All about Lake Ladoga. Lake Ladoga: description, depth, photo. Fishes of Lake Ladoga. Holidays on Lake Ladoga

Ladoga lake lies in the northwestern part of the Russian Plain. It lies between parallels 59°51` and 61°46` N. w. and meridians 29°48 and 32°58` E. d. Administratively, this is the territory of two regions of our Fatherland - Leningrad region and the Republic of Karelia. It is considered the largest reserve of lake (and at the same time fresh) moisture in Europe and the second largest water mirror in Russia. Tourism object.

How the lake was formed

Lake Ladoga was born during the last (Valdai) glaciation, which ended 12,000 years ago. The flow of water from a melting glacier and the simultaneous change in the level of the World Ocean led to the appearance coastline modern outlines (before this process, part of the Ladoga water was in the sea, and the other half was the territory of its raised bottom). At the moment, the area of ​​this water mirror (that is, the space that does not include pieces of land) is 17,870 square kilometers (this is the second position in the list of Russian lakes after Baikal). The volume of the Nevo water mass (as the hydrological object was previously called) is 838 cubic meters, the size of the waste basin is 258,600 square kilometers. It became so thanks to 40 rivers and streams. The Neva “pours out” lake water. River and stream feeding regime. An amazing phenomenon is the depth of Lake Ladoga. But the fact is that in some northern fragments of the water area the parameter is 230 meters.

Shores of Lake Ladoga

The depth of Lake Ladoga is not as remarkable as its greatest length. The distance between the Ladoga points that are farthest from each other is 219 kilometers. On a regular (medium-speed) motor boat it takes 3.5 hours to cross this surface of water. The greatest width is also impressive. It is identical to 125 kilometers, narrowing significantly in the north. But that’s where the longest bays are. It is from the north that we will begin to explore the shores of Lake Ladoga, moving clockwise. Our journey begins from the Karelian village of Kiryavalahti - the geographical center of the Sortavala region of the republic. Its water edge is the northernmost point of the bizarre circle of the Ladoga reservoir, as well as the base of the Kiryavalahti Bay. The A-121 highway passes here literally 15 meters from the water's edge, very flat and overgrown with black alder, pine and birch. Moving further along the marina, we find ourselves in the settlement of the same name, surrounded by dense taiga. There are no capes here; the fishing platforms stand exactly between large stones. The depth increases suspiciously quickly. The exit of the bay to the main body of water is marked by a panorama of first two small islands, and to the southeast - an archipelago of 11 pieces of land, among which there are some impressive ones (they will be discussed in another chapter). From the village of Hiidenselga, the observer already sees the giants of the island world, and then the main water area of ​​Lake Ladoga appears before him. Here the depth gauge already shows 70 meters or more. In this place (the mouth of the Jänisjoka) the Balovina is widely flooded in the spring. Our further movement occurs along the edge, outlined by approximately 1-2-meter stone pits. We go further south and realize that we find ourselves on a patch that is most strongly curved by capes. From here, making your way among the densest thickets, numerous lake bays begin to feed dozens of streams, and the harbor of Impilahti already looks very much like a classic fjord. Further travel to the southeast will make you see many more of these stream branches, leading inland 6-8 kilometers. During the season, the entire Impilahti Bay is filled with tents, rubber boats are visible everywhere... Continuing the water trip along the shores of the Pityakaranta urban settlement, the traveler finds himself in the very regional center.

Pieces of coastal land are steep and rocky; passengers of the ship will first be greeted by the island of Pusunsaari, partially occupied by an industrial zone. The adventure continues with the exploration of Uuksu, Salmi, Miinaloi and two of the largest islands - Mantsinsaarai and Lunkulnsaari. Opposite them, at a decent distance, the island of Valaam appears through binoculars. To the south, the shores of Lake Ladoga reveal to us the same swampy and pine-covered Olonets region of Karelian autonomy. At the border capes, the Vidlitsa River flows into Ladoga, and 25 kilometers from here we are already enjoying the riviera of the village of Ilyinsky (the mouth of the Olonka River). The shore goes into the water at an angle, but it is already sandy! The southeastern shores of Lake Ladoga are the long Svirskaya Bay (lower reaches of the Svir) and the cape with the village of Storozhno. Here the “baths” end, the low marshy banks, densely covered with cattails, reeds and sedges, “take the initiative”. On the ascents there are dense grasses. We see the same thing in the settlement of Syasstroy, next to which is the confluence point of the Syasi. It feeds the Svirsky Canal, which follows the coastal contours. Novaya Ladoga, a huge protrusion of land and Petrokrepost Bay are the lowest landmarks on the map. There is also thick grass and swamps here, and the water is much shallower. The area is memorable for the “finish line” of the Neva, the town of Shlisselburg and the fortress island. The beach for the common people begins to the north of the Neva Arm – it’s slimy and earthy. Sometimes there are pebbles again.

And then swimmers turn north again. In the southwest there are majestic rock walls, along the entire western coast there are many ruined Finnish farms and wide water meadows. North rest on Ladoga will not allow you to let go of your camera. For example, beyond Priozersk there is a section of water area that has been dubbed the “country of islands.” On most skerries and islands there are no problems with firewood; in the west the forest is closest to the water. Cape Kurkiiemi is the first location where the Ladoga rocks appear in all their grandeur. From here the bank is very high. Murolahti Bay is a typical fjord. We see such landscapes as far as the villages and islands of the Sortavala region, on the territory of which the coast is rocky, but already significantly lowered. It remains to add that in addition to Priozersk, the western half of the lake shore includes Landepohya and the large “Sortavala” islands. The places are adored by tourists, as here picnic lovers find gently sloping shores, convenient for both bivouac and fishing. The landscapes here are the most idyllic. And quiet! As a result, we can say that the entire eastern half of the water area and the southern end, the low-lying swampy shore, consists of clay and loamy sediments, and in some places even sand. The western half (20 kilometers from the mouth of the Neva), on the contrary, is a high stone pit. You will learn why this happened in the text of the next section.

Relief of the bottom of Lake Ladoga

Let us repeat that the depth of Lake Ladoga is uneven, varying from 20 meters (in the area of ​​the eastern fjords) to 230 meters (the northern half of the water area, a little closer to the west). The reason for this is the origin of the surface itself, which was later covered by lake waters. Part of it was originally marine, and part of it was the Baltic crystalline shield. That is, a rise formed by rocks that emerged from a crack in the East European Platform. This is where the deepest depression is. Then the shelf of the already mentioned platform gradually gains height. From the northern banks its slope is several times steeper than from the southern ones. After all, between the two geological formations there was water in prehistoric times. We are talking about the deepest part of the lake basin. The northwestern corner and the entire west are composed of the oldest rock massifs of the Baltic Shield. The remaining water spaces changed their shape thousands of times due to the increase in the volume of Quaternary sediments and ongoing tectonic activity. 4 thousand years ago the bed of the Neva appeared. The current contours of the lake were born 2.5 thousand years ago. The flattest and softest bottom of Lake Ladoga is located in the transgressive south and southeast. Here the water warms up faster. The Ladoga Islands are just the tip of underwater concepts with complex terrain. This is precisely why in the center of the Western Riviera there are so many skerries and archipelagos with tiny pieces of land. And just between them there are dangerous pools.

Islands of Lake Ladoga

Where the bottom of Lake Ladoga is deepest, we see Valaam, Putsaari, and an archipelago of 6 insignificant islands, which were not even given a name (it borders the deepest zone from the south). It's a little cooler here, there are a lot of stones. From the east, a chain of smaller patches of land adjoins the famous island tract. On the remaining fragments of its northern half, Lake Ladoga has the above-mentioned “country of islands” (Western Archipelago, Ladoga Skerries). This is the most difficult route in “our” water area, replete with skerries of a strongly protruding peninsula, fjords and inter-island straits with whirlpools. Those are formed due to contradictory currents and temperature contrasts. To the west of this group is the deepest depression, as is to the southwest (behind which lies the Treeless and Humps archipelago). For this reason, the water in these harbors is almost always icy. The shore is replete with, if not the highest, but still significant stone holes. The largest pieces of land are Sorolonsaari, Heposorolonsaari, Kuhka, Rahmansaari, Heinäsenmaa, Verkkosaari, Kärpänsaari, Kontiosaari (Bear), Karpisari, Kilpola and Montasaari. The princess islands, as well as the Tervu and Ihojanverkulä peninsulas, have barely noticeable isthmuses connecting them to the mainland. To the north of Valaam (in a zone of slightly smaller, but still significant depths) we will find the largest isolated objects of the lake - about. Riekkapansaari and Fr. Tulolansaari. Neighboring them in the southwest are Orjatsaari and Sammatsaari. They end with a group called Mayasaaret. There is also a “trifle” between all these objects. On the eastern side, northern Lake Ladoga has giants of the 2nd position - Mantsinsaari and Lunkulonsaari. But to the northwest of them there are many more small islands at the exit of the most elongated fjords. The islands of the east are quite close to the coast, have convenient shores and are well developed. One even has an industrial zone.

In its southern half, Lake Ladoga is no longer so saturated with archipelagos. In the Leningrad region we visit the marshy island of Ptinov, then (in Petrokrepost Bay) the Zelentsy Islands, then the Karedzh Spit and the island of the same name behind it, as well as Fort Oreshek (at the mouth of the Neva). Finally, in the center of the western side, the passengers of the ship will only be able to see Konevets. But it is still a little closer to the northern half.

There are 77 islands on the entire Ladoga mirror, some of which are groups of islands.

Flora and fauna

The biocenosis of the northern and eastern shores of the described water body belongs to the middle taiga zone, and the southern and western riviera belongs to its southern variety. That is, the vegetation in the first case is spruce-blueberry forests (on thick mosses), and in the second case – pine trees, black alder, birch and fir. Moreover, all this stands on a very rich undergrowth. On the water itself live 120 higher plants, among which a variety of reeds (mostly cattails) dominate. Accordingly, in the Karelian part of the water area, visitors will see seals and otters. In Leningradskaya Ladoga there are the same animals, but it is also an area of ​​large bird migration (256 species of birds rest here along the way). Among them, in the swamps and fields, ospreys, cranes, white-tailed eagle and the ubiquitous curlew and falcon were found. A beaver approaches lake shores (at river mouths). The coastal forests are permanently inhabited by the eagle owl, short-eared owl and great gray owl.

In addition to planktonic animals and coastal semi-aquatic inhabitants (crayfish), the local water contains a lot of all kinds of ichthyofauna. The fish of Lake Ladoga are trout, salmon, whitefish, palia, vendace, bream, smelt, silver bream, blue bream, asp, catfish, burbot. Of course, there is also plenty of more prosaic waterfowl here - pike, perch, roach and pike perch.

Sights of Lake Ladoga

Leisure in the designated recreation usually comes down to picnics with overnight stays, as well as any kind of fishing. But there are 7 objects where all this is combined with cultural, historical and extreme tourism directions. We will tell you about each of them.

Western Archipelago (Ladoga Skerries)

Such a vacation on Lake Ladoga is part of a yacht or boat mini-cruise (whoever has enough money for what). Typically, “Secrets of Ladoga Skerries” tours start either from the Priozersk pier or from the Sortavala pier. By water you can come here through Cape Taruniemi (through the yacht marina of the Dacha Wintera park hotel). They rent boats there. But ordinary people choose the land route. People reach the skerries by land from Shlisselburg and Northern capital. Along the St. Petersburg – Helsinki highway (A-121). You should turn towards the lake at the exit to Kurkieki. From Kurkijeki itself there is an “asphalt road” to the Tervu Peninsula – the center of the skerries. He has West Side, as if cut off by the strait. From the plane you would never guess that it is also part of the peninsula. It is so cut up by fjords and adjacent to so many islands that different fragments of the Mykrimyksensaari tract are also perceived as islands. The isthmus is barely noticeable, but it exists – in the area of ​​the northern fjord. On the way to Terv there is an exit onto a very inconspicuous road leading to the Vyatikkya farm. From here there are also safe fairways into the fjord system. The watermen say it’s very beautiful here. Part of the specified labyrinth space (namely 600 of its islands and part big land) has the status national park. Therefore, follow the signs when trying to drive your car too close to the water. The fact is that there are water protection zones. It is better to drag a rubber boat 200 meters than to pay a fine. There are plenty of places for tent camps here - the territory is almost uninhabited, and there are no sandbanks here (noisy "mattress areas" that produce tons of garbage do not come here). At the same time, the water is crystal clear, and the pine trees along the banks are somehow too fabulously curved. It remains to tell about Terva itself - the “capital” of the peninsula, the bay of the same name, and the entire Ladoga Skerries reserve. These are 12 wooden houses, as well as a new pier and recreation center “Tervu Village”. And there is everything for fishing, water and diving leisure.

Sortavala city

On far north Lake Ladoga washes the lands of the Sortavala region of Karelia. The regional center itself is separated from the main bay of the water area by the largest island of the lake - Riekkalansaari. The toponym translates as “Greek island”. This simply means an indication of the local Orthodox church- the oldest pagan Karelian in the land. The island has its own bay, inside which there are also islands, several small reservoirs and 8 Sortavala rural-type microdistricts. They look very colorful in photographs. A bridge leads here from the mainland (from the central city districts). The strait between the island and the town is recognized as a lake. It is called Läppäjärvi. But in the center of Sortavala, tourists will find the St. Nicholas Church, the Town Hall in a pseudo-Gothic style and the spacious lakes Airanne and Tukhkolampi. There are equipped parks around the first two attractions. The embankment of inland lakes is partly a recreation area. Vakkosalmi Park contains entertainment for all ages. There is an ethnographic and local history museum of the Northern Ladoga region, telling about the history of this region. Among the closest recreational areas is the “House of Composers” estate in Kirjavalahti (the locality has already been mentioned above). Guest establishment, near the road.

Reserve "Valaam"

The water area of ​​Lake Ladoga is the location of five famous water routes, the most popular of which involves visiting the complex indicated in the title. People come here on different ships from Sortavala, Shlisselburg and Priozersk (in which even one pier is called Valaamskaya). The main point for the outing is the monastery of the same name. Behind it come Mount Eleon (the best local “view” of the center of the island), the monastery of All Saints (an authentic religious ensemble), the no less colorful Resurrection Monastery, as well as the exquisite and curious Resurrection Chapel.

Resort Priozersk

Fishing on Lake Ladoga becomes far from the main form of recreation if you find yourself in the west of the “northern” water area. Although inconvenient, there is a seaside equipped for swimming, yacht pontoons that lure you into adventure, kiosks of tour operators, cafes and entertainment, trips to the Korela fortress, as well as an excursion to the Protestant church, once built by the Swedes. This is the main brand of an agglomeration popular with tourists. It is also worth emphasizing the excitement surrounding the souvenir shops and the quaint Priozersk courtyard of the Valaam Monastery. And it includes temples of 3 religions, as well as the Church of All Saints, which has features that unite all three of these buildings. It’s also not far from Priozersk to the picturesque lakes (that’s why the town has its name). Along the way there is the Vuoksi embankment and a couple of restored noble estates.

Fortress Oreshek

The most famous historical holiday on Ladoga is a visit to the island citadel Oreshek (Swedish name Nöteborg). The fortification, built by the Novgorodians back in the 14th century, was taken from them first by the Moscow state, and then by the Kingdom of Sweden. Recaptured from its last owners in 1702. The troops of Peter the Great. In plan, the fortification has the shape of an irregular triangle. There are 5 towers along the perimeter. The inner citadel is in the northeast corner. Once upon a time, along the powerful walls (outside) there were 7 more towers. Since 1723 it was used as a prison (the new name is Shlisselburg Fortress). There is a portal pier. Entrance to the territory of the historical museum-reserve is paid. The name of the fortress comes from the island - Orekhovoy.

Vidlitsko-Ilinskie (Eastern) beaches

In addition to the delicious fatty fish of Lake Ladoga, its guests are interested in places where there is sand and is clean. Agree that in many cities and villages here federal district(and even more so in the neighboring one - Central) one cannot find such joy. Therefore, finding yourself in the arms of Vidlitsa, Tuloksa and Olonka (as well as between them), the “mattress people” will be very happy. They will rush to take off everything except their bathing suit. And many will get rid of it. There are places here... The sand is fine and clean, although not white. You can get here yourself by taking a commuter bus to Olonets. And from the local regional center the Ilyinsky-Vidlitsa highway leads to the long bathing riviera.

Svirskaya Bay

Fishing on Ladoga and many other holiday pleasures - “ business card» huge bay. His name is in the title. And it marks the mouth of the river of the same name. The coast is the subject of thousands of published photographs. There is very little sand here, but the water is the warmest in summer (the place is shallow). A too smooth entry into the water allows you to arrange water procedures with small children. Normal water, beautiful stones, intricately curved trees and an internal estuary in the river branch - this is the landscape that a “hiker” who decides to stop here will find. And not far from the water is the famous megalith Pichin Stone (its location is the extreme ledge of Cape Storozhensky). The large boulder has man-made grooves and depressions of various shapes. The object is recognized as a fragment of a megalithic mosaic, which always adorned pagan sanctuaries or ancient observatories. Hunters choose the described place to shoot swamp game. Here it is most abundant due to suitable conditions.

Holidays on Lake Ladoga

“Wild” holidays on Ladoga are also possible in places not yet indicated by us. On a strip of beaches north of Shlisselburg. It is on the northern side of the Neva estuary (the village of Pavel Morozov), as well as between the village of Vaganova and the branch of the Morya river (the land of the village of the Ladoga Lake station). You can actually get to the second “bath” by train - the track is laid along the Road of Life highway. The width of the sandy surface on both beaches ranges from 25 to 50 meters. True, in the sand you can find fragments of pine branches and cones. There are no sun loungers, changing rooms or toilets. But there is a bright red lighthouse, many “paddling pools” and a beautiful memorial in the north. He tells guests of Ladoga about attempts to save Leningraders from death. Approach paths often follow thicker paths. In one there is a pedunculate oak, rare for these places.

The conversation regarding the many tent sites was “spread” by us throughout all the chapters. All that remains is to add to their list a bivouac at the Sea Devil's Head attraction. This is a beach fragment east coast(mouth of Tuloksa). More officially, the location is called the Ladoga Dunes. This is the only place on Ladoga that resembles the Anapa shallows. And the name relating to the sea monster stuck because of the “hikers”. It was they who christened the huge miracle stone in the bivouac area. There is, of course, a legend associated with this fact. But no one remembers her anymore.

Now let’s mark the water areas for rafting. They can be the lower reaches of all rivers and streams that end in the reservoir described here. The kayak goes along all the riverbeds.

Organized holidays on Lake Ladoga are associated with commercial tours starting from St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod, as well as from Petrozavodsk. The trips have the ultimate goal of the 7 tracts described above or check-in at tourist centers, which we will discuss below. Many BOs have everything for fishing or yachting.

Comfortable and not so comfortable recreation centers are scattered along the entire circumference of the coast. If you start from Shlisselburg and move clockwise, then their order will be like this:

  • "World of Lighthouses";
  • "Golden shore";
  • "Dubrava Park";
  • "Captain Morgan";
  • "Silver";
  • "Berezovo";
  • "Okeanpribor";
  • "Drive Park Ladoga";
  • "Petrel";
  • "Drip";
  • "Lippola";
  • "U Dacha Rest";
  • "Boyarinov Dvor"
  • "Raven Outpost"
  • "Khutor Suromyaki";
  • “Annushkin Pier”;
  • "Vyatikkya";
  • "Tervu Village";
  • "Kiselevka";
  • "Annilahti";
  • "Lumivaara";
  • "Rantala";
  • "Salokyulya Farm";
  • "Ladoga Skerries";
  • "Sorola Village";
  • "Iceberg";
  • "Ladoga-Marina";
  • "Rauhala Holiday Homes";
  • "Wonderful";
  • "In Akulovka";
  • "Camping Ripus Khutor";
  • "Khutor Rukola";
  • "Mikli Olgino";
  • "Ladoga Estate";
  • "Winter's Dacha";
  • "Tikhotut";
  • "SPA";
  • "Father Vasily";
  • "Kirjavalahti";
  • "House of Composers";
  • "Seasons";
  • "Gray Stones";
  • "First line";
  • "Karelia Park";
  • "Long Shore"
  • "Uksun-lahti";
  • "Bryaus";
  • "13th cordon";
  • "Mantiansaari";
  • "Svirskaya";
  • "Zostrovye";
  • "Dubno Estate"

Fishing on Lake Ladoga

Fishing on Ladoga is possible everywhere. You just can’t set up nets and catch more than two fishing rods during the spawning period. Know the fish of the Red Book. There's a lot of it here. The coolest places for fishing fans are quiet narrow bays, decorated with reeds and driftwood at the water's edge. Most of these are in the east. And there are no protected areas here. But the service for lovers of “wet” (including underwater) hunting, on the contrary, has been created in the west. There's more BO here. There are “baiting” points in the southeast - near Syasstroy and in Zagubskaya Bay. Fishing is common within all populated areas, even in Shlisselburg. It bites.

  • Holidays on Lake Ladoga will allow you to make many discoveries regarding this body of water. Did you know that it was here that the first city of the Ilmen Slovenes (the future inhabitants of the republican state formation Novgorod Land) appeared? It was called Ladoga, and in honor of it Lake Nevo was later named Ladoga. Now it is a state-protected fortification in the village Staraya Ladoga. Come.
  • The first Valaam monastery arose not on the island of the same name, but on Konevets.
  • Did you guess that it was Fort Korela (Priozersk) that was the most northwestern outpost of the Novgorod Land. And behind it came the lands of the Karelians, whom the Swedish knightly orders tried to convert first to Catholicism, and after 200 years to Scandinavian Protestantism. And yet they became Orthodox. As a result, in modern Priozersk, guests will find churches, churches, and Orthodox churches.
  • The oldest lighthouse on the lake is Svirsky, not Shlisselburgsky. Built in 1908.
  • 40 rivers and streams flow into Ladoga, but for some reason only the Neva flows out. But it's a matter of bias.
  • Together with the smallest pieces of land, the number of Ladoga islands is 666!
  • During the Second World War, the Road of Life passed along the Ladoga ice. Through it, Leningraders were supplied with food and 1,000,000 people were taken out.

Lake Ladoga is an ideal location for several species active rest, a wonderful “testing ground” for fishing, an indispensable recreational space for family tour weekend and the center of historical and cultural values ​​of the country. 6 highways and a dozen dirt roads lead to its shores. And nothing prevents you from being here.

Europe is famous for its beauty and attractiveness. Its nature has more than once become the property of songs and legends, fairy tales and poems, essays and stories. Among all the diversity, water spaces stand out. Lake Ladoga is a bright representative. Its main difference from other water bodies is the rich flora and fauna.

general characteristics

Lake Ladoga is called the largest in all of Europe. Its area exceeds 18 thousand square kilometers. It is interesting that 457 kilometers of water area are occupied by the islands of Lake Ladoga, which in themselves are not so large. For example, the area of ​​the largest land areas located in the middle of the lake surface does not exceed one hectare. And in total there are more than 650 of them. Nature has placed the islands so that over 500 of them are located in the northwestern part of the lake.

The rocky islands have a bizarre shape and unusual outlines. Their height is 60-70 meters. It is especially interesting to observe the harmonious combination of coastline and island lines. The islands are separated from each other by numerous bays that cut into land areas.

Mother Nature has worked for thousands of years on the artistic and aesthetic design of this corner of the globe. Lake Ladoga is one of the oldest water bodies. In its lifetime, it has seen a lot and experienced amazing events, which can be judged by the numerous remnants and remains on its banks and bottom.

New research has made it possible to find out more accurate parameters of the water body. Lake Ladoga stretches 83 kilometers wide and 219 kilometers long. Without the island territory, it occupies a total of 17,578 square kilometers, which allows it to be called the largest European lake.

The length of the coastline exceeds one and a half thousand kilometers. Scientists were able to calculate the coefficient of its ruggedness. It is 2.1, which suggests the presence of multiple bays. The bowl of the lake is distinguished by its impressive capacity, which is 908 cubic kilometers.

Lake depth

The average depth of Lake Ladoga is 51 meters. However, if we talk about the largest, the figure already grows to 230 meters. The depth map of Lake Ladoga also shows impressive indicators. It usually marks the areas that are considered the deepest.

The bottom topography is heterogeneous. Therefore, it is not surprising that the depth of Lake Ladoga varies throughout its entire water area. For example, in the southern part the bottom is flat and smooth. This helps reduce the depth. The decrease is observed from north to south. In the northern part, the depth reaches 10-100 meters, and in the southern part this value is an order of magnitude lower and varies in the range from 3 to 7 meters. The bottom is distinguished by rocky spits and shallows, and you can even find clusters of boulders.

Bottom relief

In general, such differences in depth are explained by the peculiarities of the geological structure of the bottom. Which, in turn, is due to its impressive length. Geological structure also leaves its mark on the lake basin and its appearance. Interestingly, the bottom topography seems to resemble islands. He copies them exactly. Thus, at the bottom of the lake you can observe mountains and plains, depressions and potholes, hills and slopes.

Depressions up to 100 meters deep most often predominate. There are more than 500 of them in the northwestern part of the lake. Interestingly, such formations are concentrated in groups. And they, in turn, create a kind of labyrinth of bays. This phenomenon is called skerry. The depth map of Lake Ladoga allows you to verify this.

The slope of the lake has an average of 0.0105, and the angle averages 0.35 degrees. This value near the northern coast is already 1.52 degrees, and near the eastern coast it is 0.03. This is also considered a fairly important indicator.

Animal world

In a country like Russia, Lake Ladoga plays a huge role. It is called the supplier of drinking water for the northern capital of the state - St. Petersburg. However, in addition to this, Ladoga is home to a huge number of different animals. The main place among them, of course, is occupied by fish.

Today, more than 58 varieties and species of fish are known to exist in the waves of Lake Ladoga. It is interesting that there are also those who are “guests” in Ladoga. These include conger eel, Baltic salmon and sturgeon. They only occasionally swim into the waters of the lake. Their permanent habitat is the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic.

Unfortunately, due to the massive fishing of fish today, not all of its former inhabitants remain alive in Ladoga. Sometimes representatives of the fish kingdom disappear for no apparent reason. For example, sterlet. It no longer occurs in Ladoga waters, and researchers have never discovered the reason for this.

New species

But new inhabitants appeared in the lake. They are represented by peled and carp. The latter appeared in Ladoga relatively recently - in 1952-1953. The reason for this was that it was bred in the nearby Lake Ilmen. The fate of the peled was similar. It “wandered” to Ladoga from the Karelian Isthmus, where they began actively breeding it in the late 50s of the last century.

In addition, in the waters you can also find such fish as palia, salmon, pike perch, whitefish, bream, trout, ripus and vendace. They are distinguished by their value in the field of industry. These species are called commercial. There are also less valuable inhabitants of the lake. Among them are roach, smelt, pike, ruffe, blue bream, bleak and silver bream. They are considered no less tasty, but their use in food is represented in smaller quantities.

It is probably impossible to really name all the fish that are found in the waters of Lake Ladoga. There are so many inhabitants there that work to discover and study them continues to this day.

On the verge of extinction

Some fish of Lake Ladoga are now on the verge of extinction. Among them there are those that are considered valuable in the industrial field. The clearest example is salmon. In Ladoga there are individuals whose weight exceeds 10 kilograms. They are real giants. Interestingly, the fish go to spawn in late spring and summer. The young live there for no more than a couple of years, and then return to the lake.

The rivers are now clogged with lumber, making it difficult for salmon to spawn. In this regard, it was decided to suspend mass fishing. The corresponding law was passed back in 1960.

Another valuable fish is palia. She lives in the northern part of the lake. In winter it can be found at a depth of more than 70 meters, and in the warm months it rises to 20-30. Reproduction occurs in mid-autumn.

Whitefish also live in Ladoga. Now there are seven varieties of them in the lake. Four of them, namely lake Ladoga, Ludog, black and Valaam, are considered exclusively riverine, and the other three - Svir, Vuoksa and Volkhov - can live both in the lake and in the river. On average, during the breeding season, each individual lays about nine thousand eggs in October and November.

Just recently, people were massively engaged in catching whitefish, but now this type is on the verge of extinction. A peculiar reason for this can be called the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station dam. Pisces were unable to overcome such an obstacle, and the measures people took to achieve this did not save the situation.

Rivers of Lake Ladoga

Now let's talk about waterways.

The rivers of Lake Ladoga are very numerous. This allows us to talk about its wide drainage basin. Its area exceeds 250 thousand square kilometers. Not every lake can boast such figures.

Finland and Karelia, located nearby, share water resources with Ladoga; rivers also carry their waves from the Novgorod, Pskov and Vologda lands. The water bodies of the Arkhangelsk and Leningrad regions make their contribution.

In total, about 45 thousand streams and rivers flow into Lake Ladoga. It is interesting that before becoming part of Ladoga, river waters accumulate in nearby lakes, including Saimaa, Onega and Ilmen. They, in turn, allow the formation of such tributaries of the main Ladoga as the Volkhova, Vuokse and Svir. In total, they bring more than 57 cubic kilometers of water into the lake per year. This represents approximately 85 percent of the total water mass that accumulates in the area we are considering. geographical object in a year.

All other tributaries are called small. There is no explanation for this, because among them there are such impressive deep rivers as Janisjoki, Syas and Tulemajoki.

It should be understood that the tributaries of the Ladoga are quite young - by the standards of rivers - in age. They are only 10-12 thousand years old. That is why most of them have not yet formed wide valleys. They flow among rocky areas and steep banks.

The Baltic crystalline shield lies in the northeastern part of the lake. That is why the deepest and loudest tributaries flow into Ladoga from that side. Very often they turn into full-flowing stormy streams, encountering rocks on their way that are quite difficult to erode.

Tributary Svir

Lake Ladoga is located in Russia, and its deepest stream is called the Svir. This river flows from the Svirskaya Bay of Lake Onega, and flows into Ladoga from the southeast.

Its length is about 224 kilometers. The river includes two large tributaries, which are named Pasha and Oyat. It is interesting that the origin of this object is still covered in secrets and mysteries.

The Svir River itself and its banks are not distinguished by the picturesqueness inherent in Ladoga. The description of Lake Ladoga tells about the amazing beauty of its shores, which Svir cannot boast of. Its coastline is covered with alder bushes and marshy plants, and there are coniferous forests. Basically, the banks of the Svir River are accumulations of stones and boulders.

In ancient times, Svir was famous for its numerous rapids. They could not be called high, but the piles of boulders presented a serious obstacle to navigation. Local residents very often helped out the sailors, helping them cope with crossings. Very often, residents of coastal villages and towns themselves served as sailors, pilots and even captains. The proximity to a deep river left its mark on the character and way of life of the people.

But if we talk about the animal world, it is quite large. It is in the waters of this river that salmon spawning is often observed. In spring you can find schools of these fish heading to the mouth of the Svir. The tributaries Oyat and Pasha play the main role in spawning. Ichthyologists believe that it is these rivers that can contribute to the revival of salmon in Lake Ladoga.

When to visit

Lake Ladoga for centuries-old history shrouded in secrets, riddles and legends. All this, of course, attracts numerous tourists. People also travel to Ladoga to admire the amazing beauty of nature and see with their own eyes one of the largest lakes in the world.

In order not to make a mistake, you should know when it is better to go and what time to give preference.

A trip here in May and June will be foggy in the truest sense of the word. At the end of May and beginning of June, thick fogs descend on Ladoga, in which it is quite easy to get lost. In such cases, it is very important to take experienced guides with you who will help you get on the right path and see all the surrounding beauty.

This time is considered quite cold for those places. In the evening, the skerries can be covered with a thin crust of ice, and the wind brings dampness. Of particular interest are the few hours after sunny weather. At such moments, the lake shines with calm and attractiveness. However, the very next moment a breeze blows in. It causes meter-long waves in the bays, although the lake off the coast continues to be peaceful.

One of the most striking advantages of this time, of course, after the attractive appearance of the coastal area, is the complete absence of mosquitoes. The extraordinary cleanliness of the lake is also called a virtue. The bottom, even at a depth of several meters, can be seen extremely clearly. It is believed that if you drink water at such a moment, happiness will not take long to arrive. The water itself is clean and tasty.

Those people who value comfort and coziness should visit Ladoga in the last two months of summer. This period is considered the best for proper rest. In this case, the air and water temperatures exceed the optimal mark, allowing you to swim in the waves of the lake and sunbathe on the shore. On the islands you can pick berries and mushrooms, which are abundant there.

Those people who travel to Ladoga with the aim of admiring the local beauty should choose the autumn months, when literally the entire coast shimmers with gold and bronze. In October, the weather worsens, accompanied by fog and storms. At such times you can meet many artists and landscape painters here. They try to capture the lush beauty of Ladoga.

Lake Ladoga in winter also presents an interesting sight. However, it is quite cold here at this time of year. But the middle of the lake does not freeze even in severe frosts due to its impressive depth.

Those people who want to visit this corner of our vast Motherland should look for Lake Ladoga on the map. Many travel companies offer entire routes. If you wish, you can choose one of the proposed ones or create your own.

A trip to the coast of Lake Ladoga will surely be memorable for everyone. This area is distinguished by the amazing beauty of nature at any time of the year, the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the opportunity to have a great rest.

Lake Ladoga is located in the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation. It is considered one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. Its area is about 18 thousand square meters. kilometers. The bottom is uneven: in one place the depth can be 20 meters, and in another - 70 meters, but the maximum is 230 meters. 35 rivers flow into this water area, and only the Neva flows out. The Ladoga region is divided into Northern and Southern, Eastern and Western.

Formation of the water area

Scientists say that Lake Ladoga is of glacial-tectonic origin. On the site of its basin, approximately 300-400 million years ago, there was a sea. The change in relief was influenced by glaciers, which led to the rise of the land. When the glacier began to retreat, it appeared glacial lake With fresh water, Ancylovo Lake appeared, which connected with Ladoga. New tectonic processes took place 8.5 thousand years ago, due to which the Karelian Isthmus was formed and the lake became isolated. Over the past 2.5 thousand years, the relief has not changed.
In the Middle Ages in Rus' the lake was called “Nevo”, and in Scandinavia – “Aldoga”. However, its real name comes from Ladoga (city). Now this is the name not only of the city, but of the river and lake. It is difficult to determine which particular object was first named Ladoga.

Climatic features

In the area of ​​Lake Ladoga, a temperate and transitional climate has formed: from continental to maritime. It depends on the circulation of air masses and on the location. The amount of solar radiation here is small, so moisture evaporates slowly. The average number of days per year is 62. The weather is mostly cloudy and cloudy. Length of daylight in different time year varies from 5 hours 51 minutes. until 18:50 From the end of May to mid-July there are “white nights”, when the sun sets below the horizon at about 9°, and the evening smoothly turns into morning.

The water resources of the lake are the main climate-forming factor in the Ladoga region. The water area helps smooth out some climate indicators. Thus, air masses from the continent, passing over the surface of the lake, become sea masses. The minimum atmospheric temperature drops to -8.8 degrees Celsius, and the maximum rises to +16.3 degrees, the average is +3.2 degrees. The average annual precipitation is 475 millimeters.

Recreational wealth

Despite the fact that even in summer the water in the lake is very cold, a large number of people come here on vacation every year, so there are beaches for tourists. Many vacationers go on catamarans and kayaks.

There are 660 islands on the lake, and they are mainly concentrated in the northern part of the reservoir. Among the largest are the Western and Valaam archipelagos, and largest islands– Riekkalansari, Valaam, Mantsinsaari, Tulolansari, Kilpola. On some islands, monasteries were built (Konevei, Valaam), where the relics of saints rest and sacred relics are located. There is also a memorial “Road of Life”.

On the territory of the Ladoga basin there is the Nizhnevirsky Nature Reserve, home to various species of fauna, including rare ones. These types of flora grow here.

Lake Ladoga is one of the largest fresh water bodies in Europe. In our article we want to talk about where the nature and climate are on its coast. It has quite interesting characteristics. The nature here is particularly beautiful.

Lake location

Where is Lake Ladoga located? It is partially located in Karelia (eastern and northern shores) and in the Leningrad region (southern, southeastern, western). On its banks there are cities such as Novaya Ladoga, Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya, Pitkyaranta.

Lake Ladoga on the map is located both in the Leningrad region and in Karelia. It's big enough. In addition, there are also islands on it. The area of ​​Lake Ladoga is 17.9 square kilometers, excluding island areas. It extends from north to south for two hundred and nineteen kilometers. Its widest point is one hundred thirty-eight kilometers. Agree, the dimensions are impressive. Using these parameters, you can estimate the area of ​​Lake Ladoga.

The depth of the reservoir in the northern region ranges from seventy to two hundred and thirty meters, and in the southern part from twenty to seventy meters. As you can see, the depth of Lake Ladoga is very heterogeneous, and is most important in the northern part of the reservoir. And the volume of water mass is nine hundred and eight cubic meters.

Rivers of Lake Ladoga and islands

Thirty-five rivers flow into the reservoir. But only one originates from it - the Neva. On the southern coast of the lake there are three large bays: Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya and Shlisselburgskaya Bay.

The largest river flowing into Ladoga is the Svir. She brings water to it Lake Onega. Rivers such as Avloga, Morye, Burnaya, Airajoki, Vidlitsa, Obzhanka, Syas, Olonka and others also flow into the reservoir.

It must be said that in Lake Ladoga the water level is not constant. It constantly fluctuates, and this is clearly visible from the white stripes on the rocks that go under the water.

The islands of Lake Ladoga are quite numerous. There are about 660 of them. Their total area is four hundred thirty-five square kilometers. It must be said that more than five hundred islands are located in the northern part of the reservoir. This is the Skerries region.

Largest islands:

  1. Riekkalansari - 55.3 km. sq.
  2. Mantsinsaari - 39.4 km. sq.
  3. Kilpola - 32.1 km. sq.
  4. Tulolansari - 30.3 km. sq.
  5. Vaalaam - 27.8 km. sq.

The most famous on the lake are the Valaam Islands. They are an archipelago of fifty islands with total area about thirty-six square kilometers. They became famous thanks to the Valaam Monastery, located on the main island, and the Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery on the island of Konevets.

History of the lake

Lake Ladoga is located in a basin that has glacial tectonic origin. Three hundred to four hundred million years ago the entire territory of the lake and its basin was covered by the sea.

The modern relief was formed as a result of glacier activity. The main factor was the change in sea level and the rise of land. After the glacier retreated, the Baltic freshwater glacial lake was formed. Later, the waters of this reservoir went to the territory of modern Switzerland. And there the Ioldian Sea was formed.

Nine and a half thousand years ago, Ancil Lake appeared due to the rise of land. On the Karelian Isthmus it was connected through a strait with Lake Ladoga. And eight and a half thousand years ago, ongoing tectonic processes opened the Danish straits, and the Littorina Sea was formed. This, in turn, led to the emergence of the Karelian Isthmus and, in fact, the formation of Lake Ladoga. Over the past two and a half thousand years, the relief in these places has hardly changed.

The northern part of the lake is located on the southern part - on the East European Platform. It is at the junction of these surfaces that the greatest depth of Lake Ladoga is observed.

Climatic conditions

Lake Ladoga has a temperate climate, sort of a transitional form from temperate maritime to temperate continental. Such climatic conditions are explained very simply. Geographical position Lake Ladoga and the atmospheric circulation of this region determined such a climate.

It must be said that in these places there are not many sunny days a year. This means that the amount of solar heat reaching the earth is not so great. Therefore, moisture evaporates extremely slowly. In 12 months there may be only sixty two here sunny days. For most of the year, this region is dominated by days with cloudy, cloudy weather and diffuse lighting.

It is better to plan your vacation on Lake Ladoga from the twenty-fifth of May to the seventeenth of July, then you can watch the white nights here. These days the sun does not go below the horizon, morning and evening twilight merge into a single whole. In general, white nights last about fifty days.

It should be noted that Lake Ladoga itself also influences the local climate, smoothing out extreme characteristics. Throughout the year, southwestern and western winds dominate here. Quiet and windless weather is extremely rare. Sometimes the winds are stormy.

The entire coast experiences breezes during summer days and nights. They start around nine in the morning and last until eight in the evening. Breezes penetrate fifteen kilometers inland. Fogs are observed here most often in spring, autumn and summer.

Lake shoreline

The coastline of Ladoga is more than a thousand kilometers long. The northern shores are heavily rugged rocks, forming many peninsulas and narrow bays, as well as small islands separated by straits.

The southern coastline is low. It is less rugged and is often flooded. The coastline is entirely covered with rocky reefs, banks, and shoals. The Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays are the largest bays of Lake Ladoga.

The eastern shores are very little indented. There are two bays here: Uksunlahti and Lunkulanlahti. It is in this part that there are wide, beautiful sand beaches.

The western shore of the reservoir is even less indented. It was completely overgrown with dense mixed forests and shrubs, which came close to the water. The shore is strewn with scatterings of boulders. Stone ridges sometimes extend from the cape far into the depths of the lake, thereby forming dangerous shoals.

Relief of the lake bottom

As we noted earlier, the topography of the lake bottom is heterogeneous and has a clear increase in depth from south to north. We can say that the average depth of the reservoir is about fifty meters, and the greatest is two hundred and thirty-three meters (towards the north of the island of Valaam). Lake Ladoga in the northern part has a very uneven bottom. It is completely dotted with depressions. And in the southern region the bottom is smoother and more even. Lake Ladoga is the eighth deepest lake in Russia.

The transparency of lake water varies on different shores. Its lowest indicators are observed in the Volkhov Bay, and the highest - in a western direction from the Valaam Islands.

During a strong storm, the water in the lake, as they say, boils and seethes, it is completely covered with foam.

Only the central part of the reservoir can be covered with ice and only in very harsh winter. A long cold period leads to a strong cooling of the water, for this reason the water in the lake remains cold even in summer. She only has time to warm up in a thin top layer and a narrow coastal strip. The maximum temperature of surface waters is in August, when it is twenty-four degrees. The water in the lake is fresh and, in principle, quite clean, except in those areas where there is runoff pollution from industrial waste.

Economic importance of the lake

The location of Lake Ladoga has determined its serious economic importance for the country. The fact is that the lake is navigable, which is important for the region. It is considered one of the parts of the waterway that is part of the Volga-Baltic Route, as well as the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

The most navigable is the southern part of Ladoga from the Neva to the Svir. Since the reservoir is quite large, there are often storms, especially in the fall. During such periods, all shipping is stopped for the safety of passenger ships.

Since the founding of St. Petersburg, the lake has become part of the unified water transport system of northern Russia. For safe navigation along the southern coast, the Staraya Ladoga Canal was built. As soon as it was not enough, the Novoladozhsky Canal, one hundred and sixty-nine kilometers long, was also laid.

The Staraya Ladoga Canal is now almost completely dry and overgrown. And the second canal is still navigable. Up to eight million tons of cargo are transported across the lake every year. Petroleum products, chemical raw materials, building materials, and timber are transported to the Baltic from the Volga. In addition, tens of thousands of passengers are transported across Ladoga every year.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities there are cruises (tourist) to the islands of Konevets and Valaam. Vessels enter and pass through the central waters of the lake, where the shores are not visible. And in strong winds you can feel significant rolling.

There are no regular passenger services on Ladoga. However, tourist ships sail twice a day to certain destinations during navigation periods.

Fish living in the waters of the lake

The fish of Lake Ladoga is of industrial importance. Ten species are caught, among which the most popular are vendace, smelt, and ripus. There are quite a lot of pike perch and whitefish in the lake.

Holidays on Ladoga

Despite the fact that the water in Lake Ladoga remains cold even in summer, it attracts a large number of vacationers. As we said earlier, there are wonderful sandy beaches. Particularly popular among tourists northern islands. The best period for kayaking on the lake is June and July. A little closer to autumn, storms begin, during which the water is rough, like in the sea.

Here on the lake there is Nizhnesvirsky nature reserve. It is located on the right bank of the Conservation Area - a wetland of international importance. They are interesting because they are nesting places for aquatic and migratory birds. 256 different species of birds have been recorded in this area.

The island of Valaam is of particular interest to tourists. It is completely covered with coniferous forest. There is an ancient one on the island monastery, which was founded in the ninth to eleventh centuries.

Vacationers also like to visit Konevsky Island, which has a monastery. The island received this name from the Horse-Stone boulder located here. Until the end of the nineteenth century, this stone was a place of sacrifice. The main attraction is the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, located on the territory of the monastery.

Historical excursion

The Novgorodians had a military and merchant fleet on Lake Ladoga for several centuries in a row. Geographical information also reached Western cartographers in those days. Lake Ladoga appeared on the map of the Moscow state back in 1544. It was made by the German scientist Sebastian Munster.

And in 1600, a drawing of Rus' was drawn up by Fyodor Godunov. The lake was depicted on it with fairly high accuracy. In the middle of the eighteenth century, a map was made not only of Lake Ladoga itself, but also of an artificial canal.

Novaya Ladoga

Novaya Ladoga is one of the towns on the shore of Ladoga. It is located on the left side of the Volkhov River in the place where it flows into the lake. The city was founded in 1704 by Emperor Peter the Great himself. A large number of historical architectural monuments have been preserved here, which may be of interest to guests and tourists.


The city is located on the shore of Ladoga. It was founded by the Prince of Novgorod in 1323, who founded a wooden fortress on the island of Oreshek. It was later captured by the Swedes, who renamed it Noteburg. And in 1702 the fortress was recaptured by Peter the Great. It was he who gave it its current name. The city also has its own attractions: the Staraya Ladoga Canal, the Oreshek fortress, the monument to Peter the Great, the Annunciation Cathedral, St. Nicholas Church.


A Karelian settlement lived on this site already in the twelfth century. And in 1310, the Novgorodians built a capital fortress at the mouth, called Korela. Later it was conquered by the Swedes. But in 1710 it again passed to the Russian Empire.

Lake Ladoga and its surroundings - enough interesting places for tourists. Here you can not only admire the beauty of nature, take boat trips, visit the islands, but also see historical monuments, preserved to this day.

The nature of the North-Western part of Russia is amazingly attractive. The discreet beauty of taiga landscapes is replaced by vast swamps rich in cranberries and cloudberries. Elevated areas are decorated with small-leaved forests and spruce forests. But the mirror surface of numerous lakes gives this region of Russian nature a unique charm.

Ladoga lake- the largest in Europe, the length of which is 219 km with the greatest width - 138 km. The northern and eastern parts of the reservoir belong to Karelia. The western, southeastern and southern shores of Lake Ladoga are located in the Leningrad region. Ladoga contains 908 km³ of water. Replenishment water resources occurs due to 35 flowing rivers. One river flows out of Lake Ladoga - the Neva.

The area of ​​Lake Ladoga is 18,135 km², the length of the coastline is 1,570 km. The bottom topography is characterized by sharp changes in the north and a flatter character in the south. The depths of Lake Ladoga are very diverse: from 60–220 m in the northern part and from 15–70 in the southern part. Usually, the steeper and higher the shores, the great depths are observed near them. Recorded near the Valaam archipelago maximum depth Lake Ladoga - 233 meters.

Islands of Lake Ladoga

There are about five hundred large and small islands in the waters of Lake Ladoga. The largest of them make up the Valaam archipelago. The famous Konevets Monastery on Lake Ladoga, famous in the Orthodox world, was erected on another large island - Konevets, about 600 years ago. Some islands are separated from each other by small straits - the famous skerries of Ladoga, which give this region a unique beauty.

History of Lake Ladoga - historical references, “the road of life”, finds and artifacts

Ladoga is present on one of the first geographical maps of the Moscow state, compiled in 1544 by the German cartographer Sebastian Munster.

First detailed map Lake Ladoga was compiled under the Admiralty Department in 1812.

For Russia, Ladoga was of strategic importance: in the 9th century, an important part of the waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through its expanses. Documentary mention of the “great Lake Nevo” (as Lake Ladoga was called in the old days) was first found in the ancient Russian chronicle of 1228. The first capital before Kievan Rus was located near the confluence of the Volkhov River into Lake Ladoga.

Novgorodians kept merchant ships on Ladoga and military flotilla. Many pages of the Peter the Great era are closely connected with this lake. These regions are witnesses to the glorious battles on Lake Ladoga during the Northern War.

"The road of life"

During World War II, from 1941 to 1944, most of the coast of Lake Ladoga was under German-Finnish occupation. Residents of cities and villages were virtually cut off from the world. And only in the southwestern part of Ladoga there was communication with Soviet troops. This “road of life” functioned from September 1941 to March 1943. The path connected the inhabitants besieged Leningrad with the rest of the country. The “Road of Life” began from the port of Osinovets on Lake Ladoga and ended at the docks of Leningrad. In summer, food, medicine and essentials were transported to the city by water, and in winter by ice road, under a hail of enemy shells. In total, during the existence of the “road of life”, 1.6 million tons of various cargo were transported, which allowed the residents of Leningrad to hold out until the blockade was lifted. But food was transported along this route and people were taken out. Approximately 1,400 people were evacuated this way. In the place where the “road of life” lay, 7 monuments and 102 memorial pillars were erected. All of them are included in the Green Belt of Fame.

Finds at the bottom of Lake Ladoga

The bottom of Ladoga to this day preserves numerous interesting and valuable artifacts from various eras. The ancient Vikings and soldiers of the Northern and Great Patriotic Wars left their mark. Of course, first of all, Lake Ladoga hides traces of the Second World War. A striking example of this is “Death Bay”. In this place in August 1941, an urgent evacuation of the Soviet rifle and motorized divisions took place. For two weeks, under fierce artillery and mortar fire, the ships removed the fighters from the shore. The small bay was literally bombarded with shells. Until now, the entire bottom of the lake is covered with a layer of shell casings, shell fragments and iron.

The “Secrets of Sunken Ships” project has been carried out throughout Lake Ladoga for more than ten years. Participants in this project compile a register in which they enter a description of the found sunken ships and aircraft. Thanks to the fresh cold water of Ladoga, all objects are perfectly preserved at the bottom. They are of great interest to diving enthusiasts.

Lake Ladoga on the map of Russia and depth map

The historical name of Lake Ladoga is Nevo. The reservoir is located on the border of two regions. The southwestern part is located in the Leningrad region, and the northeastern part is in the Republic of Karelia. The area of ​​the reservoir is very large, so it is conventionally divided into parts. The northern Ladoga region belongs to southern Karelia, two districts of the Leningrad region are considered southern - Volkhovsky and Kirovsky. Lake Ladoga is also divided into eastern and western Ladoga regions: the Olonets region of the Republic of Karelia and the Karelian Isthmus, respectively.

On the shores of Lake Ladoga in the Republic of Karelia there are the cities of Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya, and Pitkyaranta. On the Leningrad region side there are also large settlements- the cities of Priozersk, Shlisselburg and Novaya Ladoga. Many small and large tributaries flow into the lake, and only one river flows out of it - the Great Neva. In the southern part of the reservoir there are three beautiful large bays. These are the Shlisselburg, Svir and Volkhov Bays.

Geographic map

Map of the depths of Lake Ladoga

The bottom topography of Lake Ladoga is heterogeneous. The depth gradually increases from south to north. In the northern part, the bottom surface is uneven, there are many depressions and underwater rocks. Depths of 100 meters or more prevail. In the north of Ladoga the largest

The depth of the lake is 230 meters. The depth of the depression opposite the Kurkijoki skerries reaches 220 meters.

In the southern part of Ladoga, the bottom topography is smoothed. No deep depressions and sudden changes. Depths fluctuate between 25–50 meters. But this is not particularly noticeable, because bottom relief smooth, without rocks or holes. Closer to the center of the lake, the depth averages 50 meters.

Climate and weather on Lake Ladoga

The climate on Ladoga is humid and mild, close to the sea. Winter, although cold, passes without severe frosts, summer is cool. Ice covers the lake at the end of October and lasts until the beginning of May, and the central part of Ladoga does not freeze over every winter. The greatest thickness of ice is observed in the bays - 30–60 cm.

The average annual water temperature in Lake Ladoga is 3.5 °C. This reservoir is characterized by the spring and autumn presence of a thermal front with warmer water, gradually moving from the coastal shallow areas to the center of the lake. On the warmer southern coast, the water in Lake Ladoga warms up to +20 °C, although at the same time at depths the thermometer does not show temperatures above +4 °C. A thermal front is detected by the formation of a strip of foam with floating debris and flocks of seagulls that hunt small fish.

The weather is fickle - complete calm can be replaced by a real storm in just half an hour. On Ladoga, with strong winds, waves reach a height of 4 meters, and near the island of Valaam a wave with a height of 7.5 m was recorded. The alternation of groups of waves of different heights, characteristic of Ladoga, creates the impression of sailing on a bumpy road, and the waves in the southern shallow part of the lake, due to numerous protruding banks and ridges, takes on the character of a chaotic crush. Instability weather conditions associated with a sudden invasion of cold air masses from the Arctic. The insidious nature of the excitement on Lake Ladoga caused death huge amount ships and small boats.

In 2002, they launched the expeditionary research project “Secrets of Sunken Ships”, whose experts identified more than 10 thousand objects that sank in Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland. Most of the finds are at the bottom of Lake Ladoga, thanks to fresh water and low temperatures, have been preserved in surprisingly good condition and are of great interest to scientists and treasure hunters.

Unusual natural phenomena on Ladoga

Some places here have unusual natural phenomena, which gave rise to many legends of Lake Ladoga. In clear, warm weather, mirages may suddenly appear over the water surface - the imaginary outlines of distant islands, coastal buildings, or sailing ships.

Other unique phenomenon– brontids. A distinct hum is heard from underground on the shore or directly from the lake, accompanied by a slight vibration of the earth or the turbulence of the waters. More often this phenomenon is observed near the island. Balaam. Scientists explain this interesting phenomenon by tectonic movements occurring at the bottom of the lake.

Nature of Lake Ladoga: animals, plants and fish

Many areas near Lake Ladoga have been preserved in their pristine beauty. In the picturesque faults of harsh rocks, one can see ancient history this region. Islands, rocky shoals, mountain slopes covered with pine wilds were once covered by the waters of a prehistoric sea that stretched in the north to the ocean.

Rare species of flora and fauna are found in the protected areas of Lake Ladoga. On the picturesque slopes of the reef mountains, facing south, grow plants unusual for these latitudes. southern species plants (linear onion, sand clove). The northern areas on the shores of Lake Ladoga are favored by tundra plants: snow saxifrage and alpine saxifrage. At the foot of the mountains, representatives of broad-leaved forests feel good: Norway maple and elm (mountain elm). Numerous fir forest edges are decorated with purple aconites with their blooms in June.

On Ladoga there are animals common to the taiga zone: foxes, moose, hares, wolves, bears, etc. The sloping rocks in the north are a rookery for very rare species- Ladoga seal. This marine mammal adapted to the conditions of a freshwater lake. The Ladoga seal reaches 130 cm in length and 50–70 kg in weight. The skin of this animal is decorated with a pattern of pale rings (ringed is another name for seal). In February-March, they prepare burrows in snow hummocks, where the female gives birth to one 4-kilogram cub. When the lake is freed from the ice cover, flocks of seals come to the shores of the Valaam archipelago.

Fish living in the lake

The ichthyofauna of Lake Ladoga is represented by more than 50 species of fish, including whitefish and salmon. About half of the commercial catch on Ladoga comes from pike perch, whitefish and smelt. Also of commercial importance are: carp (roach, bream, ide), perch, vendace, pike, trout, ruff. Lamprey (brook and river), silver bream, and blue bream are found in these waters. The main commercial fish is pike perch, which lives on Ladoga in the shallower southern half of the lake. It often reaches 8 kg of weight here. Ladoga salmon prefers the northern depths of Ladoga, and for spawning it goes along the rivers flowing into Lake Ladoga (Burnaya, Vidlitsa, Svir). The northern regions of the lake are also inhabited by Baltic sturgeon, palia, and occasionally sterlet.

Fishing on Lake Ladoga - winter from ice and open water

You can return from Ladoga with significant catches all year round. The content of oxygen dissolved in Ladoga water is close to 100%, so the period of “dead winter” is not observed here, and this makes Lake Ladoga compare favorably with most inland reservoirs.

Winter ice fishing on Ladoga

Winter on this lake is a fishing season, but also quite dangerous. Strong winds can cause fast ice to break off. Sometimes huge fields of ice during squally winds crumble into small ice floes within a short time.

The distances here are long, so good fishing is impossible without a snowmobile or car. Ladoga is completely covered with ice very rarely, and usually strong ice forms along the perimeter of the shores no further than 10–15 km. But this distance is quite enough for effective fishing. Perch and roach prefer to stay at a depth of 3–6 m in winter, and this most often requires cutting holes at a short distance from the shore. Many anglers find pike on Ladoga in winter in shallow water overgrown with reeds, where the depth under the ice does not exceed 50 cm.

But the most interesting fishing on Ladoga in winter is catching perch with a vertical spoon. Perch here lives both small (up to 200 g) and quite decent sizes (up to 800 g). Fishermen usually use spinners with a soldered hook or spinners with jig hooks suspended on a chain.

Fishing on Lake Ladoga in open water

Trolling on Ladoga

Lake Ladoga is rich in fish. It is caught in different ways: both with a float and with a spinning rod from the shore. But the most exciting thing is trolling fishing. Most often, large pike and pike perch are caught on bait, but if you are lucky, you can also catch Ladoga salmon. If we talk about trolling, this type of fishing is not only the most sporting, but also the most effective. This is because it is possible to move a wobbler or other bait along large area reservoir You can change the depth of the bait and thereby fish at different depths. And the most important thing is that you have the opportunity to visit, in search of a worthy trophy, those parts of the lake where there is a regular bite, but there is no possibility of approaching from the shore. You can troll on Ladoga day and night.

In the north of Ladoga in Karelia, salmon are caught at various depths, from 10 to 70 meters. It depends on the area of ​​the reservoir. The main thing is to constantly monitor the nature of the bottom and the bait, since here the depth can change from 40 to 4 meters in a matter of minutes. Fishing is also complicated by the regular need to change the depth of the wobbler, which is not required when fishing in the southern part of the lake.

When trolling for pike or pike perch, from two to twelve spinning rods are used. The more baits, the better the bite. This is explained by the fact that wobblers imitate the movement of a small flock. And this will undoubtedly arouse the interest of the predator. A trolling rod is different from a standard spinning rod. Firstly, it must have a long and strong handle. Secondly, it is desirable to have a slightly larger number of guides, from 12 to 14. This will help distribute the load on the rod more evenly. Thirdly, the length of the spinning rod is important. It is best to give preference to a rod with a length of 2.1 or 2.4 meters, this will be quite enough.

Accordingly, it is no less important to choose the right bait. Predators of Ladoga are very capricious. So you never know what they will prefer. The supply of all kinds of wobblers, silicone twisters and vibrating tails should not be small. But we can say with confidence that the most catchy lures are from 8 to 12 cm in length. The true skill of a fisherman lies not in choosing a wobbler that most closely resembles a fish, but in teaching it correctly.

Fishing on Ladoga in spring

On Ladoga, however, as on other bodies of water, fish come en masse to the shore to spawn. Large roach begin to be caught when blocks of ice are still floating on the water surface. The fishermen’s catch of the “first move” of roach contains specimens of 0.8-1.2 kg. Over time, there are more fish, but small things begin to dominate the catch. Catching roaches float rod for maggots or chopped worms at the edge of reed thickets at the shallowest depths. There is no point in feeding the fish - the fish is busy looking for a place to spawn and forgets about hunger. It is much more important to actively search for fish.

Following the roach, silver bream and bream go to spawn, but their size and quantity are not of particular interest for fishing. The pike meal that follows is very promising interesting fishing. During this period, the spotted predator is successfully caught by casting south coast Lake Ladoga, in reed thickets. During this period, sometimes 3–6 kg specimens are caught. Pike can be caught not only near the shore in reeds, but also in open water, within 30–40 meters of coastal vegetation. Large spinners or spinners are most often used for catching pike on Lake Ladoga.

Fishing on Lake Ladoga during the white nights

Of greatest interest during this period is night fishing pike perch. On Ladoga, trolling enthusiasts ply along rocky ridges 3–10 km from the shore. Pike perch actively moves in all layers of water, so they catch it simultaneously with several spinning rods, equipping them with wobblers with different depths. Driven wobblers for Ladoga are favorites for hunting pike perch. The most universal colors are “acid” and “blue back”. The main catch is pike perch 1.5-5 kg, but 10 kg trophies can be found.

Large pike live on the same rocky ridges, but you can catch them with larger baits (an 8-11 centimeter Shad is suitable).

Fishing on Ladoga in summer

At this time, the perch begins to hunt for grown-up fry. Fans of cast-cast fishing arm themselves with a light spinning rod and go in search of schooling perch. The easiest way to spot fattening perches is by looking for seagulls. If a school is detected, then the size of the catch can only be affected by the speed of fishing. The school may go deeper, but usually it soon appears somewhere nearby, and fishing can be resumed. Perches weighing up to 700 g are caught in this way. Larger trophies can be taken by trolling.

When fishing from the shore, you can only count on catching “laces”. Larger fish prefer not to come closer to the shore than 2–5 km in summer.

Trophy pike is better caught not on ridges, where the bottom of Lake Ladoga has complex terrain, but on “runs”. Therefore, in the summer, many fishermen simply plow the expanses of Ladoga, equipping their fishing rods with large spoons or wobblers.

Autumn fishing on Ladoga

As the weather gets colder, large fish begin to move closer and closer to the shores. At this time, you can “treasure” at 2-meter depths. And before the freeze-up they fish effectively, as in the spring, near the reeds. Good results are demonstrated by large, oscillating, ultra-light spoons or large-sized white rubber with minimal loading and a pair of tees. In reed windows, various non-hooking hooks are more suitable for catching pike.

Relaxation on the shores of Lake Ladoga

A distinctive feature of staying on Ladoga is its fairly developed tourist infrastructure. There are many bases around Ladoga offering their services. Here fishermen can find not only a place to stay for the night, but also rent a boat, some gear, get expert advice, as well as have a delicious dinner and a steam bath. In addition to fishing, here you can do organized excursions to the historical sights of Lake Ladoga, go on a cruise on Lake Ladoga or take a walking pick mushrooms and berries, ride horses or bike.

Recreation centers

The recreation center “13th Cordon” is located in the village of Salmi. Seven two-story comfortable cottages are available for vacationers (from 5,500 rubles per room). On the territory of the “13th Cordon” there are: a swimming pool, a cafe, two baths. 5-hour rental

A Grizli boat will cost 4 thousand rubles, a three-seater motor boat - 2 thousand rubles. Trolling on a boat accompanied by a ranger – 3 thousand rubles/hour.

The Mikli-Olgino farm belongs to the village of Miynala, Lakhdenpokhsky district, in close proximity to the skerries of Ladoga. On the farm there were built 2 comfortable wooden cottages (from 900 rubles per person) and a separate eight-bed house on the shore of Lake Ladoga (8 thousand rubles for the whole house). The base has a bathhouse, a summer cafe, a billiards room, a pier, and free parking. You can rent equipment, a boat, an ATV, a bicycle. Holidays on the farm will especially appeal to lovers of secluded places.

“Burnaya Ladoga” belongs to the Priozersky district, located at the mouth of the Burnaya River. Here tourists are provided with rooms in guest house(from 1 thousand rubles per person). The base has a bathhouse, a shooting range, a children's playground, and a sports ground. You can rent a rowing boat for 500 rubles/day; going to Ladoga by motor will cost 900 rubles/day or 300 rubles/hour. Many vacationers visit this base specifically to play paintball among real bunkers and pillboxes on the Mannerheim Line. In winter, exciting snowmobile safaris take place here.

How to get to Lake Ladoga

It is more convenient for Muscovites to get to Lake Ladoga through St. Petersburg. You can choose the most suitable method of transportation.

By train:

Electric trains run from St. Petersburg to the Ladoga Lake station from the Finlyandsky Station (8 flights in the summer). The trip will take 1 hour 20 minutes. Electric trains depart from the Baltic Station to the same station.

By car:

  • Route 1: we leave St. Petersburg along Kola M-18 and head towards A120, drive along A 120 to A-128.
  • Route 2: we leave St. Petersburg along the Ryabovskoye Highway, then continue along Borisov Griva until the turn near the village. Vaganova we leave on A-128.

Minibuses regularly go to Lake Ladoga from the Dybenko metro station.

By train:

From St. Petersburg you can get to the northern regions of Lake Ladoga from Ladozhsky Station by direct trains. Destination: Sortavala or Ilya Uuksu.

Photos of Lake Ladoga

The blue surface of the lake stretching far beyond the horizon... Bizarre boulders guarding the approaches to the forest... Forested placer picturesque islands... The walls of an ancient monastery, approaching the water itself... Winding bays, shrouded in the haze of fogs. All this is majestic and unique Ladoga.