from poisonous snakes.

Don't be shy about bargaining - this is what local shops expect from you. Therefore, the prices for the goods are very inflated. The country values ​​bargaining, which is built on mutual respect for the interests of the buyer and seller.

For example, in Ho Chi Minh City, for a successful bargain, you should go to the Ben Thanh market or the Diamond shopping and entertainment complex. The Tax Trade Center department store is also perfect for these purposes.

Fortunately for shopaholics, this country has plenty of places where you can spend all your money and be satisfied with your purchases.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you and will help you plan an unforgettable vacation in Vietnam, the souvenirs you purchased and bright, life-affirming photos will remind you of for a long time.