Lake Ladoga: description, depth, relief, fish. Lake Ladoga What is Lake Ladoga connected to

There is such a charming land in Russia, which is attracted by the magnificent mirror-like surfaces of countless lakes. Some information about this wonderful place can be found in this article. Here you will be told about the diversity of the landscape of this region, about where Lake Ladoga is located. A description will also be provided.

This territory occupies the northwestern part of great Russia. She is discreet and at the same time surprisingly attractive and versatile. Taiga landscapes give way to swamps rich in cloudberries, lingonberries and cranberries. More elevated areas are decorated with spruce and small-leaved forests.

It is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. The length is 219 km, and the largest width is 138 km. The eastern and northern parts of it belong to Karelia, while the southern and southeastern shores belong to the Leningrad region. The water capacity of this lake is 908 km³.

Previously, the Littorin Sea was connected to the lake by a wide strait, and the river. Mga flowed eastward and also flowed into it.

Where it is now, the land rose quickly, and thus the lake, over time, turned into a closed-type reservoir. The water level began to increase, its waters flooded the valley of the river. Mga and broke into the valley of Tosna. 4000 years ago, a strait appeared between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga, which is now the valley of the river. Neva. The relief has remained practically unchanged over the past 2.5 thousand years.

The northern section of Lake Ladoga is located on the Baltic crystalline shield, and the southern section is on the East European platform.

From the history of Lake Ladoga

The described lake is present at one of the very first geographic maps State of Moscow, which was compiled in 1544 by Sebastian Münster (German cartographer). More detailed map was presented in 1812 at the Admiralty Department.

Ladoga for Russia has always been a territory of important strategic importance. In the 9th century, an important waterway from the Varangians to the Greeks passed here. There is also documentary evidence of the existence of Nevo (the name of Lake Ladoga in the old days) - an ancient Russian chronicle dated 1228. And the first capital before Kievan Rus was at the confluence of Lake Ladoga. Volkhov. Petrovskoe time is also associated with this lake. Also, Lake Ladoga was a witness to the battles of the Great Northern War.

Where Lake Ladoga is located, a huge number of significant historical events took place. All cannot be enumerated. But it is important to note that Lake Ladoga was the "Road of Life" during the Second World War. Most of the coast of the lake at this difficult time for the country was under the German-Finnish occupation. The people of Leningrad were cut off from the whole world. Only the southwestern part of the lake was open for communication with Soviet troops (1941-1943). This route started from the port of Osinovets on Lake Ladoga and ended at the docks of Leningrad.

Over the entire period of the existence of this road, more than 1.5 million tons of cargo were transported and transported along it, which allowed the surviving residents of Leningrad to hold out until the blockade was lifted. Also, about 900 thousand people were evacuated along this road.

Much of the history is kept in this great lake. Today, at the place where the most important "Road of Life" ran, there are 102 memorial pillars and 7 monuments. All of them are included in the "Green Belt of Glory". This is the memory of the past very difficult times.

Lake Ladoga is one of the largest fresh water bodies in Europe. In our article, we want to talk about where is what nature and climate on its coast. It has quite interesting characteristics. The nature here is especially beautiful.

Location of the lake

Where is Lake Ladoga located? It is partially located in Karelia (eastern and northern coast) and in the Leningrad region (southern, southeastern, western). On its banks are such cities as Novaya Ladoga, Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Sortavala, Lakhdenpohja, Pitkyaranta.

Lake Ladoga on the map is located simultaneously in the Leningrad Region and in Karelia. It's big enough. In addition, there are also islands on it. The area of ​​Lake Ladoga is 17.9 square kilometers, excluding the island sites. It stretches from north to south for two hundred and nineteen kilometers. Its widest point is one hundred and thirty-eight kilometers. Agree, the dimensions are impressive. According to these parameters, one can estimate what is the area of ​​Lake Ladoga.

The depth of the reservoir in the northern region ranges from seventy to two hundred and thirty meters, and in the southern part from twenty to seventy meters. As you can see, the depth of Lake Ladoga is very heterogeneous, and is of greatest importance in the northern part of the reservoir. And the volume of the mass of water is nine hundred and eight cubic meters.

Rivers of Lake Ladoga and islands

Thirty-five rivers flow into the reservoir. But only one originates from it - the Neva. There are three large bays on the southern coast of the lake: Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya and Shlisselburgskaya inlets.

The largest river flowing into Ladoga is the Svir. She brings the waters of Lake Onega into it. Rivers such as Avloga, Morye, Burnaya, Ayrayoki, Vidlitsa, Obzhanka, Syas, Olonka and others also flow into the reservoir.

It must be said that the water level in Lake Ladoga is not constant. It fluctuates constantly, and this is remarkably visible from the white stripes on the rocks that go under the water.

The islands of Lake Ladoga are quite numerous. There are about 660 of them. Their total area is four hundred and thirty-five square kilometers. I must say that more than five hundred islands are located in the northern part of the reservoir. This is Skherny District.

The largest islands:

  1. Riekkalansari - 55.3 km. sq.
  2. Mantsinsaari - 39.4 km. sq.
  3. Kilpola - 32.1 km. sq.
  4. Tulolansari - 30.3 km. sq.
  5. Baalaam - 27.8 km. sq.

The most famous islands on the lake are the Valaam Islands. They represent an archipelago of fifty islands with a total area of ​​about thirty-six square kilometers. They became famous thanks to the Valaam monastery, located on the main island, and the Nativity of the Theotokos monastery on the island of Konevets.

The history of the appearance of the lake

Lake Ladoga is located in a hollow of glacial tectonic origin. Three or four hundred million years ago, the entire territory of the lake and its basin was covered by the sea.

The modern relief was formed as a result of the activity of the glacier. The main factor was the change in the sea level, the land was raised. After the glacier retreated, the Baltic freshwater glacial lake... Later, the waters of this reservoir went to the territory of modern Switzerland. And there the Yoldian Sea formed.

Nine and a half thousand years ago, due to the rise of land, Lake Ancylovo appeared. On the Karelian Isthmus, it was connected by a strait with Lake Ladoga. And eight and a half thousand years ago, continuing tectonic processes opened the Danish straits, and the Litorina Sea was formed. This, in turn, led to the appearance of the Karelian Isthmus and, in fact, the formation of Lake Ladoga. Over the past two and a half thousand years, the relief in these places has hardly changed.

The northern part of the lake is located on the southern - on the East European platform. It is at the junction of these surfaces that the greatest depth of Lake Ladoga is observed.

Climatic conditions

Lake Ladoga has a temperate climate, as it were, a transitional form from temperate maritime to temperate continental. Such climatic conditions can be easily explained. Geographical position Lake Ladoga and the atmospheric circulation of this region have determined such a climate.

I must say that in these places there are not many sunny days a year. This means that the amount of solar heat entering the earth is not so great. Therefore, moisture evaporates extremely slowly. There can be only sixty-two sunny days in 12 months. Most of the year, days with cloudy, cloudy weather and diffused lighting prevail in this region.

It is better to plan a vacation on Lake Ladoga in the period from May twenty-fifth to July seventeenth, then it will be possible to observe the white nights here. On these days, the sun does not sink below the horizon, morning and evening twilight merge into a single whole. In general, white nights last for about fifty days.

It should be noted that Lake Ladoga itself also affects the local climate, smoothing out extreme characteristics. Throughout the year, south-westerly and westerly winds dominate here. Quiet and calm weather is extremely rare. Sometimes the winds are stormy.

There are breezes all over the coast during summer days and nights. They start at about nine in the morning and continue until eight in the evening. Breezes penetrate inland for fifteen kilometers. Fogs are observed here most often in spring, autumn and summer.

Lake shoreline

The coastline of Ladoga is over a thousand kilometers. The northern shores are heavily indented rocks, forming many peninsulas and narrow bays, as well as small islets separated by straits.

The southern coastline is low. It is less indented and is often flooded by waters. The coast is completely covered with rocky reefs, banks, shallows. Volkhovskaya, Svirskaya and Shlisselburgskaya bays are the largest bays of Lake Ladoga.

The eastern shores are very little indented. There are two bays here: Uksunlahti and Lunkulanlahti. It is in this part that wide beautiful sandy beaches are found.

The western bank of the reservoir is even less indented. It is completely overgrown with dense mixed forests and bushes, which came close to the water. The coast is dotted with boulders. Stone ridges sometimes go far into the depths of the lake from the cape, thus forming dangerous shoals.

Lake bottom relief

As we noted earlier, the topography of the lake bottom is heterogeneous and has a clear increase in depth from south to north. We can say that the average depth of the reservoir is about fifty meters, and the greatest is two hundred thirty-three meters (towards the north of the island of Valaam). Lake Ladoga in the northern part has a very uneven bottom. It is covered with depressions. And in the southern region, the bottom is smoother and more even. Lake Ladoga is the eighth deepest lake in Russia.

The transparency of the lake water is different for different shores. Its lowest values ​​are observed in the Volkhovskaya Bay, and the highest - in the western direction from the Valaam Islands.

During a strong storm, the water in the lake, as they say, boils and rages, it is completely covered with foam.

Only the central part of the reservoir can be covered with ice and only in very severe winters. A long cold period leads to a strong cooling of the water, for this reason the water in the lake remains cold even in summer. She only manages to warm up in a thin top layer and a narrow coastal strip. The maximum surface water temperature is in August, when it is twenty-four degrees. The water in the lake is fresh and, in principle, quite clean, except for those areas where there is a runoff pollution with industrial waste.

The economic value of the lake

The place where Lake Ladoga is located has determined its serious economic importance for the country. The fact is that the lake is navigable, which is important for the region. It is considered one of the parts of the waterway entering the Volga-Baltic route, as well as the White Sea-Baltic canal.

The most navigable is the southern part of Ladoga from the Neva to the Svir. Since the reservoir is of serious size, storms often occur here, especially in autumn. During such periods, all shipping stops for the safety of passenger ships.

Since the founding of St. Petersburg, the lake has become part of the unified water transport system of northern Russia. For safe navigation along the southern coast, the Staro Ladoga Canal was laid. As soon as it became insufficient, the Novoladozhsky Canal, one hundred and sixty-nine kilometers long, was also laid.

The Staraya Ladoga Canal is now almost completely dry and overgrown. And the second channel is navigable to this day. Up to eight million tons of cargo is transported along the lake per year. Oil products, chemical raw materials, building materials, timber are transported to the Baltic from the Volga. In addition, tens of thousands of passengers are transported across Ladoga every year.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities there are cruises (tourist) to the islands of Konevets and Valaam. Vessels go to pass through the central water area of ​​the lake, where the shores are not visible. And with strong winds, you can feel significant rolling.

There are no regular passenger traffic in Ladoga. However, twice a day, motor ships of the tourist direction run in certain directions during the navigation periods.

Fish that live in the waters of the lake

Fish of Lake Ladoga is of industrial importance. Ten species are caught, among which the most popular are vendace, smelt, and ripus. There are a lot of pike perch and whitefish in the lake.

Rest on Ladoga

Despite the fact that the water in Lake Ladoga remains cold even in summer, it attracts a large number of tourists. As we said earlier, there are beautiful sandy beaches along the coast. Especially popular among tourists northern islands... The best period for kayaking on the lake is June and July. A little closer to autumn, storms begin, in which the excitement of the water is like in the sea.

There is also the Nizhnesvirsky nature reserve on the lake. It is located on the right bank of the Protected Area - wetlands of international importance. They are interesting because they are a nesting place for water and migratory birds. 256 different bird species have been recorded in this area.

The island of Valaam is of particular interest among tourists. It is completely covered with coniferous forest. There is an old monastery on the island, which was founded in the 9th-11th centuries.

Vacationers also love to visit Konevsky Island, which has a monastery. The island got this name from the Kon-Kamen boulder, located here. Until the end of the nineteenth century, this stone was a place of sacrifices. The main attraction is the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located on the territory of the monastery.

Historical excursion

For several centuries the Novgorodians had a military and merchant fleet on Lake Ladoga. Geographical information fell to Western cartographers in those days. Lake Ladoga appeared on the map of the Moscow State back in 1544. It was made by the German scientist Sebastian Munster.

And in 1600, a drawing of Russia was drawn up by Fyodor Godunov. The lake was plotted on it with a fairly high accuracy. In the middle of the eighteenth century, a map was made not only of Lake Ladoga itself, but also of an artificial canal.

New Ladoga

Novaya Ladoga is one of the towns on the banks of Ladoga. It is located on the left side of the Volkhov River in the place where it flows into the lake. The city was founded in 1704 by the Emperor Peter the Great himself. A large number of historical architectural monuments have been preserved here, which may be of interest to guests and tourists.


The city is located on the banks of Ladoga. It was founded by the prince of Novgorod in 1323, who laid a wooden fortress on the Oreshek island. It was later captured by the Swedes, who renamed it Noteburg. And in 1702 the fortress was conquered by Peter the Great. He then gave her the current name. The city also has its own attractions: the Staroladozhsky canal, the Oreshek fortress, the monument to Peter the Great, the Annunciation Cathedral, the Nikolskaya Church.


A Karelian settlement already lived in this place in the twelfth century. And in 1310, a capital fortress was built at the mouth of the Novgorodians, called Korela. Later it was conquered by the Swedes. But in 1710 she again passed to the Russian Empire.

Lake Ladoga and its surroundings - enough interesting places for tourists. Here you can not only admire the beauties of nature, take boat trips, visit the islands, but also see historical monuments preserved to our time.

The beaches of Lake Ladoga attract many tourists who are not indifferent to clean fresh water bodies and the harsh beauty of the northwestern region. Ladoga is one of the natural attractions of Russia, and resting on the lake is not only pleasant, but also very interesting.

The origin of Lake Ladoga

The Ladoga Lake basin was formed on the East European Platform and the Baltic Shield for a very long time - the process began about 400 million years ago. The origin of the lake basin of Lake Ladoga is seismic-tectonic, and the crystalline basement on which the reservoir is located consists of the most ancient granite, gneiss and diabase deposits. However, the age of the modern reservoir is much less - Lake Ladoga is about 12,000 years old, and it appeared together with the end of the Valdai glaciation. During the Ice Age, the place where the reservoir is now located was covered with an ice sheet about 3 km thick. As the glacier retreated, water filled the lake's outline and the glacier-cut relief.

The history of Lake Ladoga states that in ancient times the reservoir was connected in the area of ​​the Karelian Isthmus with the Littorin Sea, and the Mga River flowed into the lake. Over time, the land in the area of ​​the lake rose, due to which the strait in the isthmus area disappeared, and the reservoir became a closed system. But the waters continued to flow into the basin, and after a while the lake rose above the level of the banks and poured into the valley of the Mga River and the Tosna River. This is how the strait between Ladoga and the Gulf of Finland, or the modern Neva River, was formed.

Description of Lake Ladoga

The Ladoga reservoir has interesting geographic characteristics. Its outline, as well as the depth and extent of the reservoir, deserve to be studied.

Special features of Lake Ladoga

The shores of the Ladoga reservoir are narrowed both in the north and in the south. However, in the northern part the narrowing is fast and ends in a bay called Hien-Selke, and in the south the shores narrow more smoothly. Due to this, the Volkhov and Shlisselburg bays are formed with a wide area of ​​land between them.

Important! The reservoir is the largest freshwater reservoir in Europe, and among Russian lakes it ranks second after Lake Baikal in size. Sometimes Lake Ladoga is even called the sea - it is so huge.

The shape of Lake Ladoga

The Ladoga reservoir has an oval shape. However, the banks are noticeably sharpened to the north, which can be easily seen on the map.

What rivers flow into Lake Ladoga

In total, more than 30 large and small rivers flow into the Ladoga reservoir. Among the largest waterways are the Svir, Volkhov, Syas, Vuoksa and Naziya rivers. At the same time, only one river flows out of Ladoga - the Neva.

Islands of Lake Ladoga

In the water area of ​​the reservoir there are about 600 islands of various sizes and shapes. The most famous of the Ladoga islands are:

  • Valaam Islands - an island archipelago with a famous landmark of the north-western region, the Valaam monastery of the same name;
  • the islands of Kilpodan, Teposari and Korpan in the Kronobersky Bay in the northern part of the reservoir;
  • Kukosari island at the mouth of the Vuoksa at the northern end of the lake;
  • Salorin Island in the Yakimvarsky Bay;
  • Western Archipelago - a group of islands that have the status of a nature reserve protected by the state;
  • Mantsinsaari Islands - only about 40 land areas.

The relief, geological composition and height of land areas depend on which coast is nearby. In the northern part of the reservoir, stony granite islands prevail, noticeably rising above the water level, and in the southern part, low, swampy islands surrounded by reefs and shoals.

The size of Lake Ladoga

Admiration is caused not only by the beauty of the Ladoga reservoir, but also by its size. The largest freshwater area in Europe is 2 times larger than Lake Onega and 5 times the Peipsi Lake, its size is much larger than the size of any of the Western European lakes.

The depth of Lake Ladoga

The average depth of the reservoir is 51 m, which is quite a lot. The maximum depth of Lake Ladoga is even 230 m.

Ladoga Lake area

The total area of ​​the reservoir is 15923 sq. km, and at the same time the water area is located on the territory of two states at once. From total area 8881 sq. km belongs to Russia, and another 7041 sq. km is located on the territory of Finland - Ladoga is a joint property of neighboring countries.

Diameter of Lake Ladoga

In its widest part, almost exactly in the middle of its length, the reservoir spreads out to 124 km in diameter. This wide area is located between the estuaries of the Olonka and Vuoksa rivers, at 61 degrees north latitude.

Length of Lake Ladoga

If we measure the coastline of the reservoir along its entire length, then the length of the coast will be 1071 km. It should be noted that only 410 km of them stretch across the territory of Russia - this is the entire southern coast, part of the western and part of the eastern coast. Another 610 km of the length of the reservoir belong to Finland.

The volume of Lake Ladoga

The huge reservoir holds about 980 cubic km. Depending on the season, the level and volume of water may vary slightly.

Is it possible to swim in Lake Ladoga

There are a number of environmental problems in the water area of ​​Ladoga, however, in general, Ladoga remains a very clean natural reservoir. Swimming in Lake Ladoga is allowed almost everywhere where there are convenient approaches to the water.

Ladoga Lake beaches

There are a lot of wild and cultural beaches on Ladoga - some of them are famous, others are known only to local residents and experienced tourists. Among the largest and comfortable beaches you can list a few.

  • Kokkorevsky beach in the eponymous village of Kokkarevo not far from St. Petersburg - most people gather here on fine warm days, since the beach is not equipped with infrastructure, but it is very clean. The place is popular with windsurfers and kiteferfers of the Northwest region.
  • The beach not far from the village of Vladimirovka, located opposite the island of Konevets, is a long sandbank with a convenient approach to the water. There is also no infrastructure on the beach, but it is very clean here, and in summer you can watch yoga festivals on the beach.
  • The beach near the village of Lake Ladoga - this place attracts local residents and tourists not only with clean sand, but also with the presence of changing rooms and toilets. Sports equipment rental is available on the beach, close proximity from the beach there are attractions - the Osinovetsky lighthouse and the Museum of the Siege of Leningrad.
  • Good sand beach there is not far from the village of Motornoye. The place is not landscaped, but it is very beautiful here, tall pines grow on the shore, there is where to stay with a tent for several days.

In the northern part of the Ladoga reservoir, after the town of Priozersk, there are fewer beaches, since the coastline is more rocky. However, sometimes sandy bays with convenient approaches to the water are found here as well. Especially among them it is worth noting the beaches on Koyonsaari Island - there are few people here, but the nature is very beautiful.

Advice! If you wish, you can find a place for swimming almost along the entire length of the shore of the reservoir. But gentle sandy slopes to the water are most convenient for recreation, especially if a trip to Ladoga is planned in a large company or a vacation with children on Lake Ladoga is planned.

What to see on Lake Ladoga

While traveling to Ladoga, you can enjoy not only the natural beauty and clear water of the reservoir. There are many cultural and historical sights of Lake Ladoga around the lake. Namely:

  • Nizhnesvirsky reserve, which is home to many rare animals and a huge species diversity of birds;
  • Valaam archipelago, on which the eponymous monastery is located, known not only in Russia, but throughout the world;
  • the city of Shlisselburg and the Oreshek fortress, as well as Novaya Ladoga - the settlements were founded by Peter I, many architectural monuments and military structures have been preserved here.

Not far from the Ladoga reservoir there is a memorial complex telling about the Road of Life in besieged Leningrad.All lovers of the history and culture of their native country should visit this monument.

Rest on the shores of Lake Ladoga

People come to the shores of the Ladoga reservoir not only to swim, especially considering that the water in the water area is rather cold. Ladoga offers quite a few options for vacation time.

  • Fishing on Ladoga is widely known. The clear water body is home to many species of freshwater fish, for example, salmon and trout, bream and smelt, pike and burbot and many other fish.
  • In the water body you can go diving - the bottom near Ladoga is very beautiful, inhabited by a huge number of invertebrates and decorated with dozens of species of green, blue-green and diatoms. Diving instructors can be found at the tourist camps on the shores of the reservoir.

At any time of the year you can enjoy beautiful places Lake Ladoga - in spring and summer there are thick fogs, and in autumn the shores are painted in golden and crimson shades. There are many mushrooms and berries in the forests around the lake.

Summer vacation on Lake Ladoga

Summer months are considered the best for a trip to Ladoga, since the reservoir is located in the north, only in summer you can find pleasant warm weather here. It is worth going on a trip in July or August, when the air warms up to maximum values ​​above 20 ° C, in June it is usually spring-like cool on the reservoir.

In summer, on the shores of the reservoir, you can enjoy all available types of recreation - swimming and relaxing on the beach, fishing and sightseeing. In the summer there is an opportunity to go to any group excursion in the surrounding area, while in winter some interesting sites may be closed or inaccessible.

Winter rest on Lake Ladoga

Ladoga offers tourists and local residents a lot of entertainment in the winter season. First of all, here you can practice all kinds of winter sports - skiing and ice skating, snowkiting, and other entertainments.

It should be noted that the average winter temperature on Ladoga is rather mild - about - 8 ° С. Therefore, even those who do not like severe frosts can enjoy rest here in winter.

Where to relax on Lake Ladoga

There are many recreation centers near the Ladoga reservoir, equipped with all the necessary infrastructure, and in summer time along the banks you can stay at the campings of Lake Ladoga. Among the comfortable and proven hotels and bases in Ladoga, one can list:

  • Piipun Piha and Haapalampi hotels in Sortavala;
  • inexpensive hostel Yarvi Hostel in Sortavala;
  • recreation center Krenitsa;
  • Camping Holiday Park Tri Ostrova, open during the summer months;
  • recreation centers Horizon and Jolly Roger;
  • tourist center Ladoga.

There are many more campings, tourist centers and mini-hotels on the shores of Ladoga - this is just a short list of them. On the territory of hotels and tourist centers there are cafes and canteens, saunas and equipment rental, in hotels you can book places for excursions. Rest on Lake Ladoga in the Leningrad Region can be truly comfortable, and the cost of living is relatively inexpensive.

Advice! In the warm summer months, anyone can organize a vacation on Lake Ladoga with a tent. However, it is better to do this if you have a certain hiking experience, since the nights on Ladoga are cold even in summer.

In addition to the geographical features of Ladoga, it is interesting to learn a few facts about this reservoir.

  • Lake Ladoga is a water area with active shipping. The reservoir is part of the White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Volga-Baltic Waterway, tens of millions of tons of cargo are transported annually across the water area. There is no passenger shipping on a regular basis in the Ladoga reservoir, but cruise ships regularly ply in the water area, with their help, communication is carried out between the nearest cities on the coast and the islands of the Ladoga water area.
  • At the bottom of the Ladoga reservoir, you can not only get acquainted with the most interesting fauna of the reservoir, but also find real treasures - objects and equipment from the Second World War lie here, shell casings and fragments of shells, small guns lie. There are legends that even ancient treasures of the Vikings and Slavs can be found at the bottom of the reservoir.

From time to time on Lake Ladoga one can hear mysterious low-frequency sounds, similar to distant thunderclaps or the long sound of a bass string. These sounds are called brontids and are usually explained by seismic activity and the complex topography of the bottom of a deep reservoir. In ancient times, people believed that prehistoric monsters live in the waters of the Ladoga water area, emitting these booming sounds, and even now you can hear this version from old residents.

How to get to Lake Ladoga

The most convenient way to get to Ladoga is from St. Petersburg - from large cities it is located closest to the reservoir. There are several proven quick routes.

  • By car. From St. Petersburg to Ladoga you can get along the A-121 highway to Sortavala or along the P-21 highway. Also, highway 86K-8 leads to the eastern shore of the reservoir, you can turn to it both from the A-121 highway and from the P-21 highway.
  • By train. Electric trains run regularly from Finland Station in St. Petersburg to Priozersk and Shlisselburg. It is most convenient to get to the reservoir by them in the absence of personal transport, besides, when traveling by train, there is no risk of getting into a tight traffic jam.
  • By bus. From the Obvodny Canal metro station there is a regular transport to Novaya Ladoga, Syasstroi and the city of Pitkyarantu.

In all variants, the travel time from St. Petersburg to the water area takes about 1.5-3.5 hours, so you can go to the Ladoga reservoir even on weekends.

Ladoga Lake Photos

Photos help you to appreciate the natural beauty and grandeur of the Ladoga reservoir. You can find a lot of them on the Internet, tourists and professional photographers willingly share successful pictures.


The beaches of Lake Ladoga attract tourists in summer, and in winter, on the shores of the reservoir, you can try many active winter fun... The lake invites travelers to enjoy the peculiar beauty of the north-west of Russia and spend a calm and harmonious vacation in one of the recreation centers.

Lake Ladoga lies in the northwestern part of the Russian Plain. It lies between the parallels 59 ° 51` and 61 ° 46` N. sh. and meridians 29 ° 48 and 32 ° 58` in. e. Administratively, this is the territory of two regions of our Fatherland - the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia. It is considered the largest reserve of lacustrine (and at the same time fresh) moisture in Europe and the second largest water surface in Russia. Tourism object.

How the lake was formed

Lake Ladoga was born during the last (Valdai) glaciation, which ended 12,000 years ago. The influx of water from a melting glacier and a simultaneous change in the level of the World Ocean led to the emergence of a modern coastline (before this process, part of the Ladoga water was in the sea, and the other half was the territory of its raised bottom). At the moment, the area of ​​this water surface (that is, space that does not include pieces of land) is 17,870 square kilometers (this is the second position in the list of Russian lakes after Lake Baikal). The volume of the water mass of Nevo (as the hydrological object was previously called) is 838 cubic meters, the size of the waste basin is 258 600 square kilometers. It became so thanks to 40 rivers and streams. The Neva "pours out" the lake water. River and stream feeding regime. A striking phenomenon is the depth of Lake Ladoga. And the fact is that in some northern parts of the water area, the parameter is equal to 230 meters.

The shores of Lake Ladoga

The depth of Lake Ladoga is not as remarkable as its greatest length. The distance between the Ladoga points, the farthest from each other, is 219 kilometers. On an ordinary (medium-speed) motor boat, this water surface must be crossed for 3.5 hours. The widest width is also impressive. It is identical to 125 kilometers, narrowing significantly in the north. But there are the most elongated bays. It is from the north that we will begin to explore the shores of Lake Ladoga, moving clockwise. Our journey begins from the Karelian village of Kiryavalahti - the geographical center of the Sortavala region of the republic. Its water edge is the northernmost point of the bizarre circumference of the Ladoga reservoir, as well as the base of the Kiryavalahti Bay. The A-121 highway runs here literally 15 meters from the water's edge, which is very gentle and overgrown with black alder, pine and birch. Moving further along the marina, we find ourselves in the village of the same name, surrounded by dense taiga. There are no capes here, the fishing platforms stand exactly between the large stones. The depth is growing suspiciously fast. The exit of the bay to the main body of water is marked by a panorama, first of two small islands, and to the southeast - an archipelago of 11 pieces of land, some of which are impressive (about them will be in another chapter). From the village of Hiidenselga, the observer already sees the giants of the island world, and then the main water area of ​​Lake Ladoga appears before him. Here the depth gauge shows 70 meters or more. In this place (the mouth of the Janisjoki) the balovina is widely flooded in the spring. Our further movement occurs along the edge, outlined by approximately 1-2-meter stone holes. We go further south and realize that we find ourselves on a patch, most of all curved by capes. From here, making our way among the densest thickets, numerous lake bays begin to feed dozens of streams, and the Impilahti harbor already looks like a classic fjord. Further wandering to the southeast will make you see many more of these brook girls, leading 6-8 kilometers inland. The whole gulf of Impilahti is packed with tents during the season, rubber boats are visible everywhere ... Continuing the water trip along the banks of the Pityakaranta urban settlement, the traveler finds himself in the very regional center.

Pieces of coastal land are steep and rocky, the passengers of the ship will first be greeted by the island of Pusunsaari, which is partly occupied by the industrial zone. The adventure continues with the exploration of Uuksu, Salmi, Miinaloi and two almost largest islands - Mantsinsaarai and Lunkulnsaari. Opposite them, at a decent distance, the island of Valaam appears through binoculars. South of the coast Lake Ladoga reveals to us the same swampy and pine Olonets region of the Karelian autonomy. On the border capes, the Vidlitsa River flows into Ladoga, and 25 kilometers away we are already enjoying the riviera of the village of Ilyinsky (the mouth of the Olonka River). The shore goes into the water at a slope, but it is already sandy! The southeastern shores of Lake Ladoga are the extended Svir Bay (lower reaches of the Svir) and a cape with the village of Storozhno. Here the "baths" end, "the initiative is taken" by swampy low banks, densely covered with cattails, reeds and sedges. On the slopes, there is dense forbs. We see the same thing up to the settlement of Syasstroy, next to which is the confluence of the Syasi. It feeds the Svir Canal, which repeats the coastal contours. New Ladoga, a huge land ledge and Petrokrepost Bay are the lowest landmarks on the map. Here, too, thick grass and swamps, and the water is much shallower. The area is remembered for the "finish" of the Neva, the town of Shlisselburg and the island-fortress. The beach for the common people begins already to the north of the Neva arm - slimy-earthen. Sometimes pebbles again.

And then the sailors turn north again. In the south-west there are majestic rock walls, on the entire western coast there are many ruined Finnish farms and wide floodplains. To the north, rest on Ladoga will not allow you to let go of the camera. For example, behind Priozersk there is a section of the water area that was dubbed "the country of islands". On most skerries and islands there are no problems with firewood; in the west, the forest approaches the water as much as possible. Cape Kurkiemi is the first location where Ladoga rocks appear in all their grandeur. The coast is very high from here. Murolahti Bay is a typical fjord. We see such landscapes up to the villages and islands of the Sortavala region, on the territory of which the coast is rocky, but already significantly lower. It remains to add that in addition to Priozersk, the western half of the lake shore includes Landepokhya and the large "Sortavala" islands. The places are adored by tourists, as here picnic lovers discover gentle banks, convenient for both a bivouac and for fishing. The landscapes are the most idyllic here. And quiet! As a result, we can say that the entire eastern half of the water area and the southern end - the low-swampy coast - consists of clay and loamy sediments, and in some places even sand. The western half (20 kilometers from the mouth of the Neva), on the contrary, is high stone jars. You will learn about why this happened in the text of the next section.

The relief of the bottom of Lake Ladoga

Let us repeat that the depth of Lake Ladoga is uneven, ranging from 20 meters (in the eastern fjords) to 230 meters (the northern half of the water area, a little closer to the west). The reason for this is the origin of the surface itself, later covered by lake waters. Part of it was originally sea, and part of it was the Baltic crystalline shield. That is, an uplift formed by rocks that crawled out of a crack in the East European platform. Here is the most deep depression... Further, the shelf of the already indicated platform is gradually gaining height. Its slope is several times steeper from the northern shores than from the southern ones. Indeed, between the two geological formations, there was water in prehistoric times. It's about the deepest part of the lake basin. The northwestern corner and the entire west are made up of the oldest rock massifs of the Baltic Shield. The rest of the water bodies changed their shape thousands of times due to the increase in the volume of Quaternary sediments and the continuing tectonic activity. The riverbed of the Neva appeared 4 thousand years ago. The current contours of the lake were born 2.5 thousand years ago. The flatter and softest bottom of Lake Ladoga is located in the transgressive south and southeast. Here, and the water warms up faster. The Ladoga Islands are just the tops of underwater concepts with a complex relief. That is why there are so many skerries and archipelagos with tiny pieces of land in the center of the western riviera. And just between them there are dangerous whirlpools.

Islands of Lake Ladoga

Where the bottom of Lake Ladoga is deepest, we see Valaam, Putsaari, and an archipelago of 6 insignificant islands, which was not even given a name (it limits the deepest zone from the south). It's a little cooler here, there are a lot of stones. From the east, a chain of smaller patches of land adjoins the well-known island tract. On the remaining fragments of its northern half, Lake Ladoga has the above-mentioned "country of islands" (Western archipelago, Ladoga skerries). This is the most difficult route of "our" water area, replete with skerries of a strongly protruding peninsula, fjords and inter-island straits with pools. Those are formed due to conflicting currents and temperature contrasts. To the west of this group is the deepest depression, as well as to the southwest (behind which there are the Bezlesyi and Gorby archipelago). For this reason, the water in these harbors is almost always icy. The coast is replete with, albeit not the highest, but still significant stone holes. The largest pieces of sushi are Sorolonsaari, Heposorolonsaari, Kuhka, Rahmansaari, Heinäsenmaa, Verkkosaari, Karpänsaari, Kontiosari (Bear), Karpisari, Kilpola and Montasaari. The princesses of the island, as well as the Tervu and Ihoyanverkyla peninsulas, which have barely noticeable isthmuses connecting them with the mainland. To the north of Valaam (in the zone of slightly shallow, but still significant depths), we will find the largest isolated objects of the lake - about. Riekkapansaari and Fr. Tulolansaari. Oryatsaari and Sammatsaari are adjacent to them in the southwest. They end with a group called Mayasaaret. There is also a "trifle" between all these objects. On the eastern side, northern Ladoga Lake has giants of the 2nd position - Mantsinsaari and Lunkulonsaari. But to the north-west of them there are many more small islands at the exit of the most elongated fjords. The islands of the east are quite closely adjacent to the coast, have comfortable shores and are well developed. Even an industrial zone has been created on one.

In its southern half, Lake Ladoga is no longer so saturated with archipelagos. In the Leningrad region we visit the swampy island of Ptinov, then (in the Petrokrepost bay) the Zelentsy Islands, then the Karedzhskaya spit and the island of the same name behind it, as well as the Oreshek fort (this is at the mouth of the Neva). Finally, in the center of the western side, the passengers of the ship will only see Konevets. But it is still a little closer to the northern half.

There are 77 islands on the entire Ladoga mirror, some of which are groups of islands.

Flora and fauna

The biocenosis of the northern and eastern shores of the described water body belongs to the middle taiga zone, while the southern and western riviera belongs to its southern variety. That is, the vegetation in the first case is blueberry spruce forests (on dense mosses), and in the second - pines, black alder, birch and fir. And all this is on a very rich undergrowth. On the water itself, 120 higher plants live, among which a variety of reeds (mostly cattails) dominate. Accordingly, in the Karelian part of the water area, visitors will see a seal and an otter. In Leningradskaya Ladoga there are the same animals, but it is also a zone of large bird flight (256 species of birds rest here along the way). Among them, ospreys, cranes, white-tailed eagles and the ubiquitous curlew and red-footed falcon were found in swamps and hares. A beaver approaches the lake shores (at river mouths). In the coastal forests, the permanent inhabitants are the eagle owl, short-eared owl and great gray owl.

In addition to planktonic animals and coastal near-water inhabitants (crayfish), there is a lot of all kinds of ichthyofauna in the local water. Fish of Lake Ladoga are trout, salmon, whitefish, char, vendace, bream, smelt, silver bream, syrt, blue bream, asp, catfish, burbot. Of course, there are also more prosaic waterfowl here - pike, perch, roach and pike perch.

Attractions of Lake Ladoga

Leisure in the designated recreation usually boils down to picnics with overnight stays, as well as to any kind of craft. But there are 7 sites where all this is combined with cultural, historical and extreme trends in tourism. We will tell about each of them.

Western archipelago (Ladoga skerries)

Such a vacation on Lake Ladoga is part of a yacht or boat mini-cruise (whoever has enough money for that). Usually tours "Secrets of Ladoga Skerries" start either from the pier of Priozersk, or from the pier of Sortavala. They come here by water through Cape Taruniemi (through the yacht marina of the Dacha Winter park hotel). They give out boats for rent. But ordinary people choose the overland route. They get to the skerries by land from Shlisselburg and Northern capital... On the highway St. Petersburg - Helsinki (A-121). You should turn to the lake at the exit to Kurkieki. From Kurkieki itself there is an asphalt road to the Tervu peninsula - the center of the skerries. It has a western part, as if cut off by a strait. From the plane, you will never guess that it is also part of the peninsula. It is so indented by fjords and adjacent to so many islands that different fragments of the Mykrimyuksensaari tract are also perceived as islands. The isthmus is barely noticeable, but it exists - in the region of the northern fjord. On the way to Terv there is an exit to a very inconspicuous road leading to the Vyatikkya farm. From here, too, there are safe fairways to the fjord system. Vodniks say it's very beautiful here. Part of this labyrinthine space (namely 600 of its islands and part of the mainland) has the status of a national park. Therefore, watch the signs when trying to drive your car too close to the water. The point is that there are water protection zones. Better to drag a rubber boat 200 meters than pay a fine. There are a lot of places for campsites here - the territory is almost unoccupied, and there are no sandbanks here (noisy "mattress mats" that produce tons of garbage do not come here). At the same time, the water is crystal clear, and the pine trees along the banks are somehow too fabulously curved. It remains to tell about Terva itself - the "capital" of the peninsula, the bay of the same name, and of the entire Ladoga Skerries reserve. These are 12 wooden houses, as well as a new pier and recreation center “Tervu Village”. And there is everything for fishing, water and diving leisure.

Sortavala town

On the far north Lake Ladoga washes the lands of the Sortavala region of Karelia. The regional center itself is separated from the main bay of the water area by the largest island of the lake - Riekkalansaari. The toponym is translated "Greek island". This is just an indication of the local Orthodox church- the oldest pagan Karelians in the land. The island has its own bay, inside of which there are also islets, several insignificant reservoirs and 8 rural-type micro-districts of Sortavala. They look very colorful on photo frames. A bridge leads here from the mainland (from the central city quarters). The strait between the island and the town is recognized as a lake. It's called Läppäjärvi. But in the center of Sortavala, the tourists are waiting for the Nikolskaya Church, the Town Hall in the pseudo-Gothic style and the spacious lakes Airanne and Tuhkolampi. Equipped parks are set up around the first two attractions. The embankment of the inner lakes is partly a recreation area. Vakkosalmi Park contains entertainment for all ages. There is an ethnographic and local history museum of the Northern Ladoga area, which tells about the history of this region. From the nearest recreational corners - the estate "House of Composers" in Kiryavalahti (the settlement has already been mentioned above). Guest establishment, by the road.

Reserve "Valaam"

The water area of ​​Lake Ladoga is the site of five famous water routes, the most popular of which is associated with a visit to the complex indicated in the title. People come here on different ships from Sortavala, Shlisselburg and Priozersk (where even one pier is called Valaam). The main point for excursions is the monastery of the same name. Behind it are Mount Eleon (the best local "survey" to the center of the island), the skete In the Name of All Saints (an authentic cult ensemble), the no less bright Resurrection skete, as well as the exquisite and curious Resurrection Chapel.

Priozersk resort

Fishing on Lake Ladoga becomes far from the main type of recreation if you find yourself in the west of the "northern" water area. Albeit inconvenient, but equipped for swimming, the seaside, luring yacht pontoons for an adventure, tour operator kiosks, cafes and entertainment, trips to the Korela fortress, as well as an excursion to the Protestant church, once built by the Swedes. Here is the main brand of the metropolitan area popular with tourists. It is also worth highlighting the excitement surrounding the souvenir shops and the quaint Priozersk courtyard of the Valaam Monastery. And it includes temples of 3 religions, as well as the Church of All Saints, which has features that unite all three of these structures. And it is not far from Priozersk to the picturesque lakes (because of this, the town has such a name). On the way - the Vuoksa embankment and a couple of restored noble estates.

Fortress Oreshek

The most famous historical recreation on Ladoga is a visit to the island citadel Oreshek (Swedish name Neteborg). The fortification, built by the Novgorodians back in the 14th century, was seized from them first by the Moscow state, and then by the Swedish kingdom. Beaten off from the last owners in 1702. By the troops of Peter the Great. In terms of the reinforcement has the shape of an irregular triangle. There are 5 towers along the perimeter. Inner citadel in the northeast corner. Once upon a time, 7 more towers were located along the powerful walls (outside). From 1723 it was used as a prison (new name - Shlisselburg Fortress). There is a portal berth. The entrance to the territory of the historical museum-reserve is paid. The name of the fortress from the island is Orekhovoy.

Vidlitsko-Ilyinsky (Eastern) beaches

In addition to the delicious fatty fish of Lake Ladoga, its guests are interested in places where there is sand and it is clean. Agree that in many cities and towns here federal district(and even more so the neighboring - Central) one cannot find such joy. Therefore, finding themselves in the girls of Vidlitsa, Tuloksa and Olonka (and also between them), the "mattress makers" will be very happy. They will rush to take off everything except the bathing suit. And many will get rid of it. There are places here ... The sand is fine and clean, though not white. You can get here yourself by taking a suburban bus to Olonets. And the Ilyinsky-Vidlitsa highway leads from the local regional center to the long bathing riviera.

Svirskaya lip

Fishing on Ladoga and many other vacation pleasures - " business card"A huge bay. His name is in the title. And it designates the mouth of the river of the same name. The coast is the subject of a thousand published photographs. There is very little sand here, but the water is the warmest in summer (the place is shallow). Too smooth entry into the water allows you to arrange water procedures with small children. Normal water, beautiful stones, bizarrely curved trees and an inner estuary in the mouth of the river - this is the landscape that the "hiker" will find when he decides to stay here. And not far from the water is the famous Pichin stone megalith (its location is the extreme protrusion of the Storozhensky cape). The large boulder has man-made grooves and depressions of various shapes. The object is recognized as a fragment of a megalithic mosaic that has always adorned pagan sanctuaries or ancient observatories. Hunters choose the described location for shooting swamp game. Here it is most of all because of the suitable conditions.

Rest on the Ladoga lake

"Wild" rest on Ladoga is also possible in places not yet indicated by us. On a strip of beaches north of Shlisselburg. It is on the northern side of the Neva estuary (the village of Pavel Morozov), as well as between the village of Vaganova and the mouth of the Morya rivulet (the land of the village of the Ladozhskoe Lake station). The second "pool" can really be reached by train - the track is laid along the Road of Life highway. The width of the sandy surface on both beaches ranges from 25 to 50 meters. True, in the sand you can find fragments of pine twigs and cones. There are no sun loungers, changing rooms or a toilet. But there is a bright red lighthouse, many bays - "frog pads" and a beautiful memorial in the north. He tells the guests of Ladoga about the attempts to save Leningraders from death. Approach paths are often followed more frequently. In one there is a pedunculated oak, rare for these places.

The conversation concerning the multitude of tent camps was "smeared" by us on all chapters. It remains to add to their list a bivouac near the sight of the Head of the Sea Devil. This is a beach fragment of the east coast (mouth of Tuloksa). More officially, the location is called the Ladoga Dunes. This is the only place on Ladoga that resembles the shoals of Anapa. And the name concerning the sea monster stuck because of the "hikers". They christened this huge miracle stone in the place for bivouacs. The legend is, of course, connected with this fact. But no one remembers her anymore.

Now let's mark the water areas for rafting. They can be the lower reaches of all rivers and streams that end the path in the reservoir described here. The kayak runs along all the channels.

Organized recreation on Lake Ladoga is associated with commercial tours starting both from St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod, and from Petrozavodsk. The trips have the ultimate goal of the 7 tracts described above or settling in camp sites, which we will discuss below. Many BOs have everything for fishing or sailing.

Comfortable and not very comfortable recreation centers are scattered along the entire circumference of the coast. If you start from Shlisselburg and move clockwise, then their sequence will be as follows:

  • "The World of Lighthouses";
  • "Golden shore";
  • Dubrava Park;
  • Captain Morgan;
  • "Silver";
  • "Berezovo";
  • Okeanpribor;
  • "Drive-Park Ladoga";
  • "Petrel";
  • "Kanapelka";
  • Lippola;
  • "U Dachny rest";
  • "Boyarinov Dvor"
  • Raven Outpost;
  • "Farm Suromäki";
  • Annushkin Wharf;
  • "Vyatikkya";
  • "Tervu Village";
  • "Kiselevka";
  • "Annilahti";
  • Lumivaara;
  • Rantala;
  • Salokyulya Farm;
  • "Ladoga Skerries";
  • Sorola Village;
  • "Iceberg";
  • Ladoga Marina;
  • Rauhal Vacation Homes;
  • "Wonderful";
  • "In Akulovka";
  • Camping Ripus Khutor;
  • "Khutor Rukola";
  • Mikli Olgino;
  • "Ladoga Manor";
  • "Winter's Dacha";
  • "Tihotut";
  • "SPA";
  • "Father Vasily";
  • Kiryavalahti;
  • "House of Composers";
  • "Seasons";
  • "Gray stones";
  • "First line";
  • Karelia Park;
  • Long Coast;
  • "Uksun-lakhti";
  • "Bryaus";
  • "13th cordon";
  • "Mantiansaari";
  • Svirskaya;
  • "Zaostrovye";
  • "Manor Dubno".

Fishing on Lake Ladoga

Fishing on Ladoga is possible everywhere. You can't just set up nets and catch more than two rods during the spawning period. Know the fish of the Red Book. There is a lot of her here. The coolest places for fishing fans are the quiet, narrow bays, decorated with reeds and snags at the water's edge. Most of these are in the east. And there are no protected areas here either. But the service for fans of "wet" (including underwater) hunting is arranged, on the contrary, already in the west. There is more BO here. There are "lured" points in the southeast - at Syasstroi and in the Zagubskaya Bay. Fishing is common within the boundaries of everyone settlements, even in Shlisselburg. It bites.

  • Rest on Lake Ladoga will allow you to make many discoveries regarding this reservoir. Did you know that it was here that the first city of the Ilmen Slovenes (future residents of the republican state formation Novgorodskaya Zemlya) appeared? It was called Ladoga, and in his honor later Lake Nevo was named Ladoga. Now it is a state-protected settlement in the village of Staraya Ladoga. Come on over.
  • The first Valaam monastery did not appear on the island of the same name, but on Konevets.
  • Have you guessed that it was Fort Korela (Priozersk) that was the most northwestern outpost of the Novgorod Land? And behind it were the lands of the Karelians, whom the Swedish knightly orders tried to convert first to Catholicism, and 200 years later to Protestant of the Scandinavian persuasion. And yet they became Orthodox. As a result, in modern Priozersk, guests will find churches, churches, and Orthodox churches.
  • The oldest lighthouse on the lake is Svirsky, not Shlisselburgsky. Built in 1908.
  • 40 rivers and streams flow into Ladoga, and for some reason only the Neva flows out. And the point is the bias.
  • Together with the smallest pieces of land, the number of Ladoga islands is 666!
  • During the Second World War, Ladoga ice the Road of Life passed. On it Leningraders were supplied with food and 1,000,000 people were taken out.

Lake Ladoga is an ideal location for several types of outdoor activities, a wonderful "training ground" for fishing, an irreplaceable recreational space for a family weekend tour and the center of the country's historical and cultural values. 6 highways and a dozen dirt roads lead to its shores. And nothing prevents you from being here.

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, located in the Leningrad Region and Karelia. The length from north to south is 219 km, the maximum width is 138 km, the depth is from 70 to 260 m in the northern part and from 20 to 70 m in the southern part of the lake. In the northern part of the lake, depths of more than 100 m prevail. The greatest depth is 260 m. Through the Svir River, Ladoga Lake connects with Onega, and across the Volkhov River - with Lake Ilmen. The Neva River is the only one that flows out of Lake Ladoga. 32 rivers flow into it. The higher and steeper the shores of the lake, the greater the depths near them. The northern coast is considered the deepest, where great depths are located directly at the skerries. On the shores of Lake Ladoga are the Karelian cities of Sortavala, Pitkyaranta and Lakhdenpohja.

In the ancient Russian chronicles, the present Ladoga Lake is referred to as “Lake Great Nevo” - from the Finnish word nevo, which means “sea”. In the ancient Scandinavian sagas, the lake was called Aldoga - from the Finnish aalto, which means "wave". The name Ladoga Lake has come into use since the beginning of the 18th century.

The water supply in Ladoga is 908 cubic kilometers. This value changes periodically. In the old days, the low water level in Ladoga was often explained by the influence of supernatural forces. According to legend, the water level in Ladoga has been growing for 7 years and it has been falling for 7 years.

The temper of Ladoga is rather harsh, and the waves that arise at the depths and on the surface, for all their seeming harmlessness, are very dangerous. So shipping along Ladoga is a very difficult business. A relatively calm area of ​​Ladoga is the southern lips, where a 2.5-meter wave occurs only with very strong winds. The quietest month on Ladoga is July. At this time over the lake for the most part it is calm.

Lake Ladoga is inhabited by trout, salmon, char, whitefish, vendace, pike perch, pike, perch, burbot, bream, roach, smelt, blue bream, silver bream. There are river lamprey, brook lamprey, sterlet, Baltic sturgeon. There are 53 species and varieties of fish in Ladoga. Ladoga salmon weighs 10 kg. Inhabits mainly in the northern, deeper part of Ladoga, spawns in the rivers Svir, Burnaya, Vidlitsa. There is also a palia in the northern part. Whitefish, smelt, perch, roach, pike perch, vendace, bream, pike, salmon, trout, ruff are of commercial importance. The most commercial fish on Ladoga is pike perch. It lives mainly in the southern, shallower part of the lake. Reaches 8 kg of weight.

The only representative is found on Ladoga marine mammals who lives in a freshwater lake - Ladoga seal... It is listed in the Red Book of Russia. The average lifespan of the Ladoga seal is 30–35 years. In February-March, seals give birth to 4-kg cubs - one for each female. They dig the "maternity hospital" in the snow hummocks on the ice. When Ladoga is free of ice, animals go out to rest on land and bask in the sun on the coast of the islands of the Valaam archipelago (islands Goliy, Svyatoy, Black, Big Bayonnoy, Pine, Vostochny Pine, Lembos, Extreme, Krestovy, Lisy). I must say that these islands belong to a specially protected area - the natural park "Valaam Archipelago". So you need to get permission to visit them.

Since the 9th century, a waterway “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through Lake Ladoga.

During the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1944, most of the coast of Lake Ladoga was occupied by German-Finnish troops. From September 1941 to March 1943, the Road of Life ran along the southwestern part of the lake, linking besieged Leningrad with the "mainland". On the Road of Life, the necessary products and things were delivered to the city and people were evacuated.

Since 2002, the participants in the "Secrets of Sunken Ships" project have been compiling a register of sunken ships and aircraft in Lake Ladoga and Gulf of Finland... Many sunken objects are fairly well preserved at the bottom of the lake thanks to the cold fresh water.

There are a lot of islands on Ladoga - 500, large and small. And almost all of them are located in the north of the lake. The biggest - Valaam Islands or Valaam archipelago, with coastal slopes steeply descending into the water. The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery is located there. At one time, it was his monks. Orthodox Church directed to spread the Christian faith among the peoples of Alaska. Other large islands are Konevets, Vossinansaari, Heinasensaari, Mantinsaari, Lunkulansaari. The nature of the islands is incredibly beautiful. Small islands are separated from each other by the famous Ladoga skerries - small straits.

On the Konevets island situated Konevsky Nativity-Theotokos monastery... The name of the island comes from the boulder located here weighing more than 750 tons - the so-called Horse-stone, which until the end of the XIV century was a place of pagan sacrifices. The monastery was founded in 1393 by the Monk Arseny. There is a church in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the first half of the 19th century. The relics of the Monk Arseny Konevsky rest in it.

There is a city on the Karelian coast of Ladoga Priozersk... There was a Karelian settlement at this place back in the XII century. In 1310 Novgorodians built the Korelu fortress at the mouth of the Vuoksa river. In 1580, the Swedes took it and renamed it Kexholm. However, in 1710 the fortress passed into the possession of Russia. In the city there is the Korela fortress with the Round Tower built in 1364, a low defensive wall and earthen ramparts, old and new arsenals, fortress gates. There is also the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of All Saints, the Lutheran church of 1930.

Town New Ladoga founded in 1704 by Emperor Peter I and is located on the left bank of the Volkhov River, at its confluence with Lake Ladoga. The city houses the Nikolo-Medvedsky monastery, the building of the Gostiny Dvor in 1841, the barracks of the former Suzdal regiment (18th century), a monument to A.V. Suvorov, the Staroladozhsky canal (first half of the 18th century).

Famous Shlisselburg, known since Peter's times as Oreshek, is located on the left bank at the sources of the Neva River near Lake Ladoga. The city was founded by the Novgorod prince Yuri Danilovich in 1323, who laid a wooden fortress on the Oreshek island. In 1613, the fortress captured by the Swedes was renamed Noteburg. In 1702, it was conquered from the Swedes by Peter I, who gave the city its current name. Among the sights of the city are the Oreshek fortress, the monument to Peter I by the architect M.M. Antokolsky, the Staroladozhsky canal, the Annunciation Cathedral, the Nikolskaya Church.

Near the lighthouse Osinovets there is a museum "The Road of Life", dedicated to the path along which, during the siege of Leningrad, food was brought into the city, and from there people were taken out.

The complex of memorial structures in "Green Belt of Glory of Leningrad" on the borders of the Leningrad battle of 1941-1944 on the Route of Life route that connected Leningrad with the country. The complex includes 7 monuments, 46 memorial pillars along the highway and 56 pillars along the railway. Among them: the memorial complex "Flower of Life" at 3 km of the Road of Life, a locomotive monument at the Ladoga Lake railway station, the memorial complex "Broken Ring" at 40 km of the Road of Life highway, etc.


Rocky terrain and deep water require increased attention and caution, as well as swimming skills. When traveling around Ladoga, it is better to wear life jackets. Here, as in all of Karelia (except for large water), blood-sucking are found. Therefore, open clothing can cause a lot of trouble. Be sure to examine yourself after the excursion for ticks. Anti-mosquito and anti-mite agents can help. Vipers are found here, so you need to carefully look at your step. Windproof clothing will come in handy. Shoes must be waterproof.

In addition, any independent tourist group arriving in Karelia for active recreation must register and receive safety instructions at the Karelian Republican Water Rescue Service, which is located in Petrozavodsk on Onega Flotilla Street, building 43-A. The phone number of this service is (814-2) 73-35-16.

Registration can also be carried out in the administrations of the districts of Karelia, as well as in the search and rescue teams of the rescue service, which are located in Kondopoga - (814-51) 5-10-85, Medvezhyegorsk - (814-34) 2-13-01, Kem - (814-58) 5-68-90 and Sortavala - (814-30) 2-29-13. During the movement along the chosen route, the leader of the group at least once a day must contact the rescuers by phone and report their location. The Unified Rescue Service can be contacted by phone 01 or cell 112-1.

On the island of Heinäsenmaa, after the end of World War II, experiments were carried out with military radioactive substances, the storage of which served as a captured destroyer. Until 1996, similar experiments were carried out on the island of Konevets. As a result, some of the islands were exposed to radioactive contamination, the permissible concentration of heavy metals in the water was exceeded. The situation is also not improved by large industrial enterprises located on the banks of Ladoga and often lacking treatment facilities.

Local features

Excursions around Ladoga or Ladoga can be ordered at any more or less big city standing on the lake. Good vacation, fishing and hunting is offered by the recreation center "13th cordon", named after the popular film "Peculiarities of the national hunting". There are water, walking and cycling routes.

The climate here is mild, rather humid, closer to the sea. The winters are cool, but without severe frosts. Summer is not hot at all. The average temperature in January is -12 °, in July + 15 °. Ice binds Ladoga usually from late October to early May, while the central part of the lake is covered with ice only in harsh winters... Due to the long and strong winter cooling, the water in the lake remains very cold in summer, warming up only in the upper layer and near the coast. The quietest month on Ladoga is July. At this time, the lake is mostly calm. You can come to Ladoga at any time of the year - depending on the purpose of your trip.

Events and Holidays

For more than 10 years, the Ladoga trophy-raid off-road race has been held around Lake Ladoga every year. This international sports and tourism event starts and finishes in St. Petersburg. The length of the raid is about 1200 kilometers


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