The fall of a meteorite to the ground in a year. A comet is approaching the earth at high speed

Conspiracy theorists started talking again about a new "end of the world", which, according to them, awaits us on October 12, 2017. According to researchers, the apocalypse will bring the asteroid 2012 TS4, discovered back in 2012.

According to experts, the diameter of a celestial body, according to various estimates, ranges from 12 to 40 meters. According to calculations, on October 12, 2017, it will approach the Earth at a dangerous distance, less than the "gap" between the Earth and the Moon. Conspiracy theorists claim that in the case of the fall of a celestial body, we will face the "end of the world."

Many scientists say they believe the impact of an asteroid or comet about six miles in diameter on the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula 65 million years ago contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The impact of an asteroid one mile in diameter will have devastating global effects, including tidal waves, continental fires and dust eruptions that could cause global cooling and long-term agricultural destruction. Marsden said that such an asteroid impact would not necessarily be severe enough to wipe out humanity.

It is known that the asteroid 2012 TC4 already flew past our planet at a distance of about 94,800 km in 2012. Calculations have shown that this year heavenly body will be even closer to us.

Cases of collisions of asteroids with the Earth are not known. In this case, scientists also do not observe a 100% threat. The concern is caused by two factors: the proximity of its trajectory and our planet, as well as the fact that the asteroid is insufficiently studied, and therefore it is not possible to clearly predict its behavior.

The extent of the devastation could be estimated due to the consequences of the recent impact. This object, later estimated to be less than 100 yards across, exploded six miles above the Earth. He smoothed trees nearly 900 square miles, lit Forest fires and resulted in damage equivalent to that of a 15 megaton hydrogen bomb.

Scotty from the University of Arizona. Scientists use a 36-inch telescope equipped with special instruments at the summit of Keith Peak, Arizona, to observe all of the small objects in solar system, especially asteroids and comets that approach Earth at dangerously close distances.

The only indisputable fact, is that even just passing by, a cosmic body can have a negative impact on the Earth. It can provoke earthquakes, storms and other natural disasters... In the event of its fall, our Earth will definitely face global catastrophes. And the place of his fall will be decisive whether he can survive at all.

Peter Shelu of the McDonald Observatory in West Texas brought a 30-inch telescope to the asteroid; and by tracking this, Dr. Schellu greatly improved his orbit calculations. Marsden, an observatory official, said in a statement: There is still uncertainty in the calculations.

An example of managing email settings. ... The asteroid takes about 21 months to circle the Sun and may have been photographed during previous approaches to Earth, especially Marsden, that finding photographic plates to prove the object would be an early priority.

Nothing can be said with certainty about the possibility of its fall. Astronomers do not make any predictions, since whether it will fall at all, and if it falls, then where, they do not know. First of all, this is because the totality of the data they have suggests that a collision will not occur. An asteroid passing by can be seen through a telescope.

“I would say this thing probably didn’t hit us,” he said. But if its orbit is still approaching us, we must first think. Marsden added: "We have enough time - 30 years, in fact - to improve our knowledge of this thing and take steps if necessary."

The steps he referred to could involve detonating a nuclear device near the asteroid to abandon it - this is a solution that in last years allowed by Dr. Edward Teller, sometimes called the father of the hydrogen bomb. Other scientists say they believe a relatively small chemical explosion could safely distract an asteroid if the device has been detonated long enough ahead, depending on the asteroid's mass, trajectory, and speed.

Official science assures that 2012 TC4 does not threaten us, but at the same time scientists agree that when a celestial body falls, it can provoke global catastrophes on Earth: an asteroid can provoke earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other natural disasters in which humanity is most likely will not be able to survive.

The close passage of the asteroid, according to Dr. Marsden, will be a spectacular sight, especially in Europe, because of its supposed trajectory. Only very large telescopes can detect an asteroid. Medium telescopes won't be able to find them until.

In recent years, growing awareness of the role of dinosaur fate bombings and some relatively close passages by other asteroids has sparked both scientific and popular interest in dangerous motion in the solar system. Later this year, two Hollywood films, Armageddon and Deep Impact, will try to translate that awareness into box office dollars.

NASA specialists now watching the approach of another asteroid - 2012 TC4, which will rush past the Earth on October 12 at a distance of 43.5 thousand km, RIA Novosti reports. The diameter of a space alien can be from 12 to 27 meters, which makes it possible to compare it with a meteorite that entered the atmosphere on February 15, 2013 at a speed of about 18 km per second and exploded at an altitude of 15-25 km in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk.

Tom Gerell of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona said he was not surprised by the discovery that the asteroid could pose a threat to Earth. "This is a very big chance when you think about it." But he has a good side. He is not dangerous after being judged by experts. However, for science, it offers the opportunity to play through various defense mechanisms. Because the next influence of space is determined.

The impact of asteroids on Earth is not so outlandish. June was declared International Asteroid Day. The date marks the anniversary of the largest asteroid impact in recent history: the asteroid was estimated to be 30-40 meters across. Tiny compared to the really dangerous chunks from space. British researchers have found that with asteroids up to 400 meters in diameter, it is necessary to protect against simultaneous gusts of wind and pressure waves. A team of astrophysicist Clemens Rumpf at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom studied the impact of a destructive asteroid on Earth would have the most severe consequences for humans and therefore for most victims.

So far, scientists have not determined how likely the asteroid will collide with the Earth, since it is tens of thousands of kilometers from the planet. However, for example, a specialist in near-Earth space objects from the European Space Agency, the chances of an asteroid colliding with the Earth are only "one in a million."

When exposed to the sea, tsunamis naturally lead to the greatest casualties. In general, however, this does not pose as great a threat as impact on the earth, scientists write. Particularly dangerous for the latter are atmospheric pressure waves, which propagate at supersonic speed and thus lead to strong winds. They are responsible for over 60 percent of deaths from asteroid impacts up to 400 meters in diameter.

Waves caused by increased pressure in the atmosphere and gusts of wind that compensated for pressure differences can push people into the air and cause buildings to collapse. The wind could exceed the speed of the hurricane. The findings can help crisis managers prepare for the inevitable cosmic impact, comments Rumpf in his study. With lesser impacts, the population may seek protection in basements, since large aeroids are inevitable.

Scientists from the United States announced that on October 12, The earth will fall giant 40-meter asteroid.

Information about this was spread on the Web by a researcher from the University of Texas, Judith Rees. According to her, on October 12, the Earth may collide with a huge asteroid. This space body is over 40 meters in diameter.

The expert is confident that the fall of this asteroid can provoke a global catastrophe on our planet. As the researchers note, it all depends on which area an asteroid will fall... If it falls in the fault zone, it can cause a powerful earthquake, as well as provoke volcanic eruptions.

The big takeoff of Chelyabinsk

But the consequences can be unimaginable, the researcher explains. Problem: Such small bodies are numerous, often invisible and therefore difficult to see. Accurate predictions of when the next organ will be heading to Earth are unrealistic. But this could happen again in the next ten years, says Kai Wühnnemann of the Natural History Museum in Berlin.

For large asteroids, which sometimes reach ten kilometers in diameter and are then called "global killers", fortunately this is extremely rare. One of them was an asteroid that killed dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. Every 100 million years, on average, such a devastating event occurs.

Russian scientists have denied a possible collision giant asteroid with the Earth. Today, Russian experts note, potentially dangerous celestial bodies are known and in the near future they will pass by our planet. The Tomsk State University notes that information about the collision of dangerous celestial bodies with the Earth will be known several decades before the incident.

If such a piece returns to Earth in its trajectory, in principle there are only two ways: to distract or destroy - for example, using mirrors or hydrogen bombs. However, most of the concepts are not technically or financially feasible. It is realistic to use percussion projectiles to deflect the net. Kinetic impactors are those objects that must be actively placed in the path of an asteroid on its way to Earth.

The asteroid will cruise past Earth on the morning of October, just a few miles away. The impact of the Space Wanderer is likely to be devastating on our planet. However, on a cosmic scale, this is almost nothing. The influence that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs is 65 million years ago. Experts believe that if a large and potentially dangerous celestial organism approaches the Earth, then current control parameters usually take several years to a decade to take protective measures.

According to scientists, there is no reason to fear in the coming years the end of the world due to the collision of an asteroid or meteorite with the Earth. They note that most often such "predictions" are made by dubious persons in order to gain popularity.

The asteroid, which will fly past the Earth on October 12, now does not threaten our planet. The diameter of this space body indeed reaches 40 meters, which is twice the diameter Chelyabinsk meteorite.

But even smaller asteroids pose a threat, as could be seen in Chelyabinsk. Ian is committed to an early warning system that can warn endangered people about a week before. If we can tell the population: "Stay in your basements!" It's like a tornado warning, it's very predictable and a lot of damage can be avoided. "That would be a big step forward."

At the moment, the budgets for such warning systems are quite modest. The focus is on discovery. Programs at the United Nations are “currently in the background”. Currently, it is about finding the sky for flying objects and closing gaps in observation. But even then there will be no absolute security.

Recall that on February 15, 2013, a meteorite fell in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. Its diameter reached 15-20 meters, scientists say. The damage from falling fragments of this meteorite reached 1 billion rubles. It should be noted that this celestial body was not discovered prior to its entry into the atmosphere. After that, experts from different parts of the world started talking about the need to create a reliable tracking system for space objects approaching the Earth.

In addition, there is "an incredibly small residual risk that the comet is arriving from afar, and that we only see it two years ago," says Yen. "The normal case, however, is that we assume we see the object in time and enough time to take action and secure funding."

An artistic representation of an asteroid from which there is no image. Astronomers want to seize the opportunity to test the possibilities of observing planetary defense. However, it is more likely that the distance will be much greater - up to 000 kilometers, or about two-thirds of the distance between the earth and the moon.