Reports on water trips along the rivers of Belarus. Kayaking in Belarus for a beginner: what you need to know and which routes to choose? When going on a water trip, each participant must have

Hiking trips kayaking is a great opportunity to see the beauty of the natural Belarusian nature, actively relax in the fresh air, and meet like-minded people. This holiday is suitable for both groups of tourists and individual rest. After physical activity, it will be so pleasant to refresh yourself with camp food cooked over a fire, go fishing on the river bank in complete silence, and leisurely enjoy the sunset while sitting on a steep bank.

The Belarusian tourist operator "Automated Tourism Technologies" organizes water trips along various routes on the rivers and lakes of Belarus. We are ready to offer the optimal option in terms of difficulty for each traveler - along the fastest rivers for experienced tourists or with numerous educational and excursion elements for beginners and amateurs, lasting from several hours to several days. Today we have our own capabilities to organize rafting trips for up to 60 people on double kayaks and canoes. Accommodation along the route is at the choice of travelers: from budget tourist stops to 3-4* hotels or sanatoriums. Each group is accompanied by an experienced instructor, each participant will receive the necessary equipment (oars, life jackets, hydrobags), if desired, an entertainment program can be organized - a hanging obstacle course, a mobile climbing wall, a field shooting range, courts for mini-football and volleyball, evening entertainment programs with guest musicians .

River rafting will be interesting:

  • for guests of Belarusian rural estates, it is pleasant to combine outdoor recreation with water trips along the nearest river;
  • for foreign guests - boat trips will complement the impressions received, spend active leisure time or relax in pleasant company on the river bank;
  • school groups - simple and exciting rafting trips, which are combined with walking, picnic, ethnographic excursions; can be timed to coincide with the day of the last bell, graduation;
  • For ecotourists, river rafting is a wonderful opportunity to observe floodplain plants, wild animals and other wildlife;
  • for corporate groups - organizing a corporate event or team building that will help unite the work team and get a lot of pleasant impressions from traveling together.

The most interesting rafting routes in Belarus:

Excursion name Number of days/nights Route description

water rafting on the Western Berezina

3/2 The middle part of the Western Berezina River is one of best options weekend rafting for Minsk residents, because the journey will only take an hour, after which you will find yourself in the most picturesque places of Volozhenya, where the river flow is measured and leisurely. An addition to the water trip will be a climb to Mount Sinyaya, from which a beautiful view of the bends of the river opens, and at the very top there are remains of defensive structures from the First World War.

water rafting in Isloch

3/2 Isloch is one of the rivers on which it is pleasant to open the water season and raft at any time of the year. It is famous for its fast flow and high banks, and the tortuosity of the river and many different obstacles will require concentration from the tourist. During the hike, breathing practice (pranayama), joint exercises, sun salutations, a detailed analysis of the basic yoga poses (asanas), and an introduction to the practice of meditation will be carried out.

water rafting on Luchesa

3/2 The river meanders strongly and is replete with obstacles in the form of fallen trees and rubble on them. In the middle of the route, the Luchesa flows through a picturesque “canyon” with three-meter banks. On the section to Vitebsk there are many rifts, wild birds and sandy beaches. The final point of the route is in Vitebsk, where the Luchesa flows into Western Dvina, so rafting can be combined with excursions around the regional center.

water rafting in the Berezinsky Nature Reserve

5/4 Berezinsky biosphere reserve is a natural pearl of Belarus, where a specially protected area has been created. Kayaking on the Berezina is accompanied by guides and instructors from the reserve. The program of the trip includes various events, intellectual and sports competitions, competitions, hiking, visit to the forest zoo and observation tower. Lake Palik is the largest in the reserve and the most fishy.

water rafting according to Stvige

6/5 Stviga is known for its pristine beauty, because behind every bend of the river travelers are greeted by unique Polesie landscapes. Dubrava and pine forests along the banks they alternately replace each other. The route along the river will pass along the Olmansky swamps, sparsely populated and lack settlements on the route - a feature of this hike. The river itself, although it seems calm, is rich in unexpected shallows and sandy reaches.

For the first time: Cruises on the rivers of Belarus: Pina, Pripyat, Mukhavets, Dnieper-Bug Canal.

Cruises around Belarus "Pearls of Polesie".

Polesie... A huge region full of secrets in the very center of Europe. Dense forests and marshy swamps stretch here for hundreds of kilometers. This region has always seemed mysterious, lost world, which constantly attracted the imagination of foreigners already during the Middle Ages. Countless rivers, rivulets and streams form complex system large and small waterways, virgin Polesie forests rustle around, and ancient settlements lie among them.

It seems incredible that in densely populated Europe, not a corner, but an entire region could survive - a real treasury of nature and ancient original peasant culture, a civilization relatively untouched by troubles.

Polesie is that pure spring of Slavism, to drink from which means to get to know the culture and life of our distant ancestors, to see them in the simplest manifestations of human life, which help to comprehend its main values, and, perhaps, the meaning itself.

In the swamps of Polesie, as before, the miracle berry, the cranberry, ripens under the autumn sun, dozens of species of edible mushrooms and berries grow in the forests, and ripe heavy nuts fall to the ground in the fall. This region is rich, in which ancient rituals are still alive.

It is known that our ancestors - the ancient Slavs - settled on the banks of majestic rivers and quiet lakes. We tried to find places where the soil would be more fertile. Over time, entire groups of settlements and even the first cities arose in such territories. In the same way, on the border of a huge black earth field stretching for tens of kilometers south of the Pripyat River, one of the oldest cities Polesie and all of Ancient Rus' - Turov. This “field” is the most fertile in Belarus to this day. The villages, hamlets, and towns that stand on it have almost a thousand-year history. Like their ancestors, modern Poleshuks are engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, forestry, fishing in rivers and lakes, and collecting medicinal herbs. Traditional pottery, wicker weaving, weaving, and embroidery, traditional in many villages, have not been forgotten. Locals They collect berries and mushrooms, and engage in hunting and fishing. Polesie bees and beekeeping have been famous since time immemorial. This special craft, the practice of which was widespread, contributed to a special culture; traces of it are found in every Polesie house.

Due to its significance and inaccessibility of the territory, its integrity, Polesie continues to remain a huge natural museum under open air. Here you can also see ancient costumes in everyday life, hear ancient songs, and even attend the pagan Slavic holiday of Ivan Kupala, which is truly celebrated only here.

The route of this cruise is completely new, laid far from the cruise routes already mastered by tourists.

The route will pass through a vast ancient region, which has long been considered the cradle of the Eastern Slavs. The name of this region is given by the names of two cities - Turov and Pinsk, which were during the times of Kievan Rus and later the centers of the principalities. Turovo-Pinsk land, or otherwise Turovo-Pinsk Polesie, gave refuge to the Slavs for many centuries. Over the centuries, the culture and life of urban and rural residents of this region have evolved.

Farms and villages arose in the forest thickets, cities and towns were founded, temples and castles were erected, and water canals were built. Local land has always been generous with talents: architects and skilled craftsmen, peasant craftsmen and storytellers, famous writers grew up and worked here. This land is the birthplace of perhaps the most outstanding writer of Ancient Rus', Kirill of Turovsky. It was here that the ancestors of our other great compatriot, F.M., lived for several centuries. Dostoevsky. Their name family nest- the Dostoevo estate, located near Pinsk, - and gave the spelling of such a well-known surname in the world today.

Having become acquainted with this rich and at the same time little-known region, it is impossible not to fall in love with it, not to “get sick” of it...

There are so many rivers in Belarus that it is impossible to ignore such a popular species today active rest like kayaking. There are many different routes, long and short, difficult and easy, and there is something for everyone.

If you haven't tried kayaking yet, at the beginning of the new season it's time to plan a little water trip for yourself. And here's what you should know.


All Belarusian rivers suitable for rafting belong to the first category of difficulty, that is, the easiest. But a lot depends on the water route, because they are different in duration (not all of them will take a trip of several days at once) and complexity. On Belarusian rivers, obstacles are, as a rule, fallen trees, snags, bridges or thickets, but not rapids. And rafting in Belarus can hardly be called extreme. Even if the kayak capsizes, there is no danger, because the depth of the rivers is shallow, and you cannot raft without a life jacket. The main threats are getting sunburned, freezing if the water is cold, or getting tired from a new type of physical activity.

Thus, the simplest water routes are suitable for everyone, including small children and physically unprepared adults. And if you want a long hike and adventure on a steep river, then you need to take into account your capabilities.


You can organize a water trip yourself. To do this, you need to rent kayaks and take care of their delivery to the starting point. In Minsk, renting a kayak for the weekend will cost around 70 rubles, in the regions it’s cheaper. This option is more economical, but is suitable only for those who have already tried rafting, know how to use an oar, and are familiar with the route along which it is possible to raft safely and interestingly.

If you are getting into a kayak for the first time and there is no one in your company with experience, it is better to contact a travel agency and go with a guide. They will solve all problems with equipment for you, teach you the basic rules of behavior on a kayak and guide you along a proven route so that you have a good impression and want to kayak again. Don’t wait until the last minute and organize your trip in advance.


It’s not at all necessary to go kayaking for a whole weekend for the first time. There are plenty of suggestions for day hikes and even walks of a couple of hours. Moreover, you can try your hand without leaving Minsk, or at least in its vicinity.

And the maximum number of days for walking is not limited. Most often, walks are organized for 2-3 days, but there are week-long or longer programs with overnight stays in the forest in tents or on agricultural estates.


Many water routes are not limited to rafting. In addition to the fact that the organizers take care of the delivery of kayaks and bring your things to your overnight stay, they set up tents, light a fire, and organize camping evenings with a delicious dinner and songs with a guitar.

Some routes combine rafting and excursions, because at any time you can moor to the shore, see an interesting church, ruins of a palace or a village, or walk through a picturesque forest. You just need to choose a route with a lot of attractions along the way and don’t be lazy about mooring to the shore.

In addition, even familiar places look different from the river, for example, people talk about boat trips in Minsk. Even for a well-known city you can find a new perspective. And if the route runs through wild forests, there is an opportunity to see many birds and animals.


There are several routes around Minsk. You can sail along the Svisloch from the Drozdy reservoir to Victory Park.

Or raft from Chizhovka to Loshitsky Park.

Most routes last several hours. There are even options for evening rafting to watch the sunset against the backdrop of the city and enjoy the views of evening Minsk. The cost of walking around Minsk ranges from 40 to 80 rubles, you can also find offers on promotions, then a small rafting trip will cost 20 rubles.


One of the most popular rivers for rafting is Isloch.

You won’t surprise anyone with kayaks there. People raft on the river 40 km from Minsk regularly throughout the season, which lasts, by the way, from April to October. Many rental points organize the delivery of kayaks to the river, and there are even more offers for ready-made routes around Isloch. This river, by the way, is not the easiest to navigate: winding, fast, with few obstacles. But this attracts tourists rather than repels them. In addition, it has very clear water, and along the way there are picturesque places: Nalibokskaya Pushcha, the ruins of the Tyshkevich castle. They go to Isloch for 2-3 days, a 3-day route will cost around 160 rubles.

Another classic route follows the Narochanka River, the only one that flows out of Lake Naroch. This hike is loved for the picturesque nature of the Naroch region. In addition, along the way there is the village of Naroch with a beautiful church, a mini-museum in the village of Zabrodye and memorial Complex. During rafting you can swim and even bungee jump. The rafting ends on the Viliya River near the Oginsky estate in the village of Zalesye. Traveling along this route will also cost around 160 rubles.

The route along the Sula River, which also flows not so far from Minsk, is considered to be quite simple. Along the way there are old mills and farmsteads. A 2-day route costs about 140 rubles.

Belarusians increasingly began to kayak on their native rivers. Some people come with their family to spend an unusual weekend, others take friends and celebrate birthdays and other holidays on the water. Still others conduct team building and corporate events on kayaks. Where are the most beautiful and interesting water routes and how much does it cost to see the beauty of Belarusian nature from the water?

First, let's talk about the “kayak movement” of Belarus

Today in our country we have great amount travel companies organizing water trips. Travelers are offered rafting trips for one, two, three and four days with overnight stays in farmsteads or in the forest.

At the same time, they fully provide for the tourist: they prepare food for him over a fire, set up a tent, provide instructions and insure him. The last point is one of the most important: almost every company in the state has its own experienced instructor who will teach how to swing a paddle correctly (a common expression of a kayaker) even to someone who sees a kayak for the first time in his life.

Speaking of kayaks. Today in Belarus they offer rides on inflatable, plastic and frame-collapsible kayaks. Plus, there is the opportunity to go kayaking. The only thing Belarus is not rich in is transparent kayaks. This type has long been popular all over the world, of course: you row and see what is under the water.

We really hope that a miracle of engineering will appear here soon.


The starting price for an organized kayak trip in Belarus is 1,000,000 ($50). We're talking about a three-day trek, the price of which includes food, travel and equipment. Of course, for the same set you can pay 1,600,000 ($80) and 2,000,000 ($100) - it all depends on the organization.

If you don’t want to see a stranger next to you, plus you have experience in operating a kayak, you can always just rent a kayak and the necessary equipment. On average, the cost of renting for two days is 400,000-600,000 ($20-$30).

So, let's start our top. As experienced tourists say, kayaking on big rivers- not interesting: big turns, currents and a long distance to the shore. That's why we decided to tell you about hiking on small rivers.

First in the list of routes - water trip in Minsk

Yes, you didn’t think so: now everyone has the opportunity to ride a kayak along the capital’s Svisloch River. Similar entertainment appeared last season. The guys from organized water route 10 kilometers: start from the Drozdy reservoir, arrival at Victory Park. All summer we rode and surprised Minsk residents and city guests:

“We took quite a lot of people around Svisloch. Among them were foreigners who were always very surprised by the possibility of kayaking around the city. And all because there is nothing like this in any European capital,” says one of the organizers and instructors, Egor.

During all the time of water rides around the city, we plunged into Svisloch only once: experienced guys decided to have fun on the river and threw each other off the kayak. Is it scary to fall into a city river? Yegor says it’s not scary: “At the end of the city, of course, it’s not worth swimming, but in the upper reaches, where we skate, the water is clean.”

This summer the guys will launch another route: starting in the Chizhovka microdistrict and rafting to Loshitsky Park. Entertainment costs 200,000 per person.

The second is a hike around Isloch

Rafting on this river has already become a “pop” - in the summer, an incredible number of Belarusian tourists raft along Isloch. So traffic on this river in June and July is like on the main highway: there are people both on the river and on the shore.

What attracts travelers to Isloch? Firstly, it is located near Minsk (30-40 kilometers), which eliminates the problem of transfer. Secondly, the river has very clean water (transparent kayaks would be nice here). Thirdly: a large number of submerged snags, fallen trees and remains of bridges, which make the hike more dynamic and fun.

In general, rafting in Isloch is suitable for extroverts who like to actively swing a paddle.

The third - rafting with a focus on history along Sula

The most interesting thing about this route is the immersion in history. Previously, a huge number of mills operated on the banks of the Sula. Many of which have survived to this day. So you can make a stop near the red brick house that catches your eye and wander around and inside this godforsaken place.

By the way, even in the last century this river was navigable, but during the Second World War, the forests around were cut down for the needs of the army and the water disappeared. Every year the situation is getting worse: already in April of this year, the water level in the river was minimal for spring. However, rafting on the Sula still delivers and delights with marvelous scenery and tranquility.

Fourth: rafting on the Narochanka River, turning into a trip along Viliya

A classic water route passing through some of the most picturesque places in Belarus: the landscapes change, from hills to plains and high banks.

This route also has an interesting historical component. On the banks of the Narochanka there is the village-museum of Zabrodye. While your kayaks are drying on the shore, you can stroll through nature untouched by man and see: USSR slot machines, a chapel, museums of everyday life and retro equipment. If desired, even ride a tank.

Then return to the kayaks again and swim to the calm Viliya, on the shore of which there is also one interesting museum- estate of composer Mikhail Oginsky.

And the fifth path: the rivers Servech - Viliya

On this path you will find a lot of rubble, which will create an effect a la a mountain river. There will also be flooded banks overgrown with nettles, where you can see birds of prey - kites and eagles. In general, the places there are remote, but calm.

Another plus of going along this route: an excursion to the Ilovsky fruit canning plant. Naturally, with tasting of fruit wines. A sort of immersive trash talk.

Kayakers who have walked along the route say that the path is very atmospheric, and the wine is not bad. thanks an experienced kayaker and water travel organizer for their help in preparing the material

"PIROGA" invites you to spend an exciting weekend in nature - go on a boat trip! Kayaking is one of the best options for active recreation in Belarus with its myriad of rivers and lakes. The romance of the hike, the beautiful route, the evenings around the fire in the company of friends will be remembered for the rest of your life.

Country/Region: Belarus / any region.

Type of holiday: water trip, kayaking, active weekend, family vacation.

Season/date: April - October.

Duration: 3 days / 2 days of rafting.

Band size: organized groups of 10 people.

Necessary requirements: average physical shape.

Route * : R. Isloch, r. Zap. Berezina-r. Neman, b. Narochanka, b. Vilia, b. Uzlyanka-r. Narochanka, b. Narochanka-r. Vilia, b. Oshmyanka, r. Oshmyanka-r. Vilia, b. Stracha (upper), r. Stracha (lower).

Cost of participation: 190 BYN | person | group 10-19 people, 180 BYN | person | group of over 20 people.

* It is possible to organize water trips along routes in all regions of Belarus.

375 29 379 71 78
+375 29 805 81 91
+375 29 379 71 78
+375 29 380 58 77

This offer was created for organized groups. The group itself chooses the dates of the hike and the route. If you are tired of inventing, organizing, arranging on your own, we are ready to offer you a ready-made solution!

On the first day, the group pulls into a pre-prepared and equipped parking lot (tent structure, fireplace with firewood, tent camp set up).

To participate in a water trip, no special skills or training are required, general physical training is sufficient, and full instructions will be provided.

When hiking, you don’t need to carry a heavy backpack and limit its contents. Personal belongings of participants are transported on the organizers' transport.

"PIROGA" provides participants of the trip with all the necessary equipment for water tourism.

The age of participants is practically unlimited

This type of active recreation is available to everyone; special skills and equipment are not necessary. The routes of water trips are adapted to any level of training of participants; all necessary equipment is provided by the organizers.



20.00. Arrival at the equipped parking lot on the river bank, meeting with the instructors of the PIROGA project.

20.00-20.30. Opening remarks by the organizers. Accommodation in tents.
20.30-21.30. Dinner.

21.30-23.00. Free time, bonfire.
23.00. Lights out.


09.00. Breakfast.
09.30-10.30. Collection of personal belongings.
10.30-11.00. Safety instructions and training in the basics of kayak control, launching vessels.
11.00-13.30. Alloy. 1 part.

13.30-14.30. "Lunch-snack" on the route.

14.30-16.30. Alloy. Part 2.
16.30. Arrival at the equipped parking lot (the parking lot is equipped with an awning structure, a place for a fire with firewood).

17.00-17.30. Dinner. 1 part.
18.00-20.00. Free time. Operation of "activity points" (badminton court, darts, camp sauna - included in the price; "on-site shooting range", volleyball court - paid additionally).
20.00-23.00. Dinner part 2. Free time, campfire.
23.00. Lights out.


09.00. Breakfast.
09.30-10.30. Collection of personal belongings.
10.30- 13.30. Alloy. 1 part.

13.30-14.30. "Lunch-snack" on the route.

14.30-16.30. Alloy. Part 2.
16.00-16.30. Completion of the rafting.
17.00-17.30. Departure of participants.


190 BYN | person | group of 10-19 participants;
180 BYN | person | group of over 20 participants.

route development and selection;
support along the route (1 instructor for 10-15 people);
place in 2- and 3-seater kayaks;
rafting equipment: paddle, life jacket, waterproof bag for personal belongings;
accommodation in tents (2,3,4 persons), equipped with sleeping bags and camping mats;
equipment for setting up a camp (Zvezda tent structure + camping furniture + lighting, camp toilet, washbasin);
arrangement of camps (starting parking and parking for 2 days): installation of the “Star” tent structure with camping furniture and lighting, installation of a camp toilet;
parking lot cleaning, garbage removal;
organization of “activity points”: badminton court, darts;
organization of a camp bath;
group first aid kit;
drinking water along the route;
transport support (transportation of personal belongings of participants along the route);
installation and dismantling of tents (starting parking and parking for 2 days);
catering according to the program (camping menu);
disposable tableware and cooking equipment.


transfer (Minsk - route start - Minsk).


organizing transfer of participants;
equipment for a volleyball court (50 BYN | net, balls);
organization of a visiting shooting range (archery and air gun shooting under the guidance of an instructor - 200 BYN | event).


5% - repeated application;
10% - multiple requests (more than 2 times);
20% - order on weekdays (Mon-Thu);
30 BYN - your own kayak, 10 BYN - your own tent, 6 BYN - your own sleeping bag, 4 BYN - your own rug;
free - children under 6 years old | 20% - children 6-12 years old | free - second child.


This list of rivers is basic. It is possible to organize a boat trip along the river preferred by the customer

Rafting on the Isloch River (40 km)

Route: r. Isloch.
Length: 32 km.

Rafting on the Svisloch River (50 km)

Rafting on the river Svislach

Rafting on the Viliya River (95 km)

Route: r. Vilia.
Length: 35 km.

Rafting on the Narochanka - Viliya rivers (110 km)

Rafting on the Narochanka - Viliya rivers

Rafting on the Narochanka River (115 km)

Route: r. Narochanka.
Length: 32 km.

Rafting on the Uzlyanka - Narochanka rivers (120 km)

Route: r. Uzlyanka - r. Narochanka.
Length: 36 km.

Rafting on the Oshmyanka-Vilia rivers (150 km)

Route: r. Oshmyanka - r. Vilia.
Length: 36 km.

Rafting on the Stracha River (lower) (190 km)

Route: r. Stracha (lower).
Length: 33 km.

Rafting on the Stracha River (upper) (200 km)

Route: r. Stracha (upper).
Length: 32 km.



375 29 379 71 78
+375 29 805 81 91
+375 29 379 71 78
+375 29 380 58 77


Safety precautions

In order to ensure the safety of other rafting participants and preserve your health, you must follow the following rules.


  1. If you do not know how to swim, or are not confident in swimming, be sure to inform the instructor before starting the rafting.
  2. Each rafting participant must follow the instructions of the instructor and group leader regarding:
    - crew composition of the vessel (kayak, canoe, raft);
    - loading equipment and products into the ship;
    - moving through water;
    - organization of parking, water and walking tours, bathing.
  3. Each rafting participant is required to wear a fastened life jacket while moving through the water.
  4. When moving on water, vessels must maintain a clear line of sight from each other.
  5. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rule: the rafting crew must see the vessels following in front and behind. If the vessel following you on a straight line is not visible, stop and wait.
  6. When approaching an obstacle (snag, blockage, bridge, hanging branches), always try to slow down the vessel. When passing an obstacle (blockage, threshold, low bridge, snags), listen to the instructor’s advice and try to repeat what you heard. Help neighboring crews.
  7. Independent departure on a vessel from the mooring area for the purpose of walking, fishing, etc. is carried out only in agreement with the group leader.
  8. In the event of a painful condition accompanied by dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, loss of coordination, dizziness, deterioration in the movement of limbs, or other visible signs of painful conditions that interfere with the safe operation of the vessel, the rafting participant must immediately notify the instructor.


When traveling on water on a vessel, it is prohibited:

  1. be in an unfastened life jacket or without such a vest;
  2. drink alcoholic beverages;
  3. operate a vessel while intoxicated and (or) in a state caused by the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, toxic or other intoxicating substances;
  4. operate the vessel in a sick or tired state, jeopardizing the safety of other participants in the rafting, as well as under the influence of medications that reduce attention and reaction speed;
  5. smoking on the boat. If there is a need to smoke, invite the group to take a break;
  6. leave a ship that is not moored to the shore (i.e., jump into the water), as well as swim from the ship;
  7. stand in a ship;
  8. rock the ship;
  9. sit on the top of the ship's hull;
  10. lean over the side of a ship;
  11. move around the ship, as well as transfer from one ship to another while moving;
  12. crash into a vessel operated by others;
  13. perform actions that could lead to an accident and (or) harm to other rafting participants.

While in parking lots it is prohibited:

  1. lighting fires in places not approved by the group leader;
  2. swimming using a vessel.

When moving on water and while in parking lots, it is prohibited:

  1. pollute and litter waters and lands. All consumer waste and other environmentally polluting substances and objects generated during the operation of the vessel and while at the berth are placed in special bags and containers on the berth area;
  2. cause any other harm to the surrounding nature and its inhabitants.

Participant's Memo

Rules of conduct on the route

  • Try to be as collected as possible. Compliance with the movement schedule by all participants in the rafting largely guarantees the success of the trip.
  • The instructor’s requirements aimed at maintaining safety, maintaining order, and following the schedule are mandatory for all participants in the trip.
  • The instructor is always ready to help you! Tell him about any problems you have. In the vast majority of cases they are removable!


  • Each participant is required to follow safety precautions (you must familiarize yourself with them in advance on the website) and follow the instructor’s commands.
  • The group is accompanied by an instructor at all times, and ensuring general safety is the responsibility of the instructor.
  • During the hike, the instructor is given a standard tourist first aid kit; the tourist must have individual medications (if necessary) with him.
  • The use of a life jacket while on the route is mandatory.
  • While moving, boats must be within line of sight of each other.
  • It is prohibited to stand up to your full height in a kayak.
  • It is very important to maintain a distance of movement.

Rules of behavior in nature

  • Treat nature with care.
  • To avoid fire, completely extinguish matches and cigarette butts.
  • Either burn all your garbage or take it with you into the kayak and throw it away in garbage containers at the end point.
  • Parking areas must be left cleaner than they were before you arrived.

Emergency situations


  • rubble;
  • low trees and bridges;
  • rapids, small rifts, clamps, etc.

Passing some of them requires a short-term mobilization of your capabilities - working with the oars “with all your might.”
Some obstacles are insurmountable while afloat (a bridge lying directly on the water, a dam, a solid blockage). Sometimes, to overcome these obstacles, a portage is required - unloading the vessels and carrying all equipment (including the vessels themselves) along the shore - or a pilot, when the participants guide the kayak through the obstacle. In each case, the instructor explains the options for passing obstacles.

Sudden deterioration in weather conditions

The equipment used to organize the trip (kayaks, tents, etc.) is designed for use in a wide variety of conditions. weather conditions, including unfavorable ones. However, to make fuller use of its capabilities in the event of worsening weather, sometimes prompt work on setting up a bivouac is required (quickly pulling up an awning in case of rain, quickly setting up tents, making a fire, etc.).


Despite the stability of the kayak, sometimes the vessel capsizes (“overkill”) and participants and property fall into the water. All members of the group take part in rescuing the crew and property.

To prevent the consequences of situations where a tourist suddenly falls into the water, according to safety precautions, all tourists must wear a life jacket while they are in a kayak.


If safety rules are followed, a fire is unlikely even in dry times. However, if it occurs (even through no fault of the participants), it is mandatory to extinguish it. If there is a large area of ​​fire and it is impossible to extinguish the fire, the group is obliged to call the fire service even at the expense of the hike (move schedule, diet, etc.) or even sacrificing the entire hike.

Preventing injury, saving lives

This situation is extremely rare. If there is a danger to human health and life, all possible measures are taken to prevent injury. The original goals of the trip fade into the background or are cancelled. All participants are UNCONDITIONALLY subject to the instructional staff.

List of personal items

When going on a water trip, each participant must have:

"Wet kit" (clothing for the route):

1. shoes (sneakers, old sneakers) or neoprene boots or sandals with fixation on the heel;
2. long sleeve T-shirt;
3. rain cape or waterproof suit;
4. headdress;
5. sunglasses;
6. gloves.

"Dry" set (spare set of clothes):

1. warm sweater;
2. T-shirts, tank tops;
3. dry shoes;
4. change of underwear;
5. socks, warm socks;
6. others at your discretion.

Personal items:

1. personal first aid kit with necessary medications that may not be in the group first aid kit;
2. personal hygiene products;
3. toilet paper;
4. mobile phone (in hermetic packaging);
5. protective cream against the sun, against chapping;
6. repellent for mosquitoes, midges and ticks.

Extensions for Joomla