Verkhne-Sysertskoe reservoir. Verkhnesysertskoye Reservoir Recreation center "White Sail"

Route date - July 07, 2016

When the air temperature outside approaches +30 o C, it is easy to fall into a state close to entering the astral plane. The heat dictates the criteria for choosing a route. And there is only one criterion - swimming, swimming and swimming again. But the element of novelty in our tourist routes is also important. There is a way out, gentlemen. The Bazhovsky Places natural park is at our service.
At the evening meeting of the group's General Staff it was approved next route: Sysert - Mechanical pond - Bessonova mountain - Sysertsky pond - Panova tract - Boiling spring - Lake Talkov Kamen - Chernovskaya ditch - quarry lakes of the village of Rudny Asbest.

Our route begins in the city of Sysert. The city is located in the valley of the Sysert River, surrounded by centuries-old pine forests, among many ponds: Sysertsky, Mechanical, Ilyinsky (Kashinsky).
Introducing some variety to our hiking experiences, we begin the route from the Mechanical Pond, which is in the eastern part of the city of Sysert, below the dam of the Sysertsky pond.

The mechanical pond was created in connection with the construction of an ironworks back in the 19th century. It connects the Bolshoy Sysertsky pond with Ilyinsky. The Uralgidromash plant is located on its shore. The pond is surrounded by a picturesque pine forest. From the side of the dam, Mount Bessonova is clearly visible.

Mount Bessonova is the most prominent one in Sysert. At its base, a dam of the Sysert pond and a plant appeared, and later the urban center of Sysert was formed. Since 1786, at the top of the mountain there has stood the St. Nicholas Chapel, which was famous for the fact that it housed the icon of St. Nicholas, especially revered by believers. During Soviet times, the chapel was blown up. And now on its top there is a Worship Cross, cast from cast iron, with the inscription “Save and Preserve” on the crossbar.

We walk along the picturesque shore of the Sysertsky pond to the suspension bridge, which will take us to its western shore.

Sysertsky pond is a large artificial reservoir located on the southwestern outskirts of Sysert. It was created in 1732 for a local ironworks. The pond was formed by a dam at the confluence of the Chernaya and Sysert rivers, and consists of three bays directed in different directions: Verkhnesysertsky (southern), Chernovsky (northern) and northeastern, from which the Sysert river flows.

The forest road passes through a picturesque pine forest and takes us to a gazebo and a small pond in the Panova tract.

The age of the healing spring Boiling Spring is more than 200 years. In this place there is a fault in the earth's crust; the water in the source does not freeze even in winter. The spring was consecrated, equipped, gazebos and a bathhouse were built. After the consecration, the Boiling Spring began to be called the Mother of God.

Not so long ago, from the Boiling Spring, a path leading to the Talkov Stone lake was filled with fine gravel.

One of the attractions of the Bazhovsky Places natural park, Lake Talkov Kamen, is located in the spurs of the Chernovsky Uval. The lake was formed as a result of the flooding of an abandoned talc mine. Mining for talc slate took place here in the late 19th century. With the discovery in 1927 of a large deposit of talc “Staraya Lenza” near the village of Shabrovsky, mining of the mineral at Talkovy Kamen ceased. Gradually the quarry filled with water.

The lake is irregular in shape, up to 60-70 meters in length. The depth of the lake reaches 32 meters. There is a legend that a unique collection of porcelain is hidden at the bottom of the quarry, which was sunk here in the 20s of the twentieth century. These treasures once belonged to the last owner of the Sysert factories, Dmitry Pavlovich Solomirsky.

It is from Lake Talkov Kamen that our reconnaissance part of the hike begins.

There is gullibility of varying degrees of severity. The group “Together in the Urals” is the living embodiment of extreme trust in the printed word and in topographic maps as well. How many times have we stepped on the rake called “You never know what’s marked on the maps,” but we still step on them with the tenacity of a maniac. Now we understand that along with the collapse of the great empire of the USSR, tourist routes of All-Russian significance have sunk into oblivion. But, to our great regret, these routes and these roads are marked on maps as existing and mislead some gullible tourists.
You never know what happened. What was once overgrown, and in our case, with grass and growth of woody origin. According to the map, an excellent road in the southwest direction should have taken us to the Chernovskaya Ditch hydraulic structure and a dam across the Tersut swamp. In fact, the trajectory of our movement was “catheto-shaped” - we moved from one overgrown clearing (direction - south) to another equally overgrown relative (direction - west).

Comfortable forest roads were only at Lake Talkov Kamen and at the dam across the Tersut swamp, but the beauty of the summer forest was completely at our disposal.

Sometimes we walked along the azimuth without any path, but still moved in the right direction.
- Oh, my heart feels, there is no need to go through this clearing.
- And where to? There is no other option... And it’s better than azimuth.
- I don’t know where, but I don’t like this clearing.
- Briefly speaking! Let's go to the end.
- Yeah. We'll meet there.

Two adults who are conditionally sane are mocking themselves of their own free will. Some kind of perverts, masochists. To be precise, these are ordinary tourists who are fighting the gloomy reality with love and pleasure.

We go out to the power lines and the situation from the category of “cretino-makekozo” is happily in its death throes. A forest road appears under your feet, what could be more pleasant?

The Chernovskaya ditch is a unique hydraulic structure of the 18th century located in the interfluve of the Northern Sysert, Kamenushka and Chernaya rivers. On our hike, we must cross that part of it that is located south of the Sysert-Rudnik Asbest highway and is depicted on all maps of the Sverdlovsk region, in contrast to the part that is north of the highway and does not appear on maps.
But first we have to overcome a small sea of ​​mud, hinting to us that a ditch is somewhere nearby. The noble reader need not worry, we successfully overcame this obstacle without getting our boots dirty.

This project was conceived to regulate the flow of water between three rivers and two factory ponds. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the main type of energy for operating Ural factories was water. It was she who set all production mechanisms in motion. According to the developers, the hydraulic structure was supposed to collect part of the water in the Chernaya and Kamenushka rivers and direct it first to the pond of the Verkhnesysertsky plant, and then to the Sysertsky pond for recycling at the Sysertsky plant. The ditch was laid completely from the Chernaya River to the Northern Sysert River, but for some reason it was not put into operation.

In this part, the man-made Chernovskaya ditch runs through the swamp. How did the unfortunate serfs and forced people of Demidov's times build it? It is hard to imagine. The ditch, of course, does not always go through the swamp. The northern part of it was dug into the mountain in a small area, and the ditch runs through the canyon. But here is a different case.
The total length of the Chernovskaya ditch is more than 10 kilometers. It is not known why such a grandiose hydraulic structure, on the creation of which so much effort and money was spent, was not put into operation. Various versions are being put forward: technical miscalculations, economic reasons (lack of funds), infighting between the Turchaninov heirs. But none of them seems certain.

There is about a kilometer left to the dam across the Tersut swamp. It's hot... We've already walked about 27 kilometers (and we expected the entire route to be 26 kilometers). Having gathered strength and will into a fist, thinking about lofty things (for example, about the upcoming meeting with quarry lakes), we move towards the intended goal.

Tersut swamp is the largest swamp between the cities of Sysert and Polevskaya. In ancient times, an ancient road from the Sysertsky plant to Polevskoy passed through the swamp. The road was “thin, with roads laid down.” They preferred to use it only in winter.

Oh, how hot it was. We wandered, wandered, wandered... and succeeded a lot. There are only 2 kilometers left to the saving bathing Quarry No. 1, but these kilometers seemed extremely long to us: there is some kind of path to communism - we just can’t get there. Caravans are wandering - salute to Malchish. But let's not get distracted from the main topic.
The first development of asbestos dates back to 1760. In the mid-19th century, the mine was abandoned as unprofitable, but in 1932 the deposit was re-explored. Reconnaissance discovered 4 areas that were mined in four quarries. The village of Asbest was built near the mine.
Finally, we reached Quarry No. 4 (or Tersutsky Quarry).

Next comes Quarry No. 3, where a recreation center is now located behind barbed wire. Hidden somewhere among the forest thickets is Quarry No. 2. We are striving with all our hearts for Quarry No. 1.
As we trudge towards our wonderful future, we can barely move our feet. Or rather, the legs live their own autonomous life and regularly perform their functions, for which we thank them very much. It’s just that the internal sense of time has changed, slowed down.
- Leave me alone, commander.
- I won’t give up. I want to lie down next to each other.
- That's right. We brewed the porridge together, and we cleared it up together. Otherwise, you understand, they picked the bitter berries together, and you picked the sweet berries alone.

Everything comes to an end someday. And he also came to our torment. And so the sultry air thickened in front of us, and from this air a quarry lake with turquoise-emerald water was woven. It was not a mirage. It was a real lake, also known as Quarry No. 1. Hooray!

Water! Delightfully wet, cool, clean, transparent, alive. We have risen from the dead. What we were like before swimming: dirty, exhausted, it’s not clear what; the hair on my head slightly resembled a raised sponge. And after swimming: cheerful, full of life, interesting ladies with a tourist appearance. This is what living water does to a person.

There is still a whole hour before the regular bus Rudnik Asbest - Sysert. And so we sit on the shore of the lake like two slightly shell-shocked Heroes of the Soviet Union and look at everything through the eyes of tired heroes - a little, a little condescendingly. Tourists are so strangely constructed that they cannot sit still for long. We decided to go out onto the highway and catch a ride. And they caught it. Such beautiful tourists do not lie on the road.

The trip statistics are as follows:
- total length of the route - 30 km;
- average speed - 4 km/h.

Let's sum up the results of our reconnaissance. You shouldn’t rely on the southwest direction indicated on the maps from Lake Talkov Kamen to the dam through the Tersut swamp, there is none. Maybe you should try going from Lake Talkov Kamen south almost to the northern end of the Verkhnesysertsky pond, and then walking along the power line to the west. But that will happen next time.

In the meantime, bye everyone.

Verkhnesysertsky reservoir (also called Verkhnesysertsky pond) is located at a distance of about 50 km from Yekaterinburg.

At the beginning of the 19th century, many reservoirs appeared on the Sysert River in connection with the construction of iron factories. Verkhne-Sysertsky pond is the most picturesque of them. Formed in 1849.

Numbers: The average depth is 4.5 meters. Width - about 1.5 kilometers. The Verkhne-Sysertsky pond has two branches - the northern (about 5 km long) and the southern (about 4 km).

There are a lot of lake fish here: perch, chebak, ruffe, pike and bream. The reservoir is a favorite place for fishermen.

Around the Verkhne-Syserstkoye reservoir on all sides there are protected forests, mainly pine forests, spruce, fir. Mushrooms and berries are growing. The area is ecologically clean, fresh air. The North and South Bays form a peninsula where a nature reserve has been created.

Next to the reservoir are the peaks of the Ural Mountains: Cape Emelyanov, Mount Karasya and others.

The bottom of the pond is rocky in places, sandy in others. However, the lake has many small bays with a sandy bottom, which is very convenient for vacationers.

There are many health camps built along the banks, there are sanatoriums, recreation centers, and boarding houses. The infrastructure is equipped - there are summer cafes, rental of catamarans and boats is available.


There are sandy bays, picturesque terrain, protected forests


It is located a little far from Yekaterinburg; to get there by public transport you will have to walk about 4-5 km

How to get there:

By personal car: We leave Yekaterinburg towards Chelyabinsk, before the traffic police post we turn towards Sysert. Beyond Sysert (the 50th kilometer of the Chelyabinsk highway) we pass the Sysertsky pond, drive a little further along the bridge, cross the Sysert river, turn right, pass the village. Verkhnyaya Sysert and we reach the Verkhne-Sysertsky pond.

By public transport: Buses run regularly to the village of Verkhnyaya Sysert. Minibus No. 170 departs daily from the Northern Bus Station of Yekaterinburg, and minibuses No. 130, No. 160 depart from the Southern Bus Station. At the fork before the final stop, you need to get out and walk along the road leading to the forest. From there it is about 4-5 km on foot to the lake.

Photo by Kostenko O.

Fishing on the Verkhnesysertsky reservoir: , , .

Direction from Ekaterinburg: Chelyabinsk
Distance from Yekaterinburg (range): up to 50km
How to get there:

We leave Yekaterinburg along the M-5 highway, drive through Sysert to the village of Verkhnyaya Sysert, it is located on the shore of a reservoir, near a dam. Then you can go both left and right.

Average depth: 3m
Maximum depth: 10.5m
Maximum length and width (km): 6.1*1.8km
Water transparency, purity: the water is slightly transparent.
Water supply sources:
Flowing rivers: Sysert River (Podnevaya Sysert).
Square: 5.6km 2
Wild holiday: in tents and cars.
Cultural recreation: On the northern shore there are recreation centers and children's camps.
Pay: For free
Origin of the reservoir:

Formed by a dam in 1849, it was reconstructed in 1969.


the bottom is flat, flat, with small holes.

Fish: Often they bite bream up to 2 kg, perch, pike up to 3 kg, pike perch up to 1.5 kg, dace and perch, roach and tench are found. In 2010, the reservoir was stocked with carp (there are specimens up to 10 kg), grass carp and silver carp. The place is very popular among fishermen, so the catch for each individual fisherman is not too large.